by Susan Bradford
May 02, 2021
JamesFetzer Website
Susan Bradford is the author of 'Royal
Blood Lies':
Inside Story on How the Rothschilds Took Over the
British Monarchy, Purged Royals, Created Puppet Leaders,
Waged Revolutions, Corrupted Morals and Institutions,
Plundered Wealth, Created False Realities, and Pitted
Nations, Societies, and Peoples Against Each Other in a
Ruthless, Megalomaniacal Quest for World Domination.
website is
here. |

is Seeking to
Depopulation Agenda...
The Venetians were once the most powerful maritime force in Europe,
with an Empire that traversed the Eurasian continent.
By aligning with
mercenary armies of
Khazars, Mongolians and Turks, they
slashed and burned their way through one community after another,
killing millions of people and seizing their wealth.
In the process, they
established trade routes that would later be resurrected in the
Silk and Road Initiative, linking
Eurasia with the Middle East through Israel.
Given their rapaciousness, heresy, disregard for convention, human
life, and rule of law, and indulgence in the dark, occult arts, the
Venetian empire fell to chaos, infighting, and pirate-upon-pirate
They had established
transnational spy networks throughout the Eurasian continent to
alert them to threats, giving the the advantage in war and conquest.
Armed with a single-minded desire to amass the world's wealth and
power within their own hands and rule over the subjugated masses as
tyrants who answered to no one but themselves, they endeavored to
topple legitimate governments and Monarchs and implant themselves
into positions of power.
Becoming the ultimate rulers of the world required supplanting the
divine right to rule, which was based upon initiation and bloodline,
with "Enlightened" rulers rejecting God and replacing
legitimate, lawful governments with the illegitimate and the
The Vatican, which was controlled by powerful merchant families,
first attempted to claim the authority to confer the "divine right
to rule" upon rulers.
The opportunistic
Rothschild patriarch acquired knowledge of the agenda in play and
co-opted it to place his family and bloodlines in line to rule over
all of humanity.
The tactics involved,
occult black magic,
endless war and revolution, the exploitation of grievances for
the purposes of income redistribution from others to themselves;
debt, compromise, assassinations, and the corruption of public
virtue for private (their) gain.
Through each war,
revolution, and skirmish, they reorganized more of society's
wealth and power under their control.
Fascism, Communism, Marxism, socialism, revolution, and pitting
people against each other were all Rothschild tactics pursued to
divide the enemy (humanity) while they (the Rothschild
bloodlines and agents) remains unified in purpose.

After Rothschild successfully
bankrolled the American
French Revolutions,
agent, Napoleon Bonaparte
governments around Europe,
Rothschild "helpfully" bankrolling
sides of the war,
governments in debt
under the control of the Rothschilds.
Dynamite Blows Up Europe
Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812) founded the
House of Rothschild in Frankfurt am
Main, an imperial city within the Holy Roman Empire.
Quickly he joined the
Oppenheimer Bank, which provided him access to princes within the
Holy Roman Empire, the British Monarchy, and the East India Company.
Through these
connections, the covetous Rothschild wannabe became banker to elites
and aristocrats with a view to separating them from their wealth and
becoming the wealthiest man in Europe.
By financing the American Revolution and revolutions throughout
Latin America and elsewhere, the Rothschilds separated colonies from
their Monarchies, weakening both in the process while placing their
respective governments in Rothschild debt.
Once in debt, the
Rothschilds attempted to control the money supply in those countries
through a central bank while promoting a rational Enlightened
government in the form of a republic, based upon the Platonic
model in which the elite held all the wealth and power and the
people were stripped of their wealth and denied a say in their own
Bankrolling the French Revolution, which drew upon the
principles of the rational Enlightenment, helped the
Rothschilds eliminate rival aristocrats and steal their wealth, with
the treasures of aristocrats finding their way into Rothschild
Each successive war and revolution, which were based upon
manufactured grievances, enabled the Rothschilds to reorganize
society under Rothschild control and claim more of the wealth that
belonged to others for themselves.
Understanding that
the Vatican carried "moral
authority" from God from which it attempted to confer upon
rulers the "divine right to rule," the Rothschilds took aim at the
Vatican - and the British Monarchy, which legitimately held the
divine right, independent of the Pope, and which had chartered
the East India Company.
While the EIC had been launched as a simple trading company to help
the Merchants of London acquire more markets in the North American
colonies and elsewhere in the world, the Venetians infiltrated EIC
ranks and transformed this benevolent company into an imperialistic
force for conquest for the British Empire over which the Venetians
sought to rule.
Having successfully waged the American Revolution,
which separated the Monarch from its colonies, the Rothschilds set
their sights on financial control of the Vatican and the British
royal family.
They also betrayed the
princes of the Holy Roman Empire who had given the Rothschilds the
leverage and connections to forge their predatory banking careers.
Through the Frankfurt post office, which had been erected by
Venetians for the purposes of intelligence gathering, Rothschild was
able to intercept correspondence among leaders and rivals to help
him win wars and fell his opponents.
The Rothschilds would
later build upon existing Venetian spy networks to manipulate troop
movements through the Eurasian continent and elsewhere to achieve
the result they sought.
The dynasty built upon
these networks to create modern day intelligence agencies that
served Rothschild financial interests over national interests,
...among others.
During the Napoleonic Wars, Venice was used as a bargaining
chip for the Rothschilds who had dislodged aristocrats and Monarchs
through revolutions and coups and implanted puppet governments in
their place.
This time, Austria
swapped Lombardy for Venice and then implanted its own people into
power within the Venetian government, with the Rothschilds
controlling Austria through finance.
Concluding that the Venetian rulers were privileged, but uneducated
and undisciplined opportunists who owed their position to nepotism,
inheritance, and plunder, the Austrians would not allow the
Venetians to claim responsible positions within the new government,
no doubt spurring more grievances among them which Rothschild could
exploit later.
In this way, the
Rothschild dislodged some of the remaining Venetian royal families
from the lagoon.
With the Rothschilds bankrolling all sides of the Napoleonic Wars,
French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte dismantled the Austrian
Empire and established obedient puppet rulers.
Lombardy was one of the largest commercial centers in Europe.
The Lombard Kingdom was
ruled by German Lombards who controlled most of Italy since their
invasion of Byzantine Italy in 568. The Lombards had once ruled all
of Italy, with the exception of the Vatican and Venice - and now the
Rothschilds were on the track to rule them all.
Having stolen the wealth and treasures of fallen aristocrats and
placed targeted nations into debt through war, revolutions, and
infrastructure projects, the Rothschilds purchased aristocratic
titles for themselves so that they could have the rank of nobles
whose status they desperately coveted.
During the Battle of Waterloo, which ended Napoleon's
campaign through Europe, the Rothschilds crashed the British stock
market, enabling them to buy breeding rights into
the British Royal family.
Much to her dismay, Queen Victoria went on to produced illegitimate
Rothschild bastard heirs, through rape, who proceeded to destroy
Great Britain and marry themselves into Royal families throughout
The Rothschilds were, by then, well on their way to becoming
aristocrats, but in name, purchased title, and with stolen wealth.
They affected the airs of
the nobles while remaining entirely degenerate, vulgar, uncouth, and
unworthy. Instead of serving as noble stewards of society, they were
predatory snakes who thought only of themselves.
In 1817, Austria became the first country to grant the dynasty a
coat of arms.
This honor was conferred
upon Solomon Rothschild as a reward for financing Kaiser
Ferdinand's Nordham rail links, Austria's first steam railway, and
other government projects.
The design submitted by
the Rothschilds separated the crest into four quadrants, including:
an eagle
(representing Imperial and Royal Austrians)
a leopard
(representing English Royalty)
a lion
(representing their Hessian conquest)
a hand clutching
five arrows (a symbol of the unity among the five Rothschild
brothers who could seek to divide Europe among themselves)
The following year, the
English granted a coat of arms to Nathan Rothschild and his
Four years later, the Rothschilds were granted the title of "Baron"
through Austrian Imperial Decree.

London-educated Karl Marx
provided the intellectual foundation
Rothschild-driven revolutions
power grabs
The French (Venetian) rational Enlightenment spread throughout
Europe, promoting feminism, social justice, and Marxist culture
critiques designed to weaken the family and foment revolution to
weaken societies for ultimate conquest under Rothschild tyranny.
Salons, an Italian
invention of the 16th century, emerged to promote
revolutionary principles that would later devour Europe completely.
Wherever there was a Rothschild, the salons would increase in
notoriety and popularity.
Heralded as intellectual
social gatherings for the elite, they promoted the principles of the
rational Enlightenment, often drawing in well meaning people
inspired by the lofty principles and ideals espousing fairness,
equality, and representative governments, buzz words used to appeal
to the higher aspirations of people but which cloaked sinister
Rothschild power grabs.
With generous financing from Rothschild and his allies, revolutions
that were inspired by the rational Enlightenment continued to
spread throughout Europe in 1848.
While professing to be
democratic and liberal in nature, these movements were directed at
removing old monarchical structures, which supported legitimate
Christian rulers, and creating independent nation states controlled
by the Rothschilds.
Over 50 countries were
affected, with tens of thousands of people losing their lives.
Disgusted with the vile Rothschilds, Queen Victoria secretly
maintained the true Royal bloodline through a secret marriage - a
legitimate heir the Rothschilds attempted, but failed, to
Russian Tsar Alexander II was made godparent to the future
Queen Victoria, who was baptized Alexandrina Victoria.
Alexander shared Queen
Victoria's efforts to preserve the christian Monarchy through a
"Third Rome" to spur a revival of christianity.

The Antichrist was a long Venetian goal
displacing the spiritual power of Jesus over Europe
the temporal power of a tyrant
drew his/her power from the occult.
Stirrings of
the Antichrist
Among the Russian novelists to espouse the Third Rome
doctrine was
Vladimir Solovyov.
An active member of the
Society for the Promotion of Culture Among the Jews of Russia,
Soloviev built bridges between Judaism and Christianity, reflecting
that the natural state of affairs between Jews and Christians was
one of harmony and friendship, one the Rothschilds sought to replace
with enmity and distrust.
In his apocalyptic
Tale of the Anti-Christ, which
was subtitled A Fable of the Deceiver, Soloviev warned of an
evil force that sought to conquer Christian Russia.
He characterized the
force as,
"Pan-Mongolism - the
unification of all the races of Eastern Asia with the aim of
conducting a decisive war against foreign intruders, that is,
against Europeans."
The Mongolians were the
mercenaries of the Venetians who drew upon power from their occult,
including Satanic rituals, for the purposes of casting,
"a new Mongolian
yoke" over Europe.
Soloviev wrote about the
signs of the Satanic deceiver in The Open Path to World Peace and
The Antichrist, he said, would be a
seemingly well intentioned person who promised freedom but delivered
slavery; preached universal rights but imposed tyranny; promoted
world government to vanquish war for peace; and preached scarcity
over abundance.
The devils, he observed, were radicals, reformers, and
revolutionaries who promised enlightenment, peace, and prosperity
while delivering destruction, poverty, and eternal darkness.
The Antichrist, he said, would deliver a "manifesto" which,
governments to join the United States of Europe under the
supreme authority of the Roman Emperor."
Since the fall of the
Roman Empire, the Venetians had sought to resurrect the Roman Empire
under their control.
As aspiring world
the Rothschilds attempted to
fulfill the agenda.
After the World Wars had
laid waste to Europe, killing tens of millions of people with
generous financing provided by the Rothschilds and their allies in
Wall Street and governments, the dynasty promoted the European
Coal and Steel Community, which became the basis for
the European Union as a next step
towards the restoration of Rome.
The Rothschilds were the shadow power behind such groups as,
...which recruited heads
of state and government, UN administrators, politicians, and
government officials, diplomats, scientists, economists, and
business leaders who could help them implement their agenda.
In 1972, the Club of Rome published
Limits to Growth which
recommended eliminating "surplus populations" and de-industrializing
society so the Rothschilds could ration resources to reduce people
to a subsistence levels while the Rothschilds and the chosen few
enjoyed the life of effete aristocrats with unrestrained abundance
on the backs of everyone else.

The Rothschild depopulation agenda
been acknowledged by H.G. Wells,
many others who were privy to it.
Among the founders of the Club of Rome was
David Rockefeller, an heir to
the Standard Oil fortune, who was both a rival and friend to Jacob
In order to rule the world, the Rothschilds concluded, populations
needed to be kept within manageable numbers.
After the World Wars,
Richard von Coudenhoe-Kalergi mapped out an agenda for European
genocide, known as the
Kalergi Plan.
"The European man of
the future will be of mixed race," Kalgeri wrote.
"Today's races and
classes will disappear owing to the disappearing of nations,
time, and prejudice.
The Eurasian-Negroid
race of the future, similar in its outward appearance to the
Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a
diversity of individuals."
The Rothschilds had
effectively co-opted the agenda of the Venetians and their mercenary
Khazarian, Mongolian, and Turkish horde armies for world conquest.
The mixed raced son of an Austrian father and Japanese mother,
Kalgeri was an enthusiastic proponent of European integration - that
is, the elimination of the national sovereignty so that a
supranational structure could be built over Europe, creating a
European common market with a European army, European economy, and a
European political structure run by Rothschild-managed bureaucrats
who owed no allegiance to any nation.
Wealth and privileges were to be stripped from the people, with
revenues redistributed to Rothschild interests.
Within this view, the elite sought to claim all the power and wealth
of the world for themselves while stripping the people of all their
power, property, and rights, not unlike the Great Reset the
Rothschilds and their agent, World Economic Forum founder Klaus
Schwab is promoting today.
As a supporter of the Kalgeri plan,
the Rothschilds sought to
Islamicize Europe by allowing Muslims, who had been radicalized
through foreign meddling of the East India Company, to cross through
the Turkey land bridge and into Europe - and then have free,
visa-free movement around the continent through the
Schenegen Agreement, allowing them to tap out welfare programs intended
for Europeans and attack Jews and Christians.
While the Rothschilds secretly weaponized radical Islam against the
West, they mobilized Zionists against Islam to preserve Judeo-
Christian civilization, pitting races and religions against each
other as part of a divide-and-conquer strategy to lay waste to the
West and its populations.
Kalgeri Plan
was conceived by Austrian Baron Louis
Nathaniel, Baron de Rothschild who introduced Kalgeri to Max
Warburg, who, in turn, financed Kalgeri's pan-European efforts.
Another Kalgeri supporter was "Wild Bill" Donovan, the
founder of the Office of Strategic Services, a precursor to the CIA,
which helped launch Rothschild bloodline Mao Tse-tung's Communist
Revolution, setting the stage for Communist China, which was to be
secretly controlled by the Rothschilds, to lead
the New World Order after
American exceptionalism
and reducing the United States to
a bankrupt welfare state (Biden
is doing it today...).
The Russian Revolution was fomented against the Russian government,
with financing provided by the Rothschilds and Jacob Schiff,
a banker who had been linked with the Rothschilds since the 1800s,
with both families occupying the same building within the Jewish
ghetto in Frankfurt am Main.
Schiff would later establish Kuhn, Loeb & Co., an extension of the
Rothschild banking empire, and hire Paul Warburg who established the
Federal Reserve Bank
(FED), which placed the finances and monetary policy
of the United States under the control of the Rothschilds.
In the ensuing decades, the federal government would be looted of
trillions of dollars, with
the Rothschilds
and their agents
rapaciously plundering the public's assets.
The Rothschilds envisioned a global tyrannical welfare state run by
their taxpayer-subsidized corporations, with the dynasty hording all
the assets and controlling all the levers of power.
Renowned socialist author H.G. Wells depicted this future in
New World Order
Open Conspiracy.
"This new and
complete Revolution we contemplate can be defined in a very few
words. It is outright world-socialism; scientifically planned
and directed...
Countless people will
hate the new world order and will die protesting against it.
When we attempt to
evaluate its promise, we have to bear in mind the distress of a
generation or so of malcontents.
The term
‘internationalism' has been popularized in recent years to cover
an interlocking financial, political and economic world force
for the purpose of establishing a World Government."

The Coronavirus
out after the "sickness"
the British Monarchy
Rothschild's Coronavirus
To call the coronavirus "the Wuhan flu" or the "China virus" is an
affront to the Chinese.
More accurately, it is
the Rothschild virus, with the dynasty pulling the
strings of the Communist Chinese, to provide cover for the global
economic bubble, punish the world for resisting its global control
with yet more oppressive measures, and pit the West against China as
part of yet another all too predictable divide-and-conquer strategy.
All was on track for Rothschild's new world order until evidence was
uncovered in London concerning the illegitimacy of Queen
Elizabeth II, which, in turn, exposed, the illegitimacy of all
the Rothschild puppet governments around the world. And just like
that, a scheme centuries in the making, was poised to unravel,
resulting in massive arrests and prosecutions for all concerned.
The Rothschild agenda had been exposed during the
As a Rothschild
bloodline, President Bill Clinton failed to act upon it -
though he teamed up with Congressman Tom DeLay to help secure
China's membership in the World Trade Organization.
Both were determined to
champion corporate America's interest in Communist China over the
welfare of the United States and its people.
The stealth war against the people - the
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars,
which had been launched with the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II -
was now out in the open and moving ahead at rapid speed, to
implement the agenda before the agenda could be derailed.
The second Bush
and Obama Administrations furiously rammed through the agenda
to fundamentally transform the United States, with Hillary Clinton
poised to preside over its collapse as President.
And then God intervened, with
Donald Trump
beating all
odds to become President, giving humanity a second chance.
Just like that, the Rothschilds who had paraded themselves around
like the second coming of Christ, were on the offensive. They were
not about to go quietly.
Public records reveal that the United States issued a patent for
the coronavirus (along with a
prospective vaccine) to the Pirbright Institute, a UK-based research
organization, which is funded by,
the Wellcome
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
the European
World Health
the Defense
Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), an agency of the
Department of Defense for emerging military technologies
A Chinese lab in Wuhan,
which received money from the federal government at Dr.
Anthony Fauci's direction, was
carrying out research on bats around the time of the outbreak.
This provided
Bill Gates and others a cover
along with plausible deniability.
However, the patent
had been approved before then.
The very financial
interests that funded the Institute also promoted and funded the
global coordinated government and media response.
After having patented the
coronavirus and its vaccine, the same entrenched network solicited
billions of dollars for vaccines, research, and other remedies for
the coronavirus cure.
The sponsors had a vested interest in applying military technology
to vaccines to turn a profit and solidify the Crown's control of
Rothschild's ill-gotten empire.

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild:
signaling with the Vatican to convince the people
entrust her family with control and ownership of the entire world,
recommending Inclusive Capitalism so that the dynasty can ration out
wealth they have stolen in exchange for putting an end to
Rothschild-backed Antifa and BLM riots
allowing everyone else a universal basic income.
The antecedent to the Wellcome Trust is Burroughs,
Wellcome & Co, which supplied experimental vaccines to the
British during the Second Boer War, which killed over 60,000 people.
The Pirbright Institute
was named after Henry de Worms, 1st Baron
Pirbright, a Rothschild whose cousins were employed at N.M.
Rothschild & Co.
Pirbright's great
grandfather was Mayer Amschel Rothschild, the patriarch who
established the dynasty.
Pirbright was employed with the East India Company, the
imperialistic Rothschild force that financed the British Empire
through the slave and opium trade, and which sponsored the secret
Skull and Bones society at Yale
University, which has produced Presidents and other statesmen who
advanced the deep state agenda and groomed Mao Tse-tung to
lead the Chinese Communist Revolution that resulted in between 40
and 80 million deaths.
In 1880, Henry Solomon Wellcome, an American-born British
entrepreneur, founded Burroughs Wellcome & Company, a
pharmaceutical company that eventually formed Glaxo Smith Kline,
which is currently working with China's Clover Biopharmaceuticals in
a clinical-stage vaccine to combat the spread of coronavirus.
If the people refused to comply, the Rothschild-controlled Crown had
methods to enslave humanity through nanotechnology that could
control subjects at a cellular level, enabling them to override free
will to direct a person's decision making and actions through radio
frequencies, evidenced by rats guided through mazes via energy
directed at computer chips implanted in their paws.
5G technology, the public could be
robotized with technologically-enhanced vaccines, fulfilling a sick
transhumanist agenda, that would separate man and his soul from his
Creator for eternity. Instead of seeking God's will, the people
would be controlled by Rothshchild.
In place of a creative, free thinking human would be an automatized
drone who served
the so-called elites
until he outlasted his
usefulness at which point he would be terminated.
Is it any wonder
Bill Gates, the public face of Her Majesty's medical agenda,
has taken to the media gleefully discussing his plans for population
reduction, sterilization, and vaccines?
The coronavirus pandemic gave rise to imposed lock downs which have
destroyed lives, stripped citizens of their civil liberties and
wealth and supported corporate fascism.
As the world fell to ruin, the Rothschilds promoted the Great Reset
which had been launched at the World Economic Forum - that of
de-industrializing the world, preventing people from having
independence or driving cars.
Their food was to be
rationed and GMO-lab created while people were ushered into
techno-gulags, working from home, limited in their ability to
reproduce or travel, tracked and traced, monitored and rationed, and
dependent upon guaranteed income, with opportunities for
self-employment and entrepreneurship eradicated and replaced with
Rothschild-controlled monopolies.
In place of the foot perpetually stamping on the face of humanity
would be a mask stifling its free speech.
Somehow the people would
be "happy" in their servitude, the Rothschilds and their agents

Klaus Schwab thinks he is entitled
control your own life and decide the fate of humanity
he was knighted by the illegitimate Queen Elizabeth II,
for the Rothschild-created United Nations,
appointed himself head of
World Economic Forum
Supporting WEF founder and Kissinger protégé
Klaus Schwab
in this
endeavor is Lynn Forester de Rothschild, who founded
Inclusive Capital Partners.
Rothschild has partnered
with the Rothschild- controlled Vatican to promote, through endless
virtue signaling, including everyone in an economy so that no one is
left out.
Instead of returning the
wealth the Rothschilds have stolen from the world for generations,
they have decided to offer a guaranteed income which can be taken
away if one inspires a negative social credit score based upon
Rothschild's AI algorithms.
Having destroyed small businesses, the Rothschilds will offer
employment in their taxpayer-sponsored mega-corporations.
Instead of promoting wellness, the Rothschilds have incentivized
sickness to enhance profits for their pharmaceutical companies.
While the populations of homeless grow on the streets of what used
to be the land of plenty, the Rothschilds are driving refugees and
needy immigrants across the nation's borders, with innocent babies
filmed being abused and hurled across walls, an agenda supported by
Rothschild-affiliated organizations, like the International
Rescue Committee whose advisory group includes such people as,
Tim Geithner,
President Barack Obama's Secretary of Treasury
Laurence Fink,
the CEO of Blackrock who oversees massive federal government
bailouts for Rothschild's taxpayer-subsidized Big Business
Winston Lord, who
helped craft Rothschild's China policy, which has placed the
United States at the mercy of Communist China
According to Rothschild's
website, members of the Council for Inclusive Capitalism seek,
commitments aligned with the World Economic Forum International
Business Council's Pillars for sustainable value creation -
People, Planet, Principles of Governance, and Prosperity - and
that advance the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals."
The group promotes more
"sustainable growth" to answer to "the cry of the earth" and the
"cry of the poor" after the dynasty has plundered trillions in
assets, polluted the planet, and destroyed economies, governments,
and societies worldwide.

Socialist author H.G. Wells
envisioned a dystopian future for humanity
upon plans devised by the Rothschilds
commissioned his works.
predicted the Great Reset and Inclusive Capitalism
Lynn Forester de Rothschild
Klaus Schwab were even born.
The Open
The Rothschild agenda for depopulation has been decades, even
centuries in the making.
British writer H.G.
Wells laid out the Rothschild-Kalgeri plan in 1928 in
The Open Conspiracy - Plans for World
His books were
commissioned by the Rothschilds.
They provide the
step-by-step plan the Rothschilds and agents have followed in their
quest for world domination, much of which has come to fruition:
The Open Conspiracy
will appear first, I believe, as a conscious organization of
intelligent, and in some cases wealthy men, as a movement having
distinct social and political aims...
A One World Government and one-unit monetary system under
permanent non-elected hereditary oligarchs who self-select from
among their numbers in the form of a feudal system as it was in
the Middle Ages.
In this One World entity, population will be limited by
restrictions on the number of children per family, diseases,
wars, famines, until one billion people who are useful to the
ruling class, in areas which will be strictly and clearly
defined, remain as the total world population.
There will be no
middle class, only rulers and servants...
All laws will be uniform under a legal system of world courts
practicing the same unified code of laws, backed up by a One
World Government police force and a One World unified military
to enforce laws in all former countries where no national
boundaries shall exist.
The system will be on the basis of a welfare state; those who
are obedient and subservient to the One World Government will be
rewarded with the means to live; those who are rebellious will
simply be starved to death or be declared outlaws, thus a target
for anyone who wishes to kill them....
Privately owned firearms or weapons of any kind will be
Only one religion will be allowed and that will be in the form
of a One World Government Church, which has been in existence
since 1920 as we shall see.
Satanism, Luciferianism and Witchcraft shall he recognized as
legitimate One World Government curricula with no private or
church schools.
All Christian churches have already been subverted and
Christianity will be a thing of the past in the One World
To induce a state where there is no individual freedom or any
concept of liberty surviving, there shall be no such thing as
republicanism, sovereignty or rights residing with the people.
National pride and racial identity shall be stamped out, and in
the transition phase it shall be subject to the severest
penalties to even mention one's racial origin.
Each person shall be fully indoctrinated that he or she is a
creature of the One World Government with an identification
number clearly marked on their person so as to be readily
accessible, which identifying number shall be in the master
file, subject to instant retrieval by any agency of the One
World Government at any time.
Non-elite masses will be reduced to the level and behavior of
controlled animals with no will of their own and easily
regimented and controlled. The economic system shall be based
upon the ruling oligar-ethical class allowing just enough foods
and services to be produced to keep the mass slave labor camps
All wealth shall be aggregated in the hands of the elite
members. Each individual shall be indoctrinated to understand
that he or she is totally dependent upon the state for survival.
Industry is to be totally destroyed....
Only the elites shall have the right to any of the earth's
resources. Agriculture shall be solely in the hands of the
elites with food production strictly controlled.
As these measures begin to take effect, large populations in the
cities shall be forcibly removed to remote areas and those who
refuse to go shall be exterminated.
Euthanasia for the terminally ill and the aged shall be
No cities shall be larger than a predetermined number as
described in the work of Kalgeri. Essential workers will be
moved to other cities if the one they are in becomes
Other non-essential workers will be chosen at random and sent to
underpopulated cities to fill quotas.
At least four billion useless eaters shall be eliminated by the
year 2050 by means of limited wars, organized epidemics of fatal
rapid-acting diseases and starvation.
Energy, food and water shall be kept at subsistence levels for
the non-elite, starting with the White populations of Western
Europe and North America and then spreading to other races.
The population
of Canada, Western Europe and the United States will be
decimated more rapidly
than on other continents, until the world's population reaches a
manageable level of one billion, of which 500 million will
consist of Chinese and Japanese races, selected because they are
people who have been regimented for centuries and who are
accustomed to obeying authority without question.
From time to time there shall be artificially contrived food and
water shortages and medical care to remind the masses that their
very existence depends on the goodwill of the (elites).
After the destruction
of housing, auto, steel and heavy goods industries, there shall
he limited housing, and industries of any kind allowed to remain
shall be under the direction of (elites).
The United States will be flooded by peoples of alien cultures
who will eventually overwhelm White America, people with no
concept of what the United States Constitution stands for and
who will, in consequence, do nothing to defend it, and in whose
minds the concept of liberty and justice is so weak as to matter
Those who break the law will be instantly executed.
There shall be no cash or coinage in the hands of the non-elite.
All transactions shall be carried out by means of a debit card
which shall bear the identification number of the holder.
Any person who in any way infringes the rules and regulations of
the (elites) shall have the use of his or her card suspended for
varying times according to the nature and severity of the
Such persons will
find, when they go to make purchases, that their card is
blacklisted and they will not be able to obtain services of any
Attempts to trade old
coins, that is to say silver coins of previous and now defunct
nations, shall be treated as a capital crime subject to the
death penalty.
All such coinage shall be required to be surrendered within a
given time along with guns, rifles, explosives and automobiles.
Only the elite and One World Government high-ranking
functionaries will be allowed private transport, weapons,
coinage and automobiles.
If the offense is a serious one, the card will be seized at the
checking point where it is presented. Thereafter that person
shall not be able to obtain food, water, shelter and employment
medical services, and shall be officially listed as an outlaw.
Large bands of outlaws will thus be created and they will live
in regions that best afford subsistence, subject to being hunted
down and shot on sight.
Persons assisting outlaws in any way whatsoever, shall likewise
be shot.
Outlaws who fail to
surrender to the police or military after a declared period of
time, shall have a former family member selected at random to
serve prison terms in their stead.
Rival factions and groups such as Arabs and Jews and African
tribes shall have differences magnified and allowed the wage
wars of extermination against each other. The same tactics will
be used in Central and South America.
These wars of
attrition shall take place before the take-over of the
One World Government and shall
be engineered on every continent where large groups of people
with ethnic and religious differences live....
Ethnic and religious differences shall be magnified and
exacerbated and violent conflict as a means of settling their
differences shall be encouraged and fostered.
All information services and print media shall be under the
control of the One World Government.
Regular brainwashing
control measures shall be passed off as entertainment in the
manner in which it was practiced and became a fine art in the
United States.
This is the plan as
envisioned by the Rothschilds should the public wish to accept it.
A century later, the
world is facing,
social credit
track and trace
lethal pandemics
smart cities
vaccinations linked to societal participation
corporate-sponsored racial wars and social unrest
deindustrialization of society
efforts to
eradicate automobiles
forced dependency
upon the state
destruction of
supply chains and privately owned farms
the culling of
the elderly and weak
pillaging by
mega-corporations in a rapidly encroaching corporate fascist
nonprofits flooding White countries with refugees while
fomenting hatred against whites and christians
the erasure of
America's history, customs, and traditions
fact-free media
that is seeped in bias, propaganda, and misinformation
the rejection of
God, and a virtue-less society where human life is
stripped of its value and morals are in short supply...
Rothschild-affiliated elite are wanting to "build back
This can be achieved by,
Restoring integrity
to our governments, values to society, and God to our
Building back better
amounts to establishing governments and institutions separate
from Rothschilds, true Republics that answer to we the people
with international relations based upon good will, friendship,
human rights and rule of law rather than exploitation, plunder,
war, and betrayal.
With integrity
restored, universities, hospitals, media, and societal
institutions can once again serve the public interest rather
than profit motive at the expense of all else.
A global financial
system totally independent of the corrupt, illegitimate elites
can be created based upon sound, economic principles, with the
backing of hard assets.
Rule of law, human
rights, and constitutional protections can replace the eternal
boot to the head as prognosticated in Orwell's chilling
dystopian novel,
The rights conferred upon
the people are not granted by the Rothschilds, but given freely by
God, whose world is full of abundance, not scarcity.
The Rothschilds,
ultimate purveyors of misery, mayhem, and maliciousness,
...should be
consigned to the dustbin of history, to serve as a cautionary tale,
lest history be tempted to repeat itself.