by Marie Jones
From New Dawn Special Issue
Vol 17 No 6 (Dec 2023)
NewDawnMagazine Website

Credit: Bob Moran
What are the main characteristics
of this "new normal" of enduring
First and foremost, a
generalized acceptance
of the idea
that we can no longer afford
organize our societies around a
stable set of rules, norms and laws.
Rather, the constant stream of
new threats
- terrorism, disease, war, natural disasters
that we must be constantly ready
to rapidly adapt to an
ever-changing scenario
of permanent instability.
Thomas Fazi
Permacrisis signals not only a loss of faith in progress
but also a
new realism in relation
to what people can cope with and achieve.
Our crises have become so complex and deep-seated
that they can
transcend our capacity
to understand them.
Any decision to tackle
risks only making things worse.
Neil Turnbull
Never let a good crisis go to waste.
Attributed to Winston Churchill
There has never been a time in history free from crisis.
But the
last several years have introduced a relentless parade of crises,
one after another, with less and less time to recover, in an all-out
snowballing assault on the mind, body, and spirit that leaves people
drained, depressed, exhausted, and in a permanent state of high-cortisol
Welcome to the new normal of "permacrisis."
Energy crisis.
Financial crisis.
Housing crisis.
Drug crisis.
Unemployment crisis.
Homelessness crisis.
Disaster crisis.
Food crisis.
Climate crisis.
Geopolitical crisis.
Immigration crisis...
If it's not one thing, it's another.
The Cambridge English dictionary defines permacrisis as,
"A long period of great difficulty,
confusion, or suffering that seems to have no end."
Permacrisis was voted the '2022 Word of the Year' by
Collins Dictionary to recognize that year's numerous challenges.
Although there have always been difficult times, recent years have
seen more of them occurring more often, and the toll on humanity is
physical and psychological.
Each crisis also appears to be a means to an end for some group of
power players.
Mass shootings in the United States predictably lead
to pushes to disarm the public.
Virus outbreaks lead to forced
lockdowns, vaccine mandates, and the suppression and censoring of
information that questions official narratives to protect key
government and corporate players.
Geopolitical conflicts lead to
governments overtly and covertly plotting against other countries - and using your tax dollars to do so
- while ignoring national
Natural disasters lead to cries of horrific "climate change"
and a push for "zero carbon" footprints and programs that benefit the
elites more than the environment.
Never - ever - let a good crisis go to waste, especially when the
public is now conditioned to the "new normal" of permacrisis that
cannot be put back into the Genie's bottle...!
It's the Hegelian
Dialectic on steroids, with the cycle of problem, reaction, solution
on an exponentially snowballing loop.
They create the problem,
engineer the reaction, and force their solution.
We have little to
no say in it all.
It's a permanent state of suffering made up of a bubbling cauldron
of ingredients, a recipe for disaster for everyone except the
powerful elites behind what many say are manufactured crises or who
take advantage of every natural disaster they can milk something out
They feast from the cauldron while we slowly starve.
Crisis - Why Choose Just One?
Natural disasters
Energy squeeze for net zero
Interest rates/financial instability
Mass immigration/migration
Climate change fear-mongering
Animal viruses, mass cullings & food shortages
Trump on trial in the US
Mass shootings
War between Israel and Palestine
Add a
complicit mainstream media, including social media platforms,
acting in lockstep as mouthpieces for an agenda that seems hell-bent
on total destruction, with crises piling on top of each other and
burying the populace beneath the weight.
It's no longer just one natural disaster, geopolitical conflict, or
viral outbreak with a few months or years for recovery before the
next thing hits.

"Polycrisis" is,
when several events occur in tandem with much less
time in between for people to catch their breath...!
Nothing will ever
return to normal because these crises happen so often that the
public is already immersed in the next one by the time the truth
seeps out.
Who cares if COVID was leaked from a lab or that the
"safe and
effective vaccines" are causing untold injuries and death...?
Who cares
if the World Health Organisation (WHO) has a 10-year pandemic plan, of
which COVID is part of their quest for global health domination...?
COVID was "so yesterday's news"...
We are too busy now fearing for our
lives from this, that, and the other thing and virtue signaling our
support for the crisis du jour on social media to pay attention to
new facts and information or demand justice be served for the sins
of the past.
Bye-bye Ukraine/Russia, hello Israel/Palestine...
Epstein's client
list? Who's Epstein...?
Two Types of Crisis
There are two main types of permacrisis/polycrisis.
Events that may be engineered for a specific outcome - think of
9/11 terrorist attacks in the United States.
Information that
contradicted the official narrative, with revelations about Building
7's mysterious collapse, passports found unscathed in the rubble,
CIA connections to the terrorists, covered-up connections to Saudi
Arabia, no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, and much more.
clear evidence that US President
George Bush and VP
Dick Cheney - following the strategy of the neoconservative think tank
The Project
for the New American Century (PNAC)
- used the horrific attacks to
invade not only
Afghanistan but also Iraq to take down
Hussein despite his total lack of involvement in the 9/11 attacks.
There were so many unanswered questions to suggest the US government
knew of the attacks and may have been complicit in allowing them to
9/11 ushered in an unprecedented period of surveillance, curtailing
of freedoms, and a push for tyranny in the United States with
Patriot Act, which never would have passed into law had the public
not first been terrorized and traumatized - so much so that they
willingly begged for their freedoms to be restricted to keep them
safe and secure.
That push for tyranny is only getting worse, and on
a global scale, simply because the public accepted it the first
Israel and Palestine are currently doing the war dance after the
brutal attack by Hamas on 7 October. As the leaders of Western
nations rushed to defend Israel, massive pro-Palestine protests were
occurring in every city across the globe.
Both sides have been
wrapped in a long-range conflict.
Few understand it was the Israeli
government and Mossad (their version of the CIA) that
helped create
Hamas in the late 1980s to fight their primary threat at the time,
the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).
While there is no
excuse whatsoever for the horrific October 2023 attacks, Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spent years bolstering up Hamas in
the Gaza Strip to cripple the power of Palestinian Authority
President Mahmoud Abbas or anyone else in the Palestinian
Authority's West Bank government from succeeding in establishing a
Palestinian state.
In this case, a problem (Abbas et al.) created a response (empower
Hamas) that led to a solution (Hamas turns against you) that
drastically backfired for Israel - and the end result may be World
War III and no doubt a boon to the coffers of the
military-industrial complex.

The only difference between this and 9/11 may be the intention.
While 9/11 felt engineered with a specific intention in mind, the
Israeli/Palestinian conflict seems rooted in a domino effect of
terrible past power plays and decisions pitting one enemy against
another, proving that "the enemy of my enemy" isn't always my
friend… for long.
Writing in his Badlands Media Substack, Erik Carlson wrote of the
recent Hamas attacks:
"Some believe no one has been killed and it is
all fake. Some believe all of it is real. Others believe some of it
is real and some is propaganda.
While yet others, like me, believe
some is real, some is propaganda, and all of it is a contrived
effort to create a bigger war."
Add into this mix the onset of new
artificial intelligence-generated fake images and videos, which will
make it doubly hard in the future to decipher the truth of events in
faraway places.
Another type of permacrisis is when events unfold naturally but are
taken advantage of for a specific end goal.
These are the natural
disasters used to forward a not-so-green agenda or global pandemics
that bring about forced vaccination and lockdowns to curtail
Sadly, larger crises outweigh smaller crises when governments point
the propaganda machine at threats to their long-term interests.
cares about a small-town chemical spill that poisoned an entire town
(which recently happened in the US), when China - we are told - might invade Taiwan...?
Local, regional, and national instability takes
a back seat to global instability, not because our leaders are
looking out for the population at large, but because they are
looking out for vested economic, military, political, and corporate
It's this exact instability that keeps people sick, stressed, and
distracted from the World Economic Forum's (WEF) attempts to force upon us
their Great Reset with its,
Crises that concurrently impact us at the same time leave people
reeling and drained, emotionally and physically.
People lose loved
ones, lose livelihoods, and suffer the fight-or-flight stress of
always being hypervigilant and at the ready. With non-stop surges of
cortisol and adrenaline, it's a wonder we can still function.
may be why depression, anxiety, and other stress-related diseases
like heart attacks, strokes, cancers, and auto-immune disorders have
skyrocketed in the last few years.
We are at the precipice with nothing to do but jump or perish. Our
psyches are taxed to the point of no return.
We cannot take much
more until we are forced, and the cycle repeats.
They want us divided and angry.
They purposely ratchet up the
violent rhetoric between two sides and push us to choose one, even
if both are awful choices.
Then, they can swoop in to save the day
and claim they are "uniters, not dividers," even though they divided
us all in the first place.
If there is peace and quiet for too long,
they fear we might
regroup, restrengthen,
and revolt...!
If we have ample time to gather
our thoughts and enough of us share notes, the danger for
the powers
that be is that we will wake up, en masse, when too many of us have
worked out how we are manipulated by this insidious cycle.
Historical Examples
It's not hard to look back at historical events and see the problem,
the reaction, and the solution and how it all played out for a
certain goal or agenda of the involved parties.
Given enough time
and water under the bridge - and if we care to scrutinize the facts
when they eventually come out - we can clearly see how crises are
engineered for some goal.
Operation Northwoods
Operation Northwoods is a perfect example of how a crisis is used as
a means to an end, in this case, in the form of a false flag event.
False flags are often at the heart of permacrisis because they work
so well to fool the public into complicit behavior and acceptance
of acts by their own governments that they might never otherwise
have gone along with.
For example, a terrorist attack coordinated by
a country's leaders against their own citizens to place blame on a
country they want to trigger a war with.
According to PublicIntelligence.net,
Operation Northwoods involved a
US government plan in 1962 to stage false flag terrorist attacks
inside the United States and abroad to justify military intervention
in Cuba.
"The plan called for Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) or other
operatives to commit genuine acts of terrorism in US cities and
These acts of terrorism were to be blamed on Cuba in
order to create public support for a war against that nation, which
had recently become communist under Fidel Castro.
One part of the
Operation Northwoods plan was to,
'develop a Communist Cuban terror
campaign in the Miami area, in other Florida cities and even in
Washington'," explains PublicIntelligence.net.
The document was signed by Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Lyman Lemnitzer and presented to US Secretary of Defense
Robert S.
McNamara on 13 March 1962, who then presented it to President John
F. Kennedy, who promptly shot the entire plan down.
Kennedy was
assassinated some months later.
Decades later, the top-secret report
was declassified as part of the John F. Kennedy Assassinations
Records Review Board in 1997.

(Top left) The US Joint Chiefs of Staff 1962 memorandum
Operation Northwoods which
was rejected by President John F Kennedy.
(Top right) Cuban President Fidel Castro.
(Above) US Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara
during the Vietnam War.
Vietnam War
While Northwoods was not given the go ahead to trigger war with
Cuba, Vietnam was a different story.
US Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara was in charge of the
Pentagon during the Vietnam War.
He wrote about US foreign policy
decisions in his book, In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of
Vietnam, admitting that the dangers the Vietnamese presented were
exaggerated and that the loss of South Vietnam never truly
threatened US interests.
McNamara also explained that the theory
about the fall of Vietnam causing a domino effect of countries
falling prey to communism was entirely false.
"We of the Kennedy and Johnson administrations who participated in
the decisions on Vietnam acted according to what we thought were the
principles and traditions of this nation.
We made our decisions in
light of those values. Yet we were wrong, terribly wrong," wrote
Those wrong decisions altered US strategy in late 1967, but it was
too late for President Lyndon Johnson's presidency to overcome the
McNamara also referenced a false flag incident that took place in
the Gulf of Tonkin, which gave him a blank check for the escalation
of US involvement in the war, an escalation that would send tens of
thousands of young American soldiers to fight, only to return home
dead and wounded.
The question remains:
Did McNamara and others know they were "terribly wrong" at the time and let the crisis unfold anyway
because war is always good for the pocketbook?
And was the fact that
Kennedy wanted to pull US forces out of Vietnam, not get more
involved, the reason why the CIA had him assassinated?
At the time, anyone questioning the official narratives about the
Vietnam War was labeled a communist sympathizer, and later a
"conspiracy theorist."
Decades later, with all the new information
coming out, it makes a lot more sense that conspiratorial forces did
work behind the scenes to make sure the war continued - no matter
what lies and manipulation were forced upon the public. In his dying
days, McNamara had the guts to admit it.
Of course, we also now know
the CIA was running
Operation Mockingbird, a large-scale program
that began in the early years of the Cold War to manipulate domestic
news media organizations for propaganda purposes.
The Power of Instability
The state of permacrisis and polycrisis create conditions of fear
and instability that undermine a person's physical, emotional, and
economic security.
There is no firm ground beneath our feet when we
are rocking and reeling from one horrible situation after another.
This leads to heightened hyper-vigilance and fear-based responses, a
constant state of fight-or-flight from some external threat we have
zero control over.
The result is a compliant and submissive populace
who will do just about anything to feel safe and secure again.
One of the most powerful ways permacrisis controls the masses is
through reinforcement, which encourages particular behaviors.
Positive reinforcement alone may be too nice to get the job done,
and negative reinforcement, such as punishment, is too harsh for
controlling people who might otherwise rebel.
reinforcement works like a charm by putting its victims in a sort of
hypnotic 'spell', creating cognitive dissonance using doubt, fear,
anxiety, expectation, and hope as weapons against the mind.
By mixing a tiny bit of positive reinforcement in with the negative,
the person is kept unbalanced.
Those small periods of general peace
between crises, where we celebrate returning to normal, give us hope
and breathing room again before the next round of negative
reinforcement in the form of more fear, anxiety, and instability.
This give-take and push-pull is what creates things like,
The pain and suffering during each crisis leave us begging for just
one crumb of relief to the point where we begin to side with our
captors and abusers, even making excuses for their actions.
In this
manner, we accept even more abuse and crises if we can just get them
to toss us a crumb of normalcy now and then.
This coercive persuasion creates a population of mindless zombies,
numb yet holding onto a tiny sliver of hope deep inside that things
will level off and get better.
It succeeds in modifying human behavior on a grand scale so that it is far easier for the powers
behind the crises to execute their plans and reap the rewards
without too much of a fight.
Until it doesn't work anymore.
Stepping Out of the Crisis Matrix
Using the Hegelian Dialectic (thesis, antithesis,
synthesis, or
problem, reaction, solution), we can see that the problem is the
collective of puppet masters behind the permacrisis...:
The usual suspects...

The reaction is our succumbing to the fear they impose upon us, and
the loss of freedoms as the elites push their thumbs down hard upon
our heads.
One only has to turn on the news to see how we are
reacting to the problem of looming tyranny, fascism, and total
control of our lives.
We turn against each other instead of the ones
oppressing us.
The solution to the problem we are reacting to is in our hands.
really is, and they know it.
We are not powerless against the permacrisis agenda.
We can do much to keep ourselves sane, healthy,
and empowered.
We can step outside the crisis matrix and create a
new reality.
We can demand our leaders remember who they work for
and vote out those who have forgotten.
We can boycott and protest
and put our money where our mouths are.
We can spend less time on our mobile phones and social media
exchanging barbs with those who think differently and more time
cultivating our dreams and fulfilling our goals.

Hating and fighting those different from us or who hold different
opinions, keeps us weak and distracted.
This is their plan.
Right vs.
left, black vs. white, male vs. female...
The key is,
to learn to
observe what is going on and take right action when needed, but not
to engage in the emotional drainsuck - to be in the world but not of
Instead of fighting against something, find out what you stand
Instead of engaging in word and meme warfare, spread
humor and
Staying healthy is the most revolutionary act we can partake in.
When we care better for our bodies and minds and love ourselves and
the people around us, we empower the world.
We can do spiritual work
like prayer and meditation, eat healthier, move our bodies, laugh
more, volunteer, and create stronger communities.
The elites hate it
when we build community and support local businesses, farms,
programs, and services because it means we don't need them as much.
They hate when we strengthen our human bonds..!.
That's why they tested
us with
COVID-19 lockdowns and hint at doing it again in the name of
climate change.
Locking us down in isolation makes us miserable,
scared, and compliant.
Another Perspective
There is another way to look at permacrisis.
What if it's more like
the labour pains of a pregnant woman that get stronger and more
frequent just before the baby moves down the birth canal to be born?
The permacrisis/polycrisis we are dealing with might be intensifying
labour pains of the dying of the old guard and the pending birth of
a new world - not the one the elites dream of but the one that we,
the people, know is possible when we take back our power and
Maybe we are already winning, and they know it.
As Thomas Fazi
"Our desperate rulers are clinging on to a dying world...
aside from being a 'method of government', permacrisis neatly
encapsulates the panic of the Western elite:
it is their global order, their dominant
position in the global food chain, that is under threat."
While imprisoned in 1930 after speaking out against
Italian philosopher and journalist Antonio Gramsci famously wrote:
"The crisis consists precisely in the fact
the old is dying and the new cannot be born; in this interregnum
a great variety of morbid symptoms appear.
The old world is dying away, and the new
world struggles to come forth.
Now is the time of monsters."
It is up to us to slay the monsters...!