by Alfred L. Webre
Seattle Exopolitics Examiner
January 17, 2011
Examiner Website
In an exclusive interview on
ExopoliticsTV released January 17, 2011, Laura M. Eisenhower,
the great granddaughter of US President Dwight D. Eisenhower,
reveals a rare depth of public candor for a member of a US
presidential family by predicting the coming collapse of the
Military-Industrial Complex and a global transformation driven by
enlightened unity consciousness.
Her declarations come on the 50th
anniversary of President Eisenhower’s famous
Farewell Address of January 17, 1961,
in which he warned the American people about the untoward influence
of “the Military-Industrial Complex” on the US government.
Watch in-depth
ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura Magdalene Eisenhower
Readers can watch the in-depth ExopoliticsTV interview with Laura M.
Eisenhower below:
Laura Eisenhower has also completed a new, 60-minute radio interview
on the dynamics of 2011.
You can listen to this Exopolitics Radio
interview below:
Laura Magdalene Eisenhower and Dwight David Eisenhower
In February 2010, Laura Eisenhower first revealed that in 2006 and
2007, she was invited to join the secret US colony on Mars.
At the
she wrote:
“My great grandfather, President Ike, who was also
the Army general who led the Allied Forces to victory over Hitler,
battled evil corrupt powers on Earth and took on some of the most
challenging scenarios in history. As I grew up, I could sense that I
was completing this battle that has ancient roots.
When Hitler died
and the Nazis lost power, the entities - including those that were ETs
- did not. They continued to find hosts and create agreements
with people who were a part of the… Global Elite, who want to run
things through fear tactics, control and the suppression of Sophia
or the essence of the Divine Feminine.”
Now, in a public statement and ExopoliticsTV interview broadcast as
2011 begins, Ms. Eisenhower comes forward with her original
perspective of how enlightened unity consciousness - what she calls
“Sophia-Christ” consciousness - will be the catalyst for a major
global transformation in our age.
Two Eisenhowers expose the Military-Industrial Complex
Just as her great grandfather did in his Farewell Address of January
17, 1961, so Laura Eisenhower offers a critique of the destructive
effects of the Military-Industrial Complex on our planet, human
society, and our rightful place in the multi-verse.
In an extended public statement issued January 17, 2011 - 50 years
to the day after her great grandfather’s legendary farewell to the
American people - Laura Eisenhower writes:
Since my great grandfather first spoke of it 50 years ago today, the
Military- Industrial Complex has thrived on official state secrecy,
and even as disclosure happens, it will most likely be done in a
manipulated way, never fully revealing why secrecy has flourished
and what has been done behind our back for all of these years.
disclosure is inevitably happening among us, and if we can
understand and integrate other valuable truths, we will be protected
against disclosure being used to introduce false concepts that will
draw us further into the web of deceit.
Fifty years after President
Eisenhower warned the American people about the Military-Industrial
Complex, that culture is preparing to disclose the fruits of its
50-year, Strangelovian departure from sanity, including the
introduction of human robots that will act as weapons of war and
even a faked war with an ET race using hologram technology that has
existed for decades.
Even if we witness aspects of a catastrophic
timeline emerging, we must hold fast to the truth that we have a
choice to not venture down that path. Ultimately, everything we see
happening in our world reveals the health of the collective whole as
an extension of ourselves, as we are extensions of the many
dimensions and emanating the ones that match our vibratory
If we are not a part of the problem, then we don’t have
to engage in the battles that have been prepared for us. It is my
conviction that President
Obama is a leader that we can
feel good
about, but we still don’t want to turn a blind eye to the reality
that is being hidden from us and perhaps even from him.
Ms. Eisenhower continues:
We must confront the fact that much of what has been happening in
secret has created an inevitable future drama, for they have been
spending trillions of our tax dollars on projects that only serve
their elitist mentality.
These include a secret space program with
off-planet colonies reached via teleportation, the targeting of
individuals that they perceive to be a threat,
deep underground military bases, and false
flag events like
9/11 to draw us further into a police state.
Behind the scenes,
occult practices - including dark rituals, horrific child abuse, and
the creation of agents and slaves to serve them - are used to infect
the planetary body with negative frequencies that is food to them.
This is how they sustain power and influence behind the curtain.
This spawns the fear, pain, and negative feelings that is the life
force that they live on. As awful as this all sounds, there is, in
fact, a way out.
This is why it is crucial that we understand the
concept of Christ-Sophia consciousness and how lower forces have
our DNA, and produced junk DNA unused and unactivated, and
how, in turn, that connects to the planetary body and its veils and
the suppression of the Goddess. It is not a New Age thing.
This is
ancient. It doesn't need to be labeled. It is not about the physical
even, or being a female. It is about Creation and what we are up
against and how much the scales have been tilting towards the
warmongers, abusers and control freaks. We must strive to soften it
all, restore our world, and return the power to Gaia.
Their lust for our powerlessness and blind faith is further
exacerbated by their use of mind control and micro-chips that do not
allow individuals to access their inner voice and connection to
Source. Some, of course, are directly involved in the programs,
while others languish in a kind of trance state, as the ELF
microwave frequencies that are
emitted from our TV sets keep us
locked in a lower mind-set obsessed with the lives of others and
The nerve toxins of
chemtrails keep us in a state of
permanent nervous system disorder, as we also are infected
emotionally and psychically by delusional feelings, alongside a deep
and powerful longing to be free, because things are just not right.
The lower alien races and their technologies chose Earth allies to
create programs with.
They exist on Earth and in underground bases
the Grays) for breeding programs intended to destroy
the will of Nature, the Soul and the Higher Consciousness of All - so that they can run the Universe and have ultimate domination, and
lurk in their off-planet colonies until perhaps they can come back
to Earth and rule, or take it beyond the stars and let Earth just
There are many benevolent ET races as well, and our
challenge is to know the difference. In the past, treaties have been
broken, deceptions have happened, and what may seem friendly,
doesn’t always mean it is.
Unity consciousness and global transformation
In her statement inaugurating 2011, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower goes
beyond the breakdown of the Permanent War Economy to the
breakthrough of unity consciousness as a driver of a global
Ms. Eisenhower states:
Unity Consciousness and the return of the Divine Feminine; balance,
nutrition, higher love and wisdom; the pulling of our energy away
from feeding the false system; and choosing to detoxify, deprogram,
and support the causes that count are where we can best direct our
It is important to have the realization that we are a part
of this planetary organism, Gaia, which is essentially the body of
the Goddess who morphed into the planet and whose womb is both
Cosmic and Earthly. Gaia is multi-dimensional and has embodiments of
herself on Earth that act as a bridge to the higher worlds and
Through the cycles of Venus as a unified field, we
are capable of lifting these veils and creating global
Laura Eisenhower speaks of the return of the Divine Feminine.
The Goddess energy is our missing link right now, as her story isn’t
just one of feminine power in the world - she also represents cosmic
power, whose origins are in the creation of all worlds, in a realm
Ain Soph, or Bythos, where
Sophia came forth forming the Pleroma and the Aeons - the first womb of creation that birthed
divine pairs, Gods and Goddesses.
She is also called the 100,000
name Goddess for her many aspects, embodiments and the different
variations that each culture has attributed to her name.
She has
been venerated in civilizations that we now see in archeological
artifacts and ruins. Many who live in those sacred places still hold
a strong affinity for her and honor her and see the land as her
body, the Underworld as her womb and consciousness as the Queen of
Heaven and Holy Spirit.
She has existed in such places as Egypt,
Glastonbury, Greece, and India and in the myths and legends of
Avalon, Atlantis, Lemuria and many higher star systems that revere
her and embody the essence and aspects of her.
Ms. Eisenhower’s statement suggests that it is this feminine,
healing dimension of nature that the Military-Industrial Complex and
the technocratic society that has emerged around it have sought to
Laura Eisenhower’s full 2011 statement can be accessed
Time travel surveillance of future US presidential persons of
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Laura M. Eisenhower speaks about
having been pre-identified through time travel technology used by
DARPA’s Project Pegasus in the early 1970s as a future ally of
time-space pioneer and Truth Movement figure
Andrew D. Basiago.
A lawyer in Washington State, Mr. Basiago has
publicly revealed the
existence of a secret US Department of Defense time travel program
that began in the late 1960s and in which he was a child
participant, that included the identification of future American
leaders utilizing different forms of “quantum access.”
On talk radio’s Coast-to-Coast AM with George Noory on November 11,
2009 (below media), Mr. Basiago described how this secret program involving time
travel was identifying future persons of interest, including those
destined to serve as US president and vice president, and then
informing such persons of their destinies.
Mr. Basiago stated that in 1971, in the company of his late father,
Raymond F. Basiago, an engineer for The Ralph M. Parsons Company who
was also a principal in DARPA’s Project Pegasus, he was at a lunch
in Albuquerque, New Mexico at which future US Presidents George H.
W. Bush and George W. Bush were guests shortly after they were
informed that both would one day serve as president, and that George
W. Bush was openly speaking of this fact.
He also stated that in the early 1970s
Project Pegasus had
identified future presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton utilizing
time travel technology.
Project Pegasus was able to identify Mr. Carter, who was then
Governor of George, as a future US President, because it had
retrieved from the future a copy of
Exopolitics - Politics,
Government, and Law in the Universe by Alfred Lambremont Webre, a
book that this reporter would not write until 2005, but which bears
a quote on its front pages of a statement made by President Carter.
According to Mr. Basiago, Mr. Webre's book Exopolitics was, among
other works that he would write or edit in the future, retrieved
from the future by Project Pegasus and brought back in time to 1971
or a prior time.
Mr. Basiago edited Mr. Webre’s book Exopolitics in
In 1971, Mr. Webre was General Counsel of New York City’s
Environmental Protection Administration and had a set of experiences
indicating that he was under surveillance by the US government.
As a child participant in Project Pegasus, Mr. Basiago overheard a
conversation in 1972, a year before Laura Eisenhower was born,
indicating that he would one day be allied politically with Ms.
Her name “Laura” and heritage as a great granddaughter
of President Eisenhower were mentioned in the conversation, which
took place between Raymond F. Basiago and one of his fellow
engineers serving on Project Pegasus.
Laura Eisenhower recruited by Mars colony in 2006
In March 2010, Mr. Basiago and Ms. Eisenhower confirmed the
existence of a
secret human survival colony on Mars in a joint
appearance on Exopolitics Radio hosted by this reporter.
Basiago and Eisenhower described how
the secret Mars colony is
funded by black budget military and intelligence sources as a
survival mechanism for the human race in the event that solar
flares, nuclear war, or some other cataclysm ends human life on
In the wide-ranging, three-hour interview, Mr. Basiago termed the
cover-up of the Mars colony “Marsgate” and called for a
Congressional investigation of the US presence on Mars, with its
emphasis on military occupation of Mars rather than diplomatic
engagement of the indigenous Martian society.
Ms. Eisenhower stated that “Alternative 3” - the notion that
trillions of dollars of resources should be spent to protect human
life by placing it on Mars - should give way to “Alternative 4,” a
new public awakening to achieve a sustainable civilization on Earth.
Their historic, interactive exposé of Marsgate on Exopolitics Radio
was based on direct personal experience.
For Mr. Basiago, this consisted of the two trips that he took to
Mars in 1981, when, at age 19, he walked on the surface of the
Martian terrain after teleporting there from a “jump room” located
at a Hughes Aircraft facility in El Segundo, California. Mr. Basiago
believes that he was tapped to go to Mars because he had already
teleported as a child participant in Project Pegasus.
For Ms. Eisenhower, this consisted of clandestine efforts that were
made in 2006, when she was 33, to infiltrate her personal life and
recruit her as a member of the secret Mars colony. During the
recruitment effort made involving her, Ms. Eisenhower learned that a
colony had been under development on Mars for several decades. She
spurned the recruitment effort after she broke free from its deeply
rooted manipulations and decided to live out her destiny on Earth.
During the interview, the two emerging figures in the Truth Movement
discussed their opposition to factors guiding the secret Mars
These include secrecy, the use of fear to psychologically
manipulate recruits, and the abuse of quantum access technologies
and other covert methods to identify potential colonists.
Mr. Basiago speculated that the Mars colony is being staffed by
individuals who descend from specific “Aryan” bloodlines that
contain a Martian genetic substrate and that do not represent the
genetic diversity of the entire human race on Earth.
The term
“Aryan” means “Martian.” This may suggest that some ethnic groups on
Earth possess a genetic heritage that resulted in antiquity when
humans from Earth that had lived on Mars returned to Earth and
interbred with Earthlings.
Ms. Eisenhower, agreeing, addressed the archetypal aspects and
significance of the covert Mars colony, and suggested that it be
In various venues, Mr. Basiago, Ms. Eisenhower, and this reporter
have advocated a UN treaty that would establish a Mars protectorate
and normalize diplomatic relations between the two planets.
Following the interview, Mr. Basiago and Ms. Eisenhower issued a
joint public statement in opposition to keeping survival colonies on
other planets secret:
It is a positive thing for the human race to put survival colonies
on other planets, they wrote. Earth has been struck by many
cataclysms in the past, and so we should protect the human genome by
placing human settlements on other celestial bodies.
Yet, when
secrecy surrounding such projects tempts government to rob the free
will of individuals, and excludes humanity from debating a subject
that implicates the whole human future, and diverts the destiny of a
planet to
serve an off-planet agenda, the conscience of a free
people requires that such projects be undertaken in the bright
sunshine of public scrutiny, not within the dark corridors of the
Military-Industrial Complex.”
– Andrew D. Basiago and Laura M. Eisenhower, 2010
Eyewitness evidence of the US presence on Mars
With their joint disclosure, Mr. Basiago and Ms. Eisenhower - one a
crusading lawyer, the other a member of one of America’s
presidential families - joined a growing cadre of individuals who
have stepped forward with eyewitness testimony that reveals the
covert US presence on Mars.
These include
Michael Relfe, who in two
books documents his 20-year service (1976-1996) as a member of the
US armed forces staffing the secret Mars colony, and former US
Department of Defense scientist
Arthur Neumann, who has stated
publicly that he has teleported to the secret Mars colony for
project meetings.
Basiago and Eisenhower Reveal “Marsgate” and
Make Case for “Alternative 4”.
Eisenhower to step
forward in 2011
This year, Ms. Eisenhower will make public appearances on the United
States mainland, in Hawaii, and in Mexico.
“2011 is my soul year,” she
reflects. “The day, month, and year of my birth add up to 2011.
I am expecting great transformation in the ways that I share my
energy and insights with people.”
Ms. Eisenhower continues:
“The public events that will be held
this year will afford an incredible opportunity for Andy Basiago,
Alfred Webre and I to present aspects of a shared vision and
noted collaboration that was identified in the past, through
quantum access when Andy was in Project Pegasus, regarding the
Truth Movement and our work during this critical period in
“The shared vision relates to the fostering of a positive human
future. By staying true to our soul as we traverse timelines and
true to our mission despite manipulations and challenges, we
will share the expression of the new paradigm, which will
involve wresting the positive time line from a
Military-Industrial Complex that is planning for a catastrophic
Ms. Eisenhower says that the themes that
she will cover in her public lectures in 2011 will include,
the power of spirit
multi-dimensional awareness
the return of the divine
global transformation
the existence of classified
technologies that would greatly assist our planet if revealed and
“In our own personal presentations,”
she concludes, “there is a common ground that the three of us
will cover to lift the veil, so that we may reclaim our divine
power and co-create a future that is leading to harmony,
freedom, and reconnection with our Universal family, Source and
Unity Consciousness...”