by Alfred Lambremont Webre
Exopolitics Examiner
February 7, 2011
Examiner Website
The Web Bot and ALTA
Reports for the years 2011-12 and beyond (“The Shape of Things to
Come (2011/2012) - Issue Nine (9)”) - predicts a period of,
A summary of the Web Bot and
ALTA Report, Issue Nine (9) for the
years 2011-12 reports that the death of the U.S. dollar in the
spring of 2011 will cause widespread upheaval in civil life within
the USA.
Web Bot report reportedly claims,
“Civil unrest, riots
as well as armed insurrection is coming. The violence will rise
to the level of mobs burning banking and government minions
alive along with their families. A major national riot will
start in a city north of Washington, D.C. but itself will spread
like fire.
The Mother of All
Riots is coming to the US in 2011. The primary motivators for
the riots will be hyperinflation of
food prices, massive
lay-offs and the collapse of the dollar based
banking system.
Electrical outages lasting for days, empty food shelves in city
stores, worthless government food vouchers will kindle the
Web Bot track record
of systematic over-exaggeration of catastrophic timeline
The Web Bot has now compiled a substantial track record of
over-exaggerating catastrophic outcomes of trends and of creating an
expectation of a catastrophic timeline.
Web Bot - 1.2 billion dead in
BP oil spill, Nov. 2010 nuclear war
One can
reasonably question the credibility and legitimacy given to the
over-exaggerated outcomes of the Web Bot.
For example,
immediately after the April 20, 2010
BP Gulf oil spill, Web Bot
“1.2 billion
dead from the BP oil spill and a Nov. 2010 nuclear war."
"The Web Bot technology is now predicting a 1.289+ billion
mega-death resulting from an “ill-wind” and the BP Gulf oil
disaster. Researcher Clif High has published a prediction
expecting a ‘tipping point’ around November 8, 2010 into
global nuclear war, triggered by a mistaken
Israeli-influenced attack on Iran that could come anytime
after July 11, 2010."
For full analysis of
how and why Web Bot published these inaccurate memes about the
BP oil spill, see
Web Bot - 1.2 Billion Dead in BP Oil Spill
- Nov. 2010 Nuclear War - Accurate? Will ETs Intervene?
Is the Web Bot’s
catastrophic timeline for 2011-12 and beyond accurate or another
However, a number of independent alternative forecasting sources,
ranging from,
...suggest that some of
the predictions of the Web Bot may be true, although the accuracy of
the scale of the forecasts made by Web Bot in unknown.
The methodology of Web Bot
and ALTA reports
The Web Bot
project on which the ALTA reports are based uses software to,
“search the
Internet for about 300,000 keywords with emotional context
and record the preceding and following words to create a
‘snapshot.’ Through this, the technology is claimed to be
able to examine the collective unconscious of the world as a
whole. It is thus said to be able to predict catastrophic
[and other] events 60 to 90 days in advance.”
The Web Bot is
claimed to have accurately predicted the
September 11, 2001
terror attacks in June 2001, as well as the blackout of the
Northeastern United States in 2003.
The project was unsuccessful
in predicting a Vancouver, B.C. and Pacific Northwest earthquake
for December 12, 2008.
For more details
Andrew Basiago Is Predicted "'Planetary
Level' Whistleblower for Mars Life and Time Travel" - Web Bot.
Earth Changes - The
catastrophic timeline 2011-13
The Catastrophic timeline
- Chronovisor and Remote viewing studies
Two independent probes of the year 2013, one in the early 1970s
Chronovisor and another in March 2010 via military-trained
remote viewers both found evidence of archetypal buildings in
Washington, DC being under 100 feet of water in 2013 or in
similar distress.
At the same time, the March 2010 study found almost as many
remote viewers perceiving a normal future for Washington, DC in
2013 as one in which Washington, DC was under 100 feet of water
in 2013.
The catastrophic
and the positive timelines 2011-12 and beyond
In the course of research on potential impending transitional
changes during the 2012-13 time horizon, this Examiner
reporter has identified what can be described as two parallel
realities, each buttressed by independent sets of data and
personal and institutional decisions - a 2012-13 catastrophic
timeline and a 2012-13 positive future timeline.
The two parallel 2012-13 timelines are quite opposite in nature.
The cataclysmic timeline envisions 2012-13 as a time when the
Earth is hit by destructive,
“solar flares, large meteors,
tsunamis, world-wide coastal inundations, mega-catastrophe.”
positive timeline envisions 2012-13 as follows:
“2012 heralds
Earth’s entry into the Golden Age, and between now and then is a
time of transition from life as you have known it into life
totally in harmony with all of Nature.”
As evidence of a possible 2012-13 catastrophic timeline,
researcher Dr.
Courtney Brown points to the results of a recent Farsight Institute remote viewing study of global climate change
Expecting to find marginal effects of global
climate change on coastal areas in 2013, Dr. Brown reports,
instead remote viewers found a catastrophic 2013 timeline.
2013 catastrophic timeline is set out in an article by Dr.
Brown, and in a presentation that has been shown publicly at
only three venues including the recent 2010
IIIHS.org conference
in Montreal in which this reporter spoke and participated.
In his July 7, 2010 presentation, Dr. Brown states there are
anomalies that suggest the U.S. government and elites are
heavily invested in covertly preparing for the 2012-13
catastrophic timeline, while keeping the bulk of the human
population in the dark.
These anomalies (which are explored at
length in the article below) suggest that decision-makers in the
U.S. and other government and some elites have made the decision
that the 2012-13 catastrophic future is the most probable
future, and are feverishly completing underground facilities on
Earth for the military, police, and key financial and political
elites (as well as secret bases on Mars).
These anomalies are not part of the Farsight Institute report,
Dr. Brown stated, and are personal observations of his own. They
are, nevertheless, of extreme social interest.
The evidence that Earth has recently shifted onto a “positive,
non-catastrophic timeline” is growing, however.
For example, the
results in the Farsight Institute’s 2008-2013 remote viewing
study are skewed between a 2013 “catastrophic” timeline and a
2013 “non-catastrophic” timeline. Statistically, 39 percent of
the remote viewing reports achieved a disaster score of “3”
(Catastrophic), while 29% of the remote viewing reports achieved
a disaster score of “0” (Non-catastrophic).
If the Farsight remote viewing study is correct, it is
statistically almost as much a certainty that a positive future
will occur in 2012-13 as that a
Solar flare-Planet X catastrophe
will occur. Dr. Brown notes that Farsight Institute remote
viewers once predicted an earthquake that would flatten Los
Angeles International Airport (LAX) on a specific date.
Concerned about public safety, Farsight went public with that
prediction. A 6.4 earthquake did occur in the LAX area, without
consequent damage to the airport.
In a remarkable coincidence (or synchronicity), both the
Farsight Institute and a chronovisor probe in the early 1970s by
DARPA’s Project Pegasus chose archetypal targets in Washington,
DC right across the street from each other. Project Pegasus
chose to view the U.S. Supreme Court building in 2013 via
chronovisor and Project Pegasus participant and whistleblower
Andrew D. Basiago “found that the Supreme Court building was
under 100 feet of stagnant water” in a chronovisor probe.
The Farsight
Institute targeted the U.S. Capitol building in 2013, and some
remote viewer reports viewed the U.S. Capitol in ruins along
side deep water. The chronovisor is a device
that uses a screen or holographic template to locate and display
scenes from the past or future in the time-space hologram.
The chronovisor was originally developed by two Vatican scientists
in conjunction with Enrico Fermi and later refined by
Mr. Basiago has stated that,
“because the chronovisors did
not identify absolute, deterministic futures but rather
alternate futures in the 'multi-verse,' this catastrophic vision
of Washington, DC might be from an alternative time line that
does not materialize on our time line.”
Other Farsight remote
viewers targeting the U.S. Capitol in 2013 did not see a
Washington, DC devastated by natural catastrophe.
Here, then, we have the 2012-13 catastrophic and 2012-13
non-catastrophic futures side by side. DARPA’s Project Pegasus
chronovisor technology for probing future events in the
time-space hologram was state of the art in the early 1970s.
Project Pegasus itself was under the policy oversight of Donald
H. Rumsfeld as a Nixon cabinet member. It may have been that
Presidential-level decisions were made in the early 1970s to
commence underground shelter preparations, on the basis of
Project Pegasus and other time-travel intelligence about the
2012-13 catastrophic timeline.
For more detail, see
Are You On a 2012-13 Catastrophic
Timeline? Or Are You On a 2012-13 Positive Future Timeline?
2012 Earth
Changes - Cataclysmic breakdown or Y2K makeover?
Other evaluations of the plausibility of the scale of
Earth Changes
predicted by the Web Bot ALTA report Nine (9) for 2011-12 tend to
cast doubt that the scale of earth changes forecast by Web Bot will
2012 - Solar flares & the
cataclysm meme
Will 2012
bring the “perfect storm” and systems collapse? - the solar
flare Carrington event boogeyman
Let us examine the spectrum of science-based opinion on the
possible impacts of solar storms during the coming solar maximum
of solar cycle 24 (2009-2020), which NASA in its latest solar
forecast expects in May 2013.
At one extreme, a January 2009 report by the National Academy of
Sciences funded by NASA
warned that solar flares during the
solar maximum could cause up to $2 trillion (or more) in damage
in the U.S., with millions of potential deaths.
As Examiner
“Mainstream scientific concern about 2012 has grown
since a recent National Research Council report funded by NASA
and issued by the National Academy of Sciences, entitled ‘Severe
Space Weather Events: Understanding Economic and Societal
Impact’ which details the potential devastation of 2012 solar
storms on the current planetary energy grid and because of the
inter-linkages of a cybernetic society, on our entire human
“According to New Scientist, science’s concern is a repetition
of the 8-day 1859 “Carrington event,” a large solar flare
accompanied by a coronal mass ejection (CME) that flung billions
of tons of solar plasma onto the earth’s magnetosphere and
disrupted Victorian-era magnetometers and the world telegraph
“The New Scientist states,
‘The report outlines the worst case
scenario for the U.S. The ‘perfect storm’ is most likely on a
spring or autumn night in a year of heightened solar activity -
something like 2012. Around the equinoxes, the orientation of
the Earth's field to the sun makes us particularly vulnerable to
a plasma strike.’
“The next solar maximum is expected to occur in [2013]. New
Scientist reports that Mike Hapgood, head of the European Space
Agency's space weather team states,
‘We're in the equivalent of
an idyllic summer's day. The sun is quiet and benign, the
quietest it has been for 100 years,’ ‘but it could turn the
other way.’
“The modern electrical high-power grid magnifies the impact of
solar flares. Since the grid is linked into major aspects of
modern society, the effects of another Carrington event would be
The National Academy of Sciences report states:
severe space weather event in the US could induce ground
currents that would knock out 300 key transformers within about
90 seconds, cutting off the power for more than 130 million
The New Scientist states:
‘According to the NAS report,
the impact of what it terms a 'severe geomagnetic storm
scenario’ could be as high as $2 trillion. And that's just the
first year after the storm. The NAS puts the recovery time at
four to 10 years. It is questionable whether the US would ever
bounce back'.”
A more perfect storm?
The hole in the earth’s magnetic field
According to
a December 16, 2008 report, NASA’s THEMIS spacecraft has
discovered a hole in earth’s magnetic field that is 10 times as
large as previously thought.
The magnetosphere, which is
designed to protect earth from the plasma of solar flares, now
has a hole in it four times the size of the earth.
According to the NASA report,
“Northern IMF events don't
actually trigger geomagnetic storms but they do set the stage
for storms by loading the magnetosphere with plasma. A loaded
magnetosphere is primed for auroras, power outages, and other
disturbances that can result when, say, a CME (coronal mass
ejection) hits.”
The solar maximum is expected in 2012.
University of New
Hampshire scientist Jimmy Raeder states,
"We're entering
Cycle 24. For reasons not fully understood, CMEs in
even-numbered solar cycles (like 24) tend to hit Earth with a
leading edge that is magnetized north. Such a CME should open a
breach and load the magnetosphere with plasma just before the
storm gets underway. It's the perfect sequence for a really big
2012: Fire or ice? The
maunder minimum extremists
At the other
extreme, some scientists are forecasting not solar storms, but
the return of a new ice age for the 2012 year range.
Examiner has reported in an April 2, 2009 article,
retired U.S. Navy physicist and engineer James A. Marusek
“The sun has gone very quiet as it transitions to Solar
Cycle 24… We are now at a crossroad. Two paths lie before us.
Both are marked with a signpost that reads “Danger”! Down one
path lie monstrous solar storms. Down the other path lie several
decades of crushing cold temperatures and global famine.”
quiet sun will cause temperatures globally to take a nose-dive.
We will experience temperatures that we have not seen in over
200 years, during the time of the early pioneers.“
The Sun slipping quietly towards a Dalton Minimum or even a
Grand Minima such as a Maunder Minimum.
“Climate change is primarily driven by nature. It has been true
in the days of my father and his father and all those that came
before us. Because of science, not junk science, we have slowly
uncovered some of the fundamental mysteries of nature. Our Milky
Way galaxy is awash with cosmic rays.
These are high-speed
charged particles that originate from exploding stars. Because
they are charged, their travel is strongly influenced by
magnetic fields. Our sun produces a magnetic field wrapped in
the solar winds that extends to the edges of our solar system.
“This field deflects many of the cosmic rays away from Earth.
But when the sun goes quiet (minimal sunspots), this field
collapses inward allowing high-energy cosmic rays to penetrate
deeper into our solar system. As a result, far greater numbers
collide with Earth and penetrate down into the lower atmosphere
where they ionize small particles of moisture (humidity) forming
them into water droplets that become clouds. Low-level clouds
reflect sunlight back into space.
"An increase in Earth's cloud cover produce a global drop in
“If the sun becomes quieter than the old solar cycles, producing
more than 1028 spotless days, then we might slip into a Dalton
Minimum or maybe even a Grand Minima such as the Maunder
Minimum. This solar state will last for decades. Several solar
scientists have predicted this will begin in Solar Cycle 25,
about a decade from now.
But a few have predicted this will
occur now in Solar Cycle 24. A quiet sun will cause temperatures
globally to take a nose-dive. We will experience temperatures
that we have not seen in over 200 years, during the time of the
early pioneers.
“Temperatures are already falling. Satellites provide generally
the most accurate atmospheric temperature measurements covering
the entire globe. From the peak year 1998, the lower Troposphere
temperatures globally have fallen around 1/2 degree Celsius due
to the quiet sun.
This is despite the fact that during that same time period,
atmospheric carbon dioxide (at Mauna Loa) has risen 5% from 367
ppm to 386 ppm. The main threat from a ‘Dalton Minimum’ or
‘Maunder Minimum’ event is famine and starvation (affecting
millions or hundreds of millions worldwide) due to shortened
growing seasons and harsher weather. In the past, in addition to
great famines, this cold harsh weather has also lead to major
A taste of the cold weather due to a quiet sun.
“Evidence of the Mississippi River, Ohio River, Allegheny River,
Delaware River and Hudson River at the New York Harbor freezing
and of very harsh winters.
“Recent periods of quiet sun were,
The Maunder Minimum and Spörer
Minimum were solar Grand Minima and each were individually
referred to as the Little Ice Age.”
2012 - “Solar Cycle 24 will
peak in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots”
There is
uncertainty and published misinformation about
Solar Cycle 24.
One unofficial source who charges his readers money for his
articles -
Mitch Battros - states,
"Solar Cycle 24 has begun -
and it has been predicted by NASA, NOAA and ESA to be up to 50%
stronger than its 'record breaking' predecessor Cycle 23 which
produced the largest solar flare ever recorded. The Sun will
reach its 'apex' (maximum) in late 2011 into 2012."
A recent
prediction by NASA contradicts Mitch Battros and
Earthchangesmedia.com and states that the solar maximum will be
in May 2013,
"with a below-average number of sunspots."
On May 29, 2009, NASA reported that,
“an international panel of
experts led by NOAA and sponsored by NASA has released a new
prediction for the next solar cycle. Solar Cycle 24 will peak,
they say, in May 2013 with a below-average number of sunspots.
‘If our prediction is correct, Solar Cycle 24 will have a peak
sunspot number of 90, the lowest of any cycle since 1928 when
Solar Cycle 16 peaked at 78,’ says panel chairman Doug Biesecker
of the NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center."
In the same report, NASA also noted that,
“It is tempting to
describe such a cycle as ‘weak’ or ‘mild,’ but that could give
the wrong impression.
"’Even a below-average cycle is capable of producing severe
space weather,’ points out Biesecker. ‘The great geomagnetic
storm of 1859, for instance, occurred during a solar cycle of
about the same size we’re predicting for 2013.’"
Note that NASA cannot resist highlighting the Carrington event
“boogeyman” to frighten us all
about 2012.
“The 1859
storm - known as the "Carrington Event" after astronomer Richard
Carrington who witnessed the instigating solar
flare - electrified transmission cables, set fires in telegraph
offices, and produced Northern Lights so bright that people
could read newspapers by their red and green glow.
A recent
report by the National Academy of Sciences found that if a
similar storm occurred today, it could cause $1 to 2 trillion in
damages to society's high-tech infrastructure and require four
to ten years for complete recovery. For comparison, Hurricane
Katrina caused ‘only’ $80 to 125 billion in damage.”
NASA, then, is still promoting the plausibility of Carrington
event scenario. A Carrington-like event last took place in 1859,
153 years from 2012.
The operant question is:
Do Carrington
event-like solar flares occur as often as every 153 years?
another Carrington event-like solar flare is possible, leading
edge scientific analysis appears to conclude that “the
probabilities of occurrence cannot be assigned with any
reasonable accuracy.”
In “The extreme magnetic storm of 1-2 September 1859,”
B.T. Tsurutani, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California, USA
W. D. Gonzalez, Instituto
Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, Sao Paulo, Brazil
G. S. Lakhina and S. Alex, Indian Institute of Geomagnetism,
Mumbai/Bombay, India,
...explore the issue of
how often 1859
Carrington event-like solar flares occur.
They write,
“It is found that both the 1-2 September 1859 solar
flare energy and the associated coronal mass ejection speed were
extremely high but not unique.
Other events with more intense
properties have been detected; thus a storm of this or even
greater intensity may occur again. Because the data for the
high-energy tails of solar flares and magnetic storms are
extremely sparse, the tail distributions and therefore the
probabilities of occurrence cannot be assigned with any
reasonable accuracy.
“How rare was the 1–2 September 1859 solar flare/ solar ejecta
event? Is it possible that an event of this intensity could
happen again in the near future? Since the early measurements of
visible ‘white light’ flares, scientists have determined that
there is radiation at a variety of other wavelengths as well.
Using general scalings, Lin and Hudson [1976] have estimated the
August 1972 flare to have had a total energy ranging from 1032
to 1033 ergs. Kane et al. [1995] have estimated the more recent
1 June 1991 flare to have had an extreme energy of 1034 ergs.
For comparison, D. Neidig (private communication, 2001) has
calculated the 1859 white light flare energy based on the
Carrington [1859] report.
The assumptions made are the peak flux
is equal to the brightest white light flares measured thus far (
100% enhancement over the background photospheric intensities),
duration of 5 min, area 7*1017 cm2. Assuming a typical flare
photometric spectrum (up to 300% brighter in the near-UV), Neidi
derived a total optical output of 2*1030 ergs. K. Harvey
(private communication, 2001) has estimated that this [1859]
flare was most probably 1032 ergs.
“The recent Kane et al. [1995] results have shown that the
previously thought ‘‘upper limit’’ of 1032 ergs for the energy
of a flare can be broken by a wide margin. Our time span of
observations has been quite limited (only hundreds of years),
and it is therefore doubtful that we have detected events at the
saturation limit (either flares or magnetic storms).
Can the Sun
have flares at superflare energy (1038 - 1039 ergs) levels? Most
probably not [see Lingenfelter and Hudson, 1980], but perhaps
1035 ergs is feasible for our Sun.
The effects of an
accompanying perfect magnetic storm might be catastrophic.”
The methodology of
Web Bot and ALTA reports
Clif High, a developer of the Web Bot predictive technology has
“It is worth noting that almost invariably, accurate future
predictive behavior is related to threat conditions. As with our
[Web Bot] software, it would appear that humans and animals can much
more easily ‘feel’ a threat coming than a blessing. It is likely
very true that humans in general owe continued species existence to
accurate future predictive behavior.”
The Web Bot project on which the ALTA
reports are based uses
software to,
“search the Internet for about 300,000 keywords with
emotional context and record the preceding and following words to
create a ‘snapshot.’ Through this, the technology is claimed to be
able to examine the collective unconscious of the world as a whole.
It is thus said to be able to predict catastrophic [and other]
events 60 to 90 days in advance.”
The Web Bot is claimed to have
accurately predicted the
September 11, 2001 terror attacks in June
2001, as well as the blackout of the Northeastern United States in
The project was unsuccessful in predicting a Vancouver, B.C.
and Pacific Northwest earthquake for December 12, 2008.
The Web Bot
2009 prediction "dumping of the US dollar" came true on October 23,
2009, with reports of China's initial efforts to make the Yuan an
international currency.
2012 & the Web
Bot- ALTA reports
Recent ALTA and Web Bot
reports have found a,
“’data gap’ has been
found between early 2012 running through May 2013. One explanation
is that ‘our civilization gets knocked back to a pre-electronic
state,’ such as brought about by devastating solar activity.”
This possible ‘data gap’ would be an artifact of the worst case
scenario predicted by the January 2009 NAS report as to the
devastation caused by a repetition of a Carrington-type event during
the 2012-13 solar maximum.
As we have seen, mainstream scientists have concluded that,
probabilities of occurrence [of another Carrington event] cannot be
assigned with any reasonable accuracy.”
There are at least two possible 2012 futures, based on the current
Web Bot:
2012 meme - One
possibility is that the Web Bot technology may be detecting
the presence on the Internet of an escalating meme regarding
a “repetition of a Carrington-type event during the 2012-13
solar maximum,” rather than an actual future event.
Carrington-type event solar flare - Another possibility is
that the Web Bot technology has done what mainstream science
now says cannot be “assigned with any reasonable accuracy,”
and Web Bot is accurately predicting a repetition of a
Carrington-type solar flare or related event for 2012-13.
2012 - Pole shift,
super-cataclysm meme and catastrophobia
Web Bot developer Clif High at halfpasthuman.com
also points us in
the direction of
Patrick Geryl, whose predictions for 2012 include a
perfect magnetic storm of the sort that mainstream science considers
at the outer boundaries of what our Sun is capable of, presumably as
high as 1035 ergs.
"The Pole Shift in 2012" meme
Patrick Geryl, who now dedicates himself fulltime to
survival activities, believes that 2012 will bring a repetition
of a cataclysm on Earth that took place in 9792 B.C.
His website
"Patrick Geryl
came to the staggering conclusion that the Earth will soon
be subjected to an immense disaster. The cause: upheavals in
the sun's magnetic fields will generate gigantic solar
flares that will affect the polarity of the entire Earth.
The result: our magnetic field will reverse all at once,
with catastrophic consequences for humanity.
“Massive earthquakes will demolish all buildings on the
planet, and instigate colossal tsunamis and intense volcanic
activity. In fact, the Earth's crust will shift, sweeping
continents thousands of miles away from their present
“There is ample evidence in the literature of ancient
civilizations that such disasters have occurred in the past
and also clues that they knew when another such calamity
would occur.
The Dresden Codex of the Maya for instance,
contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle, about which our
modern astronomers know almost nothing!
“In his books, Patrick Geryl continues his scientific
analysis of the millennia-old codes of the Maya and
Egyptians that refer to the coming super-disaster. He
determines that both cultures arose from an antediluvian
civilization which was able to calculate the previous polar
shifts and that we should take very seriously their
calculations that place the next reversal in 2012!”
Mr. Geryl
“I launch this
world-shattering message after having cracked several
ancient codes of crucial importance to civilization as we
approach the year 2012. The Dresden Codex of the Maya, for
instance, contains the secrets of the sunspot cycle.
“The conclusions that follow, are even more staggering.
“At a certain moment, when the sun's magnetism reaches a
crucial point, the sun's surface will be subjected to
immense storms. Enormous electro-magnetic forces will then
be liberated - with unknown strength - from the interior of
the sun. Giant sun-flames will send a gigantic wave of
particles to the earth.
“Recently this phenomenon has been observed and confirmed in
several suns. During several hours and days they exhibited
an explosive activity, after which they returned to their
normal state. Astronomers were wondering if this were
one-time event or if it could occur more often. They can be
sure it will occur again! Our sun is also showing this kind
of pattern.
“The particles that are spewed out will put the earth's
atmosphere ‘into flames’ and have a real destructive effect
on the Van Allen belts. Because of the continuous stream of
electromagnetism, the magnetic field of the earth will get
“Trillions of particles will reach the poles. Unknown
electric forces will be generated, a nightmare for everybody
involved. When the poles are filled with auroras from the
falling particles, the inevitable will happen: the earth's
inner electromagnetic field will get overcharged and will
crash. A mega short-circuit with super lethal effects. The
planet's entire atmosphere, without magnetic protection,
will be bombarded by falling particles.
“The earth’s magnetic field functions to protect us by
directing the electromagnetic particles to the poles, but
this would become impossible. The particles would penetrate
the earth from all sides and generate intensive radiation,
in luminosity as well as in radioactivity. Burning,
intensely burning is how you can describe the entire sky.
Or, as the holy scriptures say: "the light of the light is
around the world now".
“And that is the prelude to the cataclysm.
“The iron core of the earth is magnetic. Because of the
switching of the magnetic core, the earth will start to move
to the other side! Because of this, the outer earth’s crust
will break off! In other words the outer layer is
‘floating’. It's on the loose, no longer attached to its
“The planet will tilt some thousands of miles in a couple of
hours. Looking up in the sky it will seem as if ‘the sky is
coming down’, as it is described in the old scriptures!
Giant quakes will occur. Earth plates are moving, mountains
are rising where first there was nothing, land parts break
open and collapse, mountains collapse, land is sinking into
the ocean, volcanoes erupt in many places. In short, the
most terrible nightmare cannot be terrible enough to
describe this world's destruction.
“Many number series and codes of their myths seem to have
been converted into their monuments. I have to remark here
that the word monument comes from Latin. Literally
translated it means ‘warning.’ In other words, the pyramids,
the Sphinx and many other miraculous buildings from a
distant past are standing here to warn us and arouse our
curiosity, so that we start the search for the ‘why.’
“In his book "The Orion Mystery", Bauval proved that the
pyramids were built according to the Orion constellation of
12,000 years ago. Together with Gino Ratinckx and with the
help of a recently developed astronomical software program,
I could prove that the construction of the pyramids is
related to the precession of the Orion constellation in 9792
BC, the year of the previous catastrophe.
“In those times the Sphinx was looking at its celestial
counterpart. As you know from my previous book, the last
pole reversal took place in the age of the Lion. Therefore
we are here confronted with a sky-earth dualism, a serious
warning about what happened then and what is awaiting us
now. Even worse, the precession of those days is identical
to the one of 2012, the year of the next pole reversal.
“This is not the only similarity. Venus meant everything for
the Maya. Just like it did in 9792 BC, Venus will make in
2012 a perfect circular retrograde loop above the Orion
constellation behind Gemini. In the Egyptian Book of the
Dead this code is denoted as the movement that anticipates
the end.”
Galactic superwaves,
the prior solar system cataclysm and catastrophobia
In her book “Catastophobia,” author
Barbara Hand Clow examines the
near destruction of Earth in 9500 B.C.
Ms. Clow concludes that
this event has left humanity's collective psyche deeply scarred,
which Clow says afflicts humanity with catastrophobia. She examines
the insidious global elite forces that have used this unprocessed
fear to control humanity for thousands of years. Most importantly,
she offers guidance for achieving the creative evolutionary leap
that is unfolding now.
The prior solar system cataclysm was the result of a celestial
debris entering the solar system. It was not the result of a super
solar flare event, such as alleged will occur again in 2012.
Figure A shows the Great Cataclysm (from "Catastrophobia") in 9500
B.C. is a schemata of the great disaster, which shows fragments from
the Vela supernova -
Phaeton/Marduk in Greek/Babylonian
records - blasting into our solar system and disturbing all the
planets except Jupiter. Mars and Earth were especially damaged
because the fragments of the supernova destroyed a planet located in
the current asteroid belt, and then all this debris afflicted Earth
and Mars.
This drawing is based on ancient records and the current
condition of the planetary orbits in this solar system.
According to physicist
Paul LaViolette, a
galactic superwave (a
great wave of energy sent out from the galactic center, which is
26,000 light years from Earth) occurring 14,200 years ago triggered
the Vela supernova a fragment of which caused the solar system
catastrophe of 11,500 years ago.
As set out in her book
The Mayan Code, Barbara Hand Clow does not
expect another galactic superwave in 2012.
Planet X,
Nibiru and catastrophobia
According to
“Nibiru and other
stories about wayward planets are an Internet hoax. There is no
factual basis for these claims. If
Nibiru or Planet X were real
and headed for an encounter with the Earth in 2012, astronomers
would have been tracking it for at least the past decade, and it
would be visible by now to the naked eye.
Obviously, it does not
exist. Eris is real, but it is a dwarf planet similar to Pluto
that will remain in the outer solar system; the closest it can
come to Earth is about 4 billion miles.”
2012 - NASA Frequently Asked
“Q: Is the Earth in danger of being hit by a meteor in
A: The Earth has always been subject to impacts by comets
and asteroids, although big hits are very rare. The last big
impact was 65 million years ago, and that led to the extinction
of the dinosaurs. Today NASA astronomers are carrying out a
survey called the Spaceguard Survey to find any large near-Earth
asteroids long before they hit. We have already determined that
there are no threatening asteroids as large as the one that
killed the dinosaurs. All this work is done openly with the
discoveries posted every day on the NASA NEO Program Office
website, so you can see for yourself that nothing is predicted
to hit in 2012.
“Q: How do NASA scientists feel about claims of pending
A: For any claims of disaster or dramatic changes in
2012, where is the science? Where is the evidence? There is
none, and for all the fictional assertions, whether they are
made in books, movies, documentaries or over the Internet, we
cannot change that simple fact. There is no credible evidence
for any of the assertions made in support of unusual events
taking place in December 2012.
“Q: Is there a danger from giant solar storms predicted
for 2012?
A: Solar activity has a regular cycle, with peaks
approximately every 11 years. Near these activity peaks, solar
flares can cause some interruption of satellite communications,
although engineers are learning how to build electronics that
are protected against most solar storms. But there is no special
risk associated with 2012. The next solar maximum will occur in
the 2012-2014 time frame and is predicted to be an average solar
cycle, no different than previous cycles throughout history.
How can one
evaluate the possibility for physical cataclysm in 2012?
2012 &
Catastrophobia - There appears to be a collective fear of
earth changes and cataclysm in human society based on the
historical prior cataclysm of 11,500 years ago triggered by
a galactic superwave that triggered the Vela supernova, a
fragment of which entered the solar system. For a variety of
reasons, the year 2012 has been front-loaded with memes that
trigger humanity’s catastrophobia.
2012 Solar flare
Carrington event - There are at least two possible 2012
futures, based on the current Web Bot:
2012 meme -
One possibility is that the Web Bot technology may be
detecting the presence on the Internet of an escalating
meme regarding a “repetition of a Carrington-type event
during the 2012-13 solar maximum,” rather than an actual
future event. This is the more probable 2012 reality.
Carrington-type event solar flare - Another possibility
is that the Web Bot technology has done what mainstream
science now says cannot be “assigned with any reasonable
accuracy,” and Web Bot is accurately predicting a
repetition of a Carrington-type solar flare or related
event for 2012-13. This appears to be a very unlikely
Super-cataclysm memes - 2012 Pole shift, super solar flare,
galactic super wave-caused super nova fragments appear to be
memes propagated by catastrophobia, and are extremely
unlikely to materialize in 2012.
2012 cataclysm
memes and social manipulation - 2012 cataclysm memes appear
to be used by a variety of institutions, ranging from covert
military-intelligence, governmental and other agencies to
organized religion for purposes of social control. See, for
example, Basiago and Eisenhower reveal “Marsgate” and make
case for “Alternative 4”
Continue reading on
2012 - Cataclysmic breakdown or Y2K makeover? ET/UFO contact?
DNA/Consciousness transformation?
The U.S.
dollar and the U.S. population - 2011-12 and beyond
The Web Bot Report for 2011-12 (#9) forecasts the collapse of the
U.S. dollar, a collapse of the socio-economic status of the U.S.
population, and severe social disruptions in the U.S. for the period
A summary of the Web Bot report states,
“Population of the USA - The
death of the dollar in the spring of 2011 will cause widespread
upheaval in civil life within the USA. Civil unrest, riots as well
as armed insurrection are coming. The violence will rise to the
level of mobs burning banking and government minions alive along
with their families.
A major national riot will start in a city
north of Washington, DC but itself will spread like fire.
“Mother of All Riots” is coming to the US in 2011. The primary
motivators for the riots will be hyperinflation of food prices,
massive lay-offs and the collapse of the dollar based banking
system. Electrical outages lasting for days, empty food shelves in
city stores, worthless government food vouchers will kindle the
The Web Bot summary continues,
“The U.S. dollar death will produce
an immediate freak out period followed by a calm period as the US
population attempts to assess the impact.
That will quickly change
as the social order unravels in the wake of the famines and food
shortage riots begin to sweep the globe. It would be easy to assume
the dollar death will be the primary problem confronting Americans
in 2011, but such is not the case.
The bigger problems will come
from the growing earth changes with the most destructive being the
wide spread flooding of later this year. The coming floods will be
so massive that the Katrina event will appear a mere rehearsal.”
Web Bot -
Accurate forecast or exaggeration of trends for the U.S. dollar and
food prices for 2011-12?
Once again, there are multiple forecasts that support a trend toward
inflation in food prices in 2011-12 and in the end of the U.S.
dollar as the sole international exchange currency.
The key issue is whether the scenario of social chaos visualized by
the Web Bot is an accurate forecast of the future, or a portrayal of
a catastrophic timeline that is itself an artificial artifact and
not a deterministic, “real” future reality.
U.S. Dollar collapse
A restructuring of the role of the U.S. dollar and of money in
general in our human society has been forecast by a number of
sources. The question is whether it will be as drastic as
forecast by the Web Bot Report #9, with as chaotic consequences
for the U.S.
Conventional economic analysis sees a
structural reason for an
eventual collapse of the U.S. dollar. Leading nations and
financial analysts are
opposed to a dominant role for the U.S.
dollar in the future. At the same time,
other analysts see a
brighter future for the U.S. dollar.
The end to the
perceived value of money
Dr. Carl
Johann Calleman sees this period as bringing “the collapse of
the U.K.-U.S. axis of western domination, the dissolution of
hierarchies, and an end to the perceived value of money in its
paper and electronic digital formats, predicts Mayan calendar
expert Dr. Carl Johan Calleman.
These social breakdowns are part
of a period of transformation to a new era, characterized by
sharing rather than individual ownership, and by higher human
universal consciousness.”
For more detail, go to
Expert Predicts End to Hierarchies and
Value of Money, More ET/UFO Disclosure Starting July-Nov 2010.
Birds and fish
kill - The use of HAARP to manufacture false natural catastrophes
The Web Bot report (#9) on 2011-12 predicts “The forecasted bird and
fish die offs" are here now (ALTA 12/2009). This year (2011) is the
year of acceleration, and it is indeed here, and now.
This appears to be a reference to the use of
HAARP and other exotic
weapons to manufacture natural catastrophes like bird and fish
kills, as well as carry out tectonic (earthquake) and weather
Pattern of increased state
terrorism and attempted destabilization in 2011
To this
reporter, there appears to be a pattern of increased,
coordinated state terrorism at the beginning of 2011, ranging
from a serious
MKULTRA assassination attack on Rep. Gabrielle
Giffords to a Jan 2011 HAARP attack on fish and birds worldwide.
One independent scientific expert on HAARP and electromagnetic
weapons writes that the New Year’s January 2011 global fish and
bird kill was similar to a HAARP bird kill near a U.S. Air Force
base in Tennessee that this reporter exposed in 2001.
The scientists writes,
“A similar case
of dead birds falling from the sky on a smaller scale was
reported near a closed nuclear power plant in Tennessee in
2001, and was linked to USAF electronic warfare:
"Hartsville, Tennessee, about 30 miles northeast of
Nashville, where mysterious, destructive power surge killed
dozens of birds and damaged transmitter, phone lines and
computer equipment at country music radio station WJKM (1090
AM) on Friday, July 6, 2001 at 10:45 a.m. CST."
U.S. Air Force Linked To Electronic Warfare Attack In
Tennessee -
“The fact that global investigations of the birds this week
birds killed
in mid-air
were empty (could not be poison)
blunt trauma
to organs, but no damage/indication of cause on outside
of birds
death to flocks of birds (local areas affected) indicate
small populations targeted
no other
animal/human deaths reported on ground/air therefore
source of trauma had to be in the air/sky for birds and
in the water for fish [same technologies]
small event
deaths of small flocks of birds in local areas but
reported around the world over a two day period
2 million
fish killed in Baltimore”
The scientist also
states that the mysterious death of Mitre corporation employee
John Wheeler, an expert on HAARP, appears to be related to the
HAARP fish and bird kill over the New Year January 2011.
The scientist states,
"’The former
Army officer lived in New Castle and worked as a consultant
for The Mitre Corporation, a nonprofit based in Bedford,
Mass. [MIT], and McLean, Va. [CIA], that operates federally
funded research and development centers.’
“The Jason scientists are the successors to the Manhattan
Project scientists, and are paid through the MITRE
Corporation. They developed HAARP. This is a direct link
between this top level military contractor/advisor to US
Presidents and HAARP development and applications.”
“Wheeler wrote an earlier military report on biological and
chemical weapons, and recommended not using biological
“A cover story was released stating he was ‘distorientated
and wearing just one shoe.’ However, photos just hours
before he was killed show him in Washington, DC wearing a
Cause of Mysterious bird
deaths over Arkansas - Info vs. Disinfo
Below is an update from a colleague of this reporter:
"There are more
reports in Sweden and Brazil, it’s a worldwide phenomena for
sure and examination of specimens confirm trauma to vital
organs... I personally still suspect HAARP activities due to
these internal organ damage and no traces of poisons.
"UPDATE: A state veterinarian tells NBC that preliminary
necropsy results from several birds show that they died of
"multiple blunt trauma to their vital organs," though what
caused the trauma remains uncertain. According to Dr. George
Badley, their stomachs were empty, so they weren't poisoned,
and they died in midair, not upon impact with the ground.
"This is an event that I feel compelled to follow and not
let it slip by. Dead falling birds and Fish were reported in
and Sweden too:
"This update is important because the trauma that killed
them happened in mid-air not on the ground. The official
story from Louisiana says that they hit power lines - highly
Thus the bird and
fish worldwide kill at first glance fits the profile of HAARP or
other electromagnetic weapons or similar strike.
For more detail, go to
AZ Congresswoman assassination scenario
has MKULTRA profile, drug & space target.
The so-called natural
events like the bird and fish kill, and earthquakes that the Web Bot
report #9 is forecasting may in fact be HAARP-caused events using
covert electromagnetic weapons mimicking an end-of-the-world
scenario for purposed of depopulation and social control.
In this case, it is unlikely these will reach the scale forecast by
the Web Bot report, as these false flag HAARP attacks will be
publicly exposed during the 2011-1 period, and the governments and
interests operating HAARP in this way plausibly stopped through
public and political uprising and constitutional means.
2011-14 Solar
Cycle Transformation
Rather than a period of anarchic “Mad Max” social chaos, the end to
the perceived value of money in 2011-12 and beyond used for a
transformational, positive changes in U.S. and in human society at
Index of Mass Human Excitability covering each year from 500 BC to
1922 AD
A. L. Tchijevsky Investigated histories of 72 countries
during that period, noting signs of human unrest such as wars,
revolutions, riots, expeditions and migrations, plus the numbers of
humans involved.
Tchijevsky found that
fully 80% of the most significant events occurred during the 5 years
of maximum sunspot activity.
Tchijevsky divided the eleven-year sunspot cycle into four social
Period 1:
(approximately 3 years, minimum sunspot activity). Peace,
lack of unity among the masses, election of conservatives,
autocratic, minority rule.
Period 2:
(approx. 2 years, increasing sunspot activity). Increasing
mass excitability, new leaders rise, new ideas and
challenges to the elite. (2010-11)
Period 3:
(Approximately 3 years, maximum sunspot activity). Maximum
excitability, election of liberals or radicals, mass
demonstrations, riots, revolutions, wars and resolution of
most pressing demands. (2012 - 14)
Period 4:
(Approximately 3 years, decreasing sunspot activity).
Decrease in excitability, masses become apathetic, seek
It is plausible that
what Web Bot Report #9 is forecasting is the effect of the Period 3
index of human excitability sunspot cycle maximum in 2013 on social
change in the U.S.A., as well as in the rest of the world.
During 2012-14, with a maximum in 2013, we can expect “Maximum
excitability, election of liberals or radicals, mass demonstrations,
riots, revolutions, wars and resolution of most pressing demands.
(2012 - 14).”
This is something to be hoped-for not feared, as it appears to be a
transformation of human society.
This transformation is also forecast by former NORAD official
Stanley A. Fulham in his communications with an apparent (although
still hypothetical) regional galactic governance council that has
now arguably shown its craft over New York City on Oct. 13, 2010,
Nov. 24, 2010, and Moscow and London in January 2011.
The ET governance council that appeared over New York on Oct. 13,
2010 predicted,
"a collapse of the
present world order and the emergence of a new way of living
during the period 2010 - 2014. This transitional 2010-14 period
may be accompanied by possible earth changes, monetary collapse,
and governmental and nation state collapse."
For more detail, go to
ET council - We will increase UFOs, address
U.N. in 2014, renew ecology in 2015.
The January-February 2011 popular
uprising in Egypt, for example,
can be seen as a Period 2 event, triggered by the sunspot cycle in
January-February, 2011,
“Period 2: (approx.
2 years, increasing sunspot activity). Increasing mass
excitability, new leaders rise, new ideas and challenges to the
elite. (2010-11).”
Video of 2012 & A Golden
A presentation by
Alfred Lambremont Webre at the Project Camelot Awake and Aware
conference on some of the transformational forces at work in the
period 2011-12 and beyond.
How to
evaluate the forecasts of Web Bot report #9 for 2011-12
Systematic exaggeration and projection of the catastrophic timeline.
Once again the Web Bot has emerged with a series of
forecasts for
2011-12 that appear upon reasonable analysis to be a systematic
exaggeration and projection of the catastrophic timeline. One can
ask if this is a flaw in the Web Bot methodology that only processes
catastrophic Internet memes about the future that fail to
Or, if after so many successive failures, are the Web Bot folks taking any responsibility for consistently inflaming the
public with concentrated fear memes?