by Gerry Zeitlin
OpenSeti Website
Concerning ancient human/ETI contact,
several conceptual frameworks concern us on this page. The first is
the conventional world view, which we call (the) SCAM,54. It is the
ground level of SETI, which holds that the human species and all
others on Earth are the result of evolution - either pure and simple
or recently with a possible sprinkling of
SCAM holds sway in virtually all institutions of authority, which
ignores a vast amount of evidence to refute it. Touching on that
evidence was originally the purpose of this page and, for readers
who need a starting point, information given here should be helpful.
An opposing framework, then, holds that intervention has occurred on
this planet, either once, many times, or continuously even up to
today. This is quite apart from theoretical discussion as to whether
or not evolution even works. That subject is treated on this website
too (see
Challenges to Darwinism: Panspermia and
Theories of Guided Evolution).
The concept of intervention collides with various religions, from
which springs "Biblical UFOlogy". A more radical framework considers
that all of this, including the ancient and current religious and
historical texts, may be the result of a grand delusion perpetrated
by someone or some thing (think of Castaneda's "predators" as in
Active Side of Infinity or even the
Matrix series of movies).
That framework is introduced on our page
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys,
The Controller Agenda.
More approaches to the subject of ancient human/ETI contact are
suggested on our other website,
The End of Enchantment.
Evidence of human / ETI contact is reported in a vast spectrum of
literature ranging from the scholarly to the tabloid. However, the
subject, despite its obvious susceptibility to a wide range of
scientific approaches and potential relevance to scientific issues
of every kind, has yet to be considered acceptable to refereed
journals other than as a purely "mythological" or "psychological"
phenomenon. That is because this type of information conflicts with
the SCAM.
In spite of appearances, the genre represents a significant body of
highly provocative and compelling information that could potentially
lead us to a profound change in our world view.
For those not yet familiar, here are a few examples of what can be
found in this field:
To begin, the works of
Zecharia Sitchin deserve credit for opening
the eyes of many to the anomalously sudden appearance of high
civilizations and technologies in the near east and elsewhere. These
civilizations often ascribed the source of their knowledge to their
"gods". Our modern culture calls this their "religion" or
"mythology". But then, where did the knowledge come from?
As written in their tablets, the oldest of the civilizations - Sumer
- lived as servants to their teachers and progenitors,
the Anunnaki
(a Biblical designation adopted by Sitchin) who walked among them
and interbred with them. Sitchin unabashedly reads in those Sumerian
tablets the descriptions of colonizers from a wandering planet
associated with our solar system.
But we do not give blanket approval to Sitchin's theses. We, like
many others, have difficulty in accepting his contention that the
Annunaki's home is a heretofor-undiscovered solar system planet (Nibiru),
moving in an unusual, highly-elliptical orbit that is hard for
astronomers to observe at the present time. Another serious issue is
the veracity of the information provided by Sumerian scribes.
is discussed on the page
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller
And then there is Sitchin's confusion over his duties as a scholar
vs. his submersion into supernatural thinking, as
I discussed in my
08 Feb 2005 posting to the much-underutilized Gods, Genes, and
Consciousness Forum.
This confusion is strongly evident throughout Sitchin's
The Cosmic
Code, in which he takes great pains to divine the difference between
"destiny" and "fate", as understood by "the gods" or
God himself.
Once grasped, Sitchin the scholar is nowhere to be found. What are
these things? It doesn't matter, as long as we understand what God
believes they are.
There are many examples of the possession of what we would call
"scientific" information on the part of ancient or modern-day
primitive cultures. Consider the work of Hapgood, who in his
analyses of ancient world maps (1997), shows that knowledge
of world geography was actually in decline throughout all of ancient
history, as though it had been derived from an earlier period of
high knowledge totally unknown to us today. The oldest of these maps
actually show the continent of Antarctica and its features which are
now hidden by thousands of feet of polar ice. Our modern sounding
techniques confirm the accuracy of these descriptions.
Freemasons Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas in their book
Machine (1999) review the stories of Enoch contained in the
Freemasonic oral tradition.
The authors have traced the rituals of
Freemasonry to the secret traditions of the Jews who wrote the
Sea scrolls and with the hereditary high priesthood of Jerusalem.
Indeed, there is a concordance between the old rituals of the
Ancient Scottish Rite, the Qumranian scrolls unearthed by the
Templars in Jerusalem between 1118 and 1128, and the 2nd century C.E.
Book of Enoch discovered by 18th century Freemason
James Bruce near
the Ethiopian city of Axum - whose authenticity was vindicated with
the finding of nine further copies of The Book of Enoch after 1947.
But what of importance to the Open SETI propositions is contained in
the Masonic traditions and The Book of Enoch?
Well many things, for
example detailed information about the movements of the sun, moon,
and the stars, said to have been taught to Enoch by an "angel"
called Uriel, and about a strange group of beings called
Watchers, who bred with local women to produce giants as their
children, the Nephilim, who apparently rampage throughout the land.
These Nephilim had many skills which they taught to men; they
sometimes lived among men but returned to a distant place where they
lived with their leader, who is described as God the Most High.
During his journeys taken in the company of various angels or
Watchers, Enoch is told about the coming deluge. There is much
evidence that the widely and deeply remembered world-catastrophic
deluge did actually occur (for example see discussion below, this
page), and this separated our historical era from a previous one of
high civilization and technology.
[Note: We do not actually support The Book of Enoch and especially
not its descriptions of "angels" and "Watchers" or "fallen angels".
In fact, we rather consider this to be prime religious propaganda,
but readers should be aware of it nevertheless. Follow the links,
just below on this page, to discussion of books by Anton Parks.]
The possession of high knowledge in antiquity does not necessarily
require ETI contact, but some researchers do not shrink at
describing what we might call the "Enochian" epoch as clearly a time
of colonization by powerful beings. For example, Christian and
Barbara Joy O'Brien present an amazingly clear picture of early
colonization on Earth, gathered from a diligent study of old and
newly-discovered epics, chronicles, and scriptures.
Their massive
The Shining Ones, even more than the books of Zecharia
Sitchin and others, constitutes a solid body of research supporting
the inclusion of the colonization possibility in the Open SETI
Detailed information about wars fought with flying craft and
advanced weaponry in the hands of super-human beings is also
strongly present throughout the Indian Vedic literature. This is
most accessibly reported in the works of Sitchin and
(1995). Thompson in particular shows how the Vedas describe what we
would today recognize as features of the UFO phenomenon.
Author John Lash writes that the Nag Hammadi texts contain,
of visionary experiences of [Gnostic] initiates, including
first-hand encounters with inorganic beings called Archons. Gnostic
teaching explains that these entities arose in the early stage of
formation of the solar system, before the Earth was formed. Archons
inhabit the solar system, the extraterrestrial realm as such, but
they can intrude on Earth."
Descriptions of these entities will be immediately recognized by
some modern readers.
For much more on this subject, including Lash's and the Gnostics'
questioning of the veracity of the Sumerians' Anunnaki
stories, see
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys, The Controller Agenda.
An astonishing new series of books by French author Anton Parks
(2005)provides a wide-screen, high-res view of the many races that
were instrumental in establishing humanity on this planet, the
linguistic keys for tracing their activities through the texts left
to us from our ancient civilizations, and the present-day
Malou Zeitlin writes:
"To have read... how Anton was "given" the keys to decode the
original and secret mother-language of the Females (Emešà) is beyond
marvelous but not belief. For the first time ever, we human beings
are also told of that very ancient gender conflict and why it is
still influencing our daily lives."
The keys, by the way, include the use of a "Sumero-Akkadian
The method involves the decomposition of words in
ancient languages (Chinese, Hebrew, ancient Greek, Latin, etc.) into
root syllables found in the syllabary. The meaning of the syllables
in Sumerian and Akkadian provide profound insight into the words'
meaning and derivation, and these point back to the "mother
language," Emešà.
Le Secret des Étoiles Sombres (Parks, 2005) is the initial volume of
the quartet Les Chroniques du Gírkù.
The Archaeology, Astronautics & SETI Research Association (AAS RA)
is dedicated to investigating, using scientific research methods but
reporting in "layman's terms", the question of whether
extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the remote past. Defining
its investigation as Paleo-SETI, AAS RA looks for clues of
extraterrestrial contact in the remote past through analysis of
ethnological, mythological, and historical sources. Cultural
traditions, myth and ancient folklore, petroglyphs, possible clues
in the fossil record or in the genetic code are all within the scope
of Paleo-SETI (Dopatka, 2003).
Erich von Däniken (2000) presents a very large number of beautiful
and astonishing aerial photographs and much other carefully
described, provocative information. There is new material here, well
worthy of study.
Readers interested in Babylonian historian / temple priest Berossus'
account of the man-fish Oannes, who taught the arts of civilization
to the Babylonians, may see below insert:
Berossus, the
Babylonian historian and priest of the Temple of Bel in
Babylon brings us some details concerning an
Abgal-Apkallû in a surviving fragment of his book The
Babyloniaca, unfortunately lost in the meanderings of
His descriptions are
reminiscent of those of
the Dogon.
In Babylon there were
many people of diverse origins who dwelled in
Chaldee and lived lawlessly, like animals in the
In the first year there appeared a being that came
out of the Erytheraeum Sea that runs parallel to
Babylon. It said its name was Oannes and it was an
animal gifted with reason. Its body seemed to be
that of a fish. It had under its fish's head another
head; it also had feet like those of a man, coming
from its fish's tail. Its voice and language were
human in their articulation. This representation has
been conserved down to our time.
This being was accustomed to passing the day among
men, but it never took any food. It gave them
elements of learning in letters, science,
metallurgy, art, the manner of constructing cities,
of founding temples, creating laws; it taught the
principles of geometry. It showed them how to
distinguish the grains of the earth and to harvest
fruits. In short, it instructed them in each thing
that would serve to "sweeten" their mores and to
humanize their life.
At that time, no material needed to be added to
improve these instructions. And when the sun rose,
this being, Oannes, returned to the water, to pass
the night in the depths, because it was amphibian.
There followed other animals resembling Oannes.
in The Ancient Fragments,
Isaac Preston Coy, 1980.
(extracted from 'THE
CHRONICLES OF THE GÍRKÙ / Notes (Neb-Heru)') |
Astrological Symbols, Cosmogenesis, Human Survival
The cosmology of Dr.
Paul LaViolette's Subquantum Kinetics (a
revolutionary physics model - see below insert) converges with the symbols of
astrology, tarot, and the lore of many ancient myth systems in his
stunning works Genesis of the Cosmos: The Ancient Science of
Continuous Creation (2004), Earth Under Fire (1997) and other books
mentioned on this website.
extracted from 'Open
SETI Physics 101'
Subquantum Kinetics
"Subquantum Kinetics is a serious scientific study which
examines the problem of the interaction of solid bodies
and electromagnetic fields with the physical vacuum,
taking into consideration an extremely large portion of
the theoretical and experimental knowledge of modern
"There are grounds to recommend this monograph as a
compulsory textbook for students of the physical
sciences because without knowledge of the main aspects
of subquantum kinetics, modern physics will not
adequately develop as a science and also because the
detailed understanding of physical phenomena and their
complex interrelations is a basic requirement for every
expert in the field of physics."
- from a review by Evgeny Podkletnov
Russian scientist noted for work on anti-gravity
Infinite Energy Issue 54, 2004 |
LaViolette's thesis is too large to be conveyed by any one of his
books. Each develops one part and reviews the other interfacing
pieces. Taken together, you have
A review of modern physics showing how it rejected a
poorly-conceived mechanical ether theory and failed to recognize a
much more useful (and probably correct) transmutive ether model.
General system theory is applied to extend commonly-recognized
kinetic reaction processes from the observed macroscopic world to
the subquantum domain.
Subquantum processes are seen to engender our physical world with
profound implications for astrophysics and cosmology. Many
continuing mysteries in these fields are thus resolved.
A key point in the Subquantum Kinetics (SQK) cosmology is the
production of energy and matter out of the transmutive ether
wherever gravitational potential wells are deep enough to favor it.
This means there can be no black holes because regions of high mass
density generate sufficient energy and matter to prevent collapse.
In fact, a positive feedback loop in the dynamics gives rise to a
potential for explosions.
A focus on Galactic core energetics strongly suggests that all
galaxies periodically experience violent core explosions. The "Seyfert
galaxies" and quasars that we observe today are ordinary galaxies
going through this phase.
All intelligent inhabitants of any galaxy who have the minimum
scientific perception and cultural memory (history) understand the
urgency of learning how to deal with this phenomenon.
Human society on Earth has experienced such periods, the most recent
of which may be dated as having begun in 13,865 B.C. at the end of
the last great ice age. (That would indicate the time of its
appearance here; the energetic event would have begun 23,000 years
prior to that at the Galactic core.)
The transmission of knowledge of these cycles of destruction is of
the utmost primary importance - and must be accomplished in some
language or symbol system that would be universally evident to
The message, that includes ALL of the points mentioned above, has
been encoded into the mythologies of all human cultures. LaViolette
takes pains to decode many of them in his works.
Much of the knowledge encoded and transmitted has not been available
to us through our own technological means until very recently. For
example, detailed knowledge of the position and activity of the
Galactic core (which we can observe only in the radio spectrum) has
been transmitted, as well as the directions to very slightly
blue-shifted and red-shifted cosmic background energy. This means that
the ancients who created the mythologies used in the transmission
had access to technology at least the equal of ours.
Such technology may have been extraterrestrial in origin. LaViolette
does not insist that it was, but there may in some way be an
extraterrestrial component in this story.
LaViolette's work successfully draws on an astonishing array of
disciplines - high-energy physics, galactic and extragalactic
astronomy, geophysics, geochemistry, climatology, glaciology,
paleontology, archaeology and mythology - and does it with such
mastery that one wonders what has kept it on the margins for so
It is not for any lack of erudition and scholarly treatment of
the data. The only answer can be that he has offended the masters of
each field by revealing their oversights, their illogic, and their
refusal to address their unresolved issues.
By avoiding the pitfalls
and building on the best information available in each area, LaViolette has constructed a significant new world view - one which
is charged with meaning and even urgency for us in our times.
Evidence in
Pre-Modern and Ancient Art
Elsewhere in this website (see
New Search Strategies) I show how
SETI Incrementalism leads even the "scientifically-oriented"
researcher to consider and search for the presence of craft in our
solar system. Why then not allow evidence of such craft that come
within visible viewing range?
But that comes close to the "U" word,
and this website avoids the issues of "what is the UFO?" and "are
there UFOs?" as well as stories of alien contacts and abductions,
because those are high-profile questions, their resolution has been
slow to come about, while the very rich material under discussion in
Open SETI has not been given proper and adequate attention until now
However, our exploration of suggestive material from earlier epochs
and societies runs into a relatively untouched area: artistic
renderings of craft and beings that should never have been
encountered, according to conventional wisdom. The skeptical reader
should consider that in the case of these old renderings, the issue
is not whether the image was hoaxed by the artist if the piece is
authentically old--unless one entertains the notion that imagined
craft and beings of the present day were being imagined in
essentially the same form centuries ago.
The important questions are:
1) whether the image is authentically
2) whether the image is unmistakably clear
Matthew Hurley and others have compiled what appear to be the most complete and
rapidly growing collection:
Historical Artwork and
Clearly, although much valuable research has been and is being done,
the field itself is nascent, disorganized, and struggling for its
very recognition. A very significant effort to define this field of
research under the designation paleovisitology is described in the
Research Institute on Anomalous Phenomena Bulletin Vol. 8, No. 3-4,
(July-December 2002).
In his
editorial to this special issue, Dr.
Vladimir Rubtsov
discusses the position of paleovisitology with respect to historical
anomalistics, historical ufology, and (radio) SETI.
This issue, along with other issues of the Bulletin, is strongly
recommended for its insights into the thinking and courageous
activities of scientists working on the cutting edge in the old
Soviet Union and in today's new and equally challenging research
Destruction of Archaeological Anomalies
Everyone is familiar with the final warehouse scene (below
image) in Raiders of
the Lost Ark, depicting the disposition of the Ark of the Covenant
at the convenience of a major government.

That was fantasy but would
there be any reason why a real-life government would want to treat
an archaeological wonder in that way?
This is the question to ponder when
confronted with reports
describing exactly this treatment of sites: bulldozing-over,
destruction of artifacts, involvement of intelligence agencies, and
even crating up and shipping out of articles that will never see the
light of day.
Anomalous archaeological findings have always been suppressed (Cremo
and Thompson 1994), but for more mundane reasons relating to the
sociology and prejudices of science, such as discussed elsewhere in
this Open SETI white paper.
The activities suggested here go beyond
that, and seem to set the perspective of a rather vast operation to
preserve a certain view and even definition of the human race.
54 - The SCAM: Society's Common
Approved Myth.
Its scope is cosmic. Its level of detail? An exercise for the
reader. But it is not necessarily a judgment of "everything you
know". Note the qualifiers: common and approved. To grasp The
SCAM, one cultivates an attitude of skepticism. This is not a
reference to the several "skeptics" organizations, which
actually function as thought police, seeking to correct
deviations from The SCAM.
60 - Colonization by what? Although
they do not press this heavily in their book, perhaps because
they do not possess the high-quality evidence that would be
required to do so, the O'Briens would say we had been colonized
by a group of Ascended Masters.
It was due to this aspect of their book - their belief system -
that Open SETI did not make use of their highly important
compendium for several years. However, Paul Von Ward, in
Gods, Genes, and Consciousness,
has now provided the context of "Advanced Beings" and man's
stages of relationship to them, with which to understand and
work with the O'Briens' writings.