by We Are Human, We Are Free
February 03, 2023
WeAreHumanWeAreFree Website
Spanish version

Throughout history, there have been individuals, families and
organizations who have been obsessed with gaining control over
natural resources and over other people - politically, economically
and socially.
For these people there is no balance between 'freedom' and
'security'; there is no experience of love, empathy and solidarity
with other human beings:
ordinary people exist simply as resources
for them to control or discard in their fruitless attempt to gain
total security for themselves.
Whatever lipservice they pay to caring about 'the
people' or 'humanity', their only genuine interest is in gaining
personal control...
They ally themselves with those of a similar
mind, but they do not love or trust one another.
Disconnected from
their own natural emotions, they cannot care about the pain of
others, or, even worse, they have a deep fascination for causing
pain and terror in other people.
Having set up key conditions in their favor over many decades, a
number of financially mega-wealthy and psychologically sick
individuals and families are now implementing the final stages in
their attempt to gain total control over the world's resources and
the human population.
We refer to these people as
the 'Global
Global Elite can be described as,
a 'superclass' of around 8000
people, including more than 2000 billionaires, who operate in ways
designed to keep increasing their own financial and material wealth
at the expense of ordinary people and the natural environment.
people are wealthy enough to operate outside the law, shaping
society and the economy without the knowledge, input or agreement of
the general population.
Sometimes they drive the creation of laws
which allow them to profit from harming and killing others - such as
the no-liability laws that allow vaccine companies to profit from
their products, making billions of dollars, while having to pay no
compensation to those individuals injured or killed by their
Some of the key organizations through which the Global Elite works
are the,
And the major capital investment firms and banks -
seventeen global financial giants that are money management firms
each controlling more than one trillion dollars in capital.
Many of these organizations have no public oversight, and none of
them has any public accountability in practice.
Oxfam reports that
by January 2020 the operations of the Global Elite had already led
to the richest 1% having more than double the wealth of 6.9 billion
of the world's population.
Their manipulation of the global economy
for their own financial profit had led to 100,000 people in the
world dying every day from starvation, mostly because ordinary
people in 'developing' countries simply could not afford to buy the
food produced in their own countries.
Now the deaths and marginalization of people worsens through
lockdowns designed to destroy working and middle class economies in
developed countries.
No amount of control is enough to compensate
for the Global Elite's deep fear.
And so all of us are potential
sacrifices to their compulsive 'need' for total control...
There are two key differences between the current attempted takeover
and any other imposition of dictatorship in the past.
One is that it
is truly global in nature - whatever conflicts still exist between
nations and cultures, the Global Elite's intention is to create one
centrally controlled 'existence' for all human beings.
Secondly, the
core of the Global Elite are 'transhumanists', believing that
genetic engineering and technological implants can both improve
human biological functions without negative effects (highly
debatable) and provide the means to increase surveillance and
directly control human minds and behavior (truly scary).
people fear and loathe biological life, and believe that 'fourth
industrial revolution' technology, including Artificial
Intelligence, is superior as an evolutionary force.
Sound insane? That's because it is...!
But whether or not it is in fact
possible to achieve their megalomaniac dream, doesn't mean they
aren't going to try.
And they have enormous resources at their
disposal to buy the assistance of key agents (such as governments,
public relations firms and media, biotechnologists and health
agencies), and no compunction in using threats, manipulation and
direct violence to get what they want.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) calls this attempted takeover 'The Great
Reset', and while the WEF presents this with a positive 'spin', in
fact, they are working towards global dictatorship through the
achievement of full control in key areas of social, political,
economic and physical life.
The supposed 'pandemic' and the planetary
lockdown response are key tools in achieving their aims -
psychologically designed to dramatically increase people's fear of
the unknowable, and justify greater and greater loss of freedoms and
human rights.
Key players in this coup against humanity fund research in private
business, universities and military organizations into technologies
designed to create,
tech-enhanced 'supersoldiers'
neurological tech
bodily tech implants designed for surveillance
satellite systems to allow global
WiFi connection and control,
This core of transhumanists includes,
David Rockefeller Jr.
(Big oil, banking and pharmaceutical industries, Rockefeller
Bill Gates (World Health Organisation, Pfizer, Moderna,
GMO foods)
Elon Musk (SpaceX, Neuralink)
Klaus Schwab (World
Economic Forum)
Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook),
...but there are many
others, who may or may not have a public profile.
To the extent that
their operations and goals are visible, these are presented in ways
that sound "positive and benign" - good for our health, happiness,
economic fairness and environmental sustainability.
Oxfam reports that Global billionaires' wealth increased by US$3.9
trillion during
the lockdowns of 2020.
And when Jeff Bezos (Amazon,
which holds key communication technology development contracts with
the CIA) increased his personal wealth by $70 billion in 2020, for
example, it is clear that we are not 'all in this together'.
Amazon's human workers are already treated like feelingless robots,
and Bezos intends to replace them all with mechanical robots by the
year 2030.
This obsession of the transhumanists with 'enhanced'
human and mechanical robots comes about through their fear of
independent individuals, who have needs, desires and a conscious
existence of their own.
Robots make the ultimate slaves, and this is
how the transhumanists see everyone and everything around them.
Members of the Global Elite are
eugenicists who believe,
they have
the right to decide who is fit to live according to whether an
individual and their offspring are useful in pursuing their agenda
for financial profit and total control.
In addition to supporting
sterilization of those considered 'undesirable', they have always
been willing to kill large numbers of people who they believe are
dangerous or extraneous to their plans, or where killing people is
immediately profitable.
(For example, they routinely assassinate
politicians and activists who defy them, they kill millions each
year through starvation, and deliberately foment wars so they can
profit from the weapons industry).
With the numbers of
'vaccine'-related serious injuries and deaths soaring, it is clear
that at least one purpose of
the Covid-19 injections (individual
doses of which are clearly variable in their immediate and longer
term effects) is to kill a significant proportion of the world's
human population.
What control will those of us left have over our capacity for
financial and economic independence?
Since 2020, there have been
what are supposedly 'warnings' from various major institutions -
including the World Economic Forum and the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace - about the possibility of an,
imminent cyber attack that will collapse the existing financial
Following a simulation in 2020, in which the World Economic
Forum along with the Russian government and global banks conducted a
high-profile cyberattack simulation that targeted the financial
industry, another simulation -
Cyber Polygon - was conducted from 9
July 2021.
In reality, of course, such a collapse of the financial
system would constitute,
'the final yet necessary step' to implement
the World Economic Forum's desired outcome of forcing a widespread
shift 'to digital currency (CBDC) and increased global governance of the
international economy'.
If this financial collapse happens, the 'solution' suggested by key
agencies, in the words of Whitney Webb:
'to unite the national
security apparatus and the finance industry first, and then use that
as a model to do the same with other sectors of the economy',
ensure that we lose what little control is left in our lives, not
just in relation to our financial resources but in all other domains
as well.
Watch this 54-minute video 'The New Normal' for an excellent
overview of 'The Great Reset', including some of the resistance so
Watch this 46-minute film, made by Vrouwen Voor Vrijheid in the
Netherlands, about ownership and control of global wealth:
- Follow The Money'.
Watch this below 49-minute video by financial consultant Catherine Austin Fitts, on the operations of 'Mr Global', for the film 'Planet
And watch this 73-minute video by computer engineer Aman Jabbi, on
how we are being locked into a digital dictatorship through the
rapid implementation of digital identity technologies: 'Facial
Recognition - Digital ID or Digital Dictatorship'.
In brief,
the Global Elite is in the process of establishing:
A Monopolized Corporate Dictatorship of the economy, including all
natural, agricultural, human, technological and financial resources,
destroying any attempt of ordinary people to achieve economic
self-reliance through independent farming, small and medium sized
business, organic food production or local trade.
The full digitization of money (the end of currency altogether), will leave
people with no control over currencies they can use to trade in ways
they see fit.
The advent of the 'fourth industrial revolution' is
expected to lead to at least one-third of jobs now performed by
humans being replaced by software, robots, and smart machines by
2025, leaving at least 30% of people permanently unemployed.
In a
2-minute below video titled '8 predictions for the world in 2030', the
World Economic Forum (WEF) predicts that by 2030, 'You'll own nothing, and
you'll be happy'.
A Medical Dictatorship by profit-driven pharmaceutical medicine
and psychiatry for social control, that denies the true value of
natural and holistic physical and mental health, disallows use of
non-patented or previously patented medicines to treat so-called
'new' diseases, and forces damaging and experimental medical
treatments and procedures on people without informed consent.
include 'vaccines' involving genetic engineering and nanotech which
have the potential to fundamentally change the way we exist as
independent biological entities.
National/State Government Dictatorships (intended to become a
Global Government Dictatorship) controlled by elite 'advice' and
interests, that destroy privacy through mass surveillance and
restrict freedom of thought, speech, work, finances and movement.
A Monopolized Media Dictatorship that uses censorship and
propaganda for social control.
A Technocratic Dictatorship run by pseudoscientific 'experts',
the fourth industrial revolution (AI, satellites,
robotics, drones and the Internet of Things)
the surveillance,
control and attempted 'robotisation' of our biological selves
nanotech implants and connection to AI through
the control and destruction of the natural environment
through technologies such as 5G and genetically modified crops
the denigration of genuine scientific methods and principles, which
are non-authoritarian by nature.