by Robert J. Burrowes
July 30, 2024
GlobalResearch Website

Image from
21st Century
If you also spend just a few hours reading Aldous Huxley's
Brave New World and George
Nineteen Eighty-Four - you will
soon discover that
the Elite program currently being
imposed on us is far more onerous than anything presented in the
dystopian novels written by Huxley and Orwell.
Technology, after all, has advanced dramatically
in ways that neither Huxley nor Orwell anticipated.
You will need to do a little further investigation, however, to
discover that a range of tools, including,
...is being used by Big Brother to kill off a
substantial proportion of the human population.
And, while hidden in plain sight, successively deploying a wide
range of technocratic tools that are progressively imprisoning those
left 'alive' as transhuman slaves.

Brave New World
In broad summary, this is being done by,
enclosing the Commons 'forever' and forcing
people off their properties...
For a discussion of how this is being achieved
using 'managed retreat', see the series of articles by Kate Mason
starting with 'Managed
Retreat New Zealand: Shhhh... be careful not to let the community
know' - and into a 'Smart City' prison.
Smart City prisons will employ a
dense network of
5G towers to facilitate
communication and enable total control, where the imprisoned
transhuman slaves will be geofenced to confine their movements
to within 5 kilometers of where they are imprisoned.
And the detail in the Elite plan tells us exactly how it is being
Given that the Elite plan requires all 8 billion humans to submit,
one way or another, and it is a lot easier to have people willingly
submit to their death or
transhuman slavery rather than
contend with any resistance, the dystopian future being rolled out
is being presented as a combination of,
necessary (to deal with various threats,
including those posed by a non-existent virus and climate
private (to ensure the integrity of your
safe and secure (from various online and
other threats),
...to ensure maximum compliance.
Of course, an avalanche of propaganda is also
being used to obscure the view of what is really taking place.
Thus, initially, each surviving individual will have a Digital
Identity, which will have attached to it a social credit
score, determined by such factors as,
your personal, educational, employment and
legal records and your internet search history to measure your
degree of submission to Elite programs.
Traditional national currencies, which put money
in your hands to spend or save as you liked, are being replaced by
Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs).
Your allotment of this 'currency' will be
determined by,
your social credit score, attached to your
Digital Identity and programmed so that it can only be spent
within your 5km radius and only at approved locations, in
approved amounts on approved products or services...

Nineteen Eighty Four
Orwell, George
In addition, a dense network of facial recognition cameras (which
take a three-dimensional image of your face thus removing any
confusion between you and your identical twin, should you have one)
and license plate readers will ensure that every movement (including
if in a driverless car) you make is tracked and
monitored by the Artificial Intelligence program
controlling your sector.
And the network of loud hailers (installed on 5G
towers, street lights and elsewhere) will facilitate the sharing of
routine directives as part of the means by which approved behavior
is elicited and enforced.
But ultimately, as Elites have known for millennia,
it is food that is the ultimate
weapon of control...
As a former US Secretary of State (Henry
Kissinger) articulated in 1973:
'Who controls the food supply controls the
And, as Professor George Kent eloquently
explained in 2008, it is in the interest of the Elite that people
are hungry.
See 'The Benefits of World Hunger'.
So any critical analysis of what is being imposed
on humanity must take careful account of how food - and the farming
of it - is being utterly transformed.
In essence, the Elite plan is,
to feed us genetically mutilated, synthesized
and poisoned trash and insects, profit from our ill-health,
force small farmers off their land, undermine rural communities,
and utterly transform the ancient practice of farming into a
corporate, technocratic operation.
If you want some of the detail, there are
excellent sources that highlight the importance of buying
organic/biodynamic food while organizing to grow your own,
and making sure that your local trading community can defend your
food sources against the advancing
In short,
what the few examples above make clear is
that we face a near-term future in which the control mechanisms
will be all-pervasive...!

Of course, you might still try to act outside the parameters of your
social credit score:
spend more money, spend it on something not
approved in your case, grow your own food, travel outside your
...but the computer programs run by artificial
intelligence will ensure that this does not happen by deactivating
your 'permission' or, if this does not work instantly or other
action is required, dispatch a transhuman or technocratic police
officer to intervene.
If you still show signs of resisting the
transhuman police officer, robot or drone sent to intercept you,
it will, for example, simply fire an electromagnetic weapon to make
you vomit until you comply.
See 'Policing the Elite's Technocracy - How
Do We Resist This Effectively?'
For a wider, more detailed overview of some key
technocratic, economic, political and other threats, see,
'We Are Being Smashed Politically,
Economically, Medically and Technologically by the Elite's
“Great Reset”: Why? How Do We Fight Back Effectively?',
...and for discussions of threats that are less
well known, such as those posed by
synthetic biology and
artificial intelligence.
Geoengineered Transhumanism: How the
Environment Has Been Weaponized by Chemicals, Electromagnetism &
Nanotechnology for Synthetic Biology,
...and watch,
'AI Exterminating Humans Through Synthetic
Of course, while the program has been planned by
the Elite and designed by its agents, it is not actually being
implemented by the Elite or its agents.
Welcome to 2030
I own nothing, have no privacy,
and life has
never been better...
The entire 'Great
Reset' program is being implemented by,
people like you and me who take orders
without pondering the significance of their particular order and
how it fits into the wider Elite program, just like the person
putting together a bullet in a factory doesn't ponder who will
be killed by it.
It is less frightening, as the residents of the
Brave New World know, to follow orders without thought or
reference to conscience.
It is less frightening to not ask questions
and just 'go along'.
In essence, it is less frightening 'not to
And that is why these two dystopian novels end
the way they do:
Huxley and Orwell were astute observers of
their fellow humans and knew how easily they submit.
After all, being submissive is far less
frightening than resisting.
But even if we do somehow 'know', we are good at
concealing our cowardice behind our favorite delusion, 'taught' to
you in early childhood:
'I am doing what I am told and that is the
right thing to do.'
Which, in essence, is why so many people got
repeatedly vaxxed and even the bulk
of those who didn't prefer to complain rather than act.
See 'The Elite's 5,000-Year War on Your Mind
is Climaxing. Can We Defeat it? (Parts 1 & 2)'.
Anyway, with changes being made to 200 areas of
human life, the Elite has not left much to chance or even many gaps
through which one might sneak.
Which means that,
effective resistance now is the only
realistic possibility for averting life under
Big Brother or
Mustapha Mond and his fellow
world controllers.
Of course, as the books illustrate superbly,
there is no point seeking redress by asking Big Brother or Mustapha
Similarly, if we seek redress through the Elite
or its agents, we will not succeed.
See 'The Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us -
Why Can't Governments, Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them?'
And because the Elite program is so complex and
sophisticated, if our resistance is to be effective it must be
That is,
we must focus on directly resisting the key
foundational components of the Elite program ourselves.
Otherwise, our resistance will simply be absorbed
and dissipated to come to nothing.
Resisting the Brave New World of
the Technocracy
The intention of the Elite's advancing
technocracy is to,
kill off vast numbers of humans and
transhumanize and enslave the rest...!
And given the sophistication and savagery of the
program, defeating it will require commitment, persistence, courage
and enormous strategically-focused effort by a large number of
'We Are Human, We Are Free' is strategically-designed to defeat the
Elite program and will succeed if enough people participate.
You can read the 30 strategic goals identifying
the critical points of resistance on the website with one-page
flyers, identifying the minimum areas for action, available in 23
Aldous Huxley and George Orwell were well placed to
perceive trends in society and prescient enough to warn us in novels
written many decades ahead of 'crunch time'.
humanity failed to take advantage
of their warnings...!
This means that we must act now if we are to have
any chance of averting imposition of the Elite's technocracy,
including destruction of the global economy, even as their genocidal
program advances.
Time is running out...