The Agenda for the 21st Century


Agenda 21 was born out of the "Earth Summit" held in 1992, as an international standard of policy.

On the surface, the agenda appears favorable - helping to 'save' humans, wildlife and the environment from destruction through building guidelines and proper management of natural resources.
But dig a bit deeper and it will soon become apparent Agenda 21 is yet another vehicle of CONTROL.






 -  Agenda 21 and The Forced Relocation in Stack and Pack Cities


 -  Agenda 21 and The New World Economy - Where Happiness 'Matters'


 -  Agenda 21 and The Steady-State Techno-Corporatocracy - An Introduction

 -  Agenda 21 and You - The John Birch Society



 -  Agenda 21 Declares War on Mankind



 -  Agenda 21 Eco-Cities Built for Permanent Population Control


 -  Agenda 21 - Food is The New Gold; Land is The New Oil



 -  Agenda 21 - How Globalist Domination Happens on a Local Level


 -  Agenda 21 in China and the Technocratic Vision for Global Dictatorship


 -  Agenda 21 is Being Rammed Down The Throats of Local Communities All Over America


 -  Agenda 21 is Increasing the Scope of its Enslavement of America


 -  Agenda 21 - La Cumbre de La Tierra



 -  Agenda 21 'Smart Cities' Are Here! - Orwell's Dystopic Nightmare Comes True


 -  Agenda 21 - The Dark Underbelly of Sustainable Development


 -  Agenda 21 - The Earth Summit



 -  Agenda 21 - The End of Western Civilization



 -  Agenda 21 - The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship


 -  Agenda 21 - The Plan to Depopulate 95% of the World by 2030


 -  Agenda 21 - The United Nations Blueprint for The 21st Century

 -  Agenda 21 - United Nations Conference on Environment & Development - Rio de Janeiro, 3-14 June 1992

 -  Agenda 21 - Your Life in Their Hands


 -  Ahora es Crucial Entender a qué nos Enfrentamos


 -  Common Core and United Nations Agenda 21 - Mass Producing Green Global Serfs


 -  Common Core - A Scheme to Rewrite Education


 -  Do Nuclear Disasters Play Into The Global Elite’s Agenda 21 ReWilding Scheme?


 -  ECO-92 - Earth Charter



 -  ECO-92 - Pacto de La Tierra


 -  Ecovillages - Selling Environmentally-Friendly Agenda 21 Enslavement


 -  El Secuestro de lo 'Verde' - De 'la Belleza y la Biodiversidad' a 'la Falsificación y el Fascismo'


 -  Entendiendo y Desmantelando El Sistema de Control Global


 -  Folleto Informativo de La Iniciativa de La Carta de La Tierra - Septiembre del 2000


 -  Global Collaboration of MegaCities Implement Agenda 21 to Prepare Populations


 -  Globalization - The Octopus of The New World Order - Main File


 -  GMO Giant Monsanto Joins Big Business Coalition for United Nations 'Agenda 21'


 -  It's Now Crucial to Understand what We're Up Against

Español  -  La Agenda 2030 de las Naciones Unidas - Main File

 -  La 'Agenda 21' de las Naciones Unidas Sigue Avanzando en Todo el Mundo


 -  La Agenda 21 está Incrementando el Alcance de La Esclavización de Los Estados Unidos


 -  La Carta de La Tierra


 -  La Carta de La Tierra y La Nueva Era


 -  La Nueva Estructura de Clases Sociales de Los Estados Unidos - La Agenda 21


 -  La Nuova Struttura delle Classi Sociali degli Stati Uniti - Agenda 21


 -  La Risposta al Coronavirus è il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale-Agenda 21


 -  La Toma de Posesión de "Todo el Material Genético de la Tierra" - El Proyecto Global Expuesto


 -  Monsanto further Unveils its True Evil Nature by Signing on to UN Agenda 21 'Sustainability' Scam


 - "Population Bomb" - Paul Ehrlich blathers on about the "End of Civilization"

 -  Review of Implementation of Agenda 21 and The Rio Principles

 -  The Earth Charter


 -  The Earth Charter and The Ark of The Gaia Covenant


 -  The Hijacking of 'Green' - From 'Beauty and Biodiversity' to 'Fakery and Fascism'


 -  The Link Between Sunspots, Global Cooling and Agenda 21 - NASA Admits Solar Cycle Weakest in 200 Year


 -  The New Social Class Structure of The United States - Agenda 21

 -  The Plan to Depopulate 95 Percent of the World - Agenda 21 - by Shoshi Herscu


 -  The Response to Coronavirus is the New World Order-Agenda 21


 -  The Takeover of 'All Genetic Material on Earth' - Global Blueprint Exposed

   -  The United Nations 2030 Agenda - Main File


 -  The United Nations Receives Agenda 21 Funding from World Governments and Corporations


 -  Transition Towns - Agenda 21 Comes to Life


 -  Understanding and Dismantling The Global Control System


 -  United Nations 'Agenda 21' Still Advancing Worldwide


 -  U.S. Government Plans to Push Americans Out of Suburbs to Move in Planned Cities - Agenda 21


 -  Water Securitization, Agenda 21 and The Right to Life


 -  Who Is Maurice Strong?


  Additional Information  

 -  America’s Eco-Cities - Sustainable Prisons of The Future


 -  Domestic "Internet of Things" Begins to Merge With the Industrial Smart Grid


 -  El Papa va a Decirle lo que Está en su Futuro y es 'Mejor Que lo Escuche'

 -  European Parliament Resolution on Institutional and Legal Implications of The Use of ‘Soft Law'

 -  Green Cities Declaration


 -  Human Domination of the Biosphere - Rapid Discharge of the Earth-Space Battery Foretells the Future of...


 -  Il Papa vi dirà Cosa vi Riserva il Futuro ed è 'Meglio che lo Ascoltiate'

 -  Just Say No to Big Brother's Smart Meters - The Latest in Bio-Hazard Technology


 -  Plan de Naciones Unidas para Salvar la Tierra es un 'Plan Encubierto' para Grandes Empresas

 -  Santa Cruz County - Local Agenda 21 - A Sustainable Community Action Plan - Our Agenda for the 21st...


 -  The Climate Religion and Copenhagen I


 -  The Coming Water Wars


 -  The Earth Brokers - Power, Politics, and World Development - by by Pratap Chatterjee and Matthias Finger


 -  The Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control


 -  The Pope is Going to Tell You what Lies in Your Future and 'You Better Listen'

 -  The UNEP That We Want - Reflections on UNEP’s Future Challenges

 -  UNCED 1992 - Document Scan from George W. Hunt

 -  UNEP - Implementation of The Long-Term Strategy - The Engagement and Involvement of Young People in...

 -  UNEP - Proposed Medium-Term Strategy 2010-2013


 -  United Nations Bosses Secretly Plot Global Government through "Green Economy" for Rio+20


 -  United Nations Plan to Save Earth is "Fig Leaf" for Big Business - Say Insiders

 -  Urban Environmental Accords


  Green New Deal  

 -  A Green New Deal - The First Report of the Green New Deal Group

 -  Behind the Green Mask - U.N. Agenda 21 - by Rosa Koire


 -  Calentamiento Global - Una Pseudociencia Oficial... - Main File


 -  Central Bankers Plan for Master Reset into 'Green Economy'


 -  Climate and the Money Trail...



 -  Club of Rome reveals Gushing Support for 'Green New Deal'


 -  CO² is the Greening Molecule - Elevated CO² levels increase Vegetation Growth and Water Availability


 -  Deeper Discovery into Origins of the Green New Deal



 -  Eco-Genocide - 11,000 Scientists sign order Demanding Globalists Eliminate Billions of Humans from Earth


 -  Eco-Genocidio - 11,000 Científicos Exigen a Globalistas Eliminar Miles de Millones de Humanos del Planeta


 -  Five Ways the 'Green New Deal' exactly mirrors 'Agenda 2030'


 -  Getting Real about Green Energy - An honest Analysis of what it CAN'T Promise


 -  Global Cooling and the Political Suicide of the 'New Green Deal'


 -  Global Warming - An Official Pseudoscience...  - Main File


 -  Global Warming is NOT about 'Controlling the Weather' - It's about 'Controlling You'...!


 -  Global Warming Swindle - A Scheme to Redistribute Wealth


 -  Global Warming - The Apocalypse has been 'Postponed'...


 -  Green New Deal Reveals the Naked Truth of 'Agenda 21'


 -  Green New Deal' Scam destroyed by New Scientific Study on Global Warming


 -  I Banchieri Centrali Pianificano una Rigenerazione Totale in 'Green Economy'


 -  Il "Green New Deal" ci Svela la Nuda Verità su 'Agenda 21'


 -  NASA declares Carbon Dioxide is Greening the Earth


 -  No hay "Emergencia" Climática - Científicos de la Declaración Europea del Clima escriben a Naciones Unidas

 -  Recognizing the Duty of the Federal Government to Create a Green New Deal


 -  Seamos Realistas sobre las Energías Verdes - Un Análisis Honesto de lo que NO PUEDEN Prometer

 -  The Genocidal Roots of the Green New Deal - The Limits to Growth and the Unchaining of Prometheus

 -  The Green 'New' Deal is the Old Agenda 21


 -  The Green New Deal - Jeremy Rifkin and the Coming Collapse


 -  There is No Climate 'Emergency' - European Climate Declaration Scientists write to United Nations


 -  Trump is dismantling 'Biden's Green New Scam' and restoring Energy Freedom


 -  We 'Won the Battle but Lost the War' - Boris unleashes 'Green Hell' on Post-BREXIT Britain




 -  The Green New Deal explained


 -  What's Wrong with Wind and Solar Energy Needs?


Greta Thunberg - Emotion over Reason


 -  A 1992 United Nations 'Climate Crisis' Redux - "We're a Group of 12-Year-Olds trying to Make a Difference"


 -  A New Film designed as an Homage to 'Climate Change's child deity' Greta Thunberg


 - 'BIOPIC' de Greta Thunberg - Las Cámaras estuvieron Grabando a partir del Día Uno de su 'ascensión' Viral


 -  Ecologismo Real vs. Activismo Mediático - Boyan vs. Greta...


 -  George Soros is Backing 'Climate activist' Greta Thunberg


 -  George Soros is Backing Greta Thunberg


 - ¿Gobernado por la Emoción sobre la Razón? - El Perturbador Culto de Greta Thunberg


 -  Governed by Emotion over Reason? - The Disturbing Cult of Greta Thunberg


 -  Greta - Estás siendo Utilizada como un Peón para la Tecnocracia


 -  Greta Thunberg accidentally Reveals that "She's just a Puppet" and is now under Criminal Investigation in India


 -  Greta Thunberd accidentalmente Rivela che "È solo un Burattino" e ora è sotto Inchiesta Penale in India


 -  Greta Thunberg es una Tapadera que Oculta un Suculento Negocio a cuenta del Cambio Climático


 -  Greta Thunberg - Fake as the Climate Change Hoax


 -  Greta - You are Being Used as a Pawn for Technocracy


 -  I Tried to Interview Greta Thunberg - The most fervent Supporter of the "Climate" know Nothing about "Climate"


 -  Los Verdaderos Asesinos del Clima - Actualizaciones para Greta...!

 -  Will You Be Part of the Largest Protest in Human History?



 - "I am Greta"

 -  Putin on Greta Thunberg's United Nations Rant - It's Deplorable that the Girl is Being Used by Some Groups


 -  Agenda 21 EXPLAINED


 -  Agenda 21 for Dummies


 -  Agenda 21 - The Depopulation Agenda for A New World Order

 -  Agenda 21 - The Plan to Kill You - David Icke

 -  Agenda 21 - The United Nations' Diabolical Plan for The World is Explained on The "Glenn Beck Show"


 -  COVID-19 - Pretexto para Implementar Agenda del Nuevo Orden Mundial


 -  El Nuevo Agronegocio de Bill Gates con MONSANTO y sus 3 Socios Argentinos

 -  Paradise Stolen - Agenda 21

  Related Reports  


 -  The Blue-Gold Business - World Wide Water Privatization - Main File


 -  The Georgia Guidestones - Main File


 -  The Global Food Control - Main File