by Julian Rose
23 August
DavidIcke Website
Julian Rose is an early pioneer of UK organic farming,
writer, international activist, entrepreneur and
holistic teacher.
Julian is co-founder of HARE The Hardwick Alliance for
Real Ecology see
acclaimed book 'Overcoming the Robotic Mind - Why
Humanity Must Come Through' is particularly recommended
reading for this time: see

Do not
the mind bending
it takes to get
ordinary folk
to embrace the
"You will own
and you will be
If anyone says to you
"the weather extremes are a sure sign of global warming", it's
because they take this information directly from the media and
assume it to be fact.
The media get it from
government - or government 'expert advisors'.
The 'expert advisors'
get it from a computer modeling exercise (e.g. Imperial College
The computer modeling exercise gets it from a large financial
incentive offered by the corporate conglomerate and bought-out
government, with the explicit instruction to produce a result
which fills the needs of their combined political goals.
In this case, to magic-up
'scientific proof' that global warming is real.
The need to have 'proof' that this invention is real is arrived at
in spite of the fact that global warming's main proponents know that
the idea was dreamed-up at the
Club of Rome
in 1972 under a widely publicized treatise with the catchy
title 'Limits
to Growth'.
It gained a further boost
from the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, when the
Agenda 21 was launched to impose
largely irrational environmental constrictions as a forerunner to
the highly discriminating 'carbon taxes' in operation today.
Limits to Growth might have appealed to those who oppose
neo-liberal capitalist insistence on the necessity for a 'permanent
growth' economy:
but the real intent
behind those words is the conditioning of the receiver to take a
self imposed pseudo-sacrificial attitude about 'limitation'.
Ergo, limiting one's
self for the sake of a 'higher cause' - saving the natural
environment from
Global Warming...!
This form of
'austerity-conditioning' becomes the perfect precept for encouraging
naturally concerned citizens to not just embrace cutting back the
typical material excesses of their lives, but ultimately the
pseudo-saintly renunciation of all material interests...
The ghoulish plan behind
Klaus Schwab's quasi religious Sermon from the Mount WEF,
"You will own nothing
and you will be happy"...
Schwab's psycho-social
engineering 'deep mind experts' having planned-out the precise
stepping stones necessary for a 'check-mate' seamless handing-over
of all private wealth to the insatiably materialistic elite masters
of deception.
A thoroughly odious
yet quite brilliant sleight of hand...
The great 'Global
Warming' alarm was raised as a calculated way for leading
industrialists, bankers and royalty to ensure their future as the
premier influencers and controllers of global affairs.
Blanket controlled media indoctrination, using rampant fear
mongering as its key component, is designed to convert public
sentiment to the cause. The elite industrialist club know full well
that 'fear' makes desperate people turn to their perceived
leaders to protect them - and tell them what to do.
The historical
precedent for this is ubiquitous...
The notion that the
climate was dangerously warming had no scientific evidence to back
it up.
That was cooked-up later
under the auspices of the International Panel on Climate Change
It is more than unfortunate that the great majority of green
oriented NGO's also swallowed the bait and, being by then mostly
well funded by corporate backed governments, took the money, closed
their eyes and minds - and jumped on board - thus embracing the
deadly distortion of their original green commitments...

It is now the turn of
Klaus Schwab (above image -
director of World Economic Forum) to take up the reins handed down
to him by earlier representatives of the small but powerful elite
that runs planetary affairs via such puppet heads of state as,
...and other aspiring
despots of that time...
Schwab's job is to ensure that 'stop global warming' goals are fully
implemented through the channels of,
He must get this
fake-green ball firmly rolling down the road especially designed for
it by highly paid technocrats, whose particular bent
to create an
'inventory of everything' to make possible the control of all
aspects of life on Earth...
These techno's view the
management of the world as an exercise in accounting.
A sterile reductionist
mind-set closely linked to robotics and the notion that advanced
mechanization and calculation is superior to the creativity of the
human mind.
Hence the WEF's
announcement of the forthcoming 'Internet of Everything',
the 5G powered Smart City
surveillance and control grid which forms the centerpiece of The
Great Reset agenda.
An agenda that has been specifically positioned under the title
'green'- a name stolen from the original ecology movement of the
1970's and 80's, whose ethos was - and remains - the promotion of a
human scale, light footprint 'people's ecology'.
An authentic vision that
bears no resemblance whatsoever to today's gigantic corporate led
Fourth Industrial Revolution,
held up by the WEF masters of deception to be the only solution for
'greening the planet'.
What it actually is, of course, is a wholesale corporate/cabal grab
for the control of the world's primary resources and money supply.
The word 'green' could hardly have been more butchered.
So with this fake green ideology now at the forefront of the
central control global planning elite's blueprint for a brave new
world, the drive is on to utilize every opportunity possible to
enforce conditions that constrict mankind's behavior patterns to fit
the cunningly concocted demands of 'preventing global warming'.
The great
Club of Rome scare story,
designed specifically to leave a frightened and confused public
completely dependent upon the technocrat 'experts' coming up with a
'life saving solution' to prevent the planet from frying.
Now, 'the life saving solution' to the fictional 'problem' the
technocrats came up with, has to fulfill the hard-wired goals of
this small but very powerful elite that forms the
Shadow Government of the planet.
A despotic cabal whose
intention is to master-mind the future according to a darkly
inflated sense of self importance and superiority over the rest of
The first thing needed to smooth the way for the unfettered display
of such rampant megalomania is to ensure the least possible public
Least resistance to
the rolling-out of 'the grand plan', whose implementation
requires - to make it credible - a continuous
process of environmental disruption and degradation.
The cause of this
disruption can then be pinned on the advance of
the 'catastrophic' warming' - to
which all solutions must be 'technological'.
Technological in the
sense of high tech, robotic, digital and electro magnetic...
Killing at least two
birds with one stone is a popular concept within the ranks of
New World Order proponents.
So it was found that the
effects of a general dumbing-down of brain power could be enhanced
when combined with individually targeted mind control, hypnosis and
torture, all of which had already been well tested via the US
MK Ultra program.
In this program human beings were ruthlessly experimented upon to
find at what point they 'cracked' and became controllable tools for
carrying out the secret operations needed to undermine the orderly
functioning of society and to enact psy-ops, false flag events and
even... when deemed necessary, murders.
A variation on these same techniques were used behind closed doors
during Covid lockdown, especially
in care homes, where genocide has become thematic and old people are
considered disposable matter in the cause of 'stopping Covid'.
Mind control is the central weapon
of the elite planners.
Its presence is
ubiquitous in all aspects of daily life - starting with the TV - a
particularly vital component of (State) control of the masses, and
extending into all,
There is a wafer thin
line of distinction between the process and function
of mind control, propaganda and straight indoctrination.
All the above are now being deployed to get the joys of Klaus
Schwab's Great Reset, Zero Carbon, Green Deal and 5G Smart
firmly installed in
the brain cells of culpable human beings, who are also to
be induced to hand-over all their private assets 'for the
Do not underestimate the
mind bending power it takes to get ordinary folk to embrace the
"You will own nothing
and you will be happy"...
Coming-up this November
is the COP International Climate Conference in Glasgow, UK.
All the most
sophisticated mind controlling wizardry will be employed to make
this event appear to be 'a world saving' gathering of the 'good
and the great'...
This is because it is
nothing less than 'fear of
Global Warming' that holds the
Great Reset
Green Deal invention together.
Without this scary message of 'disaster if we don't act'
underpinning it, the future of the New World Order's master control
agenda would fall apart at the seams.

Covid was sprung on the scene
to ensure the fear factor would receive a
turbo-charged boost, enough to carry it through to the point where
the COP could double-up on it - and thus increase the chance of a
witless public finally throwing up their arms and shouting,
"Save us at any
Aerosol Geoengineering (Chemtrails
- below video)
The High Auroral
Atmospheric Research Program (HAARP)
the chemical
saturation of household products and
especially foods,
...are all examples of
contemporary weapons whose deployment is sold to us as
'important progressive science', but whose true purpose is to
suffocate the life force that drives human and environmental vigor,
natural health and spiritual vibrancy.

Video sent by MJGdeA
Right down to,
the manipulation and
degradation of human, animal and plant DNA and the genome of
life itself.
At the end of this egregious mono cybernetic intrusion into the
divinity of creation is 'Robotic Man'.
The transhumanist singularity
omega point.
A soulless cyborg
'inhuman race' which gets all its instructions through having
its neocortex permanently wired to a central super computer.
This is actually the
vision of the evolution of humanity that Schwab's dark
controllers have planned-out to be 'The
New Normal'; making the sentient human race largely
obsolete by around 2050... and almost so by
2030 / 2040...
A human race that will by
then have been culled down to approximately one quarter of its
current number, if all goes according to plan for the psychopathic
architects of the Great Reset/New World Order/Green Deal.
It is vital to grasp that the monstrous Covid invention,
toxic 'vaccinations'
are a genocide inducing weapon dressed up as 'protection', is just
one of the cards in the 'kill and control' pack.
A significant one, but
one whose manifestation is symptomatic of the demonic bag of tricks
available to the insentient perpetrators of raw evil.
Corona Virus and
Global Warming are
first cousins.
They both owe their
creation to exactly the same 'rabbit from a hat' conjuring
That of applying the
art of deception-hypnosis en masse, in order to make people
believe that what is unreal is real... what is fake is actual.
And they both use the
same fascist control mechanisms to achieve their ends.
Now we have put together
the disparate parts of this genocide operation called:
The Great Reset
(forced totalitarian take-over), Green New Deal (fake green
fascism), Zero Carbon (no carbon=no life), Fourth Industrial
Revolution (completely robotic workplace),
...we can recognize that
each element is actually integral to the overall plan.
Strung together in this
way we can finally see the whole diabolical picture.
It is therefore vital to recognize that we can only be effective in
our defense of Life on Earth by seeing and acting on
this 'whole picture'. Not being drawn into treating each symptom as
a separate and unrelated crises in its own right.
Which is precisely what the instigators want us to do, of course.
For a steadily growing number of people, these dark days are
actually having the reverse effect than that intended.
They are stimulating
the manifestation of great shafts of counteractive light...!
tens of thousands are
finding a commonality of purpose and joining together to take-on
the masters of deception, through standing strong for truth,
justice and freedom.
It portends a remarkable shift of emphasis in all our lives.
One of truly dramatic
proportions that heralds the tangible unfolding of a new era for
An era in which a
dissolving of old barriers of race, class, religion and money -
ushers in a profound sense of universal brother and sister
hood... a great expansion of the spiritual and a new form of
worldwide social and economic cooperation.
Cooperation in which shared humanitarian goals steadily replace
the divisive and destructive greed of the profit predicated
global market place.
This heart-led flowering
of humanity is to be the truly defining factor of the great
Global Warming/Covid Scam, as the history books will one
day relate.
The overwhelming use
of fear and deception has provoked the opposite
state to come out of hiding and to manifest as what, for its
detractors, will be an unendurable counter force - emanating from
none less than the energetic source of Creation Itself.
Such an astounding metamorphosis is now underway, and it has taken
an extraordinary, blatant manifestation of darkness to ignite the
counteractive fire which is now calling forth a great renaissance of
the true powers of man.
This is the age of
truth, enlightenment and action...
Take your courage in both
hands and step forth!
Set your sights on
nothing less than disarming and dismantling
the technocratic top-down
total-control system that attempts to enslave you, me and every
sentient human being who seeks to remain true to the deepest values
of Life...