compiled by George Andrews
extracted from
Matrix II
The Following Material
compiled by George Andrews who wrote "Extraterrestrials
Among Us", was Original Seen in Matrix I.
It is
Important Enough to be Transferred to
Matrix II and combined with the rest of the book. George has a new
book which should come out in 1991-1992 entitled
"Extraterrestrials Friends and Foes". |
The information in this chapter was given to me by a lady who has
experienced multiple abductions by both the types of entities
described, and who insists upon retaining her anonymity.
I realize
that some of her statements are extremely controversial, and that
the prudent course would be to refrain from relaying such explosive
material to the public, since it is based entirely on unverifiable
statements made by one person.
However, I have now shared this with
a considerable number of other abductees, many of whom feel that it
correlates significantly with their own experiences, and that the
information it contains is of such potential importance that it
deserves a public hearing, which would be the quickest and most
effective way to either confirm or invalidate it.
This is a preliminary and exploratory attempt to establish a taxonomy of extra-terrestrial humanoids.
As I don't have any hard
evidence to back up my statements, they must therefore be considered
as speculation, though they are based on anecdotal evidence which is
in my opinion sincere and truthful. The two types I am about to
describe represent only a small fraction of the many types, both
short and tall and of medium height, who are at present hovering
above us or among us.
The first explosions of our nuclear weapons at the end of World War
II sent out a signal that brought in a veritable traffic jam of
entities from many different regions of this galaxy and of
neighboring galaxies, as well as from many other dimensions. Besides
this swarm of newcomers, we have been visited by a wide variety of
extraterrestrial and inter-dimensional life forms throughout our
history and prehistoric times.
However, the following two types have
not only been interacting with us since deep antiquity, but are
engaged in long-enduring celestial warfare, which is also being
carried out on Earth, in which our allegiance is a key factor.
The first type is
the short gray humanoids with the large heads,
which resemble embryos and average about four and half feet in
height. They are from a solar system that revolves around Rigel.
Rigel is a double bluish-white star on the left foot of Orion, about
800 light years from Earth.
They have problems with their glands,
particularly with their sebaceous glands, which make it difficult
for them to digest food. These glandular problems were caused mainly
by exposure to radioactivity during a nuclear war their race fought
in the distant past, many thousands of years ago.
It is this type of humanoid that is performing most of the animal
mutilations and human abductions, which has made a secret deal with
our government, and which was in contact with Hitler. They derive
nourishment from the glandular secretions and the enzymes they
extract from the animals they mutilate, which they absorb through
their pores.
Our government permits such activities partially
because of its acute fear of these beings, and partially because it
is under the delusion that they will give us technical information
enabling us to attain military superiority over the Russians in
exchange for our permitting the mutilations and abductions.
The Stealth Bomber and Star Wars technologies are being obtained
from them. However, our government does not appear to realize that
when it comes to the crunch the technology they are transmitting
will not work as it is supposed to. It is not in their interest to
give us decisive military superiority over the Russians, or vice
It is in their interest to keep us in a state of unresolved
conflict with each other, the old game of divide and conquer.
If no animals were available, they could subsist upon gland extracts
derived from humans. As a rule they do not use humans in this
fashion, but they could and would in an emergency. Their attitude
toward humans is to tolerate us to the extent that we are useful in
raising the animals necessary for their nourishment.
Despite many
attempts, none of our terrestrial animals (nor their frozen sperm or
ovum or embryos) have survived the long journey back to their
They would not attack us with nuclear weaponry, as nuclear war would
irrevocably poison or totally destroy this planet's entire
biosphere, including any hypothetical human or animal survivors, who
would inevitably suffer from glandular problems similar in nature to
those they are already afflicted with. They do have the ability to
throw this planet off its axis.
Rigellan technology is more advanced than ours, but that is the only
way in which they are more advanced than we are. They manipulate us
through our laziness and ignorance.
Working under the instructions of the humanoids from Rigel, CIA and
former Nazi scientists have developed and deployed malignant strains
of bacteria and viruses, including AIDS. The rationale from the
fascist point of view is to exterminate portions of the population
considered to be undesirable.
The rationale from the Rigellan point
of view is to decimate the human population to such an extent that
the survivors would accept open control by the Rigellans.
The Rigellans are almost entirely devoid of emotions, but can obtain
a second-hand 'high' by telepathically tuning in to different kinds
of intense human evolution, such as ecstasy or agony. This is not
done for the purpose of sadistic gratification, as most of them are
oblivious to the difference between positive and negative mental
It is a biochemical as well as a psychological process, used
as a mood-elevator.
Certain types of unusual sexual practices attract these entities
like flies. It was
Aleister Crowley's sexual
pursuits rather than anything else which attracted these entitles to
him to absorb the energies released.
Crowley was more effective as a
medium than as a magician. Some of his diatribes about trampling the
weak were due to telepathic linkage with entities who were obtaining
a vicarious 'high'
from the intense emotion involved in such diatribes.
The humanoids that have been nick-named 'Swedes' are on the average
between six and six and a half feet tall. They are from a solar
system that revolves around
Procyon, a binary yellowish-white and
yellow star system that rises before Sirius in Canis Minoris (in the
body of the Lesser Dog), about 11.4 light years from Earth.
They are
from the fourth planet in orbit around the Procyon double star
system. The tall Blonds humanoids from Procyon and the short gray
humanoids from Rigel have been enemies for many thousands of years.
The tall Blonds from Procyon have a benign attitude toward humanity,
except for their strong disapproval of our inhumanity to each other.
This strong disapproval is further intensified by our government
having made a secret alliance with their hereditary enemies, in
order to obtain even more destructive weapons systems than those
already in existence. Our government is not interested in
negotiating with the Procyonians, as they would not provide us with
weapons systems.
The tall blond humanoids carried out
experiments that involved both artificial Insemination and
Interbreeding with primitive humanity. The desired result was to
combine the larger brain capacity of the tall Blonds with the lung capacity and respiratory system of primitive
humanity, better suited to this planet's atmosphere.
The sudden
emergence of Cro-Magnon man was the result of their intervention. A
large proportion of present-day humanity is descended from this
mixed ancestry.
The Procyonians have continued to cross-breed with us at many stages
of our evolutionary development, and this type of activity still
goes on at the present time. They are trying to straighten out and
correct the somewhat scrambled results of their earlier
interventions. We turned out to be physiologically acceptable, but
are as yet considered to be a psychologically unstable and immature
The Rigelians also perform genetic experiments on us, but are
hampered by the extreme degree of difference between our species,
and are not capable of interbreeding with us directly.
The Procyonians tune in on us telepathically to vicariously
experience our emotions, as the Rigelians do, but the Procyonian
motivation is to trace and fully understand the biological and
psychological ramifications of these emotions. Their motivation for
breeding with humans is to tune up the frequency of our species, in
order to help us to help ourselves.
Their concern is for the
well-being of all forms of life, not just humanity. The entire
biosphere will benefit if we fulfill our positive potential, instead
of self-destructing and destroying our planet's biosphere in the
It would be a mistake to count on them to clean up the mess we have
made of our polluted planet, or to bring peace by dismantling our
nuclear weapons. It is up to us to solve the problems that we have
ourselves created. No one else will do this for us.
Humans tend to
make either Christ-figures or Satan-figures out of extra-terrestrial
or inter-dimensional visitors, in order to absolve themselves from
the responsibility for their own actions.
This is a self-defeating
strategy that does not work, that never has and never will. Awaiting
a savior from the sky is a recipe for disaster.
If we each do our
very best to tilt the balance toward the continued improvement of
our species and the quality of life on this planet, we stand a
chance of resolving the immense problems we are faced with, but
there are no guarantees.
Christ-consciousness should not be confused
with Christ...
It is easy to kneel in awe. It is far more demanding to
develop the full spectrum of awareness that is Christ-consciousness.
It is up to us to shape our own destiny.
Although the Procyonians are from a specific physical place within
our galaxy, they can also travel through time and between
The Rigelians do not have these abilities. The
Procyonians frequently use mechanical vehicles for transport, but
are not exclusively dependent on them (as the Rigelians are), since
they can also use thought processes to teleport themselves
Our own legends Indicate that a few rare and highly
developed human adepts have occasionally acquired this ability. Mo
mechanical vehicle can equal or exceed the speed of light, but such
teleportation can.
The process requires de-materialization and
The name by which the Procyonians call their home planet translates
into English as “the home of those who travel through time”. The
stone circles and megaliths constructed under their supervision in
deep antiquity were geocentrically and celestially aligned to give
access to time travel, thereby serving as time portals. It was also
possible to acquire access to other dimensions through them.
In order to extricate ourselves from the covert alliance
the CIA had
made with Rigel, without our knowledge or consent, we must first
regain control of our government.
At this point Khyla of Procyon,
the Watcher who transmitted the
information contained in this chapter, intervened to make the
following statement:
“Tyrants have been defeated many
times on many planets, in countless solar systems and galaxies.
How strange it is that as soon as one tyrant of any species is
thought to be banished forever another always, but always, takes
his place.
The idealistic revolutionaries who defeated King
George III in America went on to oppress the Indians and Blacks.
Many of those who fought most courageously against the Axis
powers of fascism later became fascists themselves, as is
demonstrated by the present plight of the Palestinians, Afghans,
Chileans and Nicaraguans.
Yes, you must try to regain control of
your government, but if so much as one individual Involved in
this process has not first gained control of his or her
selfhood, It will be for naught. One can never defeat or gain
control of anything but oneself.
Those destined to oust the Rigelians
must always keep track of the state of their selfhood, and learn
first to defeat within themselves the essence of that which is
tyranny. Through this type of awareness, they will know when to
act and when not to act. Through understanding a hostile entity
to be but one of the ineffable countless facades, it loses its
power over you.
Through the ability to wisely perceive a hostile
entity, you may gain control of It. In overcoming the Rigelians,
one must take great precautions not to become oneself the enemy.
Certain levels of conscious existence will always be subject to
tyranny. It is the nature of the vibratory rate. Gain control of
yourself by ceasing to try to control.
Anything you try to
conquer, you only make stronger. Lao Tse was one of our best
Although he was not of human origin,
Padma Sambhava evolved to such an extent during his life on
earth In human form that his development surpasses ours, as our
development surpasses that of ordinary terrestrial humans with
their three-dimensional awareness.
We have multidimensional
awareness, but the awareness of Padma Sambhava is omni-dimensional.
He transmits to me much of what I am telling you. We do not
align ourselves with the terrestrial hierarchy that formed
around the tradition he left behind him, but we do maintain
communication with his very much alive omni-dimensional
presence. Such communication still remains available to
terrestrial humans who seek it with whole-hearted single-pointed
devotion, either within or outside the context of the Nahayana
Buddhist hierarchy.
The Tibetan legends about the sacred
treasures concealed by the lotus-born Root Guru for humanity's
future time of greatest need refer to physically real objects of
power whose retrieval will be essential to humanity's survival
in the forthcoming apocalyptic struggle. They cannot be
retrieved until Tibet is returned to the Tibetans.
Scandinavian legends concerning Odainsakr refer to these same
The Watchers have always been here. Those who hear or
touch or are touched by them will evolve themselves into
All cultures go through a stage of
high technological achievement prior to learning that everything
they get their machines to accomplish can be done with pure
thought. The Watchers need no tools to contact any mind.
Humanity as a collective entity may create whatever destiny it
chooses for Itself.
These paths Include enslavement, nuclear
destruction, and peaceful flourishing growth.
Whatever path
humanity selects is right for it. Souls do not cease to exist.
If this planet is destroyed, they will go on to learn elsewhere.
If you are free from the fetters of illusion, no force can harm
you. To escape, one merely accepts. To accept is to transcend.
When you know unceasingly that even
in a nuclear holocaust both antagonists, the battle itself, and
the perception of that whole event is the oneness of the
Ineffable In a dance with its shadow, you will no longer need to
exist at this level. The entire cosmos is but the manifestation
of the mind and light and energy of the one ineffable.
War is
neither right nor wrong. Wisdom can be gained on any path.
that which seems certain folly is only a play of light and
shadow. There are countless ways to learn. It is merely more
pleasant to select a curriculum that is less prone to being
painful. If an individual or a collective entity elects to learn
through suffering, so be it.
There are less traumatic ways to
gather understanding. The Rigelians and the CIA have put in
motion the potential for a rather drastic mode of learning. This
can be altered at any time. Whatever it may be, the outcome is
always as it should be.
However, this does not mean that we
should sit back and take no action.”
The ancestors of
the short Grays were
once tall Blonds.
The Great War took place. Behold the bitter fruit
of victory. The Grays are a genetically damaged species. If
terrestrial humans were to survive a nuclear winter, they might well
look like that, several generations later.
Before the great war, Rigel was a vast empire, which had been the source of most galactic
seeding. All Rigelians were tall Blonds. A colony had already been
established on Procyon. The Great war was a civil war of Rigelians
versus Rigelians, and lasted the equivalent of three Earth
A group of Rigelians who realized that the Great War was about to
break out took off for the Procyon colony in crude, clandestinely
built ships. At that time, all the sophisticated equipment was owned
by the State. They were the only Rigelians to escape the cataclysmic
All those who had remained on Rigel were transformed
into the short Grays.
After the Great War, when the Rigelians had become the short Grays,
it took them thousands of years to reconstruct their society. They
were damaged not only genetically and in their glandular systems,
but also mentally and psychologically. As soon as the short Grays
had reconstituted a power base, they launched an attack on the tall
Blonds who had escaped to the Procyon colony.
Although the Blonds of Procyon had been spared the extreme
chromosome and glandular damage sustained by those who had stayed
behind on Rigel, they did suffer some radiation damage during their
warfare with the Grays, which was minor in comparison.
However, it
is this that has rendered their females vulnerable to a disease that
is decimating their numbers. The mute telepathic Blonds, who do not
have speech abilities, suffered more extensive radiation damage than
those who retained their speech ability.
Two major wars are still in progress. The one between Rigel and
Procyon is at present in a state of temporary truce, in which active
fighting could break out at any time, comparable to the U.S.-Soviet
cold war situation. The war between Rigel and the Sirius system is
being fought actively.
Earth was seeded by the original tall blond Rigelians, before the Great War took place. The original tall blond Rigelians were the
progenitors of Cro-Magnon man. It is because of this common ancestry
that terrestrial humanity is of such interest to both the Blonds and
the Grays. The abductees who are not returned are used for breeding
purposes, and are in general treated well.
Terrestrial human females can be impregnated either on board ship or
while they sleep in their homes. Males need not be manifested in
visible form for this to occur.
Both Grays and Blonds have the ability to disintegrate matter into
energy, then reintegrate the energy back into matter. That is how
they pass through walls and roofs, and transport abductees through
walls and roofs.
Grays have the ability to camouflage themselves as tall Blonds
through mental energy projection. Blonds do not ever project
themselves as Grays.
Sometimes Blonds are physically real, but are
prisoners of the Grays. The Grays must paralyze or destroy their
ability to teleport through time and other dimensions in order to
take them prisoner.
Just as in terrestrial warfare there are sometimes traitors,
defectors, deserters and prisoners of war, so there are in warfare
between extra-terrestrials. And just as in terrestrial warfare there
are periods of truce, during which teams from opposing armies may
cooperate temporarily on certain projects, so there are periods of
truce in warfare between extra-terrestrials.
Some Blonds have high intellectual and verbal abilities, while
others are mute and telepathic.
The Blonds with speech abilities
will respond violently if attacked or threatened, but the telepathic
type will not. Both types are careful to avoid exposure, and usually
encounter humans In quiet Isolated places. They contact females more
frequently. They may just stare and observe humans, then retreat. Blonds were sometimes mistaken for angels in earlier centuries. The
Blonds do not seem to age, and consistently appear to be from 27 to
35 human years old, no matter what their real age may be.
More than one type of extra-terrestrial visitor is interbreeding
with humans. The Blonds are the ideal choice to interbreed with
humans of all races, because there is a common genetic ancestor.
Interbreeding of humans with any other species must be carefully
controlled, as humans have different immune systems than
New hybrid bacterial strains can cause disaster
both ways.
Blonds can infect humans, and humans can infect Blonds. Blonds may
be carrying viral and bacterial micro-organisms that are safe to
themselves but harmful to humans, and vice versa.
The Grays consider the Blonds to be rebellious and unstable. The
Grays try to prevent the Blonds they have taken prisoner from
escaping to explore terrestrial humanity unsupervised. However, a
substantial number of such Blonds have escaped and are intermingling
with humans.
There are over a thousand humans in the United States alone (not
counting those in other nations) who are the offspring of
inter-galactic or extra-galactic beings and terrestrial humans. Of
these, about two hundred know or suspect their origin.
All humans have some extra-terrestrial genetic background. If they
did not, all that would exist on this planet would be flora and
fauna that included but did not go beyond the apes.
The clams,
worms, starfish, sponges and other primitive organisms from which
the entire flora and fauna of this planet evolved were deposited in
the primeval oceans as the preliminary phase of planetary seeding,
which should be obvious from any study of the record left in the
Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian rocks.
Throughout recorded history, as well as during prehistoric times,
there has been constant genetic manipulation of and Interbreeding
with humans, in order to breed out our less evolved simian traits.
Sometimes interbreeding between humans and space beings has been a
success, and sometimes it has been a dismal failure.
However, the species Homo sapiens would not exist if it had not been
for this persistent genetic manipulation and interbreeding, which
will continue (unless nuclear war destroys our species) until
humanity fulfills its potential by learning to us its total brain,
instead of a mere fraction of it.
The woman who transmitted this information to me described her
contact as follows:
“Khyla looked like a tall handsome
human, slender but muscular, masculine yet ethereal.
He appeared
either naturally or artificially to have black around his eyes,
almost like kohl. His face was close to exquisite, but
definitely masculine. He had a gaunt face with high cheekbones
and piercing cobalt-blue eyes. He had fine blond hair that was
almost shoulder-length. He had a muscular neck. His skin was
pale flesh color, with a whitish overtone.
It is hard to gauge
his exact height because of the circumstances under which our
encounter occurred, but it was somewhere between six and seven
Here is some more!
“If you were a highly advanced
culture about to invade a relatively primitive culture, you
would not do it with a flourish of ships showing up in the
heavens, and take the risk of being fired upon.
That's the type
of warfare less evolved mortals would get into. You would begin
by creating intense confusion, with only Inferences of your
presence, Inferences which cause controversial disagreement;
You would go to the most secret and powerful organizations
within the society. In the case of the United States, you would
infiltrate the CIA, and through the use of techniques unknown to
them, you would take over some of the key people in their inmost
core group.
You would proceed in the same fashion to take over
key members of the KGB.
You would also create great dissension
among the public at large, some individuals and groups insisting
that they have seen UFOs, others insisting with equal vehemence
that such a thing is not possible, and that they are either
liars or deluded.
You would involve the planet's two major nations in an on-going
idiotic philosophical dispute, keeping them constantly at each
other's throats over such questions as whether Thomas
Jefferson was greater than Karl Marx or vice-versa.
You would keep them
continuously occupied with quarreling like two adolescent boys
trying to prove their masculinity over who has which piece of
territory, whether one has the right to invade Afghanistan or
the other has the right to invade Nicaragua, persistently
exchanging threats and insults like a couple of macho
teen-agers, while arguing whether one should dismantle one type
of nuclear warhead, or the other should dismantle another type
of nuclear warhead.
As you watched all this, you would sit back
and you would laugh. If you had the capacity to laugh.
(Note by G.A.:
The information in
this chapter was given to me before the advent of St. Gorby
transformed the Red Menace of the Evil Empire Into our long-lost
brothers-in-arms and comrades-in-camaraderie, freedom-loving
democracy-demanding kindred spirits.
In the euphoric thaw that
characterizes U.S.-Soviet relations as of the month of December,
1989, these statements are no longer accurate. However, they do
remain valid as descriptions of the Cold War mentality, which for so
long afflicted both nations that It constitutes a history lesson we
should never forget.
Post-Script: No sooner had I
inserted this note than
George Bush sent an emissary to shake
the hand of the Butcher of Tiananmen Square and broke the treaty we
had so solemnly signed with the Organization of American States by arrogantly invading Panama without consulting our allies,
thereby escalating international tension back to the previous
Intolerable levels, single-handedly reviving the Cold War nightmare
in order to avoid cutting one single dime from the so-called
“Defense” budget.)
You would make yourselves known to
various elite in groups, who would offer you protection out of
greed, expecting to acquire more perfect knowledge than anyone else
on the planet of this ultimate secret to end all secrets.
They would
covet you, and you would trust their covetousness and their crass
stupidity to trap them. You would do it on both sides of the Iron
You would occasionally let your ships be seen by some of the
ordinary citizens, so that the elite governmental groups would
become Involved in attempts to keep them quiet, clumsily squelching
attempts to make information about UFO activity public. This would
result in the mass population losing confidence in the veracity of
their elected officials.
There would be constant arguments between
the authorities and the public as to whether or not the persistently
reported phenomena genuinely existed, thereby setting the population
and the government at each other's throats. You would have already
set the two major superpowers at each other's throats.
By subtly
causing economic turmoil, you would set the “Haves”and the “Have Nots” at each other's throats. In all possible ways, you would plant
the seeds of massive discontent.
After you had manipulated the population to the point where your
covert control over it was complete, you might decide to go overt,
and let a few ships land in public. But you would not go from covert
to overt until you were sure of the totality of your control.
You would start doing cross-breeds, escalating the process to the
maximum from generation to generation. As the process continued, you
would begin to have more and more creatures walking around who were
obviously hybrids between the Grays and humans. Perhaps in a century
or two, some of the Grays would begin to physically Intermingle with
But for the time being, anything that walks around will
at least look as if it is human. This arrangement is simpler,
because it keeps mass panic to a minimum.
The Grays would not be at all reluctant to change their appearance.
In comparison with most of the other space races, they are
considered rather repulsive. They are interbreeding with humans on
an ever-increasing scale, and there are going to be a lot more
three-month interrupted pregnancies.
Those who have experienced UFO sightings or ET close encounters will
constantly be at odds with the government, which will continue to
retaliate by stigmatizing them as liars or deluded. The U.S. and the
U.S.S.R. will continue to play their adolescent prestige games with
nuclear weaponry.
The impoverished will become even more
impoverished, and more filled to overflowing with explosively
righteous anger. The wealthy will cling even more greedily to the
wealth that they already have, creating a social atmosphere of sheer
desperation and complete confusion.
To add to that, there will be series
after series of “natural” disasters, some genuinely natural, some
human-induced through aberrant scientific activities such as
underground nuclear testing, others deliberately Induced by the
Grays through the technology they are in possession of. When
approximately three-quarters of the planet's population has been
eliminated in this fashion, the Grays can then make an overt
appearance as saviors from the skies, distributing food and medicine
to the survivors.
As the survivors line up to receive their quotas
of food and medicine. Implants will be Inserted, supposedly to aid
in further food distribution, actually to guarantee complete Gray
control with no possibility of rebellion. From the point of view of
the Grays, terrestrial humanity will have been reduced to manageable
numbers and to eternal submission.
Humanity is not about to be invaded. Humanity is not in the middle
of an invasion. Humanity has been invaded! The invasion has taken
place, and Is nearly in its final stages. Great invasions do not
happen with thundering smoke and nuclear weaponry. That is the mark
of an immature society. Great Invasions happen in secrecy.
You throw a crumb out here and there. You bribe the U.S. government
with a few tidbits - a Stealth bomber, a Star Wars system.
encourage the government to think that the UFO researchers Indeed
threaten the security of this great secret they have. You tempt and
tease the Soviet Union with a laser system far finer than any their
own scientists could think of.
And you always keep that subtle
Inference just on the borderline of consciousness that the elusive
will-of-the-wisps termed UFOs may in fact exist, yet you
persistently repress this borderline perception, and make it seem so
Insane that there is a social stigma attached to declaring one's
conviction that the phenomena are in fact real.
While all this confusion is going on, the Grays are gradually
changing you over. The inner core of the CIA is deeply controlled by
the Grays.
The CIA see the Grays as a path to greater scientific
achievement, as a way of overpowering the Soviet enemy, surprisingly
enough, the obtuse collective mentality type that makes up the bulk
of the CIA also makes up the bulk of the more fanatic Star People,
those who babble and mush and gush so endlessly.
All those who have
to cleave to or be fused with some sort of group mentality leave
themselves wide open. They have already been taken over. There is a
large and ever-growing cult of
contactees who think of the Grays as
liberators, sincerely believing them to be heavenly Star Brothers
who have come to help humanity.
The reason the awful little Grays mutilate animals is the stuff that
they eat. They eat pulverized hormonic secretions, what you would
call subtle essences. They live on the stuff of life. There is
something deathlike about their species. They always bring about the
death of animation, the death of individuality.
How do I know? I am a Blond of Procyon.
We were a culture that could
travel through time, but also lived on a planetary sphere. And the
little Grays, our insidious little friends, did to us exactly what
they are doing now to you. This is what happened to our planet.
Having come in war, but having been unable to obtain any decisive
victory, the Grays expressed the desire to make peace. We had not
wanted to fight with the survivors of the Rigelian Great War to
begin with, and gladly accepted their offer.
As time went by, they
said they wished to normalize relations and be our friends.
We were
in doubt as to whether it would be safe to trust them, and debated
the Issue for a long time before finally deciding that we should
trust them, as they were the only other surviving remnant of our
original ancestral stock, though horribly deformed by the
misfortunes they had endured.
The Grays began to visit us, first a few as ambassadors, then as
specialists In various domains where their expertise could be useful
to us, as participants in different programs that developed which
involved mutual collaboration, and finally as tourists.
What had
begun as a trickle became a flood, as they came in ever-increasing
numbers, slowly but surely infiltrating our society at all levels,
penetrating even the most secret of our elite power groups...
The one
secret that remained beyond their grasp, because the part of their
intelligence that was capable of understanding its subtle
complexities had atrophied during the nuclear winter that had caused
the mutation of their species, was our ability to transcend time and
travel through time.
How then did we fail to foresee our own future, and the fatal
mistake we were making when we first let them in?
Just as on your
planet they began by unobtrusively gaining control over key members
of the CIA and KGB through techniques unknown to them, such as
telepathic hypnosis that manipulates the reptilian levels of the
brain, so on Procyon through the same techniques, whose existence we
were not aware of either, from the start they established a kind of
telepathic hypnotic control over our leaders.
Over our leaders and
over almost all of us, because it was as if we were under a spell
that was leading us to our doom, as if we were being programmed by a
type of ritual black magic that we did not realize existed.
Just as a few of the original tall Blonds clandestinely left Rigel
when the Great War was about to break out, so did a few of the
original tall Blonds clandestinely leave Procyon and escape into the
corridors of time just before the Grays completed the slow
undermining that culminated in their sudden take-over of Procyon.
Those who stayed behind came under the total domination of the
The Blonds you see on the same ships as the Grays, working with
them, are hybrids, or they are clones. One way to distinguish the
clones is that they look alike. The real Blonds have distinct facial
feature differences, and do not look alike.
The clones have thick necks and coarsely muscular bodies. They do
not have the ability to teleport or to travel interdimensionally.
They can be contacted by telepathy, but are unable to send. They can
be given orders telepathically. They are zombie-like flesh robots.
You can tell that they are of low intelligence by looking into their
The real Blonds are also muscular, but have slender necks and agile
bodies. Their eyes are alert and of high intelligence. Physically
they are almost identical to humans, the main difference being that
by human standards their blood circulatory system is
under-developed, while their lymphatic system is over-developed.
This gives them stronger immune systems than terrestrial humans.
The hybrids are in an intermediate state between the real Blonds and
the clones.
After what has happened to Procyon, no true Blond would collaborate
voluntarily with the Grays. The Grays have taken some prisoners of
war, who have no choice in the matter, and are forced to work with
them in order to survive, with the hope of escaping. There are also
a few Blonds who have become degenerate renegades, space pirates and
mercenaries who sell their services to the highest bidder.
But many
of us remain free, and continue the fight to the finish with the
life-form that has become our hereditary enemy.
He choose to remain
in exile in the corridors of time, where they can not reach us,
rather than to live under the domination of the insidious Grays. It
is dangerous for us to venture forth from the corridors of time, but
occasionally we do so for a hit-and-run strike, similar In nature to
a cosmic version of terrestrial guerilla warfare.
We must periodically enter a substantial physical form for a period
of repose, or to breed progeny, in order to continue to survive, but
otherwise we constantly travel the vast corridors of time. That is
why we may appear to fade in and out like holographic images to
human perception.
What I have come here to communicate, if only to one or two people
or a small group, is that what is now in the process of happening to
your culture, also happened to ours. It is the same fate our own
culture suffered. And the Blonds you see with the Grays are either
hybrids, clones, or prisoners of war. Because no true Blond who got
out untouched, unscathed, uncrossed with those Grays would ever be
with them. He or she would prefer to be in a state of nonexistence.
Besides the Blonds and the Grays, ships
from many other space cultures are watching planet Earth at this
time with extreme Interest.
Scientists from other space cultures are studying what is going on here during this decisive period of
your history. If your elected representatives had not so stupidly
made a deal with the only aliens willing to provide them with
weapons systems, with the short-sighted goal of overpowering the
Russians, the Grays would not have achieved their present dominance,
and you would now be exchanging ambassadors with a wide variety of
space cultures.
What I want to get across to you is that the ultimate evil, which
underlies all the negativity in the cosmos, finds expression In that
masked form of psychological complacency which leads an individual
to adhere to a group philosophy rather than to think things through
for oneself.
Those who feel safe and comfortable in no matter what
belief system merely because many others adhere to it, who get
together and form an arrogant self-righteous group convinced it has
a monopoly on the truth, and who are ready to persecute, kill or
stifle anyone who challenges that group's philosophy, have formed an
alliance with the ultimate evil, whether they know it or not.
It is the self-righteousness and
implacability of certain elite power groups like the CIA and the
KGB, certain organized religions, and certain so-called lunatic
fringe groups such as some of the more fanatical Star People, which
are so objectionable. It is as if the self-righteous elite power
groups and the self-righteous lunatic fringe groups were mirror
opposites of each other, and thus equivalent to each other.
elite groups see the fringe groups as their enemies, and vice versa,
but they each think of themselves as a “chosen” special group.
As soon as you become involved in a
belief system that you are a “chosen” special group, who are as
lords over the common folk because of your secret knowledge, you are
on your way to a fall. That type of attitude plants the seed of
destruction in any society or culture, leaving It vulnerable to
overthrow by those oppressed within its boundaries, as well as by
outside forces.
All cultures who have elite groups at odds with each
other, and with the population at large, sooner or later collapse
from either Internal or external pressures.
A healthy organism does not encapsulate portions of
itself off that
cease to Interchange freely with other portions of its body.
type of condition is a prelude to cancer, whether it occurs in an
individual or in a society. The only chance of retaining your
freedom is for the awareness of this principle to penetrate the
consciousness of humanity. It is a pearl of wisdom treasured by
those who have attained the ability to travel through time and other
life cycles.
I have seen civilizations rise and fall, begin again only to die
again, over and over and over. It isn't only a problem of this
planet. It's a problem that must be faced by all civilizations in
the course of their development, no matter where they may be located
in the cosmos. Everyone wants that slightly larger piece of the pie
than their neighbor for themselves, and eventually this tendency
always culminates in choking them.
Sooner or later this will be the
undoing of the Grays as well, thereby enabling us to return in
triumph from our exile in the corridors of time.
The Grays do not
see and are incapable of understanding their own fundamental error:
that the very weakness they seize upon in humanity is their own
inherent weakness, the blind spot that Inevitably seals their doom.
Minerals evolve into plants, plants into animals, animals
humans, and humans into angelic energy-forms. But to try to force a
rock, when it is in the state of being a rock, to perform like a
plant is utterly futile.
To try and change the arrogant mentality of
a self-righteous government official or of a fanatical Star Person
is as futile as trying to make a rock perform like a plant, unless
at this stage, one thing you can do is to provide the public with as
much information as possible.
This will make it more difficult for the
collaborators and Grays in disguise within the government to
continue to work against humanity in favor of the Grays.
Tell the
public how to put their minds into a state that the Grays cannot
penetrate, by focusing the mind on powerful imagery, different for
each individual. The only way to victory is through the strength of
your consciousness.
When genetic or other manipulations are being
performed on the abductees, the Grays expect them to cringe In fear,
and derive a second-hand high from the intensity of the emotions
expressed. If instead of cringing in fear,
an abductee can put his
or her mind elsewhere, focusing attention on dynamic protective
imagery of a religious or mystical nature, it decreases the
gratification that the Grays are getting from their second-hand
high, and it confuses them.
Center the consciousness on something so
different from what they expect that it puzzles them.
No matter what
the physical situation may be, it is essential to send this S.O.S.
telepathic message to the higher powers protective of humanity
without becoming entangled in negative emotions such as fear, rage
or hatred. Negative emotions not only diminish the effectiveness of
one's S.O.S. message to the higher powers In the universe, they are
the type of response that the Grays are used to evoking and are
expert at manipulating.
If you combat the Grays with hatred in your
heart, you become like them, and further entangled with them,
Instead of tree from them, A difficulty with the viewpoint of many
of the adherents of organized religions Is that they tend to
perceive the Grays as demons, and therefore to hate them.
Although to some extent this analogy is
valid, hatred is a form of attachment, a negative emotion they know
well how to use to bind you to them. A more correct perception is
that the Grays are a species that is terminally ill, having
exhausted their DNA, and are therefore in a state of desperation.
That is why they are so ruthless in their genetic and other
Their physical bodies are degenerating from
generation to generation. The Grays do not have
progeria, but their
DNA is running out, and no longer replicates properly, so they are
unable to replenish themselves. It is not progeria, but it is
similar to progeria, almost like a progeria of the entire species.
It should be remembered that aggressive behavior or attempts at
physical resistance during an abduction may result in death. The
Grays have no more compunction about taking human life than humans
have about taking reptilian life. During the time that one is in
their power, one has no more control over what happens physically
than does the victim of a human kidnaper or rapist.
Their “chosen
ones” are attempting to sugar-coat the bitter pill and get you all
to stand in line to be processed without any effective resistance,
like cattle Into hamburger, depicting abduction by the Grays as a
glorious experience that everyone should have.
These “chosen
ones” are the “bellwethers” that Charles Port referred to.
There are other E.T. groups you would be happy to work with and
travel in the vehicles of, but the track record that the Grays have
left behind them leaves no room for doubt as to their malignancy.
The only reason the Grays have such a degree of dominance over you
is because your elected officials stupidly made clandestine
agreements with them, binding you to them in an exclusive alliance
that is respected by other space races, allowing them to install
themselves in underground bases impregnable to your weaponry, a
situation you must now find a way to extricate yourselves from.
In antiquity this planet was divided into sectors between four
different groups:
These groups
still consider themselves to be the owners of this planet.
They do
not recognize the human claim to ownership. However, some of us do
recognize human rights, as well as the rights of other life-forms.
There is at present an alliance between the tall Blonds and the
large lizard-like beings from the Capella system to drive out the
Grays. The beings from the Arcturus system are at present neutral
observers, not participating in the conflict.
The Blonds and Capellans have deep moral repugnance for the activities of the Grays
on this planet at this time, and are willing to help humanity, if
humanity will take effective steps to stop its pollution of the
planetary environment.
The Grays have become a criminal species, and
will be treated as such. However, any species that pollutes its own
environment to the point of endangering the survival of its
planetary biosphere is also guilty of a cosmic crime.
space shuttle “Challenger” was destroyed because one of its
scheduled operations was an experimental attempt to dispose of
nuclear waste by projecting it into outer space.
Vehicles of other
cultures could collide with canisters of nuclear waste projected
into outer space. Canisters could also be broken open by meteor
showers, and contaminate whole zones of the universe. It was not an
intelligent Idea to try and shoot a canister out from the space
shuttle. It is not enough to launch canisters beyond the periphery
of your solar system.
There must be a preplanned crash on a
specific target. The only safe way is to select a system that is
about to super-nova, and then send an unmanned space-ship loaded
with nuclear waste on a collision course directly into that solar
system's central sun. The second-best solution would be to send a
ship on a collision course into the sun of a solar system where
conditions are incompatible with the existence of life-forms.
send it into your own sun could cause a solar flare that would
reduce all forms of life on Earth to dust and ashes. The nuclear
waste produced on Earth must be kept on Earth until a safe way to
project It to a suitable target area is found. Jupiter is the
closest target to Earth that Is acceptable for this purpose.
Enochian is the lingua franca of the space races, much as
was the lingua franca of the many African languages. Enochian is the
correct time-tested traditional way for Earthlings to communicate
with extra-terrestrials.
In the Golden Dawn Enochian system, the
Great King of Air is the appropriate intermediary to be called upon
as a benign go-between in negotiations between Earthlings and
extraterrestrials. Enochian was the ancestral root-language of the
original Blonds on Rigel before the Great War.
Although active resistance to the Grays would not be advisable at
the present time, due to their technological advantage, this does
not mean that you should surrender. It means that you should focus
your attention on the different techniques of passive resistance
that may be applicable to the situation, making the fullest possible
use of your individuality, which so puzzles and confuses their
collective hive mentality.
As collective thought patterns enhance
the ability of the Grays to manipulate you, original thinkers acting
on their own are more likely to have success than mass movements led
by leaders who do everyone else's thinking for them.
In preventing the take-over of your planet as a colony ruled by Gray
overlords, you should go back through your own history and learn
what you can from the techniques used,
passive resistance used to bring
about the independence of India
by the American Indians and
Blacks during their oppression in the United States
by the Blacks
in South Africa at the present time
by the French Resistance during
the Nazi occupation,
...and anywhere else in your historical records
where there are lessons of this nature to be learned.
The point of passive resistance is to
endure, to survive until the moment when It becomes possible to
switch over to active resistance because outside help has come - being careful to avoid the mistake of the citizens of Budapest, who
rose up believing propaganda assurances that the United States would
support their uprising, only to be crushed by Soviet tanks when no
such help was forthcoming.
Prematurely triggered active resistance
would be a disaster that would enable the Grays to perpetuate their
colonization of this planet, exactly the type of situation they
would try to bring about.
Beware of zealots with an obsessive hatred
of the Grays, who may have been subconsciously programmed by the
Grays to act as agents provocateurs. If you get all those sincerely
devoted to resistance together into one place. It Is much easier to
wipe them out.
If the resistance remains disseminated
among the population at large, it Is more difficult to round them
Don't add to the superiority of the Gray position by playing
into their hands. And remember that although their technology Is far
in advance of yours, you do vastly out-number them, and can
over-extend them. They are already over-extended elsewhere, and
unable to commit further forces to this area of the universe, so
those already here must operate without reinforcements coming to
You are so far outstripped in terms of physical weaponry that you
must find a source of strength that transcends the physical - such
as techniques of centering consciousness on powerfully motivating
imagery, which would be different from one Individual to another.
For the
religiously oriented it might be a key event in the life of Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, Moses, or whoever the appropriate figure
would be in the tradition one's belief system is centered around.
For those who are not religiously oriented, it would be whatever
figure that person sincerely admires as representing what Is best In
humanity, whether it be an artist or inventor or other type of
benevolent leader of society.
If the admiration is not wholeheartedly
sincere, the intensity with which the attention is focused on the
symbolic image In which one wishes to take refuge is not sufficient
to be of much use as protection, nor can the attention be maintained
for long.
The degree of protection given by such imagery depends
largely on the intensity and endurance of the single-pointed
attention. So it is best to choose whatever figure you genuinely
feel spontaneous admiration for, whatever Image makes your heart
sing and makes you feel at one with the infinite. That will always
work, and is all we can do for now.
An example of the type of attitude that the Grays find most
confusing is the classic Buddhist discipline of meditating on a
bloated corpse until one roars with laughter upon realizing what a
complete cosmic joke existence is.
The most likely way to extricate
oneself and others from a potentially disastrous situation is to
keep the consciousness centered and the heart still, realizing the
situation to be the illusion that it is. Do not act out of fear,
thereby Insuring the victory of the opponent, if one allows oneself
to be intimidated, the inevitable result is death. In no matter what
type of situation, retain your sense of humor and perspective.
to apply the T'ai Ch'i disciplines in non-physical fashion. Center
yourself, then act from that center.
Since the Grays have mastered much deeper techniques of hypnosis
than humans have, their take-over of human consciousness can only be
prevented by strong imagery of a religious or mystical nature. Your
contemporary hypnosis works within the mammalian portions of your
brain, which in terms of evolutionary development are the more
recently acquired portions.
Being partially reptilian themselves,
the Grays know how to manipulate the reptilian level of your brain,
which is the most basic and ancient level.
The only way to
counter-act such manipulation is by activating the most high of the
highest levels of consciousness accessible to you at your present
stage of development.
If one is unable to maintain an image
evoking that highest level of consciousness firmly in one's
thoughts, their hypnosis can bypass the higher levels of your
evolutionary development and take control of the deep reptilian
level, in this fashion overpowering an individual's true will and
obliterating the integrity of the soul.
That is how they took over
key officials of the CIA KGB, and other powerful elite groups within
your social structure.
They only need to control the elite at the
tip of the top of the social pyramid, the top hundredth of one
percent of the population, in order to control us all. A person
enslaved in this fashion can be made to do things that your type of
hypnosis could not make them do, such as murdering their closest
friends or family members.
Having gained control over the reptilian level of consciousness,
they temporarily paralyze all portions of the mammalian brain higher
than the ape level, then activate the ape level's more violent
responses, such as territorialism, greed, lust or rage.
Humans can
be made to respond like apes, unless they are able to resist the
attempt to take them over by activating the level of consciousness
that corresponds to the crown chakra.
Any attempt to fight back at
the ape level insures the success of the Grays. The ape-level
belligerence, territorialism, and posturing for purposes of prestige
and dominance, which are unfortunately so characteristic of the
U.S.-U.S.S.R. relationship on both sides, deliver the population of
this planet bound hand and foot into the power of the Grays.
After having destroyed approximately three-quarters of the present
population through the introduction of viral diseases and the
induction of assorted catastrophes, the Grays would not even need to
make an overt appearance as saviors from the skies. They could
replace humans with hybrids unobtrusively. It could be done so
gradually that no one would realize what was happening.
The transition from humans to hybrids could be so subtle and seamless
that the change-over would never be noticed. It would not even be
mentioned in the history books, as scientists would assume that the
physical and mental changes were the result of naturally occurring
evolution. Human history would become hybrid history without anyone
understanding what had actually occurred.
The governments might even
continue to deny the existence of UFOs.
All that would be needed would be to continue the process that is
already in operation. Some researchers are aware of the fact that
the hybrids which turn out to resemble the Grays are removed from
their mothers and taken elsewhere, but very few are aware that the
hybrids which turn out to resemble humans are left to grow up in
human society.
Before taking hybrids back to their home base to give a much-needed
genetic boost to their own ancestral stock, they would want to carry
out intensive long-range studies. Certain questions would need to be
answered, such as: are the hybrids psychologically stable?
Disease-resistant? Productive? Aggressive?
They would want to
observe the interplay between humans and hybrids, in order to make
sure that the hybrids had the qualities necessary to become leaders
in human society. In general, Gray/human hybrids would require less
food and sleep than terrestrial humans.
They would tend to be more intelligent
and slender, but emotionally cold.
This does not mean that any human
with these characteristics is necessarily a hybrid. As many as 3% of
the present population may already be hybrids. All the Gray would
have to do would be to continue doing exactly what they are doing,
to keep boosting that percentage bit by bit, with an occasional
sudden jump in the wake of seemingly natural catastrophes, until the
original human population has been 100% replaced by hybrids.
Why do I know so well how such an operation is carried out? The
process is quite similar to that by which the Blonds replaced
Neanderthal man with Cro-Magnon man. However, the intelligence of
terrestrial humanity has now evolved to the point where it has a
choice in the matter.
By understanding the long-term hive-mind
strategy of the Grays, individual humans who attain
multi-dimensional awareness can circumvent and short-circuit it.
enough individual humans do this, and refrain from quarreling over
whether the state of multi-dimensional awareness is to be called Christ-consciousness or any of the other names it has in the
different traditions, uniting together from all traditions to
liberate the planet, the Grays will be obliged to seek elsewhere in
the cosmos for a slave species they can genetically manipulate.
At some point help may come from outside, from my own and/or some of
the other space races. There may also be revolt within the ranks of
the Grays, based on widespread discontent with their rigid
insect-like hierarchical caste system. In the process of
infiltrating a species, the Grays can not avoid being influenced by
that species, and some of them who had never thought of questioning
authority are beginning to do so, due to the influence of human
The Grays are having problems not only within their own
ranks, but also on other planets they have colonized.
As a species
they are afflicted with severe, perhaps terminal, health problems.
They have substantial captive populations of Blond, human and other
prisoners of war, eager to join a revolt at the slightest
There is no reason why one should not send out telepathic appeals
for help, in the form of prayer or meditation, or in whatever way is
appropriate to the individual, to the higher forces in the cosmos.
They do exist, and are sensitive to such signals.
There are
extraterrestrial and other-dimensional cultures capable of
harnessing the innate power of entire galaxies, who could be of
immeasurable help in liberating your planet from domination by the
Grays, if you could persuade them to Intervene. However, they are
unlikely to respond until : inanity cleans up its own act and stops
polluting the planetary environment.
One can also send out
telepathic signals of encouragement to those among the Grays who
have begun to question authority and acquire a taste for human
freedom, but it would be suicidal to attempt to fight the Grays
directly with the weapons at present at your disposal.
One must be rational in attempting to fight back, and understand the
proper way to proceed. Your own consciousness is the most potent
weapon that is available to you at the present time.
The most
effective way to fight the Grays is to change the level of your
consciousness from linear thinking to multi-dimensional awareness.
Your secret weapon, your ace in the hole, is that you are not
hive-mind collective thinkers, though many of you do fall into that
category by conforming to conventional group-patterns, and are
therefore easily controlled by the Grays.
thought-patterns among humans empower the Grays.
It is your individuality which is your
best weapon, because it is the one weapon you have that the Grays do
not have. The major weakness of the Grays, their area of
vulnerability, their Achilles heel, is their inability to think as
individuals. They are an extremely telepathic high-tech society, but
as individuals they are not creative thinkers.
They take orders
well, but they do not conceptualize well.
They have the technology
to throw your planet out of orbit, but there Is one key ability that
you have and they do not have:
the ability to hold in mind imagery
that inspires an Individual to realize his or her direct personal
connection to the source of all that is, which is the ineffable
Godhead, no matter what name you may call it.
That is your key to victory.