by Wes Penre
February 25, 2011
WesPenre Website
Spanish version
Idiomaterial Life Forms and the Merkaba
In physics, interaction between the simplest particles in the
universe is the fundamental way of looking at things.
The atoms in our bodies obey to these
fundamental interactions, but the Information Cloud (what we usually
call the spirit or soul) is not limited by them. It is this
information cloud that is the real us; the bodies are only the
vehicles which we need to be able to function in the physical
universe (4-space/time).
The body is just hosting the Information
However, contrary to some New Age ideas, the body is
absolutely necessary for us to be able to have the appropriate
experiences, and not something we should try to abandon in the
process. It's here, in the physical, that the "Game" is mainly being
played out.
Even when we get more evolved, we will
need our bodies to travel in space and time.

Figure 1
The Information Cloud
which makes up the
body's spirit, soul and mind
Since ancient times the Information Cloud has been called by many
names, such as "light body" and "Merkaba", acting as a divine light
vehicle, supposedly used by ascended masters to communicate with
those who can tune in to these higher realms.
In fact, according to the Life Physics
Group, the Mer-Ka-Ba refers to the spirit/body surrounded by
counter-rotating fields of light, which transfers the spirit-body
(the biomind) from one dimension to another. [1]
In Figure 1 we can see how the rotating
field unit can be described as an electromagnetic double cardioidal
spin,[2] or rotating magnetic field.
It's inside the subquantum vacuum-plenum where we see the
Information Cloud begin to take shape. The vacuum-plenum is the
Merkaba and manifests throughout the living matrix of the biomind.
Through the Information Cloud, thought
literally becomes reality, according to LPG-C (Life Physics Group -
California) and their Working
LPG-C teaches us further:
The human biomind, as thought/matter
in a bioelectronic matrix, expresses a hologramic form as a
"fundamental" body (the one you're perceiving yourself to be in
now), but can also express a number of different "resonant
harmonic" bodies, which can take the form of avatars.
An avatar is just another body
conformed out of the same energy of which our 4-space/time
bodies are, only this new body is somewhere and somewhen else,
wherever and whenever we wish to go; whether it is to the
future, the past, some planet in a distant galaxy, or to Source.
When a neurosensor practices ENS, he
extends a point-of-view away from the fundamental body (but
still linked to it), as a resonant harmonic avatar, described
above. He can then extend himself space-wise and time-wise,
using his living matrix as the vehicle.
This is nothing exclusive, except
for us here on Earth; it's done all the time by beings from the
stars, and pure energetic entities as well.
My own thought on this, which will be
brought up later, is that this will be a very common way for us
humans in the near future to travel through space and time in
the Multiverse.
It can be done with or without
technology, and when technology is used, it's sparse; and no rocket
ships or other spacecraft is needed.
2. Different
Life Forms in 4-Space/Time
The life forms in
the Unum (the Multiverse) have been catalogued by the LPG-C under 2
categories. They have found that life out there is either ontobiological or
These two terms can be broken down into
their prefixes and we can begin to see why there are two main types
of life forms in the 4-space/time.
Onto: refers to the element of
existence and life form
Bio: refers to the biology of
the life form in question. So therefore: Ontobiological =
biological life forms
Energetic: refers to the
infrastructural medium which holds the soul, or as Advanced
Physics calls it, the Information Cloud.

Figure 2
Structure and class
of various 4-space/time life forms
Extraterrestrials with a
physical, biological body, such as ourselves, humans.
The term biokind is used to
describe biological species anchored in the same kind of DNA
set which is common to all life in our galaxy, but
manifested differently depending on evolutionary
circumstances and interfering hybridization by outside
races. [3]
Here are some examples as
experienced by a neurosensor:
The first class was made of
groups of humanoids (fig. 3:1 below), just like us.
In fact, the only variance
we detected was height and weight. Our best estimate is
that these people, males and females, are anywhere
between five and seven feet, and some even taller. In
terms of other physical characteristics, skin color
ranged from very light to very tan, almost black but
without Negroid features.
Others displayed Negroid
features, but were relatively light skinned and hair
straight and brown to dark brown.
As nearly as could tell by
mere gnosive observation (not examining the inside of
their bodies to discern physiology and genotype), all of
these appeared to be carbon based.
The humanoids
represented about 60 percent of our sample.
The second group was sauroid,
or what the popular literature refers to as
lizard like
or reptilian (fig. 3:2).
These, too, offered wide
variances in phenotype and genotype. There were humanoid
like with leathery hard skins who were extremely tall
(seven feet by our estimate), about the same height as
us Earth humans (5.6 to 6 ft.), and a third subtype
about 5 feet tall at most.
All such forms were male
female typed. Then there were the moth like, very large
and very tall, with what can best be described as wings
or wing like protrusions between what we could discern
as arms and the trunk of the body.
By very large, we mean seven
feet and taller. No distinguishable male/female types
were discerned. The third subcategory was the group
referred to in the literature as "the grays (fig. 3:3)."
Of these, there were at
least a dozen variances - in height, body types
(including eye size and construction), weight, skin
color and means of reproduction.
This class represented
approximately 30 percent of our sample.
The third group was a small
conglomerate of biokinds that looked humanoid, but their
genotype and biology showed them to be iron based (for
two humanoid insectoid blends [fig. 3:4]), one subgroup
of magnesium based (circulatory system) make up, a third
subgroup of silicon based (sensoria and skeletal
structure) sol/gel (soluble/gelatinous) silicon states,
but the beige color skin looked rough, even harsh (like
the unpolished surface of cement blocks).[4]

Figure 3:1
A male "Tall White"

Figure 3:2

Figure 3:3

Figure 3:4
Ontocyboenergetic (onto = life form; cybo
= artificial; energetic = soul carrier):
This life form has both
artificial and natural systems, also known as a cybernetic
organism (Fig. 4:1).
They often have living tissue
over a metal or ceramic-like endoskeleton. Ontocyboenergetic
means they are intelligent, cybernetic organisms dressed by
organic tissue.
They are hominid, and with a
larger head than the trunk head human proportions, and their
height is almost 7 feet. This group of beings has not been
examined closely by the LPG-C as of yet.
What is known is that there are
several groups in this class, some not from our galaxy.[5]

Figure 4:1

Figure 4:2
Ontoenergetic hyperversal
2.1 Different Life Forms Beyond 4-Space/Time
All other life forms in the superdomains higher than 4-space/time
are referred to as massless ontoenergetic entities (MOD):
Ontoenergetic (life forms/souls without a
biological body):
Transducer [6]
life forms (transversals or hyperversals) are numerous
throughout the universe, some with planets that have larger
populations than Earth (Fig. 4:2).
Transversals and hyperversals
[7] in this context means life forms which can
transfer their consciousness through space and time with or
without any technology, in pure energetic form or in a
transparent "light-body". These life forms have the
impressive ability to move through the quantum superdomain
from one position to another on a planet's surface.
They are capable of
thought-based technologies far beyond that of any
ontobioenergetic beings, such as humans.
There are two different classes of
ontoenergetic life forms:
Ontoenergetic one (OE1): capable
of transporting themselves between LOMs# with only their
Information Cloud/soul. They can move both space-like and
time-like through the different levels, between different
points without using bodies.
Ontoenergetic Two (OE2): can
transport themselves between LOMs in pretty much the same
way as the OE1, except that not only do they bring their
Information Cloud, but they also bring an energetic body
having the same properties as the first harmonic body of an
extension neurosensor, as described in Section 1 above.
Early exploration of the Unum by
extension neurosensors revealed earth-like landscapes even in the
Syntonic-Diffusive, Logomorphic, and the Unisonic Superdomains.
They also revealed humanoids with
energetic bodies that were not only inhabiting these landscapes, but
were seemingly creating them using the combined minds of the
humanoids living there - massless ontoenergetic entities.
These beings are able to light-encode a
reality matrix of their own choosing in a finite area of a LOM#
(Levels Of Manifestation).
A neurosensor entering into one of these
domains may find himself in a very real manifestation of an
earth-like environment, including trees, mountains, oceans and so
on; all which are products of the collective ontoenergetic
3. Indexing of
Planetary Bodies and the Reality of the "Ascension" Concept
According to the Working Model, once we are incarnated on a certain
planet, we are working within a certain frequency range, which is
specific for that planet.
The same goes for other celestial bodies
in the universe and it even pertains to life in higher LOMs. It is
our "local space/time" and is what we have as long as we are living
as biokinds/biominds on a particular planet, i.e.
Earth, due to how we are constructed and
the way we grasp and process information about what is internal and
external to our body/mind.[8]
Dr. Bordon at LPG-C is further telling me that what was to become
the Working Model taught him and his group that all life forms are
body/minds, including the so-called "lower" life forms, such as
animals and plants.
Mind, in this context, is,
a range of
instantaneous connectivity with the "self"
one's own Information
the interconnectivity with the collective Information Clouds
on the planet
the super-connectivity with everything in the
In the higher aspect of things,
"spiritual", "physical", "living" and "life form" are quite vague
concepts, because they are all manifestations of the same thing and
are all interconnected and equal in importance.
Hence, when someone says, "I'm being
spiritual", it only means that this person is focusing on that one
aspect of life and is probably excluding the importance of the
others, thus limiting his/her life view.
Evolving as a person and as a species
does not mean that we should only be "spiritual", but instead think
in more holistic terms and therefore include all aspects of life;
the "spiritual" part being only one.
The Working Model is teaching us that this means, in reality, that
once we're born onto a certain planet (let's say Earth), we are
"indexed" to the hologrammic frequency of that planet. Consequently,
as soon as we start using our bodies after have attached our
Information Cloud (soul) to it, we are beginning to view reality
from the perspective of the collective consciousness of that planet.
Earth, for example, is already indexed
to a certain frequency range, so those incarnated here can have
experiences within that particular range. This is also why we are
viewing things similarly, both when comes to concepts and material
things in our environment.
Being indexed only once to a certain planet, e.g. Earth, means in
reality that we don't come back to the same planet again.
Is this indicating that we are only incarnated here once, have never
been here before, and will never be here again in the future?
Is the
life we're living now, in 2011, our only life on Earth?
This is what Dr. Bordon told me in
correspondence between the two of us:
We don't die... Never have, never
will. No such thing as "death" in this or any other LOM#.
There is only information as energy.
We refer to our "soul" and "spirit" as an information cloud,
which is what it literally is. Albeit, one that is superposed
upon a body. We do bring all "memories" from other incarnations
with us - but the catch is that we don't incarnate on the same
planet sequentially, we incarnate on different planets in
It is physically impossible to
return to the same planet, as one is already indexed to the
overfunction of that planet and returning would be moving
"backward" where life moves "forward."
Forward here means moving through
the Unum as experiencer of Life that contributes to
understanding of creation by all information clouds indexed to
all overfunctions in all planets and spacetime/LOMs (such as de
Sitter spaces* which contain life forms who "think up"
- create -
their own "heaven" or "place of rest" or "place of in-between")
[source: Penre/Bordon
Correspondence, Jan 26, 2011].
Your information cloud lives multiple lives in multiple ratios
of space/time because as a living information cloud, we are
theoretically a macro-quantum Hall fractional entity - meaning
we can divide ourselves into many resonant forms of the original
and go live somewhere, while say 3/5 stays put in, say, anyone
of large numbers of de Sitter spaces* we are capable of using to
think up resting places for ourselves and ours.
...this does not mean your information cloud only lives one
biological life at a time, if it did, it would be such a waste
of life capacity.
Each information cloud is capable of setting
up harmonic resonant aspects of itself - this means an
aspect-piece of the "source" cloud is harmonic to it while
"existing" in another life form, say, as a verdant or as a Pleiadian, or any other biokind.
Oh, and there is a developmental curve to the existence of
information clouds, once the T-boundary (thought boundary) is able to create them
in a unique downward creation causal chain.
Examine what this means, and it will
blow you away. We go through all of these versions of the source
we are in order to do what...? To learn for ourselves? No... We
go through these experiences as primary and as harmonics to
contribute to the overall LIFE management of Creation.
You see, we are on the fourth cycle/phase transition of universe
version, three others prior having been failures for us as Life,
as we managed to misuse dark energy such that there were "dead"
galaxies where dark energy was depleted by the life forms which
lived in them.
The Universe as we know it is
teeming with life, my brother. Teeming! Think of a phase
transition as the equivalent of a big bang, but not one ending
in a singularity or starting in one.
Reincarnation? Well, again, we would
represent a waste of life if we did not phase transitioned
ourselves from one life form into a rest place into another life
form, for many such transitions...
[source: Penre/Bordon
Correspondence, Jan 26, 2011].
These are all very interesting concepts,
but ponder what it is he is actually saying here. He is telling me
that we all live again and again, but are only indexed once to each
planet, and then we move on to live somewhere else.
He is also saying that we live multiple
lives, simultaneously.
My own research, as it has progressed, has taught me different. It
is my conviction that we do, as Dr. Bordon says, live lots of
simultaneous lives, here and everywhere. However, we do live more
than one lifetime on one planet (such as Earth).
My conviction (and I will show this in
detail later as there is much evidence for this) is that we send
soul fragments of ourselves (our Oversoul) down to Earth and
somewhere else, simultaneously, to live several lives on the same
planet, and those lives are only separated by time and line of
I am going over this in very simple
terms now, because I will make an effort later to be more detailed,
but this means we live more than one lifetime on each planet,
although once we incarnate here on Earth, we are subjected to the
belief systems of this planet, and linear time is one of them.
Therefore, it seems like we're reincarnated from the past, to the
present, and into the future.
Let's see what else Dr. Bordon has to say on this subject.
It becomes really interesting when he is
revealing his sources:
Let's use modeling offered by the
Working Model as well as gnosive evidence of teachings and work
at then City-of-the-Sun-God (in pre-dynastic Egypt) by the Lord
Ningishzidda (Anunnaki "god", also known as Thoth [Wes'
comment]), prior to his exile to the Abzu by his brother Marduk.
This would put this source at about 35,000 to 40,000 years
The next level of information up this ladder is what
Ningishzidda taught his pupils was the KA or essence, not just
physical, but also informational, more or less corresponding to
the biomind (which, more than less corresponds to the
corpoconscious entity of body information, bioinformational/auric/Meissner
The next level would correspond to the true KA or essence or
what we here at the shop chose to call the "information cloud"
or soul/spirit of an entity.
Now, what happens here is that every
object in the world (including biological entities) have a
light-cone which attaches them to the far future and far past,
such that the object and its information cloud (which is
actually, really, subquantal but also indexed much higher) [...]
and which places a most deterministic spin on what and how an
object or living thing is to be.
This subquantal determinism is what
makes literally impossible for an information cloud that
decouples from a body and enters any one of myriad de Sitter
spaces as a kind of interregnum to return to the previous
coupling conformation; not because it is physically impossible,
but because it is informationally impossible.
The subquantal information "arrow"
of a living object conjoining templates (the one that, in the
world, already exists of the person that is Joe or Mary or Max
in a current life-phase in the subquantum as subquantal
information cloud) points only to a conjoining to a physical
mass that it superposes as glove to hand for the time period of
that life-phase.
Now, imagine the trouble
Ningishzidda had in explaining this intricacy to his students!
Thus, the person who is Max or Joe or Mary in (let me use
contemporary English terms) the current incarnation is indexed
to its information cloud here which is indexed to its subquantal
information cloud.
So, the learning done by Max and
Mary and Joe enriches their information cloud (which literally
means feeding information to the Thought resonant harmonic of
the T-boundary directly and constantly) is done vertically -
meaning phase sequentially, not phase horizontally, in other
words, staying on one universe location (e.g., planet Earth) and
returning to the same location every life-phase in sequence.
This would constitute a loop which
the Working Model indicates would be physically impossible
because it is informationally impossible.
In other words, it is
how the T-boundary builds the Unum/universe.
[source: Penre/Bordon
Correspondence, Feb 14, 2011].
So what Dr. Bordon is saying here is
that due to that it is informationally impossible to live on Earth
more than once, there is no such thing as past and future lives on
this particular planet.
Instead the soul/information cloud
brings with it the experience from that lifetime, collected in what
he pictures as "vertical time", and thus contributes to the overall
experience of the Earth consciousness.
Although I've come to realize that this may very well be correct to
a certain degree, it's not the whole story.
I have tried to discuss this further
with Bordon, but he's not been very responsive on this particular
First of all, the evidence that we live more than one
lifetime on each planet is overwhelming, which I will show the
reader as we continue, and even if Thoth was correct about vertical
time, our Oversoul (or as Bordon calls it, "subquantal information
cloud") splits itself in several factions which are all spread out
on Earth (and elsewhere) from vertical time into linear.
Think of it as an almost endless wooden
plank (linear time) with a past, present and future. Then you drop
hundreds of knives from above, simultaneously, so they stick and
stand up from the plank in different places.
The knives are different versions of
you, hooking yourselves from vertical time into linear. Thus, you
live many lifetimes on the same planet. Your line of focus as you
read this paper is in the 21st Century lifetime (one of the knives),
but you have a lot more lives, separated by time and space.
In the "First Level of Learning", which includes this paper, we will
talk a lot about the Anunnaki and those who live on the planet
Nibiru, so I will only briefly mention them now. Ningishzidda is the
Enki's son and is, as mentioned above, equivalent to Thoth in Egypt.
It is from this being Dr. Bordon and LPG-C has learnt the above.
Then, of course, they have put that
information in context with what else they have learnt about what
they call the Unum, the "known universe".
Ningishzidda is one of the Anunnaki, although born here on Earth
eons ago. I have studied this species a lot and researched them
quite deeply in order to write these papers, and my metaphysical
sources and others (Google Thoth on the Internet) clearly show that
Thoth started out, just like his father, with teaching mankind
certain aspects of life in the Multiverse, based on the CDT-plates,
made by the Guardian Alliance, a friendly
ET confederation, after
have joined forces with the Guardians.
But somewhere down the line he started
to distort the sacred teachings of the Law of One, and was no longer
When I listen to Dr. Bordon's teachings
above, I can see the distortion, mixed with truth with information
left out. I will expand on all this that I am saying as we move on
through the papers. In this case, I would not consider Ningishzidda
being a reliable source.
Dr. Bordon continues:
The second source is gnosive
evidence my small ENS# team and I have gathered concerning the
work of a character we knew and called Lord Ningishzidda, an
Earth-born Sa.A.Mi/Annunaki * over the last 10 years from a
cumulus (line of research heuristics initiated on 12 January
This line begins in central Egypt at
approximately 37,500 years from today using the 1945 timeline as
common time start forward.
The evidence suggests that Ningishzidda was a master instructor
at a complex in central Egypt and also a master instructor at a
delta location following the completion of some irrigation
projects done at that site. This is a time period that
sequentially to 1945 would place it at roughly 37,500 years from
The twin mounds (pyramids) were not
in existence at the time, and the corps of Sa.A.Mi.s in the
midst numbered in the 50s, with a concentration at about the
site where Luxor is now.
The event stream we followed to
support the above contention comes from a time approximating the
time of the appearance of the home planet by Ur reading of the
signs. In the event sequence in question, the Sa.A.Mi. in
question was mastering initiates who were to minister the needs
to the first and second divine pharaohs (namely Father Ptah and
Father Ra to local priests) [Ptah being Ea/the Enki and Ra being
Marduk, editor's note].
The specific instantiation of an information stream concerning
instruction on and about the life-phase sequencing of a human
being on Earth then begins with instructions on the management
of the KA of a human being by energetic means.
This involved instruction on and
about the krist or consortium of KAs to which all
living human KAs belonged. It also involved the use of
management tools taught by the master on how to assist in the
processing of a passing KA from Earth-phase to a new phase. [We
took that to mean the passage from Earth to interregnum back to
a new location].
He taught his pupils that the
direction of the evolvement of the cloud (he used that term to
refer to the KA) was two ways - to the enrichment of the KA and
to the enrichment of the krist.
That all men-groups (we translated
that as nations, civilizations) were bound to the process of
enrichment and that all who go through a phase return to the
lessons left unfinished or undone in the previous phase to be
taken up again in the new phase, and that this was akin to
returning to one's homeland to make right all things done wrong
by the law of the krist.
If you read this carefully, it does not indicate that return is
to a "previous stations," but that the idea was inculcated
through the use of a metaphor that indicated [at least to us,
and in particular to me then] that the return to a post-rest
station [or what we now refer to as interregnum] was not
necessarily back to the homeland but to something else, some
other place, other than the Earth.
[source: Penre/Bordon
Correspondence, Feb 14, 2011].
Interestingly enough, I do not read into
Ningishzidda's teaching the same things Dr. Bordon does, if we stay
in the framework of what was just discussed.
"KA" is of course the information cloud
(the soul) and the "Krist" is the planetary mass consciousness. As I
see it, the Anunnaki is here actually saying that we are having to
face our karma, and we come back to do that.
Nowhere does he say that you necessarily
go to another planet.
My research and multidimensional experiences
as of late have proven to me that we are living many, many
simultaneous lifetimes
here on Earth and that we now, in the
so-called "End Times" are healing ourselves along the lines of time
by confronting "unhandled business" from other simultaneous lives,
whether they are in the perceived past or in the future.
This is not some theory for me; I am
living it, and therefore have first hand experience that the LPG-C
theory of planetary indexing is not entirely correct.
The following is what I consider being true, based both on research
and experience:
we simultaneously have one body here in the 21st
Century, while we may have other bodies in the 1500s, 700s, 800 BC,
50,000 BC etc.; we even have bodies in the future.
We usually don't notice this, because
our different simultaneous lives are separated
by time, as we
perceive it (in a linear fashion).
This is why we are normally not aware of
our parallel incarnations.

Figure 5
Linear vs. Vertical
How we live
simultaneous lives
The diagram above explains how we are living several lives
As you can see, I agree with LPG-C's
concept of vertical time, but not on the details.
According to LPG-C, time is energy, and each planetary body has a
time energy field surrounding it, determining the speed of time on a
particular planet. I don't know if this is true of not; I simply
thought that time was an agreed upon concept by beings living on it.
Earth is revolving around the Sun as it is rotating around herself
as well.
If no one on the planet is paying
attention to time, all that would happen would be that these beings
experience day and night and all in between, plus different seasons,
changing on a regular basis.
Then, if intelligent beings on the planet were to determined to
measure time, they could do so by locating themselves in cosmos by
watching the stars and their constellations, and then recognize what
the sun cycle is and what season it is. Eventually, a more linear
concept could emerge and we would have time measured similar to what
we have today.
So, I am not sure where this time energy
field comes into the picture, but then again, I'm not a scientist.
It is my conviction as well, that at this point in time, as we shall
talk about later, a lot of souls have incarnated here to experience
the strong energies around the so-called "end times", in efforts to
help raising the frequency of Planet Earth in order to raise
ourselves about
the frequency fence we are currently stuck in.[9]
This may very well be another
interpretation of what LPG-C is talking about regarding that being
indexed to a certain planet means we stay in its frequency field.
If what the Working Model is telling us about indexing and frequency
range, the current New Age and Spiritual Movements, when they talk
of ascending to higher dimensions/densities, are not correct. It
would be impossible, both physically and spiritually, to move to the
4th or 5th Dimensions.
If each planet is limited to a certain
frequency range by default, and we can only reach a certain level or
frequency while indexed to that "reality", or planet, ascension
would in other words not work. You can't ascend higher than the
highest level of the planetary frequency band.
So, if we take to heart what LPG-C says,
people who think they will ascend to the 4th or 5th
density/dimension would be wasting their time; it's not going to
happen, and there will not be any "Harvest of Souls" to the 4th
Density either.[10]
Ascension (if we still want to use this term in the same sentence as
the Working Model) would rather be to grab information available to
us anytime from the Akashic records, process it and learn from it,
and bring it with us through our information cloud as experience
into another reality and frequency band when we incarnate into
another planet after 'body death' on Earth.
So, when we feel like we are "lifted up"
spiritually and become
more awake and aware of how things are really
working and of what is actually happening around us, it is not an
ascension process in the New Age way of looking at it, but instead a
jump up the ladder to a new level of experience within the frequency
range available to us, depending on what planet we live on.
Then, after have learnt what we have
learnt from the experiences we've had during a lifetime, we take
this information with us and move on to another planet which is of a
higher frequency band, or similar to Earth (depending on how much we
learnt during a lifetime) and continue our experiences there.
Again, this is "ascension" in line with how the Working Model looks
at it, but although I feel that much of what I've learned about the
Working Model is correct, I have found evidence that the above is
not correct.
I agree that Earth is operating within a
certain frequency band/range; however, I do not think this frequency
band is natural, but is more of a frequency fence, set up by one or
more ET races to be able to mentally and physically control us. It's
a control system which is built in many layers, and it is quite
I will discuss this later on and show
the reader what I base my ideas on, but I find the evidence pretty
I will expand on it even more in the
papers, "Second Level of Learning". Maybe LPG-C missed this, or
misinterpreted it in their exploration of the Unum, or there are
other factors involved.
We can certainly leave the planet in our
"avatar" (or harmonic body/light body), and explore the Unum without
our 3-D body, but,
Are the frequency bands around
other planets really solid, so that the beings who live
there can't exceed a certain frequency?
Or is what the ENS#
experiences, the current frequency band of a certain planet,
but something that can be exceeded as the mass consciousness
of the beings on the planet is raised due to that reality is
fluid and not solid?
In the Working Model, what
determines which frequency band a certain planet should be
I know the original "creator gods" who
first created us humans did not intend to keep us within a certain
frequency band/fence.
Things we will further discuss as we
move on.
3.1 What is Past Life Memories?
There are basically two kinds of past life memories:
the "genetic"
the "spiritual"
If we start with the genetic memories; simply put, we inherit these
memories from our ancestors on a cellular level.
Thus, we can
"remember" things our father, our paternal grandfather, and his
ancestors along the lines of time experienced; it's all transferred
down to the children through bloodlines, apart from spiritual
memories. Then we have the same memories on our mother's side.
Upon that, of course, we have two
grandparents on each side of the family, and so the tree branches
out even more. Then in the next generation there will be twice as
many, and soon our ancestors will be so numerous that on one basic
level, we're all connected.
So can we carry memories with us from 200 years ago? 5000 years ago?
500,000 years ago? Absolutely! We not only can, but we do.
The only thing which separates us from
each other is time and focus, as we look at it here on Earth. If all
time was perceived as happening simultaneously (which it is on a
subquantum level), we would be able to experience all different
times and timelines at the same moment. However, this is not
supposed to be the case, because that would limit our purpose to
explore the lifetime we're currently in on a certain planet.
Our genetic memories don't distinguish how much time has passed, in
our terms of looking at time.
When we remember the past lifetimes of
our ancestors, it doesn't matter if an incident occurred 50 years
ago or 100,000 years ago; the memories can be equally clear or
nebulous. We also have the capability to recall several lifetimes at
once, because everything our ancestors did and thought is stored in
the memory bank on a cellular level, in our DNA.[11]
Although I differ with the Working Model when comes to that we are
only indexed once to each planet, I will let the Working Model talk
for itself, and we will discuss what I may suspect is discrepancies
and false teachings later on. It is very important for the reader to
grasp the concept of the Working Model (at least the simplified
version I'm presenting), because it has everything to do with the
alien present on Earth today.
That memory is stored in the genetic memory bank is nothing new;
it's been taught in many schools of learning over time.
What may be considered new by many is
that we, as spiritual beings, did not experience these lifetimes
first hand; only our ancestors did. If the Information Cloud does
not reincarnate on the same planet twice, connects with a biokind,
e.g. here on Earth, and becomes a spirit/mind/body complex, it
immediately plugs into the indexed common experiences of that
bloodline, and ultimately to all other bloodlines that have ever
lived on that planet.
It's like plugging into a computer
system; once you're plugged in, you have access to the whole
Those who watched the "Matrix movies"
know what I'm talking about.

Figure 6
Genetic past lives
Then, on the other hand, we have the soul memory.
Some psychiatrists and researchers have
started encountering some interesting things in their patients and
volunteers for their research. Many people recall lifetimes as
beings not from this Earth. They describe different worlds where
they looked physically different from what we do here on this
planet, and they remember alien cultures and customs.
This is the soul memory of genetic memories on other planets.
as the physical body, on a cellular level remembers everything
that's happened in the past on that planet, the soul remembers
everything that's happened in all lifetimes on all different planets
it has experienced - ever. So we bring everything with us, on all
levels. [12]
We also have Oversouls, which are relay
station on higher frequencies, and these Oversouls remember
everything that's happened to a single soul, whole soul group, or
everything that's happened in the Multiverse.
The Oversoul can also, perhaps on its
highest level, possibly be equivalent to the Thought Superdomain
(see Paper #1: 4.2), where we store the ultimate Akashic Records.
Another note on reincarnation:
Dr. Bordon tells me that the Unum
does not waste time if it can help it. So he says to me that we
incarnate on different planets simultaneously, because it would be
such a waste of time and resources if we only incarnated one biokind
at the time.
If this is true, one may also ask why we
only incarnate once on each planet.
If I were in charge of planning
the Unum and the Multiverse as a whole, I would let each soul
incarnate several times on the same planet, perhaps both in the
same, or in different, time periods, even, or I would realize that a
being would not have as much of an experience in that reality.
It would be like if you are born on the
Canary Islands and never leave these small islands in your whole
life, you wouldn't be able to experience anything else on Earth
except the Canary Islands. Everything else would be hearsay or
experienced second hand.
Yes, it is true that by being "plugged
in" to the Earth matrix, you have access to the genetic Akashic
records of the whole race, but only on a sub- and unconscious level.
This Canary Islands analogy is at least
making me wonder why Dr. Bordon believes we are only indexed once;
especially when there is so much evidence out there (which I will
dig into later) suggesting the opposite. Instead, I'd like to expand
the concept: we are incarnating several times on the same planet and
simultaneously live several lives on several other planets.
Can this really be done? Of course!
soon as we jump out of the box and start seeing the bigger picture,
there is nothing strange or impossible about it.
But let's continue:
There is also an in-between-lives-area where the soul/information
cloud goes after have exited a body on any given planet (de Sitter
In this rest area we have the chance to ponder what we did
and didn't do in our last life, put it in perspective to our overall
experiences in general thus far, heal any wounds, set new goals, and
go on a new adventure in another time and space.
We will discuss the in-between-lives-area in more detail in the
metaphysical section.
Observership and "Common Reality"
Observership is a very important part of the "game" in the Unum.
This term is not limited to higher form
of beings, or just bioenergetic entities; it is applicable to all
form of life, even animal and plant life. However, for the purpose
of this papers, we are concentrating on the higher level
functionality of observership with regards to higher mammals,
including us homo sapiens-sapiens (the thinking human).
It's the process of observership which
allows for us to carry out the fundamental purpose of the
"to know itself in a extension of itself in form of
Information Clouds."
First, the observer is realized by anything in Nature; as everything
that exists from here to the Source. The difference in the observer
can make a tremendous difference in how we see things.
The information-set viewed can be seen
as chaotic as the picture to the left (fig. 7:1) or as a table to
the right (fig. 7:2), depending on whom is viewing it and from where
and when:

Figure 7:1 - A 4-D object seen
from one's perspective Figure 7:2 seen from
These two different views of the same kind of object is for real;
the object is just viewed from two different LOMs (Levels Of
The difference is being the observer and
the observer's "index", meaning the index of a certain planet (e.g.
Earth), which come together to form a hologrammic picture of
reality, something we shall address soon.
Secondly, the act of observing may affect the process being
observed, resulting in a different outcome than if the object was
unobserved. Since observership occurs in everything, both the
observer and the observed will process the information even if they
are consciously unaware of it.
The observer and the observed are
experiencing the process depending on their "index", i.e. which
planet they are on/from and/or which LOM#. If someone from another
planet or LOM came to Earth and observed the bowl of fruit, they
would be able to decode what they observed so that it will be
perceived in the same way as it is perceived by those indexed to the
Earth frequency.
Thirdly, and the most important aspect of observership is the very
act of observation.
Observation is a function of consciousness and
consciousness is the interconnection of all energy (as quanta and
elementary particles) in a never-ending continuum. The effects of
this can be seen both on the quantum/subquantum level as well as in
As we evolve, we will feel more
connected with the T-Boundary. Once this connection occurs we begin
to see the role which consciousness plays. It's the interconnection
of energy which penetrates all life throughout the Unum/Multiverse.
In Life Physics there is a concept called MPO* or Manifest
Production Observership, which is a technical word for "common
reality". It is the reality which is literally created (or
fabricated) by all observers in the given space/time ration where it
is manifest.
The MPO is the ultimate hologram in
which the observer exists.
5. Space/Time
vs. Time/Space
Let us first define time.
The Working Model explains that time is
energy as well; "dark
energy", which surrounds everything in the universe,
including galaxies, stars and planets, and all intergalactic space
in our universe. It is also perceived differently depending on where
and when you are.
Just like each planet has an "index" as
we discussed above, it is also surrounded by its own dark energy,
which is its time, or planetary "clock" if you will. We can think of
the subquantal energetic medium of dark energies as the medium
through which Earth moves, like through water; it's quite equally
stable and equally dense.
However, as our planet moves through
seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, and months on its orbit around
the sun, there are going to be small time varieties, not really
noticeable for us living here. Still, there are going to be minor
spurts of time and other moments when time slows down.
This is more noticeable on a planet with
a much longer orbit, and in these cases, beings living on a such
planet would experience more detectable time spurts.
Also, how beings perceive time is to a certain degree dependent on
how far from the sun the planet is on which they live. Obviously, a
year is going to be perceived as longer on a planet like Jupiter,
which is farther away from the sun that Earth.
The latter is completing a year (one
orbit around the sun) faster than Jupiter.
However, interestingly
enough, longevity of a certain species is apparently also depending
on the length of the orbit around the sun. If we, out of simplicity,
say that a human lifespan is 100 years, and we have beings on a
planet where it takes 4,000 years to orbit its sun, each member of
this species lives approximately 4,000 times longer.
Its lifespan would therefore be 400,000
years. This is approximate, of course, and varies slightly due to
genetics, DNA and other factors, but in general this seems to be the
case. [13]
An interesting example of this are those
beings, described in the work of late
Zecharia Sitchin [1920-2010], called
The Anunnaki.[14]
It takes their planet around 3,600 years
to orbit the sun, but they also live approximately 3,600 times
longer than humans by default; 3,600 years for us being 1 year for
We are going to talk a lot about this
alien race later on.
Moreover, time is not linear the way humans look at time. Linear
time, with a past, present and a future, is something we have
developed here to be able to have these certain experiences which
are unique to this planet.
We have "forgotten" that
we are
multi-dimensional by default and live multiple lives simultaneously.
On a subquantum level, however, all time is simultaneous in an
ever-existing present.

Figure 8
The Ouroboros, the
snake biting its own tail,
here representing
cyclic time
Time is also cyclic in nature, with cycles within cycles or "wheels
within wheels", as perceived in the Mystery Schools.
There are small cycles of time and
bigger cycles. A planet has its own cycle, divided into lesser ones
as well. Some say a greater Earth cycle is about 26,000 years;[15]
others say 75,000 years,[16] while I have also
heard 500,000 years; it's all arbitrary, depending on our focus
Whatever our focus point is, many now
agree that we are closing in on the "end-times" as described both in
the Bible, the Mayan Calendar and elsewhere. There is a general
concept that the year 2012 is the end of this current, Greater
Cycle, and the world will end the way we know it.
Although there are those who proclaim
there is going to be a literal "end of the world", I think the
majority of people who have looked into this are in agreement that
it is a shift of consciousness, which will take on new forms and in
some terms will be perceived as a New Era.
Winter Solstice 2012,
our solar system is also in perfect alignment with the Galactic
Center and has completed a full cycle around the Milky Way Galaxy,
which only happens every 26,000 years.
According to many metaphysical sources,
this means a big leap in consciousness, because there is a lot of
energy involved in this process, and energy is also information,
particularly so when transferred on gamma rays.
At the same time, the
energy of our own Sun is changing, creating a
boost in consciousness, something I believe many of us have
experienced. In fact, according to
The Pleiadians, the rise in
consciousness has been an ongoing process since 1987.
The time period between 1987-2012 is
what they call the "nano-second", which is the time frame where the
most intense boost will occur, and we will also over these 25 years
experience that time is speeding up and time as we know it is
collapsing. As a consequence, certain timelines are merging and we
become more aware of our multi-dimensionality. I can personally
attest to that this has indeed been the case for me.
My true awakening happened just before
the nano-second started; in 1985-86, and I know there are a lot more
people who experience a time spurt as well; I'm just one in a crowd.
In larger terms, even universes have their cycles.
I can't say at this point how long it
takes for a universe to complete a cycle; it quite possibly depends
on how fast the universal consciousness evolves, but apparently and
according to the experience of LPG-C, universes do complete their
cycles, implode, and start all over. It makes sense, of course, that
our universe, which is spherical, is orbiting something larger.
This is evident, because everything in
the known universe is orbiting something larger; it wouldn't stop
with this single universe.
Here is another good reference on time, which makes the concept
quite comprehensible. It comes from
the modern Bavarian Illuminati,[17]
presently located mainly in the United Kingdom.
Their Order has a lot of old, Gnostic
information available to them; information that's been kept hidden
until recently, when they have released this information in
increments to have mankind ponder new science and new concepts about
the universe, time, the spirit, God, and other important issues.
Why are they releasing this information
now? The Order has been opponents to the Powers That Be on this
Earth, the say, since the days of Solomon (perhaps even longer), but
have had to go underground for their own safety and for their
information to stay safe within the Order.
They were the ones behind the Russian,
French, and American Revolutions. They have fought behind the scenes
the Royal Families and
the International Bankers, but now,
as we are approaching big changes, the Order believe it is time to
let people know how humanity has been deceived over the millennia.
I have been in contact with this Order
as well as LPG-C during my research for these papers (I was in
contact with the Illuminati previous to LPG-C), and I reminded the
Bavarian Illuminati of their bloody past.
Their answer was that the
Order is not engaged in war and violent resistance anymore and have
realized the limitations of using these methods. This time around
they want to use information; dissemination; education, and a
peaceful resistance movement, which they have already started.
call it The Movement. [18]
Personally, I haven't seen any Movements
with a positive outcome.
This is not because the members are not
good-hearted and serious, but because movements, if they are a
threat to the Power Establishment, are either taken out, being
infiltrated or discredited to such a degree that they lose most of
their support.

Figure 9
The Illuminati
Still, we need to keep in mind (and this is important) that groups
that seem to be opposed to each other (like
the Bavarian Illuminati
the Powers That Be, who are running the show behind the scenes
in a fashion that is not benefiting mankind), may either be two
sides of the same coin, meaning they are playing out their agendas
against each other, when on a higher level they are controlled by
the same forces,
run by the same ETs, pretending to oppose each
other to
create conflict and war and ultimately keep humanity on a
lower frequency.
Then, of course, by having people
signing up for "movements" also means the "resistance" can be
cataloged by the Powers That Be.
Normally, the members of such groups,
even on relatively high levels, are unaware of who is really pulling
the strings. This doesn't mean we shouldn't look into what they have
to say. Sometimes, like in the case of the Bavarian Illuminati, we
will be able to get some really good information that way.
Mind you, I am not saying it's one way
or the other when comes to this particular group; I just want to
make the reader aware of how things work behind the scenes.
The Bavarian Illuminati (which should not be confused with the
"Illuminati" described on conspiracy sites as being the "bad guys"
ruling the world) has narrowed down God and existence into one
simple formula:
r >= 0
R (r) stands for "reality", which is the
energetic universe, including living things in it, while 0 is God.
The theory behind this is that Reality
is greater than God, because Reality is ever-expanding, but at the
same time Reality is God, so when Reality expands, so does God.
Therefore, Reality and God are also equal.
Here they take this
concept and explain it in terms of an analogy.
For more information, I advise the
reader to visit
their website,
What does the universe look
like from outside space and time?
If everything is
interconnected because there is no physical distance
between any two things, how does that work?
If no time ever passes, how
can anything ever change?
Isn't everything just
eternally frozen?
Isn't the universe outside
space and time incomprehensible?
Certainly, we cannot hope to
describe it in the familiar terms of space and time since these
do no apply.
Still, it is useful to have some
kind of image in our minds.
The r = 0 cosmos is hard-wired to the r > 0 cosmos.
The r = 0 domain is not in space and
time, but is indissolubly linked to something that is (the r > 0
domain). So, the r = 0 DOES experience space and time, albeit at
second hand. In particular, it experiences it informational,
Consider a time-lapse film. You film
traffic going over a bridge for a 24-hr period. You then speed
up the film and compress the 24 hours into, say, 24 minutes. The
speeded up film looks both familiar and very different. The
compressed film is operating according to different rules of
space and time compared with the original film. Now speed up the
film to infinity.
What happens? If something is
travelling infinitely fast, it does not experience the passage
of time. It gets anywhere in no time. Everything is
instantaneous. The time-lapse film ends as soon as it begins.
All of the information it contained
is processed instantly.
How the brain interacts with the soul] Imagine that you are the
owner of a radio-controlled helicopter.
There's a little silver pilot
sitting in the cockpit. You start remotely flying the helicopter
and you've never had so much fun. But then you think - this
COULD be better. Specifically, it could be better if your
consciousness was somehow transferred into the little pilot guy.
For you, if the helicopter crashes,
it's too bad. You'll need to get a new one. If your little pilot
crashes, he's dead. The stakes are so much higher for him, hence
the excitement is so much greater. Your hobby is transformed
into a life and death struggle if you can switch your
consciousness into the pilot.
So, imagine that your "soul" in the r = 0 domain is controlling
a physical body, a human being, in the r > 0 domain. Well, it's
quite a lot of fun having this remote-controlled "android" doing
things at your behest. But the creature is disposable.
You're not feeling what it's going
through. Everything is taking place at a distance. You are
experiencing second-level, second-hand emotions.
Your mind needs to be inside that
human being if your life is to become meaningful. What is a
human brain? What's the point of it? If minds exist
independently of matter, who needs a physical brain? The answer
could not be simpler.
The brain, with its countless brain
cells and connections, is the means by which consciousness in
the r = 0 domain gets transferred into the r > 0 domain.
That's the amount of processing
power a mind needs if its to change its perceptions from that of
something outside space and time to something inside space and
time. It needs to be able to process, via the physical senses,
all of the signals coming from its environment.
It needs to understand spatial and
temporal pleasure and pain. It needs to feel emotion.[19]
How we perceive time is, as we can see,
quite subjective.
It's obvious that when we are at work,
for one person the day seems to fly by while for another it seems
endless; subjective time. Interesting also is that a few hundred
years ago, people weren't as linear in their perception of time
compared to now.
Most of us wear watches (although I've
stopped using mine), clocks and watches are common thing; on the
computer in front of me, at work, on buildings while I'm driving, in
stores; virtually everywhere. It's very important in our society to
be "on time", or we can even lose our jobs. While doing certain data
entry on the computer in some jobs, it's imminent that we don't
spend more than a few seconds on each entry etc.
In the industrial society, time is
everything. It's all a race against time, because "time is money".
Money is energy, and whomever controls money also controls time.
That's how it works.
When I was listening to a Pleiadian CD the other day,[20]
an engineer in the audience said that we humans became more linear
in our thinking after the railroads were built and the trains
started rolling down the tracks. They had to be "on schedule", so
people knew how long they could expect to wait at the station before
the train arrived.
Before that, we were more multi-dimensional in
our thinking, and more open for ideas that did not involve linear
There is truth to this...
Let's ponder the following scenario in relation to time: an alien
race from another star system, let's say 50 light-years from Earth,
wants to visit us in the year 2011. They are quite an advanced race,
so they have no problems finding Earth on the star map; they know
our coordination and can easily, by using
wormholes, black/white
stargates and
antigravity, travel here more or less
So, hypothetically, they take their
hyper-dimensional spaceship and arrive at Earth in... what time?
Their own planet has a totally different
orbit than ours and they don't count time as we do. Imagine that
their days are 20 of our days and their years are 100 of ours. How
do they know in what time they arrive at Earth? They have no way of
knowing that without using advanced mathematics.
They need to know the coordinates.
Channeled transversals and hyperversals sometimes have the same
They, too, can easily tune into the
earth consciousness, but in what time will they arrive? Due to our
own catastrophic events, it's now easier for both benevolent and not
so benevolent entities to enter our space/time, because we left big
rips and holes in space, and opened portals and wormholes where they
could come in when we dropped the atom bombs over Hiroshima and
Nagasaki in 1945.
By dropping these bombs, we were
successfully advertising our existence to the Multiverse.
when we got some real attention from beings all over the (star)map.
Lots of alien entities could now enter our reality in modern time,
and this was perhaps not such a good idea for more than one reason.
After that we continued dropping a-bombs
in remote places, and guess what? More entities came through as
portals were opened up.[21]
Both in metaphysics and in mainstream physics there is a distinction
between space/time and time/space. The best way to look at it is
that space/time and time/space are ratios of each other. Space/time
is thus the reality we experience as biominds here in our 4D
universe, while time/space is the reality we experience in the ether
or the astral planes, e.g. "between lives".
Here again, time is perceived
differently, because it's related to the dark energy which
determines time in the astral.
Although ghosts (discarnate spirits) hovering in the frequency field
close to ours, are rare, relatively speaking, they may stay around
as "lost souls" for a long time, in our terms. The spirit itself may
think it has only been around for minutes, or days.
These spirits didn't "make it" to the
rest area (Sitter space) between lives due to attachments of some
kind to their previous life; they just can't let go. It could be
because of a traumatic, sudden death, which puts the spirit in
confusion, sometimes not even realizing that they are dead; it could
be the separation from a loved one, or even the loss of material
things dear to them.
One or more of these examples in
combination without having a clear picture of where they want to go,
or whom they want to meet with after body death, is what makes some
spirits stay around, perceived by us biokinds as ghosts.
However, sooner or later they usually
realize where and who they are, and continue on. We all have guides
helping us cross over, but if we're stuck in an incident or similar
from our previous life, and are ignorant of the fact that we are in
spiritual form after death; some people won't even notice that the
guides are around, or may not want to go with them.
It's always important not to get
attached to things in a compulsive way and think that it's more
important than our combined progress. It's natural to feel a loss
after we lose our body, but we just need to let go and move on.
That's life and how it works, and it's
how we progress.
6. Wormholes
(Einstein-Rosen Bridges)

Figure 10
Einstein-Rosen Bridge
Something that has also been proven in the Working Model is the
strange phenomenon of wormholes.
The neurosensors found out first hand
that in the 4-space/time universe there are networks and webs of
relatively stable "Einstein-Rosen bridges (ER bridges)",[22]
(Fig. 10) which interconnect all stars in all galaxies, and even
galaxies to each other.
ER bridges will be seen through
telescopes that capture images in the visible light range.
An example of this is the energetic
pipeline connecting
NGC 1409 and
NGC 1410 (Fig. 10). Each star
system of planets within a galaxy appears to also be plugged into a
near universal web of such wormholes.
The "Fifth Rule" applies to
this phenomenon:
The fifth rule states that spacelike accessibility of one LOM# from
another in spacetime is possible by life form translation from one
LOM to the other through the induction of a spacetime origin
singularity in the index (or origin) LOM to an LOM of choice by
vector intention.
Or by life form transduction (or
tunneling) by use of the naturally occurring stable intra- and
intergalactic spider-web of Einstein-Rosen bridges, or wormholes,
such that time values in any two LOMs are time relationships between
space/time addresses in the index and target LOMs.[23]

Figure 11
Energetic “pipelines”
connecting galaxies NGC1409 and NGC1410
This, of course, makes space traveling fairly easy once a species
has learnt how to use these wormholes to more or less instantly go
from one place to another anywhere (and probably anywhen) in the
4-space/time universe.
Wormholes can also, without breaking
physical laws, be used as "time machines" after a few initial
problems have been solved:
If an advanced civilization could
take one natural wormhole mouth as it begins to increase in mass
and its twin (the end of the wormhole) will correspondingly be
reduced in mass until it acquires a net negative mass, a
relatively stable wormhole engineered to remain viable would
then be possible. [...]
MT wormholes could also be made into
time machines through time dilation, thus creating a time
difference between one mouth and the other.
[...] what if the instability could
be evaded, say, for small aperture wormholes (e.g., 340 feet in
diameter) with mouths separated by extremely large distances,
say, 40 million light years? [24]
These two Science Papers, explaining the
absolute basics of the Working Model, I hope has given some new
interesting perspective to the readers view on the latest in
If you are interested in learning more
and have the ability to understand highly scientific language, I
would highly recommend you expand my simplified version by visiting
[2] def: "Cardioid can be defined as the trace of a point on a
circle that rolls around a fixed circle of the same size without
slipping." ref:
[3] 2007. A.R. Bordon: "The
LINK - Extraterrestrials in Near Earth Space and Contact
on the Ground" p. 78.
[4] ibid. op. cit.
[5] A.R. Bordon and E.M. Wienz: "A NEW AND VERY ADVANCED
SCENARIOS - A Preliminary Report" pp. 3.
[6] Def of 'transducer':
"a device that receives a signal in the
form of one type of energy and converts it to a signal in
another form: A microphone is a transducer that converts
acoustic energy into electrical impulses."
[Ref: Dictionary.com]
In the sense of transducer life forms, LPG-C means a life form
that can transform itself from pure energy to something visible,
like a transparent light body or similar.
[7] "Hyperversals:
a New Category of Aliens?"
[8] Penre/Bordon correspondence, February 9, 2011.
[8a] This time frame seems correct and corresponds to other
research, including Sitchin, which says Ningishzidda/Thoth was
actively teaching humankind the higher physics around 36,000
years ago.
[9] 1992 Barbara Marciniak: "Bringers of the Dawn" and
different lectures by Marciniak, channeling "The Pleiadians".
[10] "The Harvest" is frequently discussed in detail in the
so-called "Ra Material"; Ra being a Collective Consciousness,
claiming to be of 6th Density, going into the 7th. They were
channeled by Carla Rueckert in the early 1980s. The late Dr. Don
Elkins was the person asking the questions and Jim McCarthy was
the scribe. These sessions can also be read online at
Another "Harvest", often discussed in the UFO field, is that
talked about in Nigel Kerner's book, "Grey Aliens and the
Harvesting of Souls" (2010), which involves, as the title
indicates, the Grays from Zeta Reticuli.
Kerner brings up a few
interesting points, but there is too much speculation in his
book for me, and much of does not feel right, although I can't
prove either way. On the other hand, I have read other material
of the same author, which I found much more compelling.
[11] "The Pleiadians", channeled by Barbara Marciniak, 2010
[12] Penre/Bordon correspondence, February 23, 2011.
[13] Penre/Bordon correspondence, February 1, 2011.
[13a] This information was also given to me by Dr. Bordon, with
a side note saying that the Anunnaki, when still living on their
home planet Nibiru, are more likely to live around 120,000
This doesn't add up, because most of the Anunnaki
royalty, like the Enki, Enlil, and the other well known
characters in ancient myth and history, are still alive, and
have been at least for the last 500,000 years.
In the subsequent
papers, "Learning Level II" I will discuss this subject and
perhaps be able to come to terms with it. My research has led me
to the answers to this question, but it's too much to include in
the "Level I" papers.
[14] Zacharia Sitchin: "The Earth Chronicles" series.
[15] see "The Pleiadians", channeled by Barbara Marciniak
[16] see "The Ra Material".
[20] Discussed during Pleiadian lecture, 2010.
[21] ibid.
[23] A.R. Bordon: "Foundation Report in Life Physics, Version 3,
No. 1, Jan-June 2006" p. 27 op. cit.
[24] A.R. Bordon: "Foundation Report in Life Physics, Version 3,
No. 1, Jan-June 2006", Note 13, op. cit.
Definitions (words followed by an
asterisk *):
de Sitter Space: in very
simplistic term, de Sitter space is equivalent with
astral plane, where you go to rest between lifetimes.
MPO: Manifest Production
Observership, a technical word for "common reality". It is
the reality which is literally created (or fabricated) by
all observers in the given space/time ration where it is
manifest. The MPO is the ultimate hologram in which the
observer exists.
Ša.A.M.i.: The inhabitants of
planet Nibiru, which is on an approximate 3,600 years
orbit around our Sun. They are also called the "Nibiriuans"
or the "Nibiruans". The Ša.A.M.i. who landed on Earth, were
according to Sitchin's work, called
the Anunnaki by the
Sumerians. Anunnaki means "those who from Heaven to Earth
Acronyms (in alphabetical order)
(words followed by a pound sign #):
ENS: Extra Neurosensor, meaning
a person who leave his/her physical 3-Dimensional body and
travels through time and space in their "avatar body", which
is a higher density body we all have, but is not physical in
our normal terms. With this avatar, the extra neurosensor
can remote view the Unum without being observed.
LOM: Level of Manifestation. For
more detailed information, see Penre [2/16/2011]: "Paper #1:
Exploring the Unum, the Building Blocks of the Multiverse".
Life Physics Group
For Additional Research:
NASA Announces Results of Epic
Space-Time Experiment