by Noel Huntley
Excerpted from "ETs and Aliens "
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Spanish version
One evening around 1986, the sky of Los Angeles was lit up with a
kaleidoscopic display of colors.
Millions of people, including the
author, witnessed this unique light show during dusk at a great
height. Streaks and patterns of zigzagging oranges, reds, greens
and yellows could be seen high-lighted by a flash of white light
cast by the sun, even though the sun was below the horizon as viewed
at ground level.
Citizens were remarking, 'Is it a UFO?'
controlled media coverage duteously told us it was
malfunctioning missile from the Air Force Base (probably
Vandenberg). Later it was revealed in a radical newspaper, Contact,
that it was indeed a missile but with a few additions.
The military were preparing to send up a rocket which had a nuclear
warhead (reason unknown).
Extraterrestrials who are in a constant
state of vigilance regarding the military and governments on this
planet sent out a warning from a spacecraft, high in the sky above
the clouds, that the rocket would be disabled if the military
followed through with the plan.
Communication of ETs with the military and of course the secret
government is not uncommon.
Needless to say the military were not
deterred, and determined to execute their program, began preparing
another rocket which normally does not carry warheads, but this one
did. However, the ETs were fully aware of this ruse and sent another
warning that the rocket would be stopped if they proceeded. By now an irate military had located the
spacecraft and they sent up a heat missile.
This type of missile has
been known to upset the field of some crafts causing them to land.
In this case, however, the ETs were ready and they 'toyed' with the
missile, causing it to zigzag over a considerable region of space,
and then they destroyed it.
One of the first recorded examples of military confrontation with
ETs was the well-known
Mantell case in 1947.
A pilot, Captain Mantell pursued
relentlessly a
UFO as reported by him via radio. It was clearly
visible above him and moving away. He remained in radio contact with
ground as he followed the 'huge' spaceship. The next thing we know
is that his radio ceased and his aircraft was found crashed on the
The nature of the damage, in particular, the crumpled wings,
was not compatible with the expected damage as a result of impact
with the ground.
Many years later this example arose in a channeling session
transmitted from a so-called Ascended Master who explained that it
was a highly unfortunate incident in which the pilot was determined
to get as close as possible to the spacecraft, combined with the ETs'
unfamiliarity with the frailty of earthman's aircraft.
Such a vehicle with protruding parts
would be exceedingly vulnerable in the vicinity of the powerful
antigravity field of the spaceship. As a result the wings folded,
plunging the craft and pilot to Earth.
From around 1947,
UFO encounters were becoming frequent, and united
States security forces were alerted in order to bring some control
over UFO sightings and understand what was happening.
During this
period, president Truman established
the MJ-12 in 1947:
a secret
government agency which would handle the alien contacts that were
occurring and liaise with the ETs.
Prior to Truman, presidents were
cognizant of military ET and UFO information but since the formation
of MJ-12, presidents are given information on a need-to-know basis
and often given false data.
William Cooper's material is extensive on the subject of government
cover-ups, some of which we are referencing here.
The formation of
the MJ-12 was apparently particularly prompted by
the Roswell
incident in 1947. Shortly after the Roswell crash of a UFO with
crew, followed shortly by another one, a great deal of attention was
given to the UFO problem; in particular to understand
space-craft technology, what has now become known as reverse
The NSA (National Security Agency) was
created to protect the secret of any alien encounter.
The various departments:
OSI (Office of Scientific
ONR (Office of Naval Research)
R&DP (the Research and
Development Board)
NSA Scientific Intelligence,
received limited information from MJ-12. None knew the whole story.
Through the NSA all forms of
communication can now be tapped and monitored.
J.F. Kennedy's involvement with the MJ-12 was no doubt instrumental
in contributing to his assassination. Kennedy repeatedly pressured
the CIA for information on UFOs. This unnerved several prominent
figures, needless to say the information was denied the president.
According to Timothy Cooper's article in Nexus magazine, this
needling of the CIA could have had sensitive repercussions, since
MJ-12 included other projects that were equally classified, such as
Parasite, Parhelion, Enviro, Psyop, Green, Spike and House Cleaning,
but also
MK-ULTRA (mind control operation).
Further to this, Marilyn Monroe, friend of Kennedy, made a telephone
call to a New York art dealer, which was wired, revealing her
discussion with Kennedy regarding his secret visit to an undisclosed
military base to see alien artifacts; no doubt fuelled by her broken
relationship with Kennedy.
The FBI already maintained a security dossier on her because of her
previous marriage to a well-known writer, suspected of having
communist affiliations. Thus according to Cooper, Marilyn Monroe was
the victim of a national security management hit by the CIA and the
Following this, Kennedy threatened to
share classified UFO data and other sensitive material with the
Russians through the director of NASA, coinciding with his peace
overture to the Russians via joint space exploration. Thus Kennedy
was requesting the CIA - the Agency he swore he would break into a
thousand pieces - just to hand over the most guarded secret ever.
The consequence of this we all know only too well.
Contacts with the
Greys and
Dracos aliens between 1947 and 1951 led
to the agreement that underground bases in the U.S. would be
provided in exchange for certain alien technologies (usually archaic
from the alien point of view but very advanced for the government).
The aliens would also be allowed to
carry out abductions, and mutilation experiments without
The government apparently did insist that the Greys provide a list
of activities, abductions, etc. presented to their NSA Council. It
gradually became evident, however, that the aliens were deceiving
the government and military and that their motivations were more
to ultimately infiltrate and control the planet.
Note that the aliens continue to deceive
and manipulate the secret government to this day.
By this time the
aliens had established themselves on Earth and were well-positioned
for unfolding their plan. They interacted with private factions
within several Earth governments. It has been rumored in articles
that there are over a million Dracos in
underground bases and
cities, and according to
the Dulce Papers, over 18,000 Greys
at Dulce, New Mexico.
It has been reported that the crashed UFO at Roswell contained
four dead aliens. Between 1947-52 the U.S. government obtained about
16 crashed alien crafts and 65 alien bodies. One live was captured.
It is said that the CIA was originally created by presidential
executive orders for the purpose of dealing with the ET situation.
The U.S. government has delineated over 70
species of aliens trying
to make contact and has in its possession over 40 flying discs and
over 100 alien corpses. Alien spacecraft technology is being used by
the Government.
Relevant to utilization of alien technology for spacecraft
propulsion is the unfortunate incident related by Dr.
Wolf in his book Catchers of Heaven.
He served as consultant to the President
and the National Security Council on ET matters and was a member of
Majestic Twelve (MJ-12)
and the UFO secrecy management agency's Special Studies Group.
Dr. Wolf was probably one of the most academically qualified people
on this planet, possessing several doctorates and other
qualifications. He had worked on many secret government projects and
had been a prominent participator in the ET interactions. He even
had his own liaison agenda with ET friends, much to the frustration
of the authorities.
He referred to his
ET friend Kolta, a
type of Zeta, as 'the most lovely person in the universe.'
In his book, Dr. Wolf recounts an incident in a security government
underground base in which a single Grey alien was demonstrating to
41 military and a couple of scientists an antimatter reactor. The
alien asked the colonel to have his men remove all bullets and guns
from the room for safety reasons. The colonel, however, refused.
This led to an altercation culminating
in the Grey being fatally shot by one of the troops. Dr Wolf stated
that immediately all military men present except one, and both
scientists, dropped dead instantly. It was discovered they all had
brain damage.
Dr. Wolf said that they left one person alive to witness their
power. Also he said that at a later time one of the aliens
apologized to him stating that it wasn't necessary to kill the
Dr. Wolf, after his retirement, represented the typical threat to
the authorities of a man holding a wealth of secret information. For
example, he developed a clone for the military which had ethical
judgment much to the annoyance of the military, who ordered a
killing machine.
According to Dr Wolf it would not destroy a dog
when commanded.
Owing to the elite knowledge which he possessed he became a target.
'Terrorists' forced his car over a cliff, killing his wife, unborn
child, and 16-year-old son. Dr Wolf survived, but knowing it was
meant for him. Since then he has incurred three terminal diseases.
As a further piece of relevant information, when anyone works for
the secret government and ceases for whatever reason, they become a
major threat to these elite controllers.
The steps to handle this problem are
varied in methodology,
induced terminally ill diseases
by disease-modulated EM waves
memory erasure with appropriate
substitution or dub-in
when possible, drugged and
interned in an institution
residence at 'Elephant Farm' in
Washington State, where all town folks have been employees
of the secret government, or have needed handling for some
reason, and where drugs are issued freely and the most
advanced programming techniques are applied. Visitors are
not welcome
Dr. Wolf cites several
confederation of ETs visiting us:
the Alliance, from the Altair
the Corporate of Greys, from the
Zeta Reticuli system
the Federation of Worlds, of
unspecified races from many star systems
the United Races of Orion
Dr Wolf also refers to a 'cabal'
renegade organization within the UFO cover-up, with the purpose of
deliberately subverting the peaceful negotiations with the ET
This group utilizes attack strategies on
Another example of lethal conflict
between aliens and the government is given in the Cooper material.
A Dr
Bennewitz, through
UFO-related contacts and information gained by hypnosis of
abductees, identified an underground secret facility a kilometer
below the surface beneath Archuleta Mesa on the Indian reservation
near Dulce, New Mexico - an area prolific for mutilations. The
installation was said to be operated jointly by the u.S. government
and aliens.
Bennewitz revealed that the base was 2.5 miles northwest of Dulce.
One can see telemetry trailers and five-sided buildings with a dome.
To the north there is a launch site with two wrecked spacecrafts
which are 36 feet long.
The base is 4000 feet long and helicopters can be seen entering and
exiting on a continuous basis. Apparently when it became known that
Bennewitz was aware of this, the mutilations in the area ceased and
the base closed temporarily. This appeared related to the fact that
the Greys and government officials fell into serious conflict over
weapons, and the humans were removed by the aliens, killing 66
government personnel; 44 escaped.
One of those that escaped was a CIA agent who took secret documents
with him and went into hiding.
Every six months he contacted five
people with whom he left copies of the classified material. His
instructions were that if he missed four successive contacts, the
people would do whatever they wanted with the material.
Now the infamous
Roswell crash that occurred in 1947
was of a spacecraft which was apparently brought down by magnetic
radiation from radar experiments conducted by the military. It
wasn't realized that the radar could be used as a weapon in this
to Zoosh, the aliens were from
Sirius and have some similar traits to the Zetas. The second crash
shortly after this was also of a spacecraft from Sirius but the
beings were more human looking, though small in stature - around 3-4
(Note that the negative Sirians had the habit of cloning
others, such as the Zetas to take the blame for their misdeeds.)
In 1948 there was reported to be a crashed disk in New Mexico in
which were found human body parts. It was apparently a medical ship
possessing a medical laboratory and it was not unusual to find such
things. The ship had a self-destruct mechanism, but apparently
failed to destroy the human parts.
The EBE (extraterrestrial-biological entity) that was caught by the
government following one of the crashes around 1947-48 was confined
and died in 1952. A colonel who was also a telepath obtained some
accurate information from the alien but the channel source, Zoosh,
points out it was simplified - as in the case of an adult talking to
a child.
It was revealed that a broadcast into space was made in an attempt
to save its life. Official sources indicated it was not responded to
but the channeled source states it was, and the response was to
return it. But the alien was not released.
Many ETs are living within the Earth. Generally it is necessary to
gain access to their domain through spiritual doorways.
The secret
government, with a technology hundreds of years ahead of our known
orthodox science, which was
obtained from aliens, have created
dimensional portals to literally snatch ETs from the security of
their inner-Earth society. These beings are experimented on and
utilized for cloning purposes.
As a result of conflict, however, within
secret government authorities, in which ethics has been questioned,
a lessening of controls has occurred over the captive ETs.
On one occasion three escaped to the surface through dimensional
doorways. Two were possibly killed and the third was seen and
reported by humans.
Mass evacuation of ETs from underground cities has occurred because
of these violations by the secret government, intending to return in
the future.
The secret government, however, has ceased all such
raids as they now realize these ETs could be their future customers.
The captured ETs were of varied races:
Sirius, etc.
In addition to this particular deterrent
to living underground, many inner-Earth races have left because of
the massive mining operations underground in the U.S. from half a
mile to much deeper.
The mining is for minerals and the
technologies used are high-energy laser and high-energy ultrasonics.
Sound techniques can be highly dangerous to all life, in particular,
low frequencies such as ELF (extremely low frequencies) that the
government utilize for transmitting signals through rock and water
and for navigational purposes for all kinds of transportation.
In spite of the above-mentioned evacuations there are many inhabited
cities underground including ones housing government families - see
the Shining The Light books.
Tunneling has been constructed from
Williams to Black Mesa and under Hopi Mesa close the their sacred
In fact this particular one, explained by channeled source Zoosh, is guarded by spiritual beings and is a vital vortex centre
linking to the North Pole, keeping the planet in balance.
Interference with this site could result in the polar caps melting.
The purpose of acquiring all these minerals is business with the ETs
in exchange for technology, which although not negative in itself is
utilized by the government - even converted to negative technologies
- for nefarious purposes, and the further enslavement of man on this
The Xpotaz, act as go-between in the
deals the government make with aliens.
Note: Xpotaz, a renegade
cabal. In the 'Shining
The Light' book they are referred to as particularly
time travelers. They no longer have a home planet.
Contacts between ETs and humans of a friendly nature have been
reduced in recent years due to the technological ability of the
secret government to know the existence of any UFO contact with
Earth and the location anywhere on the planet.
They have a device - no doubt ET technology - which emits a sound
and light frequency that acts as a matrix. It strains all ET
interactions with Earth enabling them to detect any UFO landing
whether an actual contact is made or not.
If really necessary, however, ETs can beat this system by going far
back in time and coming forward on a different time line, but one
that intersects with our present. This makes the ET contact with
Earth almost impossible to detect with the device, except by
examining an almost infinite number of possibilities.
Another system discouraging the presence of ETs on Earth or even at
a distance is that comprising
HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Project)
transmitters of the secret government/military which, amongst many
other capabilities, can map a mothership at considerable distance.
In addition, these electromagnetic waves
are harmful to the ET crews at such distances that they have had to
move well beyond the Moon. The ETs could use the ship's shielding to
protect them from the EM waves but if they do, such a field enables
HAARP to map the ship in more detail - giving photographs.
A particularly significant government/alien interaction was one that
is well known as the 'Philadelphia
Experiment'. In the 1930s the military began the secret
project with the purpose of attaining invisibility of objects, such
as ships, aircraft, etc.
Some of the best brains were involved:
The public are told that radar
invisibility has been accomplished but not told that the stealth
technology also gives light invisibility.
The Philadelphia Experiment of 1943 was
the culmination of this research and although the results of this
were top secret, even when this was leaked out it was still not
known that the Zetas played a key role.
These aliens, following their offer of technical information that
helped the allied government to win WW2, gave the government the
rudimentary knowledge to create invisibility of objects.
Nevertheless, there was a deliberate deception on their part - a
hidden purpose to cause a rift in space.
Information on the now commonly known aspects of the Philadelphia
Experiment is plentiful so we won't reiterate them other than to say
it was 'successful'; meaning invisibility was achieved but with
unexpected teleportation and time travel of the battleship USS
It was, however, a disaster for some
members of the crew. In the first attempt at invisibility, the ship
- fitted with electromagnetic coils, etc. - was without crew. This
was apparently successful but there was lack of data as to what
happened. Consequently, without more definite knowledge of success,
and safety, the military ordered an attempt at invisibility with
crew on board.
It has been stated that at this point
Nikola Tesla backed out.
Either he was fired for attempted sabotage/disagreement or resigned.
The ship disappeared and eventually reappeared with crew members
lethally embedded in the hull or wandering about insane.
The nefarious deception by the negative Zetas was to utilize the
experiment to create a tear in spacetime that would enable their
spacecrafts to enter Earth's domain undetected. Approaching the
planet normally would alert many sources, for example, as mentioned,
the government has an ET device which registers the arrival of all
alien crafts on Earth. In addition, rival alien groups would be
alerted, such as pirate and renegade ETs.
The dimensional portal enabled fleets of Zeta ships to enter Earth
through the actual physical body of the Earth - underground. This of
course was achieved via astral frequencies; the natural frequency
range of the Zetas.
From this location they could broadcast from a
great many ships specific electromagnetic pulses to the Sun to
realign the electric and magnetic fields of the Sun to cause
misalignment of Earth's grid (with the Sun and parallel Earths).
There was no awareness of this by the secret government when
treaties were signed during WW2.
This interference of the Sun/Earth electromagnetic alignment was
apparently the cause of the scientific concern during the abnormal
solar activity between 1949 and 1972. In addition to this plan of
the Zeta/Draco to take over Earth, there was an unexpected imbalance
in the electric and magnetic fields of several dimensional bands of
the so-called Merkaba fields.
According to
the Guardian Alliance
this would have caused solar energy during 1972 which would have
vaporized the human population. Earth's scientists calculated that
the anomalous behavior of the Sun's activity, if continued, would
cause a huge explosion on the Sun in 1972 wiping out humanity by
1984. This was of course kept from the media.
The Interdimensional Association of Free Worlds through the Sirian
Council of the Guardian Alliance used holographic inserts to correct
temporarily the imbalances while the Sun's electric and magnetic
fields were gradually re-aligned.
When the aliens realized they had been foiled they agreed to a
treaty accepting help from the Guardian Alliance and to be relocated
on another planetary system. Nevertheless, there was a group that
resisted, which we still have to contend with.
This group, mainly
the Dracos-Zetas, have continued with the longterm plan in which
three spacetime tears would enable them to set up a frequency fence
for enslavement of humankind and prevent DNA assemblage. The
Voyagers books give a more complete account.
The second spacetime rift, created in 1983, enlarged the first one
in 1943. This has been covered in detail in
the Montauk books from
the viewpoint of the humans involved. This was another experiment
deceptively manipulated by the aliens. The ships were brought in
again for manipulating the Earth's grid system by means of EM pulses
with a view to furthering their plans for the frequency fence and
the Zeta-Dracos takeover of Earth.
As stated, three rips were necessary at dates:
1943, 1983, and 2003
(involving 20-year electromagnetic field cycles).
With the 1983
experiment, the 1943 tear was enlarged as planned and the subsequent
time portal link between these periods was formed, and also a link
to the Dracos-Zeta dimensional-time period.
From 1983 to the present
moment the aliens are preparing to influence the government again
for the creation of the third spacetime manipulation. After 2003 the
frequency fence will gradually become effective.
The purpose is to
stop the fifth DNA strand (and above) from activation. (The human
DNA has 12 strands; 3 to 12 are electromagnetic and disconnected.)
This setback for the human race would prevent man's
evolution/ascension during the period 2012 to 2017 when dimensional
portals are aligned at the completion of the 26,556 ascension cycle,
trapping man for another such time cycle.
The secret government think the aliens are helping them with mass
control of the population through this frequency fence. That is, to
scramble selected brain-wave patterns, mutate the DNA, block out
frequencies from enlightened ETs or any outside government control
and even further, block the information from the soul and collective
But the Zetas are not just working towards creating a docile
and obedient populace; they have plans of a genetic nature.
the government create the distractions for the masses and the
general suppression, the Zetas have been full intent on preserving
their species. This involves creating the hybrids and segregating
the population into those with desirable genetic material and those
The best would be used to create various strains of hybrid
beings to strengthen and re-colonize their settlement on Earth.
A spectacular incident observed by humans in the early 90s involved
several UFOs, one enormous in size, and military jet planes. It
occurred over Secret Mountain in Sedona; the location of a secret
government base. A large column of smoke was observed but no sound -
no explosive sound - and an exchange of weapon fire between the
UFOs. The military appeared to be observing.
Channel Zoosh explained that the secret government were leaving the
base, probably because it was becoming well known, but they
carelessly were leaving it open and still in possession of alien
secret devices, with the threat of terrorists entering and utilizing
It was essential that the Guardians stepped in and prevented this.
Positive ETs, however, cannot use force on Earth to achieve these
ends (it is against spiritual law and will result in karmic
repercussions). Fortunately there are apparently ETs who are
incorruptible in this sense; they can be used for forceful
operations where necessary, with efficient action and keeping damage
to a minimum.
For this mission the Guardians went back in time to contact the
so-called Pleiadian warriors, who were able to efficiently handle
such problems without incurring any negativity.
They accepted the
task and came in a 10-mile long spacecraft (within which was a
3-mile ship and many smaller ones). They 'dropped' a sonic bomb on
the mountain top over the secret base, which silently went through
the cliff entering the base and engulfing the equipment, causing
severe disruption of all machinery. Unfortunately killing and
injuring several personnel.
It was essential that such technology
did not get into the hands of terrorists.
Another very secret base of huge proportions is under the Cape of
Good Hope according to Shining the Light material. Zoosh describes
its size as about 250 square miles less than the area of Rhode
Island. It is 150 miles down and approached either via underwater
methods such as submarine or through a maze of complex tunnels -
some 400, designed to confuse.
Not only humans from the surface work in these bases but there are
apparently about 150,000 humanoids specially developed for security
and police work underground.
Zoosh says they are not exactly clones.
They are grown in a chamber and emerge with, in appearance, an age
of about 20. They are suitably aggressive. A crystal matrix is used
at the base of the skull and spine to deflect mature souls from
entering, but allowing the entrance of a somewhat lost, inferior
species of spirit.
The Cape of Good Hope is the headquarters base and consists of
cities for the aliens and government personnel. Surface personnel
have duties of about three months then their memories are masked.
This is not necessary with the underground human type.
The secret government, up until recently, had also acquired a huge
alien satellite about three and a half miles long. It orbited over
the poles and acquired energy from them. All waste was recycled so
that no debris was detected. The satellite was like a huge
laboratory for creating advanced technology and was brought to Earth
by the renegade Xpotaz about 100 years ago.
There were nine
renegades accompanied by 180 androids, though more machine-like, but
too advanced for robots, states Zoosh.
This huge factory ship contained a secret not revealed to the
government. It was essentially alive, spiritized and designed
originally by early Xpotaz, who were more in tune with God. The
purpose of its design was for spiritual fulfillment, which would
become apparent when the Xpotaz evolved further and would discover
the method of converting it.
Anyone present at the time of
conversion would also be converted spiritually.
Prior to the removal
of the satellite, a few descendent Xpotaz were present along with
the original 180 androids and about 150 government personnel.
Government scientists were and still are trained by 'inculcation'
techniques which enable vast amounts of information to be absorbed
quickly, but uncomfortably - it is a shock to the system.
Many extraterrestrial contacts of a benevolent nature have been made
to the major governments of our planet, even written manifestos
transmitted from advanced races.
Nevertheless, in general the ETs
knew that they would be rejected and merely had the purpose of
letting the government know they are there and ready to aid Earth
when it is ready.