Target Audience
Question 1-S3 - I don't think
the WingMakers Materials (WMM) is necessarily directed at
"esoteric students." A much broader net is apparently being
cast. Is this correct?
A. The WingMakers' Materials (WMM) are not being aimed at any
one group. It is more the reverse that there are certain groups
and individuals that are being directed to the catalytic
materials you refer to as WMM. Events strings are like
mathematical algorithms that possess a resonance point that,
when affected by a certain frequency, can induce a select
individual or, to a lesser extent, an entire group, to
unconsciously seek out the WMM. This inducement is like a subtle
fragrance that draws you to a destination of a flower-covered
field without your conscious desire to experience a flower.
It is true to say that the "broader net", as you put it, is
designed for those outside of the esoteric practices. This is
simply because those steeped in the esoteric will often be
instilled with a subtle, but nonetheless compelling, motive to
protect the esoteric teachings that they hold true or at least
most probable. Thus, the esoteric works of text left behind by
former teachers activates their inspiration. When they are
exposed to music, poetry, and art that is not directly connected
to these esoteric texts, their protective reflex is invoked, and
the material is not absorbed - it tends to be analyzed and
The WMM is to be absorbed like one would absorb the sunshine
when they are outside. No one requires measuring devices or
lenses to absorb the sun's rays; they simply need to be in the
path of these rays. They need to position themselves to receive
the sun. This is how it is with WMM. The broader net is really
about the new souls incarnating who will, as a result of their
encoded event strings, unconsciously position themselves to
receive these materials.
Question 46-S3 - Despite benefit to some, how can you in good
conscience allow's continued catalyzing of people
into New-Age-automatons?
A. The content of the WingMakers is
not catalyzing automatons. It is quite the opposite; it is
disconnecting people from the established fabric of the "New
Age" and acquainting them to new energies that are present
within themselves, not the "New Age".
Comparisons to Other Teachings
Question 24-S2 - How are the WingMakers materials connected to the present-day belief systems
on earth? Did they come first, last, or are they somehow
inspirational to the other religions of humanity?
A. One of the most common features
of the human mind is to compare one experience to another. It is
reasoned - and rightly so by the mind - that by comparison of an
object, experience, event, or person, one can better understand
it. However, in the case of the seven Tributary Zones this
reasoning does not hold up.
The seven Tributary Zones, which we will call collectively, the
WingMakers' material, are not philosophical texts. There will be
the temptation by some to compare these writings to
the Bible,
The Urantia Book,
Ascended Master instructions, and on
and on. There will be others who will compare the information
contained in the interviews and book to the nonfiction works of
investigative journalists. Comparison of the WingMakers'
materials will not necessarily result in understanding, but more
likely, confusion.
The WingMakers' materials are designed in a different way from
anything that has ever been manifested on earth. It is a
collection of encoded sensory data streams destined for a
consumer technology platform that is just beginning to be
incubated within development labs. However, even when
experienced without this technology platform, the individual is
aware that there is a deep transformation occurring. Something
is "reshuffling" their mental "deck".
I would encourage anyone who is immersing his or her
consciousness in these materials to go without comparison for a
period of time as they absorb these materials. The Tributary
Zones have more information encoded in them than the human mind
can access and comprehend. If an individual is engaged in
comparison, they may not be engaged in the deeper meaning of the
Tributary Zone, at the level where the encoded information is
Incidentally, what I've just said is not to imply that the
encoded information must be wrested from the Tributary Zone by
conscious will and effort. It is a delicate thing to detect the
encoded information. It requires a supple intelligence, open
mind, contemplative perspective, and the curiosity of calculated
observation. It is not a battle of wills or mind over matter.
And it is seldom revealed in the clutter of comparison.
As to the connection of the WingMakers' material to the
present-day belief systems of earth, there is little connection
because these materials are not created by earth teachers, nor
are they only the words of teachers. They are encoded sensory
data stream from an extraterrestrial teaching order that have a
very specific purpose.
The present-day belief systems of earth
serve a different and more general purpose of moral
conditioning, community-building, and spiritual preparedness.
Only in this last element is there any connection.
Brain Function
Question 2-S1: In
Interview Nº 3
with Dr. Neruda, there is
a statement that there exists a Corteum technology to increase
fluid intelligence to "super"-human levels by inducing a
functional cluster within the
thalamo-cortical system. What is
this functional cluster (electrical, biological), and could the WingMakers material (i.e. music, art, poetry) be used in such a
A. You have successfully touched on a subtle component of the
WingMakers' material. The story contains scenarios that are
fictional accounts of factual occurrences. For example, as you
point out, the third interview makes this disclosure about
functional clusters, but the Corteum technology is a fictional
account for the factual occurrence of how the WingMakers'
materials can - as depicted in the philosophy papers - stimulate
functional clusters in certain regions of the brain.
The brain itself is divided into regions, and within the regions
they are divided into subsets. Some subsets interact among
themselves more than others, and these are called functional
clusters. The brain is designed to have various circuits, of
which contemporary brain researchers have identified three,
which they call convergent, divergent, and reverberating
A functional cluster can have a divergent circuit that conducts
neural activity to outlying regions of the brain or CNS. Sensory
information (e.g., sounds, symbols, and images) can be produced
that stimulates the temporal formation of just such a functional
cluster within the thalamocortical system that catalyzes a
pre-designated shift in consciousness.
Whether you can equate this shift in consciousness as inducing
an increase in fluid intelligence is dependent on other factors.
This is not a singular dynamic core, but rather an integral part
of a larger dynamic system that connects the individual not only
to their human-soul consciousness, but that also of the Genetic
Within the thalamic complex is a subset known as the
Intra-Laminar Nuclei (ILN). ILN neurons venture extensively
throughout the cortex, enervating every cortical section.
They're distributed within the central region of each thalamus
in a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) mode, enabling widespread
influence on the thalamic system. The ILN activation is a
significant key to the discovery of the Grand Portal.
The WingMakers' music, art, and word symbols are designed to
stimulate the ILN region to act as a synchronizing mechanism for
human consciousness and the Genetic Mind. [See
Ancient Arrow
Project Novel section.] I realize this is difficult to
comprehend, but as research into this brain function ensues over
the next twenty years, it will be proven that the ILN is a key
"engine" in synchronizing the human-soul consciousness to the
fine-grain consciousness of the Genetic Mind, making the Genetic
Mind accessible for short bursts at will.
There is within the thalamocortical system what scientists refer
to as the reticular thalamic nucleus (nRt). It's widely accepted
by neuroscience that nRt plays a vital role in the judicious
regulation of the flow of neural information between the
thalamus and cortex.
What is not understood is how specific
sensory information (light frequencies, sound frequencies,
rhythmic synchronization, ULF, symbolic images) can influence
how the ILN and nRt systems interoperate to form a hybrid
functional cluster that enhances fluid intelligence and
accessibility to the Genetic Mind.
This discovery is yet twenty
years in the making, but it will occur, and the WingMakers will
play a critical role in this discovery.
Question 8-S1: Where DO all our thoughts come from do you think?
A. Sensory data triggers thoughts. Comparison of actions and
thoughts trigger new thoughts. New thoughts trigger new actions.
This cycle repeats endlessly in an ascending spiral, lateral
spiral, or descending spiral. This is why sensory data quality
is so critical.
Question 68-S3 - Just as we have a physical mother and father
who seed our physical DNA do we also have a spiritual Mother and
Father that seed our spiritual DNA? If not, how are they -- the
spiritual DNA -- created and acquired? If so, what ways are
there to contact or connect with this spiritual Mother and
Father? "What ways" does not necessarily mean meditative
techniques? Do the sensory data streams assist with this?
A. DNA is no different than any
other organic compound in the sense that it is composed of
sub-atomic structures that extend out of our three-dimensional
range of observation and analysis. The platform or "skeletal"
structure for
human DNA is composed from the archetype of First
Source relative to our superuniverse. I would not refer to this
archetype as a spiritual mother or father anymore than a
blueprint for a house is imbued with such qualities.
The WingMakers Materials produce vibrations (light and sound) that
"mingle" at the subatomic levels and are capable of shifting
predispositions held within the DNA clusters that govern
spiritual will. In this case, the determination to sculpt time
into spiritual experience - not simply physical or material
Genetic Mind
Question 64-S3 - Does the Genetic Mind (GM) use symbology and
imagery that exist within the library of All That Is (ATI); and
is this imagery echoed within the paintings, imagery and glyphs
at least to some extent?
I sometimes see glyphs on a gold and
silver-white background as in the paintings and I suspect these
are related to, or coming from ATI and the GM. Using an analogy,
if All That Is is the universal library then the Genetic Mind
seems like its most frequent and patronizing customer from the
perspective of the Human Instrument; and it uses imagery of a
universal nature to communicate to humanity in a language that
humanity has given it over the aeons. Is this basically correct
or a fitting analogy?
Could you elucidate on the relationship,
connection and communication systems between the Genetic Mind
and All That Is and their respective imagery? WMM seems
virtually unique in bringing humanity visual imagery from ATI
and the GM. Is this a first?
A. The Genetic Mind is a repository; it is not an active "user"
of its own resources. It is more akin to a library and its
patrons are the individual human minds that, to varying degrees,
have access to its books. The imagery used in the Chamber
Paintings is not specifically inspired by, nor taken from, the
Genetic Mind.
There are common symbols, but this is due to the
universality and pre-existent state of geometry. All That Is
represents a library on a much grander scale than the Genetic
Mind. In principle, the two are similar except for scale. All
That Is pertains to
the multiverse and the cosmic spirits
therein. While the Genetic Mind pertains to the humanoid species
within Super Universe Seven. The imagery of All That Is is
codified into a higher dimensional language, which in turn is
encoded into the original works within the Tributary Zones.
These are then stepped down in frequency to the materials
contained on the WingMakers website and in the music CDs.
is unique about the WingMakers materials is the subtlety of
their encoding and the way in which the materials interleave. It
is this interleaving of the materials (imagery, symbols, music,
frequencies, poetry, meta-language, philosophy, cosmology, etc.)
and the manner in which they activate deeper perceptions of
First Source and the Wholeness Navigator that distinguishes
these materials from previous dispensations.
All That Is, by its
nature, is multi-faceted (wheels within wheels) and in order to
distribute this multidimensional complexity, the dispensation
must include both sound and light orchestrated into words,
music, and pictures. These elements must then be orchestrated to
trigger specific resonances within the human genome that lay
dormant because - for the most part - present-day culture does
not activate or touch these receptors of the human DNA.
Question 71-S3 - Does the genetic mind have structure? If so
what is its shape?
A. All physical structures are composed of geometric shapes.
However, the Genetic Mind is not a physical structure or place.
When you move into the higher mind, where the Genetic Mind is
situated, geometry is no longer confined to a three-dimensional
static paradigm. To explain its non-physical structure is
impossible using a three-dimensional language because the
Genetic Mind is organic, dynamic, and always changing. In other
words, there is no representative "snapshot".
Question 72-S3 - Is mass consciousness the same as the genetic
A. No. Mass consciousness is a collective subset of the waking
mind of humanity at a specific time. The Genetic Mind (humanoid
version), for comparison sake, is the collective repository of
the humanoid species' experience across all time/space.
Tributary Zones
Question 3-S1: My question is, if there is one painting per
chamber and 23 (24) chambers, where did the extra artwork, etc.,
come from?
A. There are seven Tributary Zones of which I am translating
from a dimension of time and space that originates - speaking
symbolically - from a nonhuman section of the time/space
continuum. The Ancient Arrow site is one of these seven "interdimensional"
sites, which has been translated into human terms (sensory
information that can be received and processed by the
thalamocortical system) and distributed in various forms (CD,
web, etc).
In the case of the Ancient Arrow site, there are 24 chambers
because this site is concerned with the genetic architecture of
the neuroanatomical human structure. This site is encoded with
information specific to genetics, thus its structure takes on
the form of a single helix with the chambers symbolic of the
dormant, yet-to-be-activated protein clusters that will shift
consciousness to a six-sensory human existence.
In the second section of the book, which will be released next
year, the 24th chamber will be better understood. There is also
a philosophy paper that will help clarify the genetic symbolism
of the Ancient Arrow site.
the 24th Chamber
Painting will be released before the end of July 2001; it is a
significant piece of this puzzle.
The remaining six sites are of a different symbolic structure
than the Ancient Arrow site, and yet there are certain
similarities. All of them have a synthesis of art, music,
poetry, language, science, and philosophy because this is the
nature of the Tributary Zones. Some sites have a greater
emphasis on music than poetry, or art rather than science. It
varies depending on the symbolic focus of the Tributary Zone.
Collectively the seven Tributary Zones, when strung like pearls,
reveal the essential innovations that will be required in order
to discover the Grand Portal.
I would recommend that anyone interested in knowing more about
the structure of these sites should read the 3rd chapter of the
Ancient Arrow book and
WingMakers' Philosophy - Chamber 4.
Question 8-S2 - Once the seven tributary zones are discovered,
mankind will awaken to the Grand Portal. Does this mean that the WingMakers' material will awaken seven areas of the human
spirit/mind, which will lead to mankind's shift to the fourth
dimension in 2012?
A. At the risk of appearing a bit fastidious, the seven
Tributary Zones aren't discovered so much as they are revealed.
This revelation is a gradual dispensation of a new sensory data
stream that is encoded with numerous "triggers" that will touch
deeply into the next three generations of select humans
incarnating upon earth.
These sensory data streams will - in
effect - crystallize the supernal purpose of the individual and
make it accessible to the human mind of the individual. This
access may be as innocent as causing the individual to select a
career of scientific inquiry into the human genome, or as
powerful as awakening the Sovereign Integral state of
While the seven Tributary Zones are revealed, the Grand Portal
is discovered. Each of the seven disciplines of
Lyricus is
connected to a Tributary Zone. In other words, one of the
Tributary Zones, known as the Ancient Arrow site, is focused on
the human genome. The next site that will be revealed is focused
on cosmological sciences, and so forth.
Each of these areas of
emphasis is subtly manifest (encoded) in the sensory data
streams of their respective sites, and trigger an awakening in
the mind of the recipient.
Question 13-S1: Is the WingMakers site in Arizona real (and has
the poetry, music & paintings really come from here?) Have any
of the other sites been activated? If so, are the recent
discoveries at
Lake Vostok another WingMakers site? How about
Egypt - is the Hall of Records a WingMakers site? Is
another site?
A. I believe the site you're referring to is the Ancient Arrow
site located in northern New Mexico. It is true that there are
physical sites on each of the continents (as above, so below).
However, the sites are different than those that I am describing
in this story. In part, I'm doing this in honor of these scared
sites, but mostly I'm less interested in depicting the actual
physical sites than I am in relaying an accurate portrayal of
the seven Tributary Zones.
Question 9-S2 - Are the tributary zones purely spiritual, or do
physical events play a part in opening these up?
A. The seven Tributary Zones exist as places of inquiry and
knowledge dissemination. They are the creation of the Central
Race and, more specifically, Lyricus. While it is true to say
that they exist within the innermost section of each of the
seven superuniverses, they have been exported to each galaxy,
somewhat like exporting a library.
Thus, each galaxy possesses
seven Tributary Zones cast from the archetypal versions existing
in the innermost section of the universe that pertains to that
particular galaxy. Each Tributary Zone is tuned to the unique
characteristics of the humanoid species of a particular superuniverse, and to some extent, galaxy.
While physical events upon earth and the evolutionary status of
humanity impact on the timing of the physical revelation of
these seven Tributary Zones, they do not dictate the revelation
of these mysterious destinations insofar as the individual is
Translation Methods
Question 25-S2 - How do you translate the Tributary Zones from
one dimension to ours? Do you produce all of the material as a
translator, or a creator, or both? What does it mean that the WingMakers' material is encoded? How does this get done?
A. The seven galactic Tributary Zones exist near the centermost
point of the Milky Way galaxy, making them inaccessible to
humanity. This is the primary reason that a translator is
required. The other reason is that the vibratory rate of the
Tributary Zones is purposely accelerated in order to ensure that
only those entities of a compatible vibration may enter.
are members of the humanoid species, throughout the galaxy, that
attend these sites in their dream state or meditation sessions.
It is impossible to translate these sites from their original
dimension to earth, or any other three-dimensional planet,
without changing the content. This is because the vibratory rate
of the original materials must be decelerated, and in this
deceleration process, change occurs. Technically, the process is
less akin to translation from one language to another, and more
similar to transposing from a higher key, or vibratory rate, to
a lower.
You can think of these seven sites as knowledge
repositories, in multiple mediums (sound, light, knowledge,
language, mathematics, etc.) focused on each of the seven
disciplines of Lyricus. These seven disciplines are expressed
differently, but each contains multiple mediums that heighten
and emphasize how integrated knowledge is a spectrum that
includes art, metaphysics, and science, and that unified
properly, this spectrum is the key to unveiling the Grand
The equivalent of the Ancient Arrow site, within the galactic
core, contains three-dimensional art forms that are always in a
state of movement. They respond to sound wave pressure, as well
as the thoughts of those who are present at the site. There is
no method to
presently replicate this on earth. Thus, the paintings must be
fixed in time and space. I decide this fixed state, so, in this
case, I am a "creator".
However, I have extensive experience in
making these interpretations based on research of color
vibrations, human perceptual systems, sophistication of the
visual cortex, associative values of form, and methods of
catalyzing new receptive fields.
In many respects the sound requires a comparable process. The
major themes are transposed to audible frequencies, but the
instrumentation cannot be replicated. The sound generation of
the galactic Tributary Zones is not from instruments, but rather
particles set in motion by thought forms. Even in this oblique
description, I have only hinted at the real process. It would
take too long to describe. The important element to know is that
I am allowed artistic autonomy to transpose the themes into new
structures using human instrumentation, human compositional
techniques, and human vocals. These elements provide an
anchoring point to the music, making them more accessible to the
human ear.
From these descriptions, I think you have a glimmer of
understanding for the process I use.
As for the encoding and how this is accomplished, I can only
tell you that there is subtle information encoded within the
WingMakers' materials that operate as a navigational system,
leading deeper into the purpose of each site or Tributary Zone.
This is part of a selection process, and relates exclusively to
the Wholeness Navigator consciousness. More on this aspect I
cannot disclose.
There is another form of encoding, which is not esoteric, and
this element relates to the interaction of the human instrument
to the materials. The music, art, glyphs, and texts are encoded
with mathematical and metaphysical embellishments that are
accessible through interaction techniques, some of which have
been disclosed in the 4th Philosophy paper.
Through these
interactions, the human instrument decodes the information that
helps it transition to the exploratory energy system where
deeper insights can be achieved.
Access by Individuals
Question 6-S3 - Could you please describe in more detail what
the Tributary Zones are and what their purpose is?
A. The Galactic Tributary Zones are the knowledge repositories
of Lyricus. They house the local Lyricus staff, research
centers, teaching facilities, and various tools that we believe
-in this particular case - will help humanity focus its
technology and efforts in the pursuit of the Grand Portal.
As I
have reported previously, there are seven Tributary Zones within
the Galactic core. These Tributary Zones relate to the seven
primary disciplines that comprise the Lyricus "library of
catalytic tools".
The following answer by James contains the acronym "SECU." I
have brought James' definition of a SECU forward for the sake of
The definition appears later in this document under,
Extraterrestrials, Q and A 12-S2.
"What you call humans, we call Sovereign Entities of the Central
Universe (SECU - pronounced SeeQue). SECUs are the alpha and
omega. They are not time-bound nor restrained by the adornments
of bodies. They are the primal form finished and honed to the
perfection of their creator, and in this, we are all the same."
Lyricus is able to track and monitor SECUs (Sovereign Integral
of the Central Universe) no matter what physical structures they
When we judge a particular SECU is properly prepared,
they (their Wholeness Navigator) are transported to one of our
training centers, which is unlike any you can conceive of on
Earth. I use the words "Training Center" only because I can
think of nothing else to describe them. Candidates are not
necessarily spiritually minded, nor are they exemplars of
humanity in terms of their personality, physical body, or
temperament. They are, however, advanced SECUs operating in
human form,
typically unconscious of their mission and purpose.
These fortunate entities are escorted from their human
instrument and guided to the Tributary Zone that is best suited
for their purpose and mission. They are generally taught in the
form of a dialogue - not unlike the Lyricus discourses depict.
They are allowed to query masters, and the masters are allowed
to elucidate on relevant topics. It will come as no surprise
that Einstein was one such SECU that was attended by Lyricus
He was allowed to formulate "his" theories through a
dialogue with a single master. When he returned to his human
instrument the experience and knowledge was lodged in his higher
mind and a trigger was then required to draw it into
These triggers are carefully orchestrated event
strings that the master in charge of the SECU coordinates
through a process we call - again, I'm translating as best I can
- lucid re-orientation. This process requires that the
information gained, while at the Tributary Zone, filters into
the consciousness in a re-collectable state.
In order for this
to occur, Dr. Einstein would experience an event or EDSS
(Encoded Data Sensory Stream) that induces or triggers a
recollection of a seed memory. The seed memory is the most
critical part of the lucid re-orientation process because it
alone carries sufficient power to draw the new knowledge into
the conscious state of the human mind. I have grossly simplified
this process, and words are very vexing limitations to describe
this. I had better stop here before I completely confuse you.
The reason that the physically translated Tributary Zones are
critical to earth-bound SE-CUs is that they are the most certain
catalysts of the seed memory. It is very hard to transpose
super-conscious knowledge and decelerate it for conscious recall
by a human instrument.
And this will be required in much higher
frequency over the next 100 years, so the Tributary Zones are
being raised to a new level - an EDSS - that will trigger seed
Ancient Arrow Project Novel
Question 12-S1: Is the mystery girl (Lea) that Neruda must find,
a real person? Has she been found? (Is her mother "Sarah",
De Rosnay?) If she is real and hasn't been found, are you hoping
her to turn up in this forum? What is her purpose?
A. In the story of the Ancient Arrow Project, characters are
fictional. In the story yet to be released Lea plays a key role.
Her character is an architect of the interdimensional Tributary
Zones, and she is incarnate to activate them. Collectively the
seven physical sites play a role in the discovery of the Grand
Question 1-S2 - Am I correct in believing that the events and
technologies as depicted in the Ancient Arrow story are correct,
whilst the names, places, organizations, photo's and artifacts
are fictitious/mythological? I assume that the factual aspects
of the story were obtained by yourself through a form of
A. You are correct on both accounts.
Question 18-S2 - Interview 4 with Dr. Neruda mentions
technologies from real US and Russian corporations. The
technologies originate from ACIO research. I have checked this
out, and the info on the Mig-29 and the Internet compression
technologies stand up to scrutiny. Is there a risk of legal
action against yourself, Mark and the South Bay Group for making
these allegations?
A. Yes, but it is an acceptable risk.
Question 43-S3 - Why has the storyline changed from Dr. Anderson
to Dr. Neruda and why the time changes in the story line?
A. The story was modified to track misappropriations of the
Ancient Arrow story within the
marketplace. There are more subtle changes than the ones you
mentioned in your question. None of the primary (encoded)
content has been altered since it was first published.
Question 44-S3 - Why did the Wingmakers allow the ACIO to
discover the AA site, if the ACIO was going to keep the public
A. The ACIO was the only earth-based organization that could
decode the content. Because Dr. Neruda worked at the ACIO and
was known to be the key architect of the discovery's public
release, it was essential that the discovery occur at the ACIO.
Question 45-S3 - Why did the WingMakers not use their time
travel abilities to insure that the planting of the Map artifact
did not result in loss of the students' lives, therefore
effectively nullifying any chance of this event having a 'dark
cloud' over it's happening, and subsequent WingMakers
Information. Would you consider changing the story line and
erasing the needless deaths of the students who found the
A. Every discovery of import has a "dark cloud" over it. It is
intrinsic to the drama of life that important discoveries are
dimensional and mesoteric - that is, they include the exoteric
and esoteric life rules, which number among them the sacrifice
of human life. The students represent the metaphor of the
innocent discoverers that must be sacrificed in order to
underscore the importance of their discovery.
Question 54A-S3 - Did the Wingmakers leave material at all of
the Seven Tributary sites at the same time to be found in
sequence? Or did they leave it over a period of time?
A. The WingMakers sites - each of the seven - will be translated
in a specific order. Remember that each site carries a central
theme that is connected to the seven disciplines of Lyricus.
These seven disciplines - collectively - are the triggers for
those incarnating in approximately 35-40 years who will be the
scientists, scholars, psychologists, and artists that will
uncover and disseminate the Grand Portal.
The seven disciplines of Lyricus are:
Sensory Data Streams
Cultural Evolution
Sovereign Integral
Sensory Bi-location (SBL)
Question 2-S2 - In answer to a previous question, you said that
the Ancient Arrow story was factual because there were
'techniques that could be applied to secure the information'. Do
you mean
remote viewing, and its associated Re-Play technology?
A. The information is based on factual data secured through a
form of remote viewing, referred to by my teaching organization
as sensory bi-location. SBL is different from classic RV because
it is associated with the higher mind rather than the psychic
channels of astral vision. Because of this distinction, SBL
permits one to analyze motive and intent, in addition to the
sensory/action environment that RV technology acknowledges. SBL
is also more focused on active sensory channel selection, rather
than reactive selection as in the case of
Ear-Brain System
Question 35-S3 - Of the physical WingMakers materials (poems,
music, philosophy, art, etc.) what is the most potent catalyst
for our consciousness? Is this also the case with the etheric
versions or the originals that reside in the Galactic Tributary
A. This is dependent on the individual and how they respond to
different vibrations as well as their innate learning preference
of eye-brain verses ear-brain. However, independent of this
assessment, the ear-brain is more powerful as a catalyst for
consciousness and transformation than is the eye-brain.
reason is that the harmonics and overtones of music
can embody significantly more encoded information than that of a
painting or word symbol. This is also true when contrasted with
the primal Light and Sound of First Source.
The Sound vibrations
are considered more deeply connective and catalytic to the
consciousness than the cosmic Light if no other reason than they
are easier to absorb and assimilate than the structure of Light,
which is often too intense to absorb and integrate.
Senzar Glyphs
Question 34-S3 - I am interested in the paintings and especially
the symbols in them. Can these be translated into English? Are
they the
Senzar symbols, which DK mentions in his writings?
A. Senzar, besides being an alphabet of its own, can be rendered
in cipher characters, which correspond to the nature of
ideographs rather than of syllables.
Senzar, as a language, was
brought by the Central Race to Earth.
The reason is quite
simple. Ideographic language can convey a tremendously complex
concept in a single character. It's very efficient and can be
effectively encoded for highly targeted transmission.
Cosmological and mathematical concepts of significant importance
could be reduced to a symbolic rendering, but the contextual
meaning of color and secondary matrix brought the full meaning
of the symbol to light, thus its encoding was complete.

In other words, you can look at a specific symbol of the 24th
Chamber Painting (e.g., the second, primary character in the
vertical matrix in the upper left section of the painting).
taken out of its framework, this particular character means one
thing, which would transpose to Sanskrit, but when viewed in its
contextual matrix, it is elevated to Senzar, where its meaning
is encoded as representing the Wholeness Navigator within the
human instrument.
Senzar is a language that flows between
alphabetic characters, mathematical symbols, and musical notes.
It is an integrated language, sometimes referred to as the
Universal Language of Light or the Insig-nias of First Source.
Chamber Paintings
Question 60-S3 -
Al Bielek said the paintings we see and buy are
not the real ones, "...the real ones are classified." Is this
so? Are there parts of the paintings that have been changed, or
are they all 100% authentic as transposed from Lyricus?
A. The Chamber Paintings, as they're represented on the
WingMakers' website, are translations of the real paintings. The
original works reside within the Tributary Zone near the
galactic center of the Milk Way galaxy. The original "paintings"
are photonically animated by an advanced technology that permits
the art to morph intelligently as dictated by the music. In
other words, music is the engine that animates the painting.
original environment in which the art is stored requires that I,
the translator, take a "snapshot" of the painting that best
represents the dynamic image statically. These original works
are not "classified" by any government organization I assure
you. They simply exist in a different dimension and are visible
to a different range of senses.
The DVD Meditations in TimeSpace
is an attempt to capture some sense of how the paintings are
actually presented in their native environment.
Question 3-S3 - "Octavio Fifteen" is 85 65 which corresponds to
"The Earth Kumara." You warned me about esoteric numerology
earlier, but the Corteum does relate to
Sirius and according to
DK, Sanat Kumara (also 120) does have a special relationship to
the Sirian Logos.
Something is going on here. Either this means
something significant to your story's esoteric meaning, or it is
a mere coincidence of language structure combined with my
over-active imagination. Can you tell me which it is? The thing
that bothers me about this correspondence is that (at least up
to chapter 8) Fifteen appears to be a pretty ruthless character.
In the framework of DK's teachings (and Theosophy), Sanat Kumara
is an advanced cosmic Entity, who for all intents and purposes
is the God of our planet. He ensouls this world in which we
live. I will leave it to the reader to research this topic
further, for there are various views available.
A. You are correct that the works developed by the Lyricus order
are encoded (as we've discussed before); however, they're not
necessarily encoded in the numerological equivalents that you
apply. We do not presume that this equates as effective
instruction for the aspiring student. It is more the case that
we are in the habit of encoding information for the purposes of
When the habit is so well formed and the work is so
important, as is the case with the Tributary Zones, we naturally
encode information in numerological, symbolic, language
undertones, mantristic rhythms, color frequencies, and musical
frequencies. All of these aspects are woven into a deeper
meaning that reflects the cosmological and multi-verse
structures that bind human consciousness to the Wholeness
Time Travel (Blank Slate Technology-BST)
Question 59-S3 - Do the dates August 12, 2003, August 12, 1983,
August 12, 1963, August 12, 1943, August 12, 1923, ad infinitum
have any significance as far as time travel and earth biorhythms
are concerned?
These dates are mentioned in the Montauk Project
series of books as being significant dates for
time travel e.g
the Philadelphia Experiment.
A. No. BST does not require a fix on earthly or human
biorhythms. BST, or even lower forms of time travel, is not a
function-relationship of
portals, gateways, or dimensional
alignments. It is a function of technology appropriately married
- in this case - to a human operator.
Hakomi Site
Question 51-S3 - How many chambers does the Hakomi site have?
Does the Hakomi site have chamber paintings? And if so, when can
we see them?
A. The Hakomi site consists of 17 Chambers. Music is the one
consistency across all of the 7 sites. Art is also used in all
of the sites, but it is slightly different in its use of symbols
and even style.
As to when you can see them, you may already be
seeing them as Mark has posted some of the Hakomi art on the
WingMakers site, though I can't say for certain where it is in
terms of the page URL. Others will follow with the release of
subsequent music CDs.
James - Lyricus Teacher and
Translator of the WingMakers Materials
Mahu Nahi
Question 11-S1: Who/what are you James? Where do you get your
information from?
A. In my dominant reality, I am known as Mahu Nahi. I am a
member of a teaching organization whose roots are very ancient,
but paradoxically, very connected with humanity's future. This
teaching organization is concerned with transporting a sensory
data stream to earth in order to catalyze select individuals of
the next three generations to bring innovations to the fields of
science, art, and philosophy. These innovations will enable the
discovery and establishment of the Grand Portal on earth.
I can be likened to a translator who "transports" already
existing Tributary Zones to earth in the form of a
comprehensible sensory data stream. This data stream will have
both explicit and implicit content that incarnating souls will
be tuned to recognize. This material will awaken them to the
blueprints of discovery that were encoded into their DNA at
My information - as it pertains to the WingMakers'
material - derives from the seven Tributary Zones that were
created by this very same teaching organization. I was involved
in the design of these Tributary Zones, and consequently
commissioned to translate them into data streams appropriate for
the human neuro-anatomical system, which required my incarnation
into a human body.
Question 14-S2 - You are known as Mahu Nahi. Is Mahu Nahi
another incarnation of your spirit that has commissioned James
(your current incarnation) to translate this material for the
people of Earth?
A. No. My name within Lyricus is Mahu Nahi. This is how I am
known among my students and associates. In effect, Mahu Nahi is
the name of my SECU personality, while James is the name of my
human personality of this time.
A Master?
Question 6-S1 : Are you a 'Master'
as some proclaim?
A. There are so many definitions of the term "master" that I am
not willing to say I am this, or I am not this, unless a
definition accompanies the word. Since you did not provide a
definition with your question, I will not provide an answer. I
will , however, acknowledge the spirit of your question, which
is: what am I?
In this regard I am as you are. I am a multidimensional being
who lives simultaneously in a spectrum of realities. My dominant
reality is different than yours. Because of this difference, I
am able to process this human reality at a different frequency
rate, which enables me to perceive behind and beyond the
three-dimensional "surface" of this reality.
As a result of this ability, I am able to translate art, music,
poetry, philosophy, and scientific insights that are from my
dominant reality into yours. In so doing, I have translated
sensory data that will catalyze future discoveries that will
redefine the human soul.
Now, does this mean I am a master? I am simply performing the
exact function I was created to perform. The output of personal
behavior is always compared to the goal of your internal
expectation and the output of your fellow man. This is typically
how we are measured, are we not? There is no measure or
comparison for the crystallized and absolutely individualized
purpose of one who is operating in faultless accord to his or
her purpose.
"Masters" abound in the human arena.
Some are excellent
teachers, but very, very few teach how to transition from the
human-mind dominant reality to that of the human-soul . Even
fewer teach how to transition to the awareness and functionality
of the Sovereign Integral state. One thing I can tell you, trust
no one's proclamation, instead, examine in-depth the fruits of
the supposed master and determine how they empower you to become
your own self-sufficient teacher.
If you can find this, then you have found a master worthy of
your time and energy.
Question 7-S2 - I am going to be specific with my wording here;
I am aware that you are a
multidimensional entity that exists
simultaneously in eternity, within the physical body, throughout
incarnations in time. This question is specific to the physical
entity answering this question in the here and now.
Are you a
standard human being, genetically identical to all categories of
human on the Earth in this time period, born physically from a
woman? Alternatively, are you a clone, hybrid, alien, etc. placed
on Earth by 'others'?
A. I was born as a human with very human parents. If you
examined my DNA at birth you would find very little difference
from your own. The element of distinction is that my
consciousness was free of the survival-based energy system that
conditions humans to a very nominal realization of their
inherent purpose.
Within my consciousness was a connection to my
purpose and lineage that outshone the indoctrination process
that virtually all humans are subject to. It was this
identification to my purpose that caused me, at an early age, to
recollect my purpose in incarnating as a human being.
State of Consciousness
Question 28A-S3 - Are the Beings in Shamballa, WingMakers? Is
Sanat Kumara a WingMaker?
Note that James only addresses part of this question. See
Mantustia. He prefaced his answer, however, with the following
comments which belong in this section on James himself.
A. It is only with consciousness effort that I am able to
differentiate the WingMakers from all sentient life forms in the
7th superuniverse. In the reality in which I serve, all
sentient, individuated life forms are a family of sovereign
integrals known as Central Race Seven, or WingMakers.
Time - as
a referential element - reduces unity of consciousness to
separate and distinct classes of consciousness.
In my natural
state, I do not see time in this manner, and therefore, I
perceive you as a WingMaker here and now, not in some distant or
imagined future. Of course I can also see how the Wholeness
Navigator within the human instrument struggles clumsily to
exert this reality in 3-dimensional space.
But it is the
condition of separation and more specifically, the inexperience
of separation that creates this clumsy presentation of the
Wholeness Navigator.
Question 15-S2 - Why the secrecy regarding your whereabouts and
identity? I know that you want the material to take precedence
over a possible 'messiah' figure.
Are you concerned about the
MJ12, MI6,
Bilderberg's, whoever etc.
tracking you down?
A. There are several groups who are presently aware of my
existence on earth. For the most part, my work will only appear
to them as adding to the misinformation programs that they've
already erected. To most secret organizations, the more that is
written about them that is divergent from previously held
notions, the better. It is this very divergence that creates and
perpetuates the uncertainty and stirs the murkiness in which
they remain suitably concealed from the public's eye.
This was purposeful on my part because it would be relatively
easy for certain groups to find me, and if they chose,
compromise my mission. Thus, I have shared many truths about
these organizations, knowing that these very truths are
divergent from the established speculation and, ironically as it
may seem, by this divergence, I am protected because WingMakers
is perceived as a mythology and does not disclose hard evidence.
Because of my alliances, it is unlikely that anyone would choose
to knowingly hinder this mission because these groups have a
high regard for my lineage, which in some respects, is the only
thing that restrains them.
There is very little known about
Lyricus. It is truly the most enigmatic teaching organization
within the broader universe. Its capabilities are unknown, but
it is rightly assumed to be respectful of this organization.
As for my personal anonymity, this is a choice I made in order
to curtail my teaching mode to individuals of this time in favor
of directing my life's work to a select population of
incarnating SECUs. This requires me to focus on transposing the
sensory data streams of the
Tributary Zones to a digital media platform for future
Mission and Work
Question 47-S3 - Why did you think it necessary to make yourself
known as the creator of the WM Materials, rather than leave the
materials first presented as being a creation of Humans from the
future, called "WingMakers"?
A. I have always been consistent on this issue. I am not the
creator of the WingMakers materials, I am the translator. The
materials existed before I incarnated on earth. I have taken the
original content and transduced it (for lack of a better term)
into a form (music, art, words, symbols) that would resonate to
the human senses and mind. The original materials, of which only
a small fraction has been translated and published on the
Internet, are created by a subset of the WingMakers called
Lyricus (my term).
Lyricus teachers assembled the materials and
have exported them to the various life-bearing planets like
Earth. At the appropriate time, a lineage of teachers incarnate
and begin the rigorous process of translating the materials into
"human form". I am merely the first of this lineage to begin the
process of translation. As to your question, the lineage of
teachers I speak of do - in a real sense
- represent humanity's future.
Question 4-S1: Do you think that something akin to "The WingMakers" inspired you to create this Myth, or are you just
lonely and a little bored?
A. I was not inspired to create the WingMakers' mythology; I was
commissioned to perform this specific task. No one requires
inspiration to carry out a task required of them by the very
nature of their purpose as a life form. Further, I did not
create a myth; I translated a Tributary Zone into a sensory data
stream that can catalyze the human thalamocortical system to
awaken its innate connection to the Genetic Mind.
I refer to it
as a mythology only because I must convey - in good conscience -
that the material is not completely factual.
Question 66-S3 -
"Each individual must know them self to be free
of all forms of external reliance. This is not to imply that one
should not trust others or band together in alliances of
friendship and community. It is simply a warning that relative
truth is constantly shifting in the hands of those who desire to
control, and even though their motives may be of good will, it
is still a form of control.
When the hierarchy withholds
information, the interpretive centers for relative truth are
positioned to acquire and maintain power rather than dispensing
the empowerment of Source equality."
Reading the above paragraph if we replace "hierarchy" with
"James", don't you think that you're actually performing a form
of control (even though you may be good-willed) by withholding
information instead of dispensing the empowerment of Source
equality right now?
Also, from time to time we see the material
take a "turn" which can easily be equated to the teaching's
reference to hierarchy: "relative truth is constantly shifting
in the hands of those who desire control."
Have you also
considered the effects of slowly feeding information in terms of
a built-up interdependence between the WM audience and yourself?
Note that this is the one instance in which the term "hierarchy"
is being used according to the meaning ascribed to it by the Lyricus and WingMakers material. It is NOT being used in the
Theosophical sense as described in the Introduction.
The extract being referenced by the questioner is from
WingMakers' Philosophy, Chamber Two: The Shifting Models of
Existence, paragraph five.
A. As a member of Lyricus, I am focused on translating Lyricus
content to human standards
- both in terms of material and technology. This requires a
significant effort and time. If I had the time to explain the
translation process, I think you would understand. The material
is encoded and this is the primary distinction. Translating this
content is dissimilar in every way to translating Spanish into
English. So time is an issue.
More to your point, the
materials are released not according to my timetable, but
according to the mesh of incarnating souls, the collective
signature vibration of the species, and the timetable of the
Grand Portal's discovery. The desire to have all the material
available to peruse won't be fulfilled for 30-40 years.
This is
not a result of control or manipulation, but is in response to a
plan that is well engineered and proven to be effective.
Question 50-S3 - I have noticed in some responses to questing
news-list participants you seem to be very time limited but will
answer the questions in-between other pressing engagements and I
wondered what these other pressing engagements might be?
A. My work requires that I interact with others, as this mission
is much larger than one person. Sometimes this means that I
travel, sometimes it requires that I host travelers. Also, the
translation process is very time consuming owing to the
intricacy and complexity of the original material. It is not
channeling where I open my mouth and the words drop out.
Especially in the case of the music and art, it requires a
tremendous amount of time to orchestrate the translations and
try and keep them true to their original form while converting
them to 3-dimensional art forms. In the case of the music, it
requires that I locate and work with the right kind of talents,
as this is a more collaborative translation when compared to the
other material.
Question 48-S3 - I was wondering if you participate in the Wingmaker's forum in any way? If not why do you not participate
in it? Do you perhaps distance yourself from this news-list so
as not to become a savior for those who might be looking for
A. I do not participate in any forum or earth-bound organization
- including WingMakers LLC. I am here to translate and make
available the higher circuits of experiential learning, and to
help catalyze the discovery of the Grand Portal. The only
organization that I can say I am affiliated with is Lyricus. I
am not present on earth to validate anyone's belief system or
pronounce him or her an initiate of the "True Way". I prefer to
focus on my mission, knowing that modern life has its methods of
Question 49-S3 - Do you have other outlets for your teachings
that you might spend more time with rather than the forum?
A. I want to remind you that these are not "my teachings". I am
not teaching anything. I am translating materials that go
underneath the human "radar" of censorship and egotistic control
and strike resonance with that part of you that is termed the
Wholeness Navigator.
Question 5-S2 - You have Sarah de Rosnay and at least one other
helper (lady in the photo). How have these people become
disciples/students/helpers to you? Do you intend to take on more
followers in the future?
A. Sarah and Mark are the only ones who directly assist me in
the operations of my work. I have a group of students that I
work with on many dimensions of consciousness, and I work with
these students through the Tributary Zones known to you as the
WingMakers materials. Yes, I will take on new students using the
WingMakers material as the medium of my teaching. I intend to
remain unknown as a human personality, allowing the sensory data
streams of the Tributary Zones to perform the majority of my
Note: The photo of the lady can be found through one of the
various hidden links contained on the First Source CD-ROM which
can be ordered at the WingMakers website.
Question 4-S2 - You have a studio in New York. How do you
finance yourself, as all of your time is taken up with WingMakers translation work? I am assuming you have a hidden
life in paid employment?
A. I live a very simple life, and support myself through means
that I will not disclose.
Question 9-S1: Do you like Questions?
A. Yes. You can discern a great deal about an individual by the
nature of the questions they ask. Questions also furnish
opportunities to refine or adjust one's communication methods.
Question 1-S1 : Who is the unidentified woman in this picture,
and where was it taken?
A. The woman is a student of mine. In respect to her wishes, she
does not want to be identified. It is not Sarah De Rosnay as
some may conclude. The photograph was taken in my studio - whose
location is in New York.
Note: This picture is on the First
Source CD ROM, Vol. 1.1
Lyricus Teaching Order
Question 6-S2 - How did the WingMakers reveal themselves to you
and place a profound calling upon your life?
A. I am a member of a teaching order that has existed before the
creation of the planet earth. I realize this may seem like an
impossible reality, but it is my reality nonetheless. This
teaching order is allied with the esoteric teaching orders of
earth. The teaching order of which I represent is not known in
your world because it has chosen to remain hidden until the
Grand Portal discovery process is made public.
You may refer to my teaching order as Lyricus. It is the closest
name that resembles the vibration of its true name in your
native language. Lyricus is aligned with the Central Race, or
WingMakers, and the great majority of its members are from the
Central Race. Within Lyricus, expertise is centered on seven
These include the fields of genetics, cosmological
sciences, metaphysics, sensory data streams, psycho-coherence,
and cultural evolution. We are not, as you can see, focused
exclusively on philosophy or spiritual teachings. Our central
purpose is the irrefutable discovery of the humanoid soul upon
three-dimensional, life-bearing planets.
Lyricus could be likened to the Jesuits or Tibetan monks of the
Central Race, except that they place a much more significant
emphasis on the nexus of the integrated sciences and arts.
Nonetheless, they are a faction of the Central Race and bear
responsibility for shepherding the humanoid populations within
the universe to the Grand Portal, and thereby indoctrinating the
species, as a whole, into the broader network of the
intelligent, interconnected universe.
This task requires a very broad agenda, encompassing genetics at
its core, and the other six disciplines mentioned above as
integral, but peripheral forces that propel a humanoid species
to discover its own animating life force - the Wholeness
Navigator. Lyricus employs a variety of sensory data streams to
awaken a species, ranging from music, books, art, science,
culture, and mythology.
Generally, these are isolated
expressions, but as the species draws closer to the Grand
Portal, the sensory data streams are increasingly integrated,
encoded, and represent potent forces for expansion of
Upon earth there is an order of non-physical teachers with whom
we coordinate our agenda and essential objectives. These
teachers are experienced in the human condition, and thus
possess the critical elements of compassion and empathy of which
we - of Lyricus - are sometimes less replete. They provide
stewardship of our objectives in the context of the human
condition and advise us in the matters of the emotional and
mental conflicts that confound and confuse humanity.
Now, back to your question. I am a teacher of encoded sensory
data streams and was trained, at my request, to embody as the
human translator of the galactic Tributary Zones,
making them intelligible to the human race of the 21st century.
The WingMakers did not reveal themselves to me any more than
fellow human beings "reveal" themselves to you.
Note: The following three paragraphs describing the Lyricus
Teaching Order originate in Question 5-S3. I have placed this
information here for continuity of the topic.
Perhaps one of the greatest secrets in the universe - as it
pertains to organizations - is the
Lyricus Teaching Order.
It is
a bedrock SOA [see Source Organizational Alignment] that is
invisible and likes to remain so until the Grand Portal is
discovered. If its identity were disclosed sooner, it would fall
under swift and persistent attack by every quarter of power.
(Within Lyricus, we refer to the Quarters of Power as consisting
of government, science, religion, and culture.) We know this
from experience.
Thus, we work through existing structures and
place our influence within every quarter. I am not, by any
means, the only one representing Lyricus who is embodied at this
time on Earth. While I may be the nucleus of the cultural power
quarter, I have counterparts in each of the other three quarters
who are equally absent of notoriety and visible presence, but
nonetheless are quietly going about developing their missions to
promote the changes required to discover the Grand Portal.
Even as we introduce ourselves to Earth, it is done under the
guise of mythology and story. We do not assert ourselves in the
context of fact because we would then certainly be feared by the
alignment of power within each quarter. In this fear lies the
natural tension of a species as it nears the Grand Portal.
quarters of power will resist if they know the goal is to
establish the Grand Portal as a node on the Sovereign Integral
Network. This resistance would make impossible the necessary
funding and lawmaking to achieve this breakthrough discovery.
Thus, Lyricus sends catalysts to each quarter for the purpose of
establishing a "null zone" that can act as an incubator and
catalyst of these required changes.
Lyricus is an unimaginably large SOA with substantial influence
and authority. Its "director" is the 7th Archetype of First
Source. You can think of Lyricus as the preservationists of
truth, and the only "truth" we seek to preserve is the
accessibility granted a humanoid species to discover - through
its own initiative - the Grand Portal.
We work at the level of a
species, not an individual, although we do work with individuals
as a means to test our knowledge of the species.
organizations in the religious quarter are more inclined to work
with individuals, so it is understandable that when someone
hears about Lyricus or the WingMakers, they would naturally
assert that DK [see Djwhal Khul] didn't disclose our existence,
which is odd, especially if we were aligned in our objectives.
Question 9-S3 - If, 'Lyricus is aligned with the Central Race,
or WingMakers, and the great majority of its members are from
the Central Race,' does that emanate from within this solar
system, and if so what scheme and globe? If outside the system,
are we talking in the region of the Pleiades? (The teachings do
have a strong Ray 3, third aspect about them)
If this is so,
then does the 'Central Race' have any relationship to the
Central Spiritual
This particular questioner is seeking a correspondence between
the third ray of Active Intelligence which relates to the
"region of the Pleiades" (according to the esoteric cosmology of
the Bailey/DK books), and Lyricus.
Note: there are many websites
available with information about the seven rays.
A. Lyricus is foremost a teaching brotherhood organized around
seven knowledge categories - each a component of the process
that enables a species to position their apex technology and
knowledge in pursuit of the irrefutable scientific discovery of
the human soul (known as the Grand Portal).
This discovery,
unlike the more personal, introspective process of the
individual, is engineered for a species at large, and therefore,
implies a much more significant effort and coordination.
It is in service to this goal, that the Central Spiritual Sun is
indeed aligned and serves as an amplification system to the
goals of Lyricus. The primary relationship between Lyricus and
the Central Spiritual Sun is comparable to a sailboat and its
relationship to the wind. Since Lyricus is an outbound mission,
the Central Sun acts as an energizing force in the distribution
of the teachings of Lyricus - not so much as a creator of
content and principle, but rather as a readiness or preparatory
factor in the target species for the Lyricus teachings.
While Lyricus is aligned intellectually to the Hierarchy and its
goals and objectives, it also carries a separate teaching
through encoded sound and light, of which WingMakers is a part.
In his answer, James is using the term "Hierarchy" according to
the Theosophical model, as explained in the Introduction. James
is using the vocabulary most familiar to the questioner. See the
section, Source Organizational Alignment (SOA) and Earth's SOA.
Question 52-S3 - Did the WM have dealings with any others in our
neck of the woods, galaxy, etc.? Is that why there are other
teachings, like Urantia, and other channeled materials that are
very similar to WM Philosophy?
A. The exportation of the teachings called WingMakers is in fact
the work assembled by Lyricus. The name WingMakers is simply an
encoded word that has been used to represent a portion of these
teachings for humanity. In terms of Lyricus' mandate and reach,
it is as far-reaching as any organization within the universe,
and it is certainly an influence in other life-bearing planets
within the Milky Way galaxy.
Other teachings like Urantia or
channeled teaching stem from different sources. In some cases
there is similarity and to the degree this occurs, it is because
the universe is not entirely subjective.
Lyricus Teachers
Question 53-S3 - Did they (the WingMakers) actually incarnate
here to leave the artifacts or did they just manifest it and
A. Representatives from Lyricus incarnate amongst humanity
instead of physically traveling to life-bearing planets in
spaceships or other types of vehicles. This is done for
efficiencies, stealth, and deepening the understanding of how to
integrate the Lyricus teachings into the indigenous culture.
These personalities are mostly invisible among the human
population. As they near their eleventh birthday they typically
become activated by another Lyricus member who has come before
them that triggers their consciousness. These catalysts from
Lyricus may be physically present or spiritually connected at
the dream/ subconscious levels.
Whatever the case, this
activation is what "downloads" the mission objectives and
triggers the sense of inviolate duty that accompanies these
embedded workers of Lyricus.
Question 28B-S3 - When I first read
Vision of Mantustia I
thought that this Being might be Sanat Kumara. Is Mantustia
Sanat Kumara and if not who is Mantustia?
A. Mantustia is an ascended master who is a remarkable entity of
planetary significance to Earth, however, it is not Sanat
Kumara. Within the Lyricus teaching order there are distinctions
between personalities based on the teaching method employed by
the personality. There is a wide range of methodologies that can
be employed, and there are certain teachers who have found
methods to synthesize these methods in such a way that they can
cause revelatory experience in their students through a simple
exchange of language.
Mantustia has developed many of the most
famous discourses of Lyricus. He is a master's master of the
most esoteric order within Lyricus that develops discourses,
instructional methodologies, and experiential learning
environments within the human genome. You will be able to
recognize his voice as it is has an uncanny ability to integrate
paradox with truth in an authoritative undertone.
If heard in
its pure, native language, Mantustia's voice and wisdom borders
on the incomparable.
Form Builders of Lyricus
Question 2-S3 - Are the WingMakers similar to the Manasaputras
or the Greater Builders as referred to in some literature?
The name "Manasaputras" is Sanskrit and generally means "Sons of
Mind." These are an advanced order of cosmic lives who are the
builders of worlds. These beings are sometimes referred to in
Theosophical literature and in the
books of Alice A. Bailey (AAB).
The section, Teachings of Djwhal Khul (DK) and Alice A. Bailey,
provides further information.
A. The Form Builders (as I refer to them) are not the WingMakers.
Think of the WingMakers as a collective identity, similar to
the term we would use for "humanity", except that the WingMakers
represent the 7th universe central race. They are the "child" of
the 7th Archetype of First Source, while humanity is the "child"
of the WingMakers.
Within the WingMakers, just as within humanity, there is
tremendous diversity. In other words, not everyone who is a
member of the 7th universe central race is concerned with the
spiritual welfare of humanity. Thus, a teaching resource was
developed in very, very ancient times (as humanity thinks of
these things), called Lyricus (its real name cannot be disclosed
in the spoken languages of Earth).
Lyricus, in itself, is a mythical wisp of smoke in the
arcane/occult/mystery schools of Earth. I am not permitted to
disclose much about this organization, so it forces me to
"dance" around questions a bit. The Form Builders are emissaries
of Lyricus, but they are decidedly different from WingMakers in
that their function for existence is to be exported to
developing, life-bearing planets, and act as the genetic
forbearers of humanoid life forms.
Within Lyricus are seven primary disciplines of knowledge. The
centermost and unifying discipline is genetics. The Form
Builders are part of this discipline, but they are more
concerned with the species at its formative stages of
development, and less so when it nears its apex opportunities
for discovering the Grand Portal. The Form Builders are
creations of Lyricus.
You've heard the expression "cycles within cycles" or wheels
within wheels. Here it is expressed in the fact that each
life-bearing galaxy has a humanoid archetype just as each of the
seven universes has one, and within each sector of a galaxy
(usually divided into approximately 1,000 sectors) there resides
a sub-archetype based on the galactic model. This sub-archetype
is what is referred to in the arcane school as the Form
It is one of the beautiful ironies of First Source, that Form
Builders, for all their mysterious and cloaked identity, are
actually present in every living human in the form of their
body, mind, and spirit integration. The Form Builders are part
of a very extensive organization within Lyricus that you can
think of as a vast scientific body of geneticists, but not of
the kind of Earth. Form Builders do not study genetics, they
create them; and they do not reveal their creations, they are
their creations.
The strongest bridge between the AAB materials and the WMM is
the Lyricus teaching order, but it will take some time before
the teachings of Lyricus are brought to Earth.
Nonetheless, when
these teachings are released, they will support the weight of
many, many students as they migrate from the old worldview of
spirituality to the new.
The following diagram is taken directly from James' answer to
this question
concerning the Manasaputras or what James calls,
"Form Builders."

Multi-location Ability
Question 27-S3 - Is it fair to state that you are part of a
Lyricus Teaching Order which is based in the Sirian (Corteum)
system despite the fact that you hail from a distant galaxy?
A. This is a difficult question to answer, at least with words.
It requires that you reorganize your definition of an entity.
Your question implies that I cannot operate in multiple systems
simultaneously. I know you are aware that there are those within
the Brotherhood [Earth's Hierarchy of teachers] who practice
While this is typically considered in the context
of a physical body, multi-location in the higher bodies is not
only possible, but also necessary for members of Lyricus.
will not permit me to list the reasons for this, though the most
important reason is quite intuitive: multi-location enables us
to "spread" the presence of our vibratory knowledge to a wider
Release of New Material
Question 3-S2 - What process is undertaken to decide upon a
public release date for each piece of material? For example do
you have a list that says e.g. 20th February 2008 philosophy 23
is released?
A. The assessment is based on factors I cannot - at this time -
disclose. There is a general schedule for release, but it is not
specified to the day or even week and month. It is triggered, in
part, by external events.
Question 54B-S3 - By what means are "they" keeping track of our
progress in assimilating the material? Where are they now?
A. There is no one who "tracks" an individual's progress in
assimilating the teachings of Lyricus. Everyone emits or
broadcasts a signature vibration. This vibration is collectively
woven into a species. It is this vibration that is "read" by
Lyricus and it is understood in general terms what the progress
of the species is based on this collective signature.
Question 55-S3 - What changes can we expect to feel before we
are ready for more categories to be revealed?
A. I'm not sure what you meant by "categories". I will assume
you mean the seven disciplines of Lyricus. The signature
vibration of the species determines the timing of this
dispensation - exoterically speaking.
Organizational Alignment - SOA
Question 30-S3 - Is there another word besides "Hierarchy" which
I can use which is more akin to its true nature?
A. I like the concept of "Source Organizational Alignment" or
SOA. It means that the source of an organization is rightfully
empowered to establish a vision for the group energy to achieve.
All who invest their time and energy to the organization have a
responsibility to align to this vision. SOA is an alternative
definition of Hierarchy that suggests its true nature.
That said, however, the difficulty emerges as Hierarchies
protect the vision of its source when three things occur:
The source vision was time-bound for a period of one
generation, and the organization
outlasts the source vision.
The source was not truly visionary or adept at forecasting
human behavioral shifts
based on environmental changes.
Substantial threats or opportunities emerge that impinge on
the vision and necessitate its modification.
Bear in mind that the Grand Universe, while being near infinite
in its spatial dimension, is infinitesimally sparse in terms of
humanoid populations.
Because of this condition, human
populations learn how to interact across the spatial dimensions
of space through the use of SIN [Sovereign Integral Network].
Trading is the most common reason that humanoid populations
interact; the second most common is to form alliances of safety.
Trade Alliance Organizations (TAO)
These are the two, most sweeping forms of SOAs within the
physical, Grand Universe. There are very sophisticated and
far-reaching trading networks or what are sometimes called (this
is a loose translation) Trade Alliance Organizations (TAO).
These particular examples of SOAs form the very basis of the
Hierarchy as it extends into the life-bearing planets that have
become activated on the Sovereign Integral Network.
There are also planets whose population has achieved a certain
level of spiritual depth and awareness that causes them to
abstain from the use of humanoid SOAs and participation within
the TAOs. These are the most evolutionary advanced humanoid
populations, and generally they prefer to remain outside of the
conflicts that naturally arise from humanoid SOAs and TAOs.
These populations invest their time and energy into manifesting
a SOA of First Source and helping other planets in their
evolutionary trajectory.
It is within these planets that Lyricus establishes an outpost.
This outpost carries the seed vision of a SOA, but one that is
aligned to the vision of First Source. Among these planets is a
form of communication and organization, which could be referred
to as a SOA or Hierarchy, but this is not the Hierarchy of which
you have formed a mental picture.
Earth's SOA (Earth's Hierarchy of Teachers and Guides)
Question 31-S3 - Are you saying that it is not an SOA, which is
"aligned to the vision of First Source"? Or are you saying that
my mental picture is not accurate enough to realize the true
nature of Earth's SOA which is indeed aligned with First Source?
A. Earth's SOA was established before the great flood by members
of Lyricus that became known as the Elohim (the "gods") or
Shining Ones.
These beings established seven centers of learning upon Earth.
These were instructional environments that accelerated the
connection of the human instrument to the Wholeness Navigator,
and enabled human initiates to ascend in consciousness such that
it was possible to create the great philosophical systems that
to some extent endure to this day.
The Hierarchy (as you define it) was the seed that was planted
by the Lyricus team that worked with the human tribes of Earth.
In the span of one thousand years the human mind evolved
dramatically, and with it, technologies emerged that were
amazingly sophisticated.
Most of these technologies were
employed for the purpose of spiritual evolution of the species,
however, as is always the case in a freewill universe, not all
of the human tribes could resist the psychic and mental
manipulations of political leaders who saw the conquest of land
resources more desirable than the development of spiritually
evolved societies.
The Hierarchy's SOA began to shift as a
result with a higher priority placed on self-preservation. Its
spiritual values and goals came under attack, and it was forced
to recede underground. In part, because of this schism, the
great flood exercised a new calculus on the human genome, and
effectively began a new species.
The Hierarchy took this
learning to heart, and patience became a more desirable
expression of its macro-personality. Its teachers became more
visionary about the long pathway that stood before humankind.
Teachings of Djwhal Khul (DK) and Alice A. Bailey
Alice A. Bailey was in telepathic communication with a Tibetan
monk named
Djwhal Khul (DK or the Tibetan) between the years
1919 and 1949. With AAB's help, the Tibetan master wrote
eighteen books on spiritual psychology, cosmology, healing,
astrology, and metaphysics in general.
Question 5-S3 - He [a critic] believes the entire thing is an
elaborate hoax. He cannot accept the idea that a being can work
on Earth within the spiritual Hierarchy, yet claim to come from
another galaxy.
He pointed out that DK (Djwhal Khul) only taught
an order of Lives within our own galaxy, implying that
extra-galactic contact was way out of proportion to the chain of
hierarchical contacts possible to Earth humans.
A. One of the interesting observations I have made about the
human mind is how someone
who is revered as an authority can unintentionally define the
borders of belief so resolutely for their followers.
DK never
reported that there was not an extension of the Hierarchy beyond
the borders of the Milky Way galaxy, and that this grander order
did not impact on, or influence, a local system. It may surprise
you to learn that DK (during the time of his transmissions to AAB) was not aware of these extra-galactic contacts of the
Lyricus and 7th universe central race other than by myth.
So, by
his omission, it is assumed that he was of the opinion they did
not exist. He simply didn't know about Lyricus because it was
outside of his mission objectives.
His work required more focus,
and when you open up this "can of worms" (Grand Multiverse
Hierarchy) you need to assemble a team to disclose this
information because it is too broad and deep for one personality
to attempt to disclose (hence the nature of authorship of
The Urantia Book).

If you review the diagram above, you will see a model of how the
Grand Universe is structured.
The lowest "rung", or field of
vibration, is the Grand Physical Universe, which contains the
seven superuniverses. This model is impossible to depict with
accuracy in terms of relationships. There is no way to express
this relativity other than in abstract mathematics, and even
then, it is not accurate.
Thus, the Grand Multiverse is
inexpressible as an accurate model. It is, however, composed of
eleven primary dimensions, though within each of these
dimensions are inconceivable diversity and multiplicity.
Limitations of Metaphysical Writings
The object in the lower right-hand section of the diagram that
bears a resemblance to an antenna represents the knowledge base
of humanity in its current view of the Grand Multi-verse.
Lamentably, it is overstated because it is impossible for me to
depict a thin enough line and still make it visible. Suffice to
say that The Urantia Book comes closer to depicting the
horizontal view of the Grand Physical Universe, and the AAB
materials comes closer to depicting the vertical view of the
multiverse. Nonetheless, you can see that the "antenna" is only
scratching the surface of the Grand Multiverse.
How can one person depict this breadth and depth of the infinite
and expanding multi-verse? They cannot, and if it is tried, they
will do it a terrible injustice and their results will be
misleading. Now, the universe and multiverse that DK depicted
was contained well within the "antenna". It wasn't his objective
to depict the grandest vision of the multiverse.
It was his interest to depict the local system's energy fields
and its hierarchy, as he understood it.
Note: In order to maintain the continuity of the topical
arrangement I have removed three paragraphs of Q and A 5-S3 and
placed them within the "Lyricus Teaching Order" section,
Question 6-S2.
But as I said before, DK was not aware of Lyricus at the time of
his transmissions to AAB.
Yes, he knew that the Hierarchy
extended beyond his (and the Great White Lodge's) mental
construct, but he didn't know how far, or for what purpose. The
discovery of the Grand Portal has never been disclosed in any of
the materials of the earth-based religious quarter. Given that
this is the singular focus of Lyricus and humanity, doesn't it
strike you as peculiar?
This glaring omission from the religious quarter of humanity is
a reflection of how the religions of Earth object to, and/or
misunderstand, the advance of science and technology. For
example, DK never transmitted science in the context of
genetics, and yet, within Lyricus, this is the nucleus
For DK, science was the consort of Antahkarana,
triangles, or invocation (to name a few examples). It was not
the science of the double helix. His conscious mind did not
possess this vocabulary or knowledge, and therefore there was no
way for him to speak directly to these topics.
Because the Sanskrit term "Antahkarana" has various meanings I
have provided a link above. I would only add that in the
teachings of DK, Antahkarana means the building of a bridge in
consciousness between the everyday concrete thinking mind and
the abstract spiritual mind. This building work is done through
specific meditation practices.
Externalization of the Hierarchy and
Soul Carrier DNA in the Superuniverse
Question 14-S3 - What is the progress of the
externalization of
the Hierarchy? Who and what Masters are working 'amongst
Humanity' at this point?
A. The vision of the Hierarchy, as transmitted by Alice Bailey,
was incomplete, as it did not include Lyricus and the Tribe of
Light that encircles the Great Central Sun (to name two
exclusions). This was an intentional oversight designed to
simplify and localize the Hierarchical mission.
In terms of the externalization of the Hierarchy, it varies by
planet/species. There are approximately 30 trillion potential
life-bearing planets in superuniverse 7. Soul Carrier DNA is
distributed on approximately .0015% of these planets, or about
4.5 billion planets. Can you imagine the scale of such an
enterprise? Of these, the Hierarchy is externalized in a very
small percentage - less than 1%, or about 40 million planets,
comprising some 840,000 different species.
As you can see, externalization, from the view of the Hierarchy
is a process that encompasses a much larger scale than
terra-earth. As it pertains to your question, all
earth-representatives from the White Lodge are working amongst
humanity. I assume what you really mean is which known masters
are physically incarnate at this time.
The externalization of the Hierarchy is a major factor in the
AAB/DK teachings. To date, James never directly links the
Lyricus/WingMakers materials with the externalization process
described by Djwhal Khul. In fact, James never referred to this
event as the "externalization of the Hierarchy" until asked by
individuals oriented to the AAB/DK teachings.
However, there are
hints within the material which indicate that the Lyricus
mission iniitiated by James in the form of the WingMakers
website (1998)and later by the Lyricus website (2004) do, in
fact, represent the initial stage of the externalization of the
Hierarchy. (In fact, DK wrote an entire book about it entitled,
The Externalization of
In WingMakers' Philosophy, Chamber Four Beliefs and Their Energy
Systems, James appears to describe the "externalization" as the
"Return of the Masters." As can be seen here, James freely
discusses this topic as a natural extension of the work and
mission of Lyricus to Earth. Also see the section, Christ's Return to Earth, Question 40-S3.
Number of Masters in the World
I am not at liberty to disclose this list. I will tell you that
there are approximately 165 masters (6th initiates and above)
who are physically present on terra-earth, and who operate as
the vanguard of the spiritual corps, mostly through ashramic
There are some masters who have ventured outside of
the relative anonymity and protection of the ashram, but these
number less than a dozen, and apart from one name, you would not
recognize them in the literature of Alice Bailey or others
associated with the White Lodge.
Question 21-S3 - Are the Hierarchy concerned about the imminent
use of nuclear weapons? Would they allow them to be used in some
A. There is not a singular opinion on this matter inside the
Hierarchy. Regardless of the intervention strategies of the
Hierarchy, this universe is founded on the principle of
freewill. Interventions are weighed very, very carefully - both
in and out of time sequence, and are rarely exercised unless
they significantly countermand a major objective of the
Hierarchy like the discovery of the Grand Portal.
Avatar of Synthesis
The Avatar of Synthesis is instructed through Lyricus and, as
you know, operates in conjunction and coordination with Christ.
The Avatar of Synthesis is intimately involved in the Lyricus
objectives, knowing that the Grand Portal and the return of
Christ Consciousness galvanize and make durable the One Humanity
and One World consciousness.
The fact that James specifically mentions the Avatar of
Synthesis is significant because it indicates his detailed
knowledge of a specific term originally published in the Alice
A. Bailey books of esoteric philosophy.
The AAB works mention various orders of avatars. The term
"avatar" is Sanskrit and generally means a messenger from a
higher world who visits a "lower" world in order to give
spiritual guidance. The Avatar of Synthesis is identified as a
cosmic avatar and therefore comes from somewhere outside our
solar system.
In 1941 the Tibetan teacher, who dictated most of the books
written by Bailey, stated that all the teachers and workers of
Earth's spiritual hierarchy were invoking the presence of this
cosmic avatar in order to aid our planet during the great crisis
of WWII. This avatar did come to our world and is now working
closely with the same group of teachers that James refers to in
his writings and also in his answers here. More information
about this Avatar of Synthesis can be found on the Internet.
Mission and Work
Question 17-S2 - Who was
Jesus Christ in relation to the WingMakers?
A. For those of you who will read these words, and are steeped
in Christianity, forgive the manner of my response. I am not a
man who communicates delicately when speaking my truth.
Jesus incarnated not for the purpose of begetting a religion. He
simply expressed his vision of the spiritual dimensions, making
First Source accessible and singular. His fellow humans were so
eager for the fulfillment of prophecy that they imposed upon him
the mantle of Messiah, which he hesitantly agreed to shoulder.
Jesus presently serves a leadership role in the teaching
organization of which I spoke of earlier, which is made up of
authentic spiritual leaders of earth.
James is referring to the Earth's brotherhood of teachers
sometimes referred to as the Hierarchy. See Lyricus Teaching
Order, Description, Question 6-S2, Earth's SOA (Earth's
Hierarchy of Masters) Question 31-S3, and Hierarchy of Masters.
He is very much aware of both the WingMakers and Lyricus. An
interesting footnote: While the religious organizations compete
for human membership, those teachers who are responsible for the
religions' origin operate in collaboration and cooperation
beneath the same, bold banner: human evolution.
Those teachers who have translated from the physical to the
interdimensional realms remain powerful teachers of humanity.
They shift their focus from individualistic missions to
collaborative missions, and in this spirit of collaboration,
become increasingly powerful as change agents for the human
condition. Jesus, in particular, operates as a managing director
of the teaching organization, and in this role, interfaces with
Lyricus on planning and analysis of the Grand Portal.
There is a common understanding among the teaching core that the
confluence of science, art, and religion is inevitable, and it
will culminate in the scientific discovery of the human soul,
and more specifically, how the human soul is designed. Much like
the physical body has a human genome, the spiritual body, or
Wholeness Navigator, has a spiritual genome. And this genome is
far more important to understand than the human because it is
the causal element, while the human genome is the receptor.
There are six components to this effort that are coordinated:
1. Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary
Zones to a planetary system
2. Earth teachers (non-physical) prepare the species for
acceptance of the Grand Portal
3. Earth teachers (physical) discover the way to the Grand
Portal via the Tributary Zones
4. Earth teachers (physical) disseminate and preserve the
knowledge of the Grand Portal
5. Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to
the Sovereign Integral Network
6. Source Intelligence and Lyricus facilitate the process
throughout the Grand Universe
Jesus' role is of high importance in stage two, and in
approximately eighty years, in stage five. He essentially leads
this process with the collaborative assistance of the entire
teaching organization of ascended (non-physical) teachers.
[First published July 9, 2001.]
Christ's Return to Earth
Although the return of Jesus Christ is commonly associated with
some Christian denominations, this religious belief also plays a
central part in the spiritual philosophy of the Alice Bailey/DK
books. In fact, one of those books is entitled, The reappearance of the Christ.
This belief is quite different than the standard Christian
viewpoint, however. In the Bailey/DK scenario, the Christ
returns to the world more in the Eastern sense of an avatar or
messenger from the spiritual dimension. Such a return is does
not endorse any specific religion, but the Christ's return is a
universal outpouring of love and wisdom to all humanity.
Additionally, no specific date is given for such an event,
because it is determined by the spiritual growth and maturity of
the human family itself, not a judgmental God.
Question 15-S3 - The return of the Christ was originally slated
as around 2025. Has that date been bought forward some, and if
so what is the approximate timing now?
A. The timing for the
return of the Christ is related to the timing of the emergence
of the Church Invisible. The two are inseparable. In the Lyricus
vocabulary, the Church Invisible is the emergence of the Grand
Portal and its preeminence as the unification platform of legacy
religions and faith-based belief systems. The Christ
Consciousness will only prepare the Church Invisible to reign
within the human heart and higher mind, and Christ will, in
effect, ascend in evolutionary service thereafter.
In regard to your question about timing, it is impossible to
place specific time measures to events that involve complex
human decisions. It is truly, in the end, a human decision, not
one imposed by the Hierarchy.
Question 40-S3 - How is the WingMakers' project and the other 5
or 6 projects related to the reappearance of the Christ or World
A. The Hierarchy - not the Christed One - will emerge first, and
they will concentrate on bringing the new psychology and
metaphysics to the 21st century.
The WingMakers' teachings are
one of the first stages of this externalization process, which
consists of transmitting the catalytic forces of the Tributary
Zones to the communication networks of the world population. The
Christed One is an energy field that accompanies these teachings
and those individuals that immerse within the Tributary Zones
with the intention of accelerating their consciousness for the
purpose of discovering the Grand Portal. [The Grand Portal is
explained in more detail in Chamber Philosophy four, Beliefs and
Their Energy Systems.]
The Christed One will not return, so much as become acknowledged
in the post-discovery period of the Grand Portal. This is the
consciousness-shift of the planet and the human species. A
specific set of technologies will make possible the
acknowledgment of Christ, which has been referred to as the
Return of the Masters. In reality, the world teacher will be the
Grand Portal.
Question 19-S2 - From your knowledge of cosmogony/cosmology, are
we to expect an 'antiChrist' in the near future? If so, what
will be the nature of the anti-Christ? Do we mean a person, a
thought pattern, an attitude, an alien, Animus, a country etc?
A. The concept of an antichrist is deeply penetrating as a
mythology and prophecy. It is a very complex subject, and one
that I lack sufficient time to properly address. In order to
understand the antichrist, you must first understand the Christ,
and this is where most definitions or predictions of the
antichrist fail.
Christ, non-personalized, is human salvation from the grips of a
repressive energy system that places human beings in a survival
mode of consciousness. Christ is the Grand Portal. The
antichrist, therefore, is represented as a collection of forces
that resist the discovery of the Grand Portal for fear of the
changes it will bring. Ironically, these forces will be largely
generated from religious centers, and consequently, governments,
in many instances, will be forced to follow.
If I were to say that the antichrist is organized religion, it
would be too general of a statement. I can only tell you that
the powers behind humanity's major religious organizations will
eventually unite and resist this discovery with all their
strength. This has been foreshadowed in many prophecies, but the
religious authorities have been loath to share it. It is not
commonly understood in religious circles, but the major power
centers of religious activity on earth each possess an inner
circle of authority, and these individuals are at least dimly
aware of these prophecies, and in one instance, are crystal
clear about what the future holds in the 21st century.
The Seven Universes
Question 73-S3 - It is my understanding that each universe was
created one at a time, drawing on the knowledge gained from the
previous universes. If this is so, then does our future hold an
8th (or more) universe?
A. It is certainly a possibility, but I cannot say with any
certainty that this will occur or is part of the divine plan. I
have to answer, "I do not know".
Question 74-S3 - In the myths of our culture, are there
references to the other six universes?
A. No. The singularity of the physical universe is one of the
most pervasive and persistent myths affecting all cultures
throughout time. The seven universes are sometimes confused with
the inner dimensions of consciousness, but these inner
dimensions correspond to the physical universe - hence, each
universe consists of outer and inner dimensions, and these
multiple dimensions are most potent where the greatest
concentrations of life forms exist.
For example, the inner
dimensions of Earth are far more developed and multi-faceted
than those that exist around Jupiter, despite the fact that
Jupiter is precisely 10.7 times larger than Earth. The
concentration of life forms and the accessibility of these life
forms to the Genetic Mind, Source Intelligence, and Entity
Consciousness create this interwoven, multidimensional matrix of
When multiplicity or "worlds", "planes", or "realms" is
depicted in myth or even modern day descriptions, they are
referencing these inner dimensions, and not the seven universes
of the physical Grand Universe.
Question 75-S3 - Do the myths of our culture also reference the
beings from other universes - or just our own? For instance are
angels from another universe?
A. The physical instruments of sentient life forms of the other
six universes do not crossover into our universe, or vice versa.
The seven universes are isolated vibrationally (spatially) and
genetically (bio-structurally). This helps to ensure that the
evolutionary pathways of a species in one universe do not
collide or conflict with another. It enables diversity. It
enables near-infinite evolutionary extension. While the physical
instrument cannot crossover, the individuated consciousness can.
And to this degree there are some beings that "migrate" from one
universe to another. This is not analogous to the ascension
process. Regarding your question about angels, angelic beings
are not from outside universe seven (our universe). Indeed,
neither are they from outside our galaxy.
Question 5-S1: Are you anti-Zeta Reticuli and
The Galactic
Federation, should they exist?
A. I am not. And they do exist.
That's the short answer.
As for the
Zeta Reticuli, they are like all complex, humanoid
species; they have multiplicity in their behaviors. There is no
single personality that defines the species. Some factions or
sub-cultures of the Zeta Reticuli are unpleasant by human
standards, and yet they have their reasons for their behaviors,
which I understand. Because I understand them, I can faithfully
report that while I don't support or honor their behavior, I am
not against them as an enemy. I simply withdraw my support and
openly acknowledge this among those I associate with.
Regarding the Galactic Federation, this is a form of
hierarchical command and control , and while I honor its mission
and support its purpose, I personally am not bound to its rule
nor am I subject to its hierarchical structure. I do, however,
respect the opinions of the Galactic Federation and would
carefully weigh their suggestions to the extent they impacted on
my personal mission.
Note that the section on Source Organizational Alignment (SOA)
states that hierarchical orders such as the Galactic Federation
exist. Hierarchical pantheons of gods recorded by ancient
civilizations like the Sumerians, Egyptians, and Asian, to name
a few, may be Earthly reflections of cosmic SOAs such as the
Galactic Federation. This is indicated further by James'
comments in the SOA section in regard to Earth's hierarchy of
master teachers.
Question 12-S2 - When will we see ET's openly walking around on
the Earth and mixing with Earth humans? Assuming of course that
official ET govt. disclosure occurs first? What role will the WingMakers play in these events?
A. Forgive me if I engage in recreation with your question just
a bit. Everywhere you are there are extraterrestrials. It's a
well-known fact of your scientists that the atomic structure of
the human form is derived from particles of stars. Thus, the
human instrument is essentially extraterrestrial.
Set this aside for a moment. What animates the human instrument?
What is ensouled within the body? Isn't it a consciousness of
understanding, borne of the archetype of souls known as First
Source? Is this not of extraterrestrial origin?
Both the animating force and the bodies within which this force
expresses are not of this earth. What you call humans, we call
Sovereign Entities of the Central Universe (SECU -pronounced
SeeQue). SECUs are the alpha and omega. They are not time-bound
nor restrained by the adornments of bodies. They are the primal
form finished and honed to the perfection of their creator, and
in this, we are all the same.
Now, to your point, extraterrestrials are walking around on
earth, you just don't recognize them as extraterrestrials
because the human genome and the genome of many extraterrestrial
races are essentially the same. There will be ETs of a different
cast that will make their presence known in the next decade, but
they will not interfere with the social order. When the Grand
Portal is unveiled by human hands you will invoke the attention
of the Galactic Federation, and humanity will be invited to
interact in the affairs of the galactic family.
It is then that
the diversity of the humanoid species will be appreciated, and
it is precisely for this reason that humanity must come to
understand itself as a SECU first, and human second.
Question 36-S3 - What about
ETs and
UFO phenomena? I think that
lots of this involves
the devas of the ethers, but not all of
it. And why would such a massive topic be obscured in esoteric
If DK has mentioned it, then it is very well veiled.
Most esoteric students are not integrating this ET phenomenon
with the ageless wisdom and it seems to me that something of
major importance is being missed here. I am interested in
integrating these two areas and am giving a presentation to a ufo group in the Philadelphia area on May 4. I want to
synthesize and bridge these areas if possible.
Devas (Sanskrit) are what the Christian world call angels. Devas
play an important, but mysterious role in the expression of life
in our galaxy. Angels are referred to in the third Neruda
interview and very briefly in the fourth interview.
A. The ET phenomenon is too complex for most people to address
or digest. If you bring up one end of this conundrum, you are
forced to admit that you don't know the other. This applies
equally to the media, science, politicians, military, military
industrial complex, and religion.
There is ample proof of
extraterrestrial interaction on earth, but this proof is hard to
guide into a single, comprehensible "corral" so that the public
can understand the phenomenon without feeling hoodwinked or
threatened. There are some who're trying to do this (Dr.
Greer), but they will be largely unsuccessful because
the evidence is focused on the conspiratorial cover-up, and not
on the ET agendas or long-range purpose.
To your point about devas, they are not confused with the ET and
UFO phenomenon. Only on rare occasions do people make this error
of identity.
There is, however, a very sophisticated program of
indoctrination being played out by both ETs and factions of our
intelligence communities. These are responsible for the
frequency of ET/UFO reports, as in the case of abductions. Bear
in mind, that I am an ET by definition. In the broader view, we
all are.
We all stem from extraterrestrial origins. Some of us
simply remember them better than others.
Global Issues and Conflicts
Question 11-S2 - What is your relationship with other
extraterrestrial races involved with the Earth? Are the Animus
real or fictional?
A. My relationships are with humans at the present. I do not
have interactions with what I believe you are calling
extraterrestrial races, other than my ancient bonds with Lyricus.
As for the Animus, they are very real.
Question 62-S3 - Is there an Animus influence in the hierarchy?
If yes are their intentions designed to minimize the emergence
of the SECU's?
A. There are tremendous variations of personality in the Animus
as there is within Humanity at large. There are factions within
the Animus that desire nothing more than to become a soul
carrier and live harmoniously with humanoids; and there are
factions that would like to supplant the humanoid genome and
rule over their worlds. With this backdrop, the answer to your
question is a qualified "yes".
The emergence of the SECU
functionality is a prime concern within certain Animus factions,
as is the related discovery of the Grand Portal for the simple
reason that it connects humanity with the broader humanoid
family present throughout universe seven.
The acronym "SECU" stands for "Sovereign Entity of the Central
Universe." See Extraterrestrials, Question 12-S2 for a fuller
explanation of SECU.
Dark Lodge
The dark lodge is a name given to a collective group of entities
who seek to keep humanity imprisoned in the confines of pure
materialism. Through their influence humanity is kept in fear,
separation, and spiritual darkness. Again, this term is used in
the Bailey/Djwhal Khul philosophical texts, but appears as the
"black lodge" or "dark brotherhood."
Question 10-S3 - How does the Hierarchy regard the present
post-Iraq situation in terms of the 'sealing of the door where
evil dwells'? Has the Dark Brotherhood regained the power it had
pre World War II, when it worked through the axis nations? Is
the situation in terms of the balance of power between the White
and Black Lodges regarded as precarious at the moment? i.e. who
currently has the upper hand?
A. The Dark Lodge continues to consume and project power within
the physical and emotional planes of terra-earth, irrespective
of the external events of war. In other words, wars and
political unrest are not barometers of the Dark Lodge.
the signs of the Dark Lodge are found in the ethics of adults
and children, and how, on a collective basis, these situational
ethics re-direct the global culture away from the divine
will-to-good. Until the Wholeness Navigator (a component of the
human soul) is discovered and its practical applications
employed by a critical mass of humans, the Dark Lodge will
dominate in this physical realm.
Their domination is enabled by the human species that lack
identification with the unification force that the Wholeness
Navigator anchors within the higher mind. This feeling of
separation from the brotherhood of souls is the singular weapon
exploited by the Dark Lodge to recruit, retain, and motivate its
Terrorist Attacks of 9-11-01
Question 12-S3a - Is the conspiracy theory correct that the
attack on the WTC on 9/11 was engineered by the US government
and /or the Israeli secret service? What was the degree of
complicity in the operation by Osama Bin Laden?
A. No one engineered the 9/11 tragedies, other than those who
carried it out. The Dark Lodge did not orchestrate it. It is a
natural, organic event arising out of the disconnected,
disenfranchised populations of the world as they strive to
strike back at what they deem cultural genocide.
Cultural genocide (I'm making a distinction between racial
genocide) is one of the more subtle ways to displace indigenous
control of the resources in the Middle East.
One could argue
that the Dark Lodge or the U.S. government knew that something
like 9/11 could occur, but they did not prescribe the method of
destruction, nor did they enable it specifically. Rather, they
project their power and the cultural autocracy associated with
it, knowing a reaction is inevitable.
To every unchecked power, there is a resistance movement. It is
a law of the universe, and the Dark Lodge is very well aware of
it. However, the resistance movement can be manipulated to
invoke fear, and it is this fear that further degrades
situational ethics, opening the door to involution.
Question 12-S3b - Are Osama Bin Laden or George Bush disciples,
and if so what is their evolutionary status? 1-2 degree? (1.3,
1.5 etc).
This questioner is using the vocabulary of Theosophy when
referring to disciples and degrees of initiation. In this
context, disciples are students following an accelerated path of
training in spiritual development. This process can be conscious
or unconscious. During the "unconscious" phase of the
developmental path, an individual may be experiencing a
particular lifetime in which they are engaged in an accelerated
learning and testing period.
Initiation degrees are developmental levels of spiritual growth
and achievement based on life experience gained in the framework
of one's chosen spiritual path.
A. Regarding levels of discipleship or evolutionary status, this
is a very personal matter and is never disclosed by Lyricus
teachers. Furthermore, any undue emphasis on initiation status,
particularly unrelated to your own, is misdirected energy.
Question 41-S3 - In light of the recent tragedy (September 11)
how do we recover some perception into the big picture and place
these events of terrorism in perspective?
A. The world is fragmented into religious and political
perspectives that land on various points of an expanding
continuum. This fragmentation is the expression of humanity's
collective ignorance of the Wholeness Navigator, or immortal
essence. It is this ignorance, and this ignorance alone, that
perceptually separates you not only from First Source or God,
but also those of your human family and the broader community of
life forms that extend throughout the Grand Universe.
This specific condition of ignorance creates the duality of good
and evil and its reliable shadow of sin. As depicted so
admirably in the media, the enemy of the United States, and
indeed the free world at large, has been sculpted into an
unrevealed network of terrorists who personify evil; while we,
the free world, stand erect as the embodiment of good. I invite
you to contemplate the vulnerability of this paradigm.
The conceptual structure of humanity's success does not lie in
the simplistic notion of the triumph of good over evil. Instead,
it lies in the investment of scientific and technical resources,
coupled to the self-reliant ingenuity of the human race to
discover the Wholeness
Navigator and share this discovery with the world's population.
This will not be done with the full cooperation of the human
race. Indeed, it never is. There is always the dampening effect
of those who fear the changes that will follow in the wake of
this vital discovery.
The terrorist network is a facet of this dampening effect that
will assail all efforts to unify humanity, and it will not be
the only form of resistance. As humanity enters into the
unfolding of its next three generations, this network will test
it repeatedly, and at times, as witnessed this week, with brutal
effectiveness. Ironically, terrorism fulfills the very role it
eschews inasmuch as the common enemy unifies.
Those elements of the population, whether they are countries
like North Korea and Iraq, or radical religious factions, have
one thing in common: they dread unification of the world's
people because they fear that their unique ethnicity, culture,
and religious customs will be extinguished, while those
populations who strive for unification believe their cultures
will be a foundation stone in the new, global society. This is a
fundamental anxiety of our time.
Once a world's population reaches a stage of global
communication, those nations who can apply the global
communications platform naturally seek a conceptual structure
that unifies the population, first economically, and then,
militarily. Earth is well underway in both arenas, but the
dampening effect of the terrorist network is what will help to
temper the will of the population to unify.
Once this
unification is established, the population will be better able
to collaborate and share, and this is precisely what the
scientific discovery of the Wholeness Navigator requires.
It is completely rational to be outraged by the brutality of
these recent attacks; it is also sensible to understand them in
the broader context. Our political, military, and media leaders
do not share this perspective, not because they lack
sensibility, but because their systems of reference are designed
to protect what has been established by previous generations as
our self interest, rather than to understand the broader context
as it relates to the vital discoveries that lie ahead.
I know in the minds of each of you lies the gnawing questions:
Where will this invasive terrorism lead and how far will it go?
Will it lead to a world war?
Will the world economy weaken as a
I can answer yes to the last two questions, but it will
not overtake the world's progression to unify, but rather hasten
its realization. While sacrifices will be required, it will
generate a new sense of collective purpose and connection among
the nations and tribes of Earth.
If you remain absorbed in the media-defined expression of this
dramatic story as it ensues, you may be entrained to think and
act as our leaders do, which is centered on the protection of
the self-interests of the free world. You may instead choose to
rely more on the leadership of your inmost self during the times
that will come, and place the events in the broader context of
the journey that lies ahead - both for you as an individual and
humanity as a whole.
Each of you must feel as though you have walked unwittingly
through a gate, and, having seen what's on the other side, you
want to return from whence you came, but the gate locked behind
you. We have entered a new world where your vulnerability has
been drawn in sharp relief. What lies ahead is not of our
conscious designs, but rather it is an expression of our
accumulated self-interests and general ignorance of the
Wholeness Navigator, and subconsciously, there are few on Earth
who do not realize this.
There is no one to blame for this condition. It is an
evolutionary element of the long process for a humanoid species
to achieve the scientific discovery of the higher dimensions
from which humanity is woven. Upon this journey humankind has
struggled before, but it has always found its way forward to its
ultimate goal, and it is this goal - subtle as it may be - that
seeks to articulate itself in the hearts and minds of all of you
who are incarnate at this time.
There will be new tests that will assail humanity throughout the
21st century; some will be more profoundly shattering than those
witnessed this week. Invariably, your leaders will draw a line
between good and evil and seek to eradicate the evil, and in
every instance the target will only extend further into the deep
recesses of obscurity and de-centralization.
There is a strategic plan for all life-bearing planets, and this
plan is not established at the outset and then cast aside. It is
constantly undergoing refinement and adjustment. The only
stability in this plan is the ultimate goal; the journey itself
weaves, stalls, accelerates, and sometimes even reverses in
There is, however, the guiding hand of First Source
that never releases, nor turns away in indifference, and this
same hand touches into the deepest part of you - especially in
times such as these, and it proffers insight.
My message to each of you is to listen to this insight in the
quiet of the night or morning, in the natural ways of the sky,
the ocean, the woods, or fields, and invite it to reveal the
emotional intelligence that survives the physical body. Allow
this to prevail in your heart and mind even amid the unsettling
times of today and the future. When you capture this insight,
anchor it in your life by expressing it through your senses of
touch, sight, hearing, and sound. You can think of this as the
Reassurance Vibration.
It is the vibration you will want to
carry inside of you and share.
Israel and Palestine
Question 11-S3 -
The Zionists were a tool of the Dark
Brotherhood pre and post WWII:
"The "sealing" of that door had
not been successfully accomplished, and it is the part of wisdom
to discover this in time. These Forces of Evil work through a
triangle of evil, one point of which is to be found in the
Zionist Movement in the United States, another in central
Europe, and the third in Palestine. Palestine is no longer a
Holy Land and should not be so regarded."
Is this triangle still
activated through the 'Neocons' in the American administration?
If so, how dangerous is their agenda in terms of Middle East
domination by America in Israel?
A. Your question has underlying assumptions that are not
entirely accurate, and therefore if I were to answer it
directly, my answer would, by necessity, be obtuse.
Let me just say that Palestine and Israel are minor elements in
the grand scheme of the Dark Lodge. They are like misdirection
tools in the hands of a magician. Where you have concentration
of control of earth's vital resources (i.e., oil, natural gas,
water, food commodities, gold, diamonds, etc.) that is where you
will find the Dark Lodge operating.
Using this line of
reasoning, neither Israel nor Palestine possesses these vital
These resources are the lifeblood of the Dark Lodge as well as
the powerbase upon which they rise to prominence and exercise
their greed. It has been this way for hundreds upon hundreds of
generations. This is as true for Terra-Earth as it is any
life-bearing planet with soul carrier DNA pre-Grand Portal time.
A planet's vital and valuable resources attract those who
identify with power instead of brotherhood; exploitation instead
of collaboration. This is the very basis of the Dark Lodge.
Question 13-S3 - How imminent does the Hierarchy regard the
resolution of the Israeli/Palestinian crisis? Is the Manu
considering drastic measures be taken if the situation is not
resolved soon?
A. The resolution of the crisis in the Middle East is all
interconnected. The Israeli/Palestinian conflict is fueled by a near-inexhaustible supply of
mutual resentment, and it all goes to the issue of cultural
genocide and the shifting of control of vital resources.
When the Native Americans underwent this process they initially
had resistance movements, but eventually succumbed to the
interminable force of the white expansionist movement. This will
not be the case in this conflict. It will continue for many
decades in cycles of ceasefires and hostile resumptions.
The Manu of the Fifth Race is not concerned with matters of this
kind. If it were, it would not prepare for the next evolutionary
standard of the soul carrier DNA. This is the vital task that
consumes the Manu at present.
Economic Recession
Question 25-S3 - Is there a worldwide economic recession
imminent? Do the Hierarchy regard this as essential in order for
there to be a new monetary system developed?
A. There is a Zen proverb: The last thing a fish notices is
water. The
recession is well underway, and it is global. It is a
result of the Dark Lodge's control of the money/asset/vital
resources supply. The Hierarchy doesn't concern itself about the
monetary system as long as the technology required for the Grand
Portal continues to receive investment (and it
Resolving World Crisis
Question 69-S3 -
"There's a persistent memory in the psyche of
humans - particularly the weaker cultures that have been
trampled on by nations bent on colonization. These grievous
indignations to the weaker nations of the world have left a deep
mark on their collective memory. It's vital that this memory be
erased or purged in order for humankind to become unified in its
governance and fundamental systems.
"This event can be orchestrated or it may occur through natural
means, but it's generally agreed that an event must arise that
galvanizes the world's people to unite, and in this process,
purge the memory of all peoples, but especially those who have
been dealt with as victims of colonization."
This quotation is taken from the online version of Neruda
Interview Nº 4.
By "purge" and "erase" what exactly do you mean? Kill off these
cultures or find ways to heal their collective memory or
something else?
A. Purge, in this context, means to release the memory of
victimhood in favor of a vision to unite for a common cause
and/or purpose, and to construct together rather than
participate in the destructive cycles of revenge-sabotage.
Again, the discovery of the Grand Portal is a galvanizing
event/process of sufficient magnitude to shift these collective
memories into release and create a new pattern of behavior,
which is the only way that these changes can be sustained.
Montauk Project (Mind Control)
Question 37-S3 - What is the relationship between the Montauk
Project and the Wing-Makers (if there is any)?
A. I will give you a peek into what occurred that led to the
Montauk Project.
A very bright man by the name of Vannevar Bush (no relation to
GWB) headed up a small group of brilliant physicists who were
working with the ACIO when it was newly formed.
Bush was the ostensible leader of this scientific force who was
tasked to perform some re-engineering feats of UFO technologies.
These initial extraterrestrial technologies were purposely left
for discovery as a means to accelerate the time of the networks
(Internet being the first stage - SIN being the culmination
The walls of secrecy are always permeable within the government
and military, and Bush became known as a superior investigator
of these technologies. This project was held in higher security
than the Manhattan Project. However, because Bush was too
visible and potentially a risk, this re-engineering project was
funneled into the ACIO where Bush was given the opportunity to
He declined because of the need to essentially leave society and
become anonymous. Bush, even at that time, was being groomed by
the Central Race to help invent the stage one Network
infrastructure, and he had a semi-conscious realization that his
real mission was involved in this endeavor and not the ACIO.
Fifteen, was also being groomed for the position, but was
considered less trustworthy as a person with whom the military
and Incunabula could rely on to follow their own agenda.
Nonetheless, Fifteen was considered a far brighter and more
capable mind to initiate the sort of discoveries and fathom the
potentials that these extraterrestrial technologies held.
During the time when Bush was leading the re-engineering
efforts, he was asked to participate in the earliest experiments
in time travel. Even Einstein was consulted for a short time on
these experiments, which were conducted in absolute secrecy. The
outcome, while unsuccessful, did generate an enthusiasm within
the Incunabula (for all the obvious reasons); however, it was
not given any additional funding by the military so the project
was closed.
The project file ended up in Fifteen's hands, and there were
some elements that were found useful (dealing with transitory
states of degaussing). A copy of the project file also ended up
at Brookhaven. This copy later turned into
the Montauk Project,
but was quickly diverted into mind control experiments that went
awry. The military really controlled Montauk, while the
Incunabula controlled the ACIO (in the early years of its
Now, as for the credibility of these men and their association
with the WingMakers, I will leave this to you. I will only add
that the Central Race works through individuals in such a way
that they do not know they are being worked with. Those who
claim this communication do not generally have it.
If they have alignment to the Grand Portal it will be obvious in
their deeds and words, even if they don't know about the
WingMakers or the intrinsic nature of the universe. I understand
your lament that people miss the spiritual undercurrents and
sometimes rush to the superficial eddies of conspiracy and
cover-up. The two dramas are very different in nature, but they
are not incompatible.
Chip Implants
Question 70-S3 - What are your views on
chip implants for
purposes of identification and law enforcement? Would you avoid
or accept such an implant into your human instrument?
A. I would resist it with every ounce of my ability and legal
recourse, but if the day arrived when it became a law and I am
required to accept such an implant, I would begrudgingly accept
it because it is a law, and it would only arrive as a law if
there were some value in its proposition. An implant would not
influence any of my behaviors, conduct, attitude or any other
Evolution of Humanity
Expansion Beyond 3rd Dimension
Question 10-S2 - Do global events, such as warfare, famine,
environmental issues etc play any part in mankind's discovery of
the Grand Portal, or its move from the third to the fourth
A. It's important to understand that humanity is achieving this
discovery as a natural extension of its evolutionary course.
Along this pathway are strewn the follies of an immature race,
and these follies can prevent or restrain safe passage to the
Grand Portal. But fortunately, evolution is not a single track
of physical or mental capabilities arranged in an
ever-increasing structure of competence and adaptive skills.
Evolution is operating on thousands of micropaths, and many of
the most profound are invisible to the human senses.
The orientation that humanity is emerging from the relative
darkness of the 3rd dimension to the 4th dimension is a
misconception of the modern-day New Age movement. Humanity
evolves to embrace the multiverse, and as it evolves it
discovers that its superuniverse is accessible to the human mind
in ways that defy logic.
This is the stage upon which humanity
is entering, and it is not to ascend in a vibratory epiphany to
a higher dimension, but rather it is to interact with a broader multiverse of intelligence that heretofore has only been
imagined by a handful of humanity's finest representatives.
Humanity will remain in the 3rd dimension, but will increasingly
become aware of the higher dimensions while living in the 3rd
dimension, even as First Source, its creator, does. First Source
lives in the 3rd dimension, but is simultaneously aware of
itself throughout the spectrum of the multiverse, and through
Source Intelligence, is aware of all life forms in all
Humanity will ultimately access this same
perspective by applying the Grand Portal as a "lens" through
which it can gain admission to First Source consciousness. First
Source - in this specific example - is less God than the
archetype of the Wholeness Navigator.
Advanced Incoming Souls
A [17-S3]. However, within the next three generations, an influx
of advanced souls will be incarnating within terra-earth. We
call this influx: Symmetry of Spheres. These advanced souls
(most from outside this solar system) will be encoded with
predispositions of transformation. By the year 2080, they will
be over 200 million strong. These are the transformers who will
bring symmetry to the asymmetrical physical and emotional
realms. It will be the leaders of this movement that will be
responsible for the discovery and irrefutable proof of the human
This is the climax of human achievement in this evolutionary
cycle, and it is the undeniable goal of all within the White
Lodge because this discovery is not personal. It is not
sheltered in the sanctity of the individual's realm of
experience. It is the externalization of the Hierarchy, and it
will touch every consciousness with its indelible mark.
The Christ Consciousness will anchor it and the Church Invisible
will protect it from all who try to malign, suppress, or prevent
this discovery.
"In the Lyricus vocabulary, the Church Invisible is the
emergence of the Grand Portal and its preeminence as the
unification platform of legacy religions and belief systems."
See Christ's Return to Earth, Question 15-S3.
[Note: I have
separated these three paragraphs from the original answer. See
Spiritual Practice, Initiates, question 17-S3 for the first
Significance of the Grand Portal Discovery
Question 24-S3 - The Plan that the Hierarchy seeks to implement
is subject to modifications continually. What are the top five
of their major priorities today?
A. Priorities are not assessed numerically. In other words,
there is a fundamental purpose within the Hierarchy and hundreds
of related tactics. Some tactics may have more near-term
importance than others, and to this extent, there is a sense of
priority, but everything is part of a single, evolutionary
system that positions the human species and proof of soul on a
collision course.
Every evolutionary system is designed to ultimately transform
into an innovative system with a new, but related purpose.
Evolutionary systems have a distinctive culmination that is the
catalyst that enables the transformation to occur. In the case
of humanity's present evolutionary system, the discovery of the
Grand Portal is the distinctive culmination, and when it occurs,
it will shift the evolutionary system from a human
species/planetary focus to an interdimensional
species/intergalactic focus based on humanity's ability to use
the Grand Portal as an interface to the Sovereign Integral
The responsible application of the Grand Portal will fall to the
disciples of the Sacred Path to faithfully execute. All of the
training, preparation, and sacrifice of today is designed to
enable the disciples of the future to responsibly manage and
protect the findings of the Grand Portal.
This is the focal
point of the Hierarchy, though not all within the Hierarchy is
aware of this overarching goal and its culmination, which is
anticipated in the latter quarter of the 21st century.
Changes In the Human Instrument
Question 26-S3 - It is my understanding that humanity as a
whole, as well as the very planet itself and all forms of life
upon it are undergoing vast biological changes at the most
fundamental levels. There are those of us who are aware of this
consciously, i.e. having made the decision to embody the energy
of our Soul, Wholeness Navigator, etc.
Many of us began this
process over a decade ago and continue to experience
excruciating pain and discomfort in the physical body, as well
as fits of depression and mental and emotional challenges. Some
refer to this as transformation, ascension, clearing ancestral
karma, etc. This is of concern to so many, could you please
comment on this? For instance, what is really happening, and
what can we expect as the awakening process continues and/or
A. Thank you for your question and interest in this topic.
It is true that the human instrument, in some cases, is
undergoing changes, and that these changes can be experienced,
sometimes with intensity, and sometimes with remarkable
subtlety. However, the more profound changes - those dealing
with the fundamental structure of the human instrument - do not
necessarily manifest as physical discomforts or emotional
Very often physical discomforts and emotional turbulence are
attributable to a myriad of unrelated causes, which, I'm sure
you'll agree, are unconnected to this fundamental evolution of
the human instrument. Each must use their discernment and
self-knowledge to differentiate the effects of the weather,
diet, conditions of stress, etc from those more fundamental
changes that are occurring at the atomic or sub-atomic levels.
The human instrument is a composite structure. It is not merely
physical. It includes the pathways of the mind and emotional
intellect that are intertwined more intimately with the
Wholeness Navigator than is the physical body. It is the
Wholeness Navigator that is expressing its form of consciousness
through the human instrument more vividly, and this expression
energizes the pathways that connect or "bridge" the mind and
emotional consciousness with the Wholeness Navigator.
You can think of these pathways as a root system. The mind and
emotions are like the roots of the physical body, drawing
nutrients from the Wholeness Navigator. If the Wholeness
Navigator is activated to express itself more vividly in the
physical, three-dimensional world, its nutritional supply is
intensified and the mind and emotions will undoubtedly absorb
this intensification and pass it along to the physical body.
The presence of the Wholeness Navigator is invisible to the
human instrument, and, for the most part, is not felt directly.
The higher pathways of the mind imagine it, and these images are
translated to the emotions and body through music as vividly as
any art form. Every person reacts a little differently to these
translations; there is no standard reaction.
The important thing to understand is that the presence of the
Wholeness Navigator is pressing into the physical dimension and
leaving its indelible effect. There are many reasons why this is
occurring, but the most notable is that the individuals
incarnating at this time are consciously, and in some cases,
subconsciously, calling forth the Wholeness Navigator
consciousness to radiate its unification energy to the human
I realize that this may not be the conscious plea or prayer, but
it is the hidden form of the communiqué, and when this is done,
the Wholeness Navigator intensifies its vibrational resonance.
The human instrument begins to activate, or change, as a result.
This change is very fundamental and is generally felt as a
growing sensitivity to stress, which, in the physical body, can
manifest as headaches and body aches, numbness in the limbs, and
rapid energy surges and depletions.
The physical reasons for this have to do with the 10th
chromosome and how it regulates the stress-coping capabilities
of the body, mind, and emotions. The Wholeness Navigator is
called forth by the human instrument, and the human instrument
is activated by the intensification of the Wholeness Navigator.
The activation of the human instrument causes profound changes
to the DNA structure, brain chemistry, and the central nervous
This activation is a natural evolution of the human instrument.
It arises from the desire to feel unified and whole, which is
precisely what the human instrument was designed to obstruct.
Remember that the human instrument is what enables the Wholeness
Navigator to experience separation and individuated experience
within the realm of time and space. Thus, if it is to embody the
unification vibration, it must transform.
This transformation is not occurring as broadly as your question
implies. It is limited to the human instrument of a small
percentage of the overall human population. I am aware that
there are reports alleging that the earth, as a whole, is
undergoing nothing short of a global transmutation, but it is
not the case. Transformation occurs one individual at a time, at
the request of the individual. It is not orchestrated for all
life forms simultaneously because this would require a cessation
of freewill.
As more and more individuals call forth the Wholeness Navigator
and subsequently alter the function of their human instrument,
it becomes easier for new generations of humans to embody the
unification vibration within their human instrument. This is all
part of the divine blueprint for the evolution of the human
species as a soul carrier capable of cosmologi-cal exploration.
I hope this explanation, while brief and admittedly abstract, is
helpful to your understanding. As with any subject of this
magnitude, I could write a hundred pages and only scratch the
surface of the topic.
Having written only a few pages, you can
imagine how inadequate this rendering is, however, time doesn't
permit me to provide you with all the details.
Synthesis Model of Existence
Question 56-S3 - It gives me relief to hear that you explain two
forms of dominant models of existence that shape the interaction
and destiny of the human race... The Evolution/Saviorship model and the Transformation / Mastership model. You
say it is a challenge of the individual to recognize these two
dominant models of existence and integrate them in order to
design the synthesis model. Can you describe this synthesis
model and how it might look like to humankind in general?
A. The synthesis model is anchored first in the knowledge of who
you are at a fundamental level. This requires you to understand
and, to the degree possible, experience the individuated
consciousness as your multi-faceted identity. When the Grand
Portal is discovered, the individuated consciousness will be -
in effect - dissected and made visible for the first time.
Similar in some ways to when the human body was first dissected
and its internal organs were named and their purpose identified.
This is the dawning of the synthesis model of existence for
humanity in general. Its chief feature, in terms of being
visible to the general public, is the sense of validation it
brings to the belief systems of immortality and human
interconnectedness. On most planets undergoing this process, the
synthesis model of existence dawns at the discovery and
propagation phases of the Grand Portal.
It has a radical and
desirable effect on institutional integrity - that is to say,
any institution that has been based on the previous models of
existence, atrophies and either adjusts its organizational
rules, or it self-terminates.
Spiritual Practice
Accelerating Spiritual Growth
Question 15-S1: What is the best and most accessible way to
obtain and experience higher powers or the 'super' human state
of mind. By this I refer to anything like majick, excelled
intelligence and the likes - I think you get my gist.
A. I'm asked this question (or variations of it) more often than
any other, and my answer is inevitably the same: Align your
personal objectives with the universal objectives.
In other
words, if you focus your efforts on finding the sensory data
streams that resonate with your consciousness and lead to your
self-mastery, these same data streams will illuminate the
universal objectives as they pertain to the species of which you
are a part and the planet upon which your species exists. Once
this is realized - even dimly - you can align your personal path
with the universal. When this done, you accelerate at the rate
that is optimal for your consciousness, while remaining in
Focus on alignment to that which resonates with your core
instinctual sense of the universal objectives. I have made the
bold assertion that the discovery of the human soul in the
irrefutable laboratories of human science is the next phase of
the universal objective as it pertains to the human species and
planet earth. If this resonates with your core sense of purpose,
then align to it. This will accelerate, amplify, and catalyze
the blueprint of your Sovereign Integral state of consciousness.
Anxiety of Ignorance
As for your question, the human instrument is a complex and
intricate vessel of which you, like all humans of this era, have
a small degree of understanding (despite modern science). The
human instrument is operating on multiple levels, multiple
dimensions of time-space, and is extremely sensitive to psychic
energy. It is not a function of being between worlds; it is the
anxiety of ignorance.
It is entirely natural to be anxious about
one's ignorance. All humans to varying degree have this anxiety.
It is not reserved for those on the path of self-enlightenment;
despite that fact it is articulated in the vocabulary of "dark
night of soul", "the perceptual lag of spiritualization" or
"self-initiatory defeatism" that have become - what my
associates refer to as - the complaining vocabulary of
You relate your experience in a humorous way (in your letter). I
commend your sense of humor. It certainly brought a smile to my
face. Humor is an excellent weapon against the anxiety of
ignorance. Just remember, in the hopes it makes you feel better,
you are in very
good company.
Anxiety of ignorance is as omnipresent as the
human instrument itself, and its prevalence is due to the
reality of the human instrument's inability to "know itself"
through the mind. It can only know itself through the Wholeness
Navigator, but paradoxically, this knowing is not in the format
that is acceptable to the human instrument.
Communication with the WingMakers
Question 16-S1: Is it possible in your next release to give
plans, diagrams, circuits and components that will facilitate a
direct link to the WingMakers after the manner of an RV set that
the ACIO uses.
A. I'm afraid not. If you want to communicate with the
WingMakers, you simply need to apply the techniques in the
Chamber Four philosophy paper and apply the principles outlined
in the Chamber One philosophy. These two papers are very
powerful elements in attuning to the frequency of the WingMakers.
It is not that you will communicate with words, but rather you
will enjoy the unmistakable presence of their consciousness.
This alone is a key approach to aligning yourself to the
universal objectives.
The WingMakers do the majority of their communication during the
dream state because the gates of the thalamocortical system are
relatively closed, and there is complete focus on the inner
communication at hand. If you have willingly immersed yourself
into the Wing-Makers' materials, you can safely assume that you
are already in rapport with members of this teaching
You are very likely experiencing the Tributary
Zones during your dream state, under the tutelage of one or more
of these teachers. Open yourself to this possibility and dream
it alive to your senses.
Future Workers for the Grand Portal Discovery and Dissemination
Question 22-S2 - Since so much of the WingMakers' material seems
destined for future generations, is there much reason for
present-day generations (e.g., the elderly) to read or study the
A. If any material resonates as truth in your innermost mind and
heart, allow it entry. Once internalized, allow it to exit
freely. If it stays around, you have found a valuable asset to
your evolving belief system. If it leaves or goes into
hibernation, it simply means you have reason to continue your
This applies equally to the WingMakers' material. It is not
intended to be an exclusive collection of sensory data streams.
Quite the opposite. There are entities incarnated now who will
be returning in human embodiment in the next one hundred years
who will play a significant role in the unveiling and
dissemination of the Grand Portal. Their involvement with these
materials now will help them navigate to these roles because it
will recalibrate their internal value system, and in some
instances, literally recast their destinies.
Moreover, while the actual discovery of the Grand Portal may
ultimately be credited to a handful of individuals, it will be
the achievement of millions of entities that grafted their
intellects, actions, and inspirational ideas together to build
the ultimate mosaic of the human spirit. Anyone involved in
these works will be a part of this mosaic. [See also:
Significance of the Grand Portal Discovery, 17].
Question 17-S3A - What percentage of Humanity do the Hierarchy
regard as,
a) Currently undergoing the first initiation
b) Have
already taken it?
A. The "roof" of desire, in any divinely oriented initiate on
the Sacred Path, does not consist of degrees or even the
hard-earned achievements they represent. It consists of the
contribution of their soul to the expansion of the evolutionary
conditions of their respective species. It is for this reason
that initiations are not particularly important in the eyes of
the hierarchy, nor are they seen as badges of honor or
credentials of higher purpose.
That said, I understand the nature of your question, and I will
give you some general guidelines. There are slightly fewer than
100,000 initiates who are presently incarnated upon earth who
are following the Wisdom Path loosely established by the
Hierarchy. That is to say, they are following the principles as
set forth by the masters and practicing these principles in
their day-to-day life. Not impeccably, but with the human
qualities of inconsistency.
Question 39-S3A - Is there an initiation required for students
to learn the esoteric ways of the ascended masters?
A. I am one of the teachers who have some degree of intolerance
towards concepts like light quotient, ascension schedules,
initiations, ascension seats, etc. These concepts are of the old
Tributary Zones, and they are continued by those who are prisms
of these Tributary Zones who have become indoctrinated by the
teacher-student ordering of the old hierarchy. This particular
student was one who was impregnated by these concepts at an
early age and couldn't quite let go of them.
When a student of this mindset meets a teacher like myself, it
can often be unsettling for them because I will rip apart the
indoctrination like someone who unwraps a mummy, exposing its
frail skin to the sunlight. If the student survives this, they
will look upon their role differently. They will walk a
sovereign path built on their own inner wisdom, and it may not
have a thing to do about the Hierarchy, or ashramic work, or
this ray or that ray. It will be about the entity's expression
in realtime, and how that expression is resonating with those
whom its life is intricately connected. It is about living the
Life Principles of the Sovereign Integral.
Returning to this individual, he came to me one day and
announced his plans to leave. He had felt a need for some time
to return to his indoctrination (my words, not his), and like
the prodigal son, return to his master. He felt that I was not
carrying on the tradition of being a master who teaches
knowledge by words and deeds, that I was too enamored by
teaching through art, music, psychology, etc.
To him, he needed
a teacher who could tell him what to do, where to go, how to get
there, and who to be once he arrived.
Question 32-S3 - I realize that you are not much into initiation
levels, but simply as a point of reference, the above
description reminds me of that point between the second and
third initiations which DK refers to as probably the most
difficult stage of human evolution, (on Earth at least). The
disciple/student is in a kind of psychological no man's land,
walking between two worlds. Do you see it that way?
A. There are reasons that I am not an advocate of initiation
levels. It presumes a process can be imposed on, or applied to,
the human instrument that is predictive of a prescribed outcome.
However, the initiate who is asked to faithfully experience this
process is not adequately developed in their awareness to know
who is doing the "prescribing" or what is the outcome as it
pertains to them as an individual. They are therefore practicing
blind faith to an invisible "prescriber" - a condition that
entrains the human instrument to a course of gradual awakening
and over-reliance to uniform process.
Liabilities of Spiritual Students
Question 22-S3 - What are the major liabilities of disciples
today - regarded by the Hierarchy? Same as they used to be? -
i.e., lack of sensitivity to impression, inertia, fear,
materialistic etc.
A. Here again, the Hierarchy is not unanimous. From the point of
view of Lyricus, whose perspective I know best, there are three
major liabilities in the disciples of today:
They operate in CoD (caves of disconnection), which
undermines the spirit of collaboration and sharing that is
required to refresh and revitalize the teachings. The cave
metaphor is also relevant to this issue because the natural
tendency of the disciple is to keep the esoteric teachings
esoteric. This applies not only to the Wisdom Path of the White
Lodge, but also to the related fields of genetics, particle
physics, sound and light theory, cosmology, the new psychology,
and so on. Disciples need to educate themselves in all of these
areas because they are all related to what beckons humanity.
The teachings of the Sacred Path are neither rigid nor
complete. Disciples must retain their flexibility and
willingness not only to evolve the contemporary teachings into
new territories of expression, but also to look for how the
teachings can be synthesized or hybridized with new teachings
that are arising. Disciples have the liability of being locked
into the traditional paradigms and protecting their intellectual
appeal for the sake of ego and the familiarity of comfort.
The esoteric is very hard to make exoteric unless it clearly
demonstrates an ethical nature that is manifest in the
disciple's life. In other words, the consistency of right
relations and the will-to-good is expressed faithfully across
the life stream of the individual. This requires an
exceptionally disciplined approach to one's communication, and I
use the term communication in its broadest meaning.
Question 23-S3 - What are the major areas that world disciples
could be concentrating their focus, to expedite the work of the
A. There is nothing to concentrate on, other than to overcome
the liabilities briefly mentioned in Answer 22. I understand the
nature of your question, but the Hierarchy does not require the
conscious and deliberate group focus of disciples to carry out
or expedite its mission.
- Minutia of the Esoteric
Question 39-S3B - Is there an initiation required for students
to learn the esoteric ways of the ascended masters? [Continued
from Initiation 39-S3A.]
A. ...I bid him farewell, explaining my resolution to create
tools and not to instruct in what I refer to as the Minutiae of
the Esoteric (MOTE). But for this student, this was what he
needed. The minutiae of the esoteric was the scaffolding that
supported his need for that elixir of elitism called arcane
Experience of the Wholeness Navigator is not in any way related
to MOTE, and this experience is what I teach. The problem with
experiencing the Wholeness Navigator is that for some students
they find themselves unable to become teachers themselves, and
this is why most students or initiatives arrive to my door. They
desire to be teachers of MOTE, though they masquerade as
students of spirit.
Why? Because as a teacher of MOTE they suddenly belong to the
Hierarchy, hoping to launch themselves like an ascending rocket
to the heavens where all things are possible. The lurking,
subconscious equation: Mastery of MOTE + Ascended Master +
Initiation Process = Control. Thus, when a student comes to me,
I scrutinize their intentions, filtering the authentic desire
for experience of the Wholeness Navigator from the
indoctrination artifacts that create a leaning towards MOTE.
Control is the indoctrination artifact that leads many a student
to my door, though they generally are not aware of it. I would
ask you to ponder this. Examine your intentions, and see if you
desire experience or knowledge. They are not mutually exclusive,
if experience of the Wholeness Navigator is prized above
control; and if the expression of the Wholeness Navigator is
honored above the acquisition of MOTE.
I will return momentarily to the scenario I mentioned earlier in
this letter. If you are a prism of a contemporary Tributary Zone
of resonance to your heart and mind, and that part of you,
referred to as the Wholeness Navigator, arises as your teacher,
you will see that you are not a concretized prism of a
particular shape, but that you can shape-shift to any geometric
shape desired.
This is the beauty of experiencing the Wholeness Navigator and
expressing its innate abilities. You are not protecting or
professing MOTE; you are not an initiate desirous of teaching
and control; you are not parroting the words of your master;
rather, you are transparently transforming contemporary
Tributary Zones to the dispersed masses of humankind who are
seeking a new direction that is illumined by the tools of art
and personal experience that have been decelerated to their
particular needs.
In closing, I want you to know that I am not impugning the value
of the ashramic missions as I know them, but rather, as you know
them. You know them through the words of prisms not yet aware of
their Wholeness Navigator. You know them through the MOTE that
other initiatives have expressed from obsolete Tributary Zones.
There is much less division and specialization within the
Hierarchy than is acknowledged.
The masters are not interested
in MOTE... the initiates are.
Question 7-S3 - The Tibetan tells us that our Sun is the heart
centre of our local OAWNMBS (One About Whom Naught May Be Said).
Is this the heart centre of the Sirian system?
A. I'm aware there is significant speculation about this matter
within a group of disciples. Please understand that from the
perspective of Lyricus, it seems odd that it would be a matter
of speculation by any disciple, unless of course, they are
complete in their understanding of the anatomy of their
individuated consciousness. And this, in my experience, is very
seldom, if ever, the case.
Know thy self before the world, is an ancient edict, and the
vagaries of the exterial cosmos, while interesting to know from
a curiosity perspective, are not particularly relevant when
compared to understanding one's personal universe.
The simple answer to your question is: no. However, instead of
elaborating on your question, I choose to focus on the issue of
the Minutia of the Esoteric (MOTE). MOTE creates a telescoping
complexity, and as long as the foundation of one's personal
universe is clear and well understood, this complexity can be
integrated and useful. On the other hand, if the personal
universe is faintly understood, then MOTE will serve another
purpose altogether.
It is not a coincidence that Lyricus refers to this condition of
exterial inquiry and speculation as MOTE. A mote around a castle
is a form of protection and fortification. Think of your
personal universe as a metaphor for a castle, MOTE as the mote,
and the cosmos or external universe as the potential enemy for
whom your mote is designed to repel. If you construct a mote you
only do so if you believe the external will invade the internal
and somehow weaken, diminish, or even destroy it.
In the sequencing of creation the internal begets the external
and thus, no mote is required, unless of course, the creator is
unsure of their creation. This is the key element to ponder.
I know there are those who will tell you that the universe is
composed of an absolute and objective reality. After all, it is
accurate that the sun is the center of the solar system for all
who dwell upon earth. And while there are fixed rules about
geography and spatial relationships, little else can be "nailed"
down quite so definitely, even in the physical world -the
densest of the assembled fields of vibration we call the
However, as one casts their view beyond the MEST dimension (MEST
- matter, energy, space, and time), they awaken to the
realization that these superdimensions offer a subjective
component that is acutely personal, malleable, and responsive.
These fields of vibration support the primal impulse of the
individuated and immortal consciousness that defines its reality
in all worlds of its expression, including the MEST dimension.
If not for the perceptual lag that MEST density necessitates,
this creative flow would be clearly visible.
There is, as you know, a psychological condition sometimes
referred to as consensus reality. If 5000 disciples of the
Sacred Path said that Sirius' heart center was our sun, and only
5 said it was not, consensus reality dictates the five
contrarians are wrong or misguided. I ask you a simple question:
Why would any teacher care to dictate or even weigh in on the
consensus realities of MEST when MEST is simply a distant echo
or artifact of the more vibrant worlds within the individual.
It is an observation of mine that the condition of MOTE is
partly an outcome of the Hierarchy's sequencing and emphasis of
its dispensation of knowledge, and partly a product of how
integral the personal and cosmic realms truly are.
These two realms are like conjoined twins with different
personalities, minds, and temperaments, yet forced to walk as a
single body. The body becomes the fixture of compromise, the
garment of disorder. There is certain chaos or disorder in the
conjoined worlds because like competing gravitational fields,
they pull you in different directions.
Within Lyricus we have a phrase: What is within is without
equal, and it arises from the smallest space where the First
Vibration of the Unmanifest surges in the splendor of One
World's Grace. Here you are the Creator-Perceiver as well as the
Perceiver-Creator, the one who determines fate and destiny. This
you can control. This you can embody for all ages. What is
within the MEST worlds, you can only give your energy and time
to the transitory realities of the many or the few.
I am aware that I am being abstruse, and somewhat indifferent to
your original question, but if you look carefully, you'll see
your answer - not so much in the literal text, but in the
consciousness behind the words.
Question 8-S3 - Is the Sirian system the solar plexus centre of
the being who has the Great Bear as his head centre?
A. Again, I understand and appreciate your desire to comprehend
these matters, but at the risk of redundancy, how will anything
I say - relevant to your question - assist you in your deeper
understanding of the One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known (you). If
you allow yourself to be pulled in these directions then prepare
yourself to be disappointed by the de-orbiting forces that pull
you into MOTE in defense of your ignorance of OWOBIK.
The desire for the knowledge of MOTE is largely a function of
ego. There are many highly developed spiritual teachers with
initiations in excess of the seventh level that cannot tell you
fundamental answers to questions of MOTE.
This is because consensus realities - the realities of the many
in MEST - do not have relevance in their teachings. I know a
teacher who is gifted in the matters of the heart chakra at its
most esoteric levels, but if you asked him a question like what
is the relationship of S3 (sacred sound symbols) to the 268
cellular meridian lines in the palette and the hypo-thalamus, he
would shrug his shoulders. He would desire to know the answer,
but only because it is potentially related to his area of
specialization, since the energy system of the individuated
consciousness is holistic and unified.
However, if the question posed was of a cosmic order, as in your
first question, he may know the answer, but would likely turn
your attention to the personal level, reminding you - as I have
- that before your field of inquiry expands to the cosmos,
understand first what you are composed of, what you are, what
your relationships are to First Source, what your
service/dharma is, what you project into your personal universe
and why.
From my experience, the finest teachers turn the inquiry of
cosmic MOTE to the fundamental understanding of OWOBIK first,
the esoteric understanding of OWOBIK second, the relationship of
OWOBIK to its origins and destiny, the relationship of OWOBIK to
the cosmic plan, and finally the specialization path upon which
the individual will bring forward their gifts of spirit. Each
stage of this sequence is not hermetically sealed from the
others. The walls between them are porous, but nonetheless the
teacher maintains the area of focus in the various stages.
Please understand that if I were in your presence I could ask
you 10 questions about the human ear-brain complex and you would
fail me 10 times. Not because this information isn't available
at your local library or bookstore, but because you have not
studied it. This, I assure you, is more important to understand
than the cosmological order of distant solar systems.
Does my answer mean that the disciple should never make
inquiries of cosmic MOTE? No. There is nothing wrong with this
line of inquiry so long as you understand that it has
implications and that you approach it aware of its innate
shortcomings. Are there exceptions to this rule? Yes, there
always are.
I have seen students who have an inborn gift for cosmic MOTE and
it is an essential component of their dharma's specialization.
These individuals tend to be enamored of cosmic MOTE, trying
their best to articulate and validate what they intuitively
sense, which are typically artifacts of other lives or portals
of consciousness that are subliminal to their conscious
perception. These students are like detectives in search of
hidden light switches in a darkened room.
The belief - subliminal as it may be - is that if they can throw
the light switches to the "on" position, their enlightenment is
assured. Their karma is cleared and they are suitably in control
of their destiny. The reality is that the darkened room is not
cosmic, it is personal, and the darkness is the motive force
that awakens the "Detective" to know thy self. The cosmic MOTE
is a primary distraction along the way.
What is exciting and worthy of your energy - as it pertains to
the cosmic - is the pre-form and pre-cognitive aspect: the unity
behind the polarity. The multiverse is the ultimate open system,
always self-correcting and seeking the dynamic equilibrium of
its seed vibration. The individual is a particle of this
macro-system, vibrating in resonance. In the individual's
deepest core it already understands what is necessary to know
about the cosmos, and it is in a developmental, evolutionary
state of mimicking the pre-formative aspect of the multi-verse.
Need for Instruction
Question 65-S3 - As we read previously, the Wholeness Navigator
is the fragment of First Source with all its inherent
capabilities. As such it has the potential to all knowledge
on-demand. Why should there be any need for the W.N. to
"educate" itself in the non-physical tributary zone chambers and
also be dependent on them?
Hasn't it been said that everything
one needs is already contained within the Self?
allows that the source of liberating information is contained
within the Self, and all that is needed to create new realities
is also contained within the Self. Each individual must know
them self to be free of all forms of external reliance."
A. You have given voice to a question that lurks subconsciously
in almost every student of the esoteric. If all knowledge is
within the self, why does the student require instruction?
key word in your question is "potential". Yes, the human
instrument is inherently connected to First Source through
Source Intelligence. And yes, this connection provides access to
infinite and dynamic knowledge, however, this point of access or
portal is not a simple thing to consciously attune to, nor is it
"on-demand" at the discretion of the individual. Contact with
Source Intelligence is a transformative experience and can have
the unintended consequence of unbalancing an individual who is
not properly prepared for the transmission.
Stepping down the
vibration of sound and light, and making it more accessible to
students is what Lyricus is primarily concerned with. Lyricus
does not recommend that anyone become dependent on any external
teacher or material. To do so, implies stagnancy and devolution
relative to one's potential learning path. The WingMakers'
Materials are designed to catalyze specific receptors within the
individuated consciousness and create a resonance.
Through this
resonance, the individual will "click into" their own awakening
-revelation - transformation, and through this process they can
more effectively wean themselves from external instruction and
Public Forums and Discussions
Question 16-S2 - Are the people on the discussion forum in any
danger from any organizations, because of our involvement with
these materials?
A. No.
Question 21-S2 - Does the discussion forum play a part in the
event strings that will lead to the unveiling of the WingMakers?
A. Not in a direct manner at present, but there will be a time
when the discussion forums will become more of a factor in
enabling the incoming SECUs to coordinate their ideologies and
Sovereign Integral Consciousness
Question 38-S3 - Why do some individuals become unattached to
spiritual organizations? I feel like I should be part of a
church or religious institution and establish my true place, but
there's a part of me that feels my existential approach is
necessary for my growth.
A. Informed entities are non-aligned for a good reason. They
desire to be facile and fluent in their evolution of thought and
in their absorption of new energies. This is noble. It is not
something to be restless of, or disrespectful to. Rather, it is
a sign that you honor the mobility of your consciousness more
than its indoctrination.
Your "true place" is not a place, position, port, or location at
all, but rather a projection of the attitude or outlook of the
Sovereign Integral consciousness. Let me explain it this way.
Imagine the following scenario: a light beam, a prism, and seven
individual rays from out of this spectrum cast upon a wall.
Imagine yourself looking down on this scenario.
There are four
recognizable components, are there not?
1. The beam of light
2. The prism
3. The spectrum of seven rays
4. The wall
Now, let's examine the scenario more in-depth.
The wall is
constructed of materials, thus the wall can be reduced to its
component parts (stone, concrete, mortar, bricks, etc.). The
spectrum, as we all know, represents millions of colors, though
there are only seven that our eye-brain may immediately
recognize. The beam of light has an origin, a wavelength and a
destination. Thus, everything has a multiplicity, but the prism.
The prism remains singular and sovereign. It is the catalytic
force, in part, because of this singularity. Informed entities
in this time, are transforming into catalysts or "prisms", and
the Tributary Zones can be likened to the beam of light. You may
begin to see yourself as this prism that projects the beam of
light from a Tributary Zone against the wall of your choosing.
As a prism, you are no longer concerned about what ray [of the
seven rays] you are affiliated with, nor the location of where
that ray lands upon the wall.
Let's move to a new point of inquiry in this scenario. What is a
prism? A prism is a transparent optic that is shaped to bend
(transform) light. Since the refractive index of a material
varies with wavelength, prisms are useful for dispersing
different wavelengths of light. When light enters a solid
material from air, the speed at which the light travels
decreases. The light is decelerated or stepped-down. If the
light enters at an off-normal angle, the direction of the light
changes. The light is refracted to a new path and can illumine
Consider this scenario as it applies to your "place". Note the
italicized words and how they transfer to your own definitions
of mission and purpose. Note also that prisms can be fashioned
into a wide variety of geometric shapes, and that there can be
anti-prisms as well. A triangular, equilateral (60° angle) prism
disperses and decelerates light differently than a hexahedral
If informed entities can be likened to prisms, then the only
questions left remaining are the following:
What light beam do I disperse and decelerate (make
Upon what wall do I disperse the spectrum?
Where do I position myself to optimally process the light
What kind and shape of prism do I choose to be?
Do you see how your question has been shifted or restructured?
In effect, I have been a prism for your question. Now that your
question has been dispersed to a new wall, it can be seen in a
new light. In this new light, it is no longer about affiliations
or alignment or ports of call. It is about four answers that are
akin to choice.
I have been purposely vague in order to furnish you with broad
interpretative latitude, but then, what are catalysts for, if
not to be incomplete?
There is one additional suggestion I would like to share with
We are entering a time when the ability to destroy the old
and create the new is a skill set of unparalleled value. It
takes great insight to detect the weakness of one's own work and
destroy it, while creating a new work in its place. Light, as it
passes through prisms, becomes degraded over time and matter. In
other words, informed entities will disperse a brighter, bolder,
more visible spectrum of light if the light source is of their
time, space, and matter.
I am of the opinion that the power is self-contained in the new.
There is only the effect of dilution by constructing bridges and
hybrid models. This work is about the destruction of the old as
much as it is about the construction of the new. This is yet
another trait of the non-aligned - the willingness, even
eagerness, to flush the mind of the old in order to attract into
oneself the new.
Stress Created by World Events
Question 57-S3 - How can personal growth and global politics
find common ground when there are such tremendous differences?
Can you offer any advice for some of the fierce emotional
battles which this material is stimulating, something to help us
keep perspective? You addressed this somewhat after the 9-11
tragedy when you wrote the Reassurance Vibration, but can you
offer any further insights into the present world situation?
A. In order to keep perspective amidst the seeming chaos of
global politics and their offspring, you need nothing more than
to listen to music that resonates with your sense of beauty.
Music is the therapy of the mind and spirit, which in turn
influence the body. The entire physical body is an "ear" just as
the entire mind is also an "ear". These two "ears" regulate - in
large measure - the levels of stress that impact on each
individual. I would also add that there is nothing to reconcile
between the global and personal realms.
What occurs on the
global stage is part of a larger drama that provides individuals
with a platform for discourse and interaction. Modern media
simply makes these dramas more accessible in real-time, thus
raising the level of stress because in real-time there is
limited factual context. The facts emerge in the future -
sometimes measured in days, sometimes in decades. Speculation is
the fuel of dramas as well as human interactions. It is not
necessary, or even desirable, that the personal realm be
reconciled with global politics.
What occurs in the personal
realm is infinitely more transformational than what can occur in
the global - particularly where politics is concerned.
Verifying Spiritual Truths
Question 42-S3 - My frustration has always been that these
technicalities are wonderful, but with no way of verifying their
reality in my own consciousness what real value do they have?
A. Remember that concepts and thoughts have both form and
energy, even if they are not clearly evident to the human
senses. Concepts, as vague as they may seem, possess an energy
system that radiates from their deepest core. In other words, a
person might have a vague concept of First Source, but no matter
how vague the concept is it is linked to the deepest experience
of First Source.
You can imagine that a concept has multiple levels of reality.
One person can, for the first time, read a word like Spirit and
gain a vague understanding, and, over the course of their
lifetime, continually deepen their understanding. In some rare
instances, they may even experience a state of connection to
Spirit (or Source Intelligence). At the point of experience,
they realize that the word Spirit is a hollow symbol, but one
filled with a trace of the radiance or energy from the
Think of it like this: a radiant ball of energy (like the sun)
burns underneath all concepts related to First Source. Around
this energy are thousands of layers of interpretation - some of
these are words, some symbols, some emotions, some mental
constructs, some are pictures, some are dreams, some are hopes,
etc. However, every level contains some of the light and energy
of that radiant ball of energy, and because of this, it
magnetically pulls the consciousness of the individual deeper
into awareness.
This is true of the technicalities you refer to. Verification is
only accessible in personal experience, and even this is
temporary within the 3-dimensional world. I have known students,
who have been granted wonderful exposure to these "radiant balls
of energy", and they often fall into doubt and even depression
after the experience because they cannot sustain their belief
that the experience was authentic.
In other words, even verification or personal experience is
overrated. It only matters how you transfer your level of
experience and knowledge into works that are aligned to the
objectives of First Source and live your life according to the
principles of the Sovereign Integral. If you have a very basic
knowledge of these concepts, but you live according to the
principles of the Sovereign Integral and you produce expressions
aligned to First Source, you have your verification in your
words and deeds, and you add to the radiant energy system of
these concepts.
The keyword is add to the radiant energy system, not experience
them for purposes of verification. I know you might think that
by verification or personal experience you would be better able
to add to the radiant energy system, but only in rare instances
is this true. For most, they become unbalanced and seek more
Their desire to experience overpowers their desire
to practice the simple, but powerful principles of the Sovereign
Working with the Lyricus and WingMakers Materials
Question 14-S1: In using the WingMakers CD's, will each of us
notice any physical/ spiritual changes taking place within our
bodies? Or will only some people?
A. No one who immerses within the WingMakers' data stream will
be unaffected. This is because of how the frequencies of the
light and sound (from the art and music) will affect the
thalamocortical system, and how this system, in turn, effects
consciousness. How far the individual immerses in the data
stream will define how well they are able to establish these new
frequencies in their consciousness (see Chamber Four Philosophy
paper for an example of a more complete immersion).
Initially, an individual may encounter difficulties as a
"clearing" of the old is made to accommodate the new
frequencies, but if the individual proceeds and pushes beyond
the clearing, they will be rewarded with a new sense of balance,
expansion of consciousness, and most importantly, the new
thought stream that proceeds from the WingMakers' sensory data
These new thoughts produce new, creative actions and
event-strings that lead to an entity's purpose becoming
Question 33-S3 - My wife and I have done two grand cycles as
discussed in the 4th Philosophy. We are planning to start a
third one. Should this be an ongoing exercise? And should we
continue with the other two exercises in the fourth philosophy
paper? Beyond this we meditate everyday as part of our daily
routine. Are there particular meditations or exercises
associated with your teachings on experiencing the Wholeness
Navigator which go beyond what is given in the WingMakers
A. As with any procedure that is distributed from the WingMakers
and intended to reconnect you with the Wholeness Navigator, it
is advisable to treat the procedure as an ongoing exercise. You
will be guided to perform this exercise; you will not have to
impose a structure of repetition.
There are many techniques that will be released in the years
ahead related to the Lyricus discourses.
However, the WingMakers'
Materials in their physical format are like the shadows of a
greater body of work that is contained within the Galactic
Tributary Zones. Your Wholeness Navigator is aware of these
because you have been to these worlds in your dream and waking
state. The WingMakers' Materials trigger this response, whether
you are listening to the Chamber Music, examining the art,
reading the poetry, or contemplating a philosophical stanza.
However, the shift in consciousness is extremely subtle and
virtually undetectable to the human instrument familiar with
human conditioning.
Question 61-S3 - Is there a specific way to pronounce the mantra
"ohn-haktu-samo" or is this something we need to discover
on our own?
A. The mantra is pronounced phonetically as it is written. I
would only add that as with any mantra, it operates rhythmically
with the breath (externally) and the mental image (internally).
The mental image is not the black screen of neutrality as some
teach. It is the image of your fundamental self - however you
choose to picture it. (Expect this image to change over time.)
Question 67-S3 - I'm trying to understand the inter-relation of
Entity & Wholeness Navigator: It has been written that the
Entity is a fragment of the Spirit aspect of First Source and
the Wholeness Navigator is the heart of the entity
consciousness, but that all human life is also embedded with a
Wholeness Navigator. Is it the same Wholeness Navigator of the
Entity's heart that has a simultaneous presence in all human
bodies under the Entity's control or are there different
Wholeness Navigators for every body?
A. I would encourage you to read the essay on the WingMakers
site that is entitled Anatomy of the Individuated Consciousness.
I do not know the link, but if you perform a search on the site
using this title, I'm sure you will find it.
This essay answers
your question. [Reference:]
Question 63-S3 -
"There is encoded in each of the time capsules,
a system of languages that can lead the individual to their core
expression. It is hidden because it is so powerful.
And we will only lead the worthy to this power."
Why is the word
"worthy" used here? For me it evokes feelings of doubt and
distrust as to the purpose of the whole Wingmaker's Myth because
I was taught in my religious upbringing that "only the worthy
could enter the kingdom of heaven and only Jesus' sacrifice on
the cross could make us worthy."
What do you mean by worthy?
A. Worthiness, in this context, simply means that the individual
has obtained a state of harmlessness where the power of the
higher languages is not abused or applied for personal gain. The
emotional body is a renegade within the human instrument. It
possesses great powers of will and determination, but it is also
capricious and undisciplined.
It is this volatile combination
unmanaged that prevents the embodiment of the higher powers,
which the human body was designed to contain and control. Those
who are worthy have learned how to manage this element of their
human instrument.
Various Topics Astrology
Question 58-S3 - Will the next material give reference to the
"Harmonic Concordance" that is being talked about now? This
relates to a special astrological geometric pattern, which will
be formed on November 8, 2003, at 8:l2 AM EST. The primary
feature is a Grand Sextile and at the time of total lunar
eclipse. Does astrology play any part in the WingMakers
philosophy or cosmology?
A. The teachings of Lyricus do not involve astrology. The reason
is simple: astrology is subjective to time and place, and
because of this subjectivity it is impossible to embed
fundamental truth that is sustainable and relevant across
multiple places and times.
This does not suggest that heavenly
bodies do not impact on humans. They most certainly do, in more
ways than astrology recognizes. The Harmonic Concordance - like
all astronomical events that seem orderly (non-random) - is
indicative of how the grander scale of the universe can imprint
on the consciousness of a species and an individual.
universe is a powerful catalyst of the inborn instinct to ascend
in consciousness, but our species has fallen to the gaze of a
ten-foot experience called television, and seldom, if ever,
searches the night sky.
Another interesting example, the concept of cloning is
decisively absent in any of the esoteric works, and yet I can
tell you quite candidly that the investigation into cloning will
yield a very critical component to the discovery of the Grand
Again, when scientific vocabulary and constructs are
absent from a religious body of work, the text will tend to
gravitate to the etheric or the moral. The former being highly
subjective and therefore relatively immaterial, and the latter
expressing the bias of control and is therefore limiting. The
masters of the
Great White Lodge [Earth's spiritual Hierarchy]
did not intend this; they simply lacked vocabulary and
Question 18-S3 - Given that bio-technology is booming and that
there are many ethical concerns about harvesting stem cells from foetuses, cloning etc., do the Hierarchy regard any of it as
being useful? Or is it just humanity creating monsters on a
higher turn of the evolutionary spiral as they did in
but this time with more intelligence? Is
the karma of that
period working itself out now?
A. The research into cloning will uncover an important component
of the Grand Portal. It is seen as vital research and is nearly
always a necessary step on the path to discovery in a developing
species. The human genome research does not, in and of itself,
concern itself with the replicable nature of
recombinant DNA,
and it is this distinction that makes research into cloning
There is within this study an emerging knowledge of
how Primal DNA can be scientifically activated by interacting
with the gatekeepers of a specific gene's potential:
Disease and Medical Research
Question 19-S3 - In light of the above, and given that much
karma works itself out generically through the human body, how
do the Hierarchy regard science trying to cure cancer and other
karmically engendered diseases, in uterus or otherwise? In other
words, how would the karma work itself out - through other
physical means (i.e. the body might break down anyway, just like
'Dolly' the cloned sheep), or at another level?
A. The answer to this question lies in the law of natural
selection. There are some conditions in life (and this is one of
them) that are not caused by a higher spiritual law (karmic in
nature), but rather are a result of fundamental physical
principles like gravity. The law of natural selection is one of
these. When you tamper with genetics via medical interventions,
you are tampering with this law and you can expect
Also, it is a false assumption that disease is "karmically
engendered". Disease is an outgrowth of many things, sometime
it's karmically related, but more times than not, it is an
outgrowth of a deeper purpose: in this case, the discovery of
soul. Without the medical technology that disease demands, the
human soul would remain a fixture of faith and therefore it
would find its way into a subset of a species, but not carry the
powerful import as when it is proven to exist by science.
Disease serves a purpose for the broader species even though it
seems absurd in the context of the individual. The medical
technology that a species develops to combat its own mortality,
is precisely the technical footing required for science to prove
the existence of soul (Grand Portal).
Question 20-S3 - Is SARS a bio-weapon, and if so, who developed
and employed it? Or is it a result of mass fear, as other flues
are esoterically regarded?
A. SARS is a natural outgrowth of biodiversity and the fusion of
organic species. There is nothing insidious about its outbreak
that could not have been prevented by better hygiene.
One World Religion
Here's another example. If you examine the construct of the
World Religion, as defined by many different earth-based
masters, including DK, you will see that this is not a
description of the Grand Portal, or the post-Grand Portal
It is instead an "echo" of the grand Portal that
travels through the deceleration of vocabulary and language,
and, as a result, is dressed in the cliche of oneness, unity,
heaven on earth, return of the masters, the reign of justice,
etc. These descriptions lack the integrated vision of the
seven-fold forces or disciplines that will unite to bring about
this discovery, and the resulting acceleration of humanity as it
achieves entry onto the Sovereign Integral Network.
This is worthy of your contemplation. Vocabulary inhibits
revelation more than any other device. This is why encoding and
extra-sensory instruction is so vital.
Future Teachings
Question 16-S3 - DK said that in this century (XX
century) a disciple would
come forth to carry on a third installment of the teachings that
Blavatsky and Bailey started. Has that disciple come forth yet,
and are those teachings in process of dissemination by a Master
to a disciple? What form are these teachings in, or do they vary
radically from that given forth previously? If so, which Master
is doing this (DK?) and who is the disciple, or what part of the
world do they reside?
A. I'm unable to comment on this particular question at this
Question 29-S3 - It strongly suggests that
Patanjali may have
been part of the Lyricus Teaching Order. Was Patanjali a
WingMaker and a member of Lyricus? With all due respect does the
letter P in Master P refer to P(atanjali)?
A. Patanjali is not specifically concerned with Lyricus. He is
associated with the planetary teaching order of this sector of
the Milky Way galaxy. The sutras of Patanjali are designed to
align an entity with the unification vibration instilled within
the Wholeness Navigator. Unfortunately, they were applied for
other purposes by most initiates (e.g., mind control), and in
this mis-application, their innate power was diminished.
Patanjali's presence on Earth is well obscured because of his
extraterrestrial origins. He was an advanced thinker and
academician of his time, and very few could understand his real
teachings in regard to synchronizing the vibration of the
Wholeness Navigator to the human instrument.
I am unable, at this time, to answer your question regarding
Master P.
The Urantia Book
Question 23-S2: There are several references within
The Urantia Book that seem to be corroborated by the WingMakers'
material. An example is the planetary reference number of earth.
Also, the cosmological structure as depicted in The Urantia Book
seems similar in some respects to the WingMakers. How does The
Urantia Book factor into the WingMakers materials?
A. The Urantia Book is a Tributary Zone. It is not associated
with one of the seven Tributary Zones because these are encoded
sensory data streams, and The Urantia Book is pure text without
encoding. Nonetheless, it's part of the collection of Tributary
Zones for stage two as talked about in question 17 [See Christ
Mission and Work.]
The Urantia Book is most closely aligned with Lyricus'
cosmological sciences discipline, but it was not written or
composed by Lyricus. It derives mostly from interdimensional
sources - the equivalent of an earth-based teaching
organization, only from a different planetary system. Sometimes
planetary systems will exchange important writings or revelatory
works for the purpose of circulating philosophical ideas or
important revelations.
This work is such an example.
Question 4-S3 - After this someone asked why there was so much Urantia material in the WingMakers material. I answered that
some of the cosmology fit in, but that, to paraphrase myself,
"James mixes in material from various sources. For instance, Chakobsa is from Frank Herbert's Dune."
I am curious about this
myself and admit that The Urantia Book does not resonate well
with me. Parts of it are quite fascinating and other parts are
narrow-minded and simplistic. For instance, with all due
respect, although I generally understand the concept of the
seven superuniverses and Grand Universe, etc., the diagram and
explanations seem almost childish. For instance, most who have
studied A Treatise on Cosmic Fire will consider the WM cosmology
as expressed in terms of the Urantia model to be inferior by
I am not saying that I or they fully understand TCF,
but that the vision which it communicates is far more
sophisticated than the simple presentation to date of the WM
concept based at least partially on Urantia.
A. This is an interesting topic. First, your assumption that the
WingMakers' Materials are based on The Urantia Book is not
Within this galaxy, the cosmology presented in The Urantia Book
is considered one of the
two best depictions of the structure of the Grand Universe. (The
book referred to in the Ancient Arrow Project, Liminal
Cosmogony, is considered the other.)
It so happens that the WingMakers' material is not based on this depiction, but rather
it is based on the reality of the physical Grand Universe, which
happens to coincide with the view held by The Urantia Book. I
hold to the opinion that the works of AAB do not compare to The
Urantia Book or Liminal Cosmogony in terms of its presentation
of the cosmological structure of the physical universe.
A Treatise on Cosmic Fire is more concerned with the macrocosm
and microcosm definitions as they pertain to a narrow field of
view of the multiverse. Its insight and resulting presentation
of the cosmological structure of the Grand Universe is
unsubstantial, and its prolific use of the Eastern esoteric
terminology provides a barrier to the Western mind, something
that The Urantia Book does not. This is not a criticism of
Cosmic Fire, but it is one of the reasons that the readership of
The Urantia Book is more widespread than A Treatise on Cosmic
With regard to the simplistic approach to cosmology as contained
in the current WingMak-ers' Material, this is done for several
reasons. First it is not the purpose of these materials to teach
the cosmology of the physical Grand Universe or the subtle
fields of vibration known as the multiverse or multi-dimensional
reality. There are books yet to come that will do this. The
WingMakers' Material is designed to inspire newly incarnated
personalities to their earthly purpose - the discovery of the
Grand Portal.
It is one of many works that will have this
impact. It is a signpost, not an encyclopedia of knowledge. It
is a catalyst, not an expository of spiritual or cosmological
Year 2012
Question 20-S2: Many talk of the significance of 2012 to
mankind. What is the truth behind 2012?
A. Understand one thing, significance is a relative term. To me,
for example, significance is measured by the degree in which
humankind edges closer to the discovery of the Grand Portal.
Thus, using my criteria, the year 2012 is not a particularly
significant year. However, if someone is more attuned to the
physical environment, the year 2012 may indeed hold some
significant events. [See James' paper: "The Energetic Heart: Its
Purpose in Human Destiny."].
Concluding Remarks by James
Thank you for your questions. Keep pursuing your alignment to
that which draws out your innermost desire to contribute what is
stored inside of you. If you do this, you will inhabit the
integrity of your actions - which is the best place to live in
the times to come.
I am appreciative of your interest and desire to understand more
about these works. To those of you who are studying these
materials, please be attentive to the path you have chosen to
walk. This path is not for dabbling, or mental exercise. It is a
journey into your personal wisdom. If there were anything else
you seek, I would encourage you to set these materials aside in
favor of another path, or even no path at all.
Anyone on this path expresses with respect, appreciation, and
understanding, or the knowledge gained and personal wisdom
revealed will not be satisfying, nor will it endure. It is a
critical element of our approach to the Grand Portal.
I mention
this because in another world, a species approached the Grand
Portal and its earth teachers lost sight of how expression and
deep insight are necessarily connected, and though the discovery
of the Grand Portal was at last achieved, it was not properly
disseminated or applied in this world for several generations
following the discovery.
The WingMakers' discussion forums exist to enable each of you to
express your innermost thoughts and findings about the
WingMakers' materials. It also enables you to practice and
refine your ability to demonstrate respect, appreciation, and
understanding. I encourage each of you to integrate these
behaviors in your dialogue because they carry a kindling effect
for the information contained within these materials - both for
you and those who tread with you on this path.
One final comment. I am not able to respond to more questions
for a period of about three months. If you have additional
questions, you may forward them to Mark, but please understand
that you will require patience for your answers - provided you
seek them from me and require them in physical form.
You have my fondest regards.
From my world to yours,