by Robert J. Burrowes
January 28, 2025
GlobalResearch Website
Robert J. Burrowes
has a
lifetime commitment to understanding and ending human violence. He
has done extensive research since 1966 in an effort to understand
why human beings are violent and has been a nonviolent activist
since 1981.
He is the author of
'Why Violence?'
email address is
flametree@riseup.net and his website is
here. He is a
regular contributor to 'Global Research'. |

The dangerous delusion
that governments,
including BRICS governments,
are sovereign and can stop
the technocratic takeover
As the geopolitical order is being rapidly reshaped to better serve
Elite interests, most analysts writing on the subject are being
suckered into perceiving
the BRICS,
Brazil, Russia, India, China and
South Africa recently expanded to include Egypt, Ethiopia,
Indonesia, Iran and the United Arab Emirates,
...as some sort of
See, for example:
Ben Norton's claim that 'BRICS...
will change the world'
in BRICS expands with 9 new partner countries
- Now it's half of world population, 41% of global economy.
Professor Jeffrey D. Sachs' claim
that 'BRICS is... a potential opening for a far more peaceful and
secure world order... [and] can be a boon for all countries'
in The BRICS Summit Should Mark the End of Neocon

The claim of
Alfred de Zayas, the first
UN Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable
International Order, that,
'BRICS represents a "new dawn" of
multipolarity' and 'the very existence of BRICS and the
future-oriented Kazan Summit offer an alternative to Western
in The BRICS Summit in Kazan
- A Manifesto for a Rational World Order.
Abayomi Azikiwe's claim
'BRICS represents a historical pattern of efforts to build
alternatives to the existing world capitalist system...
Summit is a manifestation of the international movement towards
ending the domination of the world's peoples by international
finance capital'
in BRICS Declaration Reinforces Call for Multipolarity
- Kazan summit
rejects unilateralism advanced by the West.
Of course, more astute analysts are
clearly seeing through the facade and exposing how the BRICS
countries are simply implementing the same technocratic program as
countries outside the BRICS.
See, for example, Riley Waggaman's
'Would you like to know what BRICS just declared?'
The point is simple:
Beneath any
superficial differences between what BRICS countries (sometimes now
referred to as BRICS+ given the recent accession of another five
members) might be doing that
appears to be reshaping planetary geopolitics into
a multipolar
world order that will somehow supersede
the US-led unipolar world
lies a deeper and
darker truth...
This truth is that
the Global Elite,
is rapidly and progressively
transforming the entire world into a planetary technocracy populated
by transhuman slaves.
This means that perceptions that are
limited to longstanding worldviews that see the world as statist
and/or capitalist/socialist, for example, miss or misperceive the
profound changes that are taking place.
government, including those of the BRICS countries, is resisting
these profound changes.
No government, including those of the BRICS
countries, will resist these profound changes.
The geopolitical world does not
revolve around sovereign nation-states because no nation is
That is,
no government of a nation-state is able to
exercise independent and ultimate authority over all of its
(internal and external) affairs.
Of course, this has long been the
case as explained by preeminent historian
Carroll Quigley
in his classic work published in 1966.
Tragedy and Hope
- A History of the World in Our Time. pp.5-6.
'[T]he powers of financial
capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to
create a world system of financial control in private hands able
to dominate the political system of each country and the economy
of the world as a whole.
This system was to be controlled in a
feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in
concert by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private
meetings and conferences.
The apex of the system was to be the
Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Basle, Switzerland, a
private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks
which were themselves private corporations…
'It must not be felt that these
heads of the world's chief central banks were themselves
substantive powers in world finance. They were not.
Rather, they
were the technicians and agents of the dominant investment
bankers of their own countries, who had raised them up and were
perfectly capable of throwing them down.
The substantive
financial powers of the world were in the hands of these
investment bankers (also called 'international' or 'merchant'
bankers) who remained largely behind the scenes in their own
unincorporated private banks.
These formed a system of
international cooperation and national dominance which was more
private, more powerful, and more secret than that of their
agents in the central banks.'
Apart from Quigley's extensive and
invaluable book, you can read a reasonable summary of how Elite
power - politically, economically, socially and militarily - was
gained and is being exercised
in Historical Analysis of the Global Elite
- Ransacking the World
Economy Until 'You'll Own Nothing.'

in the case of 'democratic' countries at least, you are
meant to believe that 'your' government is, indeed, free to make
decisions governing your security and well-being and that you have
certain rights, including voting rights, to have a say in
determining the government of the country in which you live.
To conceal the reality that no
nation is sovereign, governments have long been empowered to make
decisions about minor matters (which may still have critical impact
on some populations) that have no bearing on the fundamental Elite
program while any significant 'decisions' made by governments are
confined to endorsing Elite directives and mobilizing the relevant
agents in government, bureaucracies, the media, the military and
elsewhere to implement the latest components of the Elite program.
So until you recognize that
governments at all levels - and the international institutions with
which you are most familiar, starting with the United Nations
(UN) and
the World Health Organization (WHO) - are merely window-dressing or
'shadow puppets' that are designed to distract you from the real
bases of power in the world system, then you will continue to
misunderstand what is happening, who is driving it and how it is
being done.
And any effort you make to resist the rampant violence
and injustice inherent in what is happening, will fail.
And that is precisely what the
Elite intends...!
After all, the most effective way
to thwart opposition to any program is to make sure that any
potential opponents do not understand the rules of the game
(including, in this case, who exercises effective power in the world
system) while making sure that these potential opponents are given a
lot of noisy and colorful distractions (such as regular elections
and other party-political processes, not to mention art and sport in
various forms) to keep the bulk of them occupied at the same time.
The recent US presidential election
has been a perfect example of this distraction, with a vast range of
commentary on a wide range of superficial changes and only the
rarest analyst even noting the number and range of wealthy
technocrats appointed by
Donald Trump to play key roles in his new
administration let alone explaining the significance of this.
In essence, it is better for the
Elite to have you putting all your passion and energy into fighting
on a field of battle that is utterly irrelevant and to keep you
unaware of where the real battlefield lies.
What better way to neutralize all
opposition than to have it focused on the wrong 'game'?
The Rapidly Advancing Planetary
While many authors have been
discussing the rapid advance of the planetary technocracy in recent
years, and specialists such as Patrick Wood have been warning us for
much longer - see 'Technocracy News & Trends' - there is no doubt it remains a
topic that is incredibly poorly understood.

Possible scenario of
smart and sustainable
(Licensed under CC
BY-SA 4.0)
This means that the threat posed by
the changes being imposed on us go largely unrecognized.
invasive technologies include,
digital identity (to which will be
attached your 'social credit score')
Central Bank Digital
Currencies (CBDCs)
geofenced imprisonment in a
'smart city'
24-hour surveillance using
three-dimensional facial recognition cameras (which capture
your unique 'face print')
spying on us through a vast network of
'smart' devices (computers, televisions, refrigerators... as well as
social media platforms, smart street poles and lights) connected
5G/6G and the
Internet of Things
controlling our movements
through a parallel range of technologies including,
driverless cars
vehicle kill switches
drones (used as
aerial police)
robots (including as a 'deadly force
autonomous and
electromagnetic weapons
Beyond these threats,
...and other
technologies are being used to reshape planetary life profoundly, to
your detriment.

But if you do not already have a
clear grasp of the historical origin and development of the
technocratic dangers that are now rapidly undermining,
human life
...you can get an excellent
understanding from Patrick Wood's most recent book on the subject
The Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism or fine
overviews in this recent article by Joshua Stylman
'The Technocratic Blueprint - A Century in the Making' or this
two-part series by Jesse Smith:
And if you still do not believe
that BRICS and all other countries are implementing the Elite's
technocratic program, you can read more in articles such as these,
starting with the recent BRICS summit declaration in October 2024:
BRICS Summit 2024 Kazan Declaration,
Multilateralism for Just Global Development and Security'.
If you cannot immediately perceive
the commitment of BRICS countries to the Elite's technocracy,
Riley Waggaman spells it
See 'Would you like to know what BRICS just
But Waggaman has also previously
explained in some detail how the Russian government is busy imposing
the Elite's technocracy on Russians.
'Is Putin in cahoots with the globalists?'
As for China, in the words of Iain
Davis, China is the world's 'first technate'.
In fact, this has been
systematically facilitated by the West following the rise to power
of Deng Xiaoping after Mao's death in 1976...
China was effectively
infiltrated by US members of the
Trilateral Commission (known as 'Trilateralists')
to influence the development path in China and, for example, since
'The Israeli government and Israeli defence contractors have
consistently acted as facilitators for the transfer of the most
sensitive Western defence and surveillance technology to China.'
'China - The World's First Technate - Part 2'.
So if Russia and China are already
advanced technocratic states,
what about other BRICS countries...?
Well, even if we consider just
three of the most critical foundational components necessary to
build a technocratic state,
...it turns out that the
other BRICS countries are all well advanced.
Despite the well-documented
electromagnetic dangers of 5G, the technology has already been
extensively rolled out in these countries:
Digital identity is also well advanced:
In relation to CBDCs, Brazil, India
and South Africa all have advanced pilot programs or are in the
process of implementation.
If you wonder about the most recent
members of the BRICS, a quick search will confirm their heavy
involvement in imposing the Elite's technocracy, starting with the
three foundational components nominated above.
In relation to Iran,
for example, deployment of 5G, digital identity and CBDCs is well
In summary,
all national
governments along with their relevant corporate allies are involved
in the process of building the technocratic infrastructure that
will, one day soon, enslave those of us left alive in a 'smart city'
If you want further evidence, just
do an internet search specifying a country and a technology (5G,
digital ID, CBDCs, facial recognition, geofencing…) and/or check out
the progress of your nearest city in its transformation into a
'smart city'.
Defending Ourselves Against the Advancing Technocracy
It is going to take enormous effort
to defend ourselves against the political, economic, social,
technological and other changes which are now being rapidly imposed
upon us.

This is because
'The Global Elite is Insane Revisited', and virtually all humans
are utterly submissive as an outcome of the violence they each
suffered during childhood.
And whether or not you act in
response to other Elite projects being carried out in other parts of
the world, resisting the advancing technocracy is crucial for your
own future:
'Fighting for Our Humanity, Fighting for Our Future'.
'We Are Human We Are
Free' identifies the strategic action necessary to defend
yourself from this technocracy,
...with critical actions explained most simply, on the
Human - We are Free' one-page flyer, available in 23 languages:

No government is free of Elite
Governments are simply Elite agents doing what they are
told by various Elite agents in banking, foreign policy, technology
and other contexts.
Fundamentally, the Elite program is
killing off the bulk of the human population and using a range of
technologies to technocratically enslave those transhumans left
alive in a 'smart city' prison.
This program advances rapidly while
our ignorance and fear means that most people fail to perceive the
true nature of the threats, who is driving them and what is
necessary to resist them effectively.
This means that even those people
who claim to be aware are usually trapped taking some powerless
action (such as signing a petition to a government, changing their
vote at the next election, demonstrating in the street...) rather than
acting powerfully to defend themselves against the Elite by
resisting its imperatives.
The reality is that,
you can defend
yourself quite effectively by taking the actions nominated in 'We
Are Human We Are Free' but we need enough people taking these
actions to defeat the entire program or the Elite will simply use
its transhuman and robot agents to hunt us down once those who
readily complied are already dead or imprisoned.
Our fight is with the Global Elite...
not your government, an international organization or anyone else...!