by Alfred Lambremont Webre
December 20,
NewsInsideOut Website

Peace Portal,
In a December 18, 2019
letter by NewsInsideOut.com to Tolec of the Andromeda Council's
Joint Earth Council, the Andromeda Council's representative was
asked to address the issue of possible future Tyranny arising from
the Earth, Earth's Moon, and Mars:
December 18, 2019
Impeachment Day
Tolec Hi!
In the course of preparing for our
New Earth Community meeting on Saturday January 18, 2020
at 2pm Pacific/5pm Eastern time - invitation to a New Earth Community Monthly Meeting -
- I came across the following Cautionary statement made by a
colleague of mine in 1996:
'Now, in our
galaxy there are many councils.
I don't know everything
about all those councils, but I do know about
the Andromedan Council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star
systems that come together and discuss what is going on in
the galaxy.
It is not a
political body.
What they have
been recently discussing is the tyranny in our future, 357
years from now, because that affects everybody.'
'Apparently what they have done, through
time travel, is
that they have been able to figure out where the significant
shift in energy occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years
in our future.
They have traced
it back to our solar system, and they have been able to
further track it down to Earth, Earth's moon and Mars, those three
Defending Sacred Ground, p. 10
The Cautionary statement
refers to the Andromeda Council (AC) and to the Council's finding that
Tyranny will arise in the Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxies in the
year 2353 AD, out of our Earth, Earth's Moon and Mars (See text
of full letter below)...
Andromeda Council's December 19, 2019 - Joint Earth Council member
response is reproduced here in full:
Andromeda Council
- Earth is already on a positive timeline.
"Hi Alfred.
re: The issue you raise regarding a potential future Reptilian
instigated "tyranny" event
"Thank you for your letter and your concern.
"Having learned many, many years ago about this topic from our
mutual colleague,
Alex Collier, whom I roomed
with, and spoke with though on a different day, at Rob
Potter's Mt. Shasta conference, the Summer of 2015 (we had a
great time together).
"On April 29, 2012, I held an interview with Mark Snyder of Ohio Exopolitics Radio regarding the potential
'future' event of
"tyranny", approximately 360 years into our future, in which I
discussed with my contact people on the "Andromeda Council"
(again, which is formally known in deep space by its Ambassadors
and Diplomats as the: "Galactic Council") the prevention, reasons,
and details, about this potential future event.
"VIDEO: Here is the April 29, 2012
YouTube web link address of
that interview with Mark discussing this topic: (see attached a
written 5 page PDF summary brief of that interview with images)
Overall Summary:
a.) In
essence, the formal intervention by the Council to prevent
the near future event you expressed concerned about
began with the destruction of the many Draco and Hydra Reptilian
undersea, and
underground bases, including many beside the ones
we discussed in our interviews, by the
people of Procyon star
system, planet Kaena, the fourth senior member of the Council;
as well as the capture of many of the Reptilian Generals and other
high ranking officers, as well as highly placed Reptilian
hybrid/human "Illuminati" High Officials, that were captured,
tried and convicted, on the primary Council biosphere, in a War
Crimes Against Humanity Tribunal.
All of this
information you can find directly referenced here, on
this web page.
b.) A very, very brief summary of attached PDF,
3 page 'Summary Brief' of that interview with Mark Synder is as
If the past time construct/line had been allowed to continue…
there would have been a singular, catastrophic event and moment
that would have been the wholesale completion of a long term
strategy, conversion and transformation of all oxygen breathing,
human habitable and inhabited worlds of the Milky Way galaxy… of
all life forms… by DNA markers/genetics and vibrational
frequency… into being a completely Reptilian one.
Draco Reptilians are master technologists and geneticists.
"The catastrophic event 360+ years in the future would have been
- IF the Reptilians actions of attempting to change Earth
planetary wide frequency, and human DNA, were allowed to
Based on their goals, 360+ years in the future, there would have
been a simultaneous event where, to use a metaphor, a number of
Reptilian specific, low level frequency, energetic 'tumblers in
a lock' all syncing up together at the same time would
have at that moment converted the whole Milky Way Galaxy and
transformed everything and everyone to a Reptilian vibrational
frequency and a Reptilian DNA pattern.
"If you
'connect the dots' and try to look the bigger picture - this issue is not just about Earth, and the twenty (20) other
planets that have already been Reptilian occupied and
subversively controlled for years, with two (2) other
Class M planets just like Earth without all of the
diversity that we have".
Reptilian Agenda - Milky Way
Galaxy Catastrophe Year 2370
c.) Since
the Council has intervened many times… and the Draco (and Orion
and Sirius B) and Hydra Reptilians', Earth based - and - Moon
based, undersea and underground operational bases have been
We of Earth ARE
Therefore, I'm
also providing to you
the PDF list of the now
Moon bases (once occupied
Reptilians and
Greys), and
the results of the space war with the aligned planets of the
Also, please know, any Reptilian technology, transponder
based on the planet Mars and the Moon… sending out low vibrational,
human agitating, war inciting, fear inducing feelings and emotions…
these have also already been destroyed.
d.) I did ask my Council contacts, when you wrote that thesis about
In short they said,
"…no, he is not what you humans call the
As we told you (Tolec
in 2017),
"…he is a
non-politician, outside of your political system. He was
specifically chosen as an instigator and advocate
of much needed change."
Rest up and be well my friend.
Take care, and many blessings,
Q: Knowing that the affiliated planets of the Andromeda Council took
out many bases on Earth's moon,
Who/what is left on the Moon and in
what capacity?
Any bases?
Are there 3D or 4D beings?
Are these
beings benevolent?
That is to say, are all the
bad guys gone?
Note: for those people who would like to see a visual representation
of a mapped out version of the far side of the Moon, as provided by USGS satellites, please go to
Here is a list of bases that used to exist on the
back side of the
Moon, from the top to the bottom, as provided by the commander of
the primary Andromeda Council biosphere:
1. Schwatzschild 2. Hippoc-ratees 3. Birkhoff 4. Cantor 5. Mare Mosco-viense 6. Nernst 7. Hertzspruig
(Crevices or Rivers?) 8. Mendeleev 9. Skloddwska 10. Mare Orientale 11. Apollo
12. Nassau 13 (Crommelin -
Catena Eusretius)
"This is the
Commander of the Andromeda Council biospheres.
We had several
ongoing battles with these moon occupied bases during the
war in space. We rounded up the Reptilians and Greys,
and their various Earth elite people at the end of this war.
The Reptilians
and Greys were taken through
a stargate as planned and sent to the outer
regions of the Universe to fight among themselves.
And they cannot
come back through the stargate which has, in essence, a secret code
Unfortunately, many good 3rd dimensional people, humans
from Earth and Mars; as well as human/reptilian mixed people from both
Orion and the Sirius B star system, whose external look is human, but
their genetic core is reptilian… they were killed on both sides due
to this war.
We are saddened by the fact that many of our own
3D comrades from some of our own aligned planets were
killed, as well as those of the abducted people who were
under mastermind control by the Reptilians and Greys.
As for
the Elite Earth people who have joined them as a contractual
agreement between these people and the Reptilian/Grey group, they
were given the choice to:
a) return to
Earth with the memory wiped clean ===> specifically of
their connection with the Reptilians and Greys,
b) remain on the Moon base to work with people affiliated with us in
developing technology for the good of the Universe, allow our
Medical team work with them to heal their minds of their occupation
with the Reptilian/Grey, and update us in various debriefing
meetings of the Reptilian/Grey agenda, as our cooperation agreement
Regarding Earth people that were abducted against their will for
experimentation and manipulated by the Reptilian/Grey control of
their minds:
1.) They were helped by the AC Medical Team up to one of a variety
of biospheres, a full 50% of them, 6 of them are solely "medical"
biospheres, full scale hospitals if you will, for removal of the
implants and the recovery… the healing of their mind, body, emotions
and spirit.
2.) They were given a choice to remain with the Andromeda Council
and their Sub-committees, or, become messengers to Earth people in
their own way, or go back to their own lives with their memories
intact and yet, healed of the post-traumatic abduction experiences
without any side effects.
As to the remaining bases on the Moon,
currently, there are 3 D and
4 D people on these bases.
Only benevolent beings, only good people
remain on the Moon in bases that are livable, oxygen breathing
These remaining people primarily continue their exploration
of new, 'clean' technology development and testing to benefit Earth,
the Moon, and the Universe in general.
We have
people from other star systems that volunteer to help
Earth's Moon people to assist them and provide them with additional
knowledge and wisdom.
And, Earth's Moon based people - they provide many members of the AC
with information covering a wide range of topics on Earth life to
provide the AC with a greater understanding about Earth life in
general ===> because they, as Earth's ancestors they have keen
interest in the AC's descendants on Earth.
They want to better
understand how to interact with the people of Earth.
From Tania, the Vice Chairwoman of the AC, and
Tanka the spiritual
sage and Ambassador to Earth, they told me recently,
"…it is with great love
and eagerness on our part that our people
prepare to visit Earth. We want to do everything we possibly can to
ease the people of Earth into 4th dimensional life.
As we prepare our people, we understand we are very much your
students teaching us about 3rd dimensional life… as well as us being
your teachers about 4th dimensional life.
This is a part of the
Universal law in action… with love… we share what we have with you our
relatives in this Universe.
There is no lack in the Universal supply
regarding the needs of all worlds that partakes of the Oneness of
life as expressed by our Creator and Creation.
For your world, it is a
dream, a dream coming true. For us, it is about the Heavens and the
Earth being reunited together again as One.
We are returning to one
another and we will celebrate with a Feast of Feasts together. Earth
has come a long way to rejoin with our brothers and sisters of the
A celebration in the Universe will be underway soon".
From the commander of the primary AC biosphere, he also said:
"…Earth will choose, if it wants to, to also become part of
Galactic Federation which is already within our governance
and under
our Council's protection, due to their overwhelming vote as part of
this council to intervene… such as we did on behalf of Earth.
As Tolec says, you have a right to evolve on your own… to be free
sovereign people."
NewsInsideOut.com Letter to Tolec, Andromeda Council representative,
December 20, 2019:
December 18, 2019
U.S. Impeachment Day
I came across the following
Cautionary statement made by a colleague
of mine in 1996:
'Now, in our galaxy there are many councils.
I don't know everything
about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan
council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems
that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is
not a political body.
What they have been recently discussing is the
tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects
'Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they
have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy
occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future.
They have
traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to
further track it down to Earth, Earth's moon and Mars. Those three
Defending Sacred Ground, p. 10
The Cautionary statement refers to the Andromeda Council and to the
Council's finding that Tyranny will arise in the Milky Way and
Andromeda Galaxies in the year 2353 AD, out of our Earth, Earth's
Moon and Mars.
The Cautionary statement appears in the following article, excerpted
"The idea that advanced civilizations from the future are
intervening in current human affairs to preserve the timeline is
also supported by Alex Collier, who claims to have had contact with
extraterrestrials from the Andromeda Constellation.
He said in a
1996 interview:
'Now, in our galaxy there are many councils. I don't know everything
about all those councils, but I do know about the Andromedan
council, which is a group of beings from 139 different star systems
that come together and discuss what is going on in the galaxy. It is
not a political body.
What they have been recently discussing is the
tyranny in our future, 357 years from now, because that affects
'Apparently what they have done, through time travel, is that they
have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy
occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future.
They have
traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to
further track it down to Earth, Earth's moon and Mars. Those three
Defending Sacred Ground, p. 10
"Collier's comment that a galactic tyranny suddenly appears in the
future which can be traced to the Earth, Moon, and Mars is very
These are the precise locations where a German-run secret
space program had established itself after having first established
a colony
in Antarctica with the help of an extraterrestrial
civilization called
the Draconians.
"The German SSP subsequently established a base on the Moon with the
Draconian's help and finally established multiple bases on Mars
after reaching secret agreements with
the Eisenhower administration.
The Germans subsequently began serving alongside Draconian
extraterrestrials in imperial galactic conquests taking place far
outside our solar system."
While all this might appear to be
to some Q supporters, it's important to keep in mind that Q has
confirmed that time distorting technologies exist and are being used
against the Deep State.
What I wish to emphasize is that
the Deep
State, which is linked to this German-run secret space program, also
possesses time distorting technology and is using it as well to
alter the timeline in which we live.
"The best physical evidence that our timeline is being altered is
Mandela Effect, which many people have observed and written
The highly popular
Edge of Wonder YouTube channel created a
video documenting the top ten proofs of the Mandela Effect."
As you know, we are developing the
New Earth Community and its
Living Agenda in 2020 as an interactive initiative to help support
the manifestation, consciousness, and awareness among Earth humanity
of the existence and presence of our regional galactic governance
council and the galactic governance council of the Milky Way and
Andromeda galaxies, the Andromeda Council, and ultimately the
creation of a Search process for the creation of Joint Earth
Question about Cautionary Statement
As we embark upon the important collective tasks of interfacing with
our regional galactic governance council and the galactic governance
council of the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies, the Andromeda
Council in wisely guiding our Earth's future through the New Earth
Community and the Joint Earth Council, a singular issue comes to the
It is vital that at the start of this process we consult with the
Andromeda Council as to:
Validity of the Cautionary Statement, and
If the Cautionary Statement is a valid prediction, some Guidance
as to how a more positive timeline for Earth, Earth's Moon and Mars
can be created to that Tyranny will not break out for the Milky Way
and Andromeda Galaxy.
By the Cautionary Statement we mean:
"Apparently what they have done, through
time travel, is that they
have been able to figure out where the significant shift in energy
occurred that causes the tyranny 357 years in our future.
They have
traced it back to our solar system, and they have been able to
further track it down to Earth,
Earth's Moon and
Mars: those three
We have noted the seeds of
Tyranny on Earth, Earth's Moon, and Mars
in the form of the
U.S. Secret Space Program, as
now approved under
the Space force of the Current POTUS.

Is 666 Revelations AntiChrist Trump?
Many thanks Tolec.
Please let me know of any information that you
may need.