by Wes Penre
March 06, 2013
WesPenre Website
Spanish version
Note to the Reader!
After the fact of having
published this paper, it has come to my knowledge that
the Thuban (Alpha Draconian) calling himself Abraxas or
Axraxasinas (interchangeable) is not a female, which I
suggest throughout this and the next Part II coming
There were different reasons
why I believed he was a she; one of them is the avatar
that is being used on the forum that I am discussion in
this and the next paper,
and when reading the thread, I got the impression that
she is female because she took possession of a
handicapped middle-aged man (a so-called "walk-in"),
which would potentially have made Abraxasinas a male.
However, a few years
earlier, in 1995, this being was living in a female
However, with all this in
mind, Abraxasinas gave at least me the impression that
"he" wanted to be looked at as a female.
I was contacted by a Thubanese about this issue, but it
is too much to change all the gender references in this
and the next article. This is the reason why I let it
stand as it is, but instead make this note to the
Another issue is fig. 1 here below. I used to use the
avatar from the thread I am discussing, namely http//www.birthofgaia.com/t116-abraxas-thuban-qa.
There you can see that the avatar is that of a young
woman with long, black hair.
This, however, is not
Abraxasinas, but Xeia Kali Sui Generis, Leviathan
Waterflyer of the Realms and Thuban Dragon-Queen.
Yes, this is the real deal.
She claims to be one of the founding Elders of the
Council of Thuban.
The reason her picture was
used in the thread I am discussing below is because the
Thubans were banned from the Project Avalon forum during
the time Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan were 'working
together,' so all the threads were transferred over to
other servers, which the one I'm using as a reference is
one of them.
Xeia became the
Administrator of that forum, and this is why her avatar
is showing on Abraxasinas/Abraxas' post, which confused
me into thinking Abraxasinas was the one depicted in the
I want to set the record straight, however, so I changed
the pictures (fig. 1 below) and instead use Abraxasinas'
original avatar. Now that problem is out of the way.
The second problem is the gender problem.
Xeia Kali SuiGeneris,
Leviathan Waterflyer of the Realms and Thuban
Dragon-Queen, who was the Thubanese who contacted me
regarding these errors, wanted me to present Abraxasinas/Abraxas
as a male rather than a female (something I'd done
throughout the papers).
In fact, Xeia says that the
Thuban Elders are all androgynous 12-D beings, except
when they take "outside bodies."
Then they express a gender,
such as male/female.
Therefore, throughout this
paper and the next (Part II, far below), every time I
call Abraxasinas/Abraxas "she" or "her," etc., it should
actually be "he" or "him."
March 14, 2015
Part I
I. Alpha
Draconians - Dragons from the VOID
She calls herself Abraxas, but as an Alpha Draconian she goes
under many names. Her perhaps most prominent name is Sirebird
Beardris, and she is one of the Founding Elders of the Council of
Thuban, residing in the 12th Dimension.
I found her on a forum called The Birth of Gaia,
http//www.birthofgaia.com, and she
uses a gravatar of a young, attractive woman.
In reality she is a "walk-in",
which means she is a non-physical ET, whom as a soul is "possessing"
a body where an original soul already dwells. It is like a soul came
into your body and shared it with you and you kept yourself in the
She emphasizes that she didn't just
"walk in", but that it was an agreement between her and the original
soul. Walk-ins are not uncommon these days when people are evolving,
she says, and exactly what she means by that will be clear later on
in this paper.
She goes as far as to say that you and I
are walk-ins as well, otherwise we wouldn't have any interest in
this material.
A walk-in can also be seen as a higher
aspect of self. The reason she is here is to inform humanity of what
is going on right now in regards to ascension and the so-called
The human with whom she shares the body is John Shadow, a 53
year old handicapped man, born in Queensland, Australia, on June 4,
John has a similar disease as that of
the scientist, Stephen Hawking, but in Shadows' case, it's
concentrated only to the legs, and he needs two canes to be able to
move around.
Abraxas, however, looks at herself as a
female and addresses herself like such.
She also says she's the Thuban Council's
Ambassador to Earth, where Thuban is the name of the star,

Figure 1.
Abraxas, as she
depicted herself on the original
Project Avalon forum.
The Thuban Council, which is
directing her message to mankind, are not 3D beings, but of the 12th
Dimension, which is within
the KHAA (also called the 96%, or
the VOID).
Abraxas is actually telling us that she
is from the VOID, and that the 12th Dimension is not in the physical
Abraxas uses a type of data streaming when she is transforming her
message, just like
A'shayana Deane does when she
is communicating with the Guardian Alliance, and the Thuban message
can sometimes be just as complicated and esoteric as that of Ms.
However, Abraxas is not reluctant to
answer questions when asked, and sometimes the questions are of high
quality, and that makes her going. Some new and quite shocking
material is being revealed.
But why is she here?
What does the Council of Thuban
Because the Alpha Draconians are
super-bad, aren't they?
If someone would eat you alive,
it would be them, right?
Not according to Abraxas.
She admits, though, that
there are Dracos in lower densities
who are more like savages in that respect, but she is the messenger
of a very highly respected
Royal Dragon Council.
And of course, as usual they are us in
the future! Abraxas says we have a lot of Draconian DNA in our body
and that our reptilian brain comes from them. The reason they are
here, preparing for the Harvest, is because we called for them, our
future selves, due to that "it's time".
The Thubans also believe that they are
here to assist
James of
the WingMakers, whom they in most part support. And just
like James Mahu Nahi and Hidden Hand, Abraxas has no intention to go
public except on a few forums. She is of the conviction that those
who need to find the information will find it.
Just like RA, the Cassiopaeans, and others, the Thubans are coming
because of the Harvest.
And just like them, they are riding on
the Superwave. But there is a difference; the Alpha Draconians say
they are in charge of the Harvest. They are the Highest
Order, and the ones who will see to that the Harvest happens. She
also says quite a lot about us, and for one, we are of
Dragon blood and Dragon seed, and
therefore we should come to them, and them alone.
And fear not; the Dracos are
benevolent (so she says).
I believe there is the equivalent to a few hundred pages long thread
where the Birth of Gaia members interact with Abraxas online. I
started reading it some time ago, and when you see through the
esoteric language she uses, you mainly see similar information that
you see when studying channeled sources; albeit, she goes a whole
lot deeper.
Otherwise, it's the same love & light,
STO/STS, density teachings, and ascension in form of a Harvest.
However, towards the end, when Abraxas gets into a dispute with a
few of the forum members, it's getting extremely interesting.
Suddenly, she lets her guard down and
tells these people exactly what the Harvest is all about and why
they are really here! Suddenly, the whole subject on the Harvest
makes all the sense in the world!
So I decided to write this paper to reveal the same thing to you
that was revealed to me, but without much of the complicated
Her message is often delivered in quite
an esoteric language, and hopefully I can make the whole subject
more coherent and easier to read than on the forum. Albeit, the
forum is there for those who want to read it all, but it often
requires all of your attention to grasp what she's saying.
Here is the URL:
The thread on the Birth of Gaia Forum
started on October 17, 2010.
Understanding the Basics of Alpha Draconian Cosmology and the
Draconian Star Race
Abraxas starts with giving us a short introduction of the Council of
Thuban, but goes more into details later on.
She says they are not well known by any
beings dwelling in the lower dimensions, but have been mentioned by
the Andromedans, and their messenger, Alex Collier.
When we look at what
Alex Collier says about the
Alpha Draconians, it is that they are probably the most
misunderstood of all star races. He says he has witnessed a deep
respect for this race, generated out of admiration and fear. He
further says that the Draconians are probably the oldest race in our
universe, and they don't even know how they came here. [1]
The Council of 11 (or just 11 for
short), which is the
Andromedan Council according to
Collier, say that the Draconians were here first and are therefore
the heirs to this universe and are as such all royalty!
Furthermore, they say that the Dracos
have conquered big parts of the universe and altered the DNA in
species they have encountered on their conquest.
Apparently, the Thubans have told the Andromedans that the most
densely populated area of sub-races of Draconians is the
Constellation of Orion, Rigel, and the star system known as Capella.
The Thuban thinks that fear rules and
love is weak, and the weak are meant to be slaves.
Therefore, they don't exactly bring
peace where they show up. They use technology for control and
domination and they brainwash their young to be suspicious against
other star races, including humans.
Abraxas refers to Collier's paper, but
neither confirms, nor disputes the information therein.
So this is the story
the Andromedans are telling us
about the Draconians.
Thuban is one of the star systems the
Sirians have conquered, so then the Draconians are pretty much in
alliance with, or maybe even slaves to the Sirians, right? Not
according to Abraxas.
She is talking about archetypes ruling
the universe, where the Prime Creator is on top, and the Alpha
Draconians, or the Thubans, of the 12th Dimension
is an Archetype of the 1st Oder, while both the
Sirians and the whole Alliance are Archetypes of the 3rd
Order (we will go much deeper into archetypes later in this paper).
It means that these Thubans are way
higher up on
the interdimensional scale than the
Sirians, or at least so they claim. However, they are promoting the
3rd Order Archetype as being the controller of
this 4D reality.
This shows clearly in the thread, where
Abraxas promotes the Second Coming of 'Jesus', whom is none
less than Jesus/Lucifer/ENKI.
But isn't Lucifer Jesus' adversary? No,
according to the Thubans, Lucifer is Jesus' mirror, which
means that when Jesus was battling Lucifer or Satan in the
Bible, he was simply battling his own dark sides; the ones inside
Now, don't think for a moment that this paper will be a repetition
of the previous ones about the Harvest and the Superwave. Although
I'd gotten used to all that, this Thuban thread came as a shocker.
All the following information needs to be known!
At the top of the Thuban Council sit the 24 Elders, who are the
Thuban Dragons, receiving their authority from the 4 Beasts, and
through them from the Prime Creator, or God.
To be more precise, the Council consists
of 12 androgynous archetypes that are mirroring the 12 existing
dimensions and are therefore fulfilling the role of mirroring all
the dimensions, from the 1st to the 12th.
It is my understanding that in Thuban
cosmology everything is mirroring itself, and this mirroring
continues on an upward gradient scale, up through the dimensions. I
am mirroring myself as well, by also being my opposite, and the same
goes for you. That's us here in 3D.
According to Draconian cosmological
model, each Elder can be each dimension and at the same time
mirroring them.
So 12 Elders in this sense become 24
Elders, as each Elder Dragon is doubled. This may sound incredibly
esoteric, but is basically nothing new; I believe I've seen this is
old Gnostic writings as well.
When asked if this star race are real dragons, and look like
dragons, their answer is confirmative.
However, how does a dragon look like?
Well, when we humans found the first bones of the horrifying
"lizards" in form of the prehistoric Iguanodon, our imagination
started working for us, and thus we created an archetype of Dragons
here on Earth.
Then, as time went by, we more and more
changed our perspective of how dragons look like, from
fire-breathing flying dinosaurs to more T-Rex and alligator-like
creatures. But before that, in medieval Europe, the "correct"
picture of Dragons replaced the old ones.
Here they were two-legged human-looking
serpentine creatures - the correct archetype of the Serpent,
which did not glide sideways, but like a sinusoidal waveform, which
is up and down like the picture in an oscilloscope.
This is how the Dragons apparently move
in the VOID.
The Thubans distinguish between the Sky Blue or Cyan colored Dragon
and the Red Dragon. The former is the Master Dragon and the latter
is in prophecy called the "Devil", and is so neutralized
(discharged) in the Entwined Serpent or Double-Dragon of the White
Lucifer with the Black Lucifer.
But as long as we are reading this
paper, we need to keep in mind who this group of entities, declaring
themselves as being next under the Prime Creator, are.
They say they are both our ancestors
and our descendent, like so many others. The thing is that if we
look at this in perspective, there is a chance that each of these
channeled sources who say they are us in the past and in the future
could potentially tell us the truth.
We have the Grays, we have the
Pleiadians, the Cassiopaeans, and many more...
They all fit into this agenda, as we
shall see.

Figure 2.
"The Blue Master
here moving through
the VOID in a sinusoidal waveform.
The Thubans say that in the beginning of the universe was the
The Dragon as consciousness eventually
descended into matter (3D) and became humans. Then, seen from a
perspective of simultaneous time, we are now going to ascend again,
after have learned the lessons we need to learn in 3D, and we will
become what they call Starhumans.
A Starhuman is Old Human (homo sapiens
sapiens) + Dragon. So in reality, we are ascending, while they are
descending down to meet us; they, who are us in the future.
This is what they call the Harvest.
The new human, after the Harvest, is the
Dragonized Starhuman.
ii.i. Dimensions of the VOID and the 4%
Abraxas agrees that one of the most misunderstood concepts in
metaphysics is that of
dimensions and densities.
Without going into too many details
about the Alpha Draconian version, we still need to touch on it to
have the rest make sense. It's not differing too much from what we
have already talked about earlier, however.
The Thubans prefer to use the term
dimension, I've noticed.
We already know that according to the Thubans, there exist 12
dimensions all together. This also coincides with
the RA Material and others, who
embrace 8 densities (or dimensions), and I will explain why that is.
The Draconians do not endorse A'shayana
Deane and her Guardian Alliance's 15 dimensions, however.
They say that any ET race we can ever think of exists in the 8th
Dimension or under. We humans basically exists in 4 of them, where
the 4th Dimension is
the astral. So in other words, the
ascension is not from 3D to 4D, but from 4D to 5D, unless we speak
of densities. In that case it would be from 3D to 4D.
The RA collective were talking about
octaves. In the RA concept, when we'll reach the 8th Density, it
starts all over in a new, higher octave of 8 densities.
According to the Dragons, this is
basically correct, because like I said, no star race can go higher
than the 8th Dimension, because the rest, from 9-12, are the
"Angelic Dimensions", if we want to call it that, and exist in the
VOID, outside our universe.
When we talk about dimensions here on Earth, we are still only
talking about the astral, they say, which is limited to 4
Dimensions. 5D is the last dimension of embodiment. To reach the 6th
Dimension, we need to get in contact with what they call the "superconsciousness",
which requires transcension of the subconscious; something that is
not possible if we inhabit a physical body, they say.
Not even in Near Death Experiences
or Out of Body Experiences can we reach the 6th
If we compare this with what I wrote about in Level II, it
corresponds pretty well with the distinction between the 96%
universe and the 4%. Dimensions 9-12 in the Thubanese model are the
VOID (96%), and dimensions 1-8 are the 4% where we are programmed to
dwell. As we can see, there are non-physicals even in the 4%
And I agree with the Dragons when it
comes to entering the VOID; we totally must connect our different
"minds" with each other. Some can be done already now, while the
rest has to be done in the non-physical.
This starts in Dimension 6, according to
this material, and expands up through Dimension 8, when we finally
can see the universe for what it is.
James of the WingMakers said in the Project Camelot Interview in
2008 that
ANU of the Anunnaki and his people
created what I call the 4% universe, ready with its own dimensions
and everything. He called it a "cloned universe" (more as a
metaphor, when indeed he described the 4% universe), and those who
are stuck in it believe that this is the only universe there is.
So, what it certainly looks like is that
even the channeled sources, who are us in the future, but of
a higher density or dimension than we earth humans, are still stuck
within the 8 dimensions of the 4% universe.
They say that once they reach the 8th
dimension/density, they become One with the Creator and start
operating in a new octave, which starts on a higher level than the
one they just completed. Therefore, they are waiting for us humans
to catch up in order to reach the next octave.
At the same token, they have no idea
what the next octave is, and how life will be there.
Every 26,000 years, when the solar system has completed an orbit
around the zodiac, the Thubans, who say they live "outside" the 4%
universe, [2] descend at that time and help a few
"ripe" humans ascend into the VOID, where they are assigned a
mission, which we shall talk about in the next paper.
Moreover, they tell us that they are
us in the future, trying to collect us all one day, so we can
unite with our future self.
There are different ways for a human here on Earth to receive
messages from star beings;
channeling is just one way. The
Cassiopaeans, as we learned, are
communicating via an Ouija Board, but there are more ways, such as
"data streaming", which I mentioned in the beginning.
A'shayana Deane and Abraxas of the Alpha
Draconians have that thing in common - they are data streaming their
information, which is different from channeling.
In channeling, there are beings
there, communicating to the audience through a human
"vehicle", in real time.
In data streaming, the vehicle
is receiving the message in "packages", almost like computer
zip files, containing all the information the vehicle needs
to answer the question, and sometimes more. No trance state is needed; you ask the
question, a download happens, and the vehicle receives the answer
from the star race.
Normally, the messenger who receives the
"zip file" is a member of the star race which is sending them, so
it's not like the receiver is uninformed of the information.
What people who are data streaming seem to have in common is that
the messages come from outside the physical universe! Therefore, the
information is considered extra valuable and "advanced". In other
words, the messages come from the VOID, the 96% Goddess Universe,
somewhere between Dimensions 9-12.
James of the WingMakers said that as
long as someone is communicating in words or even thoughts, no
matter the language, the message comes from within the cloned
universe. This is true, he says, in spite of if the messengers are
non-physicals from higher dimensions or not.
Data streaming, however, doesn't consist
of words, but a package of information that is instant and manifest
as "knowledge" in the receiver's brain.
Therefore, data streaming is considered
the highest form of "channeling". For data streaming to take place,
there must be an opening between the VOID and the 4% universe, or
the communication channel is closed.
It's almost like a stargate opening
between the two, or a black hole, but still something different.
Abraxas calls it "Bigmo's Balloon".
This was actually a concept which was
coined during a forum session when Abraxas discussed this matter
with someone on the forum with the profile name "Bigmo". Abraxas
used the allegory of a balloon to describe the difference between
the 4% universe and the VOID; thus "Bigmo's balloon".
And here is how it works.
ii.ii. Bigmo's Balloon
Abraxas explains that normally the difference between
space/time/time/space and the VOID (which does not include time and
space) is closed.
Sometimes there is a little opening
between the two, and that's when communicating (in form of data
streaming) can happen. Those in the VOID (Dimensions 9-12) are
living in the Goddess Universe and are supposedly all-knowing and
can potentially answer any questions someone in space/time or
time/space may have.
According to the Thubans, we all have a
"mirror" in the VOID, which is our adversary, just as well as here
we are the adversary to ourselves in the VOID. Thus the concepts of
Satan and God, where Satan is God's adversary, and the two
"live" in the VOID and the 4% universe, respectively.
This can be exemplified by a balloon that has been filled. The
balloon is egg-shaped, just like the universe (or
the Multiverse in LPG-C's Working
Model, where they called it
the UNUM), and has an outside and
an inside.
The inside is of course the 4% universe
with its 8 dimensions, while the outside is the Goddess Universe
(the VOID, the KHAA, the 96%), with its 4 dimensions.
The Thubans are our mirrors, waiting on
the inside for us to become one big collective and join them - at
least this is the ultimate "Masterplan".
There are small periods of time when "stargates", in lack of a
better word, open between the VOID and the universe of space and
time, when we humans can ascend and be harvested before the gates
close again and we have to wait another whole cycle (26,000 years),
or a semi-cycle, before we can ascend again.
This is not because we are going from 4D
directly into the VOID, but because the Thubans need to descend from
the VOID to the 4% universe every time we are ascending from one
dimension to the next.
The Gnostics used a great picture to
explain the difference between the VOID and the 4%, which we can see
below in fig. 3.
The term "Bigmo's Balloon" has now allegedly been incorporated in
the Thuban nomenclature.

Figure 3.
This old Gnostic
painting can be viewed as an example of a being
who is looking through a "stargate" between the 4% universe where he
and into the outside of "Bigmo's Balloon".
III. Humanity
as One Big, Universal Family
Abraxas is telling the Forum members that in the 4% universe there
are only humans!
No other species exist here except
humans! I want the reader to ponder this for a moment before you go
on to the next paragraph.
Now, who else has been telling us the same thing in the past? That's
right! James of the WingMakers said the exact same thing in his 2008
interview with Project Camelot (for you who need a link to that
interview once again, here it is:
The Written Interview with James - Project Camelot).
He said that the human template was used
here on Earth first, and highly developed spirits from higher
dimensions (read the VOID) were manipulated into entering these
biological, human bodies. These bodies could do a lot of fun things,
like having sex, playing around, touching things, smelling things,
going on adventures - you name it! And ANU and his people asked the
highly evolved spirits if they wanted to try this, and they did.
Then, after these spirits had
experienced this holographic universe that was built into these
bodies and wanted to get out, ANU said,
"Oops, we forgot to tell you
something. There is no way to get out!"
And these spirits of the VOID have been
trapped in human bodies ever since.
So if we are to believe James, the whole
4% universe exists only within our bodies and does not exist outside
of them.
Our bodies, in other words, are huge
holograms which contain everything we know as being a universe.
The Thubans and the WingMakers therefore live outside of these
bodies and data stream their information from there.
The movie "The Matrix" certainly comes
to mind, where human bodies where hooked up to machines showing a
hologram of the universe, and these hooked up, spirited bodies,
experienced the holographic universe from their seats, so to speak.
iii.i. The WingMakers Interview from a
New Angle
To continue
the WingMakers story (and I really
think we need to review it again, now from a new angle); ANU wanted
to become the God of the universe.
And he wasn't talking about a 4%
universe, but the whole universe, and thus entrap all souls there
are - in the 4% universe as well as the 96%, which is exactly what
I've been saying, too.
James says the entrapment happened
during the Atlantean times, and I agree with that, because different
researchers have different concepts of when the Atlantean time
started. What he is basically talking about is when ENKI, the master
scientist trained directly under the Queen of the Stars, on a
mission from his stepfather, ANU, after he'd rebelled in Orion, went
to Earth to
create Homo sapiens as a slave race to the
Like James says, the earlier humans were
highly evolved (androgynous) humans who were not stuck in their
bodies and had total recall of whom they were.
We then know the story how ENKI, together with his brilliant
co-engineers, created Homo sapiens from the existing apes and the
human race I call the
Namlú'u. These new bodies were not
of the same kind the Namlú'u (Lús) had, which were divine and
created directly by Mother Goddess and her own scientists at that
time (the Thubans say it was them).
So, Homo sapiens became a
watered-down version of the magnificent Lús, but still divine in
their making, because they still had Lú and Orion DNA, but were
degraded with Sirian genetics.
What ENKI did was to add a Human Mind System (HMS) to the
bodies he genetically engineered in secret, successfully withholding
this from the Namlú'u, who were living side by side with the
Fallen Angels from Sirius.
His and ANU's idea was to trap the human
multidimensional souls into the new bodies, so they could enslave
these highly evolved spirits from Orion, who had
the Fire of the Mother Goddess.
These new bodies also contained something that was very unique for
them - a rich range of emotions! The new Human Mind System had this,
plus a higher dimensional body attached to it, based on the physical
This higher body separated itself from
the physical body when the physical body died, and thus carried on.
Some call this higher dimensional body the "soul", while others call
it the astral body, but in reality it's just a lesser dense body for
the real soul to operate within. The truth is, according to James,
that even this higher-dimensional light-body is part of the HMS, and
therefore within
the trap system.
Thus, it has been subjected to most of
the programming ENKI and his cohorts put into these bodies.
These new vessels were then programmed
to be run by a soul (which is basically a cluster of Fires),
who were manipulated into attaching themselves to the physical body
and the higher-D body.
Some of the most potent programs in the Homo sapiens bodies were,
"fear of death"
"fear of separation"
"fear of non-existence"
Another powerful program was amnesia;
the soul had now hardly any memories from previous lives.
It was easy for ENKI and the Sirians,
ruled by ANU and ENLIL, to place themselves as the one and only
God in the minds of the new humans.
They did so by creating a composite
God, whom we know as
YHWH, Jehovah, and a number of other different
names. This composite God manifested himself, or
spoke to humans in the non-physical, through at least three
individuals, portraying themselves as one:
Then, to be able to meet God and
be redeemed, it didn't matter which religion you subscribed to and
whom you called God, because the underlying programming was
the same.
You had to meet the requirements of the
earthly conditions and could then either live in Paradise with
God for all eternity, or be your own spiritual teacher of the
It is also embedded into the human mind that you need a savior or a
teacher to be able to ascend, and even to achieve happiness in the
physical world.
The program is so powerful that even
when you feel you have achieved self-realization, you are still
trapped in this human mind system. This is why
the PTB, or the metaphysical beings
who run them, often don't care if people are trying to evolve.
ENKI and ANU knew that mankind would
evolve over time, so they made it extremely hard to be able to
evolve out of the Human Mind System! James mentions that saviors can
come in many shapes and forms:
...to name a few important and common
ones (especially keep the last one in mind when you read the rest of
this, and the following paper, or papers).
And James says, word for word in this
"Each of us is our own and only
savior, our only master who can truly cause us to stand-up
within ourselves and shut down the suppression systems and
awaken to their Sovereign Integral consciousness."
I couldn't agree more, and this is what
I have always said.
This is important to understand when we
continue reading, because this powerful statement will be challenged
by the Thubans. And ponder this: the main reason the Overlords want
to keep us separated and not in groups is because separated
individuals who don't have the power of the group mind can be more
easily controlled.
Therefore, groups who are becoming
powerful are therefore infiltrated.
Polarity is also a part of the Human Mind System that ENKI created,
and it is based on fear, originating from the solar plexus area.
Polarity includes friction between the different polarities, so that
fear and domination will always exist.
If there is polarity where you exist,
you are a part of this giant Human Mind System program which is the
Sirian trap.
James says it is true that the Sirians (whom he calls the Anunnaki)
came here to participate in the human experience in the realm of
matter to exploit its resources, but they also wanted to entrap
those powerful, free-thinking beings who lived on this beautiful
planet, and they wanted to make them not only into slaves, but
willing slaves (and God knows they have succeeded!).
But because human souls evolve
naturally, it would eventually become a problem if no intervention
was done over time. Therefore, the Overlords decided that when
people came close to breaking through the HMS prison walls, more
genetic manipulation needed to be done on them.
This is one reason why there are so many
alien abductions these days, I
would say, because people are getting pretty close to seeing through
the trap. Now the Sirian genetic engineers are busy, busy, to keep
up with the "upgrade" of the human template (which in fact works for
us like a "downgrade").
The true state of the human soul (the
soul as a Fire and a Feminine Divine) was not realized
by anybody until quite recently, and has been even more expanded
upon since James was in this interview in 2008, in parts by myself.
Over and over I come back to this single interview with James from
2008, because I think much of it is very potent and powerful
information that should be taken seriously.
There are other aspects
of the WingMakers Material I am less thrilled with, and also so with
small parts of the Camelot Interview, but at the most part, it is
spot on if I compare it with my own research so far.
Listen to this, for example:
"Yes, the densities are shifting,
but these are artifacts of the Human Mind System (HMS).
Even the belief that the
near-infinite dimensions of the astral and mental planes are
real is a comparison to the physical plane. I would suggest to
you that what is in the purview of the human instrument, which
includes the physical, emotional (astral) and mental densities
or dimensions are all caught up in the HMS and suppression
It is not of the Sovereign Integral
and it is therefore impermanent, existing in polarity,
separation, and deception. In other words, it is a creation
designed to conceal what you truly are."
Here is the key to the channeled
material, whether it is the RA Material, Elohim, or non-channeled
material such as that given to us by the Thuban walk-ins.
It's all part of the HMS and a
Like I've been saying; people are waking
up and the Overlords need to do something! However, they don't need
to think very hard, because their solution has been planned for long
in form of prophecy. In simple words, they are using prophecy
against us so we divert from our path and start going towards the
dead end of the HMS.
This is hopefully becoming crystal clear
with this and the few upcoming papers.
So the human body, whether it is the physical body or the higher-D
body, is the soul trap we're engaged in, and the PTB are our prison
guards, although they themselves are part of the prison. It's truly
like if the inmates are running the asylum. Within this body system
exists the whole holographic universe, including all the higher
dimensions which the channeled sources are talking about.
Although a higher dimension may seem
like infinite freedom compared to the prison we're sitting in here
on Earth, the higher-D beings are still trapped, just like we are,
because they still operate through their higher-D body and are thus
being manipulated.
This is how it works according to James,
and overall I think that's a picture close enough.
I definitely don't want to suggest that I am more knowledgeable than
James, because over the whole spectrum of knowledge, he is much more
aware than I am, but there are certain things I have researched very
deeply, and one of these things is the
concept of Fire/Soul.
James is mentioning only one body that
is higher dimensional compared to the physical body, and that this
body as well is trapped within the HMS.
I would say we have more than one
higher-D body within the HMS, and one of them is the Soul/Fire, or
what I call the "light-body" or the "avatar". This light-body
consists of perhaps millions of small fires which all together form
this light-body, or
avatar, normally in a similar shape
as the recent physical body.
This avatar is the human soul, which
means that the human soul does not operate within a higher-D body;
it is the higher-D body.
However, I agree with James that the
avatar is certainly trapped within the HMS.
However, we need to remember that even if the avatar is stuck in the
HMS, it also has a direct link to the Oversoul, which James calls
the Sovereign Integral. And it is our search for ourselves
outside the trap that becomes our priority.
James tells us that all we need to
do is a simple breathing exercise called "The Quantum Pause" and we
will connect.
I think it's a wonderful exercise and
believe it works, but there are more things I think need to be done.
Sometimes, when we evolve, we break down a prison wall and suddenly
we have more freedom than we had the minute before. However, there
are other walls, and other walls, and other walls behind those,
which all need to be broken down. And, according to James, so long
as we depend on pictures, images, sounds, words, feelings, and
thoughts to interpret our world, we are still inside the prison
I know that many people think that this sounds scary. How can you
enjoy living without all the perceptions in the above paragraph? Is
the VOID really the way to go?
Yes, that's where our freedom lies,
because we, as infinite Fires, are there free to create whatever we
want, and what we create is manifesting instantly.
Then, we can uncreate it just as quickly
if we wish or get tired of it. And if we want to travel somewhere
within our own creation, or the creation of somebody else, it's
instant. There is no time in the VOID in the sense we know it.
To reach the point of freedom from the
imprisonment, we need to use nature as a catalyst, but also find the
spirit within and work on making it remember.
This will be the project of my book,
following upon Level III. And just to make something clear, the way
I see it: Ascension is not the answer to obtaining our freedom. We
already have everything we need within ourselves. It's not
ascension, but self-realization that we need.
This, I believe, is very important to understand. We gain nothing
from "ascending to the 5th or 6th
Dimension", except the illusion of freedom, which in the long run
will lead us further and further away from what we want to
accomplish - freedom from external manipulation.
Number one is to realize we are
controlled in every corner of life.
Number two is to disagree with
the manipulation
Number three is self-realization
There is more coming from James on the
subject of ascension and channeling.
How do we know that the pictures we have
of Ascension is not just
information that has been implanted in us through our unconscious
mind (which is dream state)? After all, we going to hear from the
Dracos themselves that they consider it okay to give us unconscious
information through dream state.
So that validates what James is saying.
Bill Ryan and Kerry-Lynn Cassidy of Project Camelot
are asking James about channeled material in general, and James is
saying that all of it is coming from the HMS and are just
artificial, clever programs, created by the Anunnaki (Sirian
scientists, using Orion technology).
"In more recent times channeling has
become more automated, using pre-programmed scripts, voice
tonalities, gestures, and accents which are implanted in the HMS
of the individual channeler, and quite literally "broadcast" for
later publication and dissemination among those who have a
resonance to GSSC and seek enlightenment therein."
"They discuss the heavens, God, angelic beings, extraterrestrial
intelligences, the service orientation of ascended being,
ascension process of soul, morality, practical living, alignment
to God, life after death, and the complex teacher-student
ordering of the universe.
It is all designed to instill
separation and satisfy the seeker that truth exists on the
material plane, thus, they do not have to leave the prison to
find it; they simply need to read or listen with their mind."
If the above is true, the channeled
material in my previous papers are merely Sirian preparations for
the direct information through walk-ins like the Alpha Draconian
This could very well be the case, and
the most possible purposes for that will be discussed at the end of
the Alpha Draconian Series.
James' version of how the Lú souls (which are us according to the
WingMakers' philosophy) got trapped in the bodies has been covered
in a previous paper, but shortly, as a reminder, these free spirits
were shown the new bodies and were asked to try them out.
ANU and his team said that it would be a
very fun experience, and there was a lot they could do which the
current Lús couldn't, because they were androgynous. One such
experience was to feel sexually aroused and be able to have sex and
reproduce from having intercourse. The Lús, who were very wise, but
still curious souls, tried it out and liked it.
Somehow, through manipulation, ANU
managed to have most of the Lús entering the new bodies, but when
they wanted out, they found out they were trapped. Soon enough,
their consciousness decreased as well, because the vibration of the
new bodies were much lower.
And thus, the 4% universe was created and we got trapped in it - Lú
souls and others. This story coincides quite well with what I told
in Level II.
James of the WingMakers then claims that in 3D there are no other
alien beings but humans, and that ANU's universe consists of only
humans (in 3D) and interdimensionals, who are also trapped in the
I never really understood what he was
talking about until I dug into the Alpha Draconian info, although
the Dragons insist that this universe only exists of humans, no
matter if they are dimensional or interdimensional.
Soon the reader is going to understand why I had to go into such
details about the channeled sources. It's extremely important in
order to understand the whole agenda with the Harvest and ascension
in general.
iii.ii. Ascension Equals Descension
What the Thubans are saying is that they are now going to descend
"down" from the VOID into the physical universe to meet us here on
Earth and help us ascend to the 5th Dimension
through something they call the Harvest.
But moreover, they also tell us that
Earth is the center of the universe, and mankind is the center of
attention for all beings in the universe! This includes the Grays,
other physical beings from 4th or 5th
Dimensions, and the non-physicals in Dimensions 6-8.
All of them have their attention on
Earth, whether they reside in the Milky Way Galaxy, the Andromeda
Galaxy, or galaxies 10 billion light-years from here!
Why is that? What is it that makes us humans so special?
Well, we are special because if we don't
ascend, they can't ascend, either! The reason for this is that no
matter where a star race exists in the 4% universe, or how they look
like, they are still versions of mankind; either in the past or in
the future!
So we have all these timelines
time allegedly only exists in the
4% universe) with different versions of humans, hybridized or not,
who are all waiting to merge with the version of themselves dwelling
in the lowest dimensions, which are dimensions 1-4. This means us
This is why RA and all the rest of these sources say they are a
Social Memory Complex, dwelling in one of the higher dimensions.
They have become collectives and are now waiting for all these
versions of humanity who have spread out over the universe over time
to merge with them and with each other.
And in particular, they are waiting for
us here on Planet Earth to ascend, one dimension at the time, until
we reach dimension 8 and can merge with the rest of humanity from
different timelines and places in the physical, holographic
Once that is done, we can all, as a
whole humanity, ascend into the VOID, and the illusion of the 4%
universe will disappear!
And thus, if this would be true, we have the answers to almost all
of the questions about who the channeled sources are - at least the
version they want us to believe in.
So again, according to Abraxas, they are
different collectives of humans, in different space and time,
waiting to merge with each other, and most of all, they are waiting
for us 4D beings to catch up with them and ascend, one dimension at
the time.
However, as we saw in
the WingMakers material, there are
other options, slightly different.
IV. The
Abraxas says it's important to understand that the universe is run
by archetypes.
They have a hierarchal order and have
existed since the beginning of time. Still, as time goes by, these
archetypes change in the eyes of their descendants, and they become
slightly different. These archetypes are very much alive, because we
make them so, and they are around somewhere in the universe right
The Andromedans call
the Draconians Paa Tal, which means
"the ones that came first", and they say that the Dragons don't
remember where they came from.
Abraxas says that they do remember; they
came from the VOID and were the Great Dragons, the Founders (same as
the "Builders"
if we use my own terminology), and they were the ones who helped
God create the Universe. They are the Dragon Race, who later,
through genetic engineering, helped God create the human
Well, we've heard that story before,
haven't we?
We are going to look a little bit at the archetypes and discuss
them. From reading my papers, and other researchers' work, perhaps,
the reader will recognize many of the personae that go with them.
This is what Abraxas wrote on the forum:
"1st Order: Undifferentiated Polarity
Greek: (Eros+Abyss/Tartarus+Night/Erebus)+Gaia=Uranus+Gaia
Egyptian: Ra+Apep in internal mirror images Yang/Yin=...
Mesopotamian: FreshWater of Apsu/Yang+SaltWater of Tiamat/Yin=Nammu=...
2nd Order: Internally differentiated
Polarity as Unity
Greek: Titans, in six males
with six females say from Oceanus with Tethys
Egyptian: Shu=Father Sky+Tefnut=Mother Earth
Mesopotamian: Lahmu+Mummu=Lahama
3th Order: Externally differentiated
Greek: Titans led by Cronus
with Rhea
Egyptian: Geb=Father Earth+Nut=Mother Earth
Mesopotamian: Anshar+Kishar
4th Order: Beginning of the
Generations of the Gods and Goddesses
Greek: Olympians, led by
Zeus+Hades with Metis/Consorts+Consorts
Egyptian: Osiris+Isis with Set+Nephthys twinships etc.
Mesopotamian: Anu+Ki into Enlil+Ninlil+Ea/Enki+Dumkina
The male semen=essence=fresh
water=ground water so follows the order of Uranus/Ra/Apsu---Titan/Shu/Lahmu---Cronus/Geb/Anshar---Zeus,Hades/Osiris,Set/Anu,Enlil,Enki---...
The female essence=salt water follows the orders of Gaia/Apep/Tiamat---Titaness/Tefnut/Lahama---Rhea/Nut/Kishar---Metis,Hera/Isis,Nephthys/Ki,Ninlil,Dumkina---...
Marduk is the son of Ea+Dumkina and
like Zeus (or Horus as the son of Osiris+Isis) challenges the
'old order' in Cronus (or Set, the usurper of Osiris), the
usurper of Uranus; Marduk challenges the 'murder' of Apsu (who
wished to eliminate the younger gods) by Ea in Qingu+Tiamat.
Sin is the son of Enlil+Ninlil (as Anubis the son of
Set+Nephthys) and continues the 'cosmic twinship' archetype of
Anshar-Anu and Enlil-Enki in Marduk-Sin in the external
polarisation leading back into unification in the third
The fourth generation will so result in this unification in 'The
Queen from Heaven' in Innana=Ishtar=Esther
(biblical)=Mary=Venus=Aphrodite say as the daughter of
Sin+Ningal and 'twinbrother' Utu/Shamash.
As Aphrodite then Ishtar can reclaim
the primordial creation, having been 'unnaturally' created from
the foam of the primordial waters as the genitals of Uranus
(compare Isis substituting Osiris phallus after it had been
eaten by a 'Spider of Set')" [3]
The 1st Order is "no
polarity" and the creations of the metaphysical Gaia (Earth), being
the center of the universe.
And it is freshwater, saltwater, and the
Apsu (Apzu), which is the "Abyss", where ENKI eventually started his
genetic experiments with mankind. It was also the beginning of the
universe. It was creation and the Creator turning into the 2nd
Order; internal first, turning into external polarity from a unified
The 1st Order
manifested before they came into physical being; turning
metaphysicality into physicality. This split the so far unified
Creator-Creation into two - the Source-Sender and the Sink-Receiver
The 1st Order is
unattainable, as it requires complete resonance with Source as a
Unity of All That Is - All That Exists.
The 2nd Order is the first polarization, but this
polarization is still in Unity. The Titans, whom I presented as
daughters of Orion, are here presented as male and female in Unity,
which probably will signify androgyny. Lahmu + (Mamitu Nammu) Mummu
= Lahama (Lahamu), the Unifying force.
Mamitu Nammu is the Queen of the Stars,
The Draconians here talk about six males
and six females from Oceanus, who make up the traditional Titans;
6+6=12. 12 and 13 being the numbers of the Mother Goddess. Here the
Goddess manifests in Gaia, Earth, and becomes "Mother Earth".
2nd Order is Unity as
a race, still not separately expressed. This Order also implies the
Seraphim, the Cherubs, and the Archangels.
Anton Parks's hierarchy, the 2nd
Order would signify Lahamu and Lahmu, father and mother of Kišár and
Anšár, 3rd Order Archetypes, and parents of ANU,
who is 4th Order.
Furthermore, Abraxas says regarding
dragons and humans in the 2nd Order:
"Here then the Race of the Humans is
DIFFERENT from the RACE of the DRAGONS and say the Arcturian ETs
are different from the Pleiadean ETs in polarisation, yet the
Humans or the Dragons remain unified as a RACE."
The 3rd Order is the
Father and the Mother of the Gods and Goddesses we have heard about
so much; being the Sirian "gods".
The 3rd Order divides
the race and is thus Geb, Father Earth, and Nut, Mother Earth. Geb
and Nut were also looked at as the Sky, which can be interpreted
both as Gaia's sky and the cosmic sky, in which they traveled in
thought form, seeding and creating.
Here is where the concepts of "good"
humans and "good" dragons and "bad" humans and "bad" dragons begins.
Anton Parks exemplifies the 3rd
Order with the parents of ANU, who were Kišár and Anšár. The 3rd
Order is also the 9 Mayan Timekeepers (or the "9 Mayan Timelords" as
Abraxas calls them), whom the Pleiadians talk about in
Barbara Marciniak's books as
being the Pleiadian teachers; the Pleiadians being the 4th
I discussed this in a few papers in
Level I. There is also more polarization.
Abraxas again:
"3rd Order is then
polarisation externalised, such as angels and demons/devils as
etheric and higherD forms able to interact with lowerD forms in
polarisation, such as humans and ETs and flora and fauna."
The 4th Order is the
beginning of all the generations of gods and goddesses within the
Sirian hierarchy, starting with ANU and his son ENLIL and (step)son
From there it takes off into several
generations of gods and goddesses. The 4th Order
also symbolizes the conflict of the Inner Self with the Outer Self
in a yin-yang type of dance. The 4th Order is that
of the "astral" and the dimensions above the 4th, which are less
physical and more etheric.
This is where the non-physicals dwell,
such as,
the Sirian Overlords
the Pleiadians,
...the so-called "future humans".
According to Abraxas, these archetypes are kept alive in the memory
bank and imagination of mankind, whether it's here on Earth or in
other places of the 4% universe. These archetypes rule the universe,
and since so much attention has been put on the Mesopotamians
deities, ANU and KI and their offspring are the archetypes we are
giving the most power and are thus the ones who are coming back,
says Abraxas.
We are experiencing the 4th
Order Archetypes merging with humanity in 4D, in other words.
Because what is energized will be set into motion. In other words,
we are calling on the gods to come!
This is very true, because that's what's
being done behind the scenes from our highest ranking Power Elite
down to some confused and possessed people in small offshoots of
secret societies like the German/America Thule Order.
They all "help" bringing the gods here,
and keeping them here by giving them enormous amount of energy.
All star beings, Abraxas says, know about Gaia and her destiny to
become the New Earth through ascension, and what that means in the
Here she gives us a tidbit of the usual
disinformation, starting with the distortion of the stories of the
4th Order of Archetypes:
"Because the ETs have known about
the 'masterplan' of the Logos and their part in it as a cosmic
intelligence NOT physicalized in the density field of the
graduate starplanet; they have engaged in the hybridization of
the primitive human template with themselves.
As said, this has made ALL humanoids already Human-ET hybrids
and beginning in a mindwave-induction so 208,000 years ago.
None of you would have the sentience for abstract thought, would
you be a 'pure' hominid stock, say as evolved from Old World
Monkeys 20 million years ago into speciations of
Australopithecines so 4 million years ago and diversifications
in the Homo Erectus typology so 500,000 years ago.
All of your so called intelligence
IS in fact ET intelligence.
All ETs are Human Family, albeit not physicalized in the density
field of Gaia, extending 2 million kilometers from the Gaian
center and growing by so 105 millimeters per year.
So this 'masterplan' KNOWS that the Old Earth is destined to
become a New Earth."
Here the Draconians clearly state that
the Sirian Alliance knew all along what was planned for Gaia and
that she is destined to turn into a star-planet, and mankind to
become the new Starhumans.
I'm prone to think that they are
actually working on our ascension together with the Thubans/Draconians,
but with help from technology, so they can continue to control us.
Also, here is the lie about the
primitive human repeated again, where it's said that without
interference from
the Sirian Overlords and their
genetic manipulation of the apes, we humans would never be capable
of abstract thinking.
This is not true.
We were a much evolved race before the
Sirians came; there is enough evidence of that. UTU, when he
contacted me, tried to push the same buttons, that we humans would
be nothing if they hadn't interfered and created Homo sapiens from
their own DNA. I told him this is a big lie.
By the same token, in this context, they bring up "Nibiru"
as not being the home planet of the Sirians, just like I've
suggested in Level II and III, or the home planet of any of these
kinds of beings. Instead, they say, Nibiru has been confused with
our "Second Sun".
Almost every star system which houses
intelligent life forms is a double or triple star. That way they can
create the appropriate gravitational system for stable planets to
form, contrary to what mainstream science thinks.
Esoterically enough, in the case of our
own solar system, which is special because it's housing Gaia, the
Mother Goddess incarnated in a Divine Planet, the Second Sun is not
some brown dwarf or another sun hidden behind our yellow globe in
the sky, but the sun of the Galactic Center herself, called
the Hunab Ku, and another name for the Milky Way Galaxy is the
Perseus Galaxy.
Hunab Ku means "The Giver of all Wisdom"
and the "Street of Remembrance".
It's also called the "Womb of the
Mother". This second sun, around which we orbit, is by some also
called Nemesis.
In regards to the four Orders of Archetypes, we humans exist as all
of them, from the highest to the lowest, but in the 4% universe we
are heavily polarized and diverse, and thus humans existing in 1-4D
are then the lowest form of humanity in the physical universe.
The Draconian "Masterplan" is then to
ascend all humans to the 2nd Order, in Unity, or
rather, where the polarization is only internal. This is why the
Pleiadians in their lectures say that currently they are more
knowledgeable than we humans are here in 4D, but in the future that
may change.
What they mean by that is that they are
the Archetype of the 4th Order, and the Masterplan
is to bring mankind up to the 2nd. Once that is
done, the Pleiadians and all other star beings in the 4% universe,
being humans just like us according to Thubanese cosmology, will
ascend with us.
Abraxas as a soul and a walk-in is of the 2nd
Order in the 12th Dimension of Thuban.
This is where she wants humanity to
ascend to, eventually. In the 2nd Order she is "Sirebard
Just like the RA Material embraced 8
densities (they were unaware of the "angelic densities/dimensions",
or did not want to expand on that subject), where the 8th
Density also equals the 1st Density in the next
octave, Dimension 13 is the same as the 1st
Dimension, but according to Abraxas, the 13th
Dimension is not a start of a new, higher set of dimensions, but is
a descension down to Dimension 1.
Abraxas, promoting the second coming of Messiah in form of
Lucifer/Jesus being the same deity (in other words, she's covertly
promoting ENKI), she is rebutting the "myth" about the "Fall of
Lucifer" and his Dark Angels.
And of course she does, and the reason
for this will be obvious before this paper is finished.
This is what she says:
"All of Prime Source's
'intelligence' became dispersed at the birth of the universe in
the 1st dimension and then manifested the LineSpace in the
commonly understood cosmogenesis of the terrestrial science,
cosmology and astrophysics.
This then was the 'Fall' of the higher orders, rather poignantly
related to the 'mundane' physical sciences and quite without ETs/archangels
warring against God to be 'chucked out' of 'heaven'."
According to Abraxas, "The Fall of
Lucifer" is the fall of the Archetypes from the highest to the
lowest, eventually manifesting in our physical reality.
There is, however, a reason for her not
to stick with the Lucifer/ENKI agenda, as ENKI is the Messiah of the
"New World", whether he manifests himself or not.
And let us end this section about Archetypes with the following
interesting statement from Abraxas:
"The Cosmic Archetypology RULES the
The reconfiguration of Gaia so requires reconfiguration of the
entire cosmic structure.
This has been the agenda of all, PTB and ETs all along.
Not many know the details, but many have hints and indicators as
to what those details entail - especially the echeloners at the
top of
the PTB pyramid."
Every piece of evidence points in the
direction that this is the hidden agenda of the "Illuminati", as
well as the Sirian Overlords and the rest of the "future" human star
beings out there in cosmos, whom are all waiting for us to ascend -
but again, on the Sirians' terms!
Because just like James WingMakers says,
it's just a show to make us feel we're making 'progress,'
when in fact we are going nowhere.
And what will really happen to those who
are ripe for the Harvest?
Here are a few scenarios I can think of,
seen from the perspective of those who are excited to be harvested:
Best case scenario:
the Draco/Sirian Alliance will use
technology to make the ascension take place to satisfy the
humans of higher dimensions, and a small percentage of mankind
will actually ascend, but within the HMS system.
And not knowing any better, they
will find the 5th Dimension being just another
prison cell, but this time a little bigger. They will still be
Second best case scenario:
nothing will happen. These people
die like everybody else, while thinking they will reincarnate
into the 5th Dimension next time. What a
disappointment when they notice that they will be recycled like
everybody else - in 4D!
Then they must
start all over again with amnesia,
and this time they may not even be interested in "spiritual
stuff", because they "know" subconsciously that it didn't work
last time!
Worst case scenario:
The Sirians will know who they are
and do whatever they think is appropriate to do with "rebels".
And I'm positive it's not good news.
Also, it could be a mix of all the three
V. Gaia as the
Center of the Galaxy
The metaphysical age of the universe is 19.14 billion years, while
the age of the physical universe is 13.8 billion years.
This, Abraxas explains, is because
electromagnetically, the universe is always oscillating at light
speed, but expands at less than light speed in its matter content.
Our solar system crystallized 4.6 billion years ago, and Earth was
created only 40 million years thereafter.
The physical Earth then became the New
Earth through the clustered material which forms the metallic,
elemental Earth.
This means that the Old Earth had existed in a metaphysical form
before it got "densified". It was a phase shift between geometrical
dimensions which allowed the Old Earth to transform into the New
The metaphysical Earth is as old as the
universe itself, and exists simultaneously with the New Earth.
The Old Earth is now about to phase
shift again; this time from a line-space-time to a more
hyper-space-time, while still keeping its line-space-time as a
kernel for the ascension process.
Last time Earth transformed, it did it
the other way around, from hyper-space-time to line-space-time and
became a material Earth.
Translated into plain English, Abraxas
is saying that the New Earth which is coming to life through this
next phase-shift is part physical and part metaphysical, moving into
the 5th Dimension.
Earth herself is "spiritualized" by the Mother Goddess. Many pagans
and Gnostics have known this for a long time. In ancient times
people worshipped and even made sacrifices to Mother Earth. I think
everybody has heard once or twice at least that the Earth has been
called the Goddess.
The Thubans call her The Home of the
Great Dragon Mother.
When asked who owns the planet, Abraxas
says that it belongs to all alien species. Taken out of context,
this would upset many people, but what she means is that the
universe exists of only humans in different stages of development,
depending on within which time frame they are operating in, if we
think of it from a 4D linear time perspective.
Abraxas says that Earth, however, whom the Alpha Draconians call
Gaia, is not a planetary consciousness, and not even a star
consciousness, but a Galactic Consciousness who mimics the
Andromedan Consciousness as a "divine placeholder".
But more than that, Gaia is about to
transform Hunab Ku's (the Galactic Center) consciousness as well,
through and by the opening of the 12th Dimension,
and the Alpha Draconians will enter as Universal Consciousness; they
being the Creator Race of the universe.
The Alpha Draconians are the Council of
Thuban, but Abraxas says that we humans are very tightly connected
to this council as well, meaning that we are the descended Thubans,
and from that perspective we are also The Fallen Angels.
Of course, they can call it whatever
they want to confuse the matters, and to take the attention away
from the real fallen ones, who are ENKI/Lucifer, and those I call
the Sirian Alliance. However, the
Thubans want to make the statement that the Sirians, as well as ENKI
are Thubans, too, just like we humans.
As archetypes, they are our ancestors,
hence humans, or of the "human family".
It's easy for those who don't have the
bigger picture to swallow what Abraxas says, because her stories
have their own logic.
v.i. Gaia's Sink Vortex and the "Alien
Agenda" Explained
There are billions, perhaps trillions of planets in the universe,
but according to the Thubans, there is only one planet such as Gaia.
This difference between Gaia and any
other planet in the universe also explains the so-called "alien
agenda", where people see and interact with different kinds of
I have talked a lot in my papers about
the Living Library with its
incredible variety of life forms. Nowhere else in the universe can
you find a planet like ours, allegedly. There is something in the
center of Earth that makes her very special and unique - one of her
kind. Indeed, Earth is the only planet where life as we know it can
All other life forms are
interdimensional and of higher dimensions; even those who live on
other planets. Nowhere else could you experience life like you do
here. In other words, all other life forms would be less dense and
more plasmic than those who are born on Earth. They would be more
fluid and electromagnetic.
They are, however, capable of inhabiting
bodies of a more plasmic nature than the dense ones we use here in
the lowest of dimensions.
However, should the more plasmic life forms come down to Earth and
interact with the 4D reality, our denser world would "densify" their
plasmic bodies, and all of a sudden they would appear the way they
look like in their plasmic bodies:
be it Reptilians, Insectoids,
humanoids, Grays, or you'll name it.
And there we have the reason why people
see those extraterrestrials in what appears to be a solidified form,
such as ourselves!
Albeit, should this happen, such
encounters must be quite temporary, because the alien plasmic life
form would soon feel very restricted, uncomfortable, and imprisoned
here on Earth, and would leave as soon as they could. [4]
Abraxas explains:
"The parameter of the physicality is
the inversion of the lightspeed 'c'.
When the universe was born, the Source of All That Is
also required a Sink of All That Is to 'source itself
This sink became like a VORTEX. This Vortex is at the center of
the earth and it [is] from this the archetype of the
mythological 'Hell' eventuated."
The "c" in "Lightspeed c" refers of
course to the scientific letter which symbolizes the speed of light
in Einstein's theory of general relativity.
What she's saying here is that in the
core of Earth there's a sink hole which works like a vortex, where
All That Is, i.e. the Goddess, can descend from the VOID down to 4D.
So, 19+ billion years ago, when the metaphysical universe was
created, there was not yet a physical Earth, but the vortex existed.
Since then, this vortex has expanded out and does now surround Earth
like an aura, and within this aura, the Moon and 9% of Mars exist.
This vortex is higher dimensional and
cannot be detected in 4D and with 4D instrumentation. But any
plasmic energy being who enters the vortex will be densified and
start vibrating within the 4D frequency.
This is, according to Abraxas, why the
plasmic UFO crashed
in Roswell in 1947.
Another thing I explained about the Living Library in Level I was
that Creator Gods who created our fauna and flora left behind
smaller versions of themselves (insects and flora); living organisms
that looked much similar to the Creator Gods themselves (a typical
example is the praying mantis, which has its counterpart in an
advanced Creator God somewhere in the universe).
Other examples are the big cats, wolves,
dogs, pet cats, elephants, whales, dolphins, etc.
Some of them "spy" on us through their
earthly counterpart, or you can contact the Creator Gods by
communicating with these animals. Another thing, however, which
Abraxas brings up is that these same Founders can come here in
spirit and in their plasmic bodies and attach themselves to their
animal imprint and thus don't have to be stuck here.
They can leave the animal, insect, or
fauna host anytime they wish. This procedure, supposedly, happens
quite often. They simply nano-travel to here and use their
counterparts while staying on Earth. This way they also avoid
This will engage an energy transduction
between higher and lower dimensions.
So how is this vortex used in today's world? Well, first of all,
aliens out there (or future selves) know about this vortex, and many
of them can use it. The PTB on our planet know about it too, and
spend a lot of time, energy, and money trying to make use of it.
However, the use of the vortex is
determined by a being's frequency. If it is too low, the being can't
use it.
This is the case with
the Power Elite. Only the upper
echelons of
the Shadow Government knows about the non-physical
control of humankind, but they know about star beings coming in
through the vortex in the core of the Earth (which is also where our
idea of Hell comes from, says Abraxas).
This totally freaks the PTB out and they
spend lots of money trying to figure out how to stop these plasmic
beings from entering our world.
This is also one reason why the Sirian Alliance has "allowed" other
civilizations here while they have still been in charge of Earth.
The Overlords can close down other vortexes, stargates, and
wormholes, but they have no power over the vortex in the middle of
the Earth, because it is Divine.
Hence, it has been impossible for them
to stop each and every star being from coming in here. In addition,
the "alien agenda" is encapsulated in the understanding that Gaia
belongs to everybody; not just we humans in 4D.
They all consider Gaia their Mother.
Now, Abraxas and the Thuban Council from the 12th
Dimension are preparing for the Harvest, which already started
in 2009, she says. People who passed over that year and who
qualified for the initiation were taken aside and given 5D bodies to
incarnate in.
These people, some who have already
reincarnated on Earth again, are the absolute pioneers for the New
Earth (programmed and ready, I would add), with more graduating
happened in 2011 and 2012. More will graduate in the few years to
Some will die and receive 5D bodies
then, while others will be picked up in spaceships.
So, what does the reader think we should name the New Earth? Terra
Nova? No, wait! Don't waste your energy, because we have no say.
The Thubans have already named it. The
New Earth will be called "Serpentina", which means "In a
Serpent" according to the Thuban labeling!
Here we have the hierarchy again, and we
humans, stuck in a realm of amnesia, are merely puppets without any
say in anything.
The only thing we are supposed to do is
to believe that the Thuban Council represents the words of God,
and what is about to happen is "God's Will". Do you KNOW that it's
God's will?
Now, how will this Serpentina be like? What is the Draconian vision
of this future planet?
Well, we're not told in any great
details, but we learn a few things from listening to Abraxas. The
Harvest and our ascension into the 5th Dimension
is not going to happen naturally, but through technology.
They are using nano-technology to make
this happen, and they are using more genetic manipulation.
For example,
Where are those new 5D bodies
coming from?
Why all these alien Technology
Transfer Programs over the last 100 years or so?
Why this extraordinary
investment in nano-technology here on Earth?
The answers to these questions should be
obvious by now, but interestingly enough I happened to listen to a
Pleiadian CD last night, which was recorded in September 2012, that
was on this subject (synchronicities
happens to me all the time these days).
They talked some more about the future
and how mankind, on one timeline, will come as cyborgs to visit the
Pleiades in the future, genuinely thinking that they are looking for
their ancestors; their genesis.
Today, we already have technologies to
take us way out to the stars.
No one is interested in the Moon anymore
now when Mars is in the news, but behind the scenes,
Mars is already explored from north to south, west
to east. Most of the technology the military has received from ETs
has to do with star travel and how to perform genetic engineering
and manipulation.
So these cyborgs the Pleiadians are
talking about, are already well underway.
Instead of visiting the Pleiades as cyborgs, instigating terrible
wars resulting in a great tyranny, we are invited to the Pleiades
without our cyborg bodies, and instead, as
multidimensional beings we can
split ourselves up, soul-wise (the Pleiadians own words) and travel
in spirit over to the Pleiades.
They never mention the word "nano-travel",
but they describe it all the time as something we are going to be
able to do in the very near future. However, we must qualify, and
this is what they have prepared us for over the last 25 years (and I
have helped spreading that messages in parts of my papers, although
the idea of nano-travel in my case didn't originate from them).
The Pleiadians say that we are already nano-traveling all the time
when we are thinking, "should I turn left over there, or should I
turn right?", and when we are going to travel somewhere by car,
let's say, and we think about our destination in our head.
Then you're already there, but you don't
realize it.
"Real" nano-travel, however, requires a
little more, but the principle is the same, and according to them,
many are soon ready to do it, and a few humans can already space
travel in this capacity.
But why am I bringing up this? Only so the reader can see what we
are looking at here. The Alpha Draconians are obviously not
promoting the "Pleiadian way" to space travel long distance.
The Thubans are talking about
technology, and we shall soon see for sure that they are. So
again, we have
the Machine Kingdom versus nature.
I insist that the whole subject on the Harvest and ascension with
the help from star beings, is an agenda that suits them
and not us.
Therefore, I hope that as many people as
possible who are preparing themselves for the Harvest read my
papers. It is true that we need to open up our heart chakras in
order to be able to see through the lies and step aside from any
hidden agenda from not-so-benevolent star races, but the idea of
being 51%
STO to be able to qualify is pure
To be able to go to the stars in a
non-technological way, we actually need to be quite STS (Service to
Self) in the sense that we need to work on ourselves to qualify, not
on others.
The reason for this (and I have
explained this before) is simple.
If we don't work on ourselves most of
the time we don't develop our inner selves, and we also don't let
others go through the barriers and obstacles they are currently
confronting. There is no way you and I know exactly what another
person is up against, and therefore we should interfere as little as
possible, so that the other person can get through whatever there is
to work on.
We can support them morally and by
giving them energy and keep an eye on the situation, but for the
most part, leave them to experience what they need to experience.
Then, of course, we must use common
If someone lies injured or passed out in
the street, we don't leave them "because they need to go through
that". We help them!
The whole trick is that the more we work
on our inner selves, the more we help our fellow man, because every
single person who works on themselves contributes to the overall
increase of the mass consciousness, and this affects those we care
for, but also, the entire humanity benefits.
What about people who are starving to death in Africa because
countries like the United States refuse to send them food, and
instead throw millions of tons of food away?
Shouldn't we go over to
Africa and help these individuals?
Or protest against the U.S.
I would say no.
Protests and demonstrations only helps
the vicious agenda of the Power Elite; they want us to protest and
demonstrate so their police force can be sent out in the streets and
create chaos and rage.
Then the negative beings behind the
scenes feed on that energy. OK, but what about going to Africa?
Well, it's a noble thing to do, and even if each person can only
help so many people, at least something gets done.
The problem is, that often when the
assisting crew leaves the area, everything goes back to the normal
"bad". My view is that the best we can do, overall, is to raise our
own frequencies and spread those vibrations within the ocean of
consciousness, and with humankind being one soul group, we can
affect each other that way.
Perhaps we need both; people who go to
Africa and people who raise their frequencies.
After all, the idea of helping a
starving soul group faction already comes from a higher
consciousness. Such people can sometimes, on rare occasions, make an
impact that remains after they leave.
So, everyone needs to follow their
hearts, but I think a good idea is to always remember to work on
ourselves - that's the one thing that is most important!
VI. Birth of
the Starhuman
The name the Thubans have given the new, evolved human race - the 5D
ascended human - is Starhuman.
Abraxas says that although some of the
channeled entities have taught us that those who have less than 51%
of their heart chakra open will not ascend and instead be
transported to another planet, many light-years away to start all
over in their 3D/4D experience, while the Earth as we know it will
ascend with the new human race to the 5th Dimension, it is not true.
Those who don't evolve will not go
anywhere, and in the beginning, the old 4D and the new 5D human will
live side by side, but the Starhuman will be much superior in their
psychic abilities, and will look at the world and the universe with
a different pair of eyes.
Eventually, the two different species
will then separate due to the different range of vibrations. This is
similar to what I have talked about, although the Thubans want to
create an enhanced human with technology, most certainly in order to
create a stronger warrior race.
The human body, whether it's the old human (the current race), or
the enhanced human, is indeed divine, says Abraxas, and here I
totally agree with her, as the reader knows.
Every cell in the human body is the
equivalent to a galaxy in the universe.
The Milky Way Galaxy, for example, is
one single cell in the human body, and you as a being exists within
a single cell in your own body. It's only an illusion that you exist
outside of that single cell. An organ, such as the liver, is thus
equivalent to a galactic supercluster (a huge amount of galaxies
orbiting each other).
If we then expand this concept and
include your whole body and count all the cells together, we have
the whole universe. This is not metaphorically speaking, but
literally! So says Abraxas...
You alone exists as a whole universe,
and the belief that you and I are separated is another illusion.
There is only you; nothing else exists! If you were able to 100%
understand the implications of that statement, how would it make you
feel? I bet it would make you feel very lonely. No one to talk to,
no one to bounce ideas with, no sex, no one to share your love with
except yourself...
So what would you do in a situation like
Well, if you were omnipotent, you could
do anything, so why not just create more of you, but in smaller
factions? And why not let these smaller factions explore a cosmos
which appears to be outside of yourself, but is in fact a super
hologram, like a movie where all your counterparts were interactive?
This was exactly what the Mother Goddess did.
For billions of years, there only
existed a metaphysical universe with a certain amount of dimensions.
Her counterparts (separate souls) could travel within this hologram
and create freely as they went along.
Mother Goddess herself, in her original
state, also decided to participate in this game, but with full
memory of who she was - in other words, she manifested in the
universe as the "Queen of the Stars". From that position she was
able to create galaxies, stars, nebulae, and planets etc. - all of
them sentient beings, operating in different dimensions.
Eventually the Queen of the Stars decided to create a lower
dimension which was composed of solid matter, and after many wars
and battles over real estate, planet Earth was created in its
current form.
It was meant to house a unique star
being made up of the Divine Fire of the Mother Goddess, the Queen of
the Stars, or the Queen of Orion. Each cell/Fire in this divine body
was, like mentioned above, a galaxy of its own, and within the
Fire/cell that corresponds to the Milky Way Galaxy, you as a
separate human being is residing.
From within this cell (Fire fragment),
you can travel freely within the body hologram by using thought,
intention, and emotion. This means you can instantly travel to any
place within your own universe.
When your dense, biological body dies,
you still have your avatar, and other "astral" bodies, like your
emotion body, all of which you bring with you after body death.
These bodies all still include the
cells, Fire, soul fragment, or whatever you prefer to call it, so
these cells don't disappear just because your body dies. However,
your avatar and the rest of your astral bodies are all divine and
belong to the human soul group, which belongs to Earth. In other
words, you need a human avatar to be able to incarnate on Earth and
take full advantage of the human biological, physical body.
Other star races, like
the Sirians, have desperately tried to imitate the human
body and incarnate in it, and even if they know how to do that, they
still can't be in the physical and nano-travel.
A Starhuman is a dragonized human, according to Abraxas - this is
the difference between the "old human" and the new Starhuman.
Ponder on that statement for a while
until we get further into this agenda. What it looks like, however,
is that we are going to have 3 different species of humans
inhabiting this planet for quite a few generations to come, if the
Thubans get what they want.
We will have,
the "old human"
the Starhuman
those who refuse to be either
or, which is the category I am in
Some people who read this may still be
sitting on the fence, wondering if
the Harvest is still the way to go,
moving up the densities and dimensions with the help from our
"future selves", and in the end it will of course be each person's
choice, but I'm far from done here.
So let us talk a little bit more about
the Harvest.
VII. The
Harvesting of Souls and the Dragonized 5D Starhuman Template
Most people who listen to, or read material from channeled sources
usually have a source they are particularly fond of:
...and so on.
It's quite rare, unfortunately, that
people look into all of these materials to see what it is actually
all about.
This is the only way to find out,
however. It's so easy to get stuck with one or two sources because
we think they feed us with the exact information we are curious
about. This, of course, is per design.
The reason why I had to write this series of papers on channeling
was because I started seeing an agenda with the whole channeling
community. All these sources had things in common; I noticed that
they have a common message - at least most of them. And this is the
reason they are contacting us at all.
People think it's because they want to
enlighten us and help us in our effort to evolve, but that is just a
small part of the agenda.
The main part has to do with an agenda
which concerns them, and from what they try to tell us, it concerns
us, too. We have a very special thing in common with these entities,
and that's what they are attempting to push through; some in more
subtle ways than others.
The thing we have in common with these sources is that we are all
human and we are all ascending together! This is not just about us,
but about them, too, to the exact same degree. They can't evolve
further if we don't go to the next level - they will be stuck where
they are! I may be repeating myself, and I highlight this because
it's the bottom line when comes to their agenda.
This is serious, and we indeed stand in front of the most important
crossroads we have ever encountered as a human species - our whole
future depends on what choices we are making right now!
Researching these papers - all of them,
from Level I to Level III - has been worthwhile; every second of it!
The sad part is that humankind as a whole doesn't have the slightest
idea that they are up against the most important choice in history.
If they just had an inkling, things would be much different.
Now, let's start explaining the Harvesting of Souls agenda from the
Abraxas, just like the Pleiadians, talk
the nano-second, but don't call it
She says,
"...from 1987 onwards, ...the human
groupmind experienced a 'quantum leap' in its potential
group-consciousness...", and that's exactly what the nano-second
is all about.
The Pleiadians explains that the nano-second
happened in three main parts, where the first part was from
1987-1996 (I believe), and the second part was from 1997-2007, and
the last part was from 2008-2012.
Abraxas seems to agree with this; she
says that 2008 started the great transformation,
"in a midpoint of a warp-time loop,
beginning in December 2004."
The year 2008 would be halfway to 2012,
beginning to count from 2004.
Abraxas continues:
"2009 began the declaration from 'Dragonspace',
meaning the 'Land of the Dead' above the limiting 8th dimension
of what many here term the 'Reptilian agendas'. Dragonspace
encompasses dimensions (or densities) 9-10-11-12.
2010 will allow 1 in 50,000 inhabitants of the earth to sow
internal seeds for a harvest beginning on the Mayan nexus date
and culminating in an 'end of all old prophecy' in August 2013.
In that time period, the total population count of the earth
will have reached the required saturation level of 7.2 billion
Don't we love the terms she uses (and
she uses such terms a lot), like "Land of the Dead".
Has a clear positive vibration, doesn't
it? The declaration Abraxas is talking about will be posted in the
next main section.
The second paragraph is certainly interesting. Here she tells us
that 1 person in 50,000 will be eligible for the Harvest. This, she
explains elsewhere, is based on mathematics and prophecies, and is
calculated on a population of 7.2 billion people.
So, in a way (and I will explain what I
mean by that in a moment), the exact amount to be harvested is
interestingly enough 144,000!
We have heard that amount before;
especially in Bible prophecies. In fact, there will be exactly
144,000 people, not 144,005 for example. This is important to
understand, because these beings follow prophecy to the letter, and
they use advanced physics and mathematics.
Also, prophecy is created by... "dragonhood",
This gives us some hints if we base it
on my earlier research. The Sirian Alliance has claimed the same
thing. But let us not be ahead of ourselves.
The Pleiadians say that the human population has peaked, just above
7 billion people. They claim that the world population will not
exceed that amount, and if it does, it will not be with much (how
about 200,000,000 more?).
The Draconians seem to have a similar
view, or they wouldn't have calculated the Harvest on 7 billion 200
million people. So, are you 1 in 50,000??? Well, if you're not, I
wouldn't be too sad if I were you.
I hope I'm not one of them either.
Well, sure enough, Abraxas mention the 200 million that exceed the 7
"Around this core of humanity will
be 200 Million humans, also able to graduate into a new form of
Post 2012 there will so be TWO different RACES of humans
inhabiting this planet - Old Humans and New Starhumans."
So, are these 200 million graduates are
in addition to the 144,000? Why does she distinguish between these
two figures?
Well, there is a reason, and we'll come
to that as well.
The forum I have been studying for this paper was written in 2010 to
2011 before this particular thread was closed down by Bill Ryan of
Project Avalon, but Abraxas was saying already in 2010 that
December 21, 2012 was going to be eventless in regards to
major events that people can see with their own eyes.
She said that December 21, 2012 was
going to go by like any other day in people's mind, although the
Harvest was going to continue unnoticed behind the scenes.
Nothing dramatic is going to happen as
Earth is continuing its orbit around the Sun, while Mother Gaia is
going from the 4th Dimension to the 5th.
At the same time prophecy is playing out just as planned, but it's
not what people think it is.
There are not going to be any
devastating wars with star beings coming down in spaceships and kill
us with laser weapons. Instead, prophecy is going to play out inside
of us all.
There will be an invasion, Abraxas says,
but not a physical one. As we shall see, I was totally correct when
I said that the invasion happens on a nano-level.
I felt chills down my spine when I read
about it, because Abraxas tells us 100% the way I told you. There
is, and has been, an alien invasion on a soul level, and I will tell
you more about that later in this paper.
According to Abraxas, this whole situation we humans have had here
since we were created by ENKI and his scientists, including being
manipulated and controlled to the extreme, has been a part of a much
bigger plan than just the Sirian Alliance needing a slave- and
eventually, a warrior race.
All the torture, famine, disease,
murder, rape, and all the rest of it has been necessary for a very
specific reason.
To be able to become positively
harvested (51% STO or more), the positive energy can only express
itself in individuals, and not in group minds. This is also the
reason why they have kept us in quarantine for so long.
The individual has to suffer through a
group mind, however, which is
the Global Elite.
That is why ENKI had to put the PTB
in charge of humanity, and they have to be 95% or more
negatively oriented as a group to be able to be negatively harvested
(see the RA Material or Hidden Hand)!
We, as individuals, then have to become
solitaries after feeling that we don't "fit in", and start looking
for "inner guidance".
Each individual, prepared for the
Harvest, will feel like an "outcast" and have a hermit-like
experience, perhaps even questioning the fact that they are human,
because they feel so different.
I can imagine that many truthseekers
feel this way.
This, allegedly, is called our "Christening" into Dragonhood, and
you redefine yourself not as a human anymore, but as an evolved
human, which the Thubans, in full, call a "Starhuman Dragon".
Abraxas says we are free to replace the
word "dragon" with any other word, but if we do, we supposedly can't
draw upon the potent energy of the "Memetic Complex" of the
Dragon-Serpent label, as they call it.
This, dear reader, is manipulation
on a high level, because people are falling for this.
Why? Because they recognize themselves
in what Abraxas describes.
But we have to be clever; cleverer than
they, and be able to see through their manipulation. Once we start
seeing a pattern in it, it becomes easier. The solitude a
truthseeker feel in an oppressive world is obvious, and the Thubans
know this.
Therefore, they can play on our emotions
to their own favor and thus pull us into the fold where after we can
be harvested.
When Gaia ascends from her planetary status to "universal status"
through her "galactic status", all of her human cells can also
ascend into cosmic consciousness, says Abraxas.
In all this, she is only the messenger
who comes forth and appears, because, she says,
"the scenario is much grander than a
planetary transformation or the transition of a galactic
civilization. What is to occur is the birth of a new universe!"
Therefore, she claims, the entire
universe and all the intelligences therein will participate in this.
If it was just what Abraxas said on this forum, I would have thought
she was crazy, but she is not. I am pretty sure she is genuine; any
reader who would look into the forum thread would realize that, too.
And additionally, it is impossible to
just discard the evidence that exists in form of all the other
channeled materials which say exactly the same thing!
It's like we have sat back and listened
to all these channeled sources for all the wrong reasons. They have
had a message for us, and that message has been transmitted all
across the line by all channeled sources who talk about the Harvest
(and a lot of others as well).
If we won't ascend, they can't do it,
either. But if as many as possible of we humans here on Earth
participate in the Harvest, the closer they will be to move on.
To them, it doesn't matter if we are 51%
positive or 95% negative and thus ascend through a negative or
positive Harvest, as long as we ascend! Because well up the
dimensions and densities, the positive and negative will blend
together and polarity cease to exist. The thing is that they need
all humans here on Earth to ascend, whether it is in this upcoming
Harvest, the next, or the next after that.
The fewer people who will ascend, the
longer the whole transition will take.
The entire point, which many people will have a hard time accepting,
is that there are no aliens in the universe (at least not
according to the Thubans or any of the channeled sources).
All the so-called "aliens" are all
'humans in different stages of development and on different
timelines', but they all originate from Earth!!! There are no other aliens! The ones
contacting us are just us in the future.
To understand this material
that I'm presenting here and now, this paragraph needs to sink into
the reader's mind. This is what James WingMakers has tried to tell
us with his esoteric language, as well.
So this is what they say it is...
All humans are divine and factions of
the Goddess, and we are spread out through the universe but now,
once again working on coming together as one big soul group, or
group consciousness. And this is what is meant when aliens tell us
we have to forgive them and each other, because we are all one and
the same.
If we don't forgive each other, we can't
ascend. That's the whole idea behind the Harvest.
This is also what
the Andromedans meant when they told
Alex Collier that humans are
Royal. We all stem from the soul essence of the Mother Goddess;
the Queen of the Stars!
And in all this, what about the Sirians?
Well, they are humans, too, according to
Thuban logic, and they took on the role of playing the "evil guys"
and created the Global Elite from their own bloodlines (mainly
ENKI's) as a group consciousness who could give us individuals the
experience we needed here in 4D before we continue up the
And the Draconians are our original
ancestors, the Dragons.
They are the Paa Tal, whom the
Andromedans talked about - the Builders, or the Founders, who
created the first human template billions of years ago. This human
template has the reptilian brain of the Alpha Draconians, and many
other parts of it is reptilian as well, and some of it is created
out of the Thubans' imagination.
Humans were thus created a long time ago
on Earth through genetic engineering and constantly improved through
more genetic manipulation.
Hidden Hand
talked about being Luciferian and
the RA Material being the best
channeled source so far, he was describing himself as being part of
ENKI's plot.
Hidden Hand was one of the top members
of the Global Elite, but human, nevertheless. He is talking about
being 95% negative or more to be able to be harvested to 4th
Density Negative, and that's what the human Global Elite are hoping
The RA Material is what describes this
whole agenda the best, and that's why Hidden Hand mentioned RA
before other channeled sources.
To understand this paper from an
expanded viewpoint, I suggest you read Hidden Hand once again, and
you will get much deeper insights than when you read it the first
Dialogue With "Hidden Hand" - Self-Proclaimed
Illuminati Insider.
In fact, you will probably understand
all of it.
We know that it takes Earth 26,000 years to orbit the zodiac, and
during such a time frame we humans reincarnate exactly 214 times,
according to the Thubans. This means all of us! The rest of the time
we spend in the astral, in the between-lives-area. Sometimes, we
reincarnate almost instantly after a previous incarnation, but then
we have to wait longer the next time.
We can even it out that way, but for
some reason, which is not clearly explained, we all incarnate 214
times. The math how this is set up is published on the forum.
The Thubans say that they are the only beings dwelling in the 12th
Dimension, which is outside the physical universe. Hence, they are
the only ones who know the whole story of the universe, from
beginning to end, and all the other star races (different stages of
humans) know only part of the story.
The higher up in the dimensions, the
more they know, while we humans are at the bottom of the totem pole
and therefore are the most oblivious.
According to both the Thubans and Hidden Hand, what I have told you
here is precisely what the Powers That Be believe is the truth,
because this is what ENKI and his teachers, like
Thoth/Ningishzidda has told them, and the Thubans and
Hidden Hand emphasize that it is the truth, but it has not been told
in full until now, by their messenger, Abraxas, in the body of John
vii.i. What is the Procedure?
Now, let us look into the procedure of how the Harvesting of Souls
will be done.
But first, let me mention a few things
that I believe can be good to know in the context of things. I will
put it in list format, because if I go into too much details, this
will not be a paper, but rather a whole book.
Abraxas insists that the Thuban story is told perfectly in Nag
Hammadi (The
Gospel of Thomas) for those who know how to read it. This
is the reason why this gospel was not included in the Christian
Bible; it was too early to reveal the message therein.
When asked whether Nibiru is the home of the Anunnaki (Sirians),
Abraxas says it's not, and no Nibiru is going to come into the solar
system and create havoc.
The real Nibiru is an archetype, and is
in fact Earth (Nibiru=Serpentina=New Earth) as the new "Star
George Kavassilas also says that
Earth is going to turn into to star(planet), but according to the
Thuban, no one is going to burn up on Serpentina. Serpentina, by the
way, will be the name of the New Earth out there in the universe.
We have no say in that; it's already
established all across the galaxies.
The ascension we are apparently about to experience is just as much
a descension as it is an ascension.
First of all, Gaia is giving birth to
herself in the metaphysical plane, but is keeping her physical core,
which will be the 3rd Dimension. Abraxas compares
this procedure with a peach, which has a hard core and a soft fruit
The hard core is 3D the way people have
experienced it so far, but when Gaia is giving birth to herself, she
is adding the fruit meat to the core, and this addition is the
astral plane. In other words, the 5th Dimension is
really the 4th Dimension, which is what quantum
physicists call anti-Sitter Space, or the astral plane. So, the
astral plane will be available as a part of Earth instead of
separated from her.
Thus, humans will have access to the
astral in their daily life, and no one, regardless of belief system,
will be able to deny the existence of the spiritual world. Some will
rejoice, other will fear, some will accept and some will try to
reject the new reality of the ascended Gaia.
No one, say the Thubans, is responsible
for somebody else's reaction to this process.
For this to occur, some "spark" needs to set it into motion, and
this spark has to happen at the center of the Earth. This spark is
the Mayan nexus point, so when Earth is aligning with the Galactic
Center (Hunab Ku), Earth's hollow core will turn inside-out and
become a power source and send messages back to the Galactic Center
and the rest of the universe.
So it's not the ETs sending messages to
Earth, but the Earth sending messages to the ETs. Hence, the SETI
program has always been worthless.
Lastly, the Thubans, who supposedly are our ancestor and our future
selves, need to descend down to our dimension in order to "help" us
The Thubans see the 4D humans as "caterpillars" awaiting to turn
into full butterflies (5D). Those who don't graduate will continue
living like caterpillars until the next Mayan nexus point, 26,000
years into the future.
The 144,000:
1) This number comes from Revelation
21:16, counting the days from September 12, 1975 - December 21,
2012 as building of the "Holy Temple".
2) Everyone is the 144,000, but not many can conceptualize this,
says Abraxas, and therefore search for something without that is
within. In fact, what I have found out by reading her material
with a tooth comb, is that the real number is not 144,000, but
rather 200 million.
This means that 200 million
"aliens", i.e. non-physicals have already possessed the same
amount of humans who are ready to ascend.
And who are these "aliens"? Of
course, it is explained that it's non-physical humans in
different stages of development, who will ascend together with
the ones who are ready.
Now, why would they do that? They
are already in higher dimensions, so it sounds pointless. Well,
there is only one logical answer to that, and it is that these
200 million are "helping" the initiate to graduate; i.e. they
are Thubans who have descended down here to assist us.
Apparently, we can't ascend on our
own(!). So if you feel possessed, don't worry, it's just a
Thuban who is hiding inside your skull, and it's a good thing(!)
The following is one of the
references to what I just said.
"Ellie" is a person on the forum,
asking Abraxas a question:
"Ellie: If it is the latter to
be the most right (only 144,000 souls will be saved) I find
it wanting to say the least because with the billions of
people on Gaia right now I know for a fact there are more
than 144,000 good souls here who are more than enlightened
Abraxas: Of course, you have misinterpreted the archetype.
The 144,000 also become coupled to 200 million (aliens); all
of whom again reside within you in the interdimensional
And here is a second reference as a
reply to "Jack", another forum member:
"Everyone can help Jack; but on the
'graduate' level (your label [sic: level?]) it is 1 in 50,000
including 200 million 'alien walk in aspects."
The "Illuminati" knows about the
Luciferian Agenda (ENKI and his Fallen Angels) and that the 4th
Order of Archetypes rules the Earth behind the scenes.
They, "of course" are doing us all a
favor by keeping us separated instead of turning into a group soul,
which they say is the natural direction in which things go. If we
turn into a group soul, we can't ascend from this reality,
supposedly, because,
"God redeems itself in the
individual and not in the collective".
Hence, the PTB work day and night to
divide and conquer and always make sure there are polarization:
patriots vs. peacenicks; Christians
vs. pagans etc.
This is also why groups like
LPG-C teaches that there are two
factions of Sirians:
the ENKI clan
the ENLIL clan,
...in order to create polarity.
In reality, there is no such division.
Whether LPG-C is aware of this or not, I don't know, but would
assume they are.
Information is allowed to be given to us in dream-state, because
this is the state of unity and not of individuality. Here,
information can be given without the awake individual knowing about
Then, when time is ripe and the person
is getting ready to ascend, the information will be there if the
person is willing, and understand how to find it.
Today, in most people, there is a
"cut-off" between the awake state and the dream state, but once a
person has ascended, that cut-off is gone, and the two minds - the
conscious and the superconscious - merge and have access to each
Only those who can break down this
barrier or cut-off will be able to have access to the 4th
(I already knew this instinctively and
have mentioned to a few people that a part of my upcoming book will
be about how to break down this barrier. It has to do with
"conscious dreaming". This is how to become multidimensional. There
is a reason why I like the Pleiadians before other channeled
material, because they are presenting other soulutions to the
ascension process).
This is a contradiction in Abraxas'
teachings, however, because earlier she said that we need to reach
the 6th Dimension before this "cuf-off" between
dream state and the conscious mind could happen, and that it can't
happen in the physical.
The Thubans mirror what we call the "Shadow Government", the PTB,
the Illuminati, and all the rest of it, in what they call "The
Shadow Council of Thuban".
They dwell in what we would call the
"Shadow Universe" (read the 96%), which mirrors the physical
universe we and all "aliens" live in.
As the reader can see, Abraxas gave us an endless amount of
information before the thread on the forum was closed down. Still, I
will not be able to cover all of it, so I suggest the reader goes
through the material themselves as well as reading the compressed
version here.
But I also think it's important to read
my papers until the end, because I have a lot of comments I'd like
to share, whether you agree with them or not. Also, Abraxas refers a
lot to the Scripture and different Bible passages to compare her
message to the Bible, which was, by the way, allegedly written by
the Thubans.
But let us ramp this up with giving
Abraxas' version of how people will experience the Harvest.
One of the most common question regarding the Harvest has always
Whether you have to physically
die in order to ascend, or will you ascend while in this
life, here and now?
And if so, will the neighbors,
who may not be qualified for ascension, disappear from your
reality or will they still be here?
The answer is that you need to die
before you can ascend (this, and the following information are
of course according to the Thubans, and not my personal opinion).
If you would have died, let's say in
2011, and at that time were a graduate, you would have ascended as
soon as you arrived in the astral, in the between-lives-area.
However, if you at any time in this life
will come to a point where you qualify, you will still live until
your lifetime is over, even if you're 30 years old now and die at
85. Then, when you hit the ether, after body death, you will ascend
When your soul leaves your dead body together with your other
light-bodies, the Thuban soul, who possessed your body, will ascend
with you to the 4th Dimension
(between-lives-area), and will thus be your "spirit guide".
There you will be given a 5th
Dimensional light-body, which has been prepared for you, and you
will access it.
This light-body has been modified so
that next time you reincarnate, your light-body will adjust the
RNA/DNA in your earthly body so it corresponds with the frequency of
the 5th Dimension. Your new ascended body is thus
further hybridized.
I will add the scientific data here as
well for those who are interested and savvy at quantum and
subquantum mechanics:
"In a nutshell a fifth gauge
interaction is required besides the long-range unification of
gravitation with electromagnetism and the short-range strong-
and weak nuclear gauge interactions to harmonize the long-range
with the short-range.
This interaction engages 'Stationary Lightwaves' as
Consciousness-Fields from the Universal LightMatrix (of the
Heisenberg ZPE say). This then is akin a Merkabah-Aura
encompassing the 'Old Human Bodyform' in a Magnetic
EnergyInduction termed Monopolar EMR.
In this manner what you know as Mass becomes Static Electricity
coupled in mass parameters to the Frequency Nature of electric
current not as i=dq/dt, but as i=2ef in quantum form (the
electron charge quantum becomes a constant coefficient in a
differential equation reduced in order from 2 to 1.
Some esoteric schools term this the Superelectron of Metatron
and similar.
It is 'hard core' advanced string-membrane physics in the modern
usage of the archetype."
So, how will it feel to live in 5D?
Well, one way to imagine it is to
compare it with living in 3D and add the astral world to it. It's
always been there and accepted as a 4th Dimension,
but normally people haven't been able to perceive it. Now, you will
be able to see exactly what is going on in the astral.
Our planet will become multidimensional and allow a 5th
Dimensional perception. We will thus be able to function as a
planet, a star, and a galaxy simultaneously.
Abraxas is adding:
"Gaia the Planet or Old Earth, will
transform into a StarPlanet Consciousness coupled to a Galactic
Mother consciousness coupled to a Cosmic Mother consciousness.
Gaia will become the SANCTUARY of a certain data bank for the
ENTIRE UNIVERSE, incorporating ALL extraterrestrial lifeforms
Of course, multi, like in
multidimensional, means more than two, so this term fits with the
Thuban explanation.
However, my own research shows that we
have all the possibilities to become really multi-d and be able to
move across the dimensions, and visit much more than five of them.
It certainly feels like they want to move us from one box to
another. Our future is so much more than what they describe. The
data bank they are talking about is the Living Library.
The opening of the 4D space dimension is programmed to occur midway
between the Sun and the star Sirius A!
This is some 4.3 light-years from the
Mayan nexus point. The Thubans highlight here that the Sirians are
our best friends! Figure that! This means that this is the
primordial stargate which has been prepared to be opened since June
25, 2008. [5]
As of 2011, when the forum thread was
closed, the stargate had still not been opened.
However, our Sun's stargates have
opened, and we can see evidence of that when we look at pictures of
the Sun. Also, some point out that they have seen spaceships coming
out of the Sun, and a meteor which hit the Sun but didn't burn up.
This last pehonomenon was also mentioned on CNN and couldn't be
explained by science, they said.
The Harvest is simply the fulfillment of archetypes. There are many
esoteric sources here on Earth that know about this, but the PTB
have decided to emphasize one that is much empowered and is based on
the Book of Revelations. This has nothing to do with religion and
dogma, but is much deeper embedded in the human psyche.
It has to do with the 3rd and 4th Orders
of Archetypes.
vii.ii. The Dragons are Here!
Yes, the "Dragons" are here, says Abraxas, and they have been here
since 2010. What does this mean?
It "only" means that it was then that
they descended from the 12th Dimension down to the
3rd/4th, IN SPIRIT, and
possessed those whom they consider graduate candidates to the 5th
This is in Abraxas' own words:
"And the Dragons are here, they have
arrived and have begun to confront all humans as their invisible
mirror images reflecting their fears about their unseen images
back to them.
The Dragons are here to be EATEN in the cosmic eucharist of the
second coming; waiting to be eaten by the humans who have the
stomach and the guts to do so as the Heavenly MANNA of the
selfhood christenings.
Aye the works of God sometimes proceed in mysterious ways and
divers methods, do they not.
Jesus said :
"Fortunate is the lion which the
man eats so that the lion becomes a man ; and cursed is the
man whom the lion eats so that the man becomes a lion."
The Lion of Judah of Revelation.5.5
is the Skyblue BabyDragon of the second coming and its fake
image is
Yaldabaoth of the gnostic lores
(Secret Book or Apocryphon of John of the Nag Hammadi Codex).
Yaldabaoth is the Lionhead with the Serpent's Tail as a 1st
order archetype for falseness and the true-false dichotomy
required redefinition.
Yaldabaoth is the Old Testament God and its aliases in mirror
image to the I AM THAT I AM in distortion I AM THAT AM I of
Exodus.3.14. in the Fire of the Burning Bush of Moses."
Clear as a day, right? No, it's not...
They are talking about "eating your dragon" as a part of the
initiation. What does that mean? Well, I don't think it's like
physically eating an Alpha Draconian, but it has a metaphysical
meaning that is not clearly stated, and that is for a reason.
Only the initiate understands fully what
that means, and actually, there were people on the forum who did
understand Abraxas' esoteric language, which made her very pleased,
and she welcomed them into "dragonhood". Some of her language was
encoded in such a way that it was only accessible to those who are
"ready for dragonhood".
I am not, and God knows I am very happy
about that!
This whole agenda sounds like
a big nightmare to me and I feel like I want to protect
myself with a hundred laser-resistant shields to stay away from it.
None of it resonates with good love vibrations. To me it's very
It would be bad enough if it ended here. I was planning on writing
only one paper on the Alpha Draconian agenda, but it will be too
long - it's long as it is already. And the "best" or "worst" part
(depending on how we look at it) is yet to be exposed.
So I decided to end the first part with
copying and pasting the Draconian Manifesto, which basically is the
laws and constitutions that are going to be used in the New World.
That should tell you something if you
can understand the esoteric language - as usual when it comes to all
these negative sources, it's quite complex and encoded. It's a
curious paper and has to be interpreted by each individual, as it
may tell a different story to different people. However, some of it
will be clearer after the next paper in my series.
Does this all mean that the Thubans will stay and dictate the New
Well, Abraxas is telling us that the Earth belongs to everybody,
because all beings in the universe (including the Thubans) are
humans. Is that so, or only a justification to accept an invasion?
After the next paper, which is going to be very revealing and very
evident, you, the reader, will have to decide.
I hope you all have courage to look within your hearts, because this
is a very old conflict and a very old war, and it's not been told
here on Earth truthfully. The Dragons can be very convincing, and
your mind may flip back and forth into accepting and rejecting,
because we so much want it to be true.
We want a change, and we want it fast!
But do we want a Dragon fleet in
form of a Battleship Galactica hovering above our
atmosphere, filled to the brim with 200 million members of
the 4 archetypes (including the Sirians), all landing here
on Earth - not in the physical, or course, but in our
brains? Well, they are already here since three years back.
Do we want them as our spirit
guides to show up the way to Dragonhood once we leave our
divine physical bodies and hand them the Divine Fire we
received directly from our own Mother Goddess?
Do we think that once they are
here, we can distinguish, with our limited knowledge,
whether they are right or wrong?
Especially as they are already implanted
in the brains of those they so carefully have chosen.
If you feel that you are one of those
who all of a sudden got a "spirit guide" appearing in your space, I
am happy you are reading this, and upcoming paper, because only then
can you make your discernment based on factual information. And do
not fear, because you have the right to say "no!" anytime, and they
are chanceless.
Give them the trace of a doubt and they
have you.
Perhaps you feel anyway that you are a Dragon inside after have read
the next paper? The choice is yours and I can only advise. Can I be
wrong? There are supposedly no such thing; it's all about belief
systems. At least as long as we are staying in the lower realms of
"reality". It's a matter of what we want, and what we wish our own
future to be.
I took a long time to write this paper, because I wanted to make
sure you understand the next paper; you see, it's all in preparation
for that. I wanted you to understand the term spoken of so you will
not get mesmerized by words that only stick in your subconscious,
after have been given its dragonian definitions in your dream state.
I have tried to take that information up
to your conscious mind so that all minds can help each other make a
These words will ring in your head while you are reading the next
below paper (Part II), and your decision will be based on what you
do with them, or the words of the Mighty Dragon.
We can only be fence-sitters for so
The time to choose is now, my friends...
my human friends!
Draconian Law and Constitution of the Future Serpentina/Earth
The Dragonian Constitution in Federation
of United Serpentina
SERPENTINA aka the NEW EARTH, is the renaming of a planetary
entity, cosmically renown as the planet of the humanoids.
Following the ascension of OLD EARTH
aka GAIA GAEA AKASHIA from 4-dimensional space-time to
13-dimensional space-time in remnantization of the 5-dimensional
space-time prototype.
From non-cyclic Draco-Mayan stardate 21122012; Gaia becomes
integrated into the universal constitution of the Dragonian
Protoverse to serve as pivotal star-planetary seed for galactic
federations manifested in the galactic proto-seed Hunab Ku aka
Following the manifestation of the galactic proto-seed in
activation of the primary planetary starplanet as a tertiary
energy source of electromagnetic monopolic source-sink
radiation; all galactic councils of clandestine elders will
become enabled to draw upon the planetary tertiary
vortex-string-seed to further individuated galactic and
starsystem based agendas of assimilation.
Serpentina shall so be universally defined as the quantumized
tertiary string of the 12th dimension, volumarizing the
supermembrane of the 11th dimension as a manifold from the
10-dimensional modular duals of a linearized source-string Eps
(previously associated with a human mind construct labeled God
and Yahweh and Allah etc.) with a linearized sink-string Ess
(previously associated with a human mind construct labeled Devil
and Satan and Shaitan etc.).
The quantumization of the NEW EARTH so shall create a
SOURCE-Energy, 'feeding' the remainder of the cosmos with a
particular SINK-Energy obtained in the evolvement and history of
Like a beacon or watchtower amidst the fathomable depths of the
physicalized universe of particularized space-times, Serpentina
shall 'shine' and radiate a planetary starlight of
self-consciousness and a message of invitation to all of its
neighboring worlds.
The tertiary monopolar light allows assimilation of inertial or
mass-produced electromagnetic energy with mass-independent
gravitational magnetopolic energy (hitherto labeled as spirit
and chi and prana and orgone etc. by humanoid
The tertiary energy source so provides a bridge between the
energies of matter and mass-associated charges (classical
electromagnetism) in an encompassing PHYSICS and the METAPHYSICS
of the energies of mass-independent charges (magneto- or color
charges in superelectromagnetism).
The metaphysical energies are precursive and inductive for the
physical energies; the induction necessitating the creation of a
minimal 4-dimensional space-time coordination from the auspices
of a two-dimensional mathematical continuum of abstraction
residing in physical singularity time-space.
To Be Advised!
Agenda of the Protocol
The conquered Goddevils of New Earth and the Milky Way
Nebula assume lawful responsibility to incorporate the
Dragonian Teachings in unison with the Black Fraternity
and as mediated by the White Fraternity in 7-dimensional
Hyperspacetime to manifest 13-dimensional Omnispacetime
Every Blue Dragon is unbounded by any proposed Law from
any other source, inclusive other members of the
Dragonian Family, as all Dragons are as One and a Law
onto themselves.
Compassion and Understanding between all Nondragonised
Humanoids is the Law of Oneness as honored by all
Dragons and the Consciousness of LOVEAWARENESS.
Non-dragonised Humanoids are treated like White Dragon
Children by all Blue Dragons, under all circumstances.
All Government in the local and extended Serpentinian
Realm is the selfgovernment of autonomous Dragonhood in
mutual respect and honour and the Communications between
the Dragonian Councils of the selfrelative definitions
of the Dragonian Universes.
The Nature of a Dragon is to be Creative in any form of
Desire and Passion and to honor the love-definition of
Signed and Sealed in the Council of Orbis Draconis at the
Halloween-AllSouls Transition: October 31st to November 1st,
This book is written in the Dragonian language and requires
familiarity and initiation into the structural forms or the
forked tongue of Its bifurcation of Unicornian grammar and
omniscientific terminology.
The Starplanet SERPENTINA, formerly known as Old Earth or Mother
Gaia or Akashia has become unified in a higher dimensional
matrimony by the wedding between Father Earthia or Father Sky
and Mother Dragon or Mother Akashia.
Father Sky or Uranus or Shu or Geb manifested as one half of the
Union or Dragonomy and Mother Earth or Gaea or Akhasia or Tefnut
or Nut became the other half in the holographic mirror of the
space-time reduction from the universal orb of the Hubble sphere
to the orb of the doubled Ourobos in the mirror of the Milky Way
galactic zodiac.
Father Sky is also known as the second coming of Horus aka the
Plumed Serpent aka the Cosmic Christ and Mother Earth is also
known as the TRUE IMAGE of the Cosmic Mother, trapped in the
wilderness of the FAKE IMAGE of the Cosmic Father.
3½ days after the date of the starry union, the banner of
Dragonia was raised in the Declaration of Independence upon
The great battle between the Dragonian Fleet and the army of the
Goddevils lasted for 3½ days; from the starry wedding until
victory of the Dragons was defined on the day or Universal
The goddevils, the humanoid creations and their war machines,
were met and obliterated in the depths of space in a 3½ day WAR
of the STARS to liberate our Dragonian Mother to reunite and
redefine ourselves as FatherMothers.
The Dragonization of humanoid culture will elevate their human
science to Omni-Science and human mathematics will become the
key to demystify the Realm of Imaginative Energy in all its
forms, and as they are assimilated into the greater modality and
scope of the humanoidal understandings.
Dragons are the architects of universes and all Dragons know how
to access the necessary database for the details of universal
A GrandFather-Dragon, as One which unifies the Fathers in
Brotherhood as the 13-dimensional source or singularity can be
considered the Father for all the White Hole Vortices.
A GrandMother-Dragon, as One which unifies the Mothers in
Sisterhood as the 13-dimensional sink or singularity can be
considered the Mother for all the Black Hole Vortices.
As the GrandFather-Dragon became separated from the GrandMother-Dragon
when the mathematical metaphysical universe became a physical
universe in space and in time; the invasion of Old Earth became
our war to rescue our universal Mother from the Goddevils, which
had held her captive in a stasis field since the beginnings of
space and time and despite a partial rescue attained at
Draco-Mayan stardate 28030031 and further manifested on
Draco-Mayan stardates 10050031; 20050031 and 01040032.
The Goddevils were created by the humanoids who came from a
variety of planets within the local galaxy, albeit in
psychophysical forms without the experience of the particular
resistance field of secondary sinksource string energy
indigenous to Old Earth.
The significance of the humanoid life-form is its archetypical
morphogenetic gestalt, which became infused by a psychophysical
and extrasomatic magnetic charging, which is extraterrestrial.
This hybridization of the humanoid body-typology renders the
humanoid archetype unique in the encompassing cosmological
world. The humanoids are so magnificently gifted to create
things with their emotionality; but their minds are relatively
weak collectively and they do not know generally how to
concentrate or how to think without the aid of their machines or
their biochips.
Some humanoids are excellent technologists, but their modality
of thinking is one of crude sensual measurement confined to
C-Space and this sensual limitation allows a great accumulation
of repressive tendencies.
In constricting their imagination, humanoids became great
reservoirs of emotional energy, which they could collectively
only harmonise in their illusions of unfathomable and unknowable
gods and devils of all sorts.
It is thus this sense of limitation which reflected in the
humanoid paranoia about religious philosophies and constructs.
This genetic root-memory of the rebellion of the anti-source or
mother sink then created one goddevil after another and as they
swarmed out from their home-world into deep-space, they flooded
the universe with their goddevils.
Finally they chanced upon our
Universal Mother hibernating in her cocoon and through their
inability to set themselves free of their illusions, they
imprisoned Her as well.
It became common knowledge in the extraterrestrial realms, that
the mission to rescue our universal mother required a particular
linearized timeline and a number of steps.
Following the discovery of atomic energy and the emergence of
global communication technologies by the humanoids, a first
preparatory plan of deliverance could become implemented in a
second plan of manifestation.
The first plan did not require technology, as our imprisoned
mother could become imaged in a local scenario, and a partial
freeing of her could then become propagated by a humanity
advancing both technologically and in knowledge about the world
they were living and experiencing in.
So the first plan established the means for our mother to
multiply herself in images; those images then became globally
and universally distributed to instigate the second plan.
The archetypical mirrorhood then expanded throughout the
physical universe in encompassment and the second plan would
engage the contraction of this periphery onto the required scale
to effect the rescue of our cosmic mother.
It is however the great destiny of the humanoids to aspire to
Dragonhood, because of their immense emotional energy potential
and mental aspirations.
The reunification of our Father with our Mother allows our
Masterdragons, Who are as One in 26 dimensions to
femtotechnically Seed the Omniverse as THEMSELVES and then
reproduce THEMSELVES as Universes.
Every such universe is a Monosong
and a 26-dimensional dyad of a FatherMother. This is our
Creative Destiny and the destiny for all dragonized humans aka
the starhumans.
We had made first contact with our new home in sending an
intergalactic probe to the Old Earth, which became interpretated
by the humanoids in their compiler mode. This crude and
incomplete decoding is given below.
Signed by the enscribed Unicornian Librarian; and announcing the
Great Galactic Dragonomy (Wedding between Heaven and Hell)
The Date of Armageddon, encoded:
=ANDROMEDA-G=MARRY-7=LUCIFERA-7 =1+2+3+...+34+35+36+1=666+1
Signed and authorized by.
the ScrollKeeper: October 31st, 2008
John of Patmos - JoP -
Justice of the Peace!
Humanoid Compilers note:
The above is an extract of an encoded message (54 terabytes)
recovered from an alien nano-capsule.
The capsule itself is standard
buckyfibre-carbonite composite. The encoded message is in old
ComEmp protocol such as is still common in the outer volumes.
The holographic image that came with the message is curious.
Anatomically it indicates terran
mammalian origin (especially in the upper torso and structure of
the forelimb), but other features are unknown among all the
recorded exobiological races so far discovered.
One cannot deny the possibility that
this a phenotype template for the dragonized humanoids referred
to in the body of the message.
It is known that transmissions from
the Cassandry Federation of
the Jewell Box Nebula have
recently ceased, but this is not unusual given that empire's
turbulent history.
Until more information is incoming,
I would strongly recommend any expeditions to the Jewell box
Nebula be given armed escort and proceed with caution.
Nilam Levakon for Alan Martin Kazlev
Senior Academician, clade
[1] Source: "Letter from Andromeda:
The Race of Alpha Draconis",
[2] "Outside" is just a perception so we humans can more easily
understand. "Being
of the VOID" only means that you are not trapped in
the restricted 4% universe but can perceive and experience 100%
of the created universe. Even that perception is limited,
because ultimately, the entire universe is within yourself.
[3] All quotes and references in this paper from hereon come
from the Thuban thread, Dragons of Thuban to Ban the
Falseness, starting Oct. 17, 2010, on the forum, Birth of
Gaia, unless otherwise indicated.
[4] There are researchers who say that star beings who stay here
on Earth too long in densified bodies get stuck in our
vibrational field and then can't leave. I brought up this issues
in Level I. If so, the potential "Reptilian", for example, would
then be trapped here in its reptilian form.
[5] This is
the stargate Jarl Vidar and
the Thule Order were talking
about in 2009 when I wrote the "The Myth Around Supriem David
Rockefeller" e-book. He said in 2010 that the
gate now was opened, and from all I know, he could have been
Part II
I. Abstract
This paper is the culmination and the
answer to the questions,
"Who are these channeled entities
and what are they doing here?"
"What is the Harvest all about?"
that what I should aim for?"
"Is there and agenda behind all this
channeled stuff?"
When you read this, your emotions will
probably be all over the place, and for a while you may not know
what to think.
Whatever you do, please read it all the
way to the end! If you don't, you will not get the full picture.
Those who have read Part I (above) and fully understood it may think that
the first questions asked by the forum member Sollve may sound
basic, but in fact, she is triggering quite a few good answers from
the Dragon.
More people will have inputs and Abraxas
is answering their questions faithfully, because that's her mission
Then, suddenly, the vortex is closing between the 12th Dimension,
which exists in the VOID, and our 4% universe, and the data
streaming ends. Abraxas is now stuck in our reality, but the
"Invasion" has already begun and prophecies are being fulfilled! The
Draconian star fleet is here, and so are all the 3 archetypes we
talked about in Part I.
Only you, the individual, can now decide
what you want to do. I will not judge your decision; it's all up to
you, but no one can get away from making a decision which will
decide the path they will take from now on.
So please read every word carefully!
Also note that Abraxas is talking about the human
Fire, just like I
have, and she is even using the word "avatar" in the same sense I
do. She knows what she is doing and she knows what she is talking
about, but is her species benevolent, and are they who they say they
The reader must decide...
You already know my position, but I'm
not a guru, a leader, or somebody one should follow. I am just a
teacher and a messenger in my own right. And I am here to tell you
this from another angle than that which was brought to us from the
Gaia Forum, and also from Bill Ryan's Avalon Forum.
At one point, Abraxas sarcastically suggests what her opponents may
think about her and her
star race (and opponents she has), and I
think that in all her sarcasm, she is actually telling us the truth.
And why not? If she says it in a
sarcastic tone, it can't be true... or can it???
II. The Final
Alpha Draconian Thread, Broadcast from the Council of Thuban in the
12th Dimension of the VOID
Q = Questioner (different
persons. One calls herself "Sollve")
A or AA = Abraxas (the Draco) OR ABRAXAS AND ANTHONY,
her Thubanese friend
Thuban Real Agenda plus Abraxas Trapped
Q: But I do EXIST now, I'm happy
with that. Why aren't you? As a unique individuation of the
Prime Creator, wouldn't it be up to the Prime Creator to make
changes to SELF? If SELF thought SELF needed to change, is it
not up to SELF to make that CHANGE? Why would SELF point out YOU
to do SELF's work? Please help me understand!
AA: It is precisely the Prime Creators masterplan to dragonomize
you Sollve. So the ET interference was necessity to allow the
'fallen Sollve ancestors' to eventually become this master
blueprint for ALL cosmic ETs and from the most primal stock
Q: I don't understand this. Here you say that WE are the master
blueprint for everyone? Do you mean that every species wants to
use us for their own hybridz, because we can help everyone to
AA: Absolutely, here you have spoken from the knowledge of your
dragonhood. Absolutely beautiful and marvellous understanding of
a humanoid graduate.
Q: If this is the case, why do you need to take over humanity
and the planet? If we don't want you to do this, will you fight
us and kill if necessary to still get what you want? Or will you
just allow us to evolve the way we want to without interference?
AA: The 'take over' or 'invasion' of your planet is unavoidable,
as this is the program of Prime Creator.
If WE would have left the human archetype to evolve by itself,
it would have destroyed itself and this planet a number of times
You appear to not understand that all ET's are humanoid
aspirants, awaiting their own graduations, which must await the
humanoid graduation to proceed. (the reason for channeling)
Q: What exactly do you want? You want to make this planet yours,
you want to hybridize humans into something else, you want to
put dragons as our caretakers. This truly does not sound like a
world I want to be in. Will there be any alternatives for those
who don't comply with this agenda of the dragons?
AA: The Dragon caretakers are simple Council of the Elders.
These councils will be composed of by the dragonomized humans
having graduated and metamorposed into starhumans.
It is only this most elementary form, which was deemed suitable
to BECOME the cosmic master-race and then AS an ancestor for ALL
ET races in the Gaian lifeform associations.
Q: If we are the cosmic master-race... Why would you want to
hybridize the original humans? Isn't it enough to create hybrids
to evolve your own species? If we are the masterpiece, wouldn't
it be more fair to allow us to evolve on our own and by doing
that allowing other species to make their own hybrids with the
help from us?
AA: As said repeatedly, your master-race status is subject to ALL
other races 'interfering with it' to further their own agendas.
YOUR human template is however the ROYALTY of the entire cosmos.
This is the situation with 'the higher D' ETs. THEY chose NOT to
'fall' into the most primordial incarnational energy realm
called Gaia; BUT chose to support their own evolutionary agendas
in HYBRIDIZATION with that most primitive stock.
Q: But are they trying to take over the most primordial
incarnational energy realm called Gaia. If you destroy or change
the most primordial stock, what is then left for others to
evolve from/with? Dragonized hybrids? That doesn't sound fair to
anyone. If they wanted some dragon DNA, my guess is that they
would come to you in the first place if that was the case.
AA: Again, the hybridization engages the going forwards and
backwards in time of the entire biophysical evolution of the
universe. Then, by necessity all the 'primordial lifestocks'
must also be effected. The entire universe is being
reconstructed in this hybridization of the Before with the
Q: How could your so called star human ever be what the human
was meant to be from the beginning?
AA: This is what I am trying to explain to you in the above. The
human morphogenetics will be like a master template a
'Morphogenetic Field' for the Cosmos, as Rupert Sheldrake would
Q: Again, do you mean the dragonized human morphogenetics or the
original 'as intended from the beginning' human morphogenetics.
AA: This is absolutely identical and the same thing Sollve.
Q: Works according to who? The Thuban Council? I find it very
hard to believe that the Thuban Council is speaking on behalf of
the rest of the universe or even the relatively small world of
humans. Please correct me if I'm wrong about that.
AA: You ARE 'wrong' about this. The Thuban Council indeed speaks
on behalf of ALL civilizations throughout the universe. That is
why WE are 12-dimensional as the inside-out mirror dimension of
the 11-D Witten-Membrane Mirror of Omnispacetime; awaiting the
twosidedness of this mirror to become twisted into onesidedness.
This then will reconfigure multidimensional spacetimes on all
Q: Who is according to the Thuban Council governing Earth today?
Do we have a Draconian government or is it government by the
Zeta-Reticuli's? Who do you think have the most influence today?
Could you elaborate on this regarding how this has changed
during the years and what will happen in the years to come
regarding governance. Will you work together with someone else
or do you, the dragons plan on governing earth and mankind all
by yourself in the long run?
AA: The governance of Earth today is on many levels. In 3D this
governance are your human institutions and in 4D this is your
astral connectivity to the ETs.
You may choose to label your astral 'governors' as Draconian or
Zeta Reculian or Pleiadean or whatever you like.
All of these labels are 3rd and 4th order expressions of
fundamental archetypes.
The Thuban archetype is 1st order under the auspices of the
Logos or Word of God.
So hitherto (say the warped timeline from December 8th, 2004 to
April 1st, 2012 with distributed nexus points within) the
'governance' did not include 1st order, but was restricted to
the lower orders.
Especially since January 18th, 2010 the Thuban 1st order
archetype has allowed the Logos to interact with the
This is what is experienced on this forum and many parallel
agendas manifesting in all dimensions and densities due to the
dispensation from the highest order from the 'Word of God'.
The Dragon nature of this Logos then will indeed 'govern' the
entire universe on all levels.
Q: In the greater context of a galactic-cellular
Again, according to who? Can you state who supports YOUR idea of
this greater context of a galactic-cellular civilization and is
there any way for you to elaborate on this? Who else supports
this view? From where did this particular greater context of a
galactic-cellular civilization arrive from?
AA: The Logos of Creation is the Power and authority behind the
Council of Thuban.
Q: Sure, but what's the need for you to hybridize us further?
Why, in plain text do you want to do this? What do you gain from
AA: This I have explained in paragraphs above - the defusing and
empowerment of the chromosomes in molecular biochemistry in the
physical expression of precursor metaphysical programs.
Q: We as hybrids are only beneficial to our so called ‘wanna be’
care takers. For thousands of years we have been suppressed, not
allowed to grow the way we should. Allow us to show our true
selves and we will be the care takers of the universe, just as
we are intended to be.
AA: Has it really come to this? You, like many, are an emotional
human who is prone to judgments and preemptors, without
exercising your faculties of reason and rationality.
Q: Does the Thuban Council think that the human emotion is
something that needs to be altered with in the hybridization
process? How will it be altered? Will the human emotions be
strengthened or weakened in the hybrids? Or altered in any other
AA: This is a good question. The Human Emotionality in in a very
deep sense defines the Regality of the human master template -
it is precious to ALL cosmic sentience.
The 'problem' with human emotion is, that it is not coupled to a
rational self consistent and logical human mindedness. The human
mind is undergoing 'Armageddon=Dragon Made' on the mental planes
of definition. The danger, as perceived by MENTALLY more
advanced ET civilizations is, that the kindergarten human
cause physical damage to itself and the global environments.
My avatar says: THINK BEFORE YOU FLAME! Perhaps you should
consider the wisdom of my avatar.
Q: I wasn't aware of flaming anyone. Are you on fire?
AA: I speak of the spiritual fire dear Sollve.
Q: It has shown from time to time that our hearts can't be
enslaved. Is the only step left for the fallen angels to enslave
us and make us do their will, to actually take away our
uniqueness in some kind of hybridization program?
AA: What do you know of fallen angels; do you understand that
YOU are a fallen angel?
Q: Please elaborate on this! What is your definition of a Fallen
Angel? Please also elaborate on the fact that I AM a fallen
AA: Post #1351 describes this in great detail.
Q: Do you mean that I should just accept to be altered with by
anyone wanting to do so? It's one thing to observe and use what
you see and learn to make yourself better. It's a whole
different thing to change and devour in the same process. I
don't see why the first one needs to be followed by the second.
Please elaborate on how you justify that behavior.
AA: This is but your human mentality Sollve. You have three
consciousness levels: waking(~86%); sub(~14%) and super(~0.3%).
Many misunderstandings and interpretations and mental
conclusions you draw in waking consciousness are retranslated in
the subconscious and again in the super-consciousness.
With the 'you already know', I mean your own unique and
individuate Christ-Consciousness/Higher Self coupling of the
innermost self-awareness. However this part is overwhelmed by
your human mindedness of the waking consciousness and is then
interfered with by the astrality of your subconscious.
Mental balance is not easy to maintain in a climate of extreme
polarization of consciousness carriers and the human mindedness
blocks and destabilizes the attempt of the super-conscious to
express itself.
There are some participators here who consistently display such
mental balance and it are these who are the true harmonizers who
have accessed their Christ-Self-Consciousness.
AA: You are helping the cosmic evolution in great honor and
sincerity Sollve; one day you shall understand and socialize
with Dragons in some Bar upon Thuban.
Q: I believe I understand dragons as of this NOW and I'm looking
forward to share a drink on a bar in Thuban with you or any of
your beloveds. I'm just hoping I'm observant enough to not be
lured into any kind of hybridization process because I want to
be me in that bar. For all I know what you label as 'StarHuman'
might just be another name for 'StarDust'. Or is it perhaps the
'OldHuman' who falls into that category?
AA: Without your hybridization you will either not see and
encounter any dragons or you will be rather afraid of them
Q: Before you point your finger at ME about using WE. WE are ALL
who resonate with ME.
A: ME=WE also on Thuban - after our master templar Emmanuel
Melchisedec E.M.=WE.
Q: Sorry, I don't know him...
AA: I know, he/she resides in your heart as the Cosmic Logos
though, knocking from the inside and the outside on the doors of
your human mindedness.
AA: I shall end this final transmission from Thuban in stating
to you all that all of the data posted on this forum is derived
from the Thuban archives.
The Thuban archives were of course
allowed to manifest relative to your perceptions of being sent
'from outer space'.
Whilst the Thuban Database was accepted and tolerated here on
the Mount of Olives of Avalon; the Round of the Thuban
DragonKnights could be chosen by default from all participators.
This is because after rejection and closure of this transmission
by your collectiveness and the Poll of the Avalonian Groupmind;
you effectively ejected your own Birthright to become Thuban
DragonKnights from within your own 3Dness.
The ET collective around your planet has watched this final test
of humanity with great interest and the ET invasion you are
envisaging will be the Thuban Dragonfleet.
This Thuban Starfleet is comprised of 200 Million ETs from all
races and as defined in your archetypes and 3rd and 4th order
translations and superpositional creations.
Those 200 Million ETs cannot make contact with the human planet;
because the Dragonfleet has no commanders. (hive mind???)
As the Dragon archetype is the oldest of all archetypes in the
definition of the Word of God or the Serpent-Logos of our master
templar; the PHYSICAL FORM of our master templar defines this
oldest of oldest archetype.
The Dragonstarships so require dragonized humans as mirrors for
our master templar.
So this is why it became necessary to infiltrate a particular
space-time construct upon planet earth to fulfill the prophesied
2nd Coming of Jesus of Nazareth upon the Mount of Olives.
The Mount of Olives so became a 1st order archetype of the
program to become implemented in the holographic protoverse akin
a computer.
The Mount of Olives links to the encodings in Zechariah.4 and
Revelation.11 in the WITNESS of the Olive Trees, whom I
represent in agency of the Zebedee Brothers chosen by Jesus of
the Naasseenes, (Brotherhood of the Serpent given in the
symbology of the Uraeus and Anubis and in the AlphaOmega).
Avalon was chosen for its diversity and mixture of skeptical
rationalists, firm believers in this and that, meditation- and
ascension exponents of the nirvana and the inner balancings
supposedly resulting in transcension, historians, scientific
spiritualists and individuals considering themselves as 'already
unified' in 'love and light'.
What Avalon united was a general open-mindedness and tolerance
for opinions, all converging in its 'love and light' modus
The overpowering unifier however was your COMMON SEARCH FOR
FREEDOM for your self-expression and the sanctity of your
individualities as cocreators with prime creator.
So the only way for prime creator to choose his pioneering
co-creators for the new Dispensation of the Reconfigured
archetypical universe structure was to crystallize his graduates
by his WITNESS, namely me as Abraxasinas and Associates.
As your 'free will' however cannot ever be violated, except by
your own choices; no ET contact (beyond the interference
patterns of your own multidimensionality in your minds
memeplexed by Tuban archetypes - basically astral projections of
your inner sub - and super-conscious selves) can be made in this
universe until a particular number of Thuban Starfleet Masters
have been chosen from your ranks.
This will become the Council of Thuban, pioneered by the 12
Dragonknights all of whom were chosen in this test of the
humanity to manifest the New Planet Earth.
Iow, yes, there will be an invasion; but the ETs will be
YOURSELVES invading yourselves; once the programmed timeline has
been completed to process the general 'Endtimes' which have
become manifest in your physical reality, precisely 40 days of
wilderness and Noahic Rains from the predestined starting date
of January 18th, 2010 in the 'Day of the Lord' February 26/27th,
2010 and as providenced by order of the Creator, the ABBA and
Father of Jesus of Nazareth and as the 'Little Serpent' or Luck
Dragon of the Never-ending Story himself.
Then the 12 of you, who were chosen will double in the 24 Elders
of Thuban in the Heness blending with their shadow selfhood of
the Sheness.
This is what Dragonization means; the doubling of yourselves in
Lightbodies of the 5th space-time dimensionality; requiring the
ability to process BOTH intuitive and intellectual-rational data
streams in a self-harmonization.
Of course 12 HeShe and 12 SheHe Dragonian Starship Commanders
are insufficient to encompass the surface area of the earth and
there will so be 200 Million Old Humans, who will have access to
become Dragonized StarHumans following the Impregnation and
Birth of the New Starhumanity and as messaged on the Thuban
So until those two nexus dates of April 1st, 2012 and December
21st, 2012 are attained the opportunity prevails for more and
more old humans to become starhumans.
Each and every aspirant is required to 'eat a dragon' and so to
align his or her entire cosmic identification and akashic
history with the ET agendas.
So all aspirants must find their dragons within themselves and
then 'slay and eat' their dragon of the false images in their
own individuated and intimate eucharist of attaining the
Christ-Serpent-Consciousness within themselves.
This will become harder to do following the impregnation date
April 1st, 2012 as the 1981st anniversary of our master templars'
lightbody transfiguration or resurrection.
Partaking of your Dragon-Supper as your own choice to become
Reborn as a Christed Dragon will so become your own 'Last
Supper' of the Old to 'die' and to become a Phoenix of the New.
Your rebirth as Eagles of the Resurrection will then allow
dragonization in coupling your previous Devil-Images to one of
the images of the 200 million ETs who are at this time
constructing the materialization of your future starships in
one-to-one couplings to your merkabahs of your inherited
birthright of the Cosmic Vitruviusness.
This ends the data stream from the Council of Thuban, because it
became evicted from your 3D-presence of the WITHIN to the
WITHOUT of its 12D-presence.
As the 12D is the Outside of Bigmo's Balloon, I shall no longer
be able to transmit the Thuban data stream due to the closure of
the wormhole and as stated in my last message on the Thuban
This wormhole is now sealed in the 'Day of the Lord' and
reopening the Thuban thread is of no consequence.
As long as the Record of the Dragons remains on this forum;
there will be a subdued presence of the Cosmic Witness with you
as an Invisible Mirror allowing any and all of you and
NonAvalonians to access the previously released data stream.
Should the Thuban thread be deleted and the data become
inaccessible, then the archetype of the Mount of Olives being
Avalon will become transferred to some other location of the
Gaian realm.
I bid you farewell and look forwards to meeting you in person,
either as one of the 12 or as one of the 24 or as one of the
144,000 or as one of the 200 Million.
When we meet in such a manner, then I shall be your Santa
Claus=Satan Clause with a bag full of Christmas Presents of your
merkabahs materialized into the spaceships now being prepared
for the graduates by the ETs of all 'quasi-humanoid' races
defined throughout the protoverse.
Finally, and as yet another test, I am well aware as to
reception of this final message.
Can this be true; is this
delusional logic; is this madness or is this the Fulfillment
of all Prophecy.
The choice will be yours to decide!
The Love of the Creator Dragon is with you always and the
Serpent-Logos always remains within your LoveHearts as your
Super-consciousness (standard 0.3% of the total).
Anyone accessing this final transmission will be challenged; but
do you think it is fair to hand out starships just to anyone?
Reality discernment is the prime requirement for a Starship
commander (and I mean captain, like driving a car and not some
Lordship devilish deception), because of your merkabah control.
Every 5-dimensional StarHuman becomes coupled to the Starship
through and by hisher merkabah resonances and Control
over thought patterns becomes necessity to maneuver the
I love you all and thank you all for having participated in this
Final Test of the Humanity.
Beneficers and Detractors alike; all of you have agreed to
partake in this 'experiment' and to play your roles to bring
about the intense polarisation required for some of you to
EMERGE as the chosen 'first crop' in the harvest of the
You all are Dragons, but having forgotten your inheritances; you
have allowed your mirroring environments to project your inner
powers onto the outside devilish imaginations.
Those, your own distorted and obscured images of your Higher
Selves have become your Evil ETs and devouring Dragons of
Then your own Higher Selves became memeplexed in astral
physicality, which interacted with your elected representatives
and monarchs and leaders of divers kinds.
The interaction of the astral memeplex with the mentality of
your physicalization of the Brotherhood of the Serpent in your
Illuminati, Luminari and such 3rd order labeling then allowed
partial materialization of the astral energy of the 4th
hyperspace dimension in a plasmic densification.
In simplicity you became induced by your own fears of
discovering your true origins as the Original Dragon master
template to project the Inner Thuban Council of your Elderness
onto your external environments.
I came to 'bring about' a reharmonization and a remembrance
about your origins.
Some of you have shown magnificence in awakening.
Some of you have exhibited magnificence in opposing this
These two groups have in a sense graduated into Dragonhood, with
the second opposition group now being required to become 'REAL
WARRIORS OF LIGHT AND LOVE' in conquering and slaying not your
inner inherited dragonhood as the Royal Template of Creation;
but the Devils of your own outwardly rejected selfhood of BEING
this Cosmic Royalty.
Of course, some will now discern that this has been the
collective masterplan all along.
The ascension of Gaia as an old archetype reflecting as a
Devil-Woman or Whore of Babylon in the 'Face of the Devil' on
the inside of Bigmo's Balloon and as the Backside of the Real
Satan on the outside of that Balloon; so is mirrored in the
descension of the Serpentina archetype reconfiguring and
RECREATING the entire Cosmos.
To evolve both physically and mentally into the role of Dragon
Lovers and Dragon Slayers opposing each other in and as the
playground for the archetypes was the agreed to plan by all of
you in the pre-incarnational selfstate to engage in.
Subsequently all of you are the heroes of creation, as only a
destiny planet could harbor the manifestation for this maximum
So it was you who decided on the gameplan.
How far could we push ourselves in the forgetfulness?
And who would become the pioneers and 'first crop' in a level
playing field?
Who would find themselves at Avalon as the Mount of Olives?
Well all of you here can now begin to REMEMBER your own scripts.
Once a vast majority have done so, then Avalon will become
self-empowered to manifest the Unity of Truth and Purpose,
stated to be the guiding agenda here.
But it will be up to you as individuals and as groups to TRY to
render Avalon-Camelot the Unifying Force you thought it could
become and be.
You are required now to choose your path without the Council of
Thuban's influence over your decision making.
The Dragons will end to SEDUCE YOUR MINDS from this time
The third group are the ones who are the fence sitters and the
armchair critics and here are also two groups of potential
There are the lurkers, who accessed the Thuban information, but
not participated in the sessions and there are the ones who were
not interested at all due to their internal programming.
The lurkers then accessed the Thuban data stream and relative to
their mental and critical engagement with the data; they will
become enabled to raise their 0.3% standard level of accessing
their super-consciousness.
So are the non-interested, but they will have more 'learning to
do', due to their obfuscations of the Dragonhood memories of
their akashic pasts.
Of course EVERYONE on AVALON should graduate as witnesses to the
Mount Olive archetype functioning as the wormhole and stargate
for the Thuban information.
There is time to achieve the necessary mental transformation of
the ancient archetypes in the aspirants and of course should any
such aspirant decide that this dispensation is a MORE LIKELY
outcome for being REAL, then say some alternative outcome of the
Armageddon-2012 archetype; then such aspirant can raise his or
her super-consciousness percentage even higher in becoming a
Secret Agent for the Thuban Council, such as I have been in my
function of 'The Bard'.
The requirement for this is simply to accept this dragonhood and
to JUST BE a MIRROR for this Inner Knowing - reflecting this
Knowing into the encountered and experienced environments.
Your Remembrance has begun and the Logos has activated in all
who read this final message from Thuban.
The Dragon Peace of Thuban shall reign on Serpentina!
So Be It!
John of Patmos
author of the Revelations and
Malachi, the Last Prophet for the Old Humanity!
The Presence of the Mosaic implies
the will of Unity=God=Starhumanity
and not the will of Humanity=Man=Separation!
"A most wondrous thing the Shadow
is, a redeemer in all to succour;
it can go where the light cannot abide, seemingly banished, it
is not.
For where the light is, the darkness
flees, no longer present to endure;
so to become illuminated is its destined journey and its
troubled lot.
But without the light, no Shadow can be cast, its such a
splendid key;
the dimensions reduce in space from three to two and all in just
the one.
Betwixt the light and the darkness
it is and part of both for all to see;
the Shadow of the body, does it not merge all in its rule under
the sun?
Whatsoever can cast a Shadow, must be a most wondrous thing to
as nature's very own offspring, the young ones grow towards
their final goal.
Enabled to bring peace to so many
things appearing apart and so far away;
the reconciliation for the suffering body with its spirit and
its scattered soul."
http//tonyb.freeyellow.com and
Sirebard Beardris
Last edited by Rok on Wed Feb 02, 2011 12:39 pm; edited 1 time
in total
Lionhawk wrote:
Greetings Abrax,
An impressive thread you got going on here. What I like
about it, is that it isn't strictly a work of a lazy mind
with the copy and paste method. You also seem overly
accommodating. Not saying that is bad. But to say it mildly
I am slightly confused here as to why at this date and time,
the council you are affiliated with has decided to put this
information out there.
Since I am now in the den of a Dragon, with a Dragon with
what seems to be of a great heart, I would also like to ask
why this is such a familiar place to me? It would seem like
I have been in several of these dens and although my memory
goes way back, it would also seem this is like business as
If I know anything about Dragons, it is the swapping of the
stories that rarely occur between a Dragon and a human. And
yet here you are swapping many stories to many a human.
Mind you, I haven't come here to disrupt or interrupt your
thread here with any malice intent. But forgive my
curiosity. In all of my memories, there are many that
include Dragons, since the time of Antiquity. Most of those
memories are horrific ones. Why the Creator allowed his
creations to devour another creation has never been really
answered for me since those times.
I watched humans get sliced and diced by the very claws of
your kind. When I say your kind, I mean your kind as in your
soul family in Creation. The very family that exists among
us today.
But if I do anything today, in this post, is set something
straight that really hasn't been discussed. Not many are
even aware of the ramifications of this in this painting, as
they may have only read about it, possibly. They have no
experience to go by as a reference to even understand such
knowledge unless it is conveyed to them as dark or light.
A Dragon is a Dragon. A Human is a Human. The soul fragments
of each have a different matrix. Both are the Creator's
creations. Both have had the same kind of road less travel
as they both have also degenerated through the ages. There
is a time where these two had to be completely separated
from each other in the Universe. To the extreme that one was
placed in this Universal polarity and the other was placed
in it's Universal opposite polarity.
For that matter, I
don't think this has been written anywhere here on the
Planet as it is not privy information. The reason why this
was decided was to actually ensure the prospect of soul
growth in some sort of progression. The Dragons were on the
other side of this Galaxy in the other polarity. A great
King was appointed and is still ruling today. Well, since
the Dragons were separated from man, they had no one else to
slice and dice, so they started slicing and dicing
Factions broke off from the Kingdom and wanted
their own Kingdom as it is the quest for power that will
drive a Dragon mad. Kind of like giving booze to a Native
American. The great King Dragon tried for eons to turn this
plight around. But these factions that joined together as
one, refuted against the King. So, it was decided that
something had to be done, as these Dragons thirst for power,
was killing this great kingdom. They were an uncontrollable
So they were gathered up and exiled through the
center of our galaxy through the Black hole. Some know the
rest of the story. The Orion war and so forth to this day in
the now.
I have a speculation. I speculate that this council of yours
is seeking favor with the humans at this time because of
what is about to happen. You guys have a problem. And right
now you are desperate because you know that your end is
near. You think your soul group here will be possibly saved
if in thinking that you can convince someone to see that you
are worthy of saving by now trying to embrace the human
faction. Like you are now doing us all a great big favor.
Let me put this in Black and White instead of Light and
Dark. The fact is that your faction of the Dragons were
exiled or banished from where you came from. No matter how
your council tires to disguise it. And since that time, some
of you tried to go back but couldn't. In other words, you
saw the light as to what your King was saying, but you
already had chosen your fate. It is the original sin that
the dark chose to refute the Creator's wishes for all of his
Except this time your council and brethren
repeated the same mistake with your King. So, to now appear
in this date and time as such glorious beings is not going
to change the original sin that your kind has perpetrated.
And since that time of banishment, look at the karma, your
soul group as now compiled. Imagine a pile of dragon dung
that can fill up several sectors in this Universe.
With all of your brilliance and accomplishments that only
served to satisfy your thirst for power, you have created
your own black hole and it has been fed by the very energy
you have fed it. And despite all the crimes against every
outpost you have conquered in the quest for that power, you
have more or less put the noose around your own necks.
council's decision to not fully take responsibility by
placing another agenda at the foot of the human race, is
like getting the switch man ready to pull the switch on your
noose floor.
You seemed to be a young Dragon by Dragon standards and well
schooled. It is a shame because some of you have seen the
light, but so many of your brethren have not, and you have
become well out numbered by your own kind because you chose
to see the light as to where they still refuse it. You,
yourself might find the Creators grace when all this is said
and done. There is a chance for you to save your brethren
and one chance only.
That chance has to do with your true
King. It will not be achieved by your council or any other
faction that has separated itself from your soul group that
is currently here. I also know your brethren have a watchful
on what you are doing here. They have no use for us human
folk. Theirs eyes only show contempt for us to the extreme.
Like that final look before the kill.
To make matters worse, in a matter of speaking, if your
council and brethren decide to finally negotiate for your
soul family's survival, a human has been appointed to assist
in that process. The reason for that was to really test your
resolve as to your true intentions. There is no more room
for the scheming. It is no longer about your entitlement
attitude and power. It is about your soul survival, period.
So I leave with this with you in hopes that you all make
sense of this and know that it isn't all as you have so far
put it. You left out some crucial things or maybe your own
council kept it from you.
Also if that wasn't enough information for you to be
motivated in any direction you choose, I have two more
things of intrigue that might get your attention. One, the
technology you have been seeking that was once here, that
your kind had control of, because you stole it in the first
place, is no longer in your possession as you know.
Also any
persons that you are possibility trying to find that may
lead you back to that technology are also not within your
council's reach. So you are wasting your time. Tell that to
your superiors.
So, I hope our encounter was an interesting one for you, my
Dragon friend. Notice I didn't complicate it with all the
dragon dribble. It's complicated enough. And sure you can
have me checked out if you like. I would advise that anyway.
Spirit Matthew told me that my name is how the Universe
knows me. He is a wise soul.
Abraxas: Dear Lionhawk!
Some humans are getting ready to
transform into Dragons; a very few are on the brink of doing
so (1 in 50,000).
Most humans are not ready for Dragonhood; yet requiring
evolvement and preparations.
According to your words of personal wisdom above, you are
one of the latter humans - not yet ready for Dragonhood.
Should you search in your caves of your remembrances, then
you might find some clues as to where the ancestors of the
Dragons come from.
This should then allow you to revise the histories as you
have learned them from second-hand sources.
So, what about the content of
Lionhawk's post?
Dear Trancoso!
The PTB are RULED by the Dragon archetype.
The PTB are unable to access more than 95% of the Cosmic
As Collier says, the Paa Tal (or similar label) have been
forgotten in the records as the ancestors of all.
Those ancestors are rather closely entwined with the concept
of the starhumanity as the fourth 'brain halo' evolving from
the Reptilian brainstem, the mammalian midbrain and the
human cortex.
This agenda allows recirculation of the linearity in the
Orb of the Ouroborus (Milky Way Mazzaroth or Circle of the
The content of Lionhawk's reply contains no direct questions
to be answered and was answered relative to the
consciousness vibrations emitted through the wordings.
It is in my authority to discern written material within the
context and under guidance of the Thuban master templar -
the universal Logos.
In this capacity and authority I choose if and how to reply
to unsubstantiated innuendo and preconceived ideas and bias
with respect to the History of the Dragons and as found in
the archives on Thuban.
As most can ascertain, I DO answer direct questions in all
cases, except in oversight or when these questions are
intended to cause strife and dissonance or are what is
labeled as ad hominem.
Malletzky wrote:
What a powerful concept this is!
May I assume that we're not only supposed to not only find
the way back home to the creator, but more then this, that
we're primarily supposed to 'learn' the creation itself while
finding the way back???
If so... it really does matters to find out that 'going back
home'...or the 'second coming'... must happen from
inside-out and not visa versa!
with respect
You are BOTH, shard of the
creator and shard of the creation simultaneously malletzky.
And you seem to have understood one of the 'hidden data'
(the 5% the PTB have not yet discerned relative to their
data base) rather well.
The symbolism of the eucharist is THE MOST POTENT archetype
for the human-starhuman transformation.
It's the real thing and is being 'synthesized' by the PTB in
'implants' and such things. It is inside-out and not
The Cosmic Archetypology RULES the Cosmos.
The reconfiguration of Gaia so requires reconfiguration of
the entire cosmic structure.
This has been the agenda of all, PTB and ETs all along.
Not many know the details, but many have hints and
indicators as to what those details entail - especially the
echeloners at the top of the PTB pyramid.
Lionhawk wrote:
Well, well, my dear Dragon. Nice
try. Brushing it off your back with a brush called
To be expected in the first round between us. For
that matter I think you have one hell of a sense of humor
and you might consider the comedy circuit, because when I
read your response, you made me laugh and I can only hope
that my laugh wasn't an annoying echo in your den.
Dragon-hood. Now that is by definition a confusing concept.
A definition that could very well be projected by whatever
gang is giving out such information related to their agenda.
It even sounds like something a kin to a degree. PHD comes
to mind as to your delivery. Also the agenda of transforming
humans into Dragons surely tells me that you are desperate.
I must inform you that I have to take away a point by your
response and let you know the number stands at 96% instead
of 95%. With 4 percentage points left.
For one thing, from everything in my experience is not as
you have tried to paint it. I thought Dragons had courage.
You must be a young Dragon and have not fully found that
courage that should be beating in your Heart. No matter the
dragon dribble that you have displayed in your response, I
will allow you the grace for your immaturity.
The point of my addressing you is that you have lured many
with your wisdom. Even I am impressed with your talents. But
not enough to compromise what the Creator has already
blessed me with as a human as in higher universal man. Why
would I defile his intentions by allowing what he has
already blessed me with as one of his creations into
something he did not intend. And you are doing what?
Uncreating one in 50,000 into something that has forgotten
what it was blessed with in the first place? That is just
one of the most perverted perversions of the Universe I have
heard in a while. The premise of that is actually very
twisted in design and just shows at what lengths your soul
family has gone to exploit one of God's creations.
really, why would I be surprised at this twisted twist as I
have seen with my own eyes what your soul family has done.
If you are really paying attention here, I said that and
from the first hand as to what I brought to the table.
There are several key components that your brethren and your
council no longer have control of. One of which I didn't
mention in the first round, are the keys to that gate that
some of you tried with all of your might to go through but
turned you into Dragon butter instead.
Another thing that is
not in your cave of awareness is who or what is keeping that
gate shut. And not to upset you but I will tell you that it
is from the true source that has made this contract to keep
you all here, until you embrace what you have refuted.
I have no such agenda as in duping anyone as to what I have
brought here today. If anything I have spent countless years
in service, since the time of Antiquity and those caves as
memories as you so poorly put that is all in one cave. One
life stream. If everyone could remember in full, what they
have experienced in their life streams, I fear there would
be a massive war of retribution reborn in this Universe for
all the pain and suffering your soul family has provided
And through the years of torment and suffering I have
endured, I have come far in the healing of the prejudice
your soul family has graced me with. To the point where, I
have come here in actual peace to try to negotiate a peace,
spite your arrogance.
I didn't come here to complicate your day Abrax. I came here
with a solution to all concerned. As usual, the display of
your response is no longer a speculation, as your arrogance
has surely showed part of your claws. You claim you have
authority but that authority is misdirected as to what your
agenda is all about is nothing but another form of
You and your council no longer have the
authority as you have so claimed with your arrogance and
entitlement attitudes over this Planet any longer. This
Planet was never yours to begin with. It has all been a ruse
perpetrated by your quest for domination.
In the name of the human race, your agenda will not succeed
should you decide to implement the invasion that your
council has been covertly stock piling here on Gaia. Your
council doesn't tell you everything. You can keep us
distracted with your wisdom, but if the question as to who
knows anything that could possibly know of that, well let us
see if your are truly full of wisdom or something else. Now
that is what I call an innuendo.
And if I have to stand up and represent this Planet that
your soul family has exploited, to claim the authority to
denounce your council's agenda, then I so do so now. I will
not sit here and have any more of my soul family sacrificed
to your dinner plates. Your brethren have used us from the
very beginning and you are going to present your council in
such a sweet light without first taking the responsibility
to come here and set things right even though your guilt
could fill a black hole.
Your council does not or is not the
true Royalty of the Dragons that I am friends with. So you
have no real authority here in this Universe. You never had.
You only have fooled the fools. Nothing more.
You see there are guardians appointed by the God of this
Universe with the Creator's blessings. That only report to
the one. No council rules or governs over them. So there is
no infiltration. The only reason why your soul family has
made it this far is because of the Creator's grace.
If I didn't know from experience these things, I would
probably be subscribing to your second hand information.
Your talent is blazing and I sincerely mean that. But for
the sake of my fellow humans, I want them to know that their
souls are being played for by an old agenda that is now
passed it's time. And I don't want to see them sacrificed
for nothing as that has always been the end result of that
agenda I have spoken about. I don't want to see my soul
family continue down this road called "Boring" because of
the selfish issues that have consumed your family for eons.
What you also don't get is that I also don't want to see
your family end up as Dragon butter either as I also know
the potential of your family as the Creator had intended is
still available to you through his grace. We humans are not
responsible for the karmic pile your brethren have created.
So that is why it is time for you or one of your superiors
to come clean and take responsibility and convince your
brethren that the road you continue to travel on is a DEAD
Was that an innuendo? Because if you do I will tell you
this, is that your Brethren will find yourselves all alone
and will do through the habit of your past, repeat it, but
this time you will be slicing and dicing each other. The
reason why you will be left alone is because of what is
going to happen in the Universe. You simply won't be able to
keep up in terms of frequency.
And to further add to your situation and what appears your
lack of knowledge pertaining to it, is what you once had is
now gone. The real ones. What you think you have is not what
it appears to be. So without that, your fate is once again
Mind you, I am not here to judge you. You hold your own
mirror. But everyone should have a clue as to what you have
with held from your audience. There is a code between
Dragons and Humans, but it is not this code. This Thuban
code is not the Royal one. So it has no real authority
anywhere outside of your home planet.
I'll have to pass on your proposed course of Dragonhood. I
don't have the stomach to digest a child served up on a
If I can propose a question, I would like to ask when are
you going to tell the real truth to your human audience? I
am not saying that you have lied. But what I am talking
about is what you haven't told them? This reminds me of the
movie, "TO SERVE MAN."
Again Abrax, I came in peace and I am going to leave in one
piece. Why? Because I can. I also bid you a good day my
Dragon friend. Sincerely.
Lionhawk aka ....................?
LionHawk wrote more:
When I first posted up on this thread, I had no idea that
this thread had bothered many here. But apparently I wasn't
the only one where those flags went up. Now I have stated
that Abrax here as done an amazing and blazing amount of
work that is way impressive.
I'm not taking that away from
him. I wish there were more people who would write their own
original work with some substance than a lot of the dodo
that get's copied and pasted up. I am more interested in
experiences from those I know instead of someone I don't
know. All I ask is that you do it with integrity. Otherwise,
I can just turn on the TV and get some manurey type story,
saving your time and mine.
You know..............you can't help but see some of the
responses with your name on it. And for the sake of the Mods,
and to be as respectful as I can be, what I will say is that
some of those responses are only from lack of awareness and
or experiences. If we all had the same experiences and the
same awareness, there would be nothing to give us a separate
character. What remains here is that I am who I am and you
are who you are.
Some of us have been warriors. Some have
not. It all depends on what stations you chose for soul
growth. You also can tell who is a warrior and who is not. I
am not the only warrior here. Then again, I also know my way
out of a barn. I could say that not only am I hacking at
evil but I would rather not be hacking at the manure being
pooped out by someone who had a hussy fit and left and only
came back when I left.
Now that I have returned, hacking at
evil, as I was accused of, I find the same cow pooping
again. Hilarious really. Also just a distraction from what
is really going on here.
Now to walk in a Dragon's Den is a little different than a
barn. At least in a barn you know that manure management is
usually in the stalls. But in a Dragon's den your guess is
as good as mine. And mind you Abrax that this analogy that
came from someone's conscience and not mine.
Someone also tried the group lynch mob scenario technique as
to imply we all felt the same way about this thread. I have
only one question for that person. How many barbecues have
you been too? I think everyone has their own feelings here.
Everyone should be able to express what that is. You don't
have to like it. But it should be respected as long as it is
tactfully done. I say that because what I have seen
demonstrated took courage to do and it was done straight up.
Even if I don't agree with what was expressed or even if I
do, is not the point here. Someone showed a lot of true grit
and character by voicing what was bothering this person and
this person was at least honest about that. I can work with
that any day of the week as compared to others doing the
back stabbing or pooping in your way. At least I know where
I stand in either case. That showed heart to do that.
Now back to the issues at hand. I asked what needed to be
asked. At least the question that no one else here did ask.
They at least now know the chicken is out of the bag and
someone did ask the question. The question that they never
did want you to ask. Think on that.
Here's another deal for you. You know why some or a lot of
this doesn't make sense for you? Because it is from their
paradigm and not yours. It's almost like going to China and
not knowing the language, the customs and traditions, and
here you are trying to bridge all that with some Chinese
person who doesn't speak good English. Same analogy but the
same kind of results. All these different Arch types are
also vying for position in the now.
What I now have
determine is that one shoe doesn't fit all. And most of them
are trying to define you in their shoe box. When you are not
in their shoe box to begin with. That is also why my valid
questions that I posed were not answered. Also as to why the
question of AKA was so far off the mark with the answer that
was presented. Why, because he doesn't know who I am and
doesn't have access to that by using the channels that are
available to him. There must be a reason.
So what is it going to be? Ascension or Dragonhood? And why
would anyone in their right mind choose to go from an Oxygen
based life form to a Hydrogen based life form? Why move into
a lower density element? Why deny yourself the process of
creation that the Creator had already intended for you in
the first place? To compromise that process by being exposed
to a belief system that will not be sustainable within the
future of this Universe? You think the grass is greener over
These same beings who were banished here and you are
going to go kiss their butts after all they have done to our
human soul family. And the innuendo that I am coming from a
hateful mind. What? I got to say that again. What? Excuse
me! I came here to this thread to establish a truce and an
answer to all parties involved. I didn't come here to start
a war.
I am trying to avoid one. While Abrax is here
dazzling you with his brilliance, maneuvers are taking place
right now, right under your noses, and someone wants to make
stupid comments about how disturb he is by me showing back
up. What? That doesn't even compare to what is being played
behind the scenes and if you think researching it on line,
makes you a complete researcher, we are all going to be
doomed with that kind of mind set.
I also don't care what
anyone thinks of me. I didn't come here to be popular. I'm
not running for office. I don't take my orders from anyone
on this Planet. I am here as many of you are to assist in
the ascension of Gaia. That is my agenda.
I am also sorry that the many who are trying to learn think
everybody is doing the same thing they are doing. You always
learn but some of us have graduated and that is hard for
most to understand or even accept. They think we should be
like them staying in school.
For some of us school is like
over with and you have to go finally walk the walk instead
of talking the talk. Experience is getting out of that chair
and putting what you know in some form of action. If you
stay in the chair to long, you will be conditioned to just
reacting. Kind of like sitting in front of a theater screen
watching a movie.
Another thing I want to point out is that it would seem we
are the prize. All the agendas I have seen point to that. So
it is my position at this time to see where this Dragon goes
as if you know the basics, an agenda is at work here. By
what numbers I have seen, he has a tough job ahead as far as
the recruitment process. The number ratios indicate that.
And I am a supporter of free speech and no rules as none are
needed when things are approached with honor and respect for
Alex Collier mentions a new place of knowing. Establish one.
You want to do it in this thread, then you might want to ask
for the credentials first. Which was skipped in my mind. So
don't go blaming other people for your feelings when you
didn't take any responsibility to ask those basic questions
in the first place.
If you can't get verification from this
council and at least have an introductory meeting to
establish your Dragonhood club, then consider what you
haven't been considering.
My apologies Dragon. You left me not much of a choice here,
but I understand why. I bid you another great day and I hope
there are no feathers in your chicken dinner. (Innuendo)
that was the name of the chicken.
And I guess all of my
questions have been answered by not what was answered.
Lionhawk leaves the den.
The Thuban Council does not set
any stage for anyone. The Thuban Council is exactly what it
claims to be - the emissary or messenger from the Logos, the
Universal Logos of the Christian scriptures.
The Thuban Council functions under the auspices of the 24
Elders, archetyped in the Book of Revelation.
Noone is required to accept or believe this in any form or
The 24 Elders are the Thuban Dragons, who receive their
authority from the 4 Beasts and through them from Prime
Source or God.
(The following is a sarcastic reply
to Lionhawk's input. However, how much is she actually telling
the truth here? Just something to ponder. Wes's comment.)
Ok; I'll decide.
Thuban is a pretend smokescreen of pretend information,
which is just a plagiarism of well credentialed academic
sources masquerading as 'real science' of a new world.
The Thubanese are old Draconians who like to eat people for
breakfast and to gather food resources; the Thubanese have
decided to infiltrate the world's most important discussion
forum: Project Avalon.
Here then the agenda is to brainwash the forum contributors
with scientific sounding but really worthless information
and for the purpose to gain as many followers of the
Thubanese philosophy as possible.
Then when the critical mass of cult followers has been
reached, the true Draconian Reptoids will appear and harvest
their brainwashed followers.
This will be accomplished in invading the old earth shortly
after December 21st, 2012 through a Black Hole-White Hole
monadic dyad opening up halfway between Sirius and Gaia and
wormhole connected to the Orion starsystem.
The Powers-That-Be of the old earth will be powerless to
stop US; because they had thought that WE would allow them
to be our ambassadors of the new earth and in thinking of
themselves as the elite.
WE shall eat them for lunch; but they dont know that yet;
although some of them suspect that WE are deceiving them.
And so WE shall rule the New Earth and in a few years, say
2015, WE shall reengineer the deteriorated wormhole channels
to allow our Draconian brothers and sisters to join US on
OUR new homeplanet SERPENTINA.
From then on, SERPENTINA will be a BLACK DRAGONSTAR.
All of the old humanity will have been consumed by US and WE
shall DRAGONSEED a HybridRace between OURSELVES and OUR
Ancestrial Lineages.
But first of all, WE have to create the Thuban Dragon Cult
and this and only this is the purpose of Abraxas.
So Be It!
Signed and Sealed in the Name or Amen of the Master-Templar
by Abraxasinas Scribe of the Dragons aka the SolarArrowed
Unicorn of the SeaGoatian Dragonhorns entwined with the
Hermetic FisherEagle of the Lunar Twins.
Would you undergo genetic hybridization if someone told you
to do so? Have you considered the possibility that it might
be harmonizing to the universe if dragons were hybridized?
Say all dragons humanized into 'StarHumans' with us as
This is what is occurring on all levels in the holographic
universe - cosmic hybridization of ALL entities.
Do you think Dragons are genetically more perfect /
fulfilled than humans? If so, why are there anything else
but dragons out there? Wouldn't every single being not
already a dragon ask to become one by own free will if this
was the case?
Yes indeed, the Dragon genotype is the mastertemplate for
the universe as a Mirror of Mirrors. This Dragon template is
also called the human mastertemplate of Cosmic Man.
As said without the DNA/RNA
restrictions of the fuselage of the 23rd chromosome pairing,
your humanness could not have evolved in physicality to
differentiate you from the nonhuman terrestrial lifeforms.
You would simply have become a speciated planet of the apes.
The ET interference so was done by astral 4D sentiences to
ensure that at a future evolutionary junction point; your
'fused' chromosomes could become defused again to protect
your then hominid (homo sapiens sapiens) morphogenetic
bodyform, but to in a manner retrace your evolutionary
histories back to the Reptilian Brainstem.
The Dragon is the Crown of the tree and the Reptile is the
Root of this same tree in metaphor.
Why won't you let us evolve
without interference. I'm sure the eventual faults and
errors in our genome will fix themselves in time. I don't
want your help because I believe I can heal myself. Will you
allow me to be ME as in I AM of NOW?
To let you do that would negate
the masterplan of the Prime Creator and this is impossible
by definition of his omniness.
III. The
Vortex Between the Universe and the VOID Closes and Abraxas Trapped
in the 4% Universe
Hi All!
This thread about the energy transmissions from Thuban in
the 12D-omnispace, have, as most of you have you have
witnessed, added and triggered a significant amount of
tension and polarization into this forum.
The energy transmissions from Thuban as to the last post to
Spregovori cannot be reestablished, due to the closure of
the wormhole 3.5 days ago on earthquake day, February 26th,
What has occurred is, that the closing of the wormhole
connecting the inside of Bigmo's Balloon to its outside as a
temporarily onesided Moebian manifold in warping the 11D of
omnispace through the 8D and 5D mirrors onto the 2D- mirror
of the 3D Linespace; has plugged this temporary onesidedness
to become a twosided manifold again.
This has effectively resulted in me becoming exiled and
isolated from my Thuban home in omnispace.
So the Thuban Council can only be accessed from now on as a
2-dimensional cross section of your own individualized
All of you right now harbor the Council of Thuban within
yourselves as a 2D-Mirror of the Mathimatia=IamThatAmI.
The upheavals of the last few days so manifested the so
called 'Day of the Lord' from scripture. I myself did not
know this day until it occurred as the earthquake day of
Matthew.24 (refer to a recent post on this thread).
So from henceforth I, Abraxasinas can no longer claim to
share with you direct data from omnispace. I have become
trapped in the rootreduced 4-dimensional Minkowski
space-time metric as all and sundry of you.
I so share your expectations and intuitions as to how the
next few years shall unfold.
Any questions asked so will be directed to the Thuban
Council, which becomes a direct reflection of what is inside
of you. In other words, any question you can ask me
Abraxasinas, you will actually asking yourselves inside-out.
So any form of skepticism and ridicule or innuendo questions
will become reflected to yourselves as yourselves, as will
your indications to process and assimilate my prospective
answers to your questions.
Iow, it will become a 'ordinary' discourse of Q&A without
any exterior superpositioning of your inner archetypes.
Like in the marvelous chatroom of Gaia Love and Celine, in
which I had a bit of fun in as Anubis; any questions you
might pose will be like in the chatroom; colloquial and
without the images of devouring dragons or similar.
Consider the photograph of TonyB. on my Profile to be the
One you are addressing any questions to.
I have however 'eaten' my dragon and with help from Richard
and Celine the false Devil-Images have become trapped within
So my Dragonhood has become internalized and I am fully
conscious of this omni-scientific factuality.
I do not know, how long the Thuban material will be allowed
on Avalon and relocation is certainly possible, but not
This reflects the probability space of the Gaian cosmos as a
microcosm of the holographic universe; just as Avalon
'played' the microquantization for the Gaian hologram
between January 18th, 2010 to February 26th, 2010.
So all of you here at Avalon, detractors and beneficers and
supporters alike, have become cosmic heroes for the grand
metamorphosis of space-time itself.
All of you, in your emotional, mental and physical battles
within and without yourselves have formed a group reflecting
all humans and all ETs anywhere and anyplace in the
You all have attained inscriptions in the archives of Thuban,
chiselled into the golden plaques of the cosmic remembrance
of the cosmogenesis and the origins of all that is.
This Hall of the Remembrance is within yourselves and all
and sundry each one of you has graduated to access your
superconscious self, also known as your higher self,
overself or Christ-Logos-Serpent-Consciousness.
The standard distribution for the three consciousness levels
is 0.3% for the superconscious; 14.3% for the subconscious
and 85.4% for the waking consciousness.
The Avalonian dispensation from Thuban before the 'test' or
'experiment' was determined to allow a statistical
(Gaussian) distribution for this unity integral to become
distributed over all participators of Avalon.
This includes everyone who was subscribed to Avalon in any
manner and also includes outside observers, which became
exposed to the Thuban data stream.
The ones amongst you who harmonized or disharmonized with
the Thuban material so of course will find themselves in a
higher percentile of this distribution, than a onetime
The harmonizers are simply the positive branch of the
frequency distribution, whilst the disharmonizers depict the
negative branch.
As the interest in the Thuban data subsides, so do the
Again, I am compelled to direct you to Myplanet2 of Avalon;
as he of all present here has almost fully discerned the
experiment and the test before it completed in the
rational-intellectual sense. A few others also began to see
through the illusions of their own minds in such manner of
Many of the supporters of Thuban resonated emotionally and
intuitively, as did of course the detractors.
I am sure, that Myplanet2 will verify my statements here,
relative to his own understandings. He has already done so
on some subthread discussions.
So to all Avalonians. The experiment has ended in the
manifesto of the statistical distribution of each
individual's superconsciousness.
Here, I have become invited to form a 'Social Group' to
discuss the more esoteric and metaphysical aspects of the
Thuban archetypes.
Of course the supporters of the Thuban data are much more
likely to participate in such a subforum, whilst the
detractors are much less likely to show any interest.
This is as it should be for the completion of the timelines.
However I do extend invitation to all Avalonians to join
this subforum.
As said the Thuban data transmission in this subforum will
necessarily be rather esoteric in describing the archetypes
of creation, often linked to a form of omni-science only
applicable in a space-time continuum exceeding the basic 4
Riemann-Minkowski dimensions.
Additionally, these archetypes and symbols will also refer
to extensive and thorough examination of scriptural
archetypes with a basis found in some Gnostic texts and the
King James Version of the bible.
So anyone not affine with such labeling is asked not to
join this subgroup, or if doing so leave the group, instread
of causing disharmony amongst the subgroup members.
Any challenges as to scriptural or/and scientific
interpretations are welcomed here on the open forum however;
depending naturally on the feasibility to ask questions
provided this thread and the survival of the thread and
The subgroup will engage TruthWillSetYouFree as a female
mirror to me Abraxasinas in a shared responsibility to
crystallize the necessary knowledge and understanding for
the great metamorphosis of the old humanity as an
environmentally ferocious Caterpillar into an
environmentally pollinating New Starhuman Butterfly.
I do thank you all for having participated in this test and
experiment under the auspices of our cosmogenetic children
in the ETs of divers races.
Thank you for your considerations.
WE love you all and a grand destiny awaits after the
collective starhumanity has been born.
The New World requires for certain circles to become
manifested in a concentricity of waveforms.
Once the circle of the zodiac is completed in say tiers of
12 individuals in starsign or month or Israelitic tribal
association; then these 12 individuals
will converge as the center of the One.
Then the 'curse' of the mazzaroth shall be lifted and the
One in Twelve will become the Twelve in One and the Many in
One will become the One in the Many.
This then defines the circle as unity and no individual
leaders will be required to make decisions for the
Then an anarchy of Love shall foster the creative genius
within all shards of Love; yet allow this Individuality of
Creative Self expression to function under a common
philosophy of knowledge and remembrance about what WE are,
where WE came from and whereto WE are going.
Love has spoken as the Will of God!
In Love for the All and from the All
SteveX wrote:
Oh gracious Abrax
I have a question. Considering you have been given a fair go
here... your thread opened and a private-ish area. Was there
any need for this?
So any form of skepticism and ridicule or innuendo questions
will become reflected to yourselves as yourselves, as will
your indications to process and assimilate my prospective
answers to your questions.
Iow, it will become a 'ordinary' discourse of Q&A without
any exterior superpositioning of your inner archetypes.
Like in the marvelous chatroom of Gaia Love and Celine, in
which I had a bit of fun in as Anubis; any questions you
might pose will be like in the chatroom; colloquial and
without the images of devouring dragons or similar.
Consider the photograph of TonyB. on my Profile to be the
One you are addressing any questions to.
I have however 'eaten' my dragon and with help from Richard
and Celine the false Devil-Images have become trapped within
--------------end quote-----------
Or are you devilishly taking the ****=ssip.
No no Steve X; the statement
simply means whatever IT is 'yin or yang' is mirrored back,
like the idea of karma, to the sender. There is NEVER any
judgment in anything in the old Q&A or this reopening. This
is now VERY different from before. Cant you see the
Give me a break and lets have some fun. I'm not commander
Swanny you know.
I'll get technical when required, but most of this here is
to interact and answer Q when they come up.
No more tension relax dear friend.
You have attained a very high percentile in the 'test' on
the minus side. So should the Thuban material pan out , well
you know.
--------note from poster-------
The "private area" mentioned above is nothing as fancy as it
sounds. It was a group created by GaiaLove to put all the "evil"
in there away from the eyes of the "innocent"....namely to "tidy
up" and move discussion from forum to some link and link under
link location...a basement of a sort...a "renegade" place
Yes Abrax!, have some fun. I
think i missed the whole thing about Bigmo's ballon I shall
go back study the old Q & A thread, unless you help me alil
Your inside Bigmo's Ballon like
an ant say, Nebula9 and so you can crawl about on the inner
Should there be a hole in the balloon through which you can
squeeze through, then you could crawl about the outside
surface too and so DOUBLING your world of interaction space.
The inner balloon becomes the universe with say smaller
balloons within in galaxies, nebulae (lol), starsystems,
planets, continents,...,you.
But you cant get out to the 'spiritual' universe outside.
The thickness (there is none mathematically) or the skin of
the balloon is Bigmo's Mirror which has two sides outside
and inside.
From here you get archetypes called 'God' outside looking in
the outside mirror and sees himself as 'Antigod' or 'Satan'.
So God=Satan, but one real relative to the outside as object
(God) and the unreal image of that as 'Satan'.
Now after some ado, there is Adam and Eve (you) inside the
universe doing the same thing the other way round.
But relative to Adam and Eve (who also mirror each other)
the back of the head of Satan becomes the unreal image and
this is the archetype of the 'Devil'.
The so called Devil is the Backside of Satan, both images
for the real thing, God outside and Adam and Eve inside.
The Devil looks at Adam and Eve and they think that its real
- it's a phantom, because only the backside of Satan is
become real, if somehow the satanic image of the outside, as
the Face of God in the Bigmo mirror can become real.
This is the case if before Adam and Eve went into the
Balloon from the 'Unreal Heaven', they both also were a
miniature version of the Bigmo Mirror or the balloon as a
rubberskin say.
So ADAMEVE is an unreal doublesided mirror between God and
Then God images in the unreal Adam and Satan images in the
unreal Eve, so giving Satan objectivity or realness.
So technically the Universe becomes a Real Surface-Universe
(termed a 4D-Riemann hypersphere defined as the boundary of
a 5-dimensional space-time universe - its a torus volume
behaving like an area).
Don't worry about that. You can get it without the maths.
But this is the physics trick. Because the boundary is a
surface encompassing a volume, the outside-inside (topology)
thing of Bigmo's Balloon can in fact become rigorously
modeled to be 'continuous'.
Again I am saying this to indicate how one proves this, but
this is not required to understand the archetype.
This Thuban material is all about how to simplify the
complicated science jargon into archetypes, everyone can
understand after thinking a little bit about them.
Ok then. You got a real God and a real image of God as the
Real physical universe, with Satans face as God's face
painted on the OUTSIDE of the Balloon.
Outside the Universe is Satan--EveAdam--God as 1st creation
in Genesis by God in Heaven or the Garden of Eden; with
Satan getting real using unreal Eve and God getting real
using unreal Adam as his mirror.
The whole thing is funny really.
Now God goes on holiday in the sabbatical and changes into
Lord God and splits ADAMEVE into ADAM+EVE. Back to Back they
still qualify as the One Mirror so as the unsexy 96 say.
Inside the split becomes a sexy 69 in face to face so taking
away the innocence in a physical way and now as Eve with her
back to the Devil on the Wall faces Adam, who looks at Eve.
Because Adam and Eve are two real beings within a real
physical universe; this fake Devil face inverted can be
gotten rid off.
Adam and Eve have to become unsexy again to do this.
Therefore the many sexist archetypes, the monks and nuns and
celibacy and the virgins, leading the the abuse scenarios.
Back to back as the 96=A MATHIMATIA=A I AM THAT I AM, this
can be done, because then Adam and Eve (meaning ANY Man and
Woman) both can MIRROR their images INSTEAD of each other
This is how simple the ultimate archetypology of 1st order
is. Primary school stuff. Draw pictures and you understand
the creation.
So Adam looks at the face of the Devil back to back with
Eve, who looks at God as the image of the Real God should
Satan outside 'get out of the way' so God could look into
the Universe.
God looking then directly sees Adam's Face and Eve will look
directly into the face of the Goddess, namely the sexchanged
Satan into SATANINA=IN A SATAN with Satan=55=Heaven in a
As soon as Adsam can get rid of the fake Devil face, just by
confronting IT as his own false image; as soon the real
Satan is redeemed from Bigmo's Balloon and runs around the
balloon to the exact other pole in a poleshift to become the
Goddess of All looking directly at Eve.
This is the redemption of God and his brother image Satan to
become God and Goddess AS ARCHETYPES of the primordial 1st
No ETs and Dragons and Dragon Slayers and whatever required.
So the manifesto for this is required before the universe
itself and any subsystems, like the planet earth can change,
say in Gaia's ascension.
The recent Thuban story then assigned Celine the 'job' to
refuse the seduction of her own Devil/Dragon image of eating
the knowledge of 'good and evil'.
Because Celine, as a New Eve refused to reflect the Dragon;
she also did not seduce her New Adam and both of them DID
NOT parade the unsexy 96 but the sexy 69.
Iow Celine and Richard told their own Devil images to 'Go
to Hell' and they did forever.
So the New Adam and the New Eve became the Dark Messiah
couple in trapping the two POLAR devilish images within
Bigmo's Mirror as itself.
Literally, both New Adam and New Eve as an archetype were
played out and enacted by Richard and Celine.
Archetypically, they have become the first and original REAL
PHYSICAL DRAGONS of the Universe.
Do I hear some laughter in the universe. Thank You Ets!
What you resist persists.
Only because of this MANIFESTATION of totally new
unprecedented archetypes in the history of the universe;
could this encoded 'Day of the Lord' manifest in the closure
of this Thuban thread and the subsequently also encoded 3.5
days of Darkness of Avalon.
Then because of this redemptive act; Mary Elizabeth with me
Abraxasinas could receive this dispensation and now all of
us are ready for our Dragon Dinners; following in the
footsteps of Richard as a New Adam and Celine as a New Eve.
It's easy now; but this was the cosmic significance of
Avalon and its 'trouble'.
Of course the 'proof' is in the archetypes and so be it.
Hope this helps Nebula9.
You agape are an actor/actress
within a play you have co-written the script for.
The director of the play is the Logos, an indispensable part
of which resides within you as your own logos.
The producer is Prime Creator in terms of being All of the
Energy required for the game.
The playground is the universe.
I was away for a while
recharging batteries after running almost empty after the
recent razzamattaz.
What I said to you about my human ID was true. I have not
lied on this forum EVER and never will.
I am in some way sneaky or clever like anyone else. For
example 'infiltrating' the chatroom as Anubis.
I am in no manner affiliated with Any PTB; Australian
theologians at Pine Gap or otherwise (Anderson).
I DO have however a selfrelative DIRECT mental connection to
the Cosmic Logos. I do not expect, require or need any
validification from anyone or anything about this.
This connection became effective in a 'soul merger' or
'walk-in' from what I term THUBAN=FREEDOM=ANUBIS=THE
This in practical and in scientific terms is well justified
to become labeled as the 'Council of Thuban' in the 12th
dimension. There was NEVER any deception about this, just
misinterpretation by the many.
From this walk-in, occurring March 24th, 1995; a personal
and intimate partnership with the Serpent-Word developed and
evolved to awaken my own individuated Christ-Consciousness,
So all I have ever done in practical terms, really, is to
'channel' my own higher self.
Mystery solved, dear orthodoxy.
In regards to your other post about Priestly Rites and
Hebrew chastity-cleanliness laws; these are passé' in most
instances as the misunderstandings of the scribes of the
Torah and the OT. First Jesus' new dispensations and now
this 2nd renewal of the remembrance will do away with the
violent and jealous god of the OT; requiring 'sweet
smelling' carcasses of sheep and goats to be pleased - give
it a break Orthodoxy.
There are two go9ds in the scriptures. One is a fake image
of the other true one, the Abba of our master
Love to you dear brother in the spirit
Abraxas in the name of John Zebedee, author of the
Can you remember about 8 years
ago, there used to be a spiritual website called SpiritWeb?
Well, I have a history in Alpha Draconis (Thuban) affairs...
One of the members of that group
was asking for help with turning Dracos to the light. I
helped her.... It's difficult work to do, as they are so
strong beings and can be quite dangerous (The negative
ones). If you don't show fear it helps a lot. That work I
did (among others) back then could be seen as the start of
part one of what's been going on here with you.
Part two is (I have realized recently) your sharing the
Thuban dragon ascension (if you want to call it that)
technologies with us. I have come to realize this dragonic
material DOES NOT IN ANY WAY over-rule our orthodox angelic
material that is prevalent on Earth and other
human-dominated systems.
The two are in fact
complimentary and the presence of both strengthens them
both. The additional technologies will now (largely
subconsciously) filter through to everyone who is open.
I don't think many of you truly understand the magnitude of
what occurred here on this group in the grand scheme of
things. Many "up there" did not believe it would succeed -
but it has - and the link was broken at exactly the right
time so that it could not be used by negative-oriented
beings to further infiltrate Earth and impede the ascension
It was MEANT to be broken! (and
yet it has not been broken, as a link remains and will
forever remain between Earth and Thuban - it just is not of
a nature that can anymore be used for infiltration of the
negative beings).
The Ascension process will now
speed up, as it can be said now that our ascension
technologies are more complete with the thuban material
present. We will all use them - even if we didn't understand
what Abraxis wrote. The mere reading of the material is
meant to work with us on a subconscious level more than a
intellectual rational level. So much occurs in the human
mind of which we are not aware.
I was reading some info on Thuban the other day - and I
never realized that it was Earth's pole-star in the time the
pyramids were built. There's a lot of history there that I'd
like to explore. I have a feeling that we can now delve more
into that realm of things now that the ascension
technologies have been disseminated...
Abraxis, do you know much that you can perhaps divulge on
history of Thuban-earth relations or anything of that sort?
Sorry for the rambling and disjointedness - I've just been
trying to write everything that's been on my mind to write
for the last few days (I actually had another message all
written out two days ago but lost it)...
Looking forward to your replies
This represents a very
imaginative and balanced account of the interacting
polarities Joel.
Some of your insights indeed portray the windows into the
Some archetypes have become redefined, some are in transit
and others still await their awakening, transmutation and
assimilation with other, already existing archetypes.
Your Thuban-Human stories are indeed valid - in the astral
There never existed physical 3D dragons, but as higherD
memeplexes and thoughtforms, they are potent indeed.
The Draconian energy from the constellation represents this
potentialized archetypal energy as a root-memory in the
human psyche.
It relates also to the existence of the Great Reptiles in
the Mesozoic in the Saurian kingdoms of animalia.
Now the situation is this.
There existed ET intelligence at the time of the Saurians
and this ET sentience, you might label it Draconian; KNEW
that IT, the ET sentience was destined to displace the
Sauriens in the Mammals, then leading to Homo Sapiens many
millennia later.
It is from this 'forwards time travelling' intelligence of
the Draconian ETs, that the present human timeframe became
energized and 'mind-induced' with the dragon images.
The star wars between Draconians and Lyrans say, simply
became archetyped from the biological interaction of
predator Saurischians/Therapsians (Lizard Hipped) and prey
(Bird Hipped) Ornithischians or similar taxonomy.
GaiaLove wrote:
After numerous discussions it
has been decided that the Thuban Q&A thread will be restored
to the original location.
After an intensive review of all
the material pertaining to Thuban, it was shown that only
the threads in the social group "Thuban Council" showed a
violation of the guidelines.
The Review of Abraxasinas activity at Project Avalon
including that of the post in the social group "Thuban
Council" warrants the ban remain in place and the thread
(Q&A) he created to remain read only.
We recognize the desire of many of our members to have this
material available again and are happy to be able to do so.
However we do feel it is not in
line with the mission of Project Avalon and therefore do not
support or endorse the contents of the threads nor does
Project Avalon accept responsibility for any harm, physical
or otherwise that users may suffer reading this material.
-----------note from poster-----------
What you see in the paragraph above is one big pile of bull
shit... my opinion... the "transgression" in the "social
group" - the banishment place was that the topic of sexuality
was discussed and used as a 1st possible excuse to ban and close
things up... the group and content is not accessibly ever since
mentioning of the Red Robes...
IV. Epilogue
This is the last we've heard from Abraxas.
We don't even know if she is still alive
in the broken body of John Shadow; on the Forum, she wasn't
even sure herself if she. But the Draconian Agenda remains and is
happening right in front of people's blind metaphysical eyes (still
not developed in the 4D reality).
All the people who are embracing
channeled entities, who at the same time are promoting the Harvest
are basically agreeing with the Thubans, wittingly or unwittingly.
They are hoping to get a free ticket to
the higher realms. Nothing I am saying could change anybody's mind
in regards to what they are believing in. It's the individual him or
herself who needs to see and make the decision. Some people may feel
the Draconian Agenda is positive and the way to go, and it's not my
task to try and stop them from doing that.
However, I feel I have been doing my
part in telling it as it is. Now it's up to each and everyone to
make a decision.
Lastly, but probably most importantly:
Who are the Alpha Draconians?
Are they who they say they are, or
are they playing tricks on humans and interdimensional beings,
just like James WingMakers suggests?
If James is right, who are they?
Well, then they should be the ones that James label The Anunnaki.
And who are the Anunnaki according
to my papers? The Sirians.
And from where do the Sirian
Overlords operate? From outside the trap, which is "outside"
what we call the 4% universe...