by Laura Knight-Jadczyk
Cassiopaea Website
That's the big question I am asked over and over again.
Why do
the Cassiopaeans tell us that we live in a prison?
Why do the Sufis
teach that we are in a prison?
Why did Gurdjieff, influenced by the
Sufi teachings, or even older mystery schools, tell us that we are
living in a prison?
Why did
Castaneda write about the prison of
reality, whether or not Don Juan was even real or merely a literary
device to convey something he had learned in the course of his
Why did the Gnostics teach that we are living in a prison,
and then why did
the Catholic Church institute the Inquisition to
deal with this "Deadly Heresy?"
And why is this Heresy received with
the most heated umbrage by every promulgator of "Love and Light,"
whether from the Standard Religious mode or from the New Age/New
Thought mode grafted onto the "Old Time Religion?"
And further, why does this prison seem to be designed to foil our
every attempt to break free?
What a monstrous thing to say about this wonderful, beautiful,
God-created and divinely inspired world in which we live!
And, of course, the "Why?" goes much deeper than that. Not only do
we wish to know Why in practical terms, we want to know Why in
ontological terms. Even if we have a reasonable explanation for the
practical "why," how do we explain our place in the Universe, and in
the care of a Divine Being who loves us, if He allows such a
condition to exist! Such a God must hate his children!
Well, let's just start by addressing the practical side of the issue
because only then can we even hope to approach the ontological
issues with any clarity. What the Cassiopaeans have said about our
reality happens to be the explanation that fits the facts that can
be observed and gleaned by anyone who is sufficiently motivated to
begin to dig through the many fields of study suggested by the
topics covered in these pages.
But the fact that their remarks are
repeatedly supported by research, observation and experience has
given me no pleasure; only a desperate drive to find the solution,
the way out; not only for myself, but for anyone who takes the time
and effort to read what I am sharing, and to then do their own
research and experimentation.
There have been many conjectures as to why ET has not revealed his
face in a public and definitive way on Earth. It seems that ET has
chosen to interact only with individuals and small groups in
situations that are subject to denial at official levels.
If ET is so anxious to be accepted, why would this be so?
Why hasn't he landed on the White House lawn and emerged from his
craft saying "Take me to your leader!" The fact that he has not,
done so, that he has not interacted with anyone of sufficient power
and importance (when clearly, he COULD) has led to a great deal of
speculation. And, if he HAS interacted with anyone in the higher
echelons of power, what is the reason for the maintenance of
institutional silence about the presence of ET's on the planet?
No matter which way you look at it, warning bells go off all over
the place. And, it is because such instinctive warnings DO exist
that we are subjected to such massive blanketing of mind control
efforts. And, in case the institutional mind control efforts don't
work, there are added brainwashing elements coming forth daily in
the form of channeled teachings and "Revealed Truths" extracted
from standard religious teachings. All of these combine to talk us
out of our instinctive knowledge that a great Cosmic shell game is
going on, and we are the suckers being fattened up for the kill.
One of the "disinformation ploys" says that the reason the world
governments "keep the lid on" the ET situation is because "human
acceptance on a mass scale" might be taken as an "invitation" by ET
to just move in and take over.
Q: (L) It says here in this
Top Secret document penned by the
so-called Nexus Seven:
"The bottom line is, ARC has discovered that
it is very possible that confirmation, validation and consensus
scientific acceptance equals an open invitation to invasion. Think
about it. Denial may be one of the most powerful measures we have at
our disposal to prevent the overt acceptance of the reality of
advanced alien presence into the consensus consciousness. Denial is
a munition."
They are saying that as long as the whole idea of alien
presence "remains in the realm of the fantastic and kooky, the
implausible and mentally ill" that it is a line of defense against
aliens. They see this as just a little "guided free will" to protect
consensus belief using "popular deployable psychological munitions
of belief."
They are saying that denial is a psychological weapon, a,
"deterrent of aliens into mainstream reality since the aliens seem
to respect the stance of individual and group consciousness and
acculturation free-will more than military might and power. Therefore, we can, by accepting alien presence and existence above
board in enough mainstream public, unwittingly turn off the
restrictions against overt contact the aliens are following. The
overt invasion trigger is our general human acceptance."
Could you
comment on the idea that denial of the reality is protection? Is
that, in fact, so?
A: No. Protection comes from awareness, not the other way around.
This, of course, leads to the line of thought that ET HAS interacted
with individuals in power, and that either they are conspiring
together, or that the human Consortium has taken a position of
opposition to ET.
This could be for one of two reasons:
either ET is
very evil, and the Consortium is an association of good guys just
trying to protect us;
or ET is good and the Consortium are the bad
guys, seeking to control the whole world, and with plans to "fight
ET" at some point in the future when ET gets tired of playing Cat
and Mouse.
On the other hand, the Consortium
(ARC - Alien Response Consortium) may be spoiling our big
chance to join an "intergalactic community" because ET will just get
tired altogether and go home, taking all their toys and technology,
leaving us to wait for another chance for advancement.
The idea that ET is obeying "Free Will" choice of humanity in not
stepping out from behind the curtain, whether this is due to their
"goodness" or "evil," and the many variations of possibilities
revolving around their relations with the Power echelons, is pretty
much based on some of the explanations given by assorted channeled
sources when their prophesied "Mass Landings" and "Rapturous
Reunions" do not take place on schedule.
The explanation goes along
the line of,
"well, your governments did not roll out the red carpet
and acknowledge us, so we, being sticklers for honoring Free Will,
must regretfully decline to show ourselves, and that means that you
poor, miserable humans have to continue to muddle along on your own
without our munificent assistance."
This slick sidestepping of the big revelation, (after months and
months of build-up to the "Mass landing" that is GUARANTEED to
happen), is usually followed by instructions that the recipients of
said information must lobby their representatives more in the coming
days and months, in order to garner acceptance for ET's in the
public sphere.
Meanwhile, of course, all ET can really do is just
keep talking to his or her favored prophet, giving sage and
wonderful advice and insight and dire warnings of the awful things
that are going to happen, and how much humanity is going to need ET
to help them out of the mess they are in.
Meanwhile, abductions are explained in dozens of ways including the
idea that some aliens are actually ourselves physically time
traveling from the future and working with yet other helper aliens
to effect modifications on their own past genetic line. In other
words, some ET's are us coming back to remake a future that went
Some of these sources say that the military re-abduction of
abductees soon after alien contacts is to try and discover the ET
agenda or technological data which ET may have shared with the
abductees. It is also claimed that some of these "military
abductions" are by those humans who are working with the aliens,
helping them to 'treat' their ancestors in terms of evolutionary
As people began to notice that there was an awful LOT of
activity going on - far more than would be needed to just "sample"
or "preserve" the genetics of Earth - another explanation about the
phenomena was forthcoming. It was suggested that something truly
terrible was in our future and that, if the aliens did not "fix some
of us up," there would be no survivors of the coming catastrophe.
This is just a variation on the "something went terribly wrong in
the future and they are coming back to fix it" scenario.
Certain contactees say that their ET informants (or channeled info)
have outlined the main reasons for abduction and that it is "for
your good." They claim to be "upgrading" the genetics and even the
soul energies. There are endless variations of these "positive
explanations" for abduction, and it always includes, either
implicitly or explicitly, the idea that the abductee has "given
permission" for the activity at "another time and place" including
the "higher self," the "future self," the "past self," or whatever.
One very popular source of the present time,
Anna Hayes, writes:
The large amount of ET intervention with Earth that is now taking
place is due to our planet's position within its present time cycle.
Presently humans have little understanding of these processes and so
could not possibly remove themselves from harm's way without the
assistance of more advanced stellar races who do possess this
But the Guardians need humanity's assistance to
accomplish this task in a way that would insure human survival
during these changes. Abductions and ET contact with Guardian groups
are carried out in order to educate and biologically prepare certain
humans to assist in this forthcoming process.
Humans selected to
assist in this endeavor are those who possess specific genetic codes
that allow for more flexibility of the biological structure. Not
everyone has these codes, and those who do have a responsibility
toward the planet and toward the populations who do not have the
needed genetic imprint.
What the code carriers do with this hidden
genetic propensity will determine the overall outcome of the Doreadeshi for the remaining populations.
[Hayes, 1998, from Contact
Forum, volume 6, no. 1, Jan-Feb 1998]
Now, we see the agenda of the "man behind the curtain" who
Hayes designates as "The Wizard" and which is her analogy of the
source of her information.
Curious that she didn't notice that the
Wizard, even when he did come out from behind the curtain, was still
a Humbug - giving out fake hearts, phony degrees, and useless
Yes, indeed...
"Abductions and ET contact with Guardian groups are
carried out in order to educate and biologically prepare certain
humans to assist in this forthcoming process."
Just another elaborate hoax to justify abductions and "helping those poor humans
to evolve or survive."
There is no time left for squabbling over truth or fiction. Though
it may require a large leap of faith for most humans to accept the
truth of what the Guardians are saying, if that leap is not made and
appropriate actions taken, humans will have no one but themselves to
blame for the consequences of their choices.
If Earth changes of
severity do occur at the Doreadeshi, it will be due to the failure
of the human populace in fulfilling its responsibility as the
Guardian race of planet Earth. For those who make this leap of
faith, Guardian education and assistance will be provided, either
consciously or on a subconscious level and through dreams and
intuitive guidance.
[Hayes, 1998, from Contact Forum, volume 6, no.
1, Jan-Feb 1998]
This reminded me of a vacuum cleaner salesman who once came to my
house and told me how sorry I would be if I didn't take advantage of
this "great sale" RIGHT NOW because tomorrow, the chance would be
But, haven't the Cassiopaeans said the they are Us in the Future?
And haven't we speculated on the sending of messages back in time as
being a possible source of true channeled material?
What is the
difference between that, and genetic "tweaking" of bodies by aliens
abducting human beings who say they are doing it for "our good?"
Q: (LC) I feel like all of us here have been drawn together for a
reason. We had a hell of a time getting here, every one of us, but
we did, and I'm just wondering what is this all about? Why did all
of us feel so drawn that we just HAD to be here? A: You are not wondering so much as you are seeking confirmation.
Every one here thinks on more than one level. This already puts
everyone into a different category than the status quo. You all have
quite well developed senses, a more difficult task is learning to
trust the messages. Remember, you all have received negative
programming at the third density level, which is designed to derail
your higher psychic awareness. You by now know that this is false
programming, but we realize that the subconscious centers are more
difficult for you to overcome. Patience will pay off for you big
Q: (P) This is my feeling about the whole thing: us coming together,
the energy created by each of us being in each other's presence is a
key; it's unlocking something that we agreed to come together at
this time, though it may not be apparent now, it's going to be.
That's the way I have felt about this whole meeting we are having.
(I) Yes. I HAD to come. No matter what. (P) Yes. (LC) I guess I was
wanting confirmation of WHY I felt I HAD to come! (L) And they are
telling us that "patience will pay off big time!" (A) What kind of
programming do we all have? I know it's negative, but what kind in
specific? A: You receive programming daily from many sources, but the ultimate
root is essentially the same.
Q: (I) Yes, TV, cell phone towers, all of that, I guess...
A: Childhood training, etc.
Q: (LC) Okay, another question, and this is a kind of selfish one I
am thinking about... A: Wait a minute, remember, your plane of existence is
STS by its
very nature and that is okay, because you're all where you are for a
reason... Now LC, fire away and be just as selfish as you please,
dear. [Laughter]
Q: (LC) Well, if that's the case! I want to ask about past life
relations between us. I'm sure there is. Are there any specific past
life connections between any of the women in this room? A: Before we answer that, we wish to hear from you what you perceive
a past life circumstance to be. How do you perceive the
reincarnation process to be?
Q: (LC) I perceive it as you come back with people you choose to
come back with, and that you choose people that you are karmically
connected to. (I) I see it a little bit differently than that... A: Aha! We have a variance!
Q: (I) I think that when we die and go to 5th density, that we make
pacts with people in each incarnation, so when you come back, it is
coming back to fulfill that pact. (LC) Yes, that is the way my line
of thinking is going. But, when they asked that question, I was
thinking that you have people you come back with because of
closeness. Somebody may be your mother in one life, and there is a
love bond, and then there are other people that you come back with
because you have to resolve something to let go of that person
rather than to get closer. A: This is partially correct. But, there is more to it than this.
For example, one can incarnate on various planes of existence, not
just the one you perceive currently. And, one may actually
reincarnate on more than one plane concurrently, if one is advanced
enough to do this.
Q: (L) Are you suggesting that ...
A: Yes, we are!
Q: (L) I was thinking it, but they didn't let me finish. For the
record, I was thinking that we are all part of the same soul unit
here. A: To an extent, but you may not yet understand what exactly a "soul
unit" is in that sense. And of course, there is more than one sense
for this as well. The "trick" that 3rd density STS life forms will
learn, either prior to transition to 4th density, or at the exact
juncture, is to think in absolutely limitless terms. The first and
most solid step in this process is to not anticipate at all. This is
most difficult for you. We understand this, but this as also why we
keep reiterating this point. For example, imagine if one of your
past lives is also a future life?
Q: (P) Now, I just want to say
that I think that we have all of us here traveled back in time to
change the way things are now. We inserted ourselves into this time
period to wake up and see what is really happening. This is 3rd
density thinking, I know, but it is the only way I can describe it.
We looked back on the way things happened, the way the world is now,
and we have come back to change things. We have come from the
future, to wake up now, because we didn't wake up before. (C) Maybe
that's our "past life/future life" connection here? (P) Right, we
all agreed to insert ourselves in this time line.... (L) So, we ARE
from the future... (P) Because the world is going in this direction,
and SOMETHING had to be done. That's what I see. A: Yes. That is close to being totally correct!
Q: (P) The C's say that they are US in the future. So, we, being
THEM in the future, some of who they are in the future, have come
back as us, to do what we are doing, to undo what is happening on
Earth... A: Close, but more complex than that. It would be difficult for you
to completely understand at this point, but let us just say that you
are close.
Q: (P) I think we are creating a possibility that would not have
existed if we had NOT come together here. A: Yes, but that is generally true in most similar circumstances.
The question is the degree to which there is significance.
Q: (I) How significant a possibility are we creating here now?
A: That is for you to see.
Q: (I) So, we don't know. We sense something very important about
changing the universe. (L) I think that it is also up to us,
individually and as a group, to choose how we respond to the
upcoming events. The saying "many are called, few are chosen" should
be rephrased to say "Many are called, but few choose to answer the
call." (P) Everyone is called! (L) Yes. But so many succumb to the
attacks, can't overcome the blocks and barriers, and choose to
continue to view life in mundane, surface terms. When push comes to
shove, how many really DO answer. It is a very subtle thing to read
the signs and "see the unseen" in the morass of conflicting signals
that the 3rd density reality sends to block our vision. (P) Yes.
Animals have an abundance of young in order that some will survive.
I think there is an abundance of us so that some WILL wake up. The
odds are against it, so there HAS to be an abundance of us that have
come back for this reason. (L) Getting back to the programming, I
had a call from BV who thinks that the UFO phenomenon, the alien
abduction phenomenon, and the many and varied other things we talk
about and study and discuss, are a product of super advanced
technological, human controlled mind-programming projects using the
technology of
Puharich and
Tesla. Yes, it is supposed to be so
advanced that they can not only read minds and can control minds,
but that it is, in the end, merely human engineered programming. Is
he, even in part, correct? A: Well, there are elements of the phenomenon which may be connected
to human, 3rd density STS engineering, but by and large, this is not
the case.
Q: (L) He also said that the area we are living is the center of a
particular programming experiment, something like Nazi/Black magick
cultists or something like that. A: Better not to get too carried away. Remember, the root of all
"negative" energies directed at 3rd density STS subjects, coming
from 4th density, is essentially the same. Suggest a review of the
transcripts relating to the situation in Nazi Germany for better
understanding here. The concept of a "master race" put forward by
the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical
vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th
density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a "trial
run" for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.
Q: (L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a
"vehicle" in 3rd density, so to speak? A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.
Q: (L) So, that is why they are abducting, programming and
experimenting? And all these folks running around who some think are
"programmed," or "chosen abductees" could be individuals who are
raising their nastiness levels high enough to accommodate the truly
negative STS 4th density - sort of like walk-ins or something, only
not nice ones? A: You do not have very many of those present yet, but that was, and
still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types.
Q: Okay, last session you brought up the subject of
Resonance Vibration. You suggested that there are certain STS forces
who are developing or creating or managing physical bodies that they
are trying to increase the frequency in so that they will have
bodies that are wired so that they can manifest directly into 3rd
density, since not being able to hold the frequency in 3rd density
seems to be the real barrier that prevents an all-out invasion from
4th density... the fact that we are in 3rd density and they are in
4th. Now, I assumed that the same function could be true for STO
individuals. It seems that many individuals who have come into this
time period from the future, coming back into the past via the
incarnational cycle so as not to violate free will, have carefully
selected bodies with particular DNA, which they are, little by
little, activating so that there 4th density selves, or higher, can
manifest in this reality. Is it possible for those energies to
manifest into such bodies which have been awakened or tuned in 3rd
density? A:
STO tends to do the process within the natural flow of things.
STS seeks to alter creation processes to fit their ends.
Q: This Top Secret document talks about many abductions being
"ourselves from the future" who have come back to the past, or what
is for us, the present, to abduct their own bodies to make genetic
adjustments so that they can advance and not make the mistakes they
made in another timeline. Is that, in fact, part of the scenario?
A: Very close to the truth!
Q: Can you abduct yourself in an STO manner and help yourself in
this way? Can that be STO? A: It is not, because that is not STO.
Q: So, when that is happening, and if it is happening, it is
occurring in the STS parameter? A: Yes.
Q: How do the STO manage? A: They do not concern themselves with such things.
Q: Well, if the STS guys are genetically tweaking themselves to have
some kind of different outcome for some reason that we do not
perceive, don't you think there should be a balancing action on the
STO side of some sort? A: You are thinking in STS terms. But that is natural, since human
3rd density is STS.
Q: You say they don't concern themselves with that. What do STO
individuals coming back from the future into the past concern
themselves with? A: Answering calls for assistance with knowledge.
Q: What do these STS individuals coming back into the past hope to
do by genetically tweaking their ancestors? What happened that they
want to have happen differently? A: Infinite number of possible answers to that question.
Q: So, they are coming from all different timelines with all
different kinds of agendas - all designed to serve themselves.
When information about the "flat emotional condition" of the aliens
began to be discussed, a new explanation was offered.
They now
claimed that they were trying to save humanity from a dreadful
mistake of evolution where we lost the capacity for the full range
of emotions and spontaneity. Naturally, this was also tied up with
some sort of cataclysm that most people did not survive. It was
again claimed that, to aid the abduction process is to save
ourselves in the future. Thus, supporting abductions was presented
as a matter of human species future security.
One source said:
"Those of us in the future who followed the path that deserted the
Heart, we evolved into abnormal extremes, we of such interspecies
genetic masteries and technological power.
"We limited our brain chemistry for passion and feelings in ways to
promote group harmonies, and help in our species 'upgrade' at the
time. In time, the human enhancement program upgrades were
discovered to have been more of a loss of vital function. The
cost-benefit was miserable to development of certain qualities of
spirituality and spiritual energies.
"This was partly by choice, partly out of survival circumstances at
the time. We eventually lost our way, but by universal grace we
found means to travel back in time and encode the best of our future
life-streams with the best of your present life streams, and thus
move on to grow again in ways we had lost.
"We leave you in peace to grow into a future that will be new and
different than the one we ourselves have come from. That future is
the undiscovered country, and don't worry, in the end we are all
together anyway you slice it. But our genetic uplift influence is
not necessary at all if you merely don't resist the coming wave of
cosmic energies and influences.
"Just weather this time of momentous change in human history. Find
the small ways you can assist present human evolution in important
personal and social ways, and develop your ability to give and
receive love.
"But be careful with whom you ally in the spiritual world. Follow
all your sacred faith tests, and or sacred science tests, for
revealing false prophets and then some."
The only problem is, as we have seen, the so-called "sacred faith
tests" and "sacred science tests" are very often a load of hooey!
From all the reports that come in from every direction, it seems
that there are ET's of all levels and temperament. They can be
angels or devils.
The problem is: they all seem to be converging on
Earth in massive covert contact and influence strategies, including
genetic experimentation and possible religious takeover plans.
Cassiopaeans: UFOs dramatic increase and Gulf Breeze gets swarmed, becomes massive
"Mecca". Laura (Knight-Jadczyk) sees much more UFO activity. Huge wave of UFO
activity. All manner and origins. Just you wait, it will give you
chills and that feeling in the pit of your stomach. Many aliens will
appear and we will be visible too. Think of it as a convention. All
must awaken to this. It is happening right now. The whole populace
will play individual roles according to their individual
frequencies. This is only the beginning. Just you wait "Henry
Higgins," just you wait!
Q: (L) Well, why is all this activity happening now?
A: The grand cycle is about to close presenting a unique
Q: (L) Does this mean that this is a unique opportunity to change
the future? A: Future, past and present.
Q: (L) Well, that sort of makes me think that if things are not
changed somewhat at this point on the grand cycle that things could
get really direfully screwed up, is that correct? A: But they won't. You have not grasped concept.
Q: (L) Yeah I have, I got you, I understand. It's just part of the
cycle. It's all a cycle. I mean their being here is part of us being
here... A: You do??? [inscribed giant question mark on board]
Q: (L) Do what? A: You said you understood concept. Really? Learn. Convention is
because of realm border crossing.
Q: (L) And why is there a convention attending this realm border
crossing? I mean, is it just a "reely big shew!" A: It is an opportunity.
Q: (V) As in the windows are all opening at one time so that all
these beings can get in at one time? A: As in an opportunity to affect whole universe. Picture cosmic
playing of "Pomp and Circumstance" AKA "Hope and Glory."
Q: (L) How can a convention with slews of different kinds and races
of beings, converging on a single little pin-point planet on the
outer edges of an insignificant galaxy, at the farthest reaches of
this enormous universe, affect the whole thing? A: That is your perception.
Q: (L) Well, what is the correct perception? Is the planet earth and
the people thereon, and the things that are going on in this spot,
the earth specifically, more important than maybe we would
ordinarily have thought? A: The Earth is a Convergence point.
Q: (L) Was it designed to be a convergence point from the beginning?
A: Natural function.
Q: (L) Has it been a convergence point all along? Is that why so
many weird things happen here? A: That is difficult to answer because you have no understanding of
Q: (V) Has this type of convention thing happened on other planets
with other groups of beings? A: Has, is, and will.
Q: (L) If these convergence points are scattered around the
universe, is the convergence of this realm border crossing going to
occur simultaneously at all points in the universe that are
convergence points? A: No.
Q: (L) It only happens at say one, or selected, convergence points
at any given point? A: Close.
Q: (L) So, do realm borders have something to do with location?
A: Realm borders ride waves.
Q: (L) And where do these waves come from?
A: They constantly cycle.
Q: (L) Does it have something to do with the movement of the planet
earth into it or does it move onto us? A: Either or.
Q: (F) Does this convention or
convergence have something to do with
the fact that there are living beings on the earth? A: Yes. And because you are at critical juncture in development.
Q: (L) In the book Mass Dreams of the Future, there are 4 scenarios
described regarding the future of our planet; are all of these
scenarios accurate in terms of general experience? A: Possible futures.
Q: (L) So, when a person does a future progression, they are seeing
a possible future and not necessarily... A: Depends on quality of channel.
Q: (L) In talking about the new level of being after transition to
4th density, will this be something like what is described in the
book Celestine Prophecy? A: Close.
Q: (L) When was the last time a
realm border crossed as far as the
earth is concerned? A: As you measure, on Earth, 309,000 years ago.
Q: (L) What does this wave consist of in terms of energy?
A: Feeling. Hyperkinetic sensate.
Q: (L) What does that mean? A: All.
Q: (L) Okay. How many times has the wave come and involved the earth
as we know it? A: Infinite number.
The idea of denial being "munition," as quoted above, is from
recently propagated document, Top Secret/Demon written by an
individual or group calling him/themselves The Nexus Seven.
piece of writing attempts to put together many fragments of both 3rd
density analytical assessment of the current situation regarding the
Alien/UFO reality, and apparently channeled material from a variety
of sources.
I was very interested to read this document because it
very usefully creates a platform from which to discuss some of these
issues more thoroughly.
Nexus 7: The idea is that as long as the idea of an alien presence
remains in the realm of "the fantastic and kooky, the implausible
and the mentally ill," this is just a little "guided free will to
protect consensus belief using popular deployable psychological
munitions of belief."
What is "a little guided Free Will?" Can it really mean that certain
enclaves of higher echelon humans have decided what humanity, as a
whole, needs?
C's: ...A STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by
determining the needs of another.
Nexus 7: The ARC
(Alien Response Consortium) deploys domestic and
worldwide counter-intel measures thwarting consensus verification of
the alien presence and reality just like any well-honed
counter-intelligence propaganda machine, and the technological
compliment of tools at hand in the psi-ops theater is staggering.
Denial is a psychological weapon, a deterrent to alien incursion of
mainstream reality, since the aliens appear to respect the stance of
individual and group consciousness and acculturation free-will more
than even military power. Therefore, we can, by accepting alien
presence and existence aboveboard in enough mainstream public
[ways], unwittingly turn off the restrictions against overt contact
the aliens are following.
The overt invasion trigger is our general human acceptance.
Especially if they invade parading as holy hosts.
But, is that really the case? Is denial of the reality the thing
that is preventing ET from coming in the front door? Or, is this a
mis-reading of the true state of affairs, a misunderstanding of the
nature of the realities?
Q: (L) If
the Lizzies have been feeding off of us frequently and are
planning to come and take over our planet, why, when they achieved
their domination 300,000 years ago, did they not just move here and
take up residence and be in charge? A: No desire to inhabit same realm.
Q: (L) Why was this? A: You are 3rd level they are 4th level.
Q: (L) Why are they planning to now?
A: They want to rule you in 4th density.
From the above, we see that there actually may be an
different reason for the fact that ET has not emerged from behind
the curtain: they cannot. They are 4th density, and as long as we
are 3rd density, the contact will continue to be covert and
Thus, the Consortium's fears, as well as their reactions
to the current state of affairs is not only based on erroneous
thinking, it may actually be detrimental to humanity, and even their
own objectives.
Nexus 7: The covert public alien presence admittance and education
program, is exactly that: largely covert, and will remain so. Part
of the program is to keep the true reality of aliens forever in
question and so they will still maintain psychological suppression
and intimidation of any confirming evidence or highly credible
This way, the existence of the pervasive, technologically far
advanced, spiritually questionable, and possibly hostile alien
presence, is kept under the lid as long as humanly possible. For
once the alien presence comes out from under the fringe lid into
broad consensus scientific verification, the majority of human
institutions and people will have a severe identity crisis and
coping crisis.
When that happens, God and religion, military power, and confidence
in the economic systems, ethics, all go absolutely haywire and need
to have a response plan, an accommodation plan, an assimilation plan,
a social adaptation plan. But most religions, military brain-cases,
and insider scientists don't have a plan, except to try to escape if
invasion is inevitable, or even ally themselves with ET devils or
angels or just plain Joes, as they may end up being.
The problem is, this sort of "control" of society has been part of
the alien arsenal, effected through human agents and agencies down
through the millennia and the Nexus Seven are exactly correct when
they note the fact that ET, as far as religious institutions are
concerned, are the "Gods of Holy Writ."
Q: (L) What was the "Ark of the Covenant?"
A: Power cell.
Q: (L) What was the origin of this power cell?
A: Lizards; given to the Jews to use for manipulation of others.
Q: (L) Why was it that if you came close to this object or touched
it you would die? A: Energy overload; scrambling by reverse electromagnetism.
Q: (L) What is reverse electromagnetism?
A: Turned inward. Liquefaction of matter.
Q: (L) Well, that is pleasant. This "cell" was kept in an ornate box
of some sort, is that correct? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Why was it only the priests who could handle it?
A: Only those who would not try to use for selfish reasons.
Q: (L) But then did just coming near it injure a person?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well why were these individuals able to come near it?
A: Non-selfish energy field.
Q: (L) So it could tune into thought fields? A: Yes.
Q: In reading
Fingerprints of the Gods, I discovered that there is
the tradition of the Ark of the Covenant being in Ethiopia. This guy
[Graham Hancock] did a bunch of research on it, and it seems
possible that it is there, and that it may even be active. Is it, in
fact, in the church of St. Mary of Zion in Ethiopia? A: No.
Q: Where is it? A: If we were to reveal this to you, it would be akin to giving a
hand grenade to a baby!! See
Alternative 3.
Q: (L) Alternative 3 is the plan to take all the people, all the
smart guys, all the elite, off the planet and leave everybody else
here to blow up, isn't it? A: Maybe. Maybe not. Discover. Study alternative 3 to find answer!
This remark was a puzzle to me until I read the remark in the
Secret/Demon document:
"But most religions, military brain-cases,
and insider scientists don't have a plan, except to try to escape if
invasion is inevitable, or even ally themselves with ET devils or
angels or just plain Joes, as they may end up being."
Then, it made
perfect sense.
Obviously, the movie about Indiana Jones rescuing the
Ark of the Covenant from the Germans was not altogether fantasy. It
is very likely that either somebody knows where it is, or they are
desperately looking for it. (Fortunately, I don't have a clue where
it is, so all you guys in the 3 piece suits with dark glasses can
get some rest!)
Nevertheless, in lieu of the Ark of the Covenant, the so-called
HAARP Project could be involved with the idea that there is an above
Top Secret group planning to save their own hides while sacrificing
the rest of humanity to some sort of alien takeover. It is also
possible that the HAARP project is being built at the direction of
certain alien factions with planned uses that exceed our ability to
Q: (L) Some people have written asking me to ask about this HAARP
thing... seems to be some sort of antennae thing... A: Disguise for something else.
Q: (L) What is that something else?
A: Project to apply EM wave theories to the transference of
Q: (L) What does that mean?
A: If utilized as designed, will allow for controlled invisibility
and easy movement between density levels on surface of planet as
well as subterrainally.
Q: (L) Can you tell us if this is a human organization or aliens, or
a combination? A: Human at surface level.
Q: (L) Is there more you can tell us about this?
A: It has nothing to do with weather or climate. These things are
emanating from 4th density, as we have told you before.
Q: (L) So, HAARP has nothing to do with the weather?
A: And also EM associated with same as reported.
Q: (L) So, when is this HAARP thing scheduled to go into operation?
A: Open.
Q: (L) Is it currently in operation? A: Experimental.
Q: (L) How long have they been working on this thing?
A: Since the 1920s.
Q: (L) You said that HAARP was something that was to be used to
"transfer perimeters." I am assuming that this means to manipulate
space, time and density. A: Yes.
Q: Is it possible that they are planning to use this to bring up the
Atlantean crystals to utilize. A: Not so much to "bring up," as to utilize. "HAARP" is being
designated for capturing and modulating electromagnetic fields for
the purpose of total control of brainwave patterns in order to
establish a system of complete "order on the surface of the planet"
in either 3rd or 4th density.
Q: (Laura) Is HAARP in operation at the present time?
A: Yes, in its early experimental stages.
Q: (Terry) Is the spreading of all these communication towers out
across the country the equivalent of a HAARP program on a
continental scale? A: Back up system. Towers serve dual and lateral purposes.
The Nexus Seven repeat the idea that
the Consortium, in some ways,
may have humanity's best interests at heart, but I think that is a
baseless assumption. Denial is never acceptable. It seems that their
OWN denial is being imposed on the masses.
And, the consequences
could be disastrous.
Q: (T) Is the government planning to
stage an invasion by aliens to
cause the populace of the world to go into such a fear state that
they will accept total control and domination? A: Open. But if so, will "flop."
Q: (T) Why? A: Many reasons: 1. Visual effects will be inadequate and will have
"glitches." 2. Real invasion may take place first. 3. Other events
may intercede.
Q: (T) Such as what? A:
Earth changes.
Q: (T) Am I correct in assuming that some of these hot-shot, big-wig
guys in the government who have plans for taking over the whole
world and making everything all happy and hunky-dory with them in
charge, are just simply not in synch with the fact that there are
some definite earth changes on the agenda? Are they missing
something here? A: Close. They are aware but in denial.
Q: (T) Are these earth changes going to occur prior to the arrival
of the cometary cluster?
A: No. But "time" frame is, as of yet,
Q: (T) Am I correct in saying that if they knew what was really
going to happen that they would still continue with their stupid
little plans to make money and try to control the world? A: Yes. Greed is a sickness.
On the other hand, sharing knowledge and awareness might have an
altogether different outcome:
(L) Now, one question that we were discussing earlier is: how can
the close approach of the theorized
companion star cause an increase
in the Sun's gravity when there is no reason why it should change
anything since gravity is a function of mass? A: But do you rally know all there is to know about gravity?
Q: (A) No, we don't know. But, does this mean that this will be an
effect that does not follow from the theory of gravity that we know
already? A: Gravity is the life force that binds all realities as one. In
order to understand this, you would need a reworking of the theorem.
Q: (A) We have Einstein's theory of gravity, and the question is
whether the effect of increasing the Sun's gravity is something that
goes beyond Einstein's equations or not? A: You must see the wave.
Q: (A) What wave, a gravitational wave, or an electromagnetic wave,
or some other wave? What wave? A: Arkadiusz, how do these intersect?
Q: (A) Gravity and electromagnetic?
A: Yes. And others.
Q: (A) How they are described within a theory, or how they intersect
in space when they come together? A: Both.
Q: (A) Okay, why does this increase in the Sun's gravity have
anything to do with electromagnetism? We were told that the Brown
star will not radiate any radiation, so, in particular, no
electromagnetic radiation. So, where does electromagnetics come in?
I do not understand... A: Gravitational pull incites electromagnetic impulse.
Q: (A) Okay, that means we go beyond gravitational theory, and this
is part of Unified Field Theory? A: Yes, exactly!! The complete UFT was withheld from you!
Q: (T) So, the complete UFT is known to someone here on the planet?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they are not making it available...
A: Oh no, because "The Truth Will Set You Free!".
You may access hyperspatial truths with UFT.
Q: (A) Well, we started with the increased mass of the Sun, and we
came to UFT which is hidden from us because it would make us free;
there is this tendency in me to follow this road because it is
science and would open a new road. The question is whether such
activity or knowing such things will lead to other densities? Is it
just for satisfaction, or is there real value in knowing more in
this direction? A: Well, the Unified Field Theory unlocks the door completely to the
higher densities... Grids.
Q: (L) What kind of grids...
The planet has been enshrouded with EM grid.
Q: (T) Are these the ley lines?
A: No.
Q: (L) Are they artificially generated?
A: Contoured.
Q: (L) They are artificially contoured. What is the result of this
shrouding? A: Manipulated for use by 3rd/4th Consortium.
Q: (A) What kind of EM grid? (L) The natural EM grid is being
contoured... A: Like a gently waving geometric "blanket."
Q: (T) Is it on the surface of the planet, through the planet, or
where? A: Above.
Q: (T) The gravity waves, whether they exist or not, are a
controversy, yet they are part of the UFT, and someone already knows
how it works. Therefore, it is only controversy to those who don't
know what the answer is, and it is not a controversy to those who
know. They know what it is and how to measure it and how to use it.
A: Of course.
Q: (A) Some power is used to sustain this grid. What is it?
A: Land and space based generators.
Q: (T) What can it be used for?
A: Multiple uses. Net. Calculates... You are dancing on the 3rd
density ballroom floor. "Alice likes to go through the looking
glass" at the Crystal Palace. Atlantean reincarnation surge brings
on the urge to have a repeat performance.
Q: (T) The Atlanteans who have reincarnated are getting ready to do
the same thing they did before with the crystals. So, this is an
Atlantean type thing that is being done now? Different equipment,
but the same type of thing? A: All lessons must be learned before you can move onto bigger and
better things.
Q: (L) Is that a general statement about the Atlanteans repeating
the lessons, or that once we learn this lesson, we can move onto
bigger and better things in counteracting this grid? A: All that is present and future too.
Q: (A) I want to ask if there is something that we can and should do
about this grid for ourselves? A: Why? To know was all you need.
Q: (A) Well, it was said that this was for the purpose of control
and manipulation. So, knowing is all that we need. Or, we could try
to shield... (L) But, to know IS the shield. I don't know how that
works, but it seems to be so. A: Yes.
Q: (A) Now, how did we come to this grid from UFT?
A: Grid construction represents application of...
Q: (L) Somehow we went from the increased gravity of the Sun, to UFT,
to the grid... A: UFT explains the "increased" gravity of Sol. But, is there not
something in UFT about increase/decrease???
Q: (A) There is no reason for it to increase or decrease... but this
is Einstein's theory which we were told is incorrect... (L) Well,
maybe it is speed? When two things are rotating in tandem, when they
come together, wouldn't it increase their speed, and doesn't speed
increase gravity? (A) No, we were told that there is some
interaction between gravity and EM wave, and this is what UFT is
about... If we use other dimensions which we are supposed to use in
this UFT, going with Kaluza-Klein, then the very concept of mass is
something which is not so clear, and mass can be variable... A: Yes, variability of physicality.
Q: (T) Fourth density. (A) We were told earlier that this UFT opens
the door to other densities... A: Yes.
Q: (A) Can we have a UFT which unifies EM and gravity and does not
include the concept of other densities. In other words, can we put
in a textbook all about the gravity and electromagnetics, and a
student could learn all of this and still know nothing about other
densities? A: No. Other densities become apparent when...
Q: (A) So, it means that Einstein and Von Neumann knew about these
other densities? A: Yes, oh yes!!!
Q: (T) Just a thought: having UFT and being able to manipulate
different fields within it, creates different effects. So, as we
understand it in the apparent present state of science, we have to
spin something in space in order to create gravity. But, with the
UFT, one small offshoot is that one could create real gravity
without spinning anything. So, the problem of weightlessness is
really already solved... A: Elementary my dear Terry, elementary.
Q: (T) So, this whole thing with the space station and all the
trouble they are having readapting to gravity when they come back,
is all a game... A: When you "let the cat out of the bag," you create an entire
feline "nation."
Q: (T) So, we are capable of "Star Trek" right now?
A: In a sense, but there is so much more than that.
Q: (T) Of course. Most people would say that 'cutting edge' science
is 25 years ahead of what we see, and I say it is more like a
hundred years, and I am even off? Cutting edge science on this
planet is more like 3 or 4 hundred years ahead? A: More like 30 to 40,000 years "ahead!"
Q: (L) Is that because of 4th density influence and information?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) 30 to 40 thousand years? Let me get that number right...
A: Yes, at least.
So, it seems that the Consortium is not really "protecting" anything
but their own interests. And, of course, one of their interests is
the control that is exercised via religion.
Nexus 7: ...If the ET's are connected to key religious characters of
our history, then ET intervention and active culturing of their
human "experiment' on earth have been going on since ancient times.
That is hard to swallow. The idea of angels and devils was always a
magical subjective world of beings and powers of myth and lore, not
a hard nuts and bolts physical ET race with weapons and all.
To find
out many heavenly religious benefactors of history and the ancients
were just cloned, dickless bio-drones, carrying out orders in a
heavenly hierarchy of hardware and alien super-science, is plainly a
scary thought to just about anyone in power on earth. More likely,
there are aliens who Do have big dicks so the question is - are they
our friends or not?
These are questions techno-phallic top-doG centric worshipping,
economic-warrior captains and lieutenants would naturally ask.
Abductions have involved lots of sex and reproduction related
genetic control activities, after all, and this makes military dicks
go limp. And they are not alone. It makes the kings of power and
influence all need Viagra.
They want to stop ET, but they don't even
really know who to hate, or how to stop them, and they feel awfully
impotent in the face of ET's incredibly advanced technology and
powerful telepathy. All our thoughts may already be under the
I would like to suggest that the Consortium is NOT ignorant of any
of the above and are not having "limp dick syndrome," (excuse the
There is evidence that some members of this Consortium
have been engaged in the "human management" part of this conspiracy
for many thousands of years.
Q: (L) Who were the Elohim of the Bible?
A: Transdefinitive. And variable entities. First manifestation was
human, then non-human.
Q: (L) Well, what brought about their transformation from
human to
non-human? A: Pact or covenant made with 4th density STS.
Q: (L) Well, that is not good! Are you saying that the Elohim are
STS? Who were these STS beings they made a pact with? A: Rosteem
1, now manifests as Rosicrucians.
Q: (L) What is their purpose?
A: As yet unrevealable to you.
Q: In the book The Orion Mystery, the author talks about the fact
that Giza was formerly known as RosTau, which is 'Rose Cross.' I
would like to understand the symbology of the Rose affixed to the
Cross. It seems to me that the imagery of Jesus nailed to the Cross
is actually the Rose affixed to the Cross. How does Jesus relate to
the Rose? A: No, it is from the Rose arose the Cross.
Q: Oh.... I see... A: Said the blind man.
Q: Elaborate, please. It is from the Rose that the Cross arose...
and, therefore, the cross symbolizes... What does the cross
symbolize? A: The symbology is not the issue. It is the effect.
Q: What is the effect of the cross?
A: All that has followed it.
Q: In other words, control of the masses via religion. Who or what
brought about the end of the Knights of the Temple? A: Rosicrucians move as a "thief in the night."
Q: (L) But, as I understand it, the Rosicrucians did not come into
being until after the end of the Templars... Many people think that
the Rosicrucians ARE the Templars... A: No.
Q: (L) Do you mean that the information that came out, that pamphlet
about "Christian Rosenkreutz," that is a purported fable, might be
correct? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Well, goodness sake! The Rosicrucians advertise in
magazines!!! Is this worldwide organization that promotes itself so
blatantly... A: Well, the "world-wide" order is not all inclusive.
Q: (L) Is there an inner circle of this order that is unknown?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are the Rosicrucians connected to the
A: In a roundabout away.
Q: (L) Are
the Illuminati connected to the Rosicrucians in any way?
A: Same.
Q: (L)
The Priory of Zion, that has been purported to be the
progenitor or inheritor of the Templar tradition, is that a mystical
organization of great secrecy and import? A: It is a cover for.
Q: (L) Another smoke-screen.
A: Yes.
Q: You mentioned that the "Rosicrucians act as a thief in the
night." A: Connect the Rosicrucians to your favorite island by the "beech."
Horticulturally, please, and family.
Oak Island? A: Yup! Then, connect the Pyrenees to the Canaries. Research the
history of the Canary Islands for clue.
Q: In the information I now have on the Canaries, I found that a
strange icon appeared on the island long before the conquest; long
before any missionaries or Europeans arrived. The original natives
were said to be giants, some of them over 14 feet tall, with 80
teeth. They said that the natives, even when they knew nothing about
Christianity, knew this icon was divine because following its
appearance, there were processions of angels, or divine beings, up
and down the beach where it appeared; lights, smells, chanting and
singing and so forth. How did the statue of the Virgin of Candelaria
arrive on the beach at Tenerife? A: Teleportation.
Q: Who teleported it there?
A: The "Celts."
Q: Celts in the sense of the Druids?
A: Or in the sense of Atlanteans. "Celts, Druids," etc... are merely
latter day designations.
Q: Well, I came to the conclusion that the Rosicrucians are just the
new incarnation of the Druids. I mean, the Druids disappeared and
the Rosicrucians appeared not too long afterward. A: Partially.
Q: Julius Caesar had a standard policy of religious toleration. The
only exception seems to have been the Druids. He was determined to
stamp them out. Why? A: Their mysterious powers.
Q: Where did they get these mysterious powers?
A: Knowledge passed down.
Q: Were the 'angelic beings' that appeared on the Canaries
Druids or Rosicrucians? A: They were 4th density.
Q: Were they STS of STO? A: Both.
Q: Do the STS and STO hang out together?
A: Do you hang out with all types of your realm?
Q: Well, in these processions of beings that
the Guanches of the
island saw, were they
A: Both.
Q: You mean they would see one and then another?
A: Close.
Q: In the little book on the Canary Islands, written by a friar of
the Order of Preachers back in 1590, and later published by the
Hakluyt society, it specifically mentions spiders. I looked up any
references to this in the Bible, looking for clues, and found a
truly bizarre thing in Proverbs 30:28. In the King James version, it
is given as a spider, and the context is completely different from
the actual intent of the original Hebrew, which designates a Lizard
instead of a spider.
Then, there is
the spider image of the
information that has been propagated by the Priory of Zion, which
seems to be a sort of "signature" of this Super Secret organization.
The crazy thing is, when you reverse the numbers of this Biblical
quote, you actually have 28:30, and when you look at this line of
latitude on the planet, you find that it passes just south of Mount
Everest, the Pyramids of Giza, through the Canary Islands, and just
north of my house right here. When thinking about all this, I have
noticed that there are only two classes of arachnids. There are
scorpions and there are spiders.
The zodiac was changed by taking
the pincers away from the Scorpion and creating out of them the sign
of Libra. This image was one of a woman holding a balance scales,
usually blindfolded. This was done within recorded history, but was
probably formalized through the occult traditions of Kaballah. Now,
in trying to figure out who has on what color hat, if there is such
a thing, I have come to a tentative conclusion that the spider, or
spinner of webs, is the Rosicrucian encampment, and that the
Scorpion represents the seeker of wisdom... because, in fact, the
word for Scorpio comes from the same root as that which means
pierce or unveil.
Therefore, the Scorpion is also Perseus, per Ziu,
or 'for God.' And the Rosicrucians are the 'other side,' so to
speak. Can you elaborate on this for me? Or comment? A: What a tangled web we spin, when we must not let you in.
Q: So, the Rose is the Spider?
A: Different objective.
Q: So, the Rose, with its thorns... can you help me with this Rose
image... is the Rose the Scorpion? A: No. Different objective... Rose is a stand alone symbol.
Q: So, the Rose can be used by either side, is that it?
A: Maybe.
Q: Another derivation of the word root of Scorpio is 'skopos,' or
'to see.' You once said that the human race was seeded on a planet
in the constellation Scorpio, and, therefore, when the zodiac was
set up and the clues were laid out, it seems to me that the
insertion of the sign of Libra was designed to take power away from
human beings, to take their hands away, to prevent them from seeing,
to make them defenseless. Is this imagery close? A: On track.
Q: Okay, change of subject. Back when we were talking about the pit
Oak Island, and you asked me to do some research on it, the
answers I came up with were that the responsible group were alchemists. Is this correct. A: Yes.
Q: (L) Was one of the alchemists involved
Nicholas Flamel?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it true that there is an enclave of alchemists that live
somewhere in the Pyrenees... A: Yes.
Q: (L) Do these alchemists use this
powder as talked about by David
Hudson to enhance their longevity and their physical health? A: And to control.... Monoatomic gold is but one minor issue here.
Why get lead astray by focusing upon it solely. Alchemy is but one
minor piece of the puzzle.
Q: (L) Okay, I understand. But, understanding the alchemical
connection, and its potential for extending life and opening certain
abilities, makes it more feasible to think of a group that has been
present steadily and consistently for many thousands of years on
earth. A: They are not the only ones!
Nexus 7: The complexity of having both good and bad ET's makes the
whole situation intolerable.
Even certain global poison pill
strategies have been on the table as a means to persuade ET against
overt contact. That is, not a mutually assured destruction doctrine
with the aliens, but instead an individually assured destruction
pill to the ET human experiment. Any preemptive counter-threat
against the aliens is worthwhile to prevent disclosure that we are
in a fishbowl. Disclosure can cause the downfall of modern
civilization and an integration and assimilation into an advanced ET
custodial racial culture. Do we want that?
So the answer seems to be to both prepare for contact without the
preparation tipping off the authoritative public institutions who
are at risk. This means flooding the social consciousness with the
existence an eventually, the plausibility of ET is already here, all
without any verifiable genuine acknowledgment.
Aliens bait, we make the switch. All in a day's work to save us from
assimilation on ET's terms, not ours. What we cannot stop, we must
delay. What we cannot delay, we must distort and debunk. What we
cannot distort and debunk, we distract from and focus elsewhere.
There is no other choice in the matter.
ARC would rather start a
worldwide nuclear war than welcome ET with open arms. Scorched Earth
is an option, unfortunately the least desirable.
Unfortunately, if the
Nexus Seven assessment is anywhere near
accurate in terms of what those in the higher echelons of power
really think or plan, such ideas are completely impotent. We are
talking about hyper-dimensional beings here who can repeatedly go
back in time and change things to suit their own ends.
But, indeed,
the Consortium is so terrified of the public getting wind of the
truth of any of this that they do, indeed, "make the switch" - but
for their own reasons - not to "help" the aliens.
Q: (L) Back in the 1970's in the Central United States there were
quite a number of cases of animal mutilation. There has been a lot
of publicity about this at some point and then it died down and was
covered up, and there were a lot of ideas and theories about it.
What I would like to know is who was doing the animal mutilations?
A: Many.
Q: Okay, who was doing most of the animal mutilations?
A: Not applicable.
Q: Okay. Was some of the animal mutilation done by the
Government, or entities within the government? A: Was?
Q: (L) In other words, it is still going on. So Okay, so they are
still doing it. Was, or is, some of this activity being conducted by
alien individuals? A: Yes.
Q: (T) Were they acting for the same reasons?
A: No.
Q: Why did the government do animal mutilations?
A: Copy, in order to throw off investigation.
Q: (L) So they copied this activity to throw off investigations. Did
they do this as an act to protect the aliens who were doing animal
mutilations for their own purposes? A: No.
Q: (L) Were they doing it to protect themselves from the public
knowing that they were engaged in alien interactions? A: They do it to protect the public from knowing that, which would
explode society if discovered.
Q: (L) What is this item that they were protecting so that society
or the public wouldn't know about it. What activity is this? A: Humans eat cattle, aliens eat you.
Q: (T) They've said that before. (L) Okay, yeah, we eat second
level, they eat third. Did aliens do some of the cattle mutilations?
A: Yes.
Q: What do aliens do to cattle?
A: Blood.
Q: (L) They take the blood out of them?
A: Yes.
Q: (J) What do they use this blood for?
A: Nourishment.
Q: (L) Okay, but you just said that aliens eat humans, and humans
eat cattle. Why were the aliens being nourished by cattle, if that's
not their normal bill of fare? (T) A cow's blood is a lot like human
blood. A: Do you not ever consume facsimile? Facsimile is less
controversial, obviously!
Q: (L) So in other words, they were eating cattle just to keep from
having to eat so many humans, that would have just upset people a
lot, is that it? A: Yes. Some of their human "food" is merely emotions, think of
flesh as being the equal of "filet mignon."
Q: (T) Some of their food is merely
emotions. Okay, when we're
talking about these aliens, are we talking about the Grays? A: No.
Q: (T) We're talking about the
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Okay, what do the Grays feed on?
A: Plasma.
Q: (T) Okay, the Grays feed on plasma, blood plasmas of some kind,
is this what you are saying? A: Yes.
Q: (T) Okay, so that's why they want the blood; so, do the Grays
feed on emotions? A: No. They send them to Lizards. Transfer energy through
technology. Lizards and Grays only need physical nourishment while
"visiting" 3rd level, not when in natural realm, 4th density, there
they feed on emotions only.
Q: (L) There have been very frequently associated with the
phenomenon of cattle mutilations, sightings of black, unmarked
helicopters, who or what are these helicopters? A: Variable.
Q: (L) Are some of these helicopters disguised alien craft? Are some
of these helicopters the property of the U.S. Government? A: Yes to both.
Q: (T) Are some of these helicopters private enterprise?
A: Yes. Some too, are projections, this phenomenon is multifaceted.
Q: (L) Who are the oriental-appearing personnel that have been seen
manning the helicopters and the white vans that have been sighted
all over the country? A: MIB. And government copycats.
Q: (L) How many alien craft, actual alien craft, are in the hands of
the government or this consortium? A: 36
Q: (L) And were these captured craft? Or gifted?
A: And recovered.
Q: (T) Were the gift ones not what we would really consider gifts,
but they were given to us in return for something else, some other
kind of payment? Barter? A: No. Because all sought return favors were already achieved.
Q: (L) So it was all just a farce. They weren't payment, they
weren't gifts, they were distractions? A: Closer.
Q: (T) Okay, so there's a lot of different categories of how these
ships got into the hands of the federal government? A: Yes. Multidimensional
Q: (L) Who is
O. H. Krll? A: No one. Symbolism. For documentary purposes only, your government
likes code names.
Q: (L) Are you implying that this piece of work was put out by the
government for dissemination of the subject matter? (J) Is it
disinformation? A: Complex.
Q: (L) Give us a percentage of factual information in this document.
A: 43%
Q: (L) Okay, so, in other words, this has been planted by the
government. A: No. Planted? No.
Q: (T) It was leaked purposely?
A: Your government is operating on many cross-purposes, very
complicated! On purpose!
Q: (T) Very true. Question: The government, our government, the U.S.
government, is holding 36 craft of one kind or another that they
gotten in one way or another. How many other governments have craft?
A: All is one.
Q: (L) We already have a
one-world government is what they're
saying. (T) Yes, they're just waiting to make it official somehow. A:
Has been so for long time, as you measure time.
Q: (L) What is the "ultimate secret" being protected by the
Consortium? A: You are not in control of yourselves, you are an experiment.
Q: (T) When you say this is the ultimate secret, that we're being
"protected" from by the government, are we talking about the
ultimate secret of humans only here? A: Basically.
Q: (T) The ultimate secret of the human race is that
we are an
experiment that other humans are conducting on the rest of us? A: Part.
Q: (T) Okay, does the other part have to do with
the Lizards?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Other aliens also?
A: Yes.
Q: (T) Okay, so, are the humans who are running the experiment, do
they know that they are part of the experiment also? A: Yes.
Q: (T) And they're doing this willingly?
A: They have no choice. Already in progress.
Q: (T) Okay, is this part of, is this about the experiment the
Lizzies are doing of dominating us and sucking us dry? A: Yes, but there's much more than that, you will understand at
level 4.
Q: (L) Okay, in this
Krll document there was a statement made that
the Grays and other aliens use glandular substances extracted during
physical exams of human beings, what they would call the
gynecological and the sperm extraction exams, that they used these
glandular substances to get high or to feed on, that they are
addicted to these, is this a correct assessment? A: No.
Q: (L) Do they use glandular substances at all?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) What do they use glandular substances for?
A: Medicine.
Q: (L) And what or who do they use this medicine on?
A: Themselves.
Q: (L) And what does this medicine do for them?
A: Helps them cope with 3rd density.
Q: (T) Is this something that they use to help them stay in the 3d
density? A: Close.
Q: (L) Does it help them to manifest in a more solid physical
manner? A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, in other words, they draw glandular substances. Do they
also use sexual energy given off by individuals to maintain their
status in 3 dimensions? A: No. That feeds them in 4d, as we told you before.
Q: (L) Yes. Okay. How "long", and I put long in quotes, because we
know, as you say, there is no time, but how long, as we measure it,
have the Grays been interacting with our race? The Grays, not the
Lizards, the Grays, the cybergenetic probes? A: No. Time travelers, therefore, "Time is ongoing." Do you
understand the gravity of last response?
Q: (L) They are
time travelers, they can move forward and backward
in time, they can play games with our heads... (T) They can set up
the past to create a future they want. (D) They can organize things
so that they can create the energy that they need... (L) They can
also make things look good, make them feel good, make them seem
good, they can make you have an idea one minute, and then the next
minute, create some sort of situation that confirms that idea... A: When you asked how long, of course it is totally unlimited, is it
Q: (L) That's not good. If they were to move back through space time
and alter an event in our past, would that alteration in the past
instantaneously alter our present as well? A: Has over and over and over.
Q: (D) So they do it over and over and over, constantly?
A: You just are not yet aware, and have no idea of the
Q: (L) We're getting a little glimmer! Yeah, I do, a little! (T) The
ramifications of being able to move in and out of time and
manipulate it the way you want (Jan/Laura) And the ramifications of
what they're doing to us; what they are doing to us and what they
will do to us, over and over. (L) So, in other words, our only real
prayer in this whole damn situation is to get out of this density
level. That's what they're saying, that's what it sounds like to me.
A: Close.
Q: (L) Because, otherwise, we're just literally, as in that book,
stuck in the replay over and over and over, and the Holocaust could
happen over and over, and we could just, you know... Ghengis Khan,
Attila the Hun... over and over and over again. (T) We're stuck in a
time loop; they're putting us in a time loop. (J) Are we in a time
loop? A: Yes.
Q: (D) Mankind has found it necessary for some reason or other to
appoint time for some reason or other. The only reason I can see is
to have a means of telling, like in verbal or written
communications... A: Control mechanism.
Q: (T) Is there a way for us to break the control mechanism? Besides
moving to 4th density? (D) That was part... A: Nope.
The Nexus Seven define the policy of
the Secret Government rather
Nexus 7: The covert nature of alien-human contact programs already
in progress does not vouch for ET's operating without deceit and
hidden agenda. These are hidden agenda that could be threatening to
human freedom - physically and spiritually - we don't know. And
until we do, the word is "aliens don't exist."
However, considering what the Cassiopaeans have told us, if what
they are telling us is true, and it certainly fits the consensus of
evidence, even if most of it is circumstantial due to the nature of
the control of the Consortium, then NOT knowing is the greatest
danger to humanity imaginable.
Knowledge does protect!
Nexus 7: And whoever does say that aliens do exist is in serious
need of meds. That's the word from the conditioned authorities and
experts. ...A large daylight UFO sighting could happen over a major
city for an extended period, and many would change the channel
thinking it is just another Independence day rip-off. In other
words, until the Internet came along, the whole enchilada was kept
under much tighter wraps.
The more people who are holding the line of denial and mainstream
academic and scientific refusal of aliens existing, the greater the
zone of exclusion we maintain humanity from overt alien integration,
and as it looks to some, prevent a monstrous invasion.
This is a baseless assumption born out of
Supreme Wishful Thinking.
It is also clever disinformation because, as we can surmise, the
Consortium knows EXACTLY what it is doing.
Nexus 7: ...To avoid massive social breakdowns, the alien presence
must be suppressed. Otherwise kiss your normal human life goodbye as
we enter the science fiction world of living on a planet invaded by
some of it's original experimental caretakers, with a new identity
of being kept animals in some giant laboratory, with all our
spiritual and physical authority and power usurped by non-human
aliens calling themselves our divine benefactors.
This should actually say "To avoid loss of power, for as long as
they can maintain it, the Consortium suppresses knowledge of the
alien presence for their own benefit."
It could also be that they
have been "promised" some exalted position in the coming 4th density
Too bad they don't study history or they would realize
that the betrayers and double agents who assist the conquerors are
generally the first to be eliminated in any kind of coup.
Nexus 7: The controlling
secret societies have no interest in fame,
only power and influence, and influence only comes in terms of
capital (economic), force (military), or belief (religious) as root
resources for control amongst the incognito power elite. So the
leaders of capital systems, military might, and religious influence
would naturally secrete and accrete themselves into well-funded,
well-insulated, well-connected institutions of secrecy, inside the
very systems that are vaguely aware of their presence, but unaware
of their intent. Its all just business don't forget.
Indeed, and it seems that their intent is to retain this position in
the coming
New World Order that has been conceived to be instituted
when the planet transitions to 4th density.
However, there is
something they have NOT considered in their linear, 3rd density
little brains, and that is, the nature of 4th density reality. It
may not be as simple to stay on top as they think!
In fact, they may
find themselves on the absolute bottom!
Q: (L) I wanted to ask about is the references I come across in tons
of reading, that the number 33 is somehow significant. Could you
tell us the significance, in esoteric terms, or in terms of secret
societies, of the number 33? A: As usual, we do not just give you the answers, we help you to
teach yourself!! Now, take 11 and contemplate...
Q: (L) Well, three times eleven is thirty-three.
A: Yes, but what about 11?
Q: (L) Well, eleven is supposed to be one of the prime, or divine
power numbers. In Kaballah, 11 is the power number... A: Yes...
Q: (L) Eleven is 10 plus 1; it is divisible only by itself and by 1.
I can't think of anything else. A: Astrology.
Q: (L) Well, in astrology, the eleventh sign is Aquarius. The
eleventh house is friends, hopes, dreams and wishes, and also
adopted children. Aquarius the Waterbearer, the dispenser of
knowledge. Does 11 have something to do with dispensing of
knowledge? A: Now, 3rd house.
Q: (L) Gemini. Okay. Gemini and Aquarius. Third house is how the
mind works, communication, relations with neighbors and siblings,
education, local travel, how one speaks. Gemini is known as the
"consummate man." Somewhat shallow and interested in the things of
material life. It is also the divine number of creation. So, what's
the connection here? A: Matrix.
Q: (L) The third house and the eleventh house create a matrix?
A: Foundation.
Q: (L) In terms of cosmic things, Gemini is in June, Aquarius is in
February... Gemini is the physical man, and Aquarius is the
spiritual man? A: Yin Yang.
Q: (L) So Gemini is the physical man and Aquarius is the spiritual
man... yin yan... is that the... A: Yes... Medusa 11.
Q: (L) Medusa 11? What does Medusa have to do with it?
A: Heads.
Q: (L) Heads. Medusa. 11. This is really obscure... you need to help
me out here. A: We are. 11 squared divided by phi. 1 times 1; 5 minus 3.
Q: (L) I don't get it. A math genius I am NOT. What is the concept
here? A: Look: 353535. Is code.
Q: (L) What does this code relate to?
A: Infinite power.
Q: (L) How is infinite power acquired by knowing this code? If you
don't know the correspondences, how can you use a numerical code?
A: Lord of Serpent promises its followers infinite power which they
must seek infinite knowledge to gain, for which they pledge
allegiance infinitely for which they possess for all eternity, so
long as they find infinite wisdom, for which they search for all
Q: (L) And that is the meaning of the number 33? Well, that is a
round robin... a circle you can't get out of! A: And therein you have the deception! Remember, those who seek to
serve self with supreme power, are doomed only to serve others who
seek to serve self, and can only see that which they want to see.
Q: (L) The thought that occurs to me, as we are talking here, is
that the STS pathway consists of an individual who wants to serve
themselves - they are selfish and egocentric -they want to impel
others to serve them; they want to enslave others; and they find
ways to manipulate others to serve them. But, they end up being
impelled by some higher being than they are. Because they have been
tricked into believing that by so doing, they are actually drawing
power to themselves through the teachings, including the popular
religions which promote being "saved" by simply believing and giving
up your power. And, then, you have a whole pyramid of people TAKING
by trickery and deception, from others. The taker gets taken from in
the end. A pyramid where all those on the bottom, the majority, have
no one to take from, so they get absorbed into the next level
higher, until you get to the apex and everything disappears in a
black hole! But, in the STO mode, you have those who only give. And,
if they are involved with other STO persons, everyone has and no one
is at the bottom or at the top, in a void. In the end, it seems like
everyone ends up serving someone else anyway, and the principle is
the INTENT. But in STO, it is more like a circle, a balance, no one
is left without. A: Balance, yin-yang.
Q: (L) Obviously the 33 represents the Serpent, the Medusa, and so
forth... A: You mentioned pyramid, interesting... And what is the geometric
one-dimensional figure that corresponds?
Q: (L) Well, the triangle. And then, if you have a triangle point up
you have 3, joined to a triangle pointing down, you have 3, you have
a 33. Is that something like what we are getting at here? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is there a connection between the number 33 and the Great
Pyramid in Egypt? A: Yes.
Q: (L) And what is that connection? Is it that the builders of the
pyramid participated in this secret society activity? A: Yes. And what symbol did you see in "Matrix," for Serpents and
Q: (L) You are talking about
the triangle with the Serpent's head in
it? A: Yes.
Q: (L) Are we talking in terms of this 33 relating to a group of
"aliens," or a group of humans with advanced knowledge and
abilities? A: Either/or.
Q: (L) Is this what has been referred to in the
Bramley book as the
Brotherhood of the Serpent or Snake? A: Yes.
Q: (L) So, we have a bunch of people who are playing with
mathematics, sacred geometry, and playing with higher knowledge,
basically as a keep busy activity to distract them at the human
level from the fact that they are being manipulated at a higher
level. Is this what is going on? Or, do they consciously know what
they are doing? Is it a distraction or a conscious choice? A: Both.
Q: (L) If I were to name some names, could you identify if named
individuals were involved in this secret group? A: It would not be in your best interests.
Let me again make a note to some of our more spooky readers that
the Cassiopaeans simply won't give answers to questions that it would be
dangerous to know.
So, ya'll can get some rest now!
Nexus 7: ...To find the secret beneficiaries of greatest power, just
take the backbone of key leaders in the non-appointed
multi-generational custodial infrastructure of government and
religious infrastructure. These are individual people in military
intelligence, economic cartels and global Mafia, and secret
religious security orders, though quite compartmentalized. Here you
have a pretty good set of true candidates for who the actual
'controlling elite' are.
The very top of the pyramid in America is a
group that is comprised partly of leading ex-Nazis and their next
generation brethren, the multinational anti-alien global security
apparatus who want to prevent alien invasion and world breakdown, so
they themselves can pick at their oyster with traditional impunity.
They will even ally themselves to certain aliens that can help them
escape the intentions of other aliens, if necessary. Think Faust.
Better yet, think Machiavelli. Make people think that the enemy is
"over there" or "outside" or at least "not me," and you can plunder
with impunity in the guise of being a "savior."
Nexus 7: The issue is conflict, conflict between secret elements
that have come to different conclusions, created alliances, and
instigated different strategies. The most powerful rogue elements
are unfortunately the most highly placed in the above-legal system.
All critical intelligence in the entire global ET-related intel
gathering apparatus is diverted to these elements. Other less rogue
elements almost as highly placed realize the Faustian bargain
problem going on, and are attempting appropriate counterbalancing
counter-intelligence and seeding potentials for mass psych-ops
operations that help.
The two opposed parties are both in the
need-to-know above-the law rarified echelon levels.
Bad Rogues: engage social resistance processes, denial, and fight
contact at all cost, except as useful for gaining alien technology
for military use.
Good Rogues: engage social assimilation processes, tacit acceptance,
and encourage human-alien awareness.
The bad rogue's strategies worked too well. So the good rogues are
seeding selected human capital with staged deniable information
disclosure to counterbalance. This is becoming increasingly hard
data. The thresholds of social assimilation, and resistance to
assimilation are being tested to keep things from going runaway.
Pullback into failsafe deniability is always included in any
surreptitious disclosure program equation. The conflict generates a
wide range of inconsistent activities on the part of the elite power
circles, deriving from their opposing allegiances.
In the Nexus Seven diatribe, much is made of
the 7 echelons of
Secret and Above Top Secret, and Above Top, Top Secret groups (and
so on.)
He/they attempt to define some of them as "benevolent"
because they are the "lesser of the evils" in terms of their STS
behaviors. I would like to suggest that it is not that there are
"good rogues," so much as there are simply circles within circles of
the STS hierarchy, and that those at the lower levels simply are not
sufficiently polarized to the STS pathway to be let in on the
deeper secrets of negativity.
They still have some STO potential,
but it is being gradually purged from them by engaging them in the
ongoing controls and deception. At some point, some of them may be
faced with stupendous choices that will force their allegiances out
into the open.
But, that subject properly belongs to our coming
ontological discussion, so we will leave it for now.
Nexus 7: The deeper essence of the conflict between a bunch of very
macho intelligence folks is just the same age old conflict
continuing to be reflected. The God based religions decimated or
appropriated Goddess religion...
...There are competing celestial forces. Intelligent beings
traveling in craft and between space, even seem to somehow 'live' in
parallel space. These alien beings are assumed beyond the
terrestrial worldliness. But yet some are quite physical. Some of
these crafty critters claim divinity. They say if we hold persons A,
B, or C in our history as divine, then that is saying these ET are
divine too - and they can prove it. They were there. They made it
...The authentic real McCoy [creator gods] may crash our image of
what we held spirituality and God to be. We thought beyond
biological, beyond physical, as religion had always assumed, [to be
good and holy and loving.] The doctrine of the human soul, the holy
trinity and Nature.
Cayce talks about the division in
Atlantis between the "Sons of
the Law of One" and the "Sons of Belial." Was this a racial division or a
philosophical/religious division? A: It was the latter two, and before that, the former one.
Q: When it was a racial division, which group was it?
A: The Sons of Belial were the Kantekkians.
Q: Well! That is not good!
A: Subjective... you are not bodies, you are souls.
Q: Now, from putting the information about religions together
throughout the centuries, I am coming to a rather difficult
realization that the whole monotheistic idea, which is obviously the
basic concept of the 'Sons of the law of One,' is the most clever
and devious and cunning means of control I have ever encountered in
my life. No matter where it comes from, the religionists/priests say
"we have the ONE god, WE are his agents, you pay us your money, and
we'll tell him to be nice to you in the next world!" A: Clever if one is deceived. Silly truffle if one is not.
Q: Well, I know! But, uncovering this
deception, this lie that the
'power' is 'out there' is unbelievable. So, the Kantekkians were the
'Sons of Belial,' which is not a negative thing, necessarily. So,
the 'Sons of the Law of One,' was perverted to the monotheistic
Judaism, which then was then transformed into the Christian
religious mythos, and has been an ongoing theme since Atlantean
times. A: Woven of those who portray the lights.
Q: And that is always the way it has been. They appear as 'angels of
light.' And, essentially, everything in history has been rewritten
by this group. A: Under the influence of others. And whom do you suppose?
Q: Well, the Orion
STS. A: Sending pillars of light and chariots of fire to deliver the
The curious thing is that if the original
Kantekkians were the
Goddess worshippers, then that means that the purer "Orion genetics"
belongs to that "camp."
Yet, in the present day, there are those who
twist this in the most unbelievable ways to make it seem that the
ancient Goddess religions were demonic and Reptilian.
Study of the
ancient symbols will show that the oldest form of the Goddess
worship was associated with Stars, birds, vases, spirals and the
partnership mode of society. It was only in the early stages of
Reptilian inversion that the "divine son" was introduced as "heir"
to his murdered father, and displaced the Feminine potentials.
it is at precisely that point that the serpent image was introduced.
But, again, that is a subject for ontology, not necessarily the
practical issue of why there is so much in the way of lies and
deception running rampant on the planet at the present time.
Nexus 7: But if it's true more than one
custodial alien civilization
has returned, there may be a little crowding going on, and a lot of
stuff coming through the cracks. ...If any Earthly catastrophe of
human or natural geospheric or cosmic magnitude happens, then the
playing field of general populace conscious permeability to alien
contact becomes much much lower, meaning, much more "Mommy,
HERE, and they want more than milk and cookies! I'm scared".
Q: (L) In trying to picture this upcoming wave in my mind, this
thing you call the Grand Cycle Transformation, the cycle moves out,
in dispersion, begins to accrete and return to the source. It looks
like a yin-yan toroid composed of infinite fibers of being, all at
different points of the cycle individually and collectively. Is this
a close approximation? A: Close.
Q: (L) Is this representative of the fact that exactly half of all
that exists, is moving into imbalance, while the other half is
moving into balance at any given, excuse the term, "time?" A: Close.
Q: (L) All the cosmos? All that exists?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Is it possible that one area of the cosmos has more of the
balance seeking energy while another has more of that which is
seeking imbalance? A: Oh yes!
Q: (L) Is the Earth one of those areas that is more imbalanced than
balanced at the present time? A: Yes, but rapidly moving back toward balance.
Q: (L) Is the
Realm Border, or Wave, part of this balancing?
A: Yes.
Q: (L) Okay, speaking of the "balancing" of Earth. How can this be
done? The "buckets of love and light" group say that it is going to
be balanced because everyone is going to think nice thoughts,
surround everything with light, see, hear and think only good and
positive thoughts, and all of their buckets of love and light are
going to eventually reach a critical mass and spill over onto all
the rest of humanity and all of the negative things are going to be
transformed into positive things. This is the standard version. Is
this what you mean? A: No.
Q: (L) Isn't the energy that is being manifested in the positive, in
love and light on and around the planet, going to reduce the level
of negativity in the beings existing on the planet? A: This is not the point. When "Earth" becomes a 4th density realm,
all the forces, both STS and STO shall be in direct contact with one
another... It will be a "level playing field," thus, balanced.
A curious thing about this Nexus Seven document is its mention of
"The Wave."
After I had first shared some of the "Wave ideas" with some
discussion groups and
Val Valerian back in '94 and '95, I began to
get some questions from various sources about some sort of "Wave"
that was going to "destroy the earth" that was on its way. I tracked
this information down at the time and discovered that
it was
originating with ME! The only problem was, by the time it got back
to me, it had been so distorted and twisted that it was almost
But then, of course, the Nexus Seven may have had access to the Cassiopaean passage on the "Convention" as quoted at the beginning
of this segment, which was originally delivered in December of '94.
Nexus 7: ...Think about the coming wave, the coming convergence of
diverse human and alien and cosmic influences. Who are the essential
usurper players in the game? Who in power has the most to lose in
facing the prospect of a voluntary evolutionary uplift and paradigm
change from Patriarchy to balance between [Feminine and Masculine
forces]? Who indeed.
...Here is the gum in the works: supposedly, divine beings, in
religious terms, were always considered above the flesh, above the
worldliness of physical impediment, above the limitations of a
physical cosmos. And now they are not? They are slimy bugs, lizards
and other Dr. Moreau morphs out of our animal kingdom, and they are
the heavenly hosts, angels and Olympian man-gods of history and
Hide this fact and throw away the key! This has driven many mad. If
some intelligent and powerful men (in the realm of the power centers
of the dollar, the soul and the sword), have been driven to drink
and eventual psychosis over this, one can understand the fear of War
of the Worlds mass hysteria
....The line between psychotic belief and religious belief is thin,
and mass psychosis is something that can really happen. Before Dr.
Mack, and maybe even still after Dr. Mack, the American Psychiatric
Association is more than ready to declare just about every maven
related to the UFO, NWO, and religious conspiracy worlds as nuts.
These mavens and contactee and abductee people are all victims of
mass hysteria cults, brain disorders, or they are sociopathic
predators or hate crime suspects, or people exhibiting dangerous
forms of psychosis, promoting paranoia, schizophrenia, inciting mass
hysteria, mass delusion, and other conditionally arrestable hate
crime offences for those rogues that get too close to the public
In other words, if it could, in a well structured world, the science
establishment would consign all ET telepathic contact to insanity.
There would be mandatory ordered drugging to 'cure' people of having
'insane spiritual experiences' and of promoting insanity in the
population at large. It is not pop culture anymore, it is a social
hysteria response, a response system that must be stopped. But we
haven't got laws like that yet...
...Physical ET stakeholders being part of 'divine' history is a
difficult assimilation and will our institutions survive the full
disclosure day?
...Now the institutions have discovered to their great dismay, that
the divinities and deviltries of history are just readily and easily
bypassing them. The last thing these institutions want humankind to
generally believe, is that ET's are the real heavenly masters of
spiritual history. And in turn, they don't wish to have the populace
educated in knowing how to spot a false master when they see one.
Who is the false master? The ET's that helped to create the
Messiahs, or the human institutions that represent the Messianic
divinities of history?
Now you can get an idea of how sticky the wicket gets.
...Since we even have to ask the question if the bug is nice or not,
reveals our principal strategic vulnerability! We are unable to tell
what some alien agendas are because we can't read the ET mind, and
ET is not telling. These entities are deft at communicating and
contacting us using advanced subconscious subliminal techniques,
which for the most part seem harmless and sometimes even beneficial
for the involved parties. But the larger unknown agenda can still
spell invasion, and we are in an early phase - a covert alien
incursion on a marginal scale.
...But forces other than our conception of
God are at work, heavenly
hosts, both innocent and all too knowing, hosts friendly yet
threatening, hosts alien and somehow all too familiar. We are being
cultivated, and they do not want to spoil the broth.
The question shall remain and always be debated, even if their
presence seems to recede, "We, humanity, are being cultivated for
what"? The simple idea is that sparks and fragments of God, called
souls, invested in humanity, may be cultivated into something
different and somehow beyond (not necessarily better than) their
creators. The harvest rights to that bounty are probably the real
endgame. If the harvest is indeed a misnomer by it being really a
voluntary free-will choosing kind of deal, then the human populace
might benefit from an physical brochure and/or a psychic travel
brochure or two.
Maybe free-will with spiritual empowerment is more likely at its new
beginning and we have a choice in the matter far more than meets the
The coming wave has already happened negatively, as evidenced by the
existence of many time travelers - future humans - coming from
distant futures long after disaster had already happened. They had
advanced enough to migrate their souls back to catch a different
part of the big wave that is about to happen, still in our future,
but almost upon us. The soul migration back from into the 'past',
our present, is to redirect the human 'future' spiritual evolution
from what futurally ostensibly happened.
Therefore the present 'real
future' is engaged in counter-phasing itself into a better outcome.
Humanity is hitchhiking back into human genetics and our current time
registration to catch a new direction on the coming wave. Cosmic
surf's up!
... The coming resonance wave in the next decade, is in many ways,
hyper-dimensional and beyond our current ability to comprehend. To
some need-to-know ARC elements, this smacks of hyperdimensional
invasion, yet to other need-to-know ARC elements it is the chance
for apotheosis. The question is, is it a false or genuine
apotheosis? Is it spiritual liberation or entrapment?
...Could it be the soul substance we were endowed with is meant to
develop new evolutionary factors for the universe? Is the grander
plan one of humanity ultimately spreading out amongst the stars,
seeding it's consciousness and propensity to cause change, something
most ultra-stable ET civilizations are rather afraid of, and few are
welcoming? Does humanity have the right stuff?
Some humans and aliens believe we do not and should be just used and
herded as a hyperdimensional powerbase commodity. Some humans and
aliens believe humanity does have the right stuff to break free of
their bonds and survive, but will take a long time getting it right.
Do we repeat future bad history currently on schedule or do we phase
tunnel into a new future history?
Does the snake eat it's tail, where the Omega is game over and
starts over as the Alpha once again, or do we graduate to a new
level Alpha, beyond the historical pattern loop. The loop is the
harvest being plowed under. Can Ouroboros stop eating it's tail and
move into the next spiral position of evolution? If it happens well
and goes positively, the loop will be broken and the new
unpredicted, virgin future will occur. In that future, certain
negative power enclaves do not survive, being obsolesced by
spiritual evolution in humanity. If it goes negatively, again, the
loop will stay locked, and the ancient future will happen again.
A: Here is something for you to digest: Why is it that your
scientists have overlooked the obvious when they insist that alien
beings cannot travel to earth from a distant system???
Q: And what is this obvious thing?
A: Even if speed of light travel, or "faster," were not possible,
and it is, of course, there is no reason why an alien race could not
construct a space "ark," living for many generations on it. They
could travel great distances through time and space, looking for a
suitable world for conquest. Upon finding such, they could then
install this ark in a distant orbit, build bases upon various solid
planes in that solar system, and proceed to patiently manipulate the
chosen civilizations to develop a suitable technological
infrastructure. And then, after the instituting of a long, slow, and
grand mind programming project, simply step in and take it over once
the situation was suitable.
Q: Is this, in fact, what has happened, or is happening?
A: It could well be, and maybe now it is the time for you to learn
about the details.
Q: Well, would such a race be 3rd or 4th density in orientation?
A: Why not elements of both?
Q: What is the most likely place that such a race would have
originated from? A: Oh, maybe Orion, for example?
Q: Okay. If such a race did, in fact, travel to this location in
space/time, how many generations have come and gone on their space
ark during this period of travel, assuming, of course, that such a
thing has happened? A: Maybe 12.
Q: Okay, that implies that they have rather extended life spans...
A: Yes...
Q: Assuming this to be the case, what are their life-spans?
A: 2,000 of your years.
Q: Okay, assuming such a bunch have traveled...
A: When in space, that is...
Q: And what is the span when on terra firma?
A: 800 years.
Q: Well, has it not occurred to them that staying in space might not
be better? A: No. Planets are much more "comfortable."
Q: Okay... imagining that such a group has traveled here...
A: We told you of upcoming conflicts... Maybe we meant the same as
your Bible, and other references. Speak of... The "final" battle
between "good and evil..." Sounds a bit cosmic, when you think of
it, does it not?
Q: Does this mean that there is more than one group that has
traveled here in their space arks? A: Could well be another approaching, as well as "reinforcements"
for either/or, as well as non-involved, but interested observers of
various types who appreciate history from the sidelines.
Q: Well, SWELL! There goes my peaceful life!
A: You never had one!
Q: Well, I was planning on one! A: You chose to be incarnated now, with some foreknowledge of what
was to come. Reference your dreams of space attack.
Q: Okay, what racial types are we talking about relating to these
hypothetical aliens? A: Three basic constructs. Nordic,
Reptilian, and
Greys. Many
variations of type 3, and 3 variations of type 1 and 2.
Q: Well, what racial types are the 'good guys?'
A: Nordics, in affiliation with 6th density "guides."
Q: And that's the only good guys?
A: That's all you need.
Q: Wonderful! So, if it is a Grey or Lizzie, you know they aren't
the nice guys. But, if it is tall and blond, you need to ask
questions! A: All is subjective when it comes to nice and not nice. Some on 2nd
density would think of you as "not nice," to say the least!!!
Q: That's for sure! Especially the roaches! Maybe we ought to get in
touch with some of these good guys... A: When the "time" is right.
Q: Now, there is a lot being said about the sightings out in the
Southwest area. They are saying that this is the 'new' imminent
invasion or mass landing. Can you comment on this activity? A: Prelude to the biggest "flap" ever.
Q: And where will this flap be located?
A: Earth.
Q: When is it going to begin?
A: Starting already.
Q: Is this biggest flap going to be just a flap, or is it going to
be an invasion? A: Not yet an invasion. Invasion happens when programming is
Q: What programming? A: See Bible, Lucid book, Matrix Material,
Bringers of the Dawn, and
many other sources, then cross reference...
Q: Well, if something is fairly imminent, we are not
going to
have time
to do all the things you have suggested that we do! A: Yes you will, most likely.
Q: Well, we are supposed to do a LOT of things here.... This just
sort of takes the heart right out of me! A: Not so!
Q: Well, are we going to have time to do all these things?
A: All these things were suggested for this reason, among others.
Q: So, all the things you have suggested are to get us ready for
this event? A: Yes.
Q: Well, we better get moving! We don't have time to mess around!
A: You will proceed as needed, you cannot force these events or
alter the Grand Destiny.
Q: I do NOT like the sound of that! I want to go home!
A: The alternative is less appetizing.
Q: Sure! I don't want to be lunch!
A: Reincarnation on a 3rd density earth as a "cave person" amidst
rubble and a glowing red sky, as the perpetual cold wind whistles...
Q: Why is the sky glowing red?
A: Contemplate.
Q: Of course! Comet dust! Sure, everybody knows THAT! Wonderful!!!
The important remark above is that there IS a "Grand Destiny" that
includes certain "preparations" for a "Cosmic Battle between Good
and Evil."
Further that, NOT getting ready for this event, "going
home early" or avoiding the issues would lead to a less appetizing
result, i.e. reincarnation on a planet that has suffered mass
Not only that, but one of the reasons for all the
"setting up" of the pieces on the board has a far more insidious
Q: (L) We once talked about the fact that significant, conscious
choices made at certain junctures in one's life, can literally
"create" a new, or branching universe. Later, I had an idea that
when we think with awareness, meditate and make conscious STO
choices, then more universes are created along this path, than along
the STS pathways, so that you're balancing the mindless,
thoughtless, just-choosing-because-you-don't-know-any better
universes... (T) Well, isn't that what the lizards are doing? (L)
Yes, it is... (T) They're manipulating it to make negative. But,
they can never make more than there is - more negative than
positive - because the universe is constantly seeking balance. So,
every place they make a negative branch, there's some place else
that becomes a positive. You can never make more. You can try. A: True.
Q: (T) Although, they're working on the false premise that they can
do this. (L) 'Wishful thinking.' A: No, they are working on that false premise that they can seal
realms into "4th" density and 3rd, 2nd, 1st STS for eternity.
Q: They want to seal all of creation into physicality? A: No, not physicality through all densities, just 4th through 1st
density STS.
Q: (L) Ohhh!! (T) They don't care if it's physical or not. They're
in 4th. They just want to seal them off and keep them STS to feed
off of them. A: "Eternity" is the key word there. It is where the wishful
thinking comes into play.
... Now, as you advance to the fourth level of density which is
coming up for you, you must now make a choice as to whether to
progress to service to others or to remain at the level of service
to self. This will be the decision which will take quite some time
for you to adjust to. This is what is referred to as the "thousand
year period." This is the period as measured in your calendar terms
that will determine whether or not you will advance to service to
others or remain at the level of service to self. And those who are
described as the Lizards have chosen to firmly lock themselves into
service to self. And, since they are at the highest level of density
where this is possible, they must continually draw large amounts of
negative energy from those at the third level, second level, and so
on, which is why they do what they do. This also explains why their
race is dying, because they have not been able to learn for
themselves how to remove themselves from this particular form of
expression to that of service to others. And, since they have such,
as you would measure it, a long period of time, remained at this
level and, in fact, become firmly entrenched in it, and, in fact,
have increased themselves in it, this is why they are dying and
desperately trying to take as much energy from you as possible and
also to recreate their race metabolically.
Q: (L) Well, if we are sources of food and labor for them, why don't
they just breed us in pens on their own planet? A: They do.
Q: (L) Well, since there is so many of us here, why don't they just
move in and take over? A: That is their intention. That has been their intention for quite
some time. They have been traveling back and forth through time as
you know it, to set things up so that they can absorb a maximum
amount of negative energy with the transference from third level to
fourth level that this planet is going to experience, in the hopes
that they can overtake you on the fourth level and thereby
accomplish several things.
1: retaining their race
as a viable species 2: increasing their numbers
3: increasing their power 4: expanding their race throughout the realm of fourth density
To do all of this they have been interfering with events for what
you would measure on your calendar as approximately 74 thousand
years. And they have been doing so in a completely still state of
space time traveling backward and forward at will during this work.
Interestingly enough, though, all of this will fail.
Q: (L) How can you be so sure it will fail?
A: Because we see it. We are able to see all, not just what we want
to see. Their failing is that they see only what they want to see.
In other words, it's the highest manifestation possible of that
which you would refer to as wishful thinking. And, wishful thinking
represented on the fourth level of density becomes reality for that
level. You know how you wishfully think? Well, it isn't quite
reality for you because you are on the third level, but if you are
on the fourth level and you were to perform the same function, it
would indeed be your awareness of reality. Therefore they cannot see
what we can see since we serve others as opposed to self, and since
we are on sixth level, we can see all that is at all points as is,
not as we would want it to be.
Q: Now, a reader asks: "The Cassiopaeans have said that there are 16
groups of 'good 'guys and 16 groups of 'bad guys.' Have they ever
mentioned the names of any?" A: Excuse us!?
Q: Well, they want you to name the different groups since you did
make this remark at one point. Are you going to give a list of the
participants on each side? A: No, we are not.
Q: So this is one of the things we have to learn to figure out
ourselves. A: Yes.
The reader may note that there are endless sources that "name names"
in terms of who are the "Good guys" and who are the "Bad guys."
you stop and think about this and the nature of Free Will, you will
immediately realize that such a source, EVEN IF THEY ARE TELLING YOU
THE TRUTH, have deprived you of your Free Will. And it seems that
everything is about Free Will.
But, again, we are getting ahead of
ourselves, so let's leave that for the moment.
Q: Here is another question from a reader who wants to know if there
is a possibility that the effects of The Wave are reflected in
physiological phenomena, such as elevation in blood pressure and
other things? A: In some cases.
Q: Okay, L&E sent a question: A
correspondent wrote to them as
follows: "L, I am getting some strange reports about the Pacific
UFO. What have you heard? One thing, there is more and more effort
being put into finding it or getting it, or however you put it. If
you will look into it, the Navy has just launched a deep sea rescue
submersible and they announced that they are going to 'test' it in
the Pacific. Another thing, ASTAT announced about a week ago, maybe
two, that there is an unidentified sonic source from the deep
Pacific." So, L added: "it appears to me that the Lizzies are
constructing an underwater base in anticipation of the arrival of
more than 36 million Lizards due to arrive soon. Could this be so?"
A: The problem with these questions is that they attempt to
construct the beginning at the middle: presumptuous!! If one truly
wishes to learn, one must be open to all possibilities.
Q: Okay, I guess that you are saying that there is some assuming
going on here. So, let me ask this: are there 36 million Lizards on
their way here? A: The Lizard beings occupy 4th density.
Q: Are you saying that because they occupy 4th density, they don't
have to COME here because they ARE here? A: Close.
Q: Now, you have told us that there ARE 36 million
Nephilim on the
way. A: Nephilim are 3rd density; big difference.
Q: So, the 3rd density Nephilim have to utilize some physical means
of travel, even if it does include warping space/time, but the
Lizards and other 4th density beings have no such constraints. Is an
underwater base being constructed in the Pacific in anticipation of
something? A: No need to construct that which already exists.
Q: Is there any truth to the idea that the U.S. Navy is trying to
find or get something out in the Pacific? A: Maybe, but all governmental stuff is compartmentalized, so it is
Q: Okay, he also writes: "the
photon belt energy is almost upon us
according to our channels." I guess he means the wave energy, or the
interpretation of this according to these various channels. Is a
'photon belt' or wave energy almost upon us? A: Laura, you know how to deal with this.
Q: I know. This purported photon belt has been 'almost upon' us so
many times that it is becoming boring.
Now, you told us that
the Montauk experiment was something that
began in the 1920s. All of the stories say that the Navy was trying
to make ships invisible to radar for defensive purposes. That's the
story. My question is: is that just a cover story? A: No.
Q: Is that, in fact, what they were attempting to do?
A: Close.
Q: Can you get me any closer to it? What were their intentions?
A: Convergence of interests: US Navy, Secret Government, Esteemed
Q: Did they actually, even accidentally, discover through this work
something about time travel? A: Yes, but it was more an accident for the Navy than for others
Q: Okay, was the accident and following fiasco fairly accurately
represented in the various books about it? A: Fairly.
Q: After all of this, did they bring the project to a halt, even if
only temporarily? A: No.
Q: Did they decide that 'oh, we have discovered something really
fantastic; let's see what we can do with it?' A: Closer.
Q: Did this actually take place at Montauk?
A: Some.
Q: Were Russians and/or Germans working on similar projects at the
same time, or even a little later? A: Germans earlier, Russians later.
Q: Are the efforts of the Germans, Russians, and the Americans
combined at the present time? A: At some levels they are combined, yes.
Q: Would you be able to evaluate the efforts of the three and say
which one, at the present time, is the most advanced? A: Does not work that way.
Q: Why does it not work that way?
A: Advanced goes to Consortium.
Q: Are you saying that when work of this kind gets to a certain
level, it gets absorbed into the Consortium? A: Close.
Q: Back to Montauk: the Montauk project continued. Did they ever, at
any point in time, produce monsters as some of these stories I have
heard relate? A: Maybe.
Q: Was this a result of opening portals between densities or
dimensions and having cross-density window fallers dropping in, so
to speak? A: Partly.
Q: Were any of these supposed monsters that they were supposed to
have created, productions or creations of their minds? A: Other densities afford a degree of one and the same thing.
Q: Okay. You previously have said that
the HAARP project is a
continuation of the Montauk project. A: Partly. You must remember compartments.
Q: So, the right hand often doesn't know what the left is doing. You
also once said that the HAARP project was partly operational. Are
some of these wildly extravagant shootings of recent times, or
people going off the deep end, a result of some of the HAARP
experimentation in mind control, or testing? A: This is a result of many forces.
Q: Is Montauk connected in any way with this
Alternative Three idea
of transferring groups or perimeters in the event of a cataclysm or
disaster? A: Too complex, but be careful of what you read. Disinformation.
This is most of what you hear and read.
Q: (A) Okay, you have mentioned the Navy and the physicists, and
then there were these people who simply were producing monsters,
which does not seem to be anything that the Navy would want to do,
much less physicists! A: You are confusing subjects and time frames.
Q: (A) Somebody had to plan this experiment, yes?
A: But that was
the Philadelphia Experiment.
Q: (L) How did this business of producing monsters and all that even
come into this project? A: Experiments in mind programming and psy-warfare.
Q: So, these were separate experiments. But, did they fall under the
Montauk project... A: Yes. But the monsters were long after the Eldridge.
Q: When did the experiments with the monsters occur?
A: Late 70s.
Q: Have they continued on with this monster producing business?
A: No need to get hung up on "monsters." There were other
materializations. Not just monsters.
Q: What OTHER kinds of materializations did they have?
A: You name it!
Q: Were they able to materialize money for themselves?
A: No need.
Q: Were they able to materialize people from the past or the future?
A: Temporarily.
Q: Did they, in fact, do this?
A: Yes.
Q: Did they ask people from the future what kinds of events have
occurred between then and now in order to refine their plans and
activities? A: No such.
Q: Why? A: Variable futures.
Q: So, they could materialize somebody from the future, but it was
only as potential, or probable future, so therefore, it meant very
little, or was useless? A: One of 329 decillion.
Q: Probable futures? A: Yes. Up to a point...
Q: Could they select who they materialized, or was it random?
A: The materialization was really a duality. Review texts re:
abductions between densities for idea.
Q: Could it be possible that, using this technology, the U.S.
Government, or Secret Government, has been doing abductions on human
beings that the victims THINK is an alien abduction? A: Maybe in some cases, but the technology is not comparable.
Q: Other than people from the past and future, what other kinds of
things did they materialize in the Montauk experiments? What kinds
of things were they interested in materializing more than anything
else? (A) Probably technological devices. (L) Did they materialize
technology from the future? A: This is more complex than your questions indicate.
Q: I realize this. I am struggling with this whole idea. When they
were doing this materializing, did they not have direct intent? Were
they just experimenting to see what WOULD materialize at various
settings? A: Their knowledge brought them to a level different than your
current imaginings.
Q: Well, help me out here! What do you mean?
A: No use comparing apples to oranges.
Q: At any point did their knowledge and materializations incline
them toward benevolent acts and tendencies regarding the rest of the
human population? A: This is not working because you are thinking one way and they do
Q: Can you give me a word or two that will clue me as to how to
change my thinking? A: Sure. Try to explain calculus to a kindergartner!!
Q: You are saying that this Consortium, these Montauk folks, have a
level of knowledge, and a way of thinking, that makes my thinking,
and our thinking, seem like ... A: Poppycock.
Q: My thinking is poppycock relative to theirs?
A: Close.
Q: (A) But this is only because we do not have this knowledge!
A: Right !!!!
Q: And we are trying to get it!
A: You cannot get it without an enormous amount of patience! These
experiments have been conducted over a time period you would
recognize as about 93 years and have involved thousands of humans
and a few hundred NHIs.
Q: Are the people involved in these experiments STS or STO?
A: All "people" are STS.
Q: Well, the people who are working in the direction of STO, what
chance do they have of access to this knowledge? A: They do not need it.
Q: Why don't they need it? A: They will have it when the elevator reaches "floor number 4."
Q: Are you saying that it is not essential for us to struggle to
know these things to that level because it will come naturally
because we are linked in a network? A: Close.
Q: Well, gosh! You had me worried there! So, these guys are working
and digging for knowledge to control others? A: Close.
Q: Are they trying to develop technology to lock the planet into 3rd
density so that it won't go to 4th density? A: Some may be.
Q: Do they see the moving to 4th density as a threat to their plans
and projects? A: Perhaps.
Q: (A) I believe that there is a lot of this knowledge that would be
useful for me to know before I go to 4th density, assuming I will
go. I mean, knowledge is knowledge, and I am sure I would make good
use of this. Why did you say that this knowledge is not needed for
us?!!! A: We did not say that. You are misreading what we said!!!! Your
line of questioning bespoke a level of knowledge not on the same
level as those directly engaged in the vast experimentation which in
part, was conducted at Montauk. If you were to review the
transcripts extensively, you would find that you possess much more
knowledge on this sort of thing than you apparently have remembered
for tonight's session. You have put forth so much energy toward
building the website that you have drained some of your conscious
recall ability for the moment. And no, we are not criticizing your
efforts, we applaud them!!! But, you could use a thoughtful,
meditative review!
Well, it is indeed true that I could use a long rest, but as long as
there are questions being asked of me, I will attempt to share what
little I have managed to experience over the past 40 some years, and
there are other more pressing questions to which we must proceed.
So, in closing, let us just deal with one last bit of possible
Q: In this Nexus Seven document it says:
"What is the final
ontological matrix of hidden truth? What elucidates all the aspects
of the true-to-life UFO phantasm in our past, present and future?
What are the critical goals of Echelon beyond information
suppression and technological catch-up? What are the
hyper-intelligence focal points for the future? The sun, our sun, is
dying, and too soon. This was caused by regional dimensional vortex
shutdown some 90,000 years ago. Solar instability can cause much
life on Earth to be unsustainable in 40 years. Ancient astro-theology calendars all end around now. There are also
dangerous interplanetary bodies, with civilization threatening
capability due to cause more serious damage to Earth in another 150
years. One way or the other we are slated to leave Earth, sooner or
later, or else. This is a prevailing secret truth. Those in control
would rather save themselves and a few elite than worry about the
whole of mankind, despite the presence of a few well meaning but
deluded true human patriots amongst the bunch."
Is, in fact, our sun
dying? A: Yes, and so is everything else.
Q: Is it going to do it in 40 years?
A: You do not understand our attempted allusion. What is not dying?
Q: Well, I KNOW that, but they are saying that our sun is dying too
soon. A: No. What is "too soon?"
Q: Well... (A) Forty years is certainly too soon!
A: Why?
Q: (A) Because scientists would normally give the sun much longer...
A: But do "scientists" really know?!?
Q: You are NOT helping here! Are you saying this guy is right?!
A: Be patient, Laura, this is a lesson.
Q: (A) Well, no, scientists don't really know; but they conjecture.
A: Ah hah! Conjecture!
Q: So, what's your point? A: Our point is: what is too soon and why?
Q: Too soon would be... well, I guess that in completely objective
terms, there is no such thing as "too soon." When things happen, it
is exactly the right time for it to happen. When something happens,
everything is perfect. A: Okay.
Q: So, in the deepest sense, nothing is ever too soon... however...
(C) What situations would have to be in place for this to happen
within forty years? A: There are unlimited numbers of situations... Some of those
possibilities are always present, especially when combined with
multitudinal external factors.
Q: What would the external factors be?
A: Energies, or cosmic forces present in space at various locators
which the sun would pass through in its journey through space, for
one example.
Q: Are we slated to pass through any of those energies or forces?
A: Wait and see.
Q: Well, let me ask the next question on that subject. Does any of
this have to do with dimensional vortexes that were shut down 90
thousand years ago in the area of Sirius? A: We are interested in knowing the "dimensional shutdown of vortex
process." Could you explain, please?
Q: Well, no. I don't think anyone else could either. It's just a
term here. Is there such a thing as a dimensional vortex? A: Semantics.
Q: What would you call a dimensional vortex?
A: Once again, this is not flowing because you are navigating
haphazardly through subjective proclamations.
Q: So, you are saying that all of this analysis of what the deep
ontological truths are, is just subjective proclamations. Was there
ever something that happened that might have been perceived by the
person who wrote this material, as a dimensional vortex shutdown 90
thousand years ago? A: What is that?!?
Q: So, basically, you are trying to point out that there is no such
thing as a dimensional vortex shutdown. But, you have said that the
planet Kantek exploded between 70 and 80 thousand years ago, right?
A: If so, that is not what the writer is attempting to portray.
Q: Could it have been a supernova?
A: Look here! This is pointless.
Q: So, all of this stuff is nonsense? I am really missing the point
here. Okay. What I am getting from what you are and are not saying,
is that this person is clearly trying to portray something, and that
there IS something behind what he is saying, but I am just too dense
to figure out the right question so you can download the answer. A: Dense? No my dear! You are just learning, as are we all.
Q: Now, I did have a thought that this 90 thousand year cycle could
be the period of
the companion brown star you have said is on it's
way into the solar system. Is that what they might be talking about?
A: Closer.
Q: So, what they are really talking about, or may have seen in some
way, is the companion star, rather than the death of our own sun.
(A) Let me just ask a simple question. Can you estimate the
likelihood that the sun will die in 40 years? A: That is unlikely.
Q: Well, what a relief! (A) We are done! How unlikely?
A: There is one chance in 189 million.
I think I will go and buy some lottery tickets. I have a really good
chance of winning - one in thirteen million!
Q: (I) I was writing something in my journal about supernovae being
steps toward the Big Bang, in the sense that each supernova
represents a reflection of ourselves... A: In a more physiological sense, supernovae present cosmic energies
which "up the ante" of awareness, when one is in close enough
Q: (I) Now, this supernova that happened in fairly recent times -
the Cassiopaea A supernova of 1658, or thereabouts - does that have
anything to do with our awareness thing going on right now? A: It has some to do with this conduit.
Q: (I) I had that feeling. I went back and read Supernovae, Vehicle
of Ascension? Did whatever happen with that supernova , is it
affecting us.... A: The more interesting question would be, what about the NEXT
Q: (I) There is one coming up, and that's going to be the wave?
Or... A: No, no, no. No anticipation, please.
Q: (L) Well, that's pretty hard when you said "what about the NEXT
one!" A: Reflection, yes, but anticipation? No!