by Peter Koenig
December 10,
GlobalResearch Website
Peter Koenig is a geopolitical analyst and a former
Senior Economist at the World Bank and the World Health
Organization (WHO), where he has worked for over 30
years on water and environment around the world.
lectures at universities in the US,
Europe and South America.
writes regularly for online journals and is the author
several books. He is a Research Associate of the Centre
for Research on Globalization. |

Inga - stock.adobe
"You are not
against the mRNA
and Covid
What is the Infamous
Agenda ID2020?
Behind its development is the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation -
with support of the Rockefeller Foundation - and others belonging to
the sinister all-digitization, depopulation and eugenics agenda.
It is an alliance of public-private partners, including UN agencies
and civil society.
It's an electronic ID-program that uses generalized vaccination
against Covid-19 as a platform for digital identity.
It is an all-electronic ID - linking everything to everything of
each individual (records of health, criminal, banking, personal and
private, etc.), being managed by a state agency or in extremis, by
the private sector - Imagine - an insurance company or bank handling
your private records, converted into an electronic and eventually
"chipped" ID.
Privatization of your personal records may sound far-fetched, but
the Swiss government tried to get a privatized Agenda ID2020 quietly
past the people. But the people found out and launched a referendum
against Agenda ID2020. The idea was rejected with a margin of 2:1 in
July 2021.
What will happen next? - Will the Swiss Government respect the vote
of the people, or following the mandate from the Deep Dark State
Germany, Austria and France - and probably others, implemented
ID2020 through Parliament or by decree - most people have no idea.
Implementation of Agenda ID2020 links into - or emerged from - Klaus
Schwab's (WEF) infamous "Covid-19 - The Great Reset"- which, by the
way, is available from Amazon (or was, when I last checked).
If it
has been taken off and censored, perhaps by the very author - it
would be no surprise.
Digital Tyranny with Peter Koenig
World War III
In the meantime, we live literally in a WWIII scenario, where
countries' Constitutions are either outlawed, or simply overrun by
dictatorial measures that advance so fast that civil movements are
in many cases too late to intervene - simply because civil society -
even the alert ones - haven't noticed.
It happens silently.
Either by decree, or by coopted and/or coerced Parliaments. A sort
of Health Martial Law is being implemented basically everywhere in
the world, with emphasis on the west.
And most of the public at large has no idea.
Rockefeller-Gates Funded WHO Sponsored Vaxx-Certificate Passport
The Gates and Rockefeller Foundations are financing WHO's guidelines
for a digital international Vaccination Certificate, also called
"Vaccination Passport".
In the context of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, the
concept of Digital Documentation of COVID-19 Certificates (DDCC) is
proposed as a mechanism by which a person's COVID-19-related health
data can be digitally documented via an electronic certificate.
A digital vaccination certificate that documents a person's current
vaccination status to protect against COVID-19 can then be used for
continuity of care or as proof of vaccination for purposes other
than health care.
The resulting artefact of
this approach is referred to as the Digital Documentation of
COVID-19 Certificates: Vaccination Status (DDCC:VS). (WHO, Executive
Summary, emphasis added)
Surprisingly or perhaps not so surprisingly, the international "Vaxx-certificate
/ passport" is not funded by WHO's member countries, as one might
expect, but by Gates and Rockefeller. That's significant.
WHO has published and distributed to all member countries on 27
August 2021 the guidelines for the introduction of an international
digital "Vaccination Certificate / Passport" - as well as
Implementation Guidelines.

Joe Biden's
All-Vaxx Mandate
As an apparent consequence, the
Biden Administration issued an all-vaxx
mandate - requesting all enterprises with 100 or more employees, to
demand that their employees be vaccinated, or else...
For non-compliance, huge
fines are threatened. The same for the two million-plus government
employees. In total, some 100 million Americans are affected by this
draconian mandate.
Biden follows the orders
of Rockefeller et al.
This requirement will apply to,
over 80 million
workers in private sector businesses, the White House said...
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
(CMS) will require COVID-19 vaccinations for workers in most
healthcare facilities...
This requirement will
impact over 17 million healthcare workers at hospitals and other
facilities that take these patients....
The administration will require that teachers and staff in Head
Start Programs, Department of Defense schools, and Bureau of Indian
Education-operated schools be vaccinated.
Biden will also call on all states to adopt vaccine requirements for
all school employees.
Biden's plan calls on entertainment venues like sports arenas, large
concert halls, and others where large groups of people gather to
require that patrons be vaccinated or show a negative coronavirus
test in order to enter.
The European
Union (EU) and Switzerland
The Swiss and other EU countries also as a result of the WHO-issued
vaxx-certificate/passport, mandate banning access to most indoor
activities - including restaurants, gyms and cinemas - as of 13
September, without a vaxx-certificate.
This is totally against the Nuremberg Code (animal testing of drugs
and vaccines before applying on humans) and contradicts all
democratic Constitutions.
Countries' Constitutions worldwide are
overrun and "disabled" by a tyranny that functions with enormous
power - deadly threats and possibly highly seductive and corruptive
Never in memory of human history has such a worldwide dictatorship
It emerged in less than 12 months and has subjugated - I
repeat myself - all 193 UN member countries, including the entire UN
system at once.
The Vaccination Certificate/Passport may eventually be chipped
into people's bodies (Klaus Schwab, WEF, in a 2016 interview with
Swiss TV Geneva - recently "erased" from internet).
See this:
Dr. Astrid Stueckelberger, former WHO:
You are Being Chipped...
The Vaxx-certificate may
form the basis for a worldwide digital identity registration.
As a parenthesis, both WHO vaxx-certificate financing foundations
are headed by currently the world's most visible eugenists,
Rockefeller, using WHO to further their agenda...
Most of the WHO member states are not directly involved.
It should also be mentioned that the creation of
WHO in 1948 was
Rockefeller's idea, with all the money he had accumulated with his
Standard Oil hydrocarbon (mostly petrol and gas) monopoly, the
creation and subsequent integration of WHO into the UN system was
relatively "easy" - with "easy" in quotes.
Money buys also
the UN.
With WHO as part of the UN, an official UN institution is in charge
of the world's health - or diseases - exactly what eugenists want.
World Bank is also an important player in this colossal criminal
plan - because it has the power over the poorer so-called
"developing countries" - to pressure them with 'conditionalities' in
return for financial support.
The usual...
The same as
the IMF -
their roles are essentially interchangeable.
Scenario without Bombs and Guns
In brief, we are indeed living in a WWIII scenario - without bombs
and guns, directed against all Humanity
An invisible - and never isolated - virus:
Propaganda, the Fear
Campaign and the "Vaccine" are their Weapons of Mass Destruction - WMD...
What these measures do - "Vaccination Certificate/Passport" for
the jabbed - is to separate society into the "good ones", the
"vaccinated" ones; and the "bad guys", those who are not vaccinated,
do not intend to get the deadly jab, and thus, do not deserve the vaxx-certificate/passport.
According to the lie-mongering governments - all 193 UN member
countries whose governments have been coopeted in a long preparation
period - would like you to believe that the non-vaccinated are a
danger for society.
This is nonsense, because according to the CDC, and repeated by the
same UN member countries, jabbed people also transmit the
What 'virus'...?
Separating society is an age-old war strategy (at least back to the
Roman Empire):
"Divide et Impera" - "Divide and conquer"...
So that
the people divide and fight each other, instead of their common
enemy - which in this fake covid-case are our very governments, all
193 UN member governments - at once...
Agenda ID2020 is the chief instrument for implementing
the WEF's
Great Reset
Implementation Progress is advancing fast.
This is how:
According to the
Fifth Column's Spanish Research Team, about 90% or more of the "vaxx-fluid"
in the mRNA-formula consists
of Graphene.
Graphene is the
secret of the Agenda ID2020 - which was patented by Gates with a
(luciferian) patent No. 666.
Triple-six, 666, is also the chemical formula of graphene itself
- 6 molecules attached in a ring, attached to other such rings.
The symbol they're using is 3 attached rings.
Graphene inoculated by the mRNA-injection, forms immediately a
neural net in the brain. It is a one molecule thick net that
spontaneously grows around the brain from the graphene contained
in the vaxx.
Electromagnetic waves emanating from the soon millions of
5G /
6G antennas around the world, are supposed to convert humans
into "transhumans" (term used by Klaus Schwab, in his interview
with the Swiss-French TV in 2016.
The internet link to
the interview has since been "fact-checked" out.
This may explain the enormous time-pressure behind the vaxx-drive;
because once you are injected with the mRNA-concoction you are
affected in one way or another.
Either your health is
endangered, or as outlined by
Klaus Schwab (video below)
you may become a "transhuman" which can be manipulated by robots
and/or Artificial Intelligence (AI).
This is a shorter version
of the video:

The Deep State
So, you may ask:
"Genocide" or "Slavery"...?
What do the elites - the
Deep State - plan for us?
The elites are members or associates and adherents to
the WEF and
the WEF's philosophy, the banking and corporate elites.
The answer is both...

Mortality and morbidity resulting from the mRNA-jabs coupled with
"enslavement" or "trans-humanization", for the survivors.
It's all well thought out. Since over 70 years.
We may just hope that we are not too late in stopping this massive
onslaught of,
assets and capital from the lower and middle level of
society to the top, by bankruptcies, joblessness, disease,
and death by neglect and suicide...
Already ongoing...
"You are not
During the commenting and Q & A session of the Global Research
webinar debate (September 9, 2021), involving 245 participants,
there were several desperate and abandoned sounding voices - what to
They have nobody to
talk to.
They do not want the jab.
They realize it can be harmful and deadly.
If its not immediately
"deadly", it may have innumerable serious "side-effects" - health
defects that may never be cured - and foremost, the
mRNA-experimental gene-modifying inoculation may render both women
and men infertile.
The latter coincides with the
eugenists' agenda.
You are not alone - about half of the population of the western
world have not been vaccinated.
They know the risks; they fear the risk of the injection, but they
do not fear getting sick with Covid-19, alias SARS-CoV-2 - which,
according to Dr.
Anthony Fauci's own words in a peer-reviewed
scientific paper, is about comparable to a common flu ("Covid-19 - Navigating the
Uncharted" - New England Journal of Medicine - NEJM,
26 March 2020).
They fear the deadliness
of the mRNA-injection.
You are not alone -
there are millions, tens of millions, out there who feel the
same way.
Start communicating with each other.
What we need is to overcome this crime of biblical proportions,
What we need is to develop a worldwide people's solidarity
movement integrating all sectors of society (between the vaxxed
and the non-vaxxed) with the support of real law enforcement
(police) and members of the military.
Once law enforcement
officials (police) as well as members of the military realize that
they and their families are also threatened, they will exercise
their true role, which consists in defending the interests of the
people, rather than those of proxy politicians and "criminal
governments", which have solely one Globalist goal.
The latter consists in
converting sovereign countries into a One World Order, ruled by a
small extremely wealthy elite to the detriment of the surviving
people which this elite intends to manipulate and transform with
electromagnetic waves and the injected graphene oxide into "transhumans".
We have to prevent their war strategy of "Divide et Impera" -
"Divide and Rule" from taking hold.
Instead, those who are
"vaccinated" should unite with the non-vaccinated in solidarity to
fight the common enemy.
We don't have much time, but we can do it.
We can obliterate the thrust of Agenda ID2020 in a state of awakened
In an elevated mindset.
Not one of submission to the elite's
"diabolical agenda", but one of elation, one of hope and light.
We shall overcome.