Will Berlinghof,
Joan Mills,
Questioner & Energizer
December 1, 2010
CosmicAwareness Website
Spanish version
Part 1
Would Awareness please give the forecast for 2011?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness is indeed prepared at this time
to present a forecast for the year of 2011.
This Awareness
suggests that it will be an active year in all directions. There
will be much occurring that is both of a very strong and
positive nature as well as events that could be seen as very
detrimental and negative.
What marks the year for each and every
individual is not the events that may occur during the
forthcoming year but how they are received, and how much energy
is placed on the events that are unfolding by those observing
the events, either observing them in close proximity or from
great distances.
This will be a year for many to finely hone their abilities to
detach from the energies being experienced on the planet at this
time, especially detaching from the more negative experiences
and events that will unfold rather than to be swallowed up in
them. It must be always remembered that part of what makes an
event real is the individual's acceptance of that reality.
goal of many of those in power is to overwhelm the masses with
hopelessness and fear that they have no power to change the
events of their lives and that a steamroller will simply roll
them over and make their lives a misery.
This is simply the way
of things in terms of the power structure and the intent and
plans of those who are the Elite who are in power and have a
hidden agenda.
The Powers That Be
Plan Many Events to Occur
Many of the events that may unfold in 2011 are planned events in
accordance to the advanced planning of those
Powers That Be,
those Elite, that cabal of forces that have long had dominion on
this planet.
This is why this Awareness is speaking to this
issue at this time before It goes into Its forecasts for the
year ahead to prepare one and all for these manipulations, the
carrying out of the long planned events, for the Powers That Be
realize and recognize as well that they too are approaching that
crucial turning point, and that they too must get their act
together for the final push, the final shove into that which is
the energy of
Ascension, that which is the energy of change and
transformation that will occur in
Groups will develop
who question authority
2011 will be a very crucial year for not only the Powers That Be
who are attempting to consolidate their power over the masses,
and to cement into place the stratified and solid
conceptualization of reality as it is presented to the masses,
but it is also a time for the masses to break free from this
bonded attitude, this attitude of restricted limited thinking,
and many will begin to do this.
Many have started the process
already but 2011 will see this continue and one of the factors
that this Awareness is stating as possible for 2011 is the
development of groups who are questioning the authorities, who
are standing up and voicing their derision, their doubts, and
their lack of acceptance of what is being told to them, and what
is being presented to them.
In 2011 expect to see new groups emerging that are speaking out
for common sense and for the release from a mentality of
oppression and controlled thinking that is becoming quite
commonplace. It is a movement that will gain ground in 2011,
especially in countries such as the United States and other
advanced nations, such as Canada, Australia, Great Britain, the
European nations and many more.
There are many who are poised
now to
speak out against the regimes that have held power for so
long; this of course being the hidden regimes, not those that
seem to be the elected officials, but the powers behind the
governments, behind the United States government, behind the
British government, and behind the European Union.
There is an energy of rebellion that will start to make itself
felt in 2011 and this will help those who have advanced
knowledge of what is actually occurring realize that they are
starting to tune in very strongly to the alternative reality
that will very much be possible for them as they shift out of
the accepted realities that they have been part of for so long.
This Awareness has often spoken of the need to realize that
one's attitudes, thoughts and beliefs will bring the reality
they are focused on into play, and into reality.
As these groups start to emerge, as a common attitude of
rejection of what has been told to them for so long is accepted
by more and more people, and as more of the masses start to
question the rules and regulations that have been coming down
over the last several years - this will begin to confirm to
many who have already been exposed to thinking that suggests
that one's attitudes and beliefs will bring that reality into
By seeing many starting to question, they will understand that
they are truly part of the new front, the new wave, the new
reality that will move away from that scenario this Awareness
has labeled as
the Planet B scenario and more solidly into the
timeline-streams of consciousness that will take them into the
Planet A scenario.
This is all part of the unfolding of 2011 in
terms of viewing and observing many starting to question what is
and starting to turn to what may be.
The Political
Situation in the U.S.
In terms of a
more concrete forecast for 2011, expect the situation
politically in the United States to continue to deteriorate.
Barack Obama, is now that which could be understood
as a lame duck president. He has been successfully undermined
both in his own party as well as in the opposition to his
presidency from the Republican Party. It is seen that politics
in the United States in 2011 will continue to fracture, and
continue to break apart.
The classic two-party system has now
already begun the fracturing process, first through the
development of an alternative ultraconservative attitude and
group through that which is known as
the Tea Party as well as in
the Democratic Party, where the schism is more hidden.
The Two Party
System is Starting to Break Apart
The two-party system is starting to break apart, which is not
necessarily bad for the people of the United States who have
been directed into this limited political reality over the last
several decades.
The fracturing of the political parties in 2011
will at first seem a radical thing that may not be beneficial,
but this Awareness sees that it will open the door to a much
freer democratic society, where others have a greater chance of
moving into leadership roles, those who would truly be leaders
for the people at this time.
While this is still in its infancy,
2011 will see this move into a more adolescent state of affairs
as more become aware of the need to question the political
structure that has been in play for so long.
This too is part of
the rebellious attitude this Awareness has spoken to at the
beginning of this forecast.
More and more will
demand a true change in 2011
rebellion will extend into the political arena seeing itself
being played out as more and more question the way of things,
the ineffective manner by which the nation is governed.
There is
a genuine need by the people to see effective government
restored, a government that condones and supports the needs of
the average man and average woman versus the very specialized
needs of industry and corporations.
This will continue in 2011
as more and more become politicized in their attitude that
change must occur, true change and not simply the empty slogans
of politicians who speak of change and yet only deliver the
status quo.
President Obama has
lost his "spark"
Barack Obama most definitely won his presidency on the promise
of change and yet in his term in office to date he has not
delivered change, he has continued to support the status quo.
is seen that he would like to create a new reality in the nation
but is shackled by those who are his Masters at the expense of
his life and the life of his family if he were to digress from
the path already assigned him. It can be seen in his demeanor
that he has suffered quite a great deal already on a
psychological and emotional level.
He no longer quite carries
that spark that he once had before he was elected president.
He has also been verbally warned many times of the consequences
of any actions on his part to go against his own power Masters,
his own handlers and he understands this only too well.
Do not
expect from this man any great acts of courage unless other
events occur first that will give him greater latitude in which
to act.
Other than this, he will simply do what he is told at
this time and this will continue into 2011. It is not seen, as
this Awareness has already said, that he will make any greater
strides forward because of his restriction of power, his lame
duck presidency.
Hard Times will
continue in America in 2011
In terms
of economics for the United States of America, it is seen that
the continuance of hard times is very much still present in
That which is presented on TV and in the media of the
successful return from the recession is simply rhetoric, as most
people know in their personal lives. Many lives are still being
compromised by the situation in the United States, especially
around work and welfare.
The welfare system will continue to
struggle as it is trying to cope with limited resources and
A more localized
economy in 2011
Much that was for the Social Security system has been absconded,
this being monies that were meant for the Social Security
system; the old-age pension and other social services has been
pilfered by those in power, especially through
the Bush regime
from their time in office.
This has made it a difficult
situation since then and it is seen that this will continue in
What this will foster is a more localized economy, where
people start to focus on their own regions of domicile versus a
more international and national trade. It will be seen that many
will start to resort back into local economies, support local
businesses, local agricultural farms and workings, so that they
can buy locally.
This will actually be beneficial in the long run, for as there
are seen to be some major
Earth changes coming, this will
prepare people to survive at the local region versus having to
have dependency on food crops that come from hundreds, even
thousands of miles away. This is seen to be in preparation for
even more radical changes in 2012, but it is not seen at this
time as something that will be hugely detrimental.
It is simply
seen as a shifting in conscious attitude away from the way
things have been and towards that which will be a more
consistent, viable economic option to the local regions and
areas where one lives.
Canada will fare
better than the U.S.
In terms of
world economy, it is seen that the G-8 nations will continue to
struggle as they have been struggling for the last three years,
with some nations doing better than others.
It is seen that the
nation to the north of the United States, that being Canada,
will fare better than their southern neighbor but much of their
woes will still be tied into the actual situation in the United
States, which is their greatest trading partner.
It is seen also
a challenge to the government of Stephen Harper later in the
year of 2011, with the possible defeat of the government at a
time when there is a lack of support for the man and for the
Conservative Party. It is seen that the Canadian people
themselves are starting to feel frustrated by the lack of
compassion from the Conservative Party for the needs of the
individual in the country of Canada.
Many will start to not
appreciate the conservative government that is in power at this
time, and 2011 holds an energy of opposition and rebellion
against the government.
The European Union
will continue to struggle
The European Union will also continue to struggle tremendously
as various poor nations are declaring themselves financially
This strain will work against the European Union and
there will begin to be many who suggest that the experiment of
the European Union is a failed experiment. This attitude of
rebellion that this Awareness has sensed for 2011 will exhibit
itself in nations such as France, Germany and Great Britain and
there may be a call to disconnect from the poorer nations that
are dragging down the richer nations of the European Union.
It is also seen that there will be economic stresses on the
European Union as they see their currency deflated because of
the unstable economic situation generated by having to support
poorer nations that they were only too glad to absorb into the
fabric of the European Union several years back.
This will come
back to haunt them now, for many thought at the time that this
uncontrolled advancement, this unbridled lust for a strong
collective of nations that would create a powerful European
Union was not the right way to go and this will prove to be so
in 2011 as the addition of the weaker nations will prove to be
the Achilles' heel for the European Union.
This will create even
more difficulty in the year ahead.
China will continue
to grow toward world dominance
(It may try to call in the debt owed to them by the U.S.)
The other regions of the world, such as the Asian countries or
the southern Pacific regions with Australia and New Zealand, for
example, that they will continue along the lines of that which
has been the case for 2010.
It is seen that China will continue
to grow in its power towards world dominance in 2011. It is also
seen that there may be attempts by China to call in the debt
owed to them from the United States, that it will flex its
muscles and this may cause some great international tensions
between the United States and China in 2011.
The true reason for
the tension which would be the calling in of the debt owed that
China took over from the United States may not be publicly
divulged, and it may be presented as a military struggle, a
military tension.
Problems between
North and South Korea are manufactured
North Korea may even be used somewhat as an instigator of this
The problems seen recently between North Korea and
South Korea are manufactured so that the tension between the
United States and China can start to come forward, but this will
all be played out with subterfuge.
Do not fall for the reports
that will come out in 2011, understand rather that this is all
part of the old regime, the Powers That Be resisting that which
is outside of their control, for it is seen that the authority
and leadership of China is not under the control of the Powers
That Be, the Elite at this time, and it is seen that this in
2011 may indeed come to a crisis situation, although it is not
seen by this Awareness that it will lead to war.
It is more a
case of saber rattling, and the United States and China may be
testing each other's mettle without the intent at this time to
go to war. Thus, it is not seen that there is a situation of
military conflict in 2011 between China and its allies and the
United States and its allies.
Earth Changes Seen
In the realm of the Earth changes, this Awareness sees
continuance of that which has been launched several years
previously, primarily in weather situations, climatic change as
well as the
continuance of earthquakes and volcanic activities.
It is seen that there will be at least two, perhaps three major
Earth events in 2011 that will cause the death of thousands and
the dislocations of millions.
This is seen in areas of third
world status more than in the United States at this time, but
this Awareness still sees, as It has over the last several
years, the build up of pressures in the seismic regions along
the West Coast and also along the fault line that is known as
the New Madrid fault line through the middle region of the
United States of America.
Disastrous Oil
spill in Gulf has Created Great Problems
It is also seen that certain situations due to the
oil spill in
2010 in the Gulf of Mexico will come to the surface.
Much of the
oil that came out was treated and did sink to the bottom, but
this will create new problems and this will come into focus more
in 2011, as areas of the Gulf are dead and will cause and create
subsequent actions in climate, as well as the destruction of
certain fishing industries, such as the shrimp industry, which
has been very heavily affected by the oil spills.
Much of this,
of course, was hidden.
Expect information to be released about
the actual result of the oil spill, what really happened, how
there were cover-ups to prevent the public from truly knowing
what took place and how disastrous the oil spill was to occur,
to come out in 2011.
New Technology and
a Back to Nature Trend
In the region of technological advancement, 2011 will mark a
turning point for many who have seen technology as the ultimate
By turning point, it is meant that there will be those
who will see that what has been is simply a precursor of much
more in 2011, and it will be a turning point, a turning of the
corner for many who see technology as the way forward. And yet
for others this may prove to be the opposite, as there are many
who are starting to turn away from technology.
There will be
those who try to return back to nature, back to a simpler time.
It is seen, due to the rebellious energies of 2011, that there
may be a new
Luddite type movement of many who are trying to
return back to simpler times, simpler more natural ways,
connecting to the planet in more holistic ways than is the case
This is also seen as part of the energy movement for 2011.
State of Health in
the U.S.
In terms of
medication and medical discoveries, and the state of health in
the United States, it is seen that there is still much
opposition to the health plans that have been presented by
President Barack Obama.
His health plans may well be held up,
and may even be challenged in 2011. It is not seen by this
Awareness at this time that they will be completely blocked, but
do plan to see the opposition against the health plan that was
passed recently.
This seems to be part of the oppositional
energies of the Tea Party and the new right wing element of the
Republican conservative energies that are swelling up at this
time and will continue to do so in 2011.
This is also part of
the energies against Barack Obama, the opposition against him,
which is in some ways unfair to the man himself, for he is only
doing that which he is being commanded to do, and yet it is part
of the groundswell of opposition and rebellion that will make
itself felt more thoroughly in 2011.
Third and Final
Wave of Mummy Energies from Ra-Ta Experiment to be Released
around March 21st, 2011 will Create Optimism
The year itself will also see the release of the third and final
wave of consciousness from the
Ra-Ta experiment in ancient
Egypt, which is very much part of the reason why many will start
to awaken, many will start to question, and many will start to
review not only their personal lives but the status of the
nation and the planet as well.
This is seen to be available in
the period of March around the period March 21st, around the
time of the spring equinox. This could well herald in spring of
2011 a whole new optimism and hopefulness for the summer ahead
and the year ahead.
This will be very strong in the United
States and many will feel very optimistic and uplifted, despite
what has happened in the preceding months and what may still
Powers That Be Are
Losing - May Create New Terrorism
This is to be encouraged, to remember that the oppositional
energies against the Powers That Be are starting to move
forward, are starting to push at this final, crucial stage and
that those Powers That Be understand and know that the
opposition they are starting to face may start to become
stronger and stronger in 2011, which is why they are attempting
so strongly at this time to assert as much control as possible.
It is even seen that in this effort to create the negative
energies, there may be attempts to create another sensational
terrorist experience, such as the bombings of the world trade
building and the Pentagon.
More Intervention
From the Galactic Federation
There is also seen that the energies of opposition from
Galactic Federation will intervene and thus, although there may
be attempts at major acts of terrorism by those who are the true
terrorists, it is not seen by this Awareness that they will be
highly successful in their efforts, although they may still,
even without success, promote further restrictions in the
freedoms of the American people and the peoples of the world.
This is all part of that movement in 2011, where many will rise
up and say "Enough is enough!" and it is this energy that most
signals 2011's energy as being energies of rebellion and
opposition, as being energies of those many starting to wake up
and starting to question what is the status quo.
This is all
available in the year 2011.
Rapid Personal
Growth for Individuals who Think Positively
This Awareness says that the year itself for the majority of
individuals may well prove to be a highly eventful year on many
It sees that the energies can be very conducive to
personal growth and development if one is not swept into the
vortex of negativity that the spin doctors of the current
regimes are trying to spin.
If one can stay outside of the
energies of negativity, one may have a much better chance at
seeing how powerful the year is for personal growth and
development and how the planet itself is moving into the last
critical stage before the final push to that which is the year
of Ascension.
Don't get Sucked Into Extreme Energies in 2011
2011 will be a monumental year in many ways, but that this
Awareness does ask for one and all to stay in a place of
moderation and balance, avoiding extremes, although the year may
well be a year of extremes.
Do not be sucked into the extreme
energies but to allow the positive flow to always assist and
guide one forward in the journey of one's life. This completes
at this moment this Awareness' forecast for 2011.
It now stands
open for questions from the Energizer.
Questioner: (Thank
you) With regard to the last topic, is there any additional
information on
Planet X or Nibiru or the other names that are
called planet X?
Cosmic Awareness: There are indeed many who are pointing to the
skies at this time and pointing to many different phenomena that
are occurring in the skies as the evidence of planet X, or
This Awareness is not so much concerned in identifying
which of the many objects in the skies is the actual planet Nibiru as
it is in simply saying that the energies of Nibiru, or
planet X are very much coming into play, are very much part of
the disruption of life as it is now known.
It is not seen that
there will be an event that crystallizes the reality of Nibiru
for the entire world as being 100% fact, but 2011 will make many
more aware that this planetary object is in the skies.
Cover-Up will
continue but the Internet will know
This Awareness does not see official sources as endorsing the
approach of Nibiru.
It does see the continuance of a cover-up
mentality, where all discussion of this is avoided, but it
cannot prevent the discussion along the Cybernet waves, the
waves of the vast Internet that is the major source by which the
news will be communicated, the major means through which the
news of this extraterrestrial planetary body will be announced.
There will be more and more open public speculation; there may
even be reports on local channels and many will become aware of
the possibility, but it is not seen at this moment that the
government of the United States, for example, or the European
Union or the Asian nations are entirely ready to admit that Nibiru is a reality that they have long been aware of.
2011 will make more and more people on a personal level and on
group levels aware, but it is not seen yet to be something that
the governments are ready to admit to, for they are afraid that
many will accuse them of a cover-up, which of course has been
the case.
Is Nibiru Causing
the Earth to Wobble?
Yes, obviously. I wonder... is it Nibiru that is exerting much
or more influence on the Earth than the moon, causing the Earth
to wobble and tilt, thus affecting the magnetics of the earth,
for example?
Cosmic Awareness: This is seen to be playing a role here in
wobble of the Earth, but it is also seen that there are other
factors more prevalent that are causing this.
Part of it is the
consciousness of Mother Earth as she is waking up.
This is
causing a certain shimmering of her ethereal body. This
shimmering is that which is causing a certain quaking, a certain
shivering, a certain movement or wobble to the planet itself. Nibiru's influence is amplifying this somewhat, but this had
started before the proximity of Nibiru was strong enough to
create this.
It can, however, amplify that which is already
occurring, but be aware this is simply part of the process of
Earth separating into the two planet Earths this Awareness
has spoken of in the past, of course both being on different vibrational tracks.
The Wobble Will
Cause the Final Separation
What is truly more the cause of the wobbling is the two planets
starting to go out of phase with each other.
This is causing the
energy of both planets to be wobbly, to be shimmering and this
is what will cause the final separation as the wobble begins to
increase to such a degree that the two planets eventually will
literally be thrown apart at the sub-dimensional levels, at a
level other than the physical level, but it will have physical
effects and consequences.
The planet Nibiru is simply
additional factor in this equation.
Questioner: I see. Has the pole shift started already?
Cosmic Awareness: The pole shift has started many, many years
ago, and it is simply accelerating.
Questioner: That would be the cause of the
weather disturbances?
Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed accurate.
Questioner: Is there
an update on the Galactic Federation?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness sees that the Galactic
Federation has been very active in presenting itself in small
ways. It has not pursued the option that it was favoring a few
years ago of one huge sighting, one huge First Contact.
over the year 2010 many sightings have occurred, becoming more
and more prevalent. It is seen that this will continue in 2011
and there will be a continuance of vortexes appearing in
different areas and regions around the world.
This of course
will largely be subdued in the Western nations, where there is
still a ban against official acknowledgment that the Galactic
Federation exists.
An Increase of
Personal Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind
It is even seen that there will be
First Contact scenarios in
various regions of the world, but not First Contact on an
international level that is so obvious that it cannot be
The type of First Contact this Awareness is speaking of
is on a much more personal level and thus it is seen by this
Awareness that many will begin to have personal close encounters
of the third kind, and that many will start to meet
extraterrestrial beings and it is seen that more and more
reporting of this will occur on the Internet as more come
forward with their stories and their claims.
Many of these
events will be quite stupendous in their implication and yet
such is the energy dampening of refusal to acknowledge this,
that many more who have not had that experience will still
assume that there are no such things as extraterrestrial beings.
Numerous Group
Sightings Over 3rd World Countries
However, it is seen that generally speaking this attitude will
digress in 2011 as more come forward with their personal claims;
this being part of the energy of many more coming forward to
refute official claims and official policy, this being of course
now in the area of contact with the Galactic Federation forces,
the extraterrestrial beings who will present themselves more and
It is also seen that group sightings will become very
prevalent over many Third World Countries and lesser developed
countries as the energies start to become more prominent and
prevalent, energies that supports the extraterrestrial
activities and are indeed the thinning of the veil that will
allow the eventual splitting of the two planets into the two new
streams of consciousness that are ready to move forward at the
time of Ascension, the new themes of the
Planet A and the Planet
B scenarios that this Awareness has so long reported and talked
Questioner: I don't have any other questions with regard to the
forecast but there is one item concerning
the Mayan calendar and
the year 2011. May this be presented to you at this time?
Comic Awareness: Indeed, this may be presented.
Questioner: Thank
you. What I have written is: Would you please discuss the Mayan
calendar end date, which has been questioned with three
different dates offered?
These dates are October 22, 2011,
October 28, 2011 or December 21, 2012. It has been
suggested by
Carl Johan Calleman Ph.D of the University of Stockholm that the
energies of the Long Count ends October 28, 2011.
Exactly what
are the energies of the Long Count reported amongst other
observations? Are these three dates synonymous with any other
occurrence? Your comment please?
Cosmic Awareness: First, this Awareness will comment on
21st, 2012.
This is a date where it is already known that there
will be a unique configuration of planets and stars along the
central axis to that which is the central sun,
Alcyone. This is
already known and this is the date of completion for the
shifting of the two planets' energetic bodies away from each
other and the splitting of the energy fields of planet Earth.
This has long been touted by this Awareness as the time of
completion. Saying this, there are times ahead and beyond this
date where there will be energetic fluctuations.
October 22nd and
October 28, 2011 Could be Extreme
The two dates mentioned in October of 2011 are two dates where
there will be extreme fluctuations of the energies on those
It is an Energetic that is very disruptive and may indeed
lead to certain Earth changes and Earth events that can be quite
dramatic at that time. Furthermore, those are two dates, both
valid, that may indicate that there is an extreme thinning.
is as if the wobbling of the energies discussed by this
Awareness a few moments ago, achieves an extreme level of wobble
before wobbling back on itself.
Light Workers Could
Go Through the Portals on those Dates
At this extreme edge the energies will be such that the veil
between the dimensions may be exceedingly thin and many may
choose to cross at that time, for it is seen that there will be
crossing portals available, and many who are now at a point of
spiritual development may find themselves in areas where they
can choose to move through the veil, go through the portals into
the new reality that lies beyond, that already exists beyond the
veil that exist between the two planets.
Thus, these two dates
are prevalent in the Mayan calendar. They are not the end date
of December 21st, 2012 but they are very much part of the
process of Ascension available to many individuals and available
to the planet.
Earth Changes to be
Experienced on those Dates
It is as if these preliminary events also begin to break the
bonds that exist still, and that hold the two planets in a
cohesive alignment, although this cohesive alignment is, as this
Awareness has already said, starting to wobble out of control.
When these wobbles reach these extreme points that align with
the two dates mentioned, many events can occur, including
certain geophysical events, earth-changes, earthquakes and
volcanoes, as well as extreme weather conditions. These are all
also part of what can be experienced on the day, although this
Awareness does not see that either of these two dates is the
actual ending of the Mayan calendar.
Furthermore, it must be understood that the Mayan calendar is
simply speaking of the ending of the order of things, of the
status of the world as it has been known and is now known. It
does not prophesy the actual complete destruction of the planet.
It is simply that which was will no longer be and a new
beginning will as a result begin.
Questioner: A question comes to mind that October 22nd, 2011 is
an extremely important date as an ending of some type. Is there
any validity to this thought for the 22nd as opposed to the
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness will simply agree with the
Energizer that there is an ending energy on this date that is
prevalent, but this Awareness will not speculate further at this
Furthermore, there are many ending energies available as
one sees that the times are about to change. There are many
personal endings that will play themselves out in many ways,
shapes and forms. October 22nd, 2011 may yet prove to be a very
interesting date, for the date is a mirror reflection of itself
from one end to the other, October being the number 10; this
reflection is followed by the 22 and the 2011.
This is for those
who are interested in numerology, a very interesting combination
of numbers that has a reflective energy, in a manner of
The Energies of the
Long Count
Questioner: (Yes, yes, I thought so). All right, can we go back
to the Long Count, the energies of the Long Count? What does
that mean please?
Cosmic Awareness: The Long Count is that which is the Mayan
calendar's 54 year cycle versus the shorter cycles of the two
intersecting calendars that also are part of the Mayan calendar.
The Long Count, the last 54-year cycle, will complete itself on
the dates that are being talked about and then the continuance
of the smaller calendars are such that they will all come
together in the final date of December 21st, 2012.
Questioner: Is there nothing further on the forecast itself?
Cosmic Awareness: There may be further information to be
released in the next several weeks. At this time this Awareness
feels complete with Its forecast.
Questioner: Thank
you. Do you have a closing message please?
Cosmic Awareness: As this Awareness has forecasted many other
years in the past, It concludes at this time by stating, as
always, that the energies that this Awareness is seeing and
tuning in to at this time are prevalent not for 2011, but for
this date in 2010.
What this means is that the energies at this
moment are those energies that this Awareness can speak to and
address as possible energies that carry forward in 2011 that It
is able then to see and tune into, but to also remember that the
energies are in a constant state of flux.
This Awareness is not
a fortune teller, It is simply reporting on the Energetics of
the year ahead and not on the specific predictions of events in
the year ahead.
Much can change in accordance to each and every individual's
ability to tune in to their own realities, to understand the
effects of their own personal beliefs and attitudes of what is
expected. This Awareness would like to leave this matter today
by stating that the year 2011 has great potential. While there
may be rebellious energies that come forward in 2011, it will
also be a year of great opportunity, especially for individuals
in their own personal growth and development.
There may be great
challenges in the year for individuals to tune out of the mass
prophecies of the public media and the forces that have power in
and on the planet at this time, but this is also part of the
process of preparation for Ascension which is essentially a
personal experience, even though it will be reflected on the
mass level as well.
On the personal level, it is absolutely essential that each and
every individual becomes totally acquainted with their power and
their capacity to predict in their own lives what their beliefs
are and how they may manifest in their reality, indeed how they
may even manifest their reality to be one that is in greater
alignment to their spiritual awareness and understanding.
will be an extraordinary year of opportunity for many to start
to understand this, witness this and accomplish this.
Once the
energies of the third wave of the Ra-Ta project are released, do
expect to see an acceleration, especially on personal levels of
the awareness of how things truly work and function.
In 2011 An
Acceleration of Time Even Faster than Now
For those who have sought this out and have been open to the new
reality of spiritual consciousness, this will move them
tremendously in the direction of their personal Ascension.
those new to this, who have yet to understand some of the more
basic elements, they too will move quickly into areas that may
have taken others years and years of spiritual devotion and
dedication to reach. It will be an accelerated time indeed. This
is also one element or aspect of 2011 that this Awareness would
comment on now.
There will be an acceleration of time beyond
even that rapid acceleration that has been experienced by so
many up until now and at this moment.
Expect things to move even
more quickly in 2011.
Be Careful What You
Wish For
Many will
experience instant manifestation of their beliefs and attitudes,
their wishes and desires, of both negative and positive.
That is
why this Awareness would say to one and all: be careful about
what you wish for, for unguarded, undisciplined thinking may
well manifest itself instantly to one's regret. Be careful in
this manner, stay focused at this time, and present your beliefs
and attitudes, wishes, desires and requests in a way that is
always highly positive and focused.
On those occasions when one
experiences the instant manifestation of more negative
attitudes, take this as an example of how the energies are
available, both for good and bad and learn from this. There is
much to be learnt and 2011 will be indeed a time of accelerated
learning and experiencing.
This completes this forecast at this
Questioner: (Thank you) We are most appreciative.
Questioner: Does
Awareness have an opening message or any comments concerning the
2011 forecast delivered last week please?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to discuss the forecast
for 2011 that was given last week. This Awareness is aware that
there will be those who are disappointed with the lack of
sensationalism in the forecast delivered.
This Awareness could
focus on sensational events that may occur in the year ahead,
but this Awareness wishes all to understand that the energies
that are now taking place and that are now occurring are
vacillating so quickly that many timelines for 2011 are now
This Awareness does not choose to energize those
sensational timelines that would bring into the belief patterns
of those reading the forecast the beliefs that tragic and
sensational events will happen that they would then look forward
Why Awareness Does
Not Report the Sensational
Many believe because 2011 is the year before Ascension, and
spectacular earth shattering events should be occurring and this
Awareness should be reporting them and forecasting them, but
this Awareness sees this matter differently.
While It does see
those timelines where the sensational, the catastrophic and the
tragic can occur, where the wondrous and miraculous can occur,
It chooses not to present them in a way that would focus each
individual towards such an outcome. The reason for this is that
as you advance towards that awesome moment that will be
Ascension, one and all must come into their own divinity, their
own realization of who and what they are.
They are Creator
Beings who are creating their life experience in this third
dimensional reality.
When this Awareness makes predictions, often these predictions
are taken in at a core level of the being that is reading or
hearing the predictions, or the forecast for the times ahead.
The Creator Being who is in ignorance will simply take onboard
predictions, opinions, and thoughts of others, this Awareness
included, that the individual thinks will fit the bill, or
thinks will come true.
They will then go on to energize that
which another has given them, be that this Awareness, or another
channeler, an expert, a guru, a friend or even a foe.
A More Neutral
Forecast is Given
What this Awareness is trying to accomplish at this time is to
present a more neutral forecast that does not rely on
sensationalism and that does not predispose the individual who
reads the forecast or hears what this Awareness has to say
towards an unconscious generation of an experience of that
It would not energize the individual to
create a
timeline that they would not necessarily need to experience for
By presenting a less spectacular forecast than some
would desire, this allows a more neutral path to be followed
that will have more options for each individual, as they tune
into their timeline and as they create their life experience.
Individuals Create
What They Believe
This Awareness has spoken the words often that individuals
create what they believe, and what they know to be so.
If the
words of others create the belief system in an individual that
leads them to create in alignment with that which was predicted,
this is an indication that the individual has not reached that
level of conscious understanding that will allow them to escape
the manipulation of consciousness by those with an intent to
lead or even mislead.
By presenting a more neutral forecast,
this allows each individual to choose for themselves their own
experiences, whether they choose to draw in to their lives those
sensational events that are quite possible in the year ahead or
a more neutral timeline of events that will not create havoc in
the individual's life but allow them to develop in a way that is
robust, balanced and energized, with a positive mindset.
Forecasting a Year
in Advance is Extremely Limited
This Awareness wishes also to make it clear to one and all that
the matter of forecasting a full year in advance is extremely
limiting as well, for many events will unfold in the year ahead
that are moment to moment and are not available to this
Awareness, even at this moment, for this Awareness deals with
the matter of multiple timelines, an infinite amount of
timelines and these timelines are shifting constantly as the
events move humanity and the planetary consciousness of the
Earth Logos, the planet's consciousness, towards that event of
When this Awareness says these events are not available, It
simply means that there are energies that are creating from
moment to moment and this Awareness would need to be reporting
from moment to moment the unfolding energies It sees as infinite
possibilities. It would be unfair to the Interpreter to keep him
in a constant state of channeling this Awareness.
Thus, when the opportunity is available where the Interpreter
avails himself to this Awareness, allowing this Awareness to
speak through him, it is a moment captured in the instance of
participation. It is happening in the moment of the activation
of the energies of this Awareness, the consciousness of this
Awareness speaking through the Interpreter.
At that moment
certain information is available that this Awareness passes
through the Interpreter.
Some Information is
Restricted to the Interpreter
Due to the very nature of the limited availability of
consciousness to channel what this Awareness knows and sees, a
restriction occurs to that which can pass through the
Interpreter, and although he is extremely gifted in his ability
to channel this Awareness, even he cannot possibly allow to pass
through him all of the information that this Awareness is privy
to, and that this Awareness sees and knows of in that singular
moment of interchange between this Awareness and the
Due to the information that this Awareness is privy
to, it is then somewhat restricted as it is passed through the
Interpreter and then expressed through the Interpreter for those
who read what this Awareness is presenting.
The Interpreter does have the ability to be extremely open and
to allow that information to flow that is available through this
process, but as this Awareness is aware of Its impact, power and
effect on human consciousness through that which is channeled
through the Interpreter, It understands Its own responsibility
in presenting information that at this time is both positive,
but in a manner of speaking, neutral as well.
A Challenge for you
to Create Your Own Timeline
It is encouraging all human beings to step forward at this
crucial time and take greater responsibility for creating their
own timeline, for experiencing those realities that are in
accordance to their inner and deeper beliefs, especially those
beliefs that energize the concept of Ascension and the extremely
distinct possibility that a shift is coming.
This Awareness
would even say that this is much more than a distinct
possibility; it is a certainty.
The true question is now whether or not those energizing the
shift can do so at the highest level. This Awareness is always
available for the questions around events that individuals are
curious about, such as the opening of timelines to allow
positive expansion of concepts and beliefs that are held by
It is in the asking of questions that this
Awareness can become more specific regarding certain timelines,
both in a general sense as applicable to the planet and humanity
at this time, as well as specific personal queries that are of
extreme interest to each and every individual as their own
personal timeline unfolds.
The Theme of
Rebellion in 2011
Awareness did speak of a theme that would be very relevant in
the year ahead,
the theme of rebellion, the questioning of those
in power and the practices of those in power.
The importance in
this is not simply to bring forth the energy of rebellion, but
to understand rebellion is a rejecting of that which no longer
applies, which no longer has relevancy and expresses the
frustration of the many to those applications of power that
exist on the planet at this time to control and manipulate the
masses towards the favored result of those who hold power.
the rebellion that will be seen in 2011 will challenge the very
power base that those who are in control hold.
Rebellion will also be on
a Personal Level
Further to this, the rebellion that this Awareness is speaking
of is also rebellion at a personal level, a challenging of those
personal laws and morals, concepts and beliefs that no longer
serve the individual.
The rebellion of each and every individual
to constricting beliefs, concepts, morals and attitudes is meant
to shake up individuals' lives, for as these are shaken up they
will begin that distinct process of Ascension that each and
every individual must go through as they release old beliefs,
concepts or attitudes that held them in a timeline previously.
They will find new doors opening, and new horizons available as
they move towards that ultimate experience of the shift in
consciousness that will define that which is Ascension.
Thus it is that in the message delivered by this Awareness,
although It did touch upon certain events unfolding that may
occur in 2011, the greater purpose of this Awareness at this
time for Its forecast was to make available to each and every
individual distinct possibilities for them to create their own
timeline in accordance to their own shifting beliefs and
attitudes, especially when there has been a breakdown for the
individual of pre-existing beliefs, thoughts and attitudes.
year 2011 holds much possibility for change, and for the shift
of consciousness it does not need to encompass spectacular
tragic events on a personal level, but it does need to
accomplish the shaking up of the paradigms of belief that hold
both the planet and each and every individual.
What Awareness
Wishes for You in 2011
Awareness is, as always, available for specific questions
individuals may have that are reflective of their own individual
concepts or queries about timelines, be they of a general nature
or a personal nature, but It does not wish to taint a collective
experience of that which lies ahead in 2011 by making specific
predictions of events that may happen during the year ahead.
This Awareness wishes all an incredible 2011, full of new
possibilities and hopes, a year of release from old paradigms of
belief and concepts held that restrict each and every individual
from breaking free. It will indeed be that which could be called
a breakout year, preparing many for the dramatic events of the
year following, that being 2012.
This Awareness again wishes one and all the opportunity to
discover for themselves everything that is available for them in
2011, that will help them move forward in their own individual
timeline as it moves toward
that event known as Ascension.
Awareness is complete with Its opening message.
Questioner: Thank
you. That was excellent and contains much food for thought. One
question does come to mind if I may. Are there any additional
actions CAC (Cosmic Awareness Communications) as a whole or the members themselves should be
considering at this time or during the next year?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness would say that collective
action could be taken by those members of Cosmic Awareness
Communications of holding the most positive and powerful
concepts of the shifting of energy that is possible for each and
every individual within the organization:
to hold that the
planet and humanity itself are on an amazing journey that will
move them through any and all difficulties and hardships, any
and all spectacular and challenging events, be they on a mass
level or an individual level
to hold that this too will pass,
and what they are experiencing in terms of upheaval and
discordance will indeed pass and that they need to, both as
individuals and a collective, hold to the belief that whatever
unfolds in 2011, be it of the most challenging nature
collectively or individually, will pass, especially as one holds
that this is so.
There are many who may not experience, either in a collective
reality or on an individual basis, these spectacular events, but
find that things simply roll on as they have been with a
continuance of much that is already being experienced.
It is for
them to understand that they are creating this so that they are
not overly challenged.
There is enough challenge for each and
every individual in the energies of this time and of the year
ahead. This Awareness would even suggest that those who do not
have the spectacular type of experience individually or on the
collective level are indeed creating for themselves a reality
that will allow them to slide easily into the future and into
Therefore, the singular concept that this Awareness wishes to
most energize and convey is to hold that positive line of
thinking that will allow each and every individual to hold that
things are moving forward, things will progress in a way that
can be handled and that each and every individual is indeed
accomplishing within the parameters of their own experiencing of
reality, that which needs to be experienced for them and an
understanding that the collective is doing the same.
Being as
positive and focused on the movement forward as possible is that
which this Awareness most suggests.
Questioner: (Thank
you, that's excellent advice, extremely so). There was something
that was going on here with regard to communications where they
are either not available or they are "down" and cannot be
Is there anything particular going on in this area or
any of the other areas - is this due to Planet X/Nibiru or
anything like that?
Mercury Retrograde
is Occurring
Awareness: It is seen that there is some effect on the
electronic systems. The satellite systems are being affected by
those energies of that planet known as
Planet X, or Nibiru.
These are not extreme but they can affect individuals in their
communications. Furthermore, at this time the event that is
known as Mercury retrograde is also occurring, which is classic
in that disruption of communications both on individual levels
as well as mass communications, such as electronic
This too is occurring at this time and it is a
strong occurrence, due to the other energies that are also
happening at this time, not the least of which is the
Mars as it moves over the moon of Sagittarius and the sign it is
in at this time.
These are all events that are contributing to the disruption of
communications, both personal communications with others - as
well as through communication over electronic devices, such as
Internet, telephones and satellite communications.
Questioner: Understood, with Mercury being retrograde it is only
a temporary thing in the sense that by the end of the month
things should straighten out okay?
Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed so.
Questioner: Just speaking of Mercury retrograde, as retrograde
means a return, is this something that has happened before?
Cosmic Awareness: This happens three times in the year where
that energy that is Mercury retrograde comes about, each time
depending on the positioning of Mercury retrograde in houses of
the zodiac, the positions of planets, and the movements in
individual charts.
The energies of the Mercury retrograde will
be stronger or weaker or neutral to the individual experiencing
the event.
Therefore, not all will necessarily experience any
disruptions in their communications, be that on a personal or
mass level, whereas others are having experience after
experience of the disruption of the communications of their
lives at that time. Is this clear?
Questioner: Yes it
is and understood. I'm wondering too, I will just hold up this
picture here. There was something that passed between the Sun
and the Moon that left a mark or a shadow on the Sun.
Can you
explain if that is a satellite or whether it is a spacecraft?
Cosmic Awareness: This is seen to be that which would be
a spacecraft, a Mother Ship. It is massive in its
dimensions, so much so that it created the shadow that
astronomers could see and record against the surface of the Sun.
It is here for the purpose of assisting in the times ahead for
those who are opening their consciousness, and expanding their
beliefs to the point where they are ready to experience in their
individual construction of reality, in their own timeline, that
which is the experience of contact with extraterrestrial beings.
This is indeed one of the prevalent energies that are being
energized and presented at this time and for the year ahead for
those who are ready to go there.
Questioner: Thank you. The identity of this craft - is that
favorable or is it part of the Galactic Federation or is it the
Orion people, or...?
Cosmic Awareness: It is seen to be that which would be part of
the Galactic Federation forces.
Questioner: Thank
you, that's encouraging. Okay, another question: Will the planet Nibiru be seen by the naked eye shortly or is it already?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness explains this matter thusly:
that while it may not be seen directly by the naked eye or even
through telescopes, both professional and amateur, the reason
for this is because the planet is cloaked.
Many are familiar
with this concept from series such as Star Trek or Star Wars or
other science fiction episodes. This concept is indeed a real
concept and those on the planet have the technology to bend the
light rays around their planet.
Thus it is difficult, if not
impossible, to see the planet Nibiru directly.
It is known however by those who are using other devices to scan
the skies, including electromagnetic sounding devices or
electromagnetic telescopes, where they are picking up the object
that is there, even though it cannot be seen. It is having an
effect on the electromagnetic energies of the planet and many of
the disruptions that are already occurring and will continue to
occur are a result of the passage of the planet Nibiru as it
affects the planet and the moon.
This may well cause discordance
in the Earth's energies, as well as further shifting of the
magnetic poles.
These are all in alignment to the unfolding events of these
times and one must not pay too much attention to any negative
expression of these energies, but be open to the understanding
that these events are occurring not only because of the shifting
energies of Planet Earth herself, but in addition because of
those energies that are playing out because of the proximity of
the Planet Nibiru to Earth itself.
Questioner: This then would suggest that the pole shift has
already begun, is that correct?
Cosmic Awareness: The pole shift has already begun.
Questioner: (All
right, thank you). Just to go to a different topic... this one
comes from DT and he writes,
"I have some serious questions that
have been on my mind for many months. The topic is philosophy. I
am so confused. Other interpreters have always said,
Galactic Federation is going to save us! It is up to ourselves
to fix this Orion mess, otherwise we are doomed to repeat the
I believe It said something about trusting your own
higher self and not any "Tonka" (I believe a joke on the entity Monka).
Now we are again waiting for the Galactic Federation to
save us (a name also used by the
Ashtar command).
Hatonn is associated with the Ashtar command and the
Jesus Sananda on a spaceship group of Tuella. Hatonn is now to be a
trusted entity.
I believe Hatonn to be
a Reptilian entity. Is
he? And the Ashtar Command is a known rogue group of
non-helpful, self-gratifying entities. Is this still true? And
are they in fact associated with the Ashtar Command?
It seems
that nowadays Awareness has done a COMPLETE REVERSAL! What is
going on?"
Your comment please?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness first refers to that which is
the opening message presented by this Awareness on this
It suggested that this Awareness making
predictions of what will be is inappropriate now to individuals
starting to step into the power of their creative being, their
capacity to generate and create their own reality.
In reference
to this individual's question regarding not waiting for the
Galactic Federation to come and save one and all, this Awareness
is in agreement, for in Its opening message It too was
suggesting that the individual must take greater responsibility
now in understanding, first of all, that they are Creator
Beings, that they can create the reality which they experience,
and that they do indeed create the reality they experience.
By giving their power over to another, be it this Awareness or
Ashtar Command or the Galactic Federation, it is an abdication
of their Divine Being, that which is to awaken at this time.
Therefore, this Awareness does support this individual's queries
as to the validity of trusting these beings, be they the Ashtar
Command or the Galactic Federation, before and beyond trusting
their own Internal Divine Guidance and Power.
It is time to
understand - whether these beings are Reptilian, Orion, Venusian, Pleiadian, Arcturian or anything else -
they are not
here to save but either to mislead and misguide, as is the
intent of the Orion/Reptilian faction, or to guide and leap
forward into a greater awareness and understanding of their own
true powers, of the individual's true powers, as is the intent
and desire of the Galactic Federation.
The Galactic
Federation will come to Awaken Individuals
Theirs is not the desire to save but rather to awaken the
individuals and the collective that is humanity, to the way
forward into that understanding of their own divinity and
creator nature.
They are not here to save mankind but to help in
the awakening process. Those beings that are of the
Orion/Reptilian faction have another agenda, and this agenda is
one of continued enslavement and manipulation.
But this too is
part of the greater plan that is available for any being that
chooses to experience such a reality.
The Battle of the
Soul to Awaken is now Happening
It must be always remembered that each individual is an aspect
of the Divine, and that each aspect of each soul that is having
a present physical life experience, is indeed a spiritual being
having a physical experience, whatever that experience may be.
Ascension process is an, awakening process to one's Divine
Being, to the deepest understanding of what it means to be an
aspect of the soul. As one discovers this, one takes greater
responsibility for their own life and what unfolds in that life.
At this time a huge battle is taking place, not the battle
between the Galactic Federation and the Orion/Reptilian faction,
but rather the battle of the soul as it is struggling to awaken
to the arising consciousness that is welling forth at this time,
and that is expanding into the higher levels of consciousness.
The Main Battle
that is Occurring Now
battle is whether to surf this wave of expanding consciousness
or to stay on the shore, never venturing into these challenging
waters, but seeking to stay asleep and safe on the shoreline of
consciousness they are comfortable in.
This battle between
venturing out into the surging waves of expanding consciousness
or retreating into the comfort zone of one's individual box of
reality is the main battle that is occurring at this time, as
humanity itself faces that monumental experience known as
There are those who are here to
assist the process,
and there are those who are here to retard or restrict the
Ultimately however, it is always up to each and every individual
as they progress forward on their own journey in this physical
reality to decide for themselves which is the reality that most
supports them, that they believe in and are ready to energize
and experience. Seek not the help of extraterrestrial beings
coming here to save you, but seek rather the understanding and
awareness that lies within, which will lead one forward.
That is
the energy that will most guarantee the success of the
individual who is wishing to experience Ascension and is willing
to surf the waves of expanding consciousness.
Questioner: Thank you, that was excellent. We have additional
questions from Dan Chilinski of Toledo,
Ohio, with regard to clarification on Ascension. May I read
these please?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness asks first before moving on to
return to the previous question. There were certain questions
that were not asked or answered regarding the individual Hatonn
and the Ashtar Command.
Questioner: Oh yes,
Hatonn is associated with the Ashtar Command and the Jesus Sananda on a spaceship group of Tuella. He is mentioning that
Hatonn is now to be a trusted entity.
I believe Hatonn to be a
Reptilian entity. Is he?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does not see this entity as a
Reptilian entity, but neither does this Awareness fully endorse
this entity as someone to be blindly trusted and obeyed.
always with any being that presents itself as a source of
enlightenment, and that presents itself as a well of
illumination to be drunk from, that one always queries and
questions what is being offered, without abdicating their own
power and their ability to discern.
Hidden Elements in
the Ashtar Command
This is the time-old battle of understanding that when one puts
on a pedestal an individual, a being, a concept, a group or
anything that is given power over the individual, one is
abdicating their own personal power to discern and to decide for
This Awareness is not saying the information that Hatonn has delivered and may yet deliver does not have a
benefit, but It is saying that this information must always be
Certain elements of the
Ashtar Command are
self-serving and do indeed have that which is a hidden agenda.
Their energies are more in alignment in some ways with that
which is the
Orion faction, the Orion energies - not even that
which is
Reptilian, although the Reptilian energies are at play
here also.
However, even if this is so, individuals need not
fall into this misleading energy, and do not need to abdicate
their own power or their own discernment.
Always use the BS
Therefore, this Awareness again suggests that no matter what is
presented or who it is presenting it, an individual always
queries and questions that which is being presented, and always
checks in to their own deeper level of understanding and
In the past this Awareness has used the term: one's
"BS detector". This, although humorous in some ways and vulgar
in others, is nonetheless an energetic way of resonating with
the truth. That which is BS, or that which is the con, the lie,
and the mistruth will never feel quite right.
There will always
be that sense that this does not quite feel right, and that it
does not make sense.
Alternatively, when one experiences that which is a deep
ultimate truth on the level that resonates with the individual,
the opposite will occur. The feeling that this is right and this
is correct will be outstanding. It will have that resonance that
brings hope or joy or even simply the feeling that this feels
This is that perception of the truth that will lead the
individual to act upon, and to deal with it from a level of
awareness that does not need to be logical or rational but
Divinely Intuitive and in alignment with that which is the inner
resonance of the High Self or the Spiritual Self.
When the heart
speaks loudly it is right or correct
This is how one takes matters that are presented, be they
matters presented by extraterrestrial beings or the politicians
of one's planet or even friends in one's life, family or others
in one's life and evaluates this matter, these truths, these
When they feel wrong, do not simply go forward
because logic is telling you this must be right, for logic is
often fooled and misled by those who have mastered the skills of
When the heart speaks loudly it is right or correct, or
if it speaks against it, then one must go from that intuitive
level of perception and follow it to where it will lead.
Questioner: That was
excellent advice, thank you). Going back to Hatonn, is there
more than one Hatonn in the sense that the Matthew material
refers to Hatonn too, that often speaks through that material?
Is that the same guy or is this someone different?
Cosmic Awareness: It is seen that there are several projections
of this entity that refers to itself as Hatonn. It is also
referred in certain areas as Atonn, but this is still the same
being, Hatonn or Atonn.
Questioner: So there's more than one is that correct?
Cosmic Awareness: Historically there was that being that was
known as Hatonn. The Hatonn being is still the same energy.
Questioner: (Thank you) The last part was: "It seems that
nowadays Awareness has done a COMPLETE REVERSAL! What is going
on?" (and he is referring to the previous information here).
Cosmic Awareness: The reversal that is spoken of is simply an
expansion of consciousness and awareness that allows
alternatives to be viewed, even alternatives that seem to be
opposite to what is being said at this time.
As long as one
always allows the sensing of the material, the internalization
of the material to that which is the deeper source of one's
being, that which is the spiritual aspect of one's being; one
will always sense the truth of what is being presented, whether
it is being presented at this time by this Awareness or at any
other time by any other entity, being or source.
Always go
within; always use one's own internal monitoring abilities to
sense the truth, and to feel the truth. If it is in resonance
with what one believes and knows as their personal truth, then
it is right and correct.
The paradox here is that one's personal truth may not be at a
high level. Thus, one's personal truth may still seemingly
mislead an individual as they accept certain beliefs and
attitudes, truths and opinions that are made available to them.
But this does not matter ultimately, for one is still being led
along the path, along the journey that is one's life that is in
accordance to what was chosen by the soul itself before it
materialized into its physical experience.
Therefore, one's
level of truth, one's conceptualization of reality may be quite
different from another. One may have that which could be broadly
understood as a higher level of understanding and awareness to
someone having a more basic experience of the physical.
This does not mean that the individual having the higher
perception of truth is correct.
This is still part of that which
is dualistic thinking that designates right and wrong, or
someone who is on the right path versus someone who is on the
wrong path. All that matters is that the individual is having
the experience that they need, and that they have chosen to
have. At this time as the waves of consciousness are expanding,
many are moving to higher perceptions of reality, higher
understandings of the deeper truths that are available to be
They will move themselves forward toward that
experience they need to have in their Ascension process.
Those who choose
Planet B are having the God experience
Others may move in other directions altogether, and may go down
the path that leads them to the
Planet B scenario.
This again
does not mean that even though certain individuals, even masses
will not advance to the higher energies of the Planet A
scenario, that they are wrong. They are simply still having the
God experience that they chose for themselves, the divine
experience of a reality that is in accordance to their deep soul
needs, their deep Divine Needs.
Therefore, ultimately as one
moves forward one releases the distinction of right and wrong,
of that which should be followed versus that which should not be
followed. This is only dualistic thinking.
In the journey ahead, as this Awareness recommends to
individuals that they participate in their own being, finding
the truth within is that which is most needed to lead the
individual to that which they have chosen for their life
experience, be it the full experience of Ascension or a more
limited experience or even a repelling or repulsion of that
experience of Ascension in order to stay firmly embedded in a
physical reality that is separated from any sense of the Divine.
Questioner: (Thank
you) This brings another question: Is the Planet A and B
separation simply a change into different dimensions?
Cosmic Awareness: This would be correct.
Another way of
understanding this is that not only is it a shift into other
dimensions, it is an opening up by the individual into that
which this Awareness has called
one's multidimensional nature.
As the expansion of consciousness continues, and as one opens up
to those higher realms of consciousness, those other dimensions
of experience, one becomes multidimensional in their nature,
versus one that is unidimensional, or is focused simply on one
dimension of experience.
As one becomes multidimensional they
are able to travel up and down, they are able to travel left and
right and inward and outward to many experiences of
consciousness that are held within that which is one's
multidimensional nature.
The Unidimensional
Level of Consciousness
As one stays at a unidimensional level, one defines their
reality only by that which they are experiencing around them,
and they do not distinguish that there are levels of
consciousness that exceed the level of consciousness they are
presently experiencing.
For most this means the third
dimensional level of consciousness that is being experienced by
the collective mind, the collective consciousness on this small
planet that is known as Earth.
Even the concepts of opening up to extraterrestrial beings,
other levels of physical consciousness experienced by those who
are participating here but are beyond the norm of accepted
beliefs is a stretch for many, and many even refuse to look at
this matter, are in denial of this, and are even in denial that
there are many experiences being experienced in the third
dimensional reality at this time that are quite different than
the expected experiences of someone who is living, for example,
in the United States of America.
The Limits of
Dualistic Thinking
Thus, the
experiences of someone living in a Third World country, a
European country, or an Asian country are quite different than
those experiences of someone living in North America; and many
have difficulty even expanding their consciousness to accept
that someone living in a Third World country is having an
equally valid experience, or that their own reality and that
which they have is valid to them.
There is still that dualistic
attitude that the experiences had by one group is right and
superior to those of another that is wrong and inferior. This is
all part of dualistic thinking that even limits mankind to the
perception that there is only one right life, which is
completely erroneous.
Questioner: Yes it
is. It's certainly more exciting to "think outside the box" or
even not be limited by "tunnel vision" - there are whole new
adventures out there, aren't there?
Cosmic Awareness: This is so. This brings forth an image that
the Interpreter discussed with the Energizer previously, this
being the experience that is presented through the image of a
horse with blinders on, preventing the horse from seeing things
to the left or the right that could distract it or could
frighten it.
The further image that this Awareness presents is
that mankind at this time not only wears blinders to the left
and the right, but also above and below. Thus it truly is a type
of tunnel vision that is experienced by most individuals, a
tunnel vision that defines the reality they are seeing and in
this they feel comfortable.
It is when the blinders are removed and more information is
provided that they become deeply troubled and confused. It is
often a deliberate act of choice that they put the blinders on,
and that they stay in their comfort zone, their box of accepted
experiences. It is something that cannot be forced on another,
but a process that must happen from within, that allows the
individual to remove the blinders, to step out of the box, to go
beyond one's comfort zone.
This Awareness feels complete at this
Questioner: Thank
you. I'll start the questions from Dan Chilinski, Toledo, Ohio
on Ascension - some queries he still has with regard to the 2010
August issue, 2010-8.
The first one is,
"My understanding of the
information is that after December 2012 we will no longer have
to worry about houses or having some kind of roof over our head.
Does this mean climate conditions on the planet Earth will no
longer have freezing winters or hot and humid summers or rain or
snow? This is the main reason why a roof over the head or a
house is necessary. Blasting windstorms and bugs and mosquitoes
will also disappear, so houses would not be necessary."
comment please?
Cosmic Awareness: This may be one's experience of the Ascension.
One may well have reached a high enough level of consciousness
that they understand in their multidimensionality, in their
ability to create the realities they wish to experience, that
they do not need to create a reality that forces them to
construct a house; for they simply change the atmosphere, the
climate, the conditions that would make the use of a house a
They create the idealistic utopia that they are able
to create by believing, knowing and generating the other forms
of reality that are possible through such high level creative
abilities. In this manner this individual is correct that there
would not be a need for the houses that protect and shelter.
However, it is not seen by this Awareness that everyone will
reach that level of consciousness where they can step beyond the
definitions of reality that define them to this degree.
Some Will
Experience a Reality Where Weather still plays a Role
In other words, others may need to experience a reality where
weather still plays a role, where there may still be a need for
houses and forms of shelter.
They may experience a reality where
they are moving forward in their level of consciousness towards
an ability to exceed the parameters of defined consciousness,
collective awareness and beliefs that define reality. They are
still at a level of expanded consciousness but they simply may
not quite be at that level that allows them to simply create
around them whatever they desire to experience.
This does not
mean that they are any less correct in that experience of
Ascension that they are having, it simply means that they are
creating at a slightly lower level.
'Lower' is still a term that
has energies attached to it - simply that they are creating
different realities that necessitate the use of houses to
shelter them from the elements.
Neither is right or correct,
they are simply different levels of conscious understanding and
awareness that open different possibilities.
Questioner: He
carries on,
"Because getting money will no longer be necessary,
no one has to worry about getting a job or being forced to work
at a job they hate just to make money. We won't have to eat food
anymore or starve to death when not getting enough food. This is
another reason why we have to work at a "job" to buy the
expensive food with money. There will be no disease and
therefore paying money to expensive doctors, hospitals and drug
companies will disappear. Cars will no longer be needed for
transportation because we are supposed to instantly move from
one place to the next, no matter how far away the distance may
be in the hundreds or thousands of miles just by "thinking" or
thought to move these vast distances instantly. Therefore,
making money in order to buy expensive cars and gasoline will
not be necessary."
Your comment please?
Cosmic Awareness: Again, this Awareness would point out that for
some this may indeed be their reality.
As one truly moves into
one's multidimensional nature, when one truly understands their
divine character as Creator Beings, they are not restricted by
the paradigms of a collective belief system that defines a
physical space and reality, and they are free of those old
expectations and beliefs that they once lived by.
But again,
this Awareness suggests that not all will reach that high level
of conscious awakening, or the expansion to those
multidimensional levels of creative thought and experience.
Those who believe they still need to work for a living
There may still be those who define their reality in the more
restrictive manner. They see that they still need to work for a
living, but in their reality they may be able to create the work
that ideally suits them, that they love to do, that cannot be
seen as work but rather a life fulfillment that allows one to
experience the great satisfaction of accomplishment in doing
that which one wishes to do.
There may be those who ascend, who
have a new understanding of economics, and who choose to break
the patterns of the Orion belief system that has created a
reality based on a monetary system of having to work for money.
In this new reality it may be that all have the money required,
and that no one needs to work for money to buy things, but they
have that which could be called a guaranteed annual income that
would allow them to purchase what is needed and also still allow
for their freedom, if they wish to create more wealth for
themselves, so they can purchase more - a different reality,
but one that is not based on a physical entrapment due to the
beliefs that have been perpetuated in a collective experience as
is now the case.
What this Awareness is simply trying to share here is that there
will be a multitude of experiences available upon Ascension that
are grossly different from one another.
This does not make one
right and the other wrong, for such dualistic thinking will
simply not be appropriate. It is simply that there will be many
experiences and the individual is even free upon Ascension to
shift from one to another, seeking those that are appropriate
and desirable.
Thus, one might start off still thinking they need to work but
not in the old way, and in their experience as they move
forward, and as they gain because they are at a new level of
consciousness, they begin to realize that even this concept is
outdated and no longer necessary and that they can simply begin
to create what they need and require, and they do not need to
work for money to buy their food, but they can create their food
directly, and they can create their needs directly.
This allows
them to move forward in their conscious thinking, for that which
is the energy of Planet A scenario, that which is the ascended
energies will lead all eventually towards this understanding and
allow individuals to have the expanded experience that they
still individually might need.
Questioner: (Thank
He carries on:
"These types of conditions are often
mentioned in books dictated by automatic writing from spirits
who have been called "dead" that I have read. This brings the
question of exactly what is the difference between "Ascension"
after 2012 in December on Earth and being "dead" or death. Do we
all go to the same place or state that what is known as the dead
are currently in when they die today and will this occur to
everyone on Earth after December 2012? If not, is there still
such a thing as death after the Ascension in December 2012, in
that a person "dies" they can no longer be seen, heard or
touched like it is today in the year 2010?"
Your comments,
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness first wishes to say that this
is an excellent question.
That which is known as the
experience is truly that which is also an experience of
Ascension. What the death experience also represents is the
leaving behind of that container that housed the spiritual
aspect of the being having the physical experience.
Thus it is
that each and every human being, when experiencing the death
experience, is released from that container, cannot go back into
it and is freed to be of a multidimensional nature, existing in
that which is known commonly as the fifth dimension.
The Movie "What
Dreams May Come" is Accurate
The movie with Robin Williams known as
What Dreams May Come very
accurately portrays this part of that experience of release when
everyone is freed to experience the reality at a level of
creative ability that is multidimensional.
They can create that
reality they choose to experience once they have left the
restrictive third dimensional reality that defines the life
experience when in third dimensional reality. The death
experience by most is feared because it is misunderstood.
think that it involves the extinguishing of one's consciousness,
when nothing could be further from the truth. One's
consciousness is allowed total freedom of the restriction that
occurs when one is in the physical container having the physical
Once this container is dropped and released, one is in their
multidimensional aspect and is able to move in many directions -
upwards, downwards, inwards, outwards - the sense of direction
is not even an appropriate concept for that which occurs once
one is free of the physical restrictions.
Therefore, death as
many understand it is a misunderstanding of that which truly
occurs. While one is saddened by the loss of a loved one, a
friend, or a dear member of society, they are not truly lost.
They have simply altered their experience and have returned back
into the more ethereal level of their consciousness.
happens to one and all.
Some will
experience Transmogrification
The Ascension experience that is coming will allow many. to have
an experience that frees them from the physical concepts of
reality that are held to at this time.
For some they may still
achieve this through a death type experience at that time, but
will cross with an awareness of what is occurring and why. There
are also those who will have that which is known as an
experience of transmogrification, the experience that was
presented to mankind through the death of the entity Jesus the
But in truth it is known that he did not die in the
physical sense but was transmogrified, and became the being that
was able to leave physical reality. He dematerialized his
physical body and stepped into that which is the spiritual etheric plane of consciousness and existence.
Those who have reached a sufficiently high level of
consciousness may well have this type of experience, where they
can release the stranglehold of physical reality that chokes
many on this physical plane, and that restricts many to a belief
system that defines them only in physical terms.
These beings
that have this experience will teach this to others, and will
show to others a way of achieving this experience.
There is also
the experience of moving through the portals and vortexes that
will be available at the time of Ascension. This is not quite
the death experience and it is not quite the transmogrification
experience, but it will allow those who are ready, the
experience of moving beyond the physical layer to that which is
the expanded etheric spiritual level of consciousness.
They will be able to move directly to the new planet of
experience that is there for them and reaching the other side
while still in a physical body, continuing their physical
experience, but now with expanded consciousness and
understanding to how this is a new experience and a new path for
them to follow.
These are the main ways that the Ascension
process will occur at that time where the completion of
Ascension itself takes place.
This Awareness feels complete at
this time. The only caveat that this Awareness would add is: Do
not be afraid of letting go of the physical, for all this
represents is one conception of reality.
It most definitely does
not truly contain the infinite amount of experiences available
to consciousness of that being who is able to transcend the
boundaries and the barriers of physical experience and
Questioner: Thank
you. There are two questions left. Okay, his next question,
this is still Dan.
He asks,
"Do the laws of physics change in
that things that operate on electricity, like TVs, radios,
moving pictures for entertainment and light bulbs for seeing at
night time will no longer work or be replaced by something else?
Does the day and night cycle somehow change, so electrical light
bulbs will no longer be necessary to see at night?"
Your comment
Cosmic Awareness: The first comment that this Awareness wishes
to make is that this entity has a wonderful sense of
imagination. It is the imagination that will create the
realities experienced upon Ascension, the ability to image, to
It must always be remembered that the word, image and
imagination also stem from the same root word that gives magic
and magical meaning. It could well be that the reality one
experiences as a Creator Being imagining the new reality may
involve electricity still or it may not.
An individual
understanding that they are now free to create whatever reality
they can imagine and create, is not confined to the old laws of
physics, where they see the world spinning with day and night
cycles or where they see that they still need to create
electricity in order to have light.
How Reality Right Now is
understood completely, this process of imaging and imagining is
actually already that which occurs on this third dimensional
plane of existence. It is occurring at an unconscious level and
in slow motion.
Thus, the majority of mankind does not
understand that through the imagining and projecting of their
beliefs and their expectations, the reality that they experience
is thus created.
If further to this one's imagination is
constricted and manipulated and directed in certain directions,
then that which is being imaged, that which is being imagined,
that which is being created will follow the parameters of those
who are in charge, those who wish the masses to have certain
How Collective
Consciousness Limits Reality
Because the mass mind is a powerful one, and because collective
consciousness can be very oppressive and demanding, most
individuals never come to a place in their life where they truly
begin to understand their creative power, their amazing ability
to image and create the realities of their own mind.
Thus they
follow that which is expected, that which everyone else believes
in, never imagining anything else and even ridiculing those who
come forward and suggest that one can image their reality and
imagine it to be different. This has started to change in recent
times with such books as The Secret and other revelations that
are being presented through different sources.
But at this time
the truth of the matter for the mass mind, the collective
consciousness is that reality is limited and that you can do
nothing to create anything out of nothing.
The whole process of Ascension is the breaking down of such
beliefs and the breaking free of such taboos.
As the Ascension
process advances, especially in the year ahead, where that sense
of rebellion will be prominent, where old beliefs and attitudes
and concepts are questioned and rebelled against, many will
start to understand that they have indeed the capacity and the
power within themselves to image for themselves a new reality, a
different reality than that which that they are experiencing.
This is part of the Ascension process that is changing the very
way that humanity thinks, and those who are here to experience
this in a more profound form; those who are advanced in their
consciousness will discover this truth more and more and help
teach this truth to many who are also prepared and ready to move
The "Hundredth Monkey"
There is
the concept that this Awareness has spoken of before, known as
the Hundredth Monkey.
This is a concept that expresses when a
certain point in consciousness is reached, where that which is
the hundredth individual realizes the capacity to image one's
reality, one's truth, when this is understood at a quantum
level, this wave of consciousness will spread throughout the
mass mind, throughout collective consciousness and many will now
awaken to this.
Perhaps not all, for many are still here to have
another experience of their reality than that which is the
Ascension experience. But a majority will now have as their
possibility a new reality in which to work in and in which to
play in, and that this will lead many forward in their own
individual experience of Ascension.
Some will have the ultimate experience of Ascension, where in
their transmogrification process they literally can step from
one reality to another. Others will go through that which is
that experience of stepping through a portal, a vortex, because
they believe that this can be done, that they are to do this.
Others may indeed die to the old and find themselves in that
which is the new, and others may yet still have to go through
many more experiences of physical reality before they are ready
for that process of Ascension.
There are many, many options
indeed, there are an infinite amount of options available.
Questioner: That's going to be difficult... to make a choice,
Cosmic Awareness: It can always be considered difficult to make
a choice, but the point of the matter is that choices are made,
whether they are made with deliberation and focus or are avoided
because one is afraid of making a choice. This is still a
Questioner: (That's
true, thank you) His last question, "As far as "entertainment"
is today, what about those overpaid actors, actresses and
singers? How about those overpaid ball game players that demand
millions of dollars a year in order to "work" doing ball games
entertainment for you, or go on strike pretending that they are
like common ordinary factory laborers.
Your comments, please?
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness must point out a certain
individual bias or opinion of the entity Dan himself to those
individuals who are making lots of money doing what they love to
In some ways they are fulfilling the very parameters of
imaging and imagining for themselves a life that is a life they
wish to have that gives to them that which society suggests is
of the highest value, that being of making lots and lots of
The irony here is that there are many who would be
jealous and resentful of those who make such huge amounts of
money doing such things as playing ball or acting in movies.
Ultimately, these individuals on these levels at least have come
to realize that they have the ability to create anything they
wish because of how they image what could be.
They may not do
this in complete conscious awareness, but the point of the
matter is that they are still doing this and in some ways could
be seen as examples to others who are confined to the drudgery
of a 9 to 5 job, who are doing jobs they do not enjoy doing,
doing work that they do not believe in, as opposed to those who
are creating their lives by doing that which they love and enjoy
and on top of it are being paid large amounts of money.
The Pleasure Principle
versus the Pain Principle
In terms of Ascension, there will be many who, once they pass
through that barrier that defines physical reality, and once
they are in the new level of conscious awareness, will only do
the work that they love to do, for there will not be seen any
longer as a requirement to do work that they do not love to be
This Awareness on another occasion talked about the new
principal that would be guiding the mentality of the new time
This is the pleasure principle, as opposed to that which
presently is dominant, that being the pain principle. Many are
taught the pain principle now, and that they must suffer and
endure that which they do not like, that which is not pleasant
or pleasurable because it is their lot in life, and this is how
it is.
This is but a belief system, and in the level of consciousness
that will now be available with Ascension, the consciousness
will be never to do that which brings pain and suffering, when
one is able to do that which brings joy and pleasure.
This is a
higher understanding of the creative principle that moves one
forward, that allows one to experience a reality that is always
defined by that which brings such joy and achievement and
pleasure versus that which must be endured because one is meant
to suffer, and one is meant to know pain.
Those who in this
present third dimensional reality are able to create their
reality and create that which gives them reward for doing what
they love, may still on other levels of their life create their
lives in pain.
Many who earn such stupendous amounts of money do not often find
personal happiness in their lives, and still turn to alcohol and
drugs and deviant behavior as a way of giving themselves
meaning, of fulfilling themselves in ways where money cannot
provide for them that which is the quality of life that comes
from within.
There is an emptiness in such individuals; even
though they may be creating a life based on work they enjoy
doing. Do not be envious or condemning of such individuals, for
ultimately they too are having the life experience that they
need to have.
Even if they create with ease on one level the
amounts of money that allow them to have luxurious lives, they
are still having other experiences that do not flow as easily.
Why Tiger Woods Had his
Painful Experience
The entity Tiger Woods is a prime example of a man who
apparently had everything and yet in his pain, in his emptiness,
he sought pleasure in inappropriate ways, ways that one is hard
to understand, given what this individual created for himself.
His was still the individual journey of the soul to have this
experience, and therefore to be jealous or envious of this man
would be inappropriate, for one must know why the soul needs to
have the experience that is being had. In the new consciousness
that will allow individuals to find the wholeness and the
fulfillment of their being to strive for that which is the
pleasure of the soul as it expresses itself in the reality of
the experience, one will not need to bring in such pain and
One can create for themselves, however they choose to do
it, a reality that allows for pleasure, achievement, joy and
happiness as the major principles in the reality being
This Awareness is complete.
Questioner: ( Thank you) That's the end of his questions. Did
you wish to have a closing message for the membership please?
Cosmic Awareness:
The closing message of this Awareness at this time is a simple
Be open to what is coming, be open to all experiences,
knowing that in what you are experiencing is a deep and profound
lesson for you. As you experience those events that are
non-pleasurable in your life, that are painful, that are
experiences of misery and despair, one must ask, "Why am I
calling this into my life"?
As a Creator Being, one must
recognize and honor that they are indeed creating such
experiences and that they also have the ability to create other
deeper more profound experiences that allow them to exceed the
pain tapes that are playing in all human beings at this time.
As the new energies of the wave of consciousness that are
starting to sweep through bring that sense of rebellion, that
sense of rejection of old tapes and patterns and beliefs and
paradoxes, these paradoxes will lead the individual forward as
one begins to truly understand that what was once held as an
absolute was simply a barrier imposed to control or guide or
manipulate the collective mass consciousness.
This newfound
freedom that will start to enter will help one to redefine one's
own life experiences, will be able to put one into a more
favorable timeline of experience that will move one forward
towards that experience of Ascension that is unfolding even at
this moment.
The time ahead is a truly wondrous time and many experiences on
all levels will be available.
Simply take those experiences and
learn from them, and be open to them and always understand that
there are other alternatives as well, and that in the new
process of imaging or imagining, that it is easier to imagine
and image a higher level of experience, a deeper, more rewarding
and miraculous level of experiences than what one may be
experiencing at the present time.
Even if it does not instantly
appear, trust and know that as one holds to the higher
possibilities available, as this wave of consciousness sweeps
through the collective mass consciousness, that they will
eventually begin to experience these new waves and these new
realities, these new timelines.
Each Day Wake Up and
Expect a Miracle
Awareness has spoken of this in the past as,
"Expect a miracle!"
and It reminds one and all yet again to expect a miracle, to
wake up each day and ask, "What wonder, what miracle will be
mine to experience today?"
This is the process that begins to
alter the consciousness of the individual towards the
possibility that grander events do await the individual, and
that they can change their experience because they expect a
They can tune in to the higher level of consciousness
that they are truly part of, and that is part of their
multidimensional character.
The year 2011 will do much for many to align them to the higher
principles, the higher levels of consciousness that await and
that are part of that which is the Ascension experience. Go
forward and enjoy that which is unfolding, knowing that it is
part of the process of Ascension that each and every individual
will experience in their own unique way.
This Awareness is
complete at this time.
Questioner: (Thank you) That was an excellent closing message
and we appreciate it. On behalf of the membership we thank you.
(The Law of Gratitude is given)