Día |
Tema |
Articulo |
30 |
Civilizaciones |
Native Americans, Astronomy, ETs,
UFOs |
30 |
Profecias |
We Are All Related
- Hopi Prophesy |
30 |
Paraciencia |
Sanando con Energía Sexual
- Actualizado |
30 |
Paraciencia |
Días Extraños... Cielos Extraños -
Parte 3 |
29 |
NeoAstronomia |
Comet Holmes - Obscure Comet
Brightens Suddenly
- New main File |
29 |
NeoAstronomia |
Comet Holmes |
29 |
NeoAstronomia |
The Appearance of the Blue Sun in
our Solar System |
29 |
Exopolitica |
Exopolitics - Discipline of Choice
for Public Policy Issues Concerning Extraterrestrial
Life |
28 |
Sociopolitica |
The Global Media Control
- New main File |
27 |
Sociopolitica |
Media Control
- Excerpts from the Book |
27 |
Sociopolitica |
Censored Images of War
- Videos |
27 |
Sociopolitica |
- Ongoing Covert Control of the Media |
27 |
Sociopolitica |
Media Control - Who Owns the Media? |
27 |
Sociopolitica |
Illuminati Moving Fast For Control
- Moves For Final Media Takeover - Why So Fast? |
26 |
Paraciencia |
El Ozono y los CFC - Crónica de
una Infamia |
26 |
Paraciencia |
Discordant HAARP - High-frequency
Active Auroral Research Program |
26 |
Sociopolitica |
El Clima - Nueva Arma de
Destrucción Masiva
- Su
Manipulación Con Fines Militares |
26 |
Sociopolitica |
The Ultimate Weapon of Mass
- "Owning the Weather" for Military Use |
25 |
Las Pleyades |
Pleiades and Stardust |
25 |
Sociopolitica |
The CIA and the West Nile Virus |
25 |
Paraciencia |
The Electric Sky |
24 |
Paraciencia |
The Roswell Report
- Case Closed |
24 |
Paraciencia |
The Untold Story
- UFO Files |
23 |
Libros |
UFOs Are Real
- Extraterrestrial Encounters Documented by the U.S.
Government |
22 |
Libros |
The Vatican Billions
- Two Thousand Years of Wealth Accumulation from Caesar
to the Space Age |
22 |
Paraciencia |
- "Amor"
Líquido |
22 |
Paraciencia |
Sexo y Adicción |
22 |
Paraciencia |
Sanando con Energía Sexual
- Sexo por Salud, Relaciones y Espiritualidad |
22 |
Libros |
Vatican Assassins
- The Diabolical History of The Society of Jesus |
21 |
NeoAstronomia |
Electric Comet |
21 |
NeoAstronomia |
Comet Holmes - Obscure Comet
Brightens Suddenly -
as a Main File) |
21 |
Sociopolitica |
The Great Conspiracy
- Video
Related) |
21 |
Paraciencia |
The Great Thimerosal (Mercury)
Vaccine Cover-Up |
21 |
Alienigena |
Famed NASA Astronaut Confirms
Extraterrestrials Are Here |
20 |
NeoAstronomia |
Astronomers Find Enormous Hole in
the Universe |
20 |
Sociopolitica |
Illuminati Defector - 'Rothschilds
Rule With Druid Witches' |
20 |
Alienigena |
The 1950s Contactee Movement
Revisited |
20 |
Paraciencia |
Kingdom of the Ark
- Ancient Egypt settled in Britain? |
20 |
Paraciencia |
La Historia Suprimida del Planeta
Tierra |
19 |
Paraciencia |
Pánico Por la Gripe Aviar
- Elegido
Políticamente en el Momento Perfecto para Cometer
“Iatrogenocidio” Mundial |
19 |
Paraciencia |
The Avian Flu Fright
- Politically Timed for Global “Iatrogenocide” |
19 |
Paraciencia |
Superviruses, Contaminated
Vaccines and The Current and Coming Plagues |
19 |
Paraciencia |
Early Hepatitis B Vaccines and the
“Man-Made” Origin of HIV/AIDS |
19 |
Paraciencia |
Vaccine Magic - The Grand Finale |
19 |
Paraciencia |
Breath of the Earth Research
Reveals Life's Origin |
18 |
Exopolitica |
Is David Rockefeller About to
Approve the Release of Suppressed Technologies for
Interstellar Space Travel? |
18 |
Sociopolitica |
Fulford's Ninjas - Don't Hold Your
Breath |
18 |
Investigadores |
The Investigations of Leonard G.
- New main File |
18 |
Paraciencia |
The CIA's Role in the Anthrax
- Could Our Spies be Agents for Military-Industrial
Sabotage, Terrorism, and Even Popul... |
18 |
Paraciencia |
SARS - A Great Global SCAM |
17 |
Alienigena |
Especies Alienígenas Activas en la
Evolución de la Tierra
- De la A a la Z
17 |
NeoAstronomia |
Water on Mars
- Videos |
16 |
Alienigena |
Los Sin Alma
- Hombres
de Orion |
16 |
Sociopolitica |
Letters To David Rockefeller From
G.T. Fulford? |
16 |
Sociopolitica |
Kucinich - Bush Close to Igniting
16 |
Sociopolitica |
The Stealth Genocide Program
- Review - Death In The Air |
15 |
Misticismo |
Secret Vatican Briefings on The
Creation of Prophet Muhammad |
15 |
Civilizaciones |
Possible Physical Evidence of
- Piri Reis Map? Discovery near Cuba? Scott Stones? |
15 |
Paraciencia |
Pilots to Tell Their UFO Stories
for The First Time |
15 |
Sociopolitica |
The Neoconservative Agenda to
Sacrifice the Fifth Fleet
– The New Pearl Harbor |
14 |
Tierra Hueca |
A Description of Rainbow City
- From The
Hefferlin Manuscript |
14 |
Paraciencia |
Last Will and Testament of Wilhelm
Reich |
14 |
NeoArqueologia |
Ancient Cities in the Gobi
Khara-Khorum & Erdene Zuu and Kara-Hot 'The Black & Dead
City' |
13 |
Paraciencia |
Genetic Research on the Ancient
Basques Yields Unexpected Results
- Cayce's Atlantean History is Viable |
13 |
Paraciencia |
Habilidades Extraterrestres Para
Modificar el ADN a Través Una "Internet Biológica"
- Proyecto Ruso del Genoma... |
13 |
Civilizaciones |
Evidencia de Lemuria o Mu |
13 |
Paraciencia |
Healing With Sexual Energy
- Sex for Health, Relationships and Spirituality |
12 |
Libros |
El Prisma De Lira
- Una Exploración De La Herencia Galáctica del Ser
Humano |
11 |
Paraciencia |
Suppressed Inventions and Other
- True Stories of Suppression, Scientific Cover-ups,
Misinformation and Brilliant... |
10 |
Paraciencia |
Escape From the Universe |
10 |
Atlantida |
Ubicaciones de los Registros de la
Civilización Atlante y su Piedra Refractaria
- Incluyendo Especulaciones sobre Donde... |
10 |
Atlantida |
La Edad de Oro y Nuestro
Imaginario |
09 |
Atlantida |
Atlantis Grid, DNA, Energy,
- Dinosaurs Lived With Man |
09 |
Atlantida |
Atlántida - Historia de las Edades
Doradas |
09 |
Paraciencia |
Flower of Life
- Sacred Geometry |
09 |
Paraciencia |
El Experimento ORANUR
- Teoría del Orgasmo y Otros Escritos |
08 |
Paraciencia |
The Mass Psychology of Fascism
- by Wilhelm Reich
Related) |
08 |
Paraciencia |
Who Was Dr. Wilhelm Reich? And Why
Has History Tried So Hard To Erase Him? |
08 |
Exopolitica |
CIA's Role in the Study of UFOs,
- A Die-Hard Issue |
08 |
Exopolitica |
CIA Papers Detail UFO Surveillance
- Historic UFOs |
07 |
Exopolitica |
Plan 9 From Outer Space
- Fears of An Alien Invasion Created Greater Alarm in
the US Than The Threat of a Soviet Nuclear Attack |
07 |
Alienigena |
The Soulless Ones
- Men from Orion |
07 |
Remota |
How Did Remote Viewing Begin?
- History
of Remote Viewing |
07 |
Remota |
The Truth Is Out There... Finally! |
06 |
Sociopolitica |
55 Preguntas Acerca de La Farsa
del Holocausto |
06 |
Sociopolitica |
La Fabula del Holocausto
Related) |
06 |
Sociopolitica |
El Mito de los Seis Millones
Related) |
06 |
Sociopolitica |
The Untold Story of The Woolworth
Building Incidents on 9-11 of 2001 |
05 |
Sociopolitica |
FEMA's Investigation - The FEMA
9-11 WTC Building Performance Study |
05 |
Sociopolitica |
9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7
Demolition Countdown
- Former Air Force Special Operations for Search and
Rescue Exp... |
05 |
Paraciencia |
Human Genome Project
- The MITRE Corporation - JASON Program Office
Related) |
05 |
Sociopolitica |
The Jason Study Group - Science
Against the People
- Story of Jason, Elite Group of Academic Scientists
Related) |
04 |
Paraciencia |
The Human Brain
- New main File |
04 |
Paraciencia |
Scientists Spot Brain's "Free
Will" Center |
04 |
Paraciencia |
Searching For God in The Brain
- Researchers Are Unearthing The Roots of Religious
Feeling in the Neural Commotion that... |
04 |
Paraciencia |
The 1950s Secret Discovery of the
Code of the Brain
- U.S. and Soviet Scientists Have Developed the Key to
Consciousness... |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
Richard Porter - WTC7 BBC Conspiracy
- Video
Related) |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
Protecting The Terrorists - Allowing Them To Attack
- The 9-11 Events
- External Links
Related) |
03 |
Astronomia |
Recent Gas Escape from The Moon
03 |
Astronomia |
U.S. Scientists Unveil NASA’s
Secrets About Cities on the Moon and Microbes on Mars |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)
Videos |
03 |
Paraciencia |
- New main File |
03 |
Paraciencia |
The Birth Charts of Indigo
Children |
03 |
Paraciencia |
Indigo Children and Science |
02 |
Libros |
Los Niños Índigo - Los Nuevos
Chicos han Llegado |
01 |
Libros |
Homenaje a Los Niños Indigo |
01 |
Paraciencia |
Cell Phone Danger
- Videos |
01 |
Paraciencia |
The Hidden Dangers of Cell Phone
Radiation |
01 |
Alienigema |
Nephilim Stargates and The Return
of The Watchers |
01 |
Exopolitica |
Gearing Up for "Cosmic
Watergate... The Beginning of ET Disclosure" |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
War of The Words - The Holocaust |
01 |
Paraciencia |
Message From the Water
Video (Section
Related) |
01 |
Exopolitica |
Relationships With Inhabitants of
Celestial Bodies
- The Einstein-Oppenheimer Document |
01 |
Alienigema |
Alienígenas Parecidos a Humanos,
entre Nosotros |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
Operation Orchard |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
How Close Were We to a Third World
War? |
01 |
Paraciencia |
Quantum Reality - Realidad
Quantica |
01 |
Paraciencia |
Tu Relación… Con la Física
Quántica |
01 |
Paraciencia |
- New main File |