by SOTT Editors
07 September 2009
Spanish version

Humanity's toxins are
the "gifts" of psychopaths and their enablers
Lonnie Wolfe wrote a report in 1981 entitled The Haig-Kissinger Depopulation
Policy, in which he states that:
Investigations by EIR [Executive
Intelligence Review] have uncovered a planning apparatus operating
outside the control of the White House whose sole purpose is to reduce
the world's population by 2 billion people through war, famine, disease
and any other means necessary.
This apparatus, which includes various
levels of the government is determining U.S. foreign policy. In every
political hotspot - El Salvador, the so-called arc of crisis in the
Persian Gulf, Latin America, Southeast Asia and in Africa - the goal of
U.S. foreign policy is population reduction.
The targeting agency for
the operation is the National Security Council's Ad Hoc Group on
Population Policy. Its policy-planning group is in the U.S. State
Department's Office of Population Affairs, established in 1975 by Henry
This group drafted the Carter administration's Global 2000
document, which calls for global population reduction, and the same
apparatus is conducting the civil war in El Salvador as a conscious
depopulation project.
"There is a single theme behind all our work-we must reduce population
levels," said Thomas Ferguson, the Latin American case officer for the
State Department's Office of Population Affairs (OPA).
"Either they
[governments] do it our way, through nice clean methods or they will get
the kind of mess that we have in El Salvador, or in Iran, or in Beirut.
Population is a political problem. Once population is out of control it
requires authoritarian government, even fascism, to reduce it.
professionals," said Ferguson, "aren't interested in lowering population
for humanitarian reasons. That sounds nice. We look at resources and
environmental constraints. We look at our strategic needs, and we say
that this country must lower its population - or else we will have

With little in the way of visible evidence in
the world around them, it's understandable that someone reading this report
in 1981 would mentally file it away as a Crazy Conspiracy Theory.
For all we
know, in 1981 we might have done the same thing.
In August of 2009 however,
denial of what is happening around us is no longer an option except for the
most deluded. Depopulation policy is active and underway, it is the
culmination of an actual plan long in the making by the world's psychopathic
elite. We have been seeing the signs for years, and
this month's events bring the dread reality a step closer to fruition as the
war against people opens on all fronts.
All and everything that can destroy
us physically, mentally, psychologically and spiritually has been unleashed.
Through the blunt force of military warfare, eugenics programs disguised as
medical practices, bio-engineered food, wholesale plundering and destruction
of resources, the spreading of toxins and psychological warfare comes the
clear and present danger of brutal and universal oppression.
And yet there is hope, which begins in awareness. And so we proceed...
Mass depopulation
techniques I - Hunger Mongers
Two thirds of the world's
1 billion starving people live in Asia, where the
lack of water has resulted in unprecedented food shortages that threaten the
continent's ability to feed its growing population.
Elsewhere, weird weather
- chronic drought in Australia, Argentina and Kenya, excessive rain in the
northeastern US, freezing summer temperatures in Canada - is contributing to
the perfect storm of rising food prices and increasing scarcity, an
unfolding disaster of truly pandemic proportions.
In 2003 the Pentagon issued a report entitled
An Abrupt Climate Change
Scenario and Its Implications for United States National Security, telling
us how things would unfold in the 21st century:
Abrupt climate change is likely to stretch
carrying capacity well beyond its already precarious limits. And there's
a natural tendency or need for carrying capacity to become realigned.
abrupt climate change lowers the world's carrying capacity, aggressive
wars are likely to be fought over food, water, and energy. Deaths from
war as well as starvation and disease will decrease population size,
which overtime, will re-balance with carrying capacity.
The Pentagon sits at the epicenter of the US
military-industrial complex and as such is one of the largest consumers of
material resources on the planet.
This fact hardly makes the Pentagon an
impartial source for what is or is not the "carrying capacity" of the
Earth's resources. This report was also written just after the US had
launched its second resource war of the 21st century (the Iraq invasion). It
is not surprising therefore that the portrayal of "population reduction" as
a rebalancing act in a world at perpetual war over dwindling resources like
oil, food and water has become political creed for those who want to stay in
The following pearl of wisdom is attributed to
Henry Kissinger:
"Who controls the food supply controls the
people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who
controls money can control the world."
Lest there be any doubt as to what the term
"carrying capacity" means, here is Dr. Hans Joachim Schellnhuber, who
has advised German Chancellor Angela Merkel on climate policy and is a
visiting professor at Oxford University, explaining that mass depopulation
would be the silver lining of "global warming" as people starve from
devastating effect on the the food supply:

© Kevin Carter
"The pain of life overrides the joy to the
point that joy does not exist"
Kevin Carter, Fragment of his suicide note
Triumph for
"In a very cynical way, it's a triumph for science because at last we have
stabilized something
- namely the estimates for
the carrying capacity of the planet, namely below 1 billion people [...]
What a triumph."
Hans Joachim Schellnhuber
Of course, what he really means is that this
"cynical triumph" has been one of the goals behind the man-made global
warming agenda all along.
That one of the essentials for life can be
transformed into a weapon for control was made explicitly clear by a
representative of Korean conglomerate Daewoo when justifying the company's
attempt to purchase the rights to
vast tracts of arable farmland in
"We want to plant corn there to ensure our
food security. Food can be a weapon in this world," said Hong Jong-wan,
a manager at Daewoo. "We can either export the harvests to other
countries or ship them back to Korea in case of a food crisis."
Equally, these harvests can be withheld from a
third party (the Korean population perhaps, or another country) as food
stores become an essential bargaining chip in the psychopaths' war games.
The prospect of exporting food so that another country thousands of miles
away could use it as a weapon of economic destruction doubtless contributed
to the Malagasy people's ire with its corrupt government which was toppled
earlier this year in a military-supported coup. This deal may have fallen
through, but similar transactions have been taking place globally as large
buy up remaining arable land.
Disguised in politically
palatable jargon about assisting developing countries by investing in their
agricultural infrastructure, in reality we are witnessing a 'land grab' as
self-serving interests both promote - and then respond to - fears of
scarcity by hoarding food production.
Scott Thill elaborates on the insanity of it
The bubble money has now moved on from
housing and turned to the commodities markets, especially global food
production. Given what that money did to the housing market, things
don't look good for local communities whose land is being bought up by
governments, sovereign wealth and hedge funds, and other investors on
the hunt for real value in a hyperreal economy.
Mutual interest is the opposite of what investor countries are looking
for, which is a one-sided interest arrangement in which already-rich
nations and investors, lost in a haze of wasteful consumption and
economic and political corruption, hopscotch the world in search of
naive hosts to feed upon.
And whether it is rice or sugar cane or palm
oil or other fuels for their bloated bodies or cars, they are not
invested, literally, in the health and well-being of those hosts.
are survivalists in the purest sense, and survivors just don't share
when they can hoard.
"Investors are looking at this as scarce land and water in a world of
increasing scarcity," Woodall argued, "which is one reason they are
pursuing it so actively. They're bringing the plantation mentality to
the 21st century and driving people off their land. This is crazy stuff.
Arable land is being plundered and removed from
domestic food production and supply via deals made in total secrecy in
countries where public access to information about the sale of their own
land is non-existent.
This land is being concentrated into the hands of
international financiers, multinational conglomerates and government
agencies. These financial vultures are amplifying the scarcity of food by
capitalizing on the negative prospects by short-selling on the commodities
essential to life. In just the last six months an area "half the size of
Europe's farmland" has been traded in Africa and Southeast Asia.
Last year
we saw food riots erupt. In the meantime the financial crisis has thrown
another hundred million into the pit of despair. To
the elite these people
are "useless eaters", in reality however they are mainly hungry farmers or
farm labourers.
That's right: most of our food (in "developed nations") is
produced by those most at risk from the relentless greed of the power elite,
whose limited faculties of perception and wishful thinking prevents them
from realizing that they too will be swept under by the tsunami of social
upheaval that is sure to follow.
And don't think the effects of this will be confined to the third world.
2008 census revealed a
sharp increase in poverty in the US. Consider that
the true effects of climate change, cooling temperatures, have shown signs
of a shortening growing season in North America. There has already been a
warning about a shortage of sugar - not a bad thing in itself, given its
atrocious health impact - but what we're interested in here are indicators
of negative food production.
When we consider that one in nine Americans
uses food stamps, that the true costs of cheap American food portray a way
of life that is fiscally and environmentally unsustainable and that food
shortages are on the horizon as a result of reduced growing seasons, it
becomes apparent that all it will take is a little... push.

Spotless sun
Staring down at all this with a blank expression is
the sun, which has now
gone 53 days without a spot, a record for which we have to go back 96 years
to match.
The growing evidence indicates that trends in cooling temperatures
will continue. The catastrophic ramifications of food and fuel shortages
will only be amplified by the very real possibility of a Dalton like solar
minimum precipitating prolonged and severe cold seasons. Never one to miss
out on conquering all obstacles, Monsanto will doubtless come up with an
anti-freeze GMO seed to save us all.
It mightn't even require anything on a 'grand scale' to tip the balance: the
US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation is
running out of funds due to the
plethora of bank failures:
Now if just a small portion of American bank
depositors hear that the FDIC had to tap into the US Treasury for funds,
and these depositors feel their banked money is at risk and want to
withdraw some of it, the mother of all bank runs could ensue.
This could
create the day of reckoning that many have predicted.
A short banking
holiday would have to be declared and who knows what happens from there
- troops in the streets, issuance of new currency,
martial law? Don't
think those in the Federal government haven't made plans for such an
One event that the US government has carefully
laid plans for is the switch to a genetically modified diet.
Thanks largely
to the lobbying efforts of American agribusiness behemoths like Monsanto,
facilitated no doubt by
their man being placed at the head of the FDA,
legislation long ago passed to regulate food quality has been successfully
vectored (shades of
Glass-Steagall) towards repressing the organic growth of
locally produced, small-scale agriculture, embracing instead GMO crops as
the savior to the gloom cast over food production.
Stephen Lendman warns that,
Concentrating control in the hands of a few
Agribusiness giants places everyone at risk. They plan world domination
by patenting all life forms to force-feed
GMO foods on everyone - even
though eating them risks harm to human health.
Not to be outdone, the British government is
likewise preparing profit in death by priming its population:
Food crisis could force wartime rations and GMO diet
on Britons
GMOs are going to
create hunger and famine. The naked pathology behind this
means of reducing the population is evident in everything Monsanto does. Farmers indebted to its terminator cycle of death are committing suicide in
the tens of thousands in India.
Monsanto's response?
Charge the peasants as
much as 42% more for next season's "intelligent" seeds, thus bringing
Monsanto's anticipated profit margins in line with grain futures in the
commodities market. Disaster capitalism at its finest: fewer people, more
profit and "carrying capacity" restored at a suitable equilibrium of our
A win-win outcome for all (psychopaths)!
Mass depopulation
techniques II - Imagine if Swine Flew
But of course you couldn't have a proper 'war on the people' without a
devious strategy - such as attacking from multiple flanks at the same time,
whilst hiding behind smoke and mirrors, the fog of covert war.
Among the scare tactics (which could also be attempts to condition us for
what lies ahead) the UK government is preparing a series of mass graves to
cope with a second outbreak of swine flu in the autumn. The scenario sounds
eerily similar to what happened in the Middle Ages, when people died in huge
numbers from bubonic plague and the "Black Death" (the cause for which has
probably been covered up - but that's another story).
That should send a
message, but will the people hear it?
Preparations for catastrophe is a pattern that repeats in the US, as schools
in the capital prepare for
swine flu vaccinations and the National Guard
acts out a "readiness drill" at a Maine high school to prime people for
riots of panicked people in need of treatment - complete with tear gas.

All these measures are being contemplated in spite of the fact that
the WHO
has announced that the
swine flu outbreak seems to have peaked in most of
the southern hemisphere - where, as you know, winter occurs at this time of
the year - and that the "overwhelming majority" of patients continue to
experience mild illness at worst.
You would almost think that our benevolent
governments want to have a pandemic involving some form of mass death -
and/or that they know such an event is coming and that swine flu is just the
cover story to convince us that it is an 'unfortunate but natural event.'
And yet, if its role is to confuse, not inform, we can observe that the WHO
suffers from a strange case of multiple personality disorder.
The above
announcement seems to reassure us that things are not as bad; but then it
also added that doctors from the southern hemisphere are reporting a severe
form of swine flu that goes straight to the lungs of otherwise healthy young
people, and as many as 15 percent of patients infected require extensive
hospital care.
At least some experts cautiously adopt a
more moderate tone:
"The WHO is certainly putting the
fear of
[God] in people with this type of release," said William Muraskin, a
professor of urban studies at Queens College in New York, who is a
specialist in international health. "The description by the WHO is
similar to lung infections that claimed so many young people during the
1918 pandemic."
Dr. Julie Gerberding, former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention, noted,
"Severe pneumonia occurred in 1918 too,
but we cannot confirm the pathophysiology is the exactly the same."
And Dr. Anthony Fauci of the National Institutes of Health, one of the
government's preeminent figures on swine flu, told ABC News' Brian
"The severity should not be anything near what we saw in 1918
-- again, underscoring that things can change.
"But if what we're seeing now is predictive of what we'll be seeing in
the fall and the winter this looks like a mild to moderate, not a very
severe, pandemic."
Furthermore, the organization's director
Margaret Chan went on interview with Le Monde on the same day and declared
"this virus travels at an unbelievable, almost unheard of speed," that
is, four times faster than usual. "All governments must prepare for the
worst," she said.
In other words, be afraid and get your shot in the arm.
Someone is to benefit from such words.
The US government is taking steps to counter a supposed delay in the arrival
of swine flu vaccine by searching for factories that can get more of the
liquid into syringes faster, in spite of the fact that a rushed vaccine is
even worse than an already dangerous 'carefully prepared' one. Remember,
there is a business to be made out of anything.
Who gains from a swine flu
Pharmaceutical companies in the business of
making swine flu vaccines include Baxter International, Sanofi-Aventis
SA, Novartis, and GlaxoSmithKline. Jefferson notes that Glaxo will be
charging about $6 per dose while it costs the company about $1 per dose
to produce the vaccine.
That's a nice profit for the drug giant. When
asked to comment about its profit margins, a Glaxco representative noted
the company "did not recognize the figures."

Texas National Guard
Wouldn't it be ironic if the vaccine meant to protect us ended up
doing the
killing? Perhaps that is the idea?
Maybe those who are in a position to know
better understand that the 'solution' is worse than the problem, as only a
third of UK nurses are apparently willing to take the swine flu vaccine,
while British doctors are concerned that it is linked to a deadly nerve
disease called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which attacks the lining of
the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe.
Several months ago, a lone voice in the scientific wilderness tried to
highlight the evidence that "swine flu" showed all the signs of having been
artificially developed in the lab.
The WHO quickly shut him up, and out.
War on People and
Taser Teasers
There are also plans for those of us who survive whatever awaits around the
Here are a few timely reminders that the war on people - once sold
to the public as the 'war on terror' and necessary for our own protection -
is still active.
In Judge Dredd style, the Australian government is planning to
police to break into suspects' homes without pre-approval from a judge and
to also make it more difficult for suspects to claim bail, all in the name
of the holy counter-terrorism crusade, of course. There are yet more signs
that the judicial system is ill in other countries.
Take US Justice Antonin Scalia who argues that,
This Court has never held that the
Constitution forbids the execution of a convicted defendant who has had
a full and fair trial but is later able to convince a habeas court that
he is "actually" innocent. Quite to the contrary, we have repeatedly
left that question unresolved, while expressing considerable doubt that
any claim based on alleged "actual innocence" is constitutionally
You know that a legal and judicial system
suffers from ponerization when legalistic arguments are used to produce
doctrines that run directly counter to the spirit of the law.
We don't have
too look far to see how this produces flagrant abuses of power.
A 2004
report by the CIA's inspector general reveals that agency interrogators
conducted mock executions of terror suspects.
Will they still call them
'harsh interrogation techniques' when threatening a prisoner with death
violates US anti-torture laws? Perhaps the CIA's increasing need to bypass
the law is what is making the agency outsource some of its dirtiest jobs to
the likes of
Political systems that preach about human rights but practice torture must
resort to deception to get away with it. In a shameful episode, German
police seized three young Muslim men in a small village in 2007, along with
730 kg of hydrogen peroxide, apparently enough to make 550 kg of explosives.
The public was told that these three 'terrorists' and a fourth wanted to
bomb US military and other facilities in Germany on behalf of the 'Islamic
Jihad Union', an alleged terrorist group based in Uzbekistan.
But guess what?
The supposedly dangerous group members have
emerged as no more than some muddle-heads. They had no links whatsoever
to international Islamic terror groups.
"No Islamic chief villain...in Pakistan or somewhere else influenced the
group," says Hans Leyendecker, one of Germany's top investigative
journalists. "Its members are dumb, narrow-minded young men who hate the
Moreover, the fifth member of the group, yet to be captured, has been
described as a Turkish national known only as Mevlut K. He now appears
as an informer of the Turkish national intelligence organization (MIT,
after its Turkish name). He was the key figure in the plot, according to
confessions by other members of the Sauerland group.
We are not surprised though. This has happened
in the past.
Remember the 2006 Miami 'terror plot'?
This was entirely
fabricated by an undercover FBI agent and forced onto a small gang of petty
criminals, who were then paraded as a "dangerous terrorist cell" that had
been successfully dismantled. If you've never read about the case, you will
be surprised at how farcical it turned out to be.
But ridiculous as it is for those with eyes to see, provocation through
deception is the trademark tool of power. Perhaps while surfing the web you
happened to stumble upon the blog of a racist conspiracy theorist and radio
host named Hal Turner. He eventually got himself arrested, and now we have
learned from his lawyer that this curious white supremacist was trained by
the FBI as an agent provocateur.
On that note, we wonder if Republican
representative Paul Broun (Georgia) is playing a similar role, consciously
or not, by suggesting that Obama's 'socialist elite' "might use a pandemic
disease or natural disaster as an excuse to declare martial law" in order to
"take over" - which doesn't mean that disasters and martial law are not in
the cards, mind you, but certainly not in the way Broun would like us to
With this show of smoke and mirrors, can you blame us for being so cynical
about the true intentions of our leaders? Can you blame Claire Swinney, a
New Zealand journalist, for believing - with good reason - that
9-11 was an
inside job?
Reasonable people cannot, but in her country she was
"delusional" and
held in a psychiatric ward for this very reason. Kafka
couldn't have made that one up.
Now lets have a closer look at a particularly insidious aspect of the war on
people; one as shocking as a few hundred thousand volts.
In 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote these famous words in his preamble to the
Declaration of Independence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident,
that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator
with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness
Lynn Hunt, Professor of Modern European History
at UCLA, in the lecture given March 7, 2008,
Inventing Human Rights, states
that Jefferson's assertion of human rights "relies on a claim of
She then points out that this,
"gives rise to a paradox. If
equality is self-evident, why did this assertion have to be made, and why
was it made in certain times and places? How could human rights be
universal, if they are not universally recognized?"
We are living in a time when the self-evidence of human rights is no longer
self-evident, at least to 'the powers that be'. The rising use of
tasers in
law enforcement is testimony to that.
While it's self-evident to most that tasering an emotionally distraught and
mentally ill man in a court of law for raising his voice while defending his
right to due process constitutes cruel and unusual punishment.
To the court
officers who tasered him however, its quite normal.
It may also seem self-evident to most that
tasering a fourteen year old girl
whose only offense is to walk away from an altercation with her mother at a
police station constitutes cruel and unusual punishment, but evidently not
to the officer who tasered her.
It may seem self-evident to most that
tasering a mother in front of her
children after being stopped for a traffic violation would fall into the
category of cruel and unusual punishment, but not to the officer who tasered
And although it might be self-evident to most that it is cruel and unusual
punishment for police to use tasers on suspects who are already handcuffed
apparently it was not to the officers who tasered them. Or to his superiors
and ultimately those in government in the US.
If tasers were the safe alternative to firearms that the company which makes
them claims they are, why have
the following injuries occurred from taser
A psychiatric patient who removed the
barb from his skin and swallowed it.
A pregnant woman who miscarried after a
barb lodged in her abdomen.
A 16-year-old boy whose skull was
penetrated by the dart.
A man whose lung was punctured after
being shot in the chest.
Two police officers who suffered
compression fractures in their spines from muscle spasms.
A man who developed a twisted testicle.
And if tasers are safe, how to explain a 2008
Amnesty International report entitled
Tasers - potentially lethal and easy
to abuse which states that:
The number of people who died after being
struck by Tasers in the USA reached 334 between 2001 and August 2008.
"Tasers are not the 'non-lethal' weapons they are portrayed to be," said
Angela Wright, US researcher at Amnesty International and author of the
report. "They can kill and should only be used as a last resort.
"The problem with Tasers is that they are inherently open to abuse, as
they are easy to carry and easy to use and can inflict severe pain at
the push of a button, without leaving substantial marks."
Amnesty International's study - which
includes information from 98 autopsies - found that 90 per cent of those
who died after being struck with a Taser were unarmed and many did not
appear to present a serious threat.
Many were subjected to repeated or prolonged shocks - far more than the
five-second "standard" cycle - or by more than one officer at a time.
Some people were even shocked for failing to comply with police commands
after they had been incapacitated by a first shock.
In at least six of the cases where people died, Tasers were used on
individuals suffering from medical conditions such as seizures -
including a doctor who had crashed his car when he suffered an epileptic
seizure. He died after being repeatedly shocked at the side of the
highway when, dazed and confused, he failed to comply with an officer's
Perhaps we can soon expect to hear of people being tasered a
second time because they would not obey an order to "stop shaking
incoherently on the ground" as a result of the first shot.
Apparently the standard model was not lethal
enough, as a new one has been developed that can fire three barbs at once
without reloading.
new model is soon to be released in the US and the
As the controversy surrounding the use of
these police weapons on people heats up, the company in Scottsdale,
Arizona that manufactures the Taser has a new model out that will allow
police to fire multiple barbed wires charged with electricity at one or
more people, more like an automatic weapon. The new Taser gun will fire
three times.
Police say the older Taser stun guns have to be reloaded after one shot,
and that creates a problem for officers who miss their target, though
they are used at very close range. The company stated that the new Taser
can strike more than one person simultaneously.
Why is it that the above cases, all
demonstrating the pain and suffering caused by tasers, have not proven
self-evident enough for tasers to be outlawed?
In her lecture, Dr. Hunt asks a question that seems to have relevance here:
"Why was it [the assertion of the
self-evidence of human rights] made only in certain times and places?"
Perhaps only certain conditions, like those
found during the Enlightenment, are catalytic enough to effect change.
However, we are not living in such a time. That the very concept of empathy
was challenged by conservative Republicans during Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme
Court confirmation hearings is an indication of how morally bankrupt the
United States has become.
Without empathy, and the conditions that foster
it, there can be no self-evidence of human rights.
Consuming the heart of
a nation
The New Jersey
rabbis' organ trafficking scheme busted last month was the
latest in a string of revelations over recent years.
Remember this from
Israeli doctors working in South Africa were receiving organs, "from
poor people in Brazil and Israel."
Or this from 2001?
Romanian authorities
shut down an Israeli organ trafficking scheme disguised as a child adoption
Or this BBC investigation, also from 2001, linking Israel with organ
harvesting in Moldova and Turkey. The Israeli army officer caught in the
Brazilian harvesting operation
told a Brazilian court that:
"Israel financed
organ transplants in other countries, primarily South Africa, through its
national health services."
He also said that an Israeli government official
named 'Ilan' set him up with an intermediary in Brazil.
Nancy Scheper-Hughes is a medical anthropologist at the University of
California, Berkeley, who has done extensive field research into 'transplant
tourism'. She uncovered the trade in body parts spanning many countries,
with all roads leading to Israel. She tried to alert the FBI in 2002, but
they dismissed her evidence.
Joseph Gannon writes that instead,
"the State
Department issued a 2004 report which labeled organ trafficking an 'urban
legend.' By contrast, authorities in other countries acted on her leads and
made arrests."
Scheper-Hughes had better luck in Brazil and
in South Africa, where law enforcement corroborated her findings and
acted decisively. But the ring kept operating elsewhere.
Scheper-Hughes visited villages
in Moldova where,
"20% of the men were siphoned off to be kidney sellers
in this same scheme."
recently told NPR radio that:
I had begun to unravel a huge network - a
criminal network that really looks like, smells like, kind of a mafia.
The head office of the pyramid scheme originated in Israel, with brokers
placed in Turkey; in New York City; in Philadelphia; in Durban; in
Johannesburg; in Recife, Brazil; Moldova - all over the place. And I
used my ethnographic investigative skills to just go country-hopping and
try to connect the dots.
Eventually, it brought me to Isaac Rosenbaum being the head broker for
Ilan Peri in Israel, who is the don, basically, of the operation, and
who is a slippery guy.
So what we have here are two separate organ
trafficking routes connected through a 'Don' in Israel, Ilan Peri, who may
or may not officially work for the government, but who's macabre industry is
nevertheless fully endorsed by the medical establishment and health
department of the Israeli government.
The five American rabbis caught
trafficking human organs in New Jersey were the American brokers of an
international racket centered on Israel.
Although widely reported in the US,
the scheme was portrayed in the best light possible as being an unfortunate
but necessary service bringing together impoverished people in dire
financial straits with wealthy patients desperate to prolong material
existence and unwilling to queue like everybody else for an ethically
sourced organ transplant.
"I am what you call a matchmaker," Rosenbaum told
the FBI informant.
The reality is very different:
"He is the main U.S. broker for an
international trafficking network," she said.
Her sources include a man who started working with Rosenbaum imagining
he was helping people in desperate need. The man then began to see the
donors, or to be more accurate, sellers, who were flown in from
impoverished countries such as Moldova.
"He said it was awful. These people would be brought in and they didn't
even know what they were supposed to be doing and they would want to go
home and they would cry," Scheper-Hughes said.
The man called Rosenbaum "a thug" who would pull out a pistol he was
apparently licensed to carry and tell the sellers,
"You're here. A deal
is a deal. Now, you'll give us a kidney or you'll never go home."
That Israeli authorities were not involved in
the investigation is unsurprising because Israel's entire medical and legal
establishment sees little wrong with the practice and is renowned for its
lax oversight of organ transplants.
Prominent doctors in major Israeli
hospitals steal and transplant organs as a matter of routine. It's difficult
to escape the conclusion that the plundering of organs from bodies for sale
to the highest bidder is 'kompletely kosher' in Israel, as it has been the
epicenter of 'transplant tourism' for some time:
Israel has recently become something of a pariah in the transplant world
Without a strong culture of organ donation and under pressure from angry
transplant candidates, the Ministry of Health has refused to crack down on
the country's multi-million dollar business in transplant tourism that
arranges junkets from dialysis clinics in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv to medical
centers in Europe and the United States.
Joseph Gannon first linked this story with Palestinian reports of people
being killed and their bodies kidnapped by the IDF for "routine autopsies"
in the Occupied Territories.
This was followed two weeks later with an
article by Swedish freelance journalist Donald Bostrom whose investigation
related Palestinian reports of bodies of people shot and/or kidnapped by
Israeli storm-troopers showing up days later minus vital organs:
In the summer of 1992 [...] young
Palestinian men started to disappear from villages in the West Bank and
Gaza. After five days Israeli soldiers would bring them back dead, with
their bodies ripped open.
Talk of the bodies terrified the population of the occupied territories.
There were rumors of a dramatic increase of young men disappearing, with
ensuing nightly funerals of autopsied bodies.
I was in the area at the time, working on a book. On several occasions I
was approached by UN staff concerned about the developments. The persons
contacting me said that organ theft definitely occurred but that they
were prevented from doing anything about it.
On an assignment from a
broadcasting network I then traveled around interviewing a great number
of Palestinian families in the West Bank and Gaza - meeting parents who
told of how their sons had been deprived of organs before being killed.
One example that I encountered on this eerie trip was the young
stone-thrower Bilal Achmed Ghanan.
The families in the West Bank and in Gaza felt that they knew exactly
what had happened:
"Our sons are used as involuntary organ donors,"
relatives of Khaled from Nablus told me, as did the mother of Raed from
Jenin and the uncles of Machmod and Nafes from Gaza, who had all
disappeared for a number of days only to return at night, dead and
We know that Israel has a great need for organs, that there is a vast
and illegal trade of organs which has been running for many years now,
that the authorities are aware of it and that doctors in managing
positions at the big hospitals participate, as well as civil servants at
various levels.
We also know that young Palestinian men disappeared,
that they were brought back after five days, at night, under tremendous
secrecy, stitched back together after having been cut from abdomen to
Israel's hysterical reaction was met with the
coolest of rebuttals from Sweden's foreign minister:
"Our country does not
work that way - and neither should it."
The journalist
Donald Bostrom chimed
"Since Sweden is a democratic country, we
have a constitutional right to print whatever we want to print. That is
not a matter for the government. Actually, the government is not allowed
to interfere in this case.
The amazing thing is that the Israeli
government should know that the laws of democracy mean that one
democratic country cannot interfere with another. I think the Israeli
government has to read a book about democracy."
Italy's foreign minister shamelessly announced
that he brokered a deal with his Swedish counterpart, namely that Sweden had
agreed to condemn the "anti-Semitic" article, even though no such deal had
been made.
As Israel could not get Sweden to condemn the report, the American wing of
the Zionist establishment was promptly mobilized.
A suit was filed in
Manhattan seeking damages of $7.5 million for "something Goebbels would have
written" and US Senator Ben Cardin reminded Sweden of its "duty" to silence
its press in matters that harm Israel's false image:
"When major press
outlets fail to meet their responsibility, and instead raise the specter of
racism or anti-Semitism, then public officials are duty bound to speak out
and condemn such blatant falsehoods."
The fact that the Swedish paper was
actually rising to its public duty to report Israel's crimes was obviously
lost on the Senator, whose conversive reasoning typified the hysterical
Israeli Organ Harvesting: The New "Blood Libel"?
A 1990 article in the Washington Report on
Middle East Affairs entitled "Autopsies and Executions" by Mary Barrett
reports on the grotesque killings of young Palestinians. It includes an
interview with Dr. Hatem Abu Ghazalch, the former chief health official
for the West Bank under Jordanian administration and director of
forensic medicine and autopsies.
Barrett asks him about "the widespread anxiety over organ thefts which
has gripped Gaza and the West Bank since the intifada began in December
of 1987."
He responded:
"There are indications that for one
reason or another, organs, especially eyes and kidneys, were removed
from the bodies during the first year or year and a half. There were
just too many reports by credible people for there to be nothing
happening. If someone is shot in the head and comes home in a
plastic bag without internal organs, what will people assume?"
Palestinian President Yasser Arafat told Al
Jazeera in 2002 that the IDF was not only killing Palestinian children but
also mutilating their bodies as they extracted vital organs:
"They murder
our kids and use their organs as spare parts. Why is the whole world silent?
Israel takes advantage of this silence to escalate its oppression and terror
against our people."
Iranian news agency IRNA reported that,
"in response to
a question raised in the Israeli Knesset, Nissim Dahan, the Israeli Minister
of Health, said that he, 'couldn't say for sure that something like that
[extracting the organs] didn't happen.'"

What is known is that Israel's Chief
Yehuda Hiss, has been investigated multiple times for a list of
reprehensible practices, the least of which involves
extracting organs from
patients without the consent of families.
It's only now that a Western media outlet had the gall to break the
censorship over the subject that the wrath of Israel is unleashed in
Sweden's direction for 'sanctioning' such "vile accusations". Stealing
organs from lesser beings is fine as long as your benefactors don't find out
about it.
Emboldened by the support shown from its government,
published a follow-up story revealing more details of the gruesome murder
and treatment of "the young stone-thrower" Bilal Achmed Ghanan, only one of
thousands pitted against the
military Goliath that is Israel.
Kawther Salam, a Palestinian journalist of 22 years, weighed in with her
testimony that hundreds of persons remain unaccounted for, their memories
sealed along with their bodies in Israel's gulags:
My personal experience confirms what Mr.
Boström wrote: while I do not know the particular case which he
describes, it is typical for what the Israelis do in Palestine all the
time, what is "normal" since the early seventies.
The Israeli military murders people all the time, and most if not all of
the murdered are taken for "autopsy", many of them are buried in Israeli
military cemeteries in numbered and secret graves.
Captain Eyal, Col. Fuad Halhal, Col. Amnon Cohen, Rafi Geoli and many of
those mentioned above and many others were the ones calling the families
of the murdered Palestinians, in the middle of the night to inform them
about the bodies of their loved ones.
These criminals were telling the
Palestinian families that they "had worked hard to make it possible to
release the bodies of their relatives from the military headquarters" -
implying that it was a favor, and that the military commanders Shamni,
Goldstein, Nagar, ... had ordered that the bodies should be buried in
the dark and that "not more than ten persons" were allowed to be present
at the funeral.
Often the relatives of the murdered people were screaming and shouting,
as they had received an empty body stuffed with cotton. These criminal
officers and their soldiers forced them to shut up.
All this criminal activity is not only a clear violation of the human
rights, a horrendous crime against humanity, but a disrespect of the
sanctity of life which can only be explained by the mental deficiencies
of the perpetrators.
Most if not all the Israeli medical establishment knows what is going
on, and they keep silence because they either get money, or they are
rewarded in other ways for conniving in these crimes.
This is confirmed
because of repeated complaints of doctors from other countries because
Israel is one of the few jurisdictions which does not forbid commerce
with human organs and body parts.
It's notable that the Israeli government has
taken the issue head on by
openly challenging the Swedish government to
publicly condemn the newspaper.
Is it a lack of foresight that blinds the
Israeli regime from seeing that this could only backfire as it becomes
obvious to others that they have something to hide and that the story's
claims are probably true?
Or are they comfortable risking further acrimony
against 'Diaspora Jews' because the worst that can happen is that more of
them make aliyah and return to "the promised land"?
Rather than simply denying the report's contents or promise an
investigation, Netanyahu instead invited Sweden to consider how the truth
could hurt Jews, likening the report to "medieval libels that Jews killed
Christian children for their blood," an unfortunate choice of analogy given
that, according to Israeli-Italian scholar Ariel Toaff, there is a factual
basis for medieval allegations of ritual murder of Christians.
Toaff was
forced him to pull his book, Pasque di Sangue (Bloody Passovers), donate the
proceeds to the Anti-Defamation League, then publish a revised edition.
According to Toaff, the children's,
"blood bathed the altars of a God who, it
was believed, needed to be guided, sometimes impatiently pushed to protect
and to punish."
Palestinian children could tell you there is nothing new
under the sun.
With each new revelation of organ theft, these "medieval
libels" appear less libelous.
People speak of the "heart of a nation". And what of Israel's? Apparently it
has none, at least none that it can call its own. What is currently the
"heart of Israel" was unceremoniously ripped from the collective body of the
Palestinian people over 60 years ago.
That Israel continues this theft on an
individual and physical level today is therefore hardly surprising, and in
fact, strangely appropriate.
"Fun and Games" with
the Secret Team
[T]he CIA's most important "Cover Story" is
that of an "Intelligence" agency. Of course, the CIA does make use of
"intelligence" and "intelligence gathering," but that is largely a front
for its primary interest, "Fun and Games." The CIA is the center of a
vast mechanism that specializes in Covert Operations... or as Allan
Dulles used to call it, "Peacetime Operations."
In this sense, the CIA is the willing tool
of a higher level Secret Team, or High Cabal, that usually includes
representatives of the CIA and other instrumentalities of the
government, certain cells of the business and professional world and,
almost always, foreign participation.
L. Fletcher Prouty, The Secret
Join us for a tour around the world following
the latest misdeeds of the Secret Team and Friends™ on behalf of the
global pathocratic elite.
Colombia and Venezuela

'We do not want war,
we hate it. But we must prepare for it,' Mr Chavez warned
The US will deploy soldiers to Colombia.
Their alleged mission is to use
advanced Predator drone technology to aid in fighting the drug trade and to
combat terrorism. However, unless you are extremely naive, you would have to
agree with Venezuelan president
Hugo Chavez that the move stinks of an
attempt to encircle Venezuela, a country which for years now has dared to
not dance to the tune of American Imperialism.
Chavez warned that "the winds
of war [are] beginning to blow," and we can understand why he feels that way
as a few days earlier he stated that Colombia is sending
soldiers across the
border into Venezuelan territory.
The tension is palpable in the neighborhood. Ecuador has reinforced its
border with Colombia as a preventive measure.
If you think that Ecuador and Venezuela are overreacting, consider that
Colombia has been lately - unfortunately for Colombians - an exemplar of a
country manipulated and controlled by US imperialism.
Colombian soldiers
have been practicing a trick they undoubtedly learned from the
School of the
"a U.S. Army training school that trains soldiers and military
personnel from Latin American countries in subjects like counter-insurgency,
military intelligence and counter-narcotics operations."
In their zeal to
pretend they are winning the war on drugs and rebels, the Colombian Army has
been killing innocent civilians in order to present them as rebels or drug
dealers. More than a thousand murders under such circumstances are being
investigated, but the figure is obviously higher because
2,500 trade unionsists alone have met their deaths in such a way.
The fact that trade
unionists are targeted should give us a clue about who benefits from the
Colombia has the highest death rate for
trade unionists in the world, with over 2,500 union members having been
murdered over the past 15 years. Over 41 met their deaths in 2008 alone.
Many of these atrocities are carried out by the Colombian army in
conjunction with paramilitary death squads. In what might seem
surprising to some, it would also appear that such forces have been
receiving military aid from the British government since the 1980s.
In late 2008, the Justice for Colombia (JFC) campaign published a report
on British involvement in the Colombian military. The document alleges
the UK's status as "reportedly the second largest donor of military aid
to Colombia" and describes its relationship with the High Mountain
Battalions, who have a "history of involvement in the torture and murder
of trade unionists".
Liam Craig-Best, a member of JFC said:
"There is not one reason for the
UK's involvement but a set of reasons, one of these being economic...The
two biggest foreign companies operating in Colombia are both British,
those being British Petroleum and SAB Miller - the brewing company -
whose presence is much larger than the American and Spanish
multi-nationals currently investing there."
In contrast, Venezuela managed to loosen the
grip of the Axis of Evil since Hugo Chavez took power and as a result
poverty in Venezuela has decreased by 22.6% over the past decade.
This is
the obvious reason that the global pathocrats are encircling Venezuela.
will the Secret Team and its masters have "Fun and Games" with the
altruistic tendencies inherent in the socialist principle of redistribution
of a nation's natural resources?
It didn't take an insider to see that the military coup in Honduras of late
June had the blessing and support of the US.
Patricia Valle, the deputy
foreign minister of the ousted President Manuel Zelaya, has provided us with
a further clue that this was the case by revealing that before heading to
Costa Rica, the Honduran military plane that flew Zelaya into exile stopped
to refuel at the Soto Cato air base (Palmerola) where at least 500 US troops
are based.
Seamus Milne observes,
Whatever prior traffic there may have been
between the Honduran plotters and US officialdom, it's clear that the
Obama administration could pull the plug on the coup regime tomorrow by
suspending military aid and imposing sanctions.
But so far, despite
public condemnations, the president has yet to withdraw the US
ambassador, let alone block the coup leaders' visas or freeze their
accounts, as Zelaya has requested.
Can you imagine the coup taking place if
the US government was as concerned about the death of fragile democracies in
Latin America as it is about the non-existent nuclear weapons of Iran?

Honduran riot
policemen form a cordon
to block supporters of ousted Honduran President
Manuel Zelaya
The Honduran people are well aware of the
Strikes are closing schools and grounding flights as farmers and
trade unionists march in defiance of masked soldiers and military roadblocks
- only to be met by an iron fist: demonstrators have been shot, more than a
thousand people are reported arrested, television and radio stations have
been closed down and trade unionists and political activists murdered
(sound familiar?).
A curfew has been reimposed in the capital.
So why is the "socialist" government of
Obama not doing anything?
Could it
have anything to do with the logic of capitalism which dictates that the
interests of transnational corporations are more important than the will and
well-being of the people?
Here is an
interesting coincidence:
Earlier in the year Chiquita Brands
International Inc. (formerly United Fruit) and Dole Food Co [both US
companies] had severely criticized Zelaya for advocating an increase of
60% in Honduras's minimum wage, claiming that the policy would cut into
corporate profits. They were joined by a coalition of textile
manufacturers and exporters, companies that rely on cheap labor to work
in their sweatshops.
But that is not all. Pathological groups see a
cake and they all hurry to steal a piece of it. According to human rights
activist Andrés Pavón,
Israeli Commandos are training the Honduran Armed
It looks like the School of the Americas is making use of guest
Afghanistan and Pakistan
The news from the so-called 'Af-Pak' war theater are not encouraging for the
people of the area.
There have been ongoing US drone attacks that typically
kill a dozen people. Of course, we are always told that some al-Qaeda
baddies were being targeted, but somehow innocent people - such as children
- represent a high percentage of the casualties. The latest atrocity
occurred just a few days ago as a NATO air strike killed as many as 90
people - nearly half of them civilians - during an attack on two hijacked
fuel tankers.
Isn't it unfair that in a world in which the poor have no voice the 'proof'
that their dead were either drug dealers or terrorists appears to be that
they were murdered by the US or their allies? It would be bad enough if we
were only talking about 'collateral damage', but the effects of US
imperialism reach grotesque proportions when you consider that it created
the problems it claims to be trying to solve.
According to a
US Senate
report, as described by The Times:
In one of its most disconcerting
conclusions, the Senate report says the United States inadvertently
contributed to the resurgent drug trade ... by backing warlords who
derived income from the flow of illegal drugs...
These warlords later
traded on their stature as U.S. allies to take senior positions in the
new Afghan government, laying the groundwork for the corrupt nexus
between drugs and authority that pervades the power structure today.
May we add that the word "inadvertently" strikes
us as, at best, naiveté in the extreme on the Senate's part, at worst
outright obfuscation of the truth.
Notwithstanding the chaos already created, the US is pumping up the
propaganda in obvious preparation for a surge of military activity in 'Obama's
war'. While the US military commander in Afghanistan, General Stanley McChrystal, declared that the Taliban had gained the upper hand in the
country, forcing the US to change its strategy by increasing the number of
troops in heavily populated areas, Obama himself made a very convincing
impression of
George W. Bush's absurd speech patterns by arguing that
Afghan war secures America.
Obama's words,
We must never forget. This is not a war of
choice. This is a war of necessity. Those who attacked America on
are plotting to do so again. If left unchecked, the Taliban insurgency
will mean an even larger safe haven from which al Qaeda would plot to
kill more Americans. So this is not only a war worth fighting. This is
fundamental to the defense of our people.
What follows is that the US and NATO are
training Afghan soldiers and pouring $7.5 billion a year into a war everyone
wants a piece of. The idea is to double the Afghan army to 240,000.
Not that
the NATO forces need any more soldiers,
With recent announcements that troops from
such diverse nations as Colombia, Mongolia, Armenia, Japan, South Korea,
Ukraine and Montenegro may join those of some 45 other countries serving
under the command of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization-led
International Security Assistance Force (ISAF), there will soon be
military personnel from fifty nations on five continents and in the
Middle East serving under a unified command structure.
Never before have soldiers from so many states served in the same war
theater, much less the same country, and under the command of the US
military and civilian leadership. NATO has always been a tool of the
American empire.
Afghanistan must be important for some reason,
then. And there is probably more than one, considering the geopolitical
significance of the country.
Karen Kwiatkowski, a writer and former U.S. Air
Force officer, has declared that the US has an ongoing presence in
Afghanistan because of its proximity to Iran, a country which poses no
threat to the US but is certainly an annoyance for Israel.
There are a few indications that Obama's government has renewed interest in
For starters, the 'Kenyan One' has chosen General James Jones as his
national security adviser. Jones was one of the
main architects of AFRICOM,
which has the mission of planifying the Pentagon's military interventions in
Paul I. Adujie explains:
"America's Africa Command, in conceptual
terms and actual implementation, is not intended to serve Africa's best
interests. It just happens that Africa has grown in geopolitical and
geo-economic importance to America and her allies. Africa has been there
all along.
"There were, for instance, reports of how the American military, acting
supposedly in partnership or cooperation with the Nigerian military,
literally took over Nigerian Defense Headquarters....
"It is probably important to mention that the United States already
operates at least three other commands, namely, the European Command (EUCOM),
Central Command (CENTCOM) and Pacific Command (PACOM), therefore the
Africa Command or (AFRICOM) will be the fourth leg of US military global
"America's Africa Command is... machinery for Western governments to
pursue their vaunted economic, political and hegemonic hemispheric
influence at the expense of Africans as well as a backdoor through which
Westerners can outmaneuver rivals such as China and perhaps Russia in
In regards to the remark about Nigeria, in May
of last year the US Military held war games with the help of private
military contractors and representatives from several NATO countries,
Australia, and Israel.
Two of the proposed scenarios were designed to test AFRICOM's ability to respond to crises in Nigeria and Somalia.
Coincidentally, Somalia has been experiencing its worse humanitarian crisis
in eighteen years amid an escalating war between insurgents and
pro-government troops.
Given that the US Army has decided to maintain a 600 troop
"counter-insurgency" unit in the Philippines, you would think that the
Empire and its allies are interested in keeping the country at peace by
supporting the government.
But peace is not very profitable and not lots of
"fun and games" for the Secret Team. It should not come as a big surprise
then that Philippine coast guards seized a ship carrying Israeli guns,
suspected of being destined for illegal syndicates and/or militant groups.
By way of deception, those guys are everywhere, aren't they?
Meanwhile, and in spite of the fact that we no longer hear as much of Iraq
as we used to - perhaps because of the psychological Barack effect, as if
the problem had gone with Bush -
Blackwater is still Armed in Iraq, truck
blasts hit Baghdad ministries and random populated areas, killing 55 and
wounding 300, and Al-Maliki survives an assassination attempt, said to be an
inside job.
Overall, another success for the spread of democracy, they will say.
Disclosure comet?
New Scientist publicized the threat
dark comets pose to our little planet
earlier in the year, quoting astronomer Bill Napier:
"There is a case to be
made that dark, dormant comets are a significant but largely unseen hazard."
They followed this up recently with NASA's announcement that an amino acid
has been discovered on a comet for the first time, supporting theories which
posit a dual role for
comets as both creators and destroyers of worlds.
Separately, the National Geographic published research findings that suggest
a comet swarm delivered earth's oceans.
And do you remember the 1996 meteorite that allegedly had fossilized
Although it was not generally accepted at the time, new analysis
suggests the rock's Martian environment had the conditions conducive to
life, as it was once covered by water at the right temperature to support
life as we know it.
Jupiter's cosmic smash in July actually appears to have stimulated some in
the mainstream media to consider the real threat posed by near Earth
The UK Times said that,
"near-Earth object defense is not a laughing
matter. It's something the world needs to take extremely seriously."
laughing matter indeed.
While it's encouraging to see ideas whose time has come spotted along the
fringes of public awareness, as long as the overwhelming use of resources is
directed towards more efficient ways of killing, humanity's attention
remains hopelessly distracted from the fact that
we're one step away from
High Strangeness
UFO phenomena remains ever present. We receive so many reports of
sightings that it becomes difficult to keep track of them!
Here is a sample from around the globe this
August (2009).
...in South America
Two UFOs filmed by Vincente Lopez in Buenos Aires, Argentina:
Argentina: A UFO Over Coronel Suárez
Argentina: UFOs, Declassification and the Press
One hour showing of UFO's in Peru
People in the southern Peruvian city of Tacna jammed radio broadcasts and
emergency phone lines when a pair of Unidentified Flying Objects (UFO)
appeared over the skies of this border city in South America.
...in North America
Mexico: UFO Photographed Over Morelos

UFO recorded on July 28, 2009 at 8:48 pm in the city of Long Beach,
California, traveling south-east.
Recorded with a HD night vision camera:
US: Six Kansas witnesses 'shocked' by low flying black triangle UFO
US: Triangle UFO with 'bubble nose' reported over Walsenburg, Colorado
Many witnessed a fireball streak across the night sky in Canada on August
24th. Then in the US
on August 30th, witnesses gave the following
description of a sighting:
It was on fire and it was smoking. It had a
long green trail behind it. You could see green and red flames trailing
flames behind it. To me, it looked liked a meteor crashing, but my
boyfriend thought it might be a falling satellite or a small plane
We never actually heard a crash. There was no noise. If you
hold a dinner plate out against the sky, that was the size of the object
and it had 30 to 40 feet of flames behind it.
...the UK
A UFO 'near miss' at Gatwick Airport, London coincided with release of MoD
files describing similar incident 18 years ago. In total, hundreds of
detailed reports of UFO sightings have been released
by the British Ministry
of Defence.
String of UFO sightings in North Wales
UFOs Reported Over Eastern China
UFO filmed in South Korea
August was rockin' and rollin'...
... in odd places around the US too
By the end of the month there was no respite for
California's hemorrhaging economy as firefighters fought a raging battle
with a forest fire that threatened to descend on Los Angeles.

Mount Wilson on fire
15 miles from downtown LA
And we can't leave out our man-made
The extent to which human activity is a causal
factor in climate change may be grossly exaggerated, but that doesn't mean
we do not produce direct and potentially harmful effects to both ourselves
and the planet.
The scramble for resources is upsetting an ecological
balance and producing explosive effects.
Is Geothermal Drilling Causing Earthquakes?
Quake Fears Stall Energy Extraction Project
At Fault: Did Drilling Cause Earthquakes at
Cleburne Texas?
Meanwhile the Israelis and Americans are setting
off powerful explosions deep under the Negev Desert. That can only mean one
thing of course: they're "calibrating Israel's seismological equipment to
give advance warning of earthquakes."
Remind us again, what else is in the Negev

Negev Nuclear Research
Center a.k.a. Dimona,
Israel's no-longer-a-secret nuclear weapons factory