by Elizabeth Woodworth
January 18, 2023
GlobalResearch Website

Are Globalism
and Transhumanism
the "Inevitable Destiny" of Humanity...?
Why are so many people worried about the World Economic Forum?
Every few seconds the trending Twitter
#Anti-WorldEconomicForum, and
echo citizen concern.
These forebodings from ordinary people
are signaling danger for our world.
Little wonder. The WEF, while failing
to address the major problems facing humanity, is normalizing our
minds to the
Brave New World
of centralized financial control and a
transhuman makeover.
This quest to redesign humanity and
its future is being carried out through a directed influence on our
very perception of what is right, real, and true.
Understanding this surreptitious
thought control will equip us to recognize and resist the WEF's
disturbing rise to functionally worthless power.
Introduction - What has the World Economic Forum actually achieved to help
Since 1971, elite
thought-leaders have
gathered in Davos, Switzerland to share ideas
about redesigning the world through new values and new data
Yet the WEF has
failed to take effective action to reverse the three most
destructive policies currently harming humanity:
Failure to
transition the $5.9 trillion in annual global fossil fuel
subsidies to renewable energy - cited by the IMF for
2020 [i]
Unscrupulous failure to challenge the coordinated
suppression of proven early Covid treatments [ii] to save
untold lives
Failure to
constrain the wholesale printing of national currencies to
shore up the dangerously indebted Western economy - while
instead promoting centralized digital currencies
Each of these
failures will be briefly summarized in Part I, followed by classic,
traditional solutions in Part II.
Part III will
explore the question, "Is WEF's Globalism the Inevitable Destiny for
Humanity?" in context of the threat of centralized technology
wresting power from our democracies.
WEF Mission
Statement, Composition, and Failures to Act
Mission Statement
The WEF has no
goal-oriented mission statement.
From its website,
under Our Mission, is the
self-congratulatory, non-specific rhetoric:
The World
Economic Forum is the International Organization for
Public-Private Cooperation.
The Forum
engages the foremost political, business, cultural and other
leaders of society to shape global, regional and industry
It is
independent, impartial and not tied to any special interests.
The Forum strives in all its efforts to demonstrate
entrepreneurship in the global public interest while upholding
the highest standards of governance. Moral and intellectual
integrity is at the heart of everything it does.
Our activities
are shaped by a unique institutional culture founded on the
stakeholder theory, which asserts that an organization is
accountable to all parts of society.
The institution carefully
blends and balances the best of many kinds of organizations,
from both the public and private sectors, international
organizations and academic institutions.
We believe that
progress happens by bringing together people from all walks of
life who have the drive and the influence to make positive
change. [iii]
Under its
letterhead appear the words, "Committed to Improving the State of
the World." (a play on words: "State of the World"
The World Economic
Forum (WEF) is a non-profit Swiss-based NGO founded in 1971 by German
engineer and economist,
Klaus Schwab.
Schwab draws
an annual salary of about one million Swiss francs from the WEF,
which does not pay taxes. [iv]

It is more than 60%
funded by 121 corporate "Strategic Partners", which include large
oil, automotive, pharmaceutical, media, tech companies, and banks. [v]
It has succeeded,
over 50 years, in becoming the control center of the West's
financial-political complex. It started by bringing large
corporations together, then national leaders, and later the invited
major media.
It has infiltrated
many Western governments through its
Young Global Leaders program.
Academia, which was
the basis of the first conference in 1971, has been marginalized to
the smallest participant group - according to
The Economist - which also
reported that of the 2,622 invitees to
Davos, Switzerland in 2014,
just 15% are women.
Two-thirds are from
Western countries representing just 12% of the world's population.
Some 60% are from business, and 14% from government.
The 46
presidents and prime ministers represent 1.8 billion of the world's
8 billion people. [vi]
Three Critical
Failures to Act
1. The
failure to transition the $5.9 trillion in annual global fossil
fuel subsidies to renewable energy
Although WEF
founder Klaus Schwab's introductory article on the "great
reset," published in June 2020, briefly mentioned "the
withdrawal of fossil fuel subsidies," [vii] a plan scheduling the
withdrawal of subsidies has yet to be announced.
Instead, the
WEF website page,
"What's the World Economic Forum Doing about
Climate Change," urges better consumer choices, more informed
consumers, and a 2017 admonition to "Speed up Action on Climate
Change" with "bold action" collaboration from civil
society. [viii]
the vested interests of the Davos banking, oil, automotive,
pharma, and media elite do not lie in the direction of renewable
energy as long as the fossil fuel energy system owes its
existence to the heavy taxation of earth's peoples.
2. The
unscrupulous failure to challenge the coordinated suppression of
proven early treatments for Covid-19
Before reading
further, please glance briefly at
this astonishing home page
showing over 2000 early Covid treatment studies.
From the
beginning of the COVID-19 'pandemic', which according to the World
Health Organization (WHO) kills only 0.23% of those infected,
enormous fear and panic were fuelled by the hourly drumbeat of a
"one-voice" media, claiming that,
"delivery will come only with a
vaccine." [x]
The WEF is
strongly pro-vaccine, having maintained an active vaccination
news page since September, 2017. [xi]
In January,
2017, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI)
a global initiative to fight epidemics, was launched at the WEF
in Davos.
Funded by the
Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust, plus
several European governments, CEPI secures vaccines for global
emergencies and 'pandemic's. [xiii]
Public, private, and
philanthropic contributions to CEPI were $2.3 billion in
2021. [xiv]
Very early in
the Covid outbreak, from January 21-24, 2020 -
with a total global case number
of 274 people, and total loss of life from the virus at 16
[xv] - CEPI met at Davos with leaders from Moderna to establish plans
for a Covid-19 vaccine. [xvi]
The World
Health Organization declared a global health emergency 6 days
later, on January 30. [xvii]
The first year
of Covid (2020), while awaiting vaccine development, major
public health agencies, including WHO and the US-based National
Institutes of Health,
CDC, and
FDA, ignored and discouraged the
use of 80%-effective, cheap, safe and abundant repurposed-drugs
for the early treatment of Covid-19. [xviii]
these drugs were being prescribed off-label with remarkable
success by frontline doctors in Europe and America.
illustrate, Santa Monica cardiologist Dr. Dan Wohlgelernter said
in a June 18, 2020 interview:
prescribed it [hydroxychloroquine]... recommended it to
people... had conversations with physicians literally around
the globe... and I've read the literature extensively.
Hydroxychloroquine definitely has a role; that role is
It's an antiviral agent that is effective in
early stages of infection; when used in that context it is
effective and it is safe." [xix]
In May, 2020,
well-known Yale epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch reported that,
"HCQ + AZ [ithromycine] has been widely misrepresented in both
clinical reports and public media... and should be made widely
available and promoted immediately for physicians to
prescribe". [xx]
Amazingly, his article in the top-ranked
American Journal of Epidemiology
never made the media.

Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin had both been on the WHO list
of essential medicines for decades, the only officially
sanctioned treatment option throughout 2020 was to sicken at
home until difficult breathing required going to emergency.
The vaccinating
of earth's eight billion people began in late December, 2020.
tragic story unfolded in January, 2021, when the disease
prevention organization, Unitaid, [xxi] influenced a British
virologist not to medically
publish the positive findings [xxii] of his meta-analysis of
Ivermectin efficacy.
The researcher,
Liverpool virologist Dr. Andrew Hill, had been seeking a global
recommendation on
Ivermectin - which at that point could have
saved an estimated 500,000 lives in the ensuing weeks - but
under pressure he suddenly downplayed his recommendation and
revised his conclusions.
That he or his university was probably
compensated is documented by a fellow researcher. [xxiii]
The drug
industry had won.
Not a single major health agency has
challenged the suppression of the cheap and effective drugs [xxv]
hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin.
Indeed, the WEF
added to the suppression of ivermectin in August, 2022 by
publishing an article about its "fake research":
"Ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug that is typically used in
veterinary medicine and that was promoted by some without
evidence as a treatment for COVID-19, was widely embraced in
some parts of the world.
However, after ruling out fake or
flawed studies, a systematic review of research on ivermectin found that it had
'no beneficial effects for
people with COVID-19'." [xxvi]
3. The
failure to discourage the wholesale printing of national
currencies to shore up theWestern burden of debt
In Davos,
Switzerland, on January 24, 2020, six days before WHO declared
a global Covid emergency, the WEF announced:
"Today, the
World Economic Forum announces the first global consortium
focused on designing a framework for the governance of
digital currencies, including stablecoins - the Global
Consortium for Digital Currency Governance."
chairman Klaus Schwab said,
"... we hope that hosting this
consortium will catalyze the conversations necessary to
inform a robust framework of governance for global digital
currencies." [xxvii]
Why did the WEF
make this announcement at this time...?
In May, 2022,
as Covid concern was winding down, Ellen Brown, American
attorney and president of the Public Banking Institute,
described a situation that had been developing for years:
the FED bailed out Wall Street banks following the
Financial Crisis of 2008-09 with quantitative easing
increasing the money supply]... quantitative easing did not fix
the debt buildup, which today has again reached
unsustainable levels.
As of
March, 2022 the US federal government has a cumulative debt
burden of $133.38 trillion...
European countries have 44
trillion Euros in unfunded pensions, and there is no source
of funds to meet these obligations...
The concern is that when
people realize that the social security and pension systems
they have paid into for their entire working lives are
bankrupt, they will take to the streets and chaos will
reign." [xxviii]
This precarious
situation - which was made considerably worse by the global
lockdowns used to combat a virus that kills only 0.23% of
infected people [xxix] - may have influenced the WEF's
announcement re the globalization of
digital currencies.
towards a global digital currency system has been greatly aided
by two years of digital vaccine certificates and mandates
recommended by the WHO, CDC, and FDA, and vigorously pursued in
countries where the leaders had been schooled and infiltrated by
the World Economic Forum Global Leaders Program:
Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, New Zealand...
One analyst
summarized the downsides of a digital currency:
"Given the
ubiquity of credit and debit cards, payment apps and other
online payment systems, digital money has been bound to
happen for some time.
The risk
isn't the electronic part, that's inevitable - it's the fact
that a central bank will oversee the digital currency... It's
impossible to overstate the risk presented by
it's a utopian vision based on good intentions or a sinister
plot to crush our sovereignty, the result may be the same:
A Central
Bank Digital Currency has all the downsides of fiat money,
plus the added layers of surveillance and programmability
overseen by the state." [xxx]
The movement
towards digital currencies does not stop with individual central
In October,
2022, following an 18-month experiment on technologies and
currencies, the financial messaging system SWIFT laid out a
blueprint for a global central bank digital currency
network. [xxxi]
Meanwhile, the WEF
has declined to address the critical issue of national debts...
Toward National and Intergovernmental Democratic Solutions
To address the
failed policies above, three approaches to action could be planned
immediately and cooperatively by sovereign democratic nations under
an intergovernmental public,
non-corporate umbrella:
Schedule a redirection of the $5.9 trillion in global subsidies
away from the fossil fuel industry towards renewable energy
A global
transition to responsible energy financing suggests an approach
such as the ancient Public Trust Doctrine (PTD), which requires
government stewardship of "the common wealth" - the natural
resources upon which society depends for the benefit of existing
and future generations.
A trust is a
fiduciary relationship that imposes on trustees a duty to act
for the benefit of beneficiaries. In the Public Trust Doctrine,
government acts as a trustee, with the management accountability
similar to that of an estate or investment account.
In her book
"Nature's Trust," Professor Mary Christina Wood of the
University of Oregon wrote:
res of Nature's Trust
consists of ecological assets, natural wealth that must sustain
all foreseeable future generations of humanity.
It amounts to
humanity's survival account - the only one it has. Government
trustees must protect trust resources for the benefit of present
and future generations." [xxxii]
The Atmospheric
Trust Litigation (ATL) attempts to do this.
"'simply applies
the public trust doctrine to the atmosphere,' says Wood.
doctrine concerns 'resources that the public relies on for its
very survival,' and 'the atmosphere certainly qualifies'." [xxxiii]
international PTD movement is counting on domestic judiciaries
to play their role.
Prof. Wood explains further:
"As a legal
doctrine, the public trust compels protection of those
ecological assets necessary for public survival and community
The judicial role is to compel the political branches
to meet their fiduciary obligation through whatever measures and
policies they choose, as long as such measures sufficiently
reduce carbon emissions within the required time frame." [xxxiv]
It is hoped
that judiciaries around the world will do this in their own
countries as a support to the international treaty system -
especially with regard to "Atmospheric Trust Litigation."
public trusts could urge a global transition of fossil fuel
subsidies to renewables at 7-8%/year for 10 years until the
transition is complete.
Working together through
intergovernmental organizations, national governments could
schedule a transfer of fossil fuel subsidies to
non-resource-extracting nuclear, geothermal, and tidal energy
The main thing
is to devise a framework for the Public Trust Doctrine and the
Atmospheric Trust Doctrine, promoting the two ancient doctrines
as the philosophical and legal bases for earth management.
Reform major public health agencies to use repurposed-drugs for
saving lives
With regard to
the long-recognized [xxxv] efficacy of a cheap, safe, early
treatment for
Covid-19 during the first week (pre-pneumonia
phase) of the illness, it is astonishing that,
none of the now
largely corporate-funded, but originally fully tax-supported
public health agencies, ever referred to the early treatment
efficacy of hydroxychloroquine [xxxvi] - even though it was
championed by the most downloaded article in the history of the
American Journal of Medicine, [xxxvii] written by
23 authors and published August 6, 2020 -
before the Covid vaccines arrived...

Nor did the
vaccine-oriented WEF ever refer to the treatment efficacy of
hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin.
Throughout the
the mainstream media regularly disparaged hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, while social media accounts
were suspended if either of these drugs - both on the WHO list
of essential medicines - were mentioned in relation to Covid-19.
How are we to
prevent a recurrence of this mind-numbing censorship?
How are
we to re-organize society when the crisis was exacerbated and
prolonged by power, money, and propaganda?
In a superb
podcast entitled "Collapse of the Public Health Narrative, and
the Gathering Storm," [xxxviii] evolutionary biologists Dr. Bret
Weinstein and Dr. Chris Martenson consider the urgent need for
social reform:
Dr. Weinstein:
I am certain that the system must be reformed - that's the only
thing we can do.
You cannot rebuild the system.
You're going to
have to take the edifice and figure out how to make it function
in spite of the fact that it is completely riddled with
corruption of various kinds.
As the
narrative comes apart, I don't need to see
Fauci punished... he
has visited one of the most colossal catastrophes on planet
Earth that we have ever seen...
Now we have
also learned the names of many people who are willing to stand
up to garbage narratives and tell us what we need to know rather
than what we want to hear.
So there is an
obvious solution but we're going to watch everything thrown at
the question of how to avoid it; everything will be thrown at the process of derailing an
attempt to simply take the people who make sense and put them in
positions where they can do good.
So my hope is
that if we actually do manage to put decent people with the
proper expertise in the roles at the heads of these
organizations - yes, they have some bad apples but also a lot of
decent people who haven't been given a decent choice - and that
maybe suggests that reform could work...
The post-Covid
moment is critically important for reform:
Dr. Martenson:
The fear that they have been putting out has been very
contagious, but I've watched the opposite: courage can be just
as contagious.
And so it's
really important that the people who have that capability to
be courageous do so...
This is the
time for us to stand up and stand together as courageously as we
can. It is the biggest moment in history I'm aware of, so many
things are going to be decided in the next few years.
Dr. Weinstein:
This is a truly
global process that has unfolded...
that can amplify a microscopic error into a global
catastrophe, that tells you where we are and how much danger
there is...
This is telling
us that our lives - whether we like it or not - are overlapping
a moment on which everything hangs. We are stuck with the
responsibility of solving a problem no one has seen before and
we have to get it right.
Dr. Martenson:
I don't know that in our lifetimes we will get a better
opportunity to have the conversation we need about civilizational collapse, which is looming, because our systems
have stopped doing what they're supposed to do.
So my greatest
fear is waking up one day and Biden and Macron and all the other
leaders are going say:
this is just like the seasonal flu, it's
endemic, we're done, and let's move on.
Why is that a
Because it means that we won't have the accounting that we
need - they'll just try and slide past those failures. I think
those failures need to be brought forward... because they're
indicative of a larger system issue.
I think this is
one of the most pivotal moments in human history... and the way we
begin to address this is we have to have really open honest
conversations where no ox is too sacred to gore - everything is
on the table.
We need all
hands on deck...
health agency failure, Dr. Martenson recommends:
No more
revolving doors. Working in any decision-making capacity at
any health agency means zero money or employment from any
related industry for a period of 10 years post exiting your
No more
funding the FDA through pharma "fees."
the so-called randomized control trial standard.
Observational data is equally good if done right and ten
times better than a scammed RCT.
Create a
parallel body to the FDA which is equally funded and charged
with using any combination of therapies or repurposed drugs
to address any particular disease. [xxxix]
Follow classic fiscal management practices to rescue national
currencies from debt
We know that
national and global debt levels are unsustainably high.
following points show ways to restore responsible fiscal
management to the present moment:
"When a
central bank creates trillions of dollars out of thin air
with no link to an underlying real asset, that dollar is
nothing more than a symbol of broken faith rather than a
store of genuine value.
Since 1971, and when measured
against a single milligram of gold, the USD, like all other
fiat currencies, has lost greater than 95% of its value." [xl]
"Will a new
currency system solve the problem? It may delay the
inevitable, and it will certainly further centralize
control, but it is unlikely to do much else...
once-in-a-lifetime situation creates the perfect tailwinds
for gold's eventual meteoric rise. Gold is fundamentally
insurance against currency and bond market cataclysm, and
nothing has changed its role as such." [xli]
Norwegian Krone is perhaps one of the best examples of a
real currency that correlates closest to its commodity
It is one of the largest exporters of oil globally
with a high percentage of its overall economy reliant on
natural gas and oil.
This is the closest we have in the
modern world of a system that works similar to the gold
standard (other than gold itself) where countries buying
power and reserves are related to the price of a commodity
such as gold.
comparison the US could sell all it's gold reserves and not
be able to pay down even 5% of it's national debt. It has no
wealth fund, and its gold reserves are less than 5% of it's
Unlike Norway, the US government is essentially bankrupt."
For a
survey of effective historical measures that have been used
to restore fiscal balance following periods of massive debt,
see the work of attorney and advocate for public banks,
Ellen Brown. [xliii]
Instead of
imposing the global WEF-promoted digital financial system,
Brown's tried-and-true measures would allow sovereign
nations to pursue and endure a responsible debt recovery
Is WEF's
Globalism the Inevitable Destiny for Humanity?
More than 20 years
ago, while discussing who was eligible for Davos,
Klaus Schwab told
"Forget it if you're
retired. Even if your former job was running France or General
Electric, you must be in power. No oldies." [xliv]
The impact of this
power policy on the status of world democracy is astutely summarized
by Nick Buxton of the Transnational Institute:
Less well known
is the fact that WEF since 2009 has been working on an ambitious
project called the Global Redesign Initiative, (GRI), which
effectively proposes a transition away from intergovernmental
decision-making towards a system of multi-stakeholder
In other words, by stealth, they are
marginalizing a
recognized model where we vote in governments who then negotiate
treaties which are then ratified by our elected representatives,
with a model where a self-selected group of 'stakeholders' make
decisions on our behalf.
Advocates of
multi-stakeholder governance argue that governments and
intergovernmental forums, such as the UN, are no longer
efficient places for tackling increasingly complex global
The founder of WEF, Klaus Schwab, says,
"the sovereign
state has become obsolete". [xlv]
Schwab is an
In the three years (1967-70) before the
World Economic
Forum was founded in 1971, he was on the board of directors of the Sulzer industrial giant,
[xlvi] which during his tenure illegally
helped to develop six South African thermonuclear weapons. [xlvii]
Now Schwab is
trying to replace the "obsolete" democratic constitutions that have
been in force for hundreds of years with a digital-based global
model that offers no constitutional protection for the citizens of
self-governing nations.
Worse yet is that
the WEF supports high-tech efforts to redesign the human being.
example, Young Global Leader
Justin Trudeau's Canadian government
has quietly developed an extensive bio-digital convergence
initiative headed by a director general. [xlviii]
In 2021, an analyst
from the Spanish Republic identified the authoritarian role of
thought control ("a new rationality") during the Covid epidemic:
The global
management of the coronavirus crisis is completely modifying
citizens' relationship to both science and the public sphere of
life, two social spaces that are fundamental to the survival of
modern democratic republicanism...
Science and the public sphere
have been subjected during the last year to the epistemic
authoritarianism of algorithms and mathematical models.
This covert
epistemic dictatorship aims to
naturalize the emergence of a new rationality that,
in the name of a
digital-algorithmic conception of truth, completely transforms
our conceptions of the
res publica, [xlix] and gives rise to
a new political regime that we can call digital
Inspired by the
ideology of trans-humanism and technological singularity,
digital ultra-liberalism imposes on us the idea that the
evolution of the digital revolution is not subject to discussion
or to republican control, but rather an inevitable destiny for
humanity. 1
Nothing could be
more evil or dangerous than an "inevitable" new rationality - not
subject to discussion - replacing the God-given perception of truth
that has served humanity for centuries:|
"Truth resides
in every human heart, and one has to search for it there, and to
be guided by truth as one sees it."
Mahatma Gandhi
This is all we need
to know to save our natural selves, our democracies, and our human
"Fossil Fuel Subsidies," (https://www.imf.org/en/Topics/climate-change/energy-subsidies).
early treatment: real-time analysis of 2,429 studies (https://c19early.org/).
and WEF Annual Report,
2021-2022, Revenue and Costs, p. 88 (https://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Annual_Report_2021_22.pdf.)
"Who's on
the Magic Mountain?" The
Economist, 23 January 2014 (https://www.economist.com/international/2014/01/23/whos-on-the-magic-mountain).
Schwab. "Now is the time for a 'great reset,'" 3 June 2020 (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/06/now-is-the-time-for-a-great-reset/).
J. "The infection fatality rate of COVID-19 inferred from seroprevalence
data," Bull
World Health Organ., Epub Oct. 14, 2020 (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33716331/).
Mucchielli, "How is built the 'legitimate information' on
the Covid crisis," UMR 7305, CNRS and Aix-Marseille
University, April 2020 (https://www.mediterranee-infection.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/MS-Mucchielli.pdf).
Translation from French.
Donald G.
McNeil Jr., "Donors and Drug Makers Offer $500 Million to
Control Global Epidemics,"
The New York Times, 18 January, 2017 (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/18/health/partnership-epidemic-preparedness.html.)
"Board of Directors' Report and Annual Accounts, 2021 (https://cepi.net/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/2021-CEPI-Annual-BoD-Report-and-Annual-Accounts.pdf).
WHO Coronavirus Disease
(COVID-19) Dashboard". covid19.who.int. Retrieved
9 September2020.
(Evidence is Footnote #86 at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Economic_Forum.)
What we know about the Wuhan coronavirus and urgent plans to
develop a vaccine for it". 24 January 2020 (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2020/01/wuhan-coronavirus-china-cepi-vaccine-davos/).
Joseph, "WHO declares coronavirus outbreak a global health
emergency," STAT News,
30 January 2020 (https://www.statnews.com/2020/01/30/who-declares-coronavirus-outbreak-a-global-health-emergency/).
OPINION: Doctors Discuss the Politicization of Hydroxychloroquine," June 18, 2020, 0:14 min. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=7&v=m_JIz780i5w&feature=emb_logo).
Hydroxychloroquine and Other Drugs to Fight 'pandemic',"
Yale School of Public Health
Newsletter, 01 June 2020 (https://publichealth.yale.edu/news-article/25085/).
collaborates with global health partners and governments to:
identify shortcomings in the global response" (https://unitaid.org/how-we-work/#en);
In 2017:
Dr. Andrew
Hill reported his findings on January 19, 2021, to the
Financial Times, "Cheap antiparasitic could cut chance of Covid-19 deaths by up to
75%," January 19, 2021 (http://web.archive.org/web/20210119230658/https://www.ft.com/content/e7cb76fc-da98-4a31-9c1f-926c58349c84).
Council for Health, "Dear Andy," March (https://worldcouncilforhealth.org/multimedia/dear-andy-dr-tess-lawrie/,
4 March 2022, 18:53 min.) Dr. Tess Lawrie recites a letter
to Dr. Andrew Hill and asks him what made him turn his back
on a potential cure for Covid-19. The tweets that Dr. Hill
erased are shown. Link includes the transcript.
"Four days
before the publication of Hill's revised study, Kennedy
says, Unitaid gave $40 million to the University of
Liverpool." Neville Hodgkinson, "The vaccine gold rush and
the damning ivermectin tape,"
The Conservative Woman, 2 December, 2021 (https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/the-vaccine-gold-rush-and-the-damning-ivermectin-tape/).
early treatment: real-time analysis of 2,429 studies (https://c19early.org/).
Economic Forum, "Sorting fact from fiction: how to spot fake
research which can harm your health," 23 August 2022 (https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2022/08/fake-research-science-study).
Economic Forum, "Governing the Coin: World Economic Forum
Announces Global Consortium for Digital Currency
Governance," January 24, 2020 (https://www.weforum.org/press/2020/01/governing-the-coin-world-economic-forum-announces-global-consortium-for-digital-currency-governance).
Brown, "A Monetary Reset Where the Rich Don't Own
Everything," Web of Debt, 5 May 2022 (https://ellenbrown.com/2022/05/05/a-monetary-reset-where-the-rich-dont-own-everything/).
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