by A Lily Bit
August 28, 2024
ALilyBit Website
not a news site.
don't post on a schedule, cater to emotions or say what
you want to hear.
wait for all the facts, then I debunk the idiotic,
agenda-driven "BOOM!"-rhetoric in mainstream and
alternative news media, no matter how long it takes. |

The duplicitous nature
of Science:
a double-edged sword
capable of liberating humanity
from the shackles of ignorance
or decapitating our collective
The distinction lies not in the science itself, but in the hands
that wield it.
When harnessed for the betterment of society,
progress is indeed assured. However, when it falls prey to the
insidious interests of the powerful, the masses are left to suffer
the consequences.
The unholy trinity of electrical engineering, banking, and social
engineering has given rise to a new era of technocratic tyranny. The
fact that the same principles that govern the flow of electricity
can be applied to the flow of capital and the manipulation of human
behavior is a chilling testament to the boundless ingenuity of those
who seek to control us.
The Elite have long recognized the potential of Science to further
their interests, and have spared no effort in exploiting its power
to maintain their grip on society.
The foundation of Technocracy is rooted in the dogmatic ideology of
Scientism, a philosophy that seeks to supplant traditional values
and spiritual beliefs with a narrow, reductionist worldview.
By elevating Science to the status of absolute truth, Scientism
attempts to monopolize the narrative, dismissing any opposing
perspectives as inferior or irrelevant.
This rigid adherence to a singular ideology is a
hallmark of totalitarian thinking, where dissent is not tolerated
and critical inquiry is discouraged.
The assertion that Scientism upholds Atheism, defined as the absence
of belief in any god, is a gross oversimplification that betrays a
profound ignorance of the complexities of human spirituality.
The notion that one's understanding of the divine
must be confined to the narrow parameters of biblical dogma is a
laughable attempt to stifle the diversity of human experience.
What of those who reverence the natural world
as the ultimate reality, or who find solace in the mystical
traditions of Eastern spirituality?
Are they to be dismissed as atheists simply
because their conception of the divine transcends the petty
squabbles of biblical literalism?
The practice of labeling and categorization is a
pernicious aspect of Scientism, serving only to stifle nuanced
discussion and reduce complex ideas to simplistic, binary
The term "conspiracy theorist" has become a
pejorative, used to discredit and marginalize those who dare to
question the official narrative.
This kind of intellectual McCarthyism is a
hallmark of totalitarian regimes, where dissent is pathologized and
critical thinking is discouraged.
Those who peddle this brand of Scientism are complicit in the
destruction they have wrought upon the world.
By elevating their own narrow ideology to the
status of absolute truth, they justify the ravaging of the
environment, the exploitation of the poor, and the erosion of civil
Theirs is a worldview that is fundamentally at odds with the values
of empathy, compassion, and intellectual curiosity that have always
defined humanity at its best.
The insidious game of cat and mouse, where the Dark Masters employ
their favorite tactics of compartmentalization and redefinition to
obfuscate their true intentions.
By carefully calibrating their language, they
seek to manipulate the narrative, sowing confusion and doubt among
the unsuspecting masses. It is a clever ruse, designed to conceal
the sinister agenda that lurks beneath the surface.
It is important for us to confront the reality that the true
struggle is not between good and evil, but between competing
factions vying for control of the planet.
The choice, it seems, is not between light and
darkness, but between the geopoliticians and the progressive
Who would you prefer to hold the reins of
The answer, much like the truth, remains shrouded
in uncertainty.
C.F.R. is the American branch of a
society which originated in England.
Internationalistic in viewpoint, the C.F.R.,
along with the Atlantic Union Movement, and the Atlantic Council
of the U.S., believes national boundaries should be obliterated
and one-world rule established...
What the Trilaterals truly intend is the
creation of a worldwide economic power superior to the political
government of the nation-states involved. As managers and
creators of the system they will rule the world...
In my view, the Trilateral Commission
represents a skillful, coordinated effort to seize control and
consolidate the four centers of power:
political, monetary,
intellectual, and ecclesiastical."
With No Apologies, [1979]
the auto-biography by
Senator Barry Goldwater,
pp. 128, 284
The New International Economic
The goal of "transforming government" is a euphemism for a far more
sinister agenda.
It becomes clear that the ambitions of those
behind this new order extend far beyond the realm of politics, and
that the very fabric of our society is being transformed before our
The plans for a New International Economic Order are part of a much
larger scheme to create a one-world government, with the technocrats
firmly in control. This raises important questions about the future
of our world and the role that we will play in it.
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) is just one of the many
threads that are woven together to create a tapestry of deceit and
The true nature of this new order is slowly
coming to light, and it is clear that it is not in the best
interests of the general population.
The New International Economic Order is a far-reaching and complex
plan to transform our society.
At its core, it seeks to reshape the
world in the image of its creators, with a focus on control,
manipulation, and exploitation...
The primary targets of this transformation are:
Economics: The creation of a new
economic order, with a focus on sustainable development and
the Green Economy.
Government: The transformation of
government, with a focus on technocratic control and the
erosion of national sovereignty.
Religion: The undermining of
traditional religious values and the promotion of a new,
secular spirituality.
Law: The creation of a new, global
legal framework, with a focus on international law and the
erosion of national laws.
Energy: The control of energy
resources, with a focus on sustainable energy and the
reduction of individual freedom.
Humanity: The transformation of
humanity, with a focus on human
enhancement and the merger
of man and machine.
But who is behind this transformation...?
The answer is clear:
The Trilateral Commission: A
powerful, secretive organization that seeks to promote a
New World Order.
The United Nations: A global
organization that seeks to promote a New World Order, with a
focus on international law and the erosion of national
Non-Government Organizations (NGOs):
A network of organizations that seek to promote a New World
Order, with a focus on sustainable development and the
It is clear that neither the American People nor
the Congress of the United States of America are party to this
Instead, it is being driven by a small group of
powerful, secretive organizations that seek to promote their own
interests and agendas.
As we examine the tools and tactics being used to promote this
transformation, we see a number of key initiatives:
Agenda 21: A United Nations
program that seeks to promote sustainable development and
the Green Economy.
Sustainable development: A concept
that seeks to balance economic growth with environmental
protection and social justice.
Smart meters: A technology that
seeks to
control and manipulate energy usage, with a focus
on reducing individual freedom.
Climate change: A concept that
seeks to promote a new, global agenda, with a focus on
carbon emissions and promoting sustainable energy.
Cap and trade: A system that seeks
to control and manipulate carbon emissions, with a focus on
promoting sustainable energy.
The Green Economy: A concept that
seeks to promote sustainable development and the reduction
of individual freedom.
Human enhancement
A movement that seeks to merge man and machine, with a focus
on promoting a new, technocratic society.
The Dark Heart of Technocracy
Scientism is the foundation upon which Technocracy is built.
This ideology seeks to regulate every aspect of
human life, from the mundane to the profound, under the guise of
scientific authority.
The Seven
Pillars of Scientism
The Application of Scientific Methods
to Social and Political Modeling: Scientism seeks to
apply the scientific method to the study of human behavior
and society, reducing complex social issues to simplistic,
quantifiable problems.
Science as the Absolute Truth:
Scientism posits that science is the only reliable source of
truth, dismissing other forms of knowledge and understanding
as inferior.
Atheism: Scientism upholds
atheism, rejecting the existence of a higher power or divine
Predictive Power: Scientism claims
to be able to predict the future, using scientific models
and data to forecast human behavior and societal trends.
Rejection of Opposing Inquiry:
Scientism rejects any opposing viewpoints or criticisms,
dismissing them as unscientific or uninformed.
Demand for Acceptance: Scientism
demands acceptance by non-scientists, expecting the general
public to blindly accept scientific authority without
is belief
in the universal applicability
of the
scientific method and approach,
and the
view that empirical science constitutes
the most
authoritative worldview
most valuable part of human learning
to the
exclusion of other viewpoints."
As we explore the implications of Scientism, we see a disturbing
trend towards the erosion of individual freedom and the
centralization of power.
From the regulation of shower times to the
elimination of private property, Scientism seeks to control every
aspect of human life under the guise of scientific authority.
Ray Kurzweil, a senior scientist at Google,
is a prominent transhumanist who has written extensively on the topic of merging
human and machine intelligence.
His book, "The
Singularity Is Near - When Humans Transcend Biology",
published in 2005, explores the idea of a future where humans and
machines become indistinguishable.
Kurzweil's work
at Google is closely tied to the
company's chairman, Eric Emerson Schmidt, who is a member of
the Trilateral Commission.
Schmidt's involvement with the Trilateral
Commission is well-documented. He has been a member of the
organization since 2001, and has played a key role in shaping its
As a member of
the Trilateral Commission, Schmidt
has been involved in promoting the interests of the organization,
which include the advancement of technocracy and the erosion of
national sovereignty.
Google's ties to the Trilateral Commission are extensive, and
Schmidt's membership in the organization has given the company a
significant amount of influence and access to the global Elite.
This has allowed Google to shape the agenda of
the Trilateral Commission, which includes the promotion of
technocracy and the advancement of "artificial
Schmidt's views on government surveillance and data collection are
also noteworthy.
In 2013, he stated that government surveillance
in the United States was the "nature of our society" and that he was
not going to "pass judgment on that".
However, when it was revealed that
the NSA had been secretly spying on
Google's data centers worldwide, he called the practice "outrageous"
and criticized the NSA's collection of Americans' phone records.
Schmidt's relationship with the
Obama administration is also
worth noting.
He was a campaign advisor and major donor to
Barack Obama, and served on Google's government relations team.
Obama considered him for Commerce Secretary,
and Schmidt was mentioned as a possible candidate for the Chief
Technology Officer position, which Obama created in his
The Definition of Technocracy
Technocracy was termed in 1932
at Columbia University by M. King Hubbert and Howard Scott.
After being booted from Columbia in 1934, they
continued to develop their ideas through the Technocracy Study
Characteristics of Technocracy
Produces volumes of inviolable
regulations: Technocracy is based on "science" and
produces a large number of regulations that are
considered absolute.
Creates totalitarian control:
Technocracy seeks to create a
totalitarian system of
control, but it is not socialism or communism.
Seeks to replace price-based
economic system with energy-based system:
Technocracy aims to replace the traditional price-based
economic system with an energy-based system, where
energy credits are used instead of money.
Communism, Marxism, Socialism, and
Fascism are all based on a price-based economic system.
Technocracy shifts away from that, so it is
Requirements for
Register energy conversion and
Create a balanced load
Provide a continuous inventory of
production and consumption
Provide specific registration of
goods and services
Provide specific registration of
individual consumption
The Technology to Implement
Today, we have the technology to implement these requirements,
The Transformation of America
The insidious tentacles of the
Trilateral Commission have been
quietly strangling the life out of our democratic institutions for
The brainchild of
David Rockefeller and
Zbigniew Brzezinski, this cabal
of 289 handpicked members, comprising the crème de la crème of,
media moguls
law firms
...has been pulling the strings of power from
behind the scenes since its inception in 1973.
Their grand design, masquerading as a benevolent force for global
cooperation, is nothing short of a thinly veiled attempt to
consolidate economic power and impose a New International
Economic Order.
The Trilateral Commission's mantra of "interdependence" and "free
trade" is merely a euphemism for the dismantling of tariffs and
trade barriers, paving the way for the unfettered exploitation of
resources and labor by
the global Elite.
It was an economic takeover, but they needed the
political machinery to pull it off.
Technocracy is not a political system... it
is an economic system.
The Commission's influence on U.S. politics
illustrates their Machiavellian tactics.
In 1976, they hijacked the White House, with
Brzezinski handpicking Jimmy Carter for the presidency and
subsequently appointing nearly a third of the American Trilateral
membership to key Cabinet and Administration posts.
This brazen power grab was a masterclass in the
art of manipulation, with the American people
blissfully unaware of the economic coup unfolding before their very
The Trilateral Commission's fingerprints are all over the subsequent
decades of U.S. policy, from,
the Earth Summit's
Agenda 21 to Clinton's
"National Partnership for Reinventing Government" and the
creation of the President's Council on Sustainable Development.
The appointment of John Negroponte, a
Trilateralist, as the first Director of the National Intelligence
Agency in 2005, serves as a stark reminder of the Commission's
enduring influence.
But the roots of this technocratic behemoth run even deeper.
Brzezinski's 1970 book, "Between Two Ages - America's
Role in the Technetronic Era," is the
ideological blueprint for the Trilateral movement, a clarion call
for the imposition of a technocratic order on a global scale.
As we delve deeper into the labyrinthine world of the Trilateral
Commission, it becomes increasingly clear that their ultimate goal
is nothing short of a complete overhaul of our economic and
political systems, with the global Elite firmly ensconced at
the helm.
"The technetronic era involves the gradual
appearance of a more controlled society. Such a society would be
dominated by an Elite, unrestrained by traditional values…
Today we are again witnessing the emergence of transnational
elites…[whose] ties cut across national boundaries...
It is likely that before long the social
elites of most of the more advanced countries will be highly
internationalist or globalist in spirit and outlook.
Within a few years the rebels in the more advanced countries who
today have the most visibility will be joined by a new
generation making its claim to power in government and
business... accepting as routine managerial processes current
innovations such as planning-programming-budgeting systems
A national information grid that will
integrate existing electronic data banks is already being
The projected world information grid, for
which Japan, Western Europe, and the United States are most
suited, could create the basis for a common educational program,
for the adoption of common academic standards.
The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty...
In the economic-technological field, some
international cooperation has already been achieved, but further
progress will require greater American sacrifices.
More intensive efforts to shape a new world
monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some
consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American
Two Ages - America's Role In The Technetronic Era"
Brzezinski's 1970 magnum opus, "Between Two Ages
- America's Role In The Technetronic Era" was no mere academic
exercise, but a blueprint for the incremental implementation of
a controlled society, where the boundaries between
politics, economics, and technology are deliberately blurred.
It's no coincidence that Brzezinski, a professor at Columbia
University, the very institution where Technocracy was born in 1932,
was handpicked by David Rockefeller to co-found the Trilateral
Commission in 1973.
Rockefeller, ever the astute observer of
questionable talent, recognized in Brzezinski a kindred spirit, a
fellow traveler in the quest for a technocratic utopia.
The term "technetronic," coined by Brzezinski, is more than just a
clever neologism; it's a call for the fusion of technology and
politics, a harbinger of the all-encompassing control grid that
the technocratic Elite have been constructing for decades.
"Technetronic" and "technocracy" are
virtually interchangeable, two sides of the same coin...
Brzezinski's vision, as outlined in his book, is
one of gradual, incremental control over a "Technetronic Era" in
which the boundaries between individual freedom and
collective servitude are systematically eroded.
It's a prospect that should send shivers down
the spine of anyone who values liberty and autonomy.
And now, let us take a moment to hear from the
horse's mouth, as it were. Brzezinski himself will explain, in his
own words, the contours of his technocratic vision.
Prepare to be enlightened, or perhaps, more
accurately, prepare to be chilled to the bone:
The "war on terror," that nebulous and ever-shifting construct, has
been a boon for those who seek to regulate and control the patterns
of traditional American behavior.
It's a Trojan horse for the
imposition of a surveillance state, where the boundaries between
public and private are deliberately blurred.
The "internationalist"
Elite, with their technocratic vision of a totally surveilled
societal structure, have been the primary beneficiaries of this
perpetual war.
But the tentacles of the Trilateral Commission reach far deeper into
the inner workings of our government than most of us could have ever
The fact that six out of the eight heads of the World Bank
have been Trilateralists is a staggering statistic.
And it's not
just the World Bank; the Trilateral Commission's influence permeates
every level of our government, from the President and Vice President
to the U.S. Trade Representatives and National Security Advisers.
The sheer scope of the Trilateral Commission's infiltration is
Every President and Vice President since Carter has
had ties to the Commission, as have a disproportionate number of
U.S. Trade Representatives and National Security Advisers.
It's a
veritable Who's Who of Trilateralists, a rogues gallery of
technocrats who have insinuated themselves into the highest echelons
of power.
And what's the common thread that binds these individuals together?
Their allegiance to
the military-industrial complex, that behemoth
of war and destruction...
The Trilateral Commission's ties to the machinery of war are
well-documented, and it's no coincidence that their influence has
coincided with the perpetual war footing that has become the
hallmark of our foreign policy.
The war on terror, it seems, is just a convenient pretext for the
imposition of a technocratic order, one that serves the interests of
the Elite at the expense of the American people.
A Blueprint for Technocratic
The New International Economic Order is nothing short of a dystopian
nightmare, where the Elite rule with an iron fist.
This "Technetronic
Era" is characterized by:
A controlled society where the primary
actors and planners of economic life are global banks and
multi-national corporations.
A continuous surveillance of every
citizen, with files containing all information about every
citizen instantly available to authorities.
But that's not all...
The United Nations
Environment Programme (UNEP) has been pushing a "Green Economy
Initiative" that is, in reality, a Trojan horse for Technocracy.
The UNEP's own words are chilling:
"These initiatives, both public
and private, provide the mechanism for reconfiguration of
businesses, infrastructure and institutions, and for the adoption of
sustainable consumption and production processes."
In other words,
the Green Economy is a euphemism for a complete
overhaul of our society, our way of life, and our institutions.
a recipe for disaster, and one that has been championed by none
other than
Bill Clinton, who promised to "reinvent government."
now know what he meant by that...
But the Green Economy is not just a secular phenomenon.
The World
Council of Churches has proudly declared that the "World's faiths
will declare themselves, irrevocably, as Green Faiths."
The very
fabric of many people's spiritual lives is being co-opted by the
technocratic Elite.
And if that's not enough, let me introduce you to the concept of,
"Reflexive Law" as a "Legal Paradigm For Sustainable Development"...
This is the final nail in the coffin of our freedoms, a legal
framework that will enshrine the principles of Technocracy and
ensure that the Elite remain in control.
The doublespeak of the technocratic
Elite is on full display in this
On the surface, it appears to be a call for new approaches
to achieving sustainable development, but scratch beneath the
surface and you'll find a sinister plot to undermine our existing
systems of governance and replace them with a new paradigm of
"reflexive law".
The language is deliberately obtuse, but the intent is clear:
create a new framework for decision-making that is "integrated" and
"normative", where social systems and subsystems are forced to
interact and communicate in a way that is predetermined by the
technocratic Elite.
The goal is to create a seamless web of control,
where every aspect of society is aligned with the objectives of
sustainable development, as defined by the Elite.
The reference to "Type 2" non-regulatory private or public-private
partnership initiatives is particularly telling.
This is code for
the outsourcing of governance to unelected, unaccountable entities
that are beholden only to the interests of the Elite.
The "shifting emphasis" away from traditional regulation and
government programs is a euphemism for the dismantling of our
democratic institutions and the transfer of power to the
technocratic Elite.
And what of "reflexive law" itself?
This sociological construct is
presented as a solution to the "conceptual dilemmas" of sustainable
development, but it's really just a fancy name for a system of
control that is designed to "specify procedures" for regulated
entities to follow.
In other words,
it's a recipe for a totalitarian
regime, where every aspect of society is micromanaged by the
technocratic Elite.
The use of words like "normative" and "integrated" is particularly
insidious, as it implies a sense of moral authority and
But make no mistake,
this is a power grab, plain and
The technocratic Elite are using the rhetoric of sustainable
development to justify a radical transformation of our society, one
that will leave us all subject to their whims and fancies.
The emergence of a new worldwide web of energy, a global energy
network, is a reminds us of the technocratic agenda's far-reaching
This network, like the internet, will revolutionize
the way we live, work, and interact with one another...
But, as we've
seen, it's not just about "energy" distribution.
It's about control,
manipulation, and the transformation of humanity itself.
The dispersal of trillions of "stimulus dollars" globally, parades
the vast resources at the disposal of the globalists.
The "Black
Budget" is just one of the many tools in their arsenal, designed to
further their agenda of control and domination.
As we navigate our dark ages of deceit and
manipulation, it's easy to feel overwhelmed.
But we must remain
vigilant and committed to our mission of preserving freedom.
I urge everyone to take action, to educate themselves and others,
and to advocate for freedom at the local level.
Acting locally while
thinking globally is the key to preserving our liberties.
Let us take a stand against the forces of tyranny and oppression.
Let us support and educate our local Sheriffs, who are the last line
of defense against federal overreach.
Let us name and shame those
who practice un-American thinking and activity.
And let us serve
Misprision of Treason wherever appropriate.
Together, we can make a difference.
Together, we can preserve
freedom and protect our way of life...