by Simona Valesi
Gruppo RTB Milano
January 04, 2025
IppocrateOrg Website
translation by Tanja Katarina Rebel
January 23, 2025
Principia-Scientific Website
Original Italian version

The "Smart" Cage
being built
around us
and How to
During the conference Immersed in 5G, organized by the Origins
Project and held in Milan on Tuesday 19 November (2024), Maurizio
Martucci, investigative journalist, wants to clarify that
5G does not serve wireless
mobile telephony.
Martucci says it is only an obligatory step to get to 6G,
which will then serve for the management of a post-human,
microchipped hybrid that should lead us into post-humanity.
If, in fact, with 5G we start with objects and the Internet of
Things (IOT),
creating a tecno-cage, with 6G you get to the Internet of Bodies
for the management of the futuristic techno-man.
But let's go by degrees.
They began by sharing cities in ZTL (Zona a
Traffico Limitato = Limited Traffic Zone) to inhibit the free
movement of citizens on the urban territory under the pretext of
wanting to pursue the goal of the
2030 Agenda on 'climate change' and
try to change lifestyles considered 'unsustainable' and producers of
Milan, together with Rome, is also part
of the top 40 champion cities in the world, the C40, which by the
decision of their mayors Sala and Gualtieri,
participate in this global competition that aims to transform urban
sites into "smart
cities", always with the declaration of the facade of
making themselves promoters of innovative projects with zero
'carbon' emissions and 'climate-resilient'.
Projects that provide for the division into ZTL,
reduced speed at 30km/h
limited travel to 15 minutes
electric public and private mobility
digital meters
computerized controls on the consumption
of condominiums
driver's license and digital identity
social credits
cash elimination, etc.
And this is where the 5G network comes into play,
which will serve, through antennas and cameras, to check that
citizens comply with all these new rules.
We will no longer have any freedom or
autonomy in living our lives.
Or to say it with an affirmation by the
journalist Franco Fracassi:
"They call them 'smart city', but
intelligence they have nothing, except the ways to lock us all
in a cage.
The Technocratic System is taking advantage
of our desire for security, the fear induced by the end of life
on Earth, of our laziness that pushes us to seek an increasingly
simplified life, to create around us cities with highly
technological surveillance systems, certainly not to protect us
but to prevent us from rebelling."
In short, if there is a problem you find the
solution, Martucci continues, and the solution is always digital.
As during
the Covid "emergency," when it was
not allowed to leave the house, the DAT and smart working are ready.
For all other emergencies such as,
war, floods, 'climate change',
...the only actor that remains constant is
Brussels gives us 200 billion Euros for the PNRR (National Recovery
and Resilience Plan) and half are used for the digital transition
and the ecological transition of the 2030 Agenda, because,
technology is the backbone to implement the
change of civil society that will transform the Italian Republic
into the Republic of gigabites.
Just like in China...!
"If you want to understand where they are
taking us," explains Martucci, "look at China, which has the
eight largest smart cities in the world, with millions of
cameras that monitor 24/7 what citizens do."
The concept of digital identity and IT
wallet, created by Meloni, is not limited to the digital
identity itself, but is linked to the concept of social credit, so
if the digitalized surveillance led me to zero my points, they will
be able to block my bank account.
In Kuwait they have already gone further, and the current account
will block it if you only refuse to give biometric fingerprints for
your facial recognition.
"Not realizing what's going on is likely to
make us end up like the boiled frog," Martucci says.
In 2026,
the CDBC (Central Bank Digital
Currency) digital currency will start, which has the potential to be
programmable in time, with a well-defined spending capacity, and
here 5G includes 5G with the home automations and control of your
If it is managed by a single centralized bank, all banks will
disappear for zero CO2 management, as there are already
zero CO2 credit cards, according to this great
philosophical container that is the 2030 Agenda.
But what they do not tell us, and which is instead illustrated very
well by Fracassi in revealing the falsehood of this
'sustainability' facade, is that despite ostentining all this zero
CO2, artificial intelligence (AI), to work with all its
data centers, needs a monstrous amount of energy and an equally
monstrous amount of water to cool the servers, both very penalizing.
A simple Google search consumes energy equals to 100km in the car,
and a normal AI data center consumes as much as a country of 32
million inhabitants.
Ireland, chosen by AI multinationals because
it was water-rich, had agreed to accommodate several data
centers but when it found that all sets consumed as much as a
nation of 550 million people, it did not renew the contract.
Now, says Fracassi, the transfer to Italy for
approval of Meloni is underway.
It is therefore reasonable to predict future
blackouts, seizures of wind and photovoltaic soils and water
The evidence is undeniable:
if I need this structure to check that
citizens behave 'sustainably', according to them at
CO2 zero, the budget
turns out to be in a passive way an exaggerated amount of CO2.
So they're lying with a narrative that doesn't
stand up.
Even on the health effects of electromagnetism and radio
frequencies, indispensable for transferring data in real time, they
do not tell us the whole truth.
The institution responsible for ensuring that
this technology will not harm us is the ICNIRP (International
Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) and is private...!
It is composed of technicians and scientists,
but not doctors
It does research only on the thermal effect
of wave technology, that is, the damage that can cause
overheating caused to our cells, but not biological, that is,
the damage it can cause directly to our cells, for example of
the brain, or to someone who is the bearer of a pacemaker
The Lancet, however, in 2018 published
a research on the Earth's natural background (Planetary
Electromagnetic Pollution - It is time to Assess its Impact), that is, everything that
constitutes the natural and untouchable structure of our planet, and
reports that since after the Second World War it has been increased
1018 times:
that is, a billion billion times...
Martucci points out that private research states
that there is no effect in 68 percent of cases, and public research
says there is biological damage for at least 70 percent of cases.
In disputes we attach ourselves to the fact that there is no
certainty of data, and this makes it time to the multinationals of
5G, which in the meantime make profit and have more time to develop
and implement 6G.
But the data seem to be there, and cites a court dispute that ended
in 2011 in which
Vatican Radio was recognized as
responsible for the death of 200 people for the radiation of its
radio waves that exceeded the electromagnetic threshold.
On this occasion the value of the created
electrosmog was ascertained, which was 25 volts per meter (v/m),
when the allowed limit was set at 6 v/m.
Other established biological effects caused by
exposure to electrosmog are:
damage to the blood-brain barrier
increased risk of neurodegenerative
neurobehavioral disorders
direct damage to neuronal cells
damage to the fetus and alterations of
increased oxidative stress
DNA damage
metabolic disorders of the endocrine
alteration of the heart rhythm
formations of glioblastomas on the brain
The latter more than doubled in Britain and
quadrupled in France after the advent of mobile telephony.
The ISS stated that:
"they cannot state with absolute certainty
that such exposure cannot have repercussions on the
psycho-physical health of the people who are exposed to it."
Since 2011, the WHO has declared radiofrequencies
as carcinogens.
This forced the IARC (International Agency for
Research on Cancer) to deepen the research for the reclassification
of radiofrequencies in the carcinogenesis of humanity, that is, to
decide whether to classify them as possibly 100 percent carcinogenic
or carcinogenic.
I have to say, mysteriously the funding to perform this research has
been interrupted and the search has remained unfinished.
if they had been classified as carcinogenic
would have collapsed the whole castle of 5G, smart cities and
the whole project of the tecno-cage and the tecno-corps.
But if the mobile phone is deregulated, because
there is no limit to the power density in v/m for the nearby field,
there is a law that regulates antennas, the field far away.
Until last April, Italy was among the best in the world in the
protection from electromagnetism with a limit of 6v/m, but following
the pressure exerted by multinationals over the years and to the
various governments, which demanded that the thresholds be raised,
the Meloni Government has ceded, and approved with the law 214 of
30/12/2023 the increase to 15v/m.
This increase did not serve to make the 5G antennas that were
already there and had been contracted at 6v/m, but to save 4 billion
Euros to the multinationals on the quantities of antennas to be
By increasing the power of 100,000 radio stations and telephony
antennas already present on the national territory, they avoided the
installment of another 18,000 antennas.
This has not stopped the increase in
installations, because the operators competing in the sector
increase, and everyone wants their antenna.
Today we have 7 operators, 5 for telephony and 2
for the internet.
Rome is the most electro-magnetized city in
Europe with more than 9000 antennas. And emissions rise as a result
Martucci also denounced the indiscriminate cutting of the
trees that has been carried out in the last 5 years, an eco-disgrace
directly connected to the 5G antennas since the tree is a solid
element that is a barrier to the propagation of frequencies.
"But 5G," Martucci presses, "is not for the
It's a deception, a misdirector, it serves to
create the techno-cage for lifestyle change to get to the
internet of things and the 2030 agenda.
And the techno-cage is built on our
They divided the population between over 50 and
under 50.
The first will bother for a maximum of 20 years
and then they will come out of the scene, and therefore they are not
But the latter, which have been called not by chance the digital
natives, are important because on them they are building the future
of electro-cage, a
transhumanism that has already
visible and striking assumptions:
compulsive use of the mobile phone, payments
with the smartwatch, use of earphones, all with tools that are
attached to the body, one step before having it inside the body.
We are looking for a meeting point between Big
Pharma, Big Telecom for Tele-Medicine, remote care. If they find a
trait d'union you will get to the techno-man and it will be
the AI that will manage the entire operation.
The assumptions of this program start from the concept that,
transhumanists consider the human being
failed because he is born, gets sick and dies.
We therefore seek a form of immortality, trying
to improve the living being with technologies.
But this takes into account only the body and not our share of
consciousness, divine
and spiritual.
The microchipped strand advances forward strongly carried out by
Elon Musk, which is dangerous
as it operates companies that produce humanoid robots, Starlink,
Tesla, robotics, and in association with
Bill Gates wants to obscure the
The first microchip was implanted in a human
They have experimented on pigs and macaques,
which have all died with atrocious suffering, and are now
experimenting with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.
Obviously with the starting assumption of
"helping" the disadvantaged.
If it works on sick people, they will
transfer it to healthy people.
6G is for bodies because 6G antennas can sense
This means that they can control our every
move, even when we are at home.
This is what graphene is needed, a metal with
extraordinary qualities for conduction, and which has been found to
be contained in vaccines and certain drugs, which will act as a
trait d'union between the human body, which will contain a
unique MAC identification code, and the device.
Frequency detectors are already able to
identify them in the bodies of the living and dead after 2020.
The first hospital of Metaverso is also born in Cagliari.
Optimus, Tesla's humanoid robot by Elon Musk
is already in restaurants, and even religions try to humanize
technology and talk about a clash between light and darkness:
an apocalyptic clash between biology,
nature, human and anti-nature, robotics, transhumanism,
The common thread of all emergencies is digital,
so it's all coming.
The transhumanism chronoprogram, reported in a military document,
sets 2035 as the year of convergence between man and technology.
1984, Orwell had been wrong
it was not 1984 but 2030, the year of the
globalist agenda.
But they were things they were already working on
then and knew them.
Already in 1962, on the newspaper Trapani
Nuova, an article is published that headlines:
"In 2000 the mobile phones will do them all"
- they will allow you to read the newspaper and do banking
"But I don't see," says Martucci, "forces of light or real
NATO play the same game.
In Russia there is a project called Russia
2045 and is another transhumanist program of a character
like Elon Musk who wants to detach the brain from the biological
side to transfer it to a silicon medium.
There are no countries that do hard obstruction.
I see a single feeble hope in Robert Kennedy Jr. of the
Trump administration. With his association,
Children Defense
is the only one who has always fought
against 5G.
The solutions proposed by Martucci are of Gandhian origin:
"Like Gandhi with a step back, and not
forward, he created the greatest revolution that man remembers
in the world, we too must take a step back, disconnecting from
everything that is digitized.
I haven't had a phone for over 10 years. They
ask me how I do.
But do we understand what's coming? Then
let's take our responsibility."
Martucci invites a broad vision to
understand the program as a whole and try to protect ourselves:
"We have to raise our vibrations and respond
from human beings, we must be prepared and ready for this kind
of historical moment.
The information is important. If a person does not know, he does
not become aware and if he is not aware he cannot act and defend
himself, nor can he interpret what is happening.
I say this with extreme transparency: we will not be the ones to
win; but they will lose, because it is a program against nature,
too aggressive, violent and towards everything that has been
Nothing has been ruled out, and no one can
call it out.
After having increased our awareness, we must create a virtuous
process of exclusion from the techno-cage and then from the
We don't have to accept the smart meter, we don't have to use
digital tools to pay but use cash. We don't watch TV, we reject
the digital identity card and turn off
the Wi-Fi when we don't
use it.
We must come to a time when our positions are
radical acts of awareness without hesitation."
"If we skip the passage today, it will be impossible for our
children to go back. The responsibility is not only on the
present moment, but on what is coming.
Because for our children it will become
impossible to understand the difference between the real and the
They will end up like that mother who resurrected her dead
daughter in a liquid reality to continue to see her, and they
will live in a liquid world because of us, that we will become
collaborators of a transhuman and anti-biological project.
They want to turn the real world into an artificial world.
If we understand the fullness of the digital
transition program we will reach that open-mindedness that makes
us understand that, if we want to stop the internet of bodies
and the transhumanism of 6G, we must stop 5G.
We must stop the
Internet of Things and the
whole operation by creating a virtuous process, not to win but
to slow them down.
Because the whole operation revolves
around money, and if you decrease 5G subscribers, you
prevent the process from advancing quickly.
I am in business trouble, you can see it from the redundancies.
They have ambitious and great projects and
that's what makes me say that they're the ones who lose. Many
times the story that had been written has been reversed.
History teaches us that there is always the banana peel that
makes the factors slip and reverse the factors by completely
changing the narrative.
We must remain firm on all our positions
waiting for the narrative to be reversed. If we don't slow down,
it'll all be over in 2035.
The game is closed."
For further information, the texts of Maurizio
Martucci: Stop 5G; and Tecno-Uomo 2030 are recommended.