Español |
a Google!
Beware of Google
Big Broother Is Well-Connected - And Then There Were Four -
The Google Saga Continue...
Big Tech Giants want to Prove they
are 'American Gods' - Anyone watching 'the Watchers'...?
Big Tech 'Indenture entire
Populations into Servitude' to Corporations and
Governments - Snowden
Bilderberg, Google and The G8 -
New Global Tax Regime Already in The Works |
Wields Artificial Intelligence - "A Tool to Massively
Amplify Our Ability to Control the World"
Boom... Google Crushes Traffic to a
Website by 99%
Español |
Cómo Facebook y Google Financian
Masivamente el Periodismo en Todo el Mundo
Español |
Como Google Puede Manipular el
Resultado de Todas las Elecciones Democráticas del Mundo
Italiano |
Con la Censura Unilaterale di un
Presidente in Carica Big Tech ha Dimostrato che è più
Potente di qualsiasi Gov.
Control 101 - Creating Consensus
Italiano |
Cosa Succederà se Facebook e
Google si Impossessano del Mondo?
Español |
Cuidado con la Manipulación de las
Empresas de Tecnología como Google
Italiano |
Deep Web - La Rete oltre Google
Director of DARPA Departs Pentagon
for Google - Further Reinforcing
Government Ties
Dismantling the Transhumanist
Don't Be Evil Google!
Español |
El Denunciante que Expuso la Profunda Conspiración de Google
para Derrocar al Gobierno de EE.UU.
Español |
El Duopolio de Facebook y Google
está Acabando con Todos los otros Medios Digitales
Español |
El Imperativo de Reemplazar Google
y Facebook
Español |
El Matrimonio de Big Data con Big
Brother - China crea Sistema para Evaluar Conducta de
sus Ciudadanos
Español |
El Riesgo que Corremos Abandonando
al Mundo a Google y Facebook - Monopolios Peligrosos
Español |
El Verdadero Origen de Google está
Vinculado a la CIA
Eric Schmidt Admits Google+ Is a
Giant Advertising Database
EU warns Google CEO Sundar Pichai
- It Won't allow the Web to remain the 'Wild West' any
Español |
Ex-Empleados de Facebook y Google
Luchan contra la Tecnología que Construyeron
Italiano |
Ex-Impiegati di Facebook e Google
Lottano contro la Tecnologia che hanno Costruito
Español |
Experto Explica por qué se debería
Dejar de Usar Google Chrome
Español |
Gmail de Google Escanea, Controla
la Sintaxis, Analiza y Cataloga tu Correo Electrónico
Goodbye Google - Some reasons to
'De-Google Your Life Now'
Google Adds to Its Menagerie of
Google - A Dictator Unlike
Anything the World has Ever Known
Google admits in Court Documents
that it believes "Free Speech is Disastrous" for Society
Google and Facebook Accused of
Bypassing iPhone's Privacy Settings to Spy on Owners to
 |
Google and Facebook - Alliances
With Intelligence to Make Privacy Obsolete
Google and YouTube have Created a
Culture of Censorship
Google Announces Privacy Changes
Across Products
- Users Can't Opt Out
Español |
Google Anuncia Cambios de
Privacidad en Todos los Productos
- Los Usuarios No Pueden Elegir...
 |
Google Archipelago - The Digital
Gulag and the Simulation of Freedom - by
Michael Rectenwald
Google Assumes Role of Private Intel Big Brother
Google Buys Boston Dynamics
Google Charges Feds $25 A Head For
User Surveillance
Google Chrome is Tracking Your
Every Move and Storing it - This is How to Stop It
Google Chrome's New Feature -
Spying On You for Google
Google Claims 'Quantum Supremacy'
- Marking a Major Milestone in Computing
Google Claims to Have Reached
Quantum Supremacy
Google Developing Eavesdropping
- Audio 'Fingerprint' for
Content-Relevant Ads
Google Devising Method to Rank
Websites by Truthfulness
Google Executive Expresses Wacky
Thoughts on Internet Domination
Google Gives New Meaning to
"Orwellian" - Becomes Ministry of Truth
Google Has Become Orwell's
"Ministry of Truth"
Google is Evil and We Must Denounce Its Stunning
Google is Not What It Seems
Google is Tightening its Grip on
Your Website
Google is Watching You - Meet
Jigsaw: Google's Intelligence Agency
Google latest Search Engine Update
crushes Traffic to "Inconvenient" Websites
Google Megalomaniacs in Bed with
Pentagon/NWO Lunatics
Google - None Dare Call It
Español |
Google nos Vigila - El Caso de los
Servicios Médicos
Google Plans To Kill Web In Internet Takeover Agenda
Español |
Google Proclama la 'Supremacía
Quántica' con el Ordenador más Potente
Italiano |
Google Proclama la "Supremazia
Quantica" col il Computer più Potente
Google Putting CNN, Washington
Post, NYT in Charge of Fact-Checking News
Google Re-establishes Relationship With Government Spies
Google's Chrome Web Browser "Has
Become Spy Software"
Google Secretly Planting Cookies
on Millions of iPhone Browsers
- Your FTC Privacy Watchdogs
Google Seeks Internet Surveillance
of the Smart Grid
Google's Eric Schmidt and the
Artificial Intelligence Military-Industrial Complex
Google Spans Entire Planet With
GPS-Powered Database
Google's "Quantum Supremacy"...?
Starts Watching What You Do Off The Internet Too...
Google Street View Secretly Took Your Wi-Fi Details ...And Will Use The Data
to Target Ads at Mobile...
Google's True Origin Closely Tied
to the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency)
Google's True Origin partly lies in CIA and NSA Research
Grants for Mass Surveillance
Google - The Perfect Compliment to
Big Brother
Google to Fund and Develop
Wireless Networks in Emerging Markets
Google - Who's Looking At You?
Español |
Google y La Ultima Trampa para
Proteger a Los Poderosos
Harvard Professor Exposes Google
and Facebook
How Facebook and Google provide
Massive Funding to Journalism around the World
Español |
How Google and Wikipedia Brainwash
How Google Could Rig the 2016
How Google is Secretly Recording
You through your Mobile - Monitoring Millions of
Conversations Every Day
How Google spent 15 Years creating
a 'Culture of Concealment'
How Wide Does This Go?
- Now Google Devices 'Found
to Transmit User Locations Back to The Company'
Italiano |
Il Duopolio Facebook e Google sta
Distruggendo Tutti gli altri Media Digitali
Is Big Tech merging with Big
Is Google Making Us Stupid?
- What The Internet Is Doing to Our Brains
Is Google's 'DeepMind AI' close to
'Human-Level' Intelligence?
Julian Assange - 'Google
is Not What it Seems' - They 'Do Things the CIA Cannot'
Italiano |
L'Ascesa di Internet 2.0
Español |
Las Razones por las que ya No
Debería Utilizar Google y Gmail
Español |
La Trampa de Google - ¿Su
Inteligencia Artificial está Manipulando Cerebros?
Español |
La Verdadera Razón por la que Google y YouTube Censuran la
Verdad sobre las Vacunas
Italiano |
L'Imperativo di Sostituire Google
e Facebook
Español |
Lo Que Google Sabe Acerca de Tí
Español |
Los Secretos de Silicon Valley -
Lo que el Big Tech No Quiere que Sepas
 |
Lost in The Cloud - Google and The
U.S. Government
Español |
Nace una Nueva Tecnología con
Graves Implicaciones para El Futuro
New Global Internet Censorship
Tool Kit - By Google...
New Google Algorithm Restricts
Access to Left-wing and Progressive Web Sites
Español |
Orwell Acertó - El "Ministerio de
la Verdad" ya Existe
Our Quantum Computer is 100
million Times Faster than a Conventional System
- Says Google
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si no soy Nadie?
Is a Casualty' of Google and Facebook's Success - Senator Al Franken
Español |
Profesor de Harvard Expone a
Google y Facebook
Italiano |
Quello che Google Sa su Di Te
Español |
- ¿Qué
Pasará si Facebook y Google se Apoderan del Mundo?
Raging Against the Algorithm -
Google and Persuasive Technology
Español |
Revelan un Nivel Récord de
'Espionaje' Gubernamental de EE.UU. a Través de Google
Secrets of Silicon Valley - What
Big Tech Doesn't Want You to Know
Ledger' Video reveals Google's Scheme to Direct Human
Banning' is Just the Tip of the Iceberg - We're All
Digital Ghosts Now
Showdown in Europe - Tech Giants
Brace for Sweeping EU Privacy Law
is Coming - Google Uses "Virtual Brain" to Improve Voice
Some Reasons Why Google Wants to
Build the Perfect Human
 |
Spanner - Google's
Globally-Distributed Database
The All-Seeing-Eye of Google and
the Future of Criminal Investigations
Creepy Line' - A New Documentary on the Power of Tech
Good Censor' - Leaked Google Briefing admits Abandonment
of Free Speech for 'Safety and Civility'
The Imperative of Replacing Google
and Facebook
The New Gatekeepers - How
proprietary Algorithms increasingly Determine the News
We See
The Paris Lawyer who Gives Google
Nightmares - The New Clash between Free Speech and
The Rise of Internet 2.0
The Whistleblower who Exposed
Google's Deep Conspiracy to Overthrow the U.S.
Turning The Tables on Big Brother
- Now Internet Users Can Watch Who Is Spying on Them in
Español |
Una IA Financiada por Google será
Capaz de escribir 30 Mil Historias Mensuales para Otros
Medios en...
U.S. Government Officially
Conscripts Google into the Military Industrial Complex
Español |
Verdades Ocultas de Google - Reuniones a Puerta Cerrada
y Juguetes para Espiar a los Niños
What Google Knows About You
When A.I. takes Control of Your Computer
With Unilateral Censorship of a
sitting US President, Big Tech has proven it's more
Powerful than any Govern... |
Have to Fight for Your Privacy or You Will Lose It' - Google's Eric Schmidt
Your Secret Wi-Fi Password is No
Secret to Google
Additional Information |
 |
7 Tips to Optimize Identity
 |
A Generalist Agent
Antarctica Mysteries
Big Brother Is Well Connected -
Google's Growing Domination
Big Brother Not Just Spying on
Schoolchildren Through Their Laptops
Dystopia or Utopia - Google's City
of the Future in Toronto
Elon Musk Unveils New Plan for
Global Satellite Internet
- While Google Invests a
Billion in SpaceX
Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube,
Facebook and Blogs
Firefox's new Privacy Feature
stops Facebook Seeing what Else you Do Online
Going With The Flow
- Google's Secret Switch to The Next Wave of Networking
Google-Twitter Cave to
International Censorship Pressure
Español |
Google versus Muerte - ¿El Combate
del Siglo?
Insanity - New Google Glass App
Will Read Other People's Emotions
Invasive Cyber Technologies and Internet Privacy
- Big Brother is Only a "Ping" or Mouse Click Away
Is Google Censoring Nibiru-Planet
Kill Off The Open Internet - Verizon-Google -
There's a Hard Rain Coming
 |
Knowledge-Based Trust - Estimating
the Trustworthiness of Web Sources
Kurzweil and Google Working Together to Develop
Technology for Immortality
Español |
Religión del Dataísmo y el Posible Fin del Homo Sapiens
Last Chance Before Google Rounds
Up Your Web History
Shocking Censorship at Google News and The Future of Net
Sites Feed Personal Details to New Tracking Industry
The Age of Tyrannical Surveillance
- We're Being Branded, Bought and Sold for Our Data
 |
The Anatomy of a Large-Scale Hypertextual Web Search Engine
 |
Good Censor - A Google Leak
The Jewish Hand Behind Internet
- Google, Facebook, Wikipedia, Yahoo!, MySpace, eBay...
The Many Ways Google Wants to RFID Chip Your Body
The Oligarch Takeover of U.S.
Transhumanism - From MK-Ultra to Google
Español |
Transhumanismo - Desde el MK-Ultra
hasta Google
 |
Untangling The Web - A Guide to Internet Research
- Large File
When Capitalism Meets Civic Tech
Will Save Us from The Future? - What Google Has Done to
Life on Earth
Why MIT Scientists are Building a
New Search Engine "Google 2.0"
World's First Anti-Propaganda
Search Engine Launching Soon
- Favors Independent Media while Banning...
Google and The CIA-NSA |
Department of Justice Wants Court
to Keep Google/NSA Partnership Secret
Google and CIA Plough Millions Into Huge 'Recorded
Future' Monitoring Project
Google and The NSA Connection
Google and The NSA - Who's Holding The 'Shit-Bag' Now?
Google Asks NSA to Help Secure Its
Google, CIA and the NSA - Inside
the Secret Network behind Mass Surveillance, Endless War
and Skynet
Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring
Google Partners With NSA, CIA on
Intelligence Database
Google's New Search Tool to Use
CIA and World Bank as Sources for 'Facts'
Google Teams Up With CIA to Fund
"Recorded Future" Startup Monitoring Websites, Blogs &
Google to Enlist NSA to Help It
Ward Off Cyber-Attacks
Google, Your Files and The CIA
Google, Facebook, Skype, Yahoo and AOL are All Blatantly
Lying to Their Own Users in Denying NSA...
How Much did CIA and NSA have to
do with the Founding of Google?
How the CIA made Google
How the NSA Spies on Your Google and Yahoo Accounts
 |
Intelligence Community Massive
Digital Data Systems Initiative
Docs Show Financial Ties Between NSA and Internet
- Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and...
NSA, GCHQ Using Data from 'Leaky'
Smartphone Apps to Spy
NSA Infiltrates Links to Yahoo and Google Data Centers
Worldwide - Snowden
Documents Say
Prism Program Taps into User Data of Apple, Google and
Security-Enhanced Android - NSA
Skynet Rising - Google Acquires 512-qubit Quantum
- NSA Surveillance to Be Turned Over to...
 |
The Google-NSA Alliance
- Developing Cybersecurity Policy at Internet Speed
NSA has Inserted its Code Into Android OS, or Three
Quarters of All Smartphones
Use These Secret NSA Google Search Tips to Become Your
Own Spy Agency
Why Google made the NSA
Yes, The FBI and CIA Can Read Your Email - Here's
 |
Google Created by CIA NSA Blocking
Dissidents & Whistleblowers Government Cyber Warfare &...
 |
Google Teams Up with CIA - Democracy Now - June
YouTube |
Exposed The Covert, Real-Time Spying on Youtube,
Facebook and Blogs
FaceBook, Google and YouTube
Censorship at an All Time High - What Ever Happened to
Free Speech?
Feds Order YouTube To Remove Video For Containing
"Government Criticism"
German Library Claims Copyright on "Nazi Anthem" Censors
Documentary on YouTube
Google-YouTube reverses policy
Banning Critics of Masks and Vaccines - After Years of
Silencing the Truth
Español |
Los Oscuros Contratos de Elon Musk
con la Inteligencia Estadounidense |
Español |
YouTube amplía su Censura hacia
Terapias Alternativas como "Formas de Desinformación
YouTube Censors Video Interview
With Jeffrey Smith About GMOs
Book- Treatises |
 |
The Age of Surveillance Capitalism
- by Shoshana Zuboff
 |
The Silicon Jungle - A Novel of
Deception, Power, and Internet Intrigue
- by Shumeet Baluja
Multimedia |
 |
Counter-Intelligence - Shining a Light on Black
Español |
El Mundo Según Google
 |
Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying
Tools - Julian Assange |
 |
Google - Behind The Screen
Español |
Google - Fabrica de Ideas
 |
Google Earth - Unusual and Secret
 |
Google Reveals 'Scary' Timeline
Feature that Tracks Your Every Move
 |
Google's Jigsaw to Be
Used to Undermine Alternative Media?
 |
Monsters Inc. - Amazon, Google and
Español |
- ¿Porqué
me Vigilan, si Soy Nadie?
 |
Secret Meeting Between Julian
Assange and Google CEO Eric Schmidt
- Audio
 |
The Creepy Line - Social Media's
Manipulation of Society
Related Reports |
Facebook and The Internet
- Main File
The NSA - The Super Secret
National Security Agency
- Main File
Windows-Microsoft-Bill Gates
- Main File