by Wes Penre
February 10, 2013
WesPenre Website
Spanish version
I. Some Major Channeled Sources
We have no proof if there are
more channelers today than it was a
few hundred or a thousand years ago, because in the past there was
no Internet, and information coming from channelers were most likely
being considered witchcraft by the mainstream religion and heavily
So we can assume that many psychics kept quiet if they
made contact.
Still, we can also assume that the phenomenon is more
widespread now than it was in the past, because if the channeler
didn't claim that the source was from angels or whatever God or Gods
that were worshipped at the time, the world never got to know about
Also, the sources make contact because they want their message
to become known, and not just for the material to stay between them
and a few people. At least that is mostly the case.
Also, we've
noticed that since
the RA Material came out, the amount of channelers have sky-rocketed - a true sign of the End Times.
If you ask a channeler what the difference is between their
particular source and other sources out there, most, if not all of
them, will tell you a lot of things that are different and why they
have chosen to work with their particular entity or Social Memory
Complex [def].
Evidence show, however, that most of them seem to have
a common goal, and it looks like they just use different angles to
address the same issue in order to attract a different kind of
audience; similar to an advertisement firm which puts a certain
touch to an ad in order to reach a certain public.
Some can take
quite drastic measures trying to make people pay attention. The
thing most of the channeling have in common besides the Harvest is
that they say that they are us in the future.
But are these sources
benevolent, or are they wolves in sheep's clothing? It is a very
complex subject; much more complex than one would think, and it's
not black or white.
Whether humankind will gain from our connection
with them in the long run or not remains to be seen, but after have
studied quite a few of them, it looks like they are here to make
amends to us for one reason or another, or at least that's what they
want us to believe. It's interesting, though, that they contact us
now when we are in the middle of taking a giant step in our
Albeit there may be reasons for this.
As humans once
again become more psychic, many people are more prone to tuning into
the vibrations of these entities, when they perhaps may have wanted
to get in touch with us much sooner if they could have. The Internet
has certainly been a blessing in disguise in this regard.
Whatever we think about them, it's hard not to acknowledge that they
are giving us information we would not have been able to find
anywhere else at this point in time, and evolution would have been
The fact is that we as a species have been isolated from the rest of
the universe for so long that now, when the Grid is about to fall
apart, and perhaps the Quarantine is being lifted, a lot of things
are bound to happen simultaneously, from our perspective.
ability for channeled sources to get their message heard is one
thing; then we have star beings who can more easily come here and
incarnate in order to either help or destroy; the major part of the Sirian Alliance, who previously had a hard time breaking through the
Quarantine, can now enter via stargates, almost exclusively in
spiritual form.
In the meantime, and because of the above, the chaos
is increasing and so is the confusion, both amongst common people
and in the realm of Power.
The PTB can't get away with things they
used to, because many humans can see through the lies, and some of
people in authority are being thrown to the wolves, having their
dirty laundry being hung out in public.
While all this happens, the channeled sources are playing an
important role in these times, for good or for bad, or both. I will
present this subject from my point of view, and the reader can
decide for themselves.
I ended the previous paper, "In Wait for Things to Come"
with discussing one of the most popular ad well received channeled
material of our time - the RA Material. We are going to continue now
and discuss some other channeled entities (from here on called
sources most of the time) with a similar view as that of RA. We are
also going to see that they are actually working together on a
common goal - to oversee the harvest of souls.
And the souls we are
talking about is of course the human souls!
i.i. The Elohim
I believe
the Cassiopaeans are those who come closest to the RA
cosmology, something they themselves have no problem admitting,
although there are some differences, too, of course.
Another source
who claims connection with RA is
the Elohim. This is what they call
themselves. The Elohim are channeled by two women, Daphne Karandanis
and Terry Brown. A third person, who is asking the questions makes
it a trio, and his name is Wynn Free, a former musician.
Mind you
that the group which channeled the RA Material were also a trio,
although the setup for the RA sessions was different, with only one channeler,
Carla Rueckert.
Before I go too deeply into this I want to mention to the reader
that I do not have any solid proof who these sources really are and
although there are those who are obviously malevolent, it's not
always so.
And there are also those whom you can tell are here to
help, even when they have their own agenda. My intention is not to
talk badly about certain groups and praise others; I will give you
some information and sometimes draw a few conclusions, but the final
conclusion must be yours.
I will connect some dots, and you will
decide whether I do a good job or if a lot more needs to be said
about this. Personally, I have come to some conclusions that make
sense to me, but if it shows that I am incorrect regarding some
groups, I will address that later in the light of more information.
Also, I want to make clear that I am not attacking the person or the
group who channels/channel these sources, as I think most of them
have good intentions, but when comes to the sources themselves, they
may not always be whom they present themselves to be.
This Elohim channel opened themselves up to the above group back in
2002 when Wynn Free and his fiancé, Daphne Karandanis, drove up from
California towards Oregon. When they reached Mount Shasta in
northern California, a voice began to talk through Daphne. Wynn
started asking some questions and the voice answered.
This was the
beginning of their now 12 years+ contact with the Elohim.
Interestingly enough, Mt. Shasta is known for its "paranormal"
activities, UFO sightings, and underground facilities, and there is
also a stargate located in the area.
The reader can see the details about how it all started, and much
more, in Wynn's e-book, "The
Creator Gods of the Physical Universe Want to Talk to You", and later on, Terry came into the picture as well, also
being able to channel this same group of entities.
In Wynn's case it's easy to understand at least one reason for his
loyalty to the Elohim, which is that they apparently saved the life
of his sister, who was terminally ill. She is now fully recovered,
from what I understand. There is no way such an incident wouldn't
affect you.
All he did, he says, was to ask them for help and they
Still, Wynn is telling us that he was very skeptic about
them for a long time, and it took quite a while, and some serious
research to establish in his own mind that they are benevolent. He
suggests everybody else does the same.
Wynn says that the Elohim can be of assistance to mankind in three
they can inform us in such a way that we can dispel our
they penetrate this reality with love-light energy, which
can uplift the vibration here
they can intervene (such as
with healing), but only within the guidelines of Free Will
They would never help somebody if it harms someone
else. [1]
The Bible talks about the Elohim being synonymous with
God himself,
in spite the fact that Elohim is plural (of
Others, like Wynn's group,
say they are the Creator Gods (plural) of this whole physical
universe, while some, like
Zecharia Sitchin, tell us that the Elohim
are synonymous with
the Anunnaki, "those who from Heaven to Earth
came" (I discussed Sitchin's work
in Level I).
My own research has shown that the Anunnaki is a term being used for
the "gods" who invaded Earth half a million years ago, but is
basically a term originating from Orion, most possibly brought down
here by ENKI, the head of the faction of Sirians (the Fallen Angels)
who arrived here half a million years ago.
However, these gods who
arrived here and started manipulating the DNA in existing humans and
apes were a mix of,
Alpha Draconians
...and a few other star races.
I gave the name The Sirian Alliance to
this group of star beings.
So if we are to believe Sitchin's translation of who the Elohim are,
they are the Sirian Alliance. But if we go with the claim that the
Elohim are actually the creators of this physical universe, like
Wynn and his group say, then we still have to ask ourselves, which
physical universe?
The 4% or the 96%? If they are talking about the
4% (the universe we perceive with our 5 senses), then we are still
coming back to that they are the Sirian Alliance.
Only if they are
talking about the physical universe before the Sirian Overlords
tampered with our DNA, and they were working directly with the
Mother Goddess, can we consider this Elohim group being benevolent
(if they are truthful, that is).
So let's see who they are, what
their cosmology is, what their intentions are by contacting this
group of humans, and what the effects are from the channeling. Also,
let us take a look at whom they are in cahoots with.
They do
mention, however, that they consider themselves being more feminine
than masculine due to their creative abilities.

Figure 1
The 7 Superuniverses
according to the WingMakers.
i.i.i. The Cosmology of the Elohim
Let's start with their cosmology. Like almost all channeled sources,
they say there is One Creator, which is All That Is, and we are
smaller portions of that One Creator, here to have experiences, so
that the Creator can have experiences outside of himself.
consists of a Central Universe, and from that, five other universes
expand, while a sixth universe is being formed as we speak.
Interestingly enough, that corresponds with the Seven Superuniverses
the Urantia Book and in
the WingMakers' cosmology, and is also in
line with
LPG-C's seven superdomains, although the latter are
constructed slightly differently.
Moreover, they are very much in contact with RA and share their
cosmology to a very large degree.
Therefore, they say, just like RA,
that we are at the end of a 75,000 years cycle, and that we are at
the point where some people, who are 51% STO [def], will be
harvested, and RA and the Elohim, together with other star beings,
such as Carla Rueckert's new group, the Q'uo, are here to help in
the process.
In fact, although RA said that they would never speak
through a medium here on Earth again if Carla Rueckert's group will
dissolve (which it did when Dr. Don Elkins - the questioner of the
Ra Sessions - committed suicide), because no one else could hold
their energy, RA is back and apparently channeled through
metaphysical researcher, David Wilcock.
Carla Rueckert, who is
friends with Wynn's group, says she thinks Wilcock's source is
indeed RA, but a lower vibration of the same collective Carla
channeled in the 1980s. If this is true, Wilcock is apparently
strong enough to hold their energy.
Like I said in the beginning, the Elohim claim to be the creators of
the entire universe; the original Creator Gods I was talking about
both in Level I and II, the so-called
They are from the
6th Dimensional ray of light & love, and now they are coming to
Earth to partake in what they say is a very important event; the
ascension to the 4th Density Earth.
We get the feeling it's their
responsibility to come back and "check in" on their creation.
however, that they are not saying, from what I know, that they
created mankind in particular, but they created a universe for
mankind to be created and develop in. They also say that
2012 and
the Mayan Calendar, and prophecy in general, has a lot to do with
why they are here now.
It's all connected to the Harvest and the end
of a major cycle.
i.i.ii. Angelic Beings from Outside Time
Wynn says in his book, "The Creator Gods of This Universe Want to
Talk to You", p.26, that P'taah is a high individual soul, who made
himself known to Wynn and Daphne, although he happens to be a member
of the RA group.
So, curiously enough we now have the terms RA and P'taah. Ptah was the Egyptian name for ENKI as the first Pharaoh of
Egypt, and MARDUK, ENKI's son, is also known as Amon RA, the "Hidden
This name issue (P'taah and RA) has been addressed at times
with the RA Group, who denies any connections with the Egyptian
deities. Oh well, coincidences then?
I just find it peculiar that
both ENKI and his son, RA, are presented (name-wise) in the RA
group, and P'taah is channeled by Daphne side by side with the
Elohim Group (Elohim also relating to the Sirians, just like RA/MARDUK
and Ptah/ENKI). Why so many coincidences and still they deny them
Anyway, the difference between the RA Group and Elohim is that the
RA collective are graduates from the 7 Density realm, while Elohim
exists outside of time.
RA have incarnated here in this physical
universe, while the Elohim have not. The Elohim have entered this
reality out of curiosity to see how it is to live in 3D, but they
have never incarnated. Some of them have never even left their realm
outside time in order to stay pure and not be affected by the realms
To understand what it means to live outside of time, the Elohim explain it like this:
if something lives outside of yourself,
you must add time to the factor as a reference point of before and
No reference point, no time.
If it's true what they say, it
makes me think they live in the KHAA [def], but what they are
describing is the 4% universe and its dimensions and densities.
Without putting any judgment on Elohim at this point, it's necessary
to say that not all beings or star races living in the KHAA are
benevolent, loving beings.
The Orion
is the higher realms of
the KHAA, but the KHAA has its own dimensions and densities as well.
So please be advised that the Harvest spoken about is addressing the
levels of reality in the 4% universe, and not in the KHAA.
Not once
has any of these sources (except the Pleiadians what I know of) even
mentioned the real universe (the 96%), although they simply address
it as "the invisible universe" - invisible to our 5 senses, that is.
i.i.iii. Channeling the Elohim
The Elohim are allegedly transmitting great portions of love and
light; at least according to many of those who attend the sessions.
They also say they love us tremendously and think very high of human
beings - we are very special, according to them. Although, sometimes
a less loving thought pattern is revealing itself to us.
In Wynn's
e-book, page 90, Wynn is asking the Elohim what it is that limits a
normal 3D being from operating outside 3D rules, and the Elohim
"The normal fog-dense brain."
Wynn then asks if that is how
they talk about humans when we're not around, and they respond,
is a product of our frustration when working with your realm."
One would expect a huge amount of love, and
understanding in particular, from beings who say they are the
highest of highest on the universal scale and after all have
created it, but their response here clearly shows that they
don't look upon us that highly after all.
I am a
being, still being stuck here in 3D, working hard to work myself out
of the trap.
I am communicating with my fellow 3D beings every day;
beings who don't know anything about what's going on, and I don't
feel frustration anymore.
If I don't feel frustration when dealing
with our 3D issues, although I'm "just" a 3D being, why would they,
who apparently are supposed to feel infinite, unconditional love? I
may sound picky, but sometimes it's in the small details you
eventually can start seeing the bigger picture. It's very important
not to trust a source only because they transmit large portions of
love and light.
It's easy for them to transmit those energies by
using technology and by using positive universal energies against
us. All they need is to know how to do it. For them, it's kids'
stuff. Because RA have experienced our realm, they have more
knowledge how to overcome obstacles here than Elohim have, but
Elohim are more angelic and can perform miracles.
They actually say
they can beam love/light energies into this realm, although they are
mentioning this in a positive context. They are often working
together with RA to liberate the Earth realm.
In both Level I and Level II, I discussed something I call
The Wave
of the Supernova, which supposedly is a wave of energy heading
towards Earth in faster-than-light speed. Some people fear this
wave, while others believe it's going to raise our consciousness,
either to become truly multi-d or enough to once and for all ascend
to Density 4 (those who are ready for it, that is).
Like I said at
the time, this is an event that could happen around 2012, or it
could happen later.
We are still waiting, but by looking into the
channeled sources a little bit extra, like I have done since then, a
certain pattern starts to unfold, and it has to do with the Harvest. Not only do a certain amount of sources suggest they
are here to help us with the Harvest from the 3rd to the 4th
Density, but they also tell us that they are all riding the Wave.
And this Wave is approaching Earth in super-high speed! They say
that the Wave is the direct cause to our ascension!
I found this a
little peculiar and looked into it some more. The result of my
research will be revealed in a couple of papers from now.
the Cassiopaeans
the Alpha Draconians,
...according to
themselves (as we shall see), are all Wave Riders.
Let's continue with three channeled sessions, so the reader gets the
feel for them. In the first one Wynn Free is the first talker, and
beside him is Terry Brown, who will start channeling a few seconds
into the video.
In the second and third videos we hear Daphne Karandanis channeling the same entities:
Multimedia 1 (M-1)
Terry Brown channeling the Elohim
Multimedia 2 (M-2)
Daphne Karandanis channeling the Elohim
Multimedia 3 (M-3)
Daphne Karandanis channeling the Elohim
These videos are merely short examples of all the channeled sessions
by Elohim, of course, and are perhaps not even directly
representative for them; I simply picked them more or less at random
on YouTube.
I also wanted the reader to hear both Terry and Daphne
channel. I advise the reader to go to YouTube and listen to more
sessions to get a broader picture of this channel.
I have talked to Wynn some, and what he repeatedly says is that
those who are either attending the conference calls or are sitting
in the live audience often feel an increase in energy; a feeling of
happiness and joy - an overall uplifting experience from being in
the energies of these beings.
Also by reading transcripts, many
people can feel a similar thing, because the energies are put into
the words in the transcripts.
I am not going to comment on how
people feel when they listen to Elohim, however; that's a very
personal experience.
i.ii.iv. RA, The Council of Elohim, The Council of An, and the
Council of 12 - All Familiar Terms!
There are a few comments I would like to make on the Elohim
channeling above, though.
First thing, they give a rather vague
answer to Wynn's question in M-2 above (circa 4:45 into the video)
whether Elohim has anything to do with being part of the Elohim of
the Bible. They reply that they are connected "to some degree or
We know that the Elohim of the Bible are
Sirian Overlords, or whom the RA Social Memory Complex (SMC
[def]) calls the
Orion Group. But we never get a straight answer what part they had
in the whole Sirian/Orion escapade.
I would probably have left it
with that, if it wasn't because there is more.
Approximately 2 minutes and 45 seconds into M-2 Elohim say that they
are the Council of An, which is a division of the Council of Elohim.
The Council of Elohim in their turn answer to the Council of 12!
Where have we heard that term before?
The reader may not remember
off hand, but I talked a lot about the Council of 12 in Level I,
particularly in PFC Paper #1 of May 5, 2011: "The Marduk Issue and
the Earth-Bound Anunnaki". [3]
The Council of 12 is the Council of
the Earthbound Anunnaki (the Sirian Alliance), led by Marduk (who is
in alliance with his father, Lord ENKI, something we will discuss in
a later paper).
In fact, the friction between the Earthbound Sirians
and the Incoming, as described in Level I, seems to just be a show
for the masses. I believe that scenario was just one of many
distractions put into play so that the Incoming forces, who are not
physical but interdimensional, could invade silently without being
I believe Utu Shamash, when he contacted me, had the same
intention to distract me from the real issue, knowing I would do
everything in my power to get the truth out there.

Figure 2
The Council of 12.
So, now we have the name Elohim, RA, Ptah, and we have the Council
of An (we all know who An or ANU is in this whole scenario - the
King of Kings of the Anunnaki/Sirians), [4] and the
Council of 12.
These are all indicators that this Elohim group that Daphne and
Terry channel have a Sirian connection. Are these just coincidences?
Why would these channeled sources use all these Sirian names and
terms if there wasn't a connection?
But if the RA group is connected with the Sirian Overlords, why do
they attack the Orion group, which in that case would be like
attacking themselves?
One option would be because they want to blame
Orion for the bad ET intervention on Earth in preparation for a
future war against Orion, and at the time when the RA Material was
released (as well as the Cassiopaean Experiment), no one here on
Earth knew that the Sirian group was led by an Orion rebel - ENKI,
Lucifer himself.
No one knew that ENKI came from Orion until I
revealed it; or rather, those who knew kept quiet about it, because
they wanted to put ENKI in a good light. By blaming the evil
intervention on the Orion "Group", they could get away with it
without lying.
No one expected that the information about ENKI being
Orion would be publicly known.
By the time I'm releasing this
information, I still haven't had too many visitors to my website
yet, but in the future, when it will take off (due to that more and
more people will search for the truth), those who tried to cover up
the fact that ENKI is from Orion and one of the "bad guys" (thereby ENKI himself), will not be too happy about that this information is
public, and will do what they can to ridicule it.
If we continue to video M-3 above, in the end Daphne is channeling
Archangel Michael, who is later toning on a low E, and when people
start channeling those archangels, I get suspicious. It never feels
genuine to me, regardless of which group it is that does it.
video ends with that the host for the radio show is breaking out in
tears, saying she has never experienced anything like this before.
There are apparently a lot of energies let loose during these public
channel sessions.
Another thing (which doesn't show in these three videos) is that
Elohim allegedly have cured some quite sick people. We have already
mentioned Wynn's sister, but apparently there are more, and they say
that if we need them in that respect (or in general) we only have to
call for them and they'll come.
I don't want to pain the Devil on the wall here, but are they doing
this to show credibility, or is it genuinely done to help us? In the
Bible Prophecy it says (and yes, Christians are going to like this!)
that there will be many deceptions in the End Times, and there will
be those who claim they can heal the crippled and the blind and
resurrect those who have died.
But aside from that, the fact (if it
is fact) that they have done this is something Wynn and his group
are advertising to bring more people to listen to them, obviously.
Wynn also states that the incredible energies of love and light this Elohim group is emitting should be evidence enough, as it can't be
Without suggesting that they are faked in this case, I
disagree with Wynn. Channeled sources who don't have our best
interest at heart can very well mimic high level energies without
feeling them themselves.
They use our own highest emotions and those
available in the universe to channel through the vehicle (psychic
person) in order to deceive those who listen.
People can come out
from a session feeling incredibly uplifted, and the source can still
be of ill intent. Unfortunately, this is something few people know
about, and if they do, they don't believe it. Well, now I've said it
(twice), so with that in mind, people have to feel those things out
for themselves and always look for red flags.
When comes to Elohim,
the red flags to me are the name Elohim, the Council of An, and the
Council of 12, in particular. Also their connection with RA and
P'taah, which are both Sirian terms.
I understand if those who
attend the sessions want to discard this, because they feel so good,
but these are strange coincidences nonetheless. Another thing is the
Harvest, something I do not embrace at all and want to have nothing
to do with, personally.
It's up to each and every one to feel the Elohim out.
I have
listened to them, and I have read Wynn's free e-book, but must say
that I do not feel those high love and light frequencies those
people talk about, and overall I wasn't too impressed. What I hear
is a channel that often has a hard time finding the right words and
is sometimes stumbling on them, and it doesn't affect me positively,
contrary to some other sources.
I must say I had a much more
positive experience reading the Law of One books (the RA Material),
listening to the Pleiadians, and Bashar, whom we are going to look
into as well in time.

Figure 3
Wilcock and Free say that Wilcock
is a reincarnation of
Edgar Cayce (Cayce left and Wilcock right).
There is undoubtedly a great
Wynn has strongly suggested to me that I read his book, "The
Reincarnation of Edgar Cayce", which basically supposedly shows
evidence that
David Wilcock is a reincarnation of Cayce, the famous
sleeping prophet.
Wynn tells me that people have a tendency to look
like their previous incarnations, and I agree that there is a
stunning resemblance between
Cayce and Wilcock. Apparently, there is
more than just a facial expression, but I must confess I haven't
read the book yet. If what he's saying is true, I still don't find
it interesting enough, unless Wilcock starts creating astounding
prophecies that come true.
More people have been famous in their
past lives. If I were Aristotle in a past life (and I'm sure I
wasn't), I would raise my eyebrow, but that's about how interesting
that is. Another lifetime, another experience.
Still, I understand
and respect those who want to know such things, so it's seriously
just a personal take on it. I would never go in regression therapy
to find out who I was a few hundred years ago. But for those who are
interested, Wynn's book may be something to look into.
You can see
the similarities in fig. 3 above. After all, I have stressed in my
previous papers that during the time around the nano-second, old
souls who have reincarnated here before will show up again, souls
such as Tesla, perhaps.
These geniuses don't want to miss out on
these times. Cayce could of course be one of them, as well. Besides,
there could be something more Wynn is revealing in his book that is
more interesting than the Cayce connection, and if so, I apologize.
Like I said, I haven't read the book.
But Wilcock is not the only one in this
Elohim channeling group who
say they are reincarnations of famous people.
Terry Brown is
apparently the same person as St. Catherine of Siena. Again, there
is a resemblance in the photo they are usually showing to the
public, but I can neither confirm, not dispute. However, when I look
at old paintings of St. Catherine, none of them, except the one they
selected, is showing much of a resemblance with Terry, in my
For the curious, read Wynn's books to make up your own
mind; I just want to show the reader who these people say they are,
and perhaps, if what they say is true, it could be the reason why
they have abilities to more easily express their psychic abilities
than the average person.
In his free e-book, Wynn is asking Elohim about Lucifer.
We now know
who Lucifer and his Fallen Angels are (see previous paper, section,
The Orion Group - Friends or Foes), so I wanted to compare. I must
say they got it quite right, although they don't do any comparisons
with names.
But they clearly describe the group of star beings who
came down here 1/2 million years ago and fought a battle against the
faction of the Orion Empire, which still was present on Earth.
i.i.v. The Possible WingMakers Connection, Elohim Connections with
Famous Humans, and Ancient Visitations
In this paper I want to introduce a few sources who have the same
cosmic view, and who say they are here for the same purpose - the
I want the reader to be aware of them and their view on
cosmos and on we humans, because it becomes relevant when we go into
the Galactic Federations in an upcoming paper, and Phase II in the
Alien Invasion, which is not fantasy, or something I made up.
I can
guarantee you that what I am about to present in a few papers ahead
comes directly from the horse's mouth. Not many people know about
So let us continue with a few more things about Elohim and the RA
Group, and let's look at a few answers they gave to questions they
were asked. Through these answers, it's easier for us to know them
So, like many others, they say that the 3rd Dimension is a lesson in
limitation, against odds, to temper and strengthen the soul. In
addition, each dimension has its own lesson (so here they talk about
what RA calls densities, while Elohim call it dimensions. This
distinction can be confusing to the reader).
Then there is something they say which caught my attention.
The Elohim tell us that after the Atlantis disaster, they sent star-seed
to Earth in order to help rebuilding what was destroyed in the
Flood. They were hoping to establish a strong connection between
themselves and the Anunnaki star-seed, already operating on Earth
(the Sirian Alliance).
However, Elohim say they were discouraged at
the divergence of these star-seeds into Earth activities and their
forgetfulness of their Elohim origins. [5]
So here they are clearly telling us that the Sirians once upon a
time were Elohim themselves of the angelic realm, but had forgotten
about their origins (Dr. A.R. Bordon of former LPG-C always said
that the
Ša.AM.i [Sirians] had forgotten who created them, and A.R.
didn't know, either).
We know from Level II that the Sirians were
not created by the Mother Goddess herself, or by members of the
Orion Empire, so Elohim is probably not Orions, although they may
very well originate in the 96%, because they tell us they exist
outside time.
On the WingMakers website, [6]
James talks about a
similar (or the same?) group as Elohim, but call them the WingMakers.
They, too, live outside time and are the creators of this universe.
James and the WingMakers, however, do have a connection to the
Sirian rebel group who came to Earth and manipulated human DNA, and
he even uses Utu Shamash's Winged Sun Disc as one of his logos.
However, according to what Elohim say here, the Sirians were
supposedly a part of them, but have descended, just like we did when
we were tricked into taking 3D bodies which would keep us trapped in
3D. The Sirians' situation is a little different however.
If it wasn't for the other evidence discussed earlier in this paper,
I would find it possible that the Elohim are actually of the Orion
Empire, and in fact the angelic beings who did not rebel together
with Lucifer/ENKI. That would explain how Archangel Michael can be a
part of this group.
However, with what I know, it makes very little
sense that the Elohim are the angels who didn't fall, and Archangel
Michael is not an individual, but whomever is leading the Orion
defense forces at the moment.

Figure 4
Joseph Smith encountering the Elohim
(first vision)
Joseph Smith, who had an angelic encounter with higher beings before
he founded the Mormon Church, also talked to the Elohim group.
However, there are contradictions saying that the
Book of Mormon
was written before Smith had his visions, and not the other way
around. [7]
After have researched the First Vision, which was the
most important one for Smith, it sounds to me like another encounter
with Lord ENLIL, or perhaps even Lord ENKI. Although Smith never
identified the two personages, or angels, that he saw, the Church of
Latter Day Saint interpret them as visions of God and his son, Jesus
Christ (ENKI and MARDUK?).
Smith is told by these angelic beings
that he shouldn't join any existing church, because they are all
false, but he should start studying the Commandments. Also, these
beings came down in a pillar of light, just like "God" almost always
did in the Bible (except in incidents like that with the Moses and
the burning bush).
If these beings were the same Elohim as we are
talking about here (and they say they are), I have a hard time not
relating them to the Fallen Angels.
There were apparently a few Elohim star-seed (star-seed in this case
referring to those who chose to incarnate on Earth, or visit the
Earth plane) who after all have incarnated here on Earth (while
there is another group who chose to never to that, so at least some
of the Elohim stayed pure in their original form), and according to
this channel, they volunteered to do so in order to uplift the
planetary vibration so it would help us evolve.
However, it was not
always successful because of the Veil (of forgetfulness). Once an Elohim incarnated in a human body, they forgot who they were and
their connection with the divine.
The Elohim also had an "occurrence" here 60 million years ago, when
there were gold miners on Earth (before the Sirians came).
that occurrence did not pan out well, they said.
NOTE: 60 million years
ago was shortly after the dinosaurs disappeared, which means that
the Elohim possibly made contact with the Vegan group who was here
at that time and created a reptilian/humanoid race, based on earthly
reptiles and Vegan genes [see Level I, Genesis Paper #1 (March 31,
2011): "Human Origins and The Living
Then, at another occasion they made contact with King Solomon, a
contact which panned out in a more constructive manner, they say.
Like I mentioned, the star-seed who incarnated here soon forgot who
they were due to the Veil, but still others came after, totally
certain that the Veil would not affect them.
They came to Earth to
rescue those of their own star-seed who had gotten lost here in the
reincarnation cycle. The rescuers, of course, got trapped too, in
spite of their conviction. It's interesting that they didn't learn
from their mistake, and instead did the same thing over and over
again, despite the fact that they obviously knew how the Veil works.
These lost star-seeds are supposedly still here, being somewhat more
"enlightened" than the average human, but don't know why they are
different. They are just waiting to be able to remember.
I found a quote in Wynn's e-book which I found quite educating, and
which corresponds with what I have been teaching as well.
I think
it's in order to re-emphasize it, because it is important.
"The idea of possessions was the foundation for the growth of the
negative realm. The many factors and complications that became
involved led to the third dimensional reality that humans experience
A human can reclaim his innate divine powers of creation by
stepping out of all these possessions and ownerships and by
returning again into the realm of creation and love.
They don’t have
to relinquish their possessions, just their attachments to them."
The reason I want to emphasize this is because people think, I have
noticed, that in order to be "spiritual", they need to let go of
material possessions.
Not so. You can have as much as you need and
it won't hurt in this life or in afterlife, as long as you are able
to let go of your attachments to them.
For a while, in the beginning of researching the Elohim, I thought
they looked at creation from a feminine standpoint, and I thought
that maybe these guys are different after all; especially as they
said that they look upon themselves as more feminine than masculine
because they have the power to create.
However, as I continued
reading, I noticed that, like so many other channeled sources, they
addressed the Creator as He.
Another thing I find odd is when they explain how we achieve what we
want in life. In the e-book, they took an example of someone who has
a bad eye-sight, and who worked very hard to get a better eye-sight,
but didn't succeed.
Then he said to himself,
"I will never get 20-20
It was then, when the person saw it for what it was that
his eye-sight got better.
In fact, this person gave up and started
thinking in the negatives, which does not normally give people what
they need. Positive thoughts give positive outcomes and negative
thoughts give negative outcomes. A godly group like the Elohim
should know this. Another red flag.
Lastly, I want to emphasize that many of the things I have pointed
out here are things that either differ from many other sources,
align with the same, or clash with my own research.
I want to add,
before we go on to the next source, that there are also a lot of
things told by the Elohim that I agree with and is in accordance
with my own research.
This is often the case with many sources; they
can teach us a lot (and they do), but we must question their motives
before we dedicate too much of our time to them. Most of them (if
not all) have their own agenda, which can be a very bad thing for
us, but doesn't have to be. It all depends on what the agenda is,
and if it benefits us as well.
Always make sure you find out what
their agenda is, and even if it seems okay, always be alert and read
between the lines, but without becoming paranoid about it. It's a
skill to be able to step back from some material and take a new look
at it from another angle.
Does it still hold water? It's not easy, I
know, but we all need to practice this skill, or we'll be deceived,
time after another. And don't be afraid or ashamed of being
deceived, either; we all are once in a while. So am I, but that's
how we learn.
The Elohim, like so many other metaphysical sources, have a very
positive thing in common that I find is appropriate to mention here,
because the Elohim are big on it as well. It has to do with nuclear
Those who study the UFO phenomenon and exopolitics
usually know that ETs often show up around power plants.
Some of
them use craft that are able to misdirect nuclear explosions,
because they are so incredibly destructive - not only for life here
on Earth, but in other dimensions as well. They also mention that it
is better to get a secondary effect from a nuclear blast than to die
in the blast itself.
If a being dies in the original blast, there is
a big chance they lose their soul matrix, as the Elohim explains it,
and struggles to find it.
They say,
"It [the soul matrix] misshapes
itself into the vestiges of whatever portion of the blast it finds
itself in in an effort to maintain form..." [9]
This is a nicer way
of saying that the blast destroys the avatar, and the fires get
dispersed and can't find each other again to create or maintain a
The fires split up in thousands of pieces, like the shattered
pieces of a vase dropped on the floor. They have nowhere to go and
will eventually return to becoming one with the universe again - the
person loses his/her personality.
The Elohim say that if there is
one prayer they recommend, it is that which addresses the end of
nuclear power in the weapon industry.
With that we're going to leave the Elohim for now, but have reasons
to come back to them in a later paper, which talks about the
ascension process, abductions, and a lot more.
We also touch on
this group in
the Galactic Federations paper.
i.ii. The Cassiopaeans
The Cassiopaeans, just like the Elohim and RA are a
Social Memory
Complex (SMC) and are basically "channeled" by three people - one channeler, one questioner, and one scribe.
I put "channeled" within
parentheses, because this source is not exactly channeled, and this
group of people would agree with me. They are actually using an
Ouija board when communicating with the source.
This source has been channeled for approximately 20 years now (since
1994), and there are lots of transcripts available for free
online. [10]
The people
behind this, what they call The Cassiopaean Experiment are
Knight-Jadczyk, Fred, and Paul (the two latter are usually not
addressed by last name).
All the three of them are quite sure that
it is Laura who is the cause of the information transfer, and that
it is more or less because of her that the Cassiopaeans managed to
get in touch with this group, although they also say that Fred could
probably go ahead and channel from morning until dark.
Laura says
the Cassiopaeans are probably something from her subconscious mind,
or what Carl Jung called collective unconscious.
Being us in the Future
When the Cassiopaeans first contacted them via the Ouija board, they
said they were we humans in the future, or a "Higher Self", which is
more evolved than we are at the present here on Earth.
Like so many
others, they tell us that time is simultaneous, and this is the
reason why this source can contact us from the future. They also say
they are us in 6th Density.
Important to stress here is that the Cassiopaeans (from here on
interchangeably called the Cassios) are not "aliens" or "discarnate
Here is what they say about themselves:
"We are you in the Future.
We transmit 'through' the opening that is
presented in the locator that you represent as Cassiopaea, due to
the strong radio pulses aligned from Cassiopaea, which are due to a
pulsar from a neutron star 300 light years behind it, as seen from
your locator.
This facilitates a clear channel transmission from 6th
density to 3rd density." [11]
We are hearing this concept a lot when comes to channeling; the
source is us in the future.
The alert reader then must be thinking,
"How can all these different sources be us in the future?"
They are
different entities; they transfer from different locations in
time/space, and they have slightly different things to tell us
(although the main message is usually similar).
The answer is quite
simple if we understand the concept of probable futures. We are
standing before crossroads all the time as individuals and as a
collective consciousness.
The possible reason why we have so many
sources contacting us at this point is because we now stand before a
major crossroads; a fork in the road. We are not talking about only
two possible futures for mankind, but an almost endless amount of
And it's not that the entire mankind is going to choose one
distinct future; we are going to be divided into different timelines
- different multiverses, even.
Earlier I have talked about how each person lives in his own version
the Multiverse.
Every time you make a decision, ad put thought,
emotion, and action behind it, you slightly change the fluid Multiverse you live in. With time, you have made a lot of decisions,
and depending on what these decisions are will determine how your
Multiverse will look like.
See, we are all creators in our own
rights; even if you do nothing, that's a decision, too.
So, not only
does each person create their own Multiverse, but each decision also
affects the whole mass consciousness of humankind. Each decision,
unless it's a major one which is changing the path of the whole
mankind at once, only has a little effect on the whole, but still it
has an effect.
Eventually, those who are somewhat likeminded will
end up in one grouping, and those who think differently, in another.
It happens all the time, whether it's a nano-second or not, but at
this time the energies are extra strong, and our decisions have more
i.ii.ii. Transmitting from Different Futures
I have talked about the Machine Kingdom, and I have talked about
going back to nature, and everything in between.
This is what "the
fork in the road" is about in the beginning of the New Era. Our DNA
is activated and our neurology strengthened, and it's all ready to
be used as soon as we can penetrate the Grid. How we use it is each
and everyone's choice.
Many people who read this may think that if
you choose the Machine Kingdom, there is a particular world you will
end up living in, while if you use nature, there's another. This is
not entirely so, because there will be slightly different versions
of either or, and everything in between.
This can probably be best
illustrated in the diagram below:

Figure 5
Future probabilities.
Here we see how the probabilities branch out. Still, in a diagram
like this, there are only so many branches visible due to limited
space. In reality, there are a myriad of them.
Hence you can see
that there are slightly different versions of the Machine Kingdom,
from the most extreme to the left, and all the way to the far right,
where we have the most extreme version of going back to nature,
where no technology whatsoever is allowed. There is everything in
Now try to picture all these different channeled sources coming from
our future, being us in that particular realm.
If we have the above
diagram in mind, we can imagine that different sources come from
slightly different versions of the above possible futures. This is
the reason why the information we receive is so similar, but also in
some regard also different - it depends on which probability of our
future the channeled source comes from.
Laura Knight-Jadczyk
explains it pretty well when she says that the Cassios come from her
subconscious (or rather, the unconscious, I would say) mind.
If all
time is simultaneous, her future, and the future of those who will
choose the same probability as she will, are the Cassios, once
Laura's soul group has reached the 6th Density and become a Social
Memory Complex. Elohim and RA come from a slightly different time
perspective, signifying Terry's, Wynn's, and Daphne's probable
future, and Don Elkins', Carla Rueckert's, and Jim McCarthy's
probable future, respectively.
Interestingly enough, when Don Elkins
committed suicide, his group of channelers chose a different
probable future from that which the RA Collective comes from, and
once Elkins unexpectedly killed himself, RA could no longer get
through, because the timeline changed.
Amazing, isn't it?
Now imagine something
James (Mahu Nahi) of the WingMakers said back
in the 2008 interview with Project Camelot. He said that ANU, the
King of the Anunnaki (Sirians), has the technology and knowledge how
to master the lines of time.
Thus, he can manipulate different
timelines in the 4% universe and this way be more or less ahead of
the game.
So perhaps the Sirians (ANU, MARDUK, and ENKI in
particular, together with their minions) sit "on top" of these
timelines and channel information through us to indoctrinate the
"spiritual movement" aka the
New Age movement in this particular
time to prevent certain futures to manifest.
Also, if they failed on
their mission in the future, they may try to change their past (our
present) in their favor.
Something to ponder, perhaps?
i.ii.iii. The Channeled Sources - Do We Really Need Them
as Much as
They Need Us?
There seem to be two major official reasons why channeled sources
want to communicate with humans.
The first reason is to take us
through the Harvest and prepare us for that event. The second reason
is (like in the case of the Pleiadians) that they are unhappy in the
future in which they live and want to change the timeline that
created the tyrannical present they are currently experiencing.
Hence, the best way to do that is to go back to a "hub" in time,
which apparently is normally at the end of an old era and the
beginning of a new, when stronger possibilities are created. They
want to change the time they are in by having us make "better"
choices, which will affect their timeline.
This way they hope that
their tyranny will cease to exist.
Some do this with force (negative
entities), while others (like the Pleiadians) do it by educating us
so we can make better choices, but without forcing their ideas on
us. We need to ask the questions and they provide answers, which are
only partial answers, leading to additional questions that the
listener/reader has to research themselves.
Laura tells us the same
thing; the Cassios give them clues that they have to spend a lot of
time researching.
Now we must ask ourselves,
Do we need these metaphysical sources in
order to advance spiritually, or are they all more an obstacle in
our progress?
Aren't they inflicting on Free Will?
To answer the last question first, they seldom are.
They say that
they came because they were called for. This is probably true.
Someone asked them to come in; if no one else, the channeler
probably did, consciously or unconsciously. But do we need them?
That's a question that is more difficult to answer.
If I answer for myself, I would say they can be most useful because
of the information they are providing us with. So long as we are
aware of their agendas, we can possibly benefit from the learning
process. I must say that without them, my own learning process would
probably have been much slower. So in that regard, the answer is yes
(taking into consideration that we can discern between good and bad
But what about their agendas? Do we want to help them,
or in some cases, help them to help us?
There is a great reward for everybody when we can help each other
when help is asked for, but the question is if we understand their
agenda well enough to be sure we make the right decision. I am not
so sure about that, in general. It would be relatively easy for them
to make something up and tell us that this is the reason they are
In fact, I have proof that this is the case, at least when it
comes to one source, as we shall see when we get to the Galactic
Federations paper. To begin with, before they showed their real
face, it would have been pretty hard to know that these entities
were outright lying (and eventually admitted to it).
I am bringing up the Cassios as number three of the channeled
sources, after RA and Elohim, because they belong to the same
"group" of sources as I see it. With that I mean that they are all
here for the Harvest.
Another thing all three of them (and there are
more) say they are riding on a Wave of Consciousness, sweeping
across the galaxy faster than light, and when that wave reaches our
solar system, ascension will occur for those who are prepared.
who have their heart chakras 51% or more open will ascend together
with Planet Earth to the 4th Density. The rest of the population
will be recycled onto another planet in the galaxy, light-years away
from Earth, where they will re-experience 3rd Density once again for
another 75,000 years.
But this can't be too bad, can it? After all, if they are us in the
future, it seems like they survived, and are now in a much higher
density. So, what's the problem? Why not just go along with whatever
Well, the question arises, if they are us in the future and have
reached that high, why do they need to help us? They have already
achieved so much, and apparently we made the "right" choice which
brought them to where they are now.
And that is exactly the problem!
Why do they have to come here?
They say that for them to continue up
to the next density, they have to go back in time and "take care of
business", which is usually to make amends for bad things they did
in the time we now live, or slightly earlier or later. The Pleiadians have already told us that their ancestors were the Sirian
Alliance who messed with our DNA (they call them the "lizzies"), so
that is in the open.
But what about the rest? What's their story?
Well, RA's story is similar to that of the Pleiadians. They came
here and messed up, and left without taking responsibility. We have
to assume that the rest of the sources have a similar story untold.
I would say that if the place where they are dwelling right now is
so fantastic and full of joy, they wouldn't have to come back.
Something is quite wrong with the time period in which they live
(time or no time, however they want to look at it from their
If they are positive beings who rebelled against the Sirian Alliance here in our time and chose a positive timeline, they
wouldn't need to come back to assist us (make amends). So I think we
can at least assume that most, if not all of the sources who are
channeled, data streamed, or contacted via an Ouija board, are
somehow connected to the Machine Kingdom timelines.
After I'd researched and cross-referenced the different channeled
sources for a while, I thought they may all be different variations
of Sirians, trying to deceive us from different angles, but it
doesn't necessarily have to be that way. As I looked deeper into
this subject, I came to the insight that the sources chose vehicles
(channelers) who were directly connected to their timeline - the
timeline which it looks like they want to change.
If you once again
look at the diagram (fig. 5) and picture the arrows going from 2013
toward the Machine Kingdom, they symbolize slightly different
timelines, all connected to this technological empire which is
quickly being built in front of our eyes as we speak.
If you then
can imagine how additional arrows are branching out from the Machine
Kingdom and further into the future, you can also imagine the
different channeled sources sitting on top of some of these arrows,
contacting somebody here in our reality, hoping to create a change
in our time so that it affects them positively.
These sources may very well be the
future versions of the Powers
That Be, some can be Sirians, while others are regular people who
chose a timeline where a particular source is dwelling.
They know
they can't really lie to us, or it will defeat their purpose, but
they can manipulate us if they want to. However, we must assume that
much of the information they are giving us is true from their
perspective, but not necessarily from another source's perspective,
because their overall experience is different.
Therefore it's so
important to use discernment.
i.ii.iv. The Hybridization of Mankind and its Implications
Now that we know the main topics upon which the Cassios agree with
the former sources we've mentioned, let's go through some more
distinct information that is not necessarily unique to the Cassios,
but more rare and important in respect to what we're going to
discuss in the future. The first thing is cloning.
The Cassios are
warning us from these things on many occasions, which makes me think
that this version of our future selves (the Cassios, that is) may
very well come out of the Machine Kingdom, in which cloning will be
a big part.
In a transcript from 2010 the discussion circles around
Laura is asking the Cassios what the purpose is with the alien
abductions. First of all, which we have discussed elsewhere, the
abductions are not always alien in nature. The most common are
abductions done by the military or the military and ETs in
One of the major operations, according to the Cassios,
is not only to create clones, but to create what they call
"replacements". And with replacements they mean replacements of us!
Listen to this:
"You see, if one desires to create a new race, what better way than
to mass hybridize, then mass reincarnate. Especially when the host
species is so forever ignorant, controlled, and anthropocentric.
What a lovely environment for total destruction and conquest and
replacement… see?" [12]
And what kind of hybrids do "they" have in mind?
Well, we have
discussed that too, but once again, they want to create an enhanced
human; a new species that is more evolved, but still has the Fire of
the Goddess intact, and in which they, the Sirians, can incarnate,
so they can experience all the wonders possible in our divine
This, the Sirians have one thing in common with those who
think like me, who want to evolve our bodies and minds so we can use
our body potentials to their maximum.
The difference, however, is
that I and my likeminded want to do it without using technology.
But that is not all of it, and it's not what I think the Cassios are
talking about. Most alien abductions are orchestrated by the
"Grays", who in this case are... who?
Well, whom have the Grays often
been seen together with? Yes, the Sirians in human bodies (the
so-called "Nordics").
Let's think of it this way: once the Sirians
are established here, they can genetically manipulate human bodies
and use them here in 3D, but what kind of bodies would be optimal
for the Sirians to use when they travel long distances in their
hollowed-out craft?
There are currently top secret projects, leaked
by whistle-blowers, where scientists are working on creating a
hybrid which is well suited for space travel outside the solar
And how does this hybrid look like?
It looks almost exactly
like the Gray alien we are so used to seeing in drawings, science
fiction movies, and all over the Internet! Any why would they look
like the Grays? Because it has shown that this kind of body is one
of those best suited for space travel due to its resilience and
ability to adapt. It can also successfully withstand radiation in
space, long term.
This is the body NASA and other more secret space
agencies are planning on using in the future for interstellar
travel. All they need is the technology to transfer a soul from a
human body to the "Gray". Once that is done, we're good to go.
course, we also need an interstellar spaceship which can go through
stargates, at least as long as we're keeping things on a 3D level.

Figure 6
Gray Sirian.

Figure 7.
Nordic Sirians.
What I am trying to say here is that what about if the Grays that
have been seen together with the "Nordics" are no less than Sirians
in interstellar space suits?
"As above, so below". The only thing
the Sirians need to do is to transfer soul essence to the Gray body
and they are ready to go. Not to confuse these Grays with real
Grays, however, who exist as well.
Many say that Grays are very
common in this galaxy and the next,
the Andromeda. They have a
better survival potential than let's say the humanoid body.
The Sirians know this and seem to have managed to hybridize their own
bodies with that of the Grays (some say they used
the Grays from
Zeta Reticuli as templates) and use them to travel between the
But why do they need to experiment with human bodies here on Earth
and mess with our DNA again in this respect? If they want humans to
be space travelers in the future, and perhaps build an army, why not
use the Sirian/Zeta template to transport human souls into?
The reason is possibly that the Sirian/Zeta hybrid has a problem
when they are coming to Earth.
We see them on the surface every now
and then, but sooner rather than later they have to leave; they
can't handle the effects from our Sun for a very long time, as it
seems. Some Sirians were ordered to stay a long time ago, and some
were left behind for unknown reasons.
These Grays had to move
underground, and there is where people like
Phil Schneider found them
and started battling with them decades ago.
They are still down
there. Keep in mind that the Gray template is not like a real space
suit that you can take on and off; when a Gray hybrid is stuck here,
they are stuck with the hybrid body, because they transferred soul
essence from a real Sirian body into a Gray template, which now
became their body until they have the chance to switch back.
The Sirians don't want to face this problem when humans are
transferring their soul essence to a Zeta template, so they need to
experiment with human DNA and mix it with the Zetas' so humans in
Gray space suits can live on Earth as well. Then they clone the
improved body type.
This whole scenario could very well be the
reason why sources like the Cassiopaeans and the Pleiadians suggest
we don't start a big cloning process; it will affect them negatively
in the future.
This is one major reason for abductions.
Earth is going to be a
strange place only a few decades into the future if the Sirians get
what they want. First we are going to have normal humans like we
have today (but much fewer of them); then we're going to have human
hybrids who look almost identical to the Zeta Grays, but that's not
Studies have shown that medical research teams, taking order
the Global Elite, put nano-particles in pharmaceuticals.
practice, this means that people who take certain medicine (so far
it's mainly antidepressants that are effected) are going to have
their body structure slowly but surely altered, and so also their
DNA. If this technology speeds up like it's supposed to do, we will
see many human cyborgs by the year 2034, apparently! [13]
In case
this article is correct, some of us are going to experience this in
our current lifetime!
Things like this signifies the extension of
the Machine Kingdom that many people are going to find attractive at
first, until they notice, much too late, that it's the worst trap
they have ever sat in, perhaps since the beginning of time.
There are more reasons for kidnapping people than we may think, so
let me mention a few more.
The following is not the most common example, but important. The
Alliance were kidnapping children in the beginning to the mid-1970s
and experimented on them.
Later on in life, these kids remember the
little gray men who stood over them at the operation table, and they
told their parents that strange little men were running around
outside the house, or even inside the house. No one else could see
them. The Alliance wanted 12 candidates for the "Maitreya", i.e. a
new Messiah, whom is supposed to act as the Messiah of the New Age.
The old Theosophical Society, founded by Madame
Helena Blavatsky in
the 1800s, and who channeled the
Ascended Masters of the Great White
Brotherhood, foresaw such a person coming into being at a later
Benjamin Crème, who is also connected to the
Theosophists and the Great White Brotherhood, has made it his life
mission to find this Maitreya.
He has mentioned a few people whom he
thought could be the candidates, and one of them was even seen
together with George Bush Sr., but so far they haven't succeeded in
finding him. The latest from Benjamin Crème is that he thinks
Michael Lee Hill may be the candidate. Hill certainly fits the
picture with abductions and little gray men.
Another self-proclaimed candidate is
Supriem David Rockefeller,
about whom I wrote an e-book in 2009. [14]
The latest I heard from
him was shortly after 12/21/2012 (which is also his birthday).
friend of his, whom I know well enough to know he's honest, got a
phone call from Supriem in a luxury hotel in Washington DC, where he
sat and drank, looking out over a big pool inside the hotel room. He
told his friend that it was time to skip all the public distractions
like Facebook and similar, and shortly after he deleted his Facebook
account, and no one has heard from him since then.
However, when I
was in touch with him in 2009-2010, he told me that one day he was
going to exchange those jeans he had for expensive suits and start
mingling with very rich and powerful people who were going to help
him to power. A year later, he started dressing up considerably, and
now he "disappears" from public exposure while in a luxury hotel in
the U.S. Capitol...
People like Ben Crème are oblivious of what is really going on
behind the scenes.
They are just dedicated to a mission which is
orchestrated by those behind the scenes; they don't know the whole
And who is behind the scenes on this, by the way?
Who is
deciding which candidate is going to be chosen?
Well, I certainly
got a clue when I talked to the Illuminati in Great Britain.
group says they are the same group as
Adam Weishaupt's Bavarian
Illuminati, who once upon a time started the French Revolution, the
Russian Revolution, and were part in orchestrating the American
Revolution as well.
Weishaupt was friends with both George
Washington and other prominent Founding Fathers before he and his
organization had to flee underground in Germany.
Letters between Weishaupt and the Founding Fathers still exist. I always call this
present group
The Bavarian Illuminati, albeit they only call
themselves the Illuminati these days, not to be confused with the
Global Elite group so many people (including this author) have
worked on exposing.
Mike Hockney, who is the public writer in their society, told me
that there is a very top secret Secret Society behind the scenes,
which call themselves The Brotherhood of Shadows. [15]
Their main
task is to produce these 12 candidates, who will then compete for
the title of "Maitreya", and the "strongest man wins".
According to
The Bavarian Illuminati, the other 11 candidates will be killed.
Nothing is said what will really happen to the chosen one; will he
be a human soul in a hybridized body, or will a Sirian soul take
My guess is definitely the latter.
Another more common reason for the abductions these days is cloning.
The Cassiopaeans talk about this to some extent, and it has to do
with the Superwave (or
the Wave as many of the channeled sources
call it), on which they say they're riding. We are going to spend a
whole paper talking about this wave soon, and it's obvious that it's
not only good star beings riding on the Wave.
The Cassios say that a
lot of cloning of humans is taking place right now to prepare for
when the Wave arrives. When it does, they want to have a lot of
soulless bodies waiting for them which they will try to enter en
masse with the energies of the Wave. However, they don't mention who
these beings are that's going to "enter en masse" into these
soulless bodies.
When the Cassios are saying "they", meaning
negative beings, they are often talking about the Orion Group, aka
the Sirian Alliance.
This goes hand in hand with my own conclusion,
and my own conviction is that many beings of the Alliance have
already entered such bodies and are walking among us. Behind the
scenes, they are then preparing for the Wave to arrive, apparently.
i.ii.v. An Interesting Connection!
In a
session dated October 23, 1994, the Cassiopaeans
reveal that they are not only the forerunner to the RA
Collective with a purpose to take off where RA ended, but they
also claim to be RA! [16]
reply to a question about where the RA Material comes from with a
short, "us."
This, to me, is quite an interesting statement, to say
the least. If this is true, it is actually a mind expander and could
explain a lot. I will later in this paper expand on the concepts and
terms included in the Elohim Material as well as both the RA
Material and the Cassiopaean Experiment, which all lean towards that
they are connected to the Sirians.
The above statement from the Cassios, however, is quite a blunt one, confirming my hypothesis.
This is also the reason why I have divided the channeled sources
into different categories.
This paper is exclusively dedicated to
those who promote the Harvest and are talking about the Wave Riders.
Although I can't prove it 100%, I think I can prove without any
reasonable doubt that these sources are connected to the Sirians,
"love & light" or no love and light.
Also, as the reader knows by
now, I have spent quite some time listening to Pleiadian lectures
and read all of
Barbara Marciniak's books, and the Pleiadians have
no problems admitting that they are connected to the Sirian
Alliance, although they are supposedly a rebel group (and I believe
My point here is that I know the Pleiadians pretty well, and
the information they are giving us are well in line with that of the
"Harvest channels" I'm investigating in this paper, except that the
Pleiadians are openly against the Harvest and the concepts of STO
and STS as well as Galactic Federations.
They are basically the ones
who inspired me to further look into these things, and so far I have
found that they are right on the spot! However, being Sirians/Pleiadians
in their essence, they still have the Sirian way of expressing
themselves, and I recognize it in Utu Shamash, with whom I've had
contact, but also in the Harvest channels.
i.ii.vi. Orions - "The Transient Passengers"
The terms STO and STS [def] (service-to-others and
service-to-self) are extremely important to the sources we've
covered so far, because they are the terms which we need to
understand and live by if we want to ascend and be part of the
Harvest, according to them.
Also, when talking about different star
races, these channeled sources often speak of them in terms of STO
and STS. So, when they mention the Orions, they say there are two
types of Orions; the STO and the STS.
The STS is the group that came
to Earth and started manipulating human DNA (the Sirian Alliance,
led by ENKI), while the STO Orions are those of the Empire
(acknowledging the Mother Goddess as the Creator).
The STO Orions are also, say the Cassiopaeans, called
The Transient
Passengers. This means that they are a "unified thought form".
The Orions thus could create matter from a unified thought form (this is
how the Cassios explain it, and it makes me think about how the
Goddess created the Galaxies, nebulae, stars, and planets etc.). But
the interesting thing is that they say that the Orions created them,
the Cassiopaeans! [17]
So, if the Cassiopaeans are us in the future, are they saying that
we humans once upon a time were created by the benevolent Orions,
i.e. the Mother Goddess and her Helpers? As a matter of fact, they
They are saying that our home (the home of mankind) is in Orion.
Laura and her group are protesting, because they learned from
Royal and Keith Priest and their Zeta Reticuli channeling that
mankind's cradle stood in Lyra.
The Cassios, however, say that this
is not the case, and that one day we will see...
NOTE: When a
channeled source says they are us in the future, it doesn't
necessarily mean they are humans in the future. A great example are
the Pleiadians, who explain this phenomenon pretty well. They also
say that they are us in the future, and still they are the Pleiadian/Sirians.
How is that possible? Well, it has to do with genetic manipulation
Because we humans have a lot of Sirian/Pleiadian genes in us,
they say they are us in the past and in the future, even if this is
a relative truth. Utu Shamash also claimed that we and they are the
I am pretty sure the same thing goes for the three channeled
sources I've investigated so far.
Here is how the Cassiopaeans expressed it in regards to the Orions
(A = the Cassiopaeans, and Q = the Questioner, while (L) within
parentheses is Laura Knight-Jadczyk):
A: "In this part of your 3rd and 4th
density universe, specifically your "galaxy" it is the region
known as Orion that is the one and only indigenous home of human
type beings … reflect on this! Indigenous home base, not sole
locator. What you are most in need of review of is the accurate
profile of "alien" data."
Q: I thought that humans originated in Lyra and then a war broke
out there and they ended up in Orion.
A: Lyra is not inhabited. There have been homes in all places,
but some were/are transitory, and some are not. Pay attention to
Orion! This is your ancestral home, and your eventual
destination. Here is the absolutely accurately accurate profile
of Orion to follow: This is the most heavily populated region of
your Milky Way galaxy! This is a region that extends across 3rd
and 4th density space for a distance as vast as the distance
between your locator and it. There are 3,444 inhabited "worlds"
in this region. Some are planets as you know them. Some are
artificially constructed planetoids. Some are floating space
barges. And some are "satellites." There are primary homes,
traveling stations and incubator laboratories all in 2nd, 3rd
and 4th densities. There are overseer zones in 5th and 6th
densities. [...] The name "Orion" is the actual native name, and
was brought to Earth directly...
Q: (L) Are the Orion STS the infamous redheaded Nordic aliens?
A: Yes, and all other humanoid combinations.
Q: (L) Okay, if it started with the Nordic types, and that is
where the other humanoid combinations came from, what genetic
combinations were used for human beings? Black people, for
instance, since they are so unlike Nordics?
A: The Nordic genes were mixed with the gene pool already
available on Earth, known as Neanderthal. [18]
The above information is coinciding with my own
research as presented in Level II.
I don't know what they mean when they say that Lyra
is not inhabited, because I know that at least Vega is, and the
Vegans (resembling the Vulcans in Star Trek) are to some degree
Helpers of the Mother Goddess, although some fell for Lucifer's
manipulating talk and rebelled against the Goddess together with
others, mentioned earlier.
The Nordics, like I said before, are the STS Orions,
i.e. ENKI's group, who used the Neanderthals and later Cro-Magnon to
create the human slave race.
i.ii.vii. The Giants of Ancient Times
Many alternative historians talk about a civilization of old, which
dwelled in what we
now call Antarctica.
Now it's covered with layers upon layers of ice and
snow, but at that time it was a very prosperous land, teeming with
life. The Cassiopaeans say this land was called Gor (not related to
the novels by John Norman or any science fiction novel or film), and
that it was inhabited by a
humanoid species, 18 feet tall.
When I first read about this in their transcript, I
thought they were talking about
the Namlú'u; the human race which
was here when ENKI and the Sirians came, but the Cassios say that
this race was sexual (males and females) and they were not
interested in space travel.
The height may correspond, but the Namlú'u were androgynous.
When comes to space travel, what the Cassios say, I
would say is semi-correct if we refer to the Namlú'u. They were
probably not particularly interested in space travel, either, being
the Guardians of the Living Library, but
they were multidimensional,
and could travel the universe by splitting their fire/soul.
Therefore, I don't think the Cassiopaeans refer to the Namlú'u, but
an older race.
After all, there were several experiments carried out
here long before the Namlú'u. Apparently, this ancient race of
giants didn't only dwell in Antarctica, we later find out, but they
could also be found in South America, in the Amazon.
Here they walk about the legend of the Amazon
warriors, and in that case they are referring to the Orions.
However, they get it mixed up somehow, because the
Amazon warriors were females. They say that the governments know
about this race and have found remnants which they keep in
warehouses somewhere, and they have no intention to tell the public.
Albeit, we have seen pictures on the Internet of extremely tall
skeletons that archeologists have dug up.
Some of these may very well be hoaxes, but according
to the Pleiadians, many of them are not. It's just the regular
routine work of Intelligence Agencies to debunk everything that has
to do with truth.
i.ii.viii. Some Final Statements from the Cassiopaeans
As the reader may have noticed, I am bringing up a lot of subjects
told by the different sources, and some of them may not even be that
relevant to what is to come, and I could just have skipped over it
and not included it in the papers.
However, I decided to write about it anyway, because
a comparison between the different channeled sources is very rare,
if it exists at all, so I thought it may be a good idea to present
something like that here. It could be a subject for several volumes
of books just by itself, and I could have decided to complete a
project like that as well, but I went for this shortcut instead.
Hence, I want to end off with a few last statements
from the Cassiopaeans.
Let's start the last part of this paper with some relevant
information, however. In a transcript, Laura asked the source why
the invaders hadn't invaded already full blast, when they have been
present on the planet for hundreds of thousands of years.
The answer that was given was that they don't
want to rule us in 3D, because they are 4D beings. Therefore
they want to rule us in 4D, once we've ascended. [20]
Well, that doesn't sound very encouraging to me.
Of course, this already corresponds quite exactly
with what I've said throughout my papers, although I don't use terms
like 3rd and 4th Density when comes to evolution. What I hear,
translated to what I've been saying, is that the Sirian Alliance
want us to evolve so that they can take us over once our biology is
more in line with their frequency.
If we expand on this (and the Cassiopaean statement
was made almost 20 years ago), the time for the invasion would be
approximately now (something the Cassios have said as well), because
the adequate amount of humans have expanded their consciousness
enough - at least in biological terms - that it's easier for the
Sirians energy to take over, perhaps after having done certain
This means that those who believe the aliens are our
saviors (or "helpers"; it doesn't matter) will be taken advantage
of, because they are easy targets.
The Sirian Overlords usually have
no use for the human souls who subscribe to the New Age philosophy
when comes to the
Ascension/Harvest process (other than for food),
but they do have use for the divine human body template, which
usually is more evolved than that of the regular person on the
This is why it's so incredibly important that we stop
agreeing with the Sirian mindset and start seeing through their
deception and manipulation, or we'll be food, too.
What the Cassiopaeans are basically saying here is that when we go
from 3rd to 4th Density, the Sirian Overlords are waiting for us (or
for those who follow the path of those metaphysical sources), so
they can take over the evolved bodies of these people and absorb the
soul/fire in order for them to use it for their own purposes.
However, it makes at least me very uncomfortable to hear that once
we "evolve" enough for the Sirians to think we're "ripe", they can
"Harvest" us.
The word "harvest" does not have a very positive ring
to it, does it? Why using that term if it's not exactly what it is:
a harvesting of souls to use for very dark purposes? I want you to
think long and deeply about it before you decide to go for something
like this.
But, you may say, if I just happen to be the kind of person who has
a "big heart" and love to help others, won't I automatically go into
this trap?
After all, they say that if you are 51% or more STO,
you will be harvested. No, not necessarily, because they also say
that you will not be harvested as long as you live in your current
physical body.
Once you die and go to the between lives area, you
will be harvested if you fit into the category and put into a 4D
body, but you can also refuse! You do that by saying that you
disagree with this and the whole Sirian Agenda.
They may tell you that if so, you'll be sent to their
planet of choice, which has a 3D vibration, and you will have to
live another 75,000 years cycle there, under continuous slavery.
Don't buy it!
If you refuse their manipulation, they can't do
anything; they won't inflict on your Free Will if what you want is
appropriately expressed, and also what you don't want. Instead, you
can go wherever you want to go and just turn your back to the whole
thing. That is what I am going to do.
Those in real danger, in my opinion, are those who
buy into this whole "love and light" thing when comes to channeled
sources; the ones that want to be harvested...
The source is also contradicting itself when it says that we will be
put into 4D bodies between lives. If the Harvest process is natural,
why do they have to provide us with bodies?
This is an excerpt from the transcript so you can get a feel for it.
To me it doesn't feel good at all.
"Q: We have to be mostly STO as a planet
in order to move to 4th density, right?
As a "planet," yes. But I don’t think that is
going to happen. I
think that only a few will move to 4th density to an either
already existing 4th density Earth, or that they will be
instrumental in CREATING a 4th density Earth, and the rest will
start the cycle over again in 3rd density on a
The key lies in how many folks can be "awakened" to the
balanced, positive-negative nature of cosmic reality.
Could this be why the STS forces want to
"take us over" before
and right as we get to 4th so we can tip the scales in their
A: Pretty much it, in one sense. But, there is a more
insidious reason… they are working VERY hard to PREVENT the
graduation of ANY to 4th density. They want to keep ALL of earth
as their 3rd density stockyard, and cafeteria of ethereal and
physical food.
BUT, if there is a movement to 4D, they want to
be in charge of it." [21]
You can see the similarities with my concept of the
splitting of the worlds and their ascension into the 4th Density.
Reading this quote above, however, gives me a good
opportunity to also explain the difference. My concept is the
Machine Kingdom (3D) versus going back to nature (4D). Eventually
and gradually, over generations, the realities will split.
I don't subscribe to a Harvest, where the change will
be pretty much immediate, and those who go to 4D will be put in a
new box with limitations. Once we are multi-d, we are free to travel
the universe as we please and visit different dimensions and
Almost no channeled sources bring up these important
Anyway, it's true that the Sirians in certain terms want to prevent
us from waking up in its real sense, but don't mind us "waking up"
to follow the guidelines of these metaphysical sources or to the New
Age "religion", embracing the Ascended Masters (who are the Sirians
in disguise, anyway).
It's also true that they want to keep us as slaves in
this 3D reality, but control it from 4D (if we follow the
Cassiopaean logic). According to the Cassiopaeans, the Sirians of
today control our brainwave cycles
via HAARP (headquartered in
Alaska) so we'll stay either in 3D or 4D.
This as well, is to me a give-away, because they are
bluntly telling us that the Sirians are controlling both 3D and 4D
with their frequency machines!!!
So my question is:
How can channeled sources embrace the
Harvest, whether positive or negative, when they say, loud
and clear, that the Sirians are waiting on the other side
(see also the last paragraph in the indented quote above)?
If the Sirians want to be in charge of it,
how can we prevent that from happening once we've agreed to
being harvested?
They don't tell us.
Bottom-line, dear reader, is that all these sources
we listen to are following their own agenda! They are not doing this
to be kind! We need to learn this, or we'll dig our own graves!
Everybody has the right to do what they want to do,
but at least I have thrown in my two cents.

Figure 8
The four outer gas planets in our
solar system.
All 4D planets?
In the same session as the quote above, they also mention the
infighting between interdimensional forces.
They say it's ongoing,
and it is happening here in Earth vicinity; some of it even in our
own atmosphere.
They are telling us that the abnormal weather changes
we are now accustomed to are mostly fighting going on in other
dimensions, and it is "bleeding through" and showing up as tornados,
hurricanes, and flooding. This information also aligns with what
I've independently received earlier from one of my anonymous
Also, Jupiter is already a 4th Density planet, which in
that case indicates that it would be a perfect outpost for the Sirians and others of similar frequency.
They tell us moreover that 4th Density planets appear
as gas planets to 3rd Density beings. This means, in that case, that
the giant outer planets in our solar system (Jupiter, Saturn,
Uranus, and Neptune) are all 4D.
This source also mentions 3 additional planets outside Pluto's
orbit, so instead of nine planets (if we include Pluto), we have 12,
which is the number this universe is based upon, not 7, like the
Cassiopaeans and a few others want us to believe.
The number 7 is
definitely a divine number, but this universe is not based on it -
not from a human perspective at least.
The additional planets, their distances from the Sun,
their chemical composition, and their diameter, are allegedly as
NI = Montonanas, 570,000,000,000 miles from
Sun; solid matter; 7000 miles diameter
NII = Suvurutarcar, 830,000,000,000 miles
from Sun; 18000 miles diameter; hydrogen, ammonia.
NIII = Bikalamanar, 1,600,000,000,000 miles
from Sun; 46000 miles diameter; hydrogen, ammonia.
Pluto's distance from the Sun is about 3,666,100,000
miles, and its diameter is 1,864 miles, in comparison, and the Earth
is 93 million miles away and has a diameter of 7,900 miles.
So, the next planet, outside Pluto's orbit, is of
solid matter and only a little bit smaller than Earth.
I've noticed that although the Cassiopaeans in certain terms
subscribe to the idea of a feminine universe, they say that all
gender and all duality disappears in 7th Density, so in their
perspective the universe is still neuter.
They (like so many other metaphysical sources)
"forget" that the Sun, and any star, including the clusters of suns
making up the Galactic Center - all 7th Density in nature, according
to the Cassios - are creative forces on a very high level, and the
creative forces on that level are feminine in nature and not neuter.
The Divine Feminine is the ultimate driving and
creative force in this universe and others. They also say that
gravity is All That Is - light is gravity, too, and on its highest
level, God is gravity as well.
And with that we're going to leave the Cassiopaeans for now.
Part II
will concentrate on other channeled sources who do not necessarily
concentrate on the Harvest and the Superwave as a part of an agenda.
The Third Level of Learning is mainly focusing on the channeled
sources and the Galactic Federations, as you will notice as we move
on. This is definitely a
Level III subject and couldn't have been
included in Level I or II, unless we wanted to make Level II an
extremely long level.
The fact remains, the last part of this 3 level
series of papers needs to concentrate on this subject in order to
come full circle.
[1] Source: The FAQ section of "The Creator Gods
of the Physical Universe Want to Speak With You" by Wynn Free.
[2] Source: Free, Wynn: "The
Creator Gods of the Physical Universe Want to Talk to You", p.85.
[4] While I was writing and researching for Level I, LPG-C
suggested that ANU had stepped down from the throne in favor of
Nannar, ENLIL's son, who now supposedly is the King of Nibiru.
This is only if we believe this really happened.
[5] Source: Free, Wynn: "The Creator Gods of the Physical
Universe Want to Speak With You", p.66.
[7] Source:
[8] Source: Free, Wynn: "The Creator Gods of the Physical
Universe Want to Speak With You", p.77, op. cit.
[9] ibid., p.104, op. cit.
[11] Source:
[12] Source:
[13] This news article was discussed by the Pleiadians and the
audience, where many of them had seen it. This discussion is
included on the Pleiadian CD of 8/11/2012: "View from the
Craft", CD #2, track 14.
http //supriemrockefeller.wordpress.com/
[15] Sources:
; and
[17] Source: Cassiopaean Transcript, October 7, 1994 (http://cassiopaea.org/2010/09/16/the-cassiopaeans-and-ra/).
[18] Source:
op. cit.
[19] Source:
[20] ibid.
[21] ibid., op. cit.
[22] Source: