by Dr. Michael Salla
October 17, 2021
Exopolitics Website
Spanish version

On October 15, I received an update on the recent meetings on
Ganymede between representatives of the Earth Alliance with several
extraterrestrial organizations and a new group entering our solar
the Intergalactic Confederation...
The update from Val Nek,
relayed through Megan Rose, makes for a total of four independent
sources reporting on Ganymede being the site of meetings with a
highly evolved new group of extraterrestrial visitors to our solar
In the October 13
article, "Earth Alliance mission to Ganymede to greet ET visitors and
inaugurate a Star Trek future," I presented the intel from three
independent sources.
These were JP, who currently serves with the US
Army and participates in off-world covert missions controlled by US
Space Command.
Thor Han, whose intel was relayed through
Elena Danaan, and
Alex Collier, whose source is
Moraney from the Andromeda
Val Nek's update
provides more intel with which we can better evaluate the scope and
significance of the secret Ganymede meetings.
His update begins:
The Earth Alliance
has completed its first mission to Ganymede, one of Jupiter's
This station was used as a meeting place for,
These beings can manifest themselves as
extraterrestrial looking species, but in actuality they are more of
a consciousness, a super-consciousness that have looked over this
galaxy and many others for eons.
As coordinator for this mission, I
can report on my role and what I am at liberty to disclose.
These beings
travelled to this solar system to witness a birth of a new era, an
era that includes the liberation of Earth.
As the enemy conveniently
reports that there are multiple timelines at play, in an effort to
confuse the Terrans who are so desperately looking for liberation
from hostile control, the truth is that this solar system continues
on one timeline together, simultaneously.
It is a timeline that
benefits the entire galaxy and marks a successful end of war between
the Terrans, the Federation, and the
Orion group.
What Val Nek is
effectively saying here is that there is not going to be a split or
separation of humanity into different groups that proceed to
multiple worlds, densities, timelines, etc., in a planet-wide 'harvest'.
In the
RA Material, it was said that humanity would
polarize into different ascension paths.
Those that made
the cut for a positive polarity ascension (>50%
level of consciousness) would ascend into a 4th density
positive Earth.
Those that attain
a negative polarity (>95%
service-to-self consciousness) would
ascend to a different negative polarity 4th density
Finally, those who
did not graduate (less than 50% service to other and less than 95%
service to self) would be taken to another 3rd density
Earth to repeat another 26,000 year cycle.
Ever since the
RA Material (aka
Law of One) emerged in 1981-1984, there have
been a steady stream of psychics, researchers, and contactees/abductees
that have spoken of coming cataclysmic events marking a coming
separation of humanity in a planetary 'harvest'.
What instead
appears to have recently happened is that a temporal war over a
future galactic tyranny has been won by
the Galactic Federation, its
partner ET organizations, and the Earth Alliance.
Apparently, this
means that a planetary harvest does not occur, and most of humanity
collectively moves forward in a positive timeline:
a Star Trek
Val Nek continues:
I can report that
I was in charge of the Federation troops and organizing the troops
of the Alliance.
I must emphasize that while this mission was not
one of war, it was equally important in the eyes of our ancestors,
the superconscious, which some call an Intergalactic Federation
(of Sovereign Planets -
This name is for us to use, however, these beings operate at such a
high level that they do not use words, language or anything of the
sort to express themselves.
It is by all means a translation of a
frequency for our own understanding.
This mission was especially
important for
the Earth Alliance.
leaders of the Earth Alliance
and their respective space programs, which I can report will all be
federated under a new name, which I will not disclose.
The name was
chosen after the meeting with the Intergalactic Federation.
earlier updates, it was reported that agreements were reached in
meetings held upon an
Ashtar Command base above the atmosphere of
Jupiter between leaders of 14 spacefaring nations and an alliance of
positive extraterrestrial groups:
The 14 spacefaring nations agreed to work together under the
leadership of the US
Space Command to form a multinational space
alliance similar to 'Starfleet' as depicted in the iconic TV series
Star Trek.
Val Nek's update
means that despite
mainstream media depictions of relations between
the world's major nations deteriorating to the point of a
devastating regional war coming soon, agreements are being secretly
made and implemented in the background.
Eventually, these agreements
will be revealed, and humanity collectively embarks on a new future
under a more unified global political structure whose name is still
Val Nek continues:
The Terran leaders
were deeply moved by the experience.
For the first time, their
perception of reality, and the meaning, the purpose of leadership
and guidance in this galaxy deeply touched their consciousness.
development of the Terran leader's consciousness is something we
have been trying to influence in a positive manner for some time,
but especially recently, since plans are being made to hand over the
responsibility of defending Terra with the production of the star
These Terran
leaders, I can say with confidence, have been influenced by the
consciousness of the forefathers, the fore seeders, in such a way,
that the Federation and the Council of Five, along with the
Andromedan Council have no reservation in their ability or ethical
standards as it relates to being responsible for the safety and
positive progression of the planet.
I will reiterate
again that this message may be more important to the Terran people
than any other message.
I am aware that they have been concerned for
some time, rightfully so, as to the ethical and moral standard of
their leaders. We will continue to move forward.
I salute you.
If humanity's
political and military leaders that attended the
Ganymede meetings
have been transformed as a result of their meetings with the
Intergalactic Confederation (or Federation), that would indeed be a
tremendously important message for us to contemplate.
a second October 15 message, Val Nek asserted that the Ganymede
meeting discussed the timing of full disclosure of extraterrestrial
Disclosure of Extra-terrestrial Life to the Terrans is something
that was discussed at these meetings.
As I stated previously, the
consciousness of the Terran leaders was first evaluated by the
elders or the seeders.
A plan was formulated to disclose to the
world, to Terran civilians, the truth of extra-terrestrial life and
the relationship these beings have to the Terran people.
This is a
delicate procedure as most Terrans have been fooled to believe they
are 'the only' life in this solar system, this galaxy.
As to not scare
the Terrans,
disclosure will happen
'slowly' over time...
There is a specific plan that has been formulated as I mentioned, in
accordance with this timeline, which will unfold, but I am not at
liberty to give specifics.
The guidance that was sought from the
Intergalactic Federation included this matter, they agreed that the
Galactic Federation and the earth alliance's plan indeed encompasses
the best interest of the Terran people.
can be speculated that extraterrestrial disclosure will follow not
long after the public release of,
These technology releases would increase public confidence in a new
global federated political system agreed to at the
Ganymede meeting
that will replace the compromised
Deep State controlled
international system currently in operation.
I asked Val Nek a
series of questions that were relayed by Megan to him, and I
received his answers on October 16.
What follows is the relevant Q&A with Val Nek (VN).
Did the
Earth Alliance establish a base of operations on Ganymede, was
one given to them, or did they just visit and leave?
[VN] The Earth
Alliance does not have a base there.
We, the Federation and the
Alliance, were given one to use for these meetings.
The base belongs
to Ashtar Galactic Command, from the Sirius B system, they are a
group that rebelled against Ciakahrr infiltration and set up a
military presence in the orbit of Jupiter.
I can report that once
Federated, meaning the Earth Alliance joins membership with the
Federation, they will be given access to certain sites and bases as
a courtesy to use for such events or meetings.
This means that
whatever facilities were provided to the Earth Alliance on Ganymede
are temporary, and merely provide a means for future meetings and
negotiations until such time as the Earth Alliance formally allies
itself with the Galactic Federation.
Did the
Earth Alliance leaders come from their civilian space programs
or their military space commands?
[VN] I can
disclose that some leaders were escorted by the alliance military
and the Federation.
These leaders included members from the United
States and their organized
space command. Soon there will be one
organized faction orbiting Terra, which will be a military force.
There were privately owned civilian space programs used for
transport, however, not for leaders of Earth Alliance.
Val Nek has
revealed that the Star Trek future envisaged as the optimal timeline
in a
2019 Space Futures Workshop Report that presented eight possible
future scenarios in space by the year 2060 is going to happen much
faster than predicted:
aerospace corporations present at the meetings?
[VN] I can report
that yes they were, in the interest of spiritual progression, they
were invited.
You see, it is the Federation's goal to help
the consciousness of all these leaders, peoples and corporations, by
exposing them to different cultures and points of view, of course,
from an extraterrestrial point of view.
This is likely to benefit
their consciousness, but also an understanding of other species,
whom they will interact with when members of the Federation.
This is
significant since it means that the same corporations that attended
the July
Jupiter meetings were also present at the Ganymede
a previous update, it was confirmed by Val Nek that,
SpaceX, Blue
Origin, and Virgin Galactic were among the aerospace companies that
attended the Jupiter meetings.
Two of the CEOs of these
corporations, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson, were on their
respective company's first manned spaceflights to the lower edge of
space, which were effectively covers for them to attend the Jupiter
This confirms that manned spaceflights are
being used as
covers for corporate CEOs and their representatives attending
diplomatic meetings with different extraterrestrial organizations.
This is pertinent
to the next question:
Was William Shatner's recent Blue Origin flight a cover for him to attend
the meetings?
[VN] I cannot
confirm but you are welcome to speculate.
My speculation is
William Shatner along with the three other
'astronauts' that flew with
him in Blue Origin's second manned flight, did use this as a cover
to attend the Ganymede meetings.
For the record, the three other
astronauts were,
What was
especially telling was the strong emotional reaction Shatner had
after the flight.
told reporters:
"I'm so filled
with emotion about what just happened.
It's extraordinary,
extraordinary. It's so much larger than me and life. It hasn't got
anything to do with the little green men and the blue orb. It has to
do with the enormity and the quickness and the suddenness of life
and death.
"To see the blue
color whip by you, and now you're staring into blackness...
everybody in the world needs to do this. Everybody in the world
needs to see this."
"I was
overwhelmed by all the things we need to do and the loves and
the losses.
It was an
enormous moment for me that I never expected."
Clearly, Shatner
was overwhelmed by the experience, but,
Was it solely due to a
spaceflight for a few minutes above the Von Karman line, an altitude
of 100 kilometers, or was his emotional reaction due to something
far more significant having taken place?
Have Shatner's memories of
an extraterrestrial encounter been temporarily repressed, so all he
had left was the emotional impact of the encounter?
This takes me to
the next Q&A:
Can you
elaborate on how the Alliance leaders were moved by the
meetings? Eg, heart chakra opening, clearing negative energy
attachments, connecting to source energy, etc.?
[VN] Ahh this is a
very interesting answer.
You see, these beings, the consciousness if
you will, that we call the Intergalactic Federation, they are
responsible for seeding many different races that date far beyond
the history of man.
They are the ancestors of planet Terra and many
others, and hold the consciousness of creation. It may be helpful to
think of them as energy instead of extraterrestrials or people.
Their energy holds a quantum frequency that contains the original
intention of this planet and its people, when it was first created
and even before it and the inhabitants were created.
Please understand
that we are aware there has been many genetic experiments on planet
Terra, with the human race, but this is not what I am talking about.
I am talking about the development of the soul, of the
By just being in their presence, the quantum
frequency activates a "knowing" within them. A knowing that they are
not a body, but a soul. That they are connected to the heart of the
people, of all people.
And so working together in the best interest
of all, is what will be not only beneficial, but the intention
behind creation.
This is a vitally
important clarification by Val Nek.
Just being in the presence of
members of this Intergalactic Confederation triggers a "knowing", a
soul awakening, through the quantum frequency they emanate.
I can
only speculate about the effect of being in the presence of highly
evolved beings that awaken one to the,
"original intention of this
planet and its people".
It would indeed be overwhelming and
life-changing, similar to what Shatner reported.
Val Nek's update
is indeed stunning in its scope and implications. He has provided
significant new details about what transpired on Ganymede.
vitally important to emphasize that Val Nek's information is the
fourth independent source reporting on the Ganymede meetings.
Something profound and life-changing is currently happening on
Ganymede, and we may not need to wait too long before the truth is
finally revealed for all humanity.