Iurie Roșca
June 25,
Telegra.ph Website

This essay is from a scholar in Moldova who offers a
view from outside the United States.
It is crucial to understand how citizens of other
nations view the 'global takeover' by Technocrats and Transhumanists.
1. Adherence
to the religion of covidism as proof of loyalty to the globalists
In the present essay I will refer to a double inadequacy to the new
realities, determined by a series of spiritual, economic and
technological factors.
to the false
alternative to the globalist system, which is claimed by a number of
countries united within
BRICS, and to the ineffectiveness
of the legalistic resistance practiced by those who try to oppose
the system.
I personally follow the alternative media in four languages,
English, French,
Russian and Romanian...
Especially after the
launch of the special operation of
murder by injection,
genetic modification, and
mind control, which was carried
out under the code name "Covid-19
More than three years
have passed since the beginning of this sinister farce that has
revealed a new geopolitical reality, which escaped our attention
until then.
All states visible as
a geopolitical weight have demonstrated their absolute obedience
to a single world command center.
The only states that tried to resist the total aggression of the
globalist-satanic forces under medical pretext paid with the
lives of their own leaders.
And to their credit,
all without exception were African black. In this sense, see the
suggested material at the bottom of the page. 1
We could add to these
examples Sweden and Belarus, where the
authorities avoided terrorizing their own populations with draconian
restrictions and destroying their own economies with lockdowns.
Otherwise, the USA, Canada, the EU countries, Russia and China,
along with the other BRICS countries, have proven to be led by some
puppet governments, controlled by a single power center that we can
call without no exaggeration World Government acting
the UN affiliated agencies like
the WHO.
As I have shown in several recent articles, 2 the common
denominator of all states subject to the globalist command center is
the UN with its policies established by
Agenda 21 and the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
We list here once again only the main elements of
the Great Reset as,
the end of human
civilization and the entry into the apocalyptic phase of
TRANSHUMANISM, which aims at
two major priorities,
Promoted everywhere in
the world, without the states claiming to represent an alternative
to the "collective West" to show major disagreements:
The organization
of false pandemics such as Covid-19 in order to introduce
lethal serums, impregnated with components such as spike
proteins, nano-particles, fluorescent substances
suggestively named luciferase, cells from aborted human
fetuses, etc., all together producing irreparable genetic
changes, an increased huge mortality rate, including among
minors and young people, spontaneous abortions and sudden
deaths, widespread developing of cancers and AIDS, as well
as a sterilization of the world population.
Adherence to the
climate myth, which imposes
the falsehood of global warming,
the greenhouse effect as a pretext for the total destruction
of the world economy by banning traditional fuel (oil, gas,
coal), as well as by imposing the "green economy", the
"carbon footprint " etc...
Promoting the
policy of eliminating liquid money and imposing central bank
digital currency (CBDC)
Establishing a
total surveillance system through the massive use of
surveillance cameras, facial recognition programs, QR-codes,
digital wallets, etc.
digitization of society
The massive
introduction of AI and robotics
that will cause, in addition to total surveillance and
control, global unemployment of colossal proportions
Genetic engineering aimed
at reshaping the entire creation, from plants and animals to
the human being, including animal and human cloning
augmentation through the fusion of physical, digital and
biological within the
Fourth Industrial Revolution
between the scientific disciplines of Nanotechnology,
Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science,
abbreviated by the acronym
Prohibition of
normal consumption of meat of animal origin under sanitary
pretexts (swine flu, avian flu, gas emissions in cattle as a
'cause of global warming,' - sic - etc.)
The imposition of
insects and worms under the
title of
It is well to remember
that at the present time there is a rapid transition from the
"civilization of money" (Valentin Katasonov) to the
"civilization of techno-science" and post-humanity.
In this sense, all the
predictions of Jacques Ellul about the "betrayal of
technology" accurately materialize.
The obsession with
the conquest of nature by man has turned out into the conquest
of man by technology.
The list of nightmare
realities listed above could be continued.
For example,
the artificial
conception of children
the sexualization
of minors
the legalization
of pedo-criminality
the LGBT
revolution, etc.
It is true that a number
of Muslim countries, China and Russia oppose sodomy and the
destruction of the family, but given the devastating force of mass
culture promoted by modern technologies and the total cognitive war
waged by globalist power centers, a certain desynchronization in the
degree of societal depravity will be overcome within a decade or two
at the most.
The West has become
global, managing to contaminate the entire world with its
The dynamics and scale of the phenomena listed above is
downright diluvian or, more precisely, literally apocalyptic.
From this perspective, a
correct and deep assessment of this international reality is
required, which does not fit into the classical geopolitical
schemes, overcoming the horizontal cleavages between states and
groups of states.
Also, an inventory of the
methods of struggle of the resistance movement against the
techno-scientific tyranny that is being established with lightning
speed is necessary.
To test the degree of loyalty of any state and state leader to the
globalist power center that we generically call
the World Government, it is enough
to undertake the following intellectual exercise.
Let's project on them the
reading grid proposed above, which will develop with maximum
precision the true nature of the respective political regimes and
the dignitaries in the state hierarchies.
The first exercise.
Did the respective
state/leader join the global genocide under the cover of the
fake Covid-19 pandemic or not...?
And here - oh, what a
shocking surprise! - we find in the same collection of puppets of
the World Government,
Donald Trump, Joe
Biden, Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping, Justin Trudeau and
Narendra Damodardas Modi, Emmanuel Macron and Ursula Gertrud von
der Leyen, Vladimir Zelensky and Viktor Orban...
From this it emerges that
any existing conflict between the "collective West" and
Russia/China/BRICS - ideological, diplomatic, economic or military -
is secondary in comparison with the common agenda imposed on them
through globalist organizations such as the UN and the WHO.
And that's because -
utmost attention!!! - the forceful deployment of a tsunami of the
globalist agenda will cause some huge transformations on a world
scale that will accelerate the arrival of the terminal phase of
human civilization.
All the dystopian novels
and horror movies with predictive programming functions will not
only become reality faster than we anti-System dissenters can
imagine. If there is no radical shift, no major break in the
international order, humanity will face an inexorable extinction.
Then even atheists and
freethinkers will suddenly remember the Apocalypse and cry out to
god. For the simple reason that they will see with their own eyes
these transcendental realities inaccessible to modern man.
What should a state/political regime/leader of an independent nation
To firmly
denounce the crimes against humanity which is the operation
of mass assassination of humanity under the cover of the
Covid-19 pLandemic.
To immediately
leave the World Health Organization (WHO) and to denounce
any relationship with GAVI, the Global Alliance for Vaccines
and Immunization.
To cut off all
cooperation with
Big Pharma by denouncing
all agreements with transnational corporations producing
To cancel any
mandatory vaccination of the population, from new-born
children to the elderly.
To initiate
criminal investigations against dignitaries who have
established relations of complicity with the criminals of
the globalist elite in order to commit mass murder.
More than three years
after the outbreak of the Covid-19 plandemic,
has any state taken
such measures...?
Obviously, not...
And then,
why so much
enthusiasm in international circles of resistance against
American hegemony over Putin's Russia, Xi's China, or the BRICS...?
I am trying to answer
this question.
Our Western
friends in the dissident network hate the ruling system so
much that they fall into a state of blind adoration of these
aforementioned countries and their formal leaders, even
reaching states of idolatry.
That confusion is
fueled massively by the official discourse of the front men
from the East, who contest "Western values", claiming to
defend alternative civilizational values.
That is,
intellectuals in the anti-Western resistance fall into the
trap of official rhetoric and make no distinction between
words and deeds.
In any conflict
between two parties we are tempted to take the side of one
of them.
It is the
syndrome of the spectator of a football match or of a voter
in the confrontation between the government and the
In such
situations, it is difficult to accept the idea that the
respective political fauna presents no positive figure.
The propaganda of
capitals such as Moscow, through RT, Sputnik, etc. is quite
effective in maintaining the illusion of an alternative
to the West.
This is also
maintained by the fact that the studios of the respective
media company existing in
Western countries constantly invite the intellectuals banned
by the mainstream media, and the embassies take care of
their presence at all worldly events.
Moscow resorts to
the old strategy applied during the 1920s-1930s by the
Comintern, which knew how to flatter and corrupt a large
number of Western intellectuals who turned into trumpets of
the Soviet regime, "alternative" to the capitalist one.
At the moment, a
whole series of rebels engaged in the fight against the
System have settled in Moscow or make regular visits there,
turning nolens-volens into neocominterns in
the service of the Kremlin.
Having a
remarkable critical spirit and displaying a commendable
power of analysis in their articles, public lectures and
books, our Western friends often show an astonishing
blindness to the realities of Russia or China.
To discuss with
them the nature of political power, the structure of state
institutions, the decision-making process, the structure of
the national economy, the editorial policy of the dominant
media in these countries, etc. it is impossible.
People are
willing to endlessly cultivate their own illusions when they
simply do not have to follow a vision agreed by their
Eastern sponsors.
2. Climatism
as a weapon of mass destruction in the hands of globalists
Now a few words about the climate myth and its
implications for the establishment of
the New World Order.
I will not go into depth
on the subject, instead I would recommend a series of books on this
subject of exemplary academic value:
François Gervais:
"L'urgence climatique est un leurre", "Merci au CO2: Impact
climatique et conséquences: quelques points de répères",
Gerondeau: "Le CO2 est bon pour la planète: Climat, la
grande manipulation" "La religion ecologiste", "La voiture
électrique et autres folies: la religion écologiste"
Tim Ball: "The
Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science"
Calude Allegre: "L'climate
Rémy Prud'homme:
"L'ideology of warming", "Warmism as an ideology: soft
science and hard doctrine", "Le mythe des energies
Marc Morano,
"Climate Change", "Green Fraud"
Here we recall a trivial
truth, known to everyone in the intellectual milieu of the
anti-globalist dissidence.
The de-sovereignation
of the states is an old plan of
the globalist elites that has
been fully realized.
And if we know that
the world is run by some networks of influence, by secret
societies and transnational corporations,
why do we limit
this axiomatic truth only to the Western space?
We also recall the fact
that the diversion of global proportions with a major strategic
stake rightly called "ecological religion" or "global warming
ideology" was imposed on the states as a result of the deliberations
of the
Club of Rome created by the
Rockefeller clan in order to
substantiate the theory of depopulation.
This bogus theory became
international convention following the Earth Summit in Rio de
Janeiro in 1992, which was held under the auspices of the UN.
Thus, climate change has
become an international norm, and the concept of Sustainable
Development has migrated into several acts of the same
United Nations.
Our camp understands very
well the purpose of these projects:
the establishment of
the New World Order...
But does any country
oppose this strategy? No...
How, then, is it to
be explained that we see all too well how this plan is being
implemented in the West, but miss the fact that the same thing
is happening in the East?
What should an independent and patriotic state/government have
done to reject the globalist agenda based on the religion of
To denounce all
the international conventions adopted within the UN and
ratified by the member states, which give a legal appearance
to the climate myth and the treacherous strategy called
Sustainable Development?
To initiate an
official debate at the international level, with the
involvement of honest experts in the field, to denounce this
diversion that aims to reduce the population and establish a
world tyranny?
Has any state or its
leader shown any intention to withdraw from international
commitments that nullify national independence, destroy the
economy and lead to mass depopulation? No...
And if this is the
why do we prefer
to have a selective approach to this major problem of
humanity as well?
Or, say,
Which state
(group of states) with claims to independence could afford
to abandon the World Trade Organization and the Bank for
International Settlements?
Not one...?
what kind of
economic independence could we talk about?
But precisely economic
independence determines political independence.
Not to mention the
widespread obsession with the dependence of a national economy on
foreign markets and foreign trade, any idea of economic
protectionism or proximity economy being forgotten by both small and
large countries.
In the same vein, we emphasize that the exit from the deadly embrace
the Globalist System goes through
the decisive and official rejection of the plan to eliminate liquid
money (cashless society), of the technocratic obsessions that are
becoming a legal norm and a practical reality such as,
cities", "smart cities - smart things - smart bodies
- smart minds" etc...
Under these conditions,
if globalization is a destiny, an inexorable law in the sense of
progressivism as the only vision of the world,
why would we show
such zeal for the cultivation of civilizational, religious, or
ideological differences?
All of these passes into
the background, to be dissolved permanently in the cauldron of
technological, economic and cultural globalization.
The uniformization,
homogenization, dehumanization, and entry into the terminal paradigm
of the two twins of evil - technocracy and
transhumanism (Patrick M. Wood) 3 appear as
as a predestination
that would end the history of mankind in a tragic and
accelerated way...
3. The
inadequacy of the methods of political struggle under the conditions
of tyranny
Given the new international realities and taking into account the
fact that the globalist dictatorship has suppressed all legal rights
and freedoms, a fact that was fully seen during
the fake Covid-19 'pandemic',
we must admit that,
the traditional
methods of political struggle have become totally
The sanitary tyranny
imposed by the globalist hyperclass is accompanied by
unprecedented terror against those who do not
accept the official line.
Methods of
establishing a global totalitarian regime range from censorship
on dominant digital platforms, to stalking, public
stigmatization and ostracism, to outright assassinations, which
are presented as heart attacks or car accidents.
The thought-crime and
the imposition of "single thought" (Fr: Pensée unique) is
not only the prerogative of the Chinese regime but extends
equally to
the Western space and
In these conditions,
considering the accelerated pace of imposing the
New World Order, the
individuals and social groups representing the Resistance find
themselves in a total deadlock.
Recourse to the
old methods of political struggle in the new conditions has
no chance of success...
To make use of democratic
and legalistic methods under conditions of state terror
is as absurd as it was in Russia after the October 1917 coup or in
Nazi Germany after 1933.
Creating parties,
participating in elections, organizing street demonstrations,
collecting signatures, sending e-mails or petitions to
dignitaries, all these have no longer any purpose in the new
Worse, the entire
work of informing and awakening societies to reality, which we,
the anti-System militants, do has a limited impact and cannot
produce a reversal of the situation.
This is because of
the control over the collective mind exerted for decades by
mainstream media and mass
culture, by manipulation and perception management, by social
media and hedonistic individualism.
And the endless appeals
of some activists to the civic conscience of the citizens who are
called to wake up have limited impact, falling within the
margin of error not disturbing for the globalist power.
Faced with a total
inefficiency of legalistic methods, the solution that remains is to
resort to political violence.
But this option also
seems to be taken into account by the world oligarchy.
"Governance through
chaos" (L. Cerise) is exactly what it aims for...!
Under these conditions,
only god's intervention in history can overturn the current state of
affairs and open a brighter perspective for humanity.
But the West, which has
become global, has betrayed god, is proud of its own spiritual
blindness, and persists in the error of self-sufficiency of
autonomous man.
Even the vast majority of
us, the anti-globalist and sovereignist militants, have definitively
secularized ourselves, having a horizontal perception of the world.
Under these circumstances, when we find ourselves betrayed by all
statesmen, disenfranchised, incapable of political violence, and
strangers to the divine source,
what remains for us
to do...?
I would say,
let's continue our
daring work and determined affirmation of the truth despite all
the risks.
Let us expose
traitorous statesmen and politicians, let us encourage followers
to prepare for a long and sacrificial struggle.
But also, to be in a
full state of alertness.
In the art of war, as in
boxing success depends on intuition and maximum utilization of the
opportune moment.
My boxing coach used to
teach us like this:
"When you're in the
ring with your opponent in front of you, don't close your eyes.
You risk missing the most interesting moment".
That is, getting a
coup de grâce... and being defeated...
4. War as the
terminal phase of the world or an opportunity and a new beginning?
There may be no other way out of this historical impasse than war.
We don't want it, but if
the globalists have already provoked it anyway, let's hope that the
enormous sacrifices, which seem hard to avoid at the moment, result
in a new beginning for humanity...
A solution hard to accept
for today's de-masculinized, hedonistic, and narcissistic
But another way
to wake-up from the state of
lethargy, to re-masculinize, to resettle societies on the
foundations of moral virtues, hierarchies and honor, seems to not
The war that is currently raging on only on the territory of
Ukraine, would deserve a separate article to investigate its origins
and implications.
Until then, however, we
note that,
this war forged and
initiated by the Atlanticists, by the USA that embodies absolute
evil, is only a link in the long historical chain of offensives
of the Anglo-Saxons, of the thalassocratic civilization against
Russia as a continental, tellurocratic civilization...
The goal is obvious:
the destruction of
as a state, its territorial dismantling, its
denuclearization, and its removal from history.
The prime target of the
aggressors is Orthodoxy and Russia's immense natural resources.
In these conditions, obviously, our sympathies are on the side of
the victim of aggression, which is Russia. Except that they do not
necessarily extend to the leadership of this country impregnated
with foreign influence networks and lacking a leader who would be up
to the great challenges of today's historical moment.
The dynamics of the last
three years, since the establishment of covidist terror,
as well as the
sixteen months of war have revealed
the true face of the Russian rulers.
From obedience to
globalists and dependence on the oligarchy that controls the
country's economy to the shocking inability to deal with a major
crisis like war.
Plus, a massive
presence of elements hostile to the national interest in the
state and propaganda apparatus, a situation that could be
characterized by two complementary terms:
"fifth column"
and "xenocracy"...
But we hope to return to
all this in more detail in another article.
Moreover, the war fits perfectly into the globalist strategy that
seeks to depopulate, devastate nation states, destroy the economy,
pauperize the masses, and cause generalized chaos, all representing
the preconditions for the establishment of the New World Order.
In other words, given the new international circumstances, the
current international political-legal and economic-financial system
seems to be unreformable.
And a possible
resettlement of the world on some new, fairer, and more human bases,
becomes possible only after a New World War.
Only a post-war peace
could remake the world.
But that comes with
the hard-to-avoid risk of the world disappearing in a nuclear
In any case, even without
self-annihilation as a result of the use of weapons of mass
destruction this hyper-technological civilization is heading
headlong towards an inevitable collapse...
Speech by Iurie Roșca at the Global
Conference on Multipolarity, 29 April 2023 - Geopolitica.RU
Satanic Transhumanism - Arktos
See Patrick
M. Wood, "Technocracy
Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation"
(2015), "Technocracy:
The Hard Road to World Order" (2018), "The
Evil Twins of Technocracy and Transhumanism"