A deleted 'Bill Gates Documentary'
has been Revived
Aldous Huxley foresaw our Despots
- Fauci, Gates, and their Vaccine Crusaders
Archons - The Secret Pact
Español |
Arcontes - El Pacto Secreto
Español |
- "Banco
Semillero del Día del Juicio Final" en El Ártico
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller y Los Gigantes de La...
Español |
Baúl de Semilla Global de Svalbard
- Genética, Agroindustria y Planes de Exterminación
Bill and Melinda Gates to Divorce
after 27 years of Marriage
Italiano |
Bill e Melinda Gates Divorziano
dopo 27 anni di Matrimonio
Bill Gates and Rockefeller
Brothers are Funneling Millions to Chinese Communist
Party - Docs Show...
Bill Gates Backs Climate Scientists Lobbying for
Large-Scale Geoengineering
Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be
Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology
Bill Gates 'Carefully Curated Geek
Image' Crumbles on His Own Smug Immorality
Bill Gates Charged with Murder for
COVID-19 Vaccine Death in India's High Court - Death
Penalty Sought
Bill Gates, China, 23andMe and
your DNA
Bill Gates' Climate Fantasies
Bill Gates "defends" Free Speech -
Unless it hurts His Investments...!
Español |
Bill Gates - Dictador Mundial con
Perfil de Delincuente Peligroso
Bill Gates 'Digital IDS' will be
Mandatory to Participate in Society
Italiano |
Bill Gates - Dittatore Mondiale
con il Profilo di uno Scellerato Criminale
Bill Gates Exposed for Funding Research and Promotion of
Spraying Geo-Engineered 'Chemtrails' Across...
Bill Gates - Eugenicist
Bill Gates Foundation funded
China's Genomics firm 'Mining DNA Data' through COVID
Español |
Bill Gates "Guerrero" del Clima y
Super Emisor
Italiano |
Bill Gates improvvisamente
abbandona la "Storia del Disastro Climatico" mentre le
popolazioni Respingono...
Bill Gates Lays Out Plan for
Global Takeover
Bill Gates: Math = 'White
Español |
Bill Gates (Microsoft) Admite en
TED La Necesidad de Eliminar Población
Español |
Gates, MOSIP y el Sistema Digital de Identificación Global
en America Latina
Bill Gates - Most Dangerous
Philanthropist in Modern History?
Bill Gates - One of The World's
Most Destructive Do-Gooders?
Español |
Bill Gates promueve el "Cero Neto"
("Net Zero") como Solución al Cambio Climático
Español |
Bill Gates promueve la
"Agricultura de Vigilancia" - Vandana Shiva
Italiano |
Bill Gates propone di Rimpiazzare
gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura
Gates' relationship with Convicted Pedophile Jeffrey
Epstein revolved around a 'Global Health Investment...
Gates says COVID-19 could be the "Last" Pandemic
Bill Gates Spills the Beans!
Bill Gates suddenly Abandons 'Climate Doom Narrative' as
populations Push Back against Globalism
Bill Gates, TED, and
Bill Gates' "Unsolvable Problem"
is Free Speech...!
Bill Gates unveils details of
'intriguing Dinner' with Trump
Italiano |
Bill Gates vuole Far Sparire le
"Teorie della Cospirazione" contro di lui
Italiano |
Bill Gates vuole realizzare una 'Visione
Globale' durante la sua Vita
Bill Gates wants "Conspiracy
Theories" about him to Go Away...
Bill Gates wants to realize
'Global Vision' in his Lifetime
Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and
Bill Gates - WEF's Champion of
Global ID and Digital Cash
Español |
Bill Gates y Blackrock invierten
en la Tecnología de Hidropaneles que fabrican Agua de la
Broken by Design - Why the Elites
want Everything and Everyone to have an "Expiry Date"
Español |
Cómo Bill Gates COMPRA a los
Medios de Comunicación, a Periodistas y a 'Verificadores
de Hechos'
Español |
Cómo Empuja la Fundación Gates al
Sistema Alimentario en la Dirección Equivocada
Español |
Conocedora de la OMS llama la
Atención sobre Bill Gates y GAVI
CREEPY Bill Gates Strikes Again
with Windows 10
- "Doomsday
Seed Vault" in The Arctic
- Bill Gates, Rockefeller and The GMO Giants Know
Something We...
Español |
El 'Gran Reinicio' al Descubierto
- Schwab, Gates y el Siniestro Complot del FEM y la OMS
para Despoblar el...
- 'End
Times Villain' Bill Gates going forward with Plan to
'Block Out the Sun'
Event 201 - 'Bill and Melinda
Gates Foundation' run a Coronavirus Pandemic Simulation
3 Months Ago!
Every Person on Earth Should
'Prove their Identity' with 'Digital ID' - Bill Gates
From Bill Gates to "The Great
Refusal" - Farmers on the Frontline
From "Event 201" to "Cyber
Polygon" - The WEF's Simulation of a Coming "Cyber
 |
Gated Development - Is the Gates
Foundation always a Force for Good?
Gates and Kissinger - On Same Path
to Population Control
Gates - Buy Stamps to Send E-mail
- Paying For E-mail Seen as Anti-Spam Tactic
Italiano |
Gates e Kissinger - Lo stesso Cammino per il Controllo della
Italiano |
Gates è sofferente per la CO2
e Demenza Virale
Gates, Fauci, Daszak 'Charged with
Genocide' in International Criminal Court
Gates Foundation Accused of
'Dangerously Skewing' Aid Priorities by Promoting
'Corporate Globalization'
Gates-Funded Experiment to Spray
Atmosphere With Sulphur Particles
Gates' Keepers of Journalism -
What Happens when Billionaires 'Buy' the News?
Gates Suffers from CO2
and Viral Dementia
Elite committing Crimes against Humanity
Global Threat - Gates Foundation
gets 'Diplomatic Immunity' in Kenya - 'Big Red Flag'
Español |
Guardianes del Periodismo de Gates...
Español |
- "Guardianes
Periodistas" de Bill Gates Finalmente lo Exponen...
Officials admit Bill Gates runs the World
High Court strips 'Bill & Melinda
Gates Foundation' of its legal "Immunities and Tax
Exemptions" in Kenya
Hillary and Bill... Gates
How Bill Gates and Big Pharma used
Children as "Guinea Pigs"... and Got Away with It
Bill Gates BUYS Mainstream Outlets, Journalists and
How the Bill Gates Foundation is
Genetically Manipulating Nature and Devastating Our
 |
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster -
by Bill Gates
Italiano |
- "Il
Caveau Semi per il Giorno del Giudizio nell'Artico" -
Gates, Rockefeller e i Giganti OGM Sanno Qualcosa...
Italiano |
Il Web di Bill Gates del Dark
Money e dell'Egemonia
Español |
Información Privilegiada de la OMS
denuncia a Bill Gates y a la Dictadura de la Salud
Global de GAVI
Is Bill Gates a Psychopath?
Español |
Jennifer Gates se sincera sobre el
Divorcio de sus Padres
Journalism's Gates Keepers...
Just Who Exactly Benefits Most
from the Global Giving of Billionaires like Bill Gates?
Español |
La Agricultura del Carbono -
¿"Genial" para los Gigantes Agroquímicos y los
inversores como Bill Gates, pero...
Español |
La Élite Global Sorprendida 'In
Fraganti' cometiendo Crímenes Genocidas contra la
Español |
La Estafa de la "Revolución Verde"
de Gates/Rockefeller al Descubierto
Español |
La ONU lanza un 'Programa Mundial
de Identificación Digital' financiado por Gates
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud planea imponer la "Agenda de Salud Global" de
Gates y Big Pharma...
Italiano |
- 'La
più Grande Folla nella Storia della Germania' Insorge
contro Bill Gates e Big Pharma
- 'Largest
Crowd in German History' Rises Up against Bill Gates and
Big Pharma
Español |
Las Artimañas de Bill Gates y
Anthony Fauci
Lawyers promise 'Nuremberg Trials'
Against all behind COVID Scam
Legal Team wants 'Second Nuremberg
Tribunal' to try Global Lockdown Promoters for Crimes
Against Humanity
Italiano |
Lo chiamano il 'Good Club' - E vogliono 'Salvare'
il Mondo...
Italiano |
L'ORRIPILANTE Bill Gates colpisce Ancora
con Windows 10
Español |
Dictadores deberían Temer a la IA |
Español |
Los Lunáticos se han Apoderado del
Machines of War - Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gates
Español |
Máquinas de Guerra - Blackwater,
Monsanto y Bill Gates
Italiano |
Melinda Gates era "Furiosa" per la
Relazione di Bill con Jeffrey Epstein
Español |
Melinda Gates renuncia a la
Fundación Gates - Obtiene 12.500 mill. de dólares -
Lanza su propia Fundación
Melinda Gates was 'Furious' about
Bill's relationship with Epstein
Italiano |
Microsoft Aiutava Prism a Spiare
Microsoft Buys Eugenics Technology
From Merck
- Becomes Drug Development
Partner With Top Global...
Microsoft Buys Skype and a Future
in Telecommunications
Microsoft Collects Phone Location
Data Without Permission
- Says Researcher
Curbs Wi-Fi Location Database
Microsoft, FBI and DHS Team Up to
Fight Cybercrime
Microsoft says New A.I. shows
Signs of Human Reasoning
Microsoft Wants to Know How Many
Friends You've Got in Your Living Room
- Big Brother Alert
Microsoft Warns of 'Orwellian
Future' as WikiLeaks Exposes Participation with
Español |
- "Mi
Nombre es Bill Gates, Rey de Reyes"
No Shame - Bill Gates Another
Global Warmer?
NSA Leaks Hint Microsoft May Have
Lied about Skype Security
Español |
Nuestros Malévolos Benefactores y
su Plan Maestro para la Humanidad |
Español |
Sistema Alimentario Controlado' ya está en Marcha y No
se Detendrán Ante Nada para Acelerar su... |
Español |
Piden Investigación Internacional
por las Prácticas "Oscuras" de la Fundación de Bill
Español |
- ¿Por
qué Bill Gates No Usa una Máscarilla?
Español |
Controla el Suministro de Alimentos, Controla a la Gente
Italiano |
Ricchi e Buoni? - Le Trame Oscure
del Filantrocapitalismo
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and 'The
Real Anthony Fauci'
Español |
Segundo Juicio de Nuremberg -
Reiner Fuellmich anticipa una Victoria de la Humanidad
Skype With Care - Microsoft is Reading Everything You
Sorry Gates - GMO Crops Proven to
Be Ineffective at Fighting World Hunger
The (Bill) Gates of Hell
The Billionaires that Made our
World - Bill Gates
"Blue Screen of Death" could throw the Global Economy into a
State of Chaos for Weeks
The Covid-19 Power Grab as
"Organized Crime" - A Multi-faceted Deception
The Gates Foundation's
Hypocritical Investments
The Great Reset Exposed - Schwab,
Gates, and the Sinister WEF and WHO Plot to Depopulate
the World
The Lunatics have Taken Over the Asylum
The Names and Faces - The 150
Bilderbergers who Influenced and Controlled the Response to
The (New) God Delusion - Bill Gates
The Real Agenda of The Gates Foundation
The Real Anthony Fauci - Bill
Gates, Big Pharma and the Global War...
Snakes are Coming Out - The Masks begin to Fall Off...!
The Truth about Melinda Gates
They're called the 'Good Club' -
And they want to 'Save' the World...
Thousands of Japanese Citizens flood streets to Protest WHO,
WEF, Bill Gates, Vaccines...
U.N. and Bill Gates behind
"Digital Public Infrastructure" for Global Control
Español |
Un "Enemigo Común" Colectivo
acecha ahora a la Humanidad
Rolls Out Bill Gates' "Digital ID" in Sierra Leone
Vandana Shiva on the Taking Down
of Bill Gates' Empires
Video shows Bill Gates admitting
"Clean Energy" solving Climate Change is a SCAM
War of Words and a 'Rich Ugly
Who will eventually 'Own
Everything' including You?
Why is Bill Gates a Psychopath?
Why we Must #ExposeBillGates
Why won't Bill Gates Wear a Mask?
Worldwide Digital IDs will be
Required to Participate in Society by 2030
You'll Never Guess Which Dangerous
Ingredient is in Gates' New Contraceptive Implant
Additional Information |
Big Tech Companies agree to Work
together in 'Internet Freedom Crackdown'
Bill Gates tacitly Admits his
'Common Core Experiment' was a Failure
Bioethics and the New Eugenics
Español |
Bioética y la Nueva Eugenesia
Common Core - A Scheme to Rewrite
 |
Controligarchs -
Exposing the Billionaire Class, their Secret Deals, and the
Globalist Plot to... - by Seamus Bruner
Español |
Covid - Bioética, Eugenesia y
Paneles de la Muerte - Una Advertencia...
Detect Computer and Email Monitoring
Geoengineers to Release
Planet-Cooling Gas into New Mexico Atmosphere
Soros is Backing 'Climate activist' Greta Thunberg
George Soros is Backing Greta
How to Explain Technocracy to
Idiots |
Is There Any Hope for A
Non-Genetically Modified Future in America or Africa?
I Tried to Interview Greta
Thunberg - The most fervent Supporter of the "Climate"
know Nothing about "Climate"
Español |
JPMorgan lanzará un Sistema de
Pago Biométrico como próximo paso en la Vigilancia
Financiera Orwelliana
 |
Just Another Emperor?
- The Myths and Realities of Philanthrocapitalism
Italiano |
La Filantropia è Nemica della
Español |
La Filantropía es Enemiga de La
Español |
La Globalizacion de Microsoft
- Entrevista de Corporate Watch con Noam Chomsky
Docs Show Financial Ties Between NSA and Internet
- Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and...
Latest Reason to Quit Hotmail -
Microsoft Admits To Spying on It
Majesterium and The Tipping Point
Microsoft and The Bavarian
Microsoft President Threatens that
Orwell's '1984' could Happen in 2024
More Hack Attacks Coming as
Microsoft Slams Government Secrecy
Philanthropy Is The Enemy of
Science is Not to Be Trusted
 |
Showing Up for Life
- by Gates Sr.
Sites Feed Personal Details to New Tracking Industry
The Illuminati Pledge of Allegiance
We Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites
Now - Says the FBI
World Bank Nominee Tied to
Monsanto Shareholder Bill Gates and Soros
Bill Gates, Big Pharma,
The WHO,
Vaccines and Covid-19 - La OMS, las Vacunas y
Covid-19 |
Closer Look at "The Gatekeepers" of Medical Research
After Covid, Monkeypox - The Same
Circus again...?
Italiano |
Stati degli USA cercano di deporre Fauci ed altri Alti
Funzionari nel Caso della Censura BigTech del...
A Message about Suicide to the Pod
People Wearing Masks
Español |
Así se Financia la OMS - La
Influencia de Bill Gates en las Decisiones sobre la
Salud Mundial
Italiano |
Autoassemblaggio di Strutture in Tempo
Reale rivelate in 2 Anni di Studio su Iniezioni di Pfizer e
Moderna per... |
Before COVID Gates planned Social
Media Censorship of 'Vaccine Safety Advocates' with
Pharma, CDC, Media...
Biggest Lie in World History -
There Never Was a 'Pandemic'
Italiano |
Bill Gates 'Accordo per Brevetto
Covid' con Moderna
Bill Gates admits 'Testing
Nanotech on Public' with mRNA Vaccines
Bill Gates admits Vaccines are
Used for Human Depopulation
Bill Gates advances 'Plan to
Vaccinate Public without Consent'
Bill Gates and WHO call for
Military to Round Up mRNA Vaccine Refusers during Bird
Flu "Pandemic"
Bill Gates
awards Researchers for
Development of Electrically Spun Cloth Whose Fibers
Bill Gates Buys Positive Press
Spin on Vaccines and GMOs
Bill Gates 'Covid Licence
Agreement' with Moderna
Bill Gates Demands the Right to
Censor 'Insane People' who Oppose him on the Internet
Español |
Bill Gates Dice Que Las Vacunas
Pueden Ayudar a Reducir La Población Mundial
- "Bill
Gates' Dream" to Control the Planet through the World
Health Organization is becoming Closer to Reality
Bill Gates 'DTP Vaccine' killed 10
Times more African Girls than the Disease Itself - Study
Español |
Bill Gates - El Peor Mal de la
Italiano |
Bill Gates è Scioccato dal fatto
che Non Piace alle Persone o non Hanno Fiducia in Lui
Italiano |
Bill Gates forse è stato Ingannato...?
Bill Gates funded Bioweapons
Experiments to spread Bird Flu to Humans
Bill Gates funding MIT Development
of Micro Implants to Automatically Give Babies Vaccines
Bill Gates
funds Covert Vaccine
Italiano |
Bill Gates incontra Boris Johnson
per discutere l’attuazione del "Programma Globale del
Vaccino per Covid-19
Bill Gates
in Global Push to
Vaccinate Every Child On The Planet
Bill Gates Insider blows whistle
on Coming 'Wave' of 'Unprecedented Deaths' among Vaxxed
Bill Gates is Shocked that People
don't Like or Trust Him
Bill Gates meets with Boris
Johnson to discuss implementing "Covid-19 'Global'
Vaccine Program"
Español |
Bill Gates planea un "Nuevo
Contagio Catastrófico"
Bill Gates plans for New
"Catastrophic Contagion"
Bill Gates Pushing for 7 Billion
Mandatory Experimental RNA Injections that Re-program
Human Cells
Bill Gates Says Global Vaccination Program is "God's
Bill Gates Says Vaccines Can Help
Reduce World Population
Bill Gates - The Ugliest Evil on
Bill Gates' Vaccine Crime Record -
496,000 Paralyzed Children in India and More...
Bill Gates' Web of Dark Money and
Caught Red Handed - Fauci, Gates
and Moderna responsible for COVID Pandemic
Censored Autopsies Study confirms
Covid 'Vaccines' caused 74% of All Deaths
Chief Executive of GAVI Wants to 'Immunize Every Kid on
COVID-19 and Bill Gates - Puppet
Master Gaslights Millions
Anti-Vaxxers: Ask yourselves this... Why-oh-why would Bill
Gates and Big Government want to Monitor...
Español |
- ¿Demasiado
Poco y Demasiado Tarde? - India Enfrenta a la CDC
Español |
Detengan el Holocausto
Did Bill Gates just Reveal the
'Reason Behind the Lock-Downs'?
Digital Vaccine Certificates after
Continued Lockdown - Plans for Post-Coronavirus World
Documentary Unveils Disturbing
Vaccine Contamination - Plandemic
Dr. Anthony Fauci plotted 'Global
Vaccine Action Plan' with Bill Gates before pushing 'COVID
Panic Treatments'
Dr. Anthony Fauci's Ties to George
Soros, Bill & Hillary Clinton, the WHO, Bill Gates & the
'Big Pharma Mafia'
Español |
El Distanciamiento Social de la Democracia |
Español |
El Futuro de las Vacunas
Español |
El Mito de las Vacunas - Sus
Peligros y Consecuencias
Español |
El Plan de Bill Gates para Vacunar
al Mundo
Embalmers finding Numerous Long,
Fibrous Clots that lack Post-Mortem Characteristics -
Covid Vaccines
a Global Health Dictatorship - The WHO 'Pandemic Treaty' and
Amendments to the I.H.R.
Expert or COVID-19 Accomplice? -
The Fauci Files
- 'Flying
Syringe' Mosquitoes Get Bill Gates Funding
Former Bill Gates Vaccine
Scientist predicts sharp Population Decline - "Up to
30-40% in highly vaccinated
Gates Foundation/CFR Propaganda
Against 'Anti-Vaccine' Movement Backfires
Gates Foundation Funds
Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups
Gates Foundation Partner Forces
Vaccines on Malawian Children at Gunpoint and Arrests
Gates Foundation to accelerate
Modified mRNA DEATHVAX™ Innovation and Manufacturing in
Africa and Globally
Gates, GAVI, and WHO Administered
Fake Malaria Vaccines to Asia, India and Africa
Geneva - The Head of the Snake
- "Globalists
Doomed" as Trump cuts U.S. Funding to WEF and UN Agenda
Español |
Hallazgo de 'Nanobots' en Vacunas
Covid en 96 Millones de Ciudadanos en Japón - Estado de
Mr. Bill Gates been Fooled...?
 |
How Bill Gates and Partners used
their Clout to Control the Global Covid Response - With
little Oversight
How Bill Gates monopolized Global
How Long Do the Vaccinated Have to
Italiano |
I Certificati Digitali del Vaccino
dopo un Blocco Continuo - Piani per il Mondo Post
Italiano |
Il Culto del Covid e i 10 Piani di
Italiano |
Il Dr. Anthony Fauci ha tracciato
il Piano per il Vaccino Globale con Bill Gates prima di
spingere "I trattamenti...
Is WHO Director Tedros a
Terrorist? - Global Ties to Bill Gates, Clinton
Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and...
It's Time to Dismantle 'WHO' the
World Health Organization
It's Time to Launch an
Investigation into the 'Bill and Melinda Gates
Foundation' for 'Crimes Against Humanity'
Japan declares State of Emergency
after 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Japan declares State of Emergency
- 'Nanobots' found in 96 Million Citizens' Covid
Español |
La Corrupción de la Ciencia - El
Escándalo del 'Estudio de The Lancet' sobre la
Español |
La Farsa y Diabólica Agenda de "Un
Bloqueo Universal"
Español |
La Insistencia de Bill Gates Para
Vacunar a Cada Niño en El Planeta
Español |
La OMS Utilizará Vacunas Contra La
Polio Para Despoblar Naciones Subdesarrolladas
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud es Controlada por Grupos Privados
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud (OMS) declarada Terrorista por miembro del
Parlamento Europeo
Español |
La Organización Mundial de la
Salud, OMS - ¿Una Organización Delictiva?
Español |
La Pandemia del Coronavirus
COVID-19 - El Verdadero Peligro es la "Agenda ID2020"
Español |
La Verdadera Agenda detrás de la
Enloquecida Carrera por Inyectar a todos los Niños del
Español |
Lo que se Renombró como "COVID"
siempre ha sido solo una Variación de Enfermedad Similar
a la Influenza
Español |
Los Antivacunas suponen un Serio
Desafío para los Planes de la OMS
Español |
Los Miles de Millones de Bill
Gates ¿están Distorsionando los Datos de Salud Pública?
Español |
Mosquitos usados como "Jeringas
Voladoras" reciben Financiación de Bill Gates
mRNA Vaccines - A Fantastic Fairy
Never Forget - For 2 Years,
Tyrants Locked us Down, forcibly Medicated us, and
Destroyed our Livelihoods
 |
NIH-Moderna Confidential
Español |
No Creerás lo que Planean Hacer
con las "Vacunas" para el Covid-19
Español |
No hubo 'Pandemia'
Nuremberg 2.0 - Update on legal
proceedings against the CDC, WHO and Davos Group
Nuremberg Trial 2.0' is in
Preparation - WHO and World Leaders will have to Answer
for 'Crimes Against...'
Español |
- 'One
Health' - La Toma de Control Global de Todo - La OMS y
Bill Gates
- 'One
Health' - The Global Takeover of Everything - The WHO
and Bill Gates
- 'One
Health' will give WHO's Dictator General power to
initiate Climate Lockdowns
Over 2 Billion will
Suffer Gruesome Vaccine Injuries - World War 3 Global
Catastrophe - Dr. David E. Martin
- 'Pandemic and Erosion of Freedoms'
have been Decades in the Making - A Timeline
- 'Pandemic'
Lessons Learned - Omicron vs. Bill Gates
 |
Patent WO 060606 |
Español |
Por qué la OMS es una Organización
Corrupta y Dañina
President Trump deals 'Huge Blow
to Bill Gates' - Withdraws support from 'China-Centric'
Programmed Death - mRNA Vaccine
Nanoparticles used to Control Appetite and Emotions in
Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures
revealed in 2-Year Study of Pfizer and Moderna Covid-19
Seek to Depose Fauci - Other Top Officials in Big
Tech-Government Censorship Case
Stop Holocaust
Sweden is 3 Weeks Away from 'Herd
Immunity' after Refusing a Total Lockdown
Español |
- ¿Tenemos
Motivos para Pensar que las Vacunas de Bill Gates podrían
tener Agentes Anti-fertilidad?
Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 is an 'Imaginary and Theoretical
The Back Door to "Global Tyranny"
- The World Health Order (WHO) and the "Global Pandemic
Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic - The Real Danger is "Agenda
The Corruption of Science - The
Hydroxychloroquine 'Lancet Study' Scandal
The Covid Cult and the 10 Stages
of Genocide
The Farce and Diabolical Agenda of
a "Universal Lockdown"
The Law Begins to Hammer on
Was No 'Pandemic' - An essay by Denis Rancourt
The Scheming of Bill Gates and
Anthony Fauci - A 'Formidable and Nefarious' Partnership
The United Nations forced to admit
'Gates-funded Vaccine' is causing 'Polio Outbreak' in
The WHO and Big
Pharma - Building a Permanent Pandemic Market
Español |
Un "Grupo de Sociópatas" está
Impulsando la Vacunación Masiva - Dice médico defensor
de la Hidroxicloroquina
UNICEF Using African Refugee
Crisis to Target 300,000 Kenyan Children for Vaccination
United Nations and Bill Gates
Foundation Push Deadly HPV Shots on Poor Nations Under
'GAVI Alliance'
Untested Vaccines Causing New Wave
of Polio-Like Paralysis Across India - The Bill and Melinda
U.S. Surgeon General Drops
Outdated WHO-CDC 'Gates Pandemic Model'
Vaccine Billionaires and Human
Guinea Pigs
was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of
Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI)
When will the Criminals be
WHO Director Must Resign Now -
U.S. Congress
Who owns the World Health
Organization and their Plan to Vaccinate the Planet?
Who the Hell is Bill Gates and Who
Gave Him so much Power Over the People?
WHO will use Polio Vaccines to
Depopulate Underdeveloped Nations
World Health Organization - Gates
Foundation now Second Largest Funder after U.S.
Yes, Bill Gates Said 'That'... -
Here's the Proof
 |
How to Prevent the Next
Pandemic - by Bill Gates
 |
The Bill Gates Problem - Reckoning
with the Myth of the Good Billionaire - by
Tim Schwab
Español |
Asesinato con Vacunas - Demanda
contra Bill Gates
Español |
Bill Gates destroza las Vacunas
Actuales de COVID - Se burla de una Nueva Opción
Español |
Cómo la OMS fue Secuestrada por
Donantes Privados
 |
Off the Head of the Snake' in Geneva
Español |
Entrevista a Rashid Buttar -
Covid-19 y el Engaño a Nivel Mundial
 |
Fact Checking the 'Fact Checkers'
- Bill Gates, ID2020 and Vaccine Microchips
 |
Gates, Fauci and Covid-19 -
Exposure of a Fake Pandemic, Economy Collapse and
Español |
George Soros y Bill Gates están detrás de
la 'Pandemia' Covid-19 - Señala el periodista Javier Villamor
 |
Greetings, Useless Eaters - A
Message from your 'Global Human Health Overlord'
 |
Interview with Rashid Buttar -
Covid-19 and Global Deceit
Español |
Laura Eisenhower - Mensaje a 'Los
Controladores Oscuros'
 |
Laura Eisenhower - Message to 'The
Dark Controllers'
Italiano |
Nuovo Ordine Mondiale, Covid-19 e
la Fondazione Gates - Sara Cunial
 |
Over 2 Billion will
Suffer Gruesome Vaccine Injuries - World War 3 Global
Catastrophe - Dr. David E. Martin
Español |
- ¿Qué
se está Negociando en estos momentos en la OMS y cuáles
son sus Implicaciones?
Español |
- ¿Quien
es el Conspirador ahora?
Español |
Vernon Coleman - Esto no Podría
posiblemente Suceder - ¿Verdad?
 |
Vernon Coleman - This Couldn't
Possibly Happen - Could it?
 |
GAVI and Covid-19 - Audition with Dr. Reiner Füllmich for
International Lawsuit Nuremberg II
Climate Change - Cambio
Climático |
Bill Gates' creepy and costly
'Plan to Destroy the Atmosphere' and store CO2
Underground moves forward in Can...
Bill Gates funded Solar Geoengineering
causing Global Warming Effects
Bill Gates gives speech Demanding
Action on Climate Change to 'Elites' who Flew in on
Private Jets
Bill Gates pushes Vaccinations in
Food Supply to 'Fight Climate Change'
Español |
Bill Gates quiere Rociar Millones
de Toneladas de Tiza en la Estratosfera para frenar el "Calentamiento
Bill Gates says it's OK for him to
use Private Jets because he's "The Solution" to Climate
Bill Gates' Vision of Combating
Climate Change is Mostly Myopic, Out of Touch, and a
Little Bit Scary
Español |
- "Clima
- La Película" - La Fría Verdad
- "Climate
- The Movie" - The Cold Truth
Español |
Experimento Secreto con Chemtrails
- Disparan 'Aerosoles' al cielo para crear Gran
Envoltorio de Nubes
Harvard shuts Bill Gates-funded
Geoengineering Project to Preserve Climate Narrative
Español |
- "Otra
Mentira que se Cae" - Milei critica el "verso" del
Cambio Climático a.k.a. Calentamiento Global
There is No Climate Emergency -
Climate Models miss One Key Variable - Nobel Laureate
John Clauser
World Meteorological Organization
Report debunked - Weather Hype fuels false 'Climate
Crisis' claims
 |
Global Warming and the "Pandemic"
- Interview - Bill Gates speaks to Rt. Hon. Jeremy Hunt
 |
Nobel Laureate John Clauser -
There Is No Climate Emergency
Depopulation - Despoblación |
A False Pandemic and the
Imposition of a False Vaccine - A Criminal Plan of World
Depopulation - Viganò
 |
Agenda to Depopulate the Planet
through COVID Vaccination - Revealed by Gov. Reports and
Pfizer Documents
Bill Gates 1997 "Prediction" -
2020 Extinction by Lung Attacking Virus
Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb
- America's Richest People Meet to Discuss Ways of...
Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are
Used for Human Depopulation
Bill Gates' Criminal Plans Exposed
by U.S. Trial Lawyer
Bill Gates Exposed in Italian
Parliament for "Crimes Against Humanity" - The Trend is
Our Friend
Bill Gates-Funded 'World Mosquito
Program' engages in Gain-of-Function Research
Italiano |
Gates ha Fondato 'Il Programma Zanzara Mondiale' impegnato
nel Guadagno della Funzione di Ricerca
Bill Gates has Major Shares in
Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI revealed he is the
Primary Funder of the MHRA
- "Bill
Gates is Largest Funder of trying to find 'Viruses in
Caves' and bring them to Big Cities" - Rand Paul
Bill Gates launches new 'Netflix
Series' that lays out Mass Suicide Plan for Global Human
Bill Gates on A.I. - 'Humans won't be needed for Most
Bill Gates Patent gives him
'Exclusive Rights' to 'Computerize' the Human Body
Bill Gates Says Vaccines Can Help
Reduce World Population
Español |
Cero Absoluto - La Agenda Global
Covid Failed to do 'the Job' -
Bill Gates is making a Second Run at Culling the
Covid Panic, Climate Panic -
Driven by Same People for Same Purpose
Deconstructing Bill Gates' Agenda
Español |
De la Bioética a la Eugenesia
Español |
Desarrolladores de la 'Vacuna
Oxford-AstraZeneca' vinculados al Movimiento Eugenésico
del Reino Unido
Developers of 'Oxford-AstraZeneca
Vaccine' tied to UK Eugenics Movement
Dr. David Martin calls for the
Destruction of the World 'Health' Organization (WHO)
Earth Cooling Dramatically
Español |
El Arzobispo Viganò revela los
Perversos Planes del Globalismo en una impactante
Español |
El Expediente Tedros - ¿Se
convertirá el Jefe de la OMS en el hombre Más Poderoso
del Mundo?
Español |
El Mal Puro y Completo Enmascarado
como Pandemia
Español |
- ¿Estamos
Siendo Preparados para una Despoblación Masiva?
From Computers to Global Genocide
- The Staggering Influence Bill Gates on Public Health
Policy around World
Gene Drive Technology - What
Species should we make Extinct Today? - Why are B. Gates
and Military involved?
Geoengineering is No Longer a
'Secret Conspiracy'
- "Herd
Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the
Gene-based mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of...
Italiano |
Dossier Tedros - Il Capo dell'OMS diventerà l'uomo Più
Potente del Mondo?
Is the WHO an Undercover Terrorist
Italiano |
La Licenza Bill Gates gli consente
"Diritti Esclusivi" per "Computerizzare" il Corpo Umano
Monkeypox - "Fool Me Twice, Shame
On Me"
Italiano |
Perché i Globalisti e i Governi
sono così alla Disperata Ricerca di Tassi di
Vaccinazione del 100%?
Philanthropath Bill Gates has just
'Planned his Next Pandemic' - "Catastrophic Contagion"
Español |
Post Encierro Covid-19 - La Jugada
de Rockefeller
Post Lockdown - The Rockefeller
Game Plan
Español |
- "Reducir
la Población Mundial" - Reunión Secreta en 2009 del Club
de Multimillonarios 'Good Club'
Russian Military blows whistle on
Bill Gates' Bioterrorism Plot to 'Reduce Population'
Secret Billionaire Club Seeks
Population Control
Serial Liar Bill Gates is now
Denying Ever talking about 'Digital Vaccine Passports' -
But there's Video Proof
- "Shrink
the World's Population" - Secret 2009 Meeting of
Billionaires "Good Club"
The Ambitions of Bill and Melinda
Gates - Controlling Population and Public Education
The COVID-19 Endgame - Global
Governance, "Digital Tyranny" and the Depopulation
Limits to Growth is deeply Flawed - Yet Advocates used it to
claim Societies need to be Completely Controlled...
The Long, Strange History of Bill
Gates Population Control Conspiracy Theories
Plan' - Proof that the 'pandemic' was Planned with a
Rise and Fall of the Beast - Confronting One World Order
(OWO) Globalism
Tedros File - Will the Head of the WHO become the Most
Powerful Man in the World?
The Great Reset - Schwab, Gates and a Sinister WEF Plot
WHO-Sponsored Genocides - A
History of Eugenics in the United States
WHO Will Use Polio Vaccines to
Depopulate Underdeveloped Nations
Why are Globalists and Governments
so Desperate for 100% Vaccination Rates?
Why the Rothschilds are Implicated
in the 'Covid-19 Hoax'
Multimedia: |
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Jeffrey Epstein - Bill Gates
Español |
La Relación de Jeffrey Epstein y
Bill Gates
 |
The Next Outbreak? - We're Not
Ready - Bill Gates at TED - Pandemic 'Predicted' in
2015, today's Covid-19?
Food - Comida |
Artificial Hamburger Meat
Successfully Grown in Vat of Bovine Fetal Cells
Big Pharma set to control 'Entire
Food Supply' - Monsanto-Bayer and Bill Gates join hands...
Bill Gates launches Attacks on
Africa's Food Production
Bill Gates pushes Vaccinations in
Food Supply to 'Fight Climate Change'
Gates secretly Dictates 'Global Food Policy' too...!
Biowarfare through the Food Supply
Gates Unhinged - Dystopian Vision
for the Future of Food
How the Gates Foundation is
Driving the 'Food System' in the Wrong Direction
Sign of Things to Come - Singapore
approves '16 Insects for Human Food'
Africa's Frankenfoods - Why Is the Gates Foundation
Helping Monsanto Push Genetically Modified Food?
Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
- How One of The World's Wealthiest Men is Actively
Promoting a...
BioTech admits Bill Gate's 'GMO
Factory Food' is a Gene Therapy
Español |
Cómo el 'One Health' de la OMS dictará "Lo que tú Comas"...
Failed Monsanto GMO Corn Pushed on
African Countries with Help of Bill Gates
How the WHO's 'One Health' will
Dictate "What You Eat"...
La Via Campesina Denounces Gates
Foundation Purchase of Monsanto Company Shares
Español |
Los Experimentos Agrícolas
promovidos por Bill Gates se han Hundido en África
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 3
Monsanto in Gates' Clothing?
- The Emperor's New GMOs
Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Says
GMO Crops Needed to Fight Starvation
Windows Software |
Español |
Alemania Denuncia a Windows 8
Don't Use Windows 8 Due to Risk of
'Back Doors'
- Warns German Government
NSA Access Was Built into Windows
Español |
La NSA Participó en El Desarrollo
de Windows 7
Español |
Microsoft está
Descargando Windows-10 en las PC Incluso si No se ha
'Reservado' una Copia
Microsoft is Downloading
Windows-10 to PCs, Even if you Don't "Reserve" a Copy
Español |
Microsoft Modifica 'Windows
Update' para Instalar en Automático 'Windows 10'
Italiano |
Microsoft Modifica "Windows
Update" per Istallare Automaticamente "Windows 10"
Built Back Door in All Windows Software by 1999
NSA Helped With Windows 7
- Privacy Expert Voices 'Backdoor' Concerns - Security...
NSA 'Helping' Microsoft With
Windows 7 'Security'
NSA Took Part in The Development of Windows 7
Russia Shoves Antitrust
Probe into Microsoft after Kaspersky Gripes about
Windows 7 'Security' Courtesy of
10' can Collect Your Data for Gov't Agencies
- What to Do
10' Covertly Sends Your Disk-Encryption Keys to
Español |
10' puede Recoger sus Datos para Agencias del Gobierno - Que se puede Hacer
Italiano |
10' può Raccogliere i vostri Dati per conto delle
Agenzie di Governo
- Cosa si Può Fare
Multimedia: |
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Windows 7 Backdoor - Say Goodbye
to Your Information!
Multimedia |
 |
A New Approach to Capitalism in
The 21st Century
- Davos Annual Meeting 2008 - Bill Gates
 |
Bill Gates About Modified Foods
 |
Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are
Used for Human Depopulation
 |
Bill Gates' Agenda to Chop Down
Español |
Bill Gates nos Pone al Corriente
de los Planes de la Élite
 |
Bill Gates on Energy - Innovating to
 |
Bill Gates on GM Foods, Vaccines
and Monsanto NWO Puppet - CNN
 |
BioWar - Project Blue Angel
- Elite Develop Genetically Engineered Weapons to
Eliminate Ethnic and...
 |
Deleted 'Bill Gates Documentary'
has been Revived
Español |
El Gran Reseteo Mundial
Español |
El Nuevo Agronegocio de Bill Gates
con MONSANTO y sus 3 Socios Argentinos
Español |
El Sistema Criminal detrás del
Globalismo, Bill Gates y Elon Musk
 |
Henry Kissinger and Bill Gates
Call for Mass Vaccination and Global Governance
 |
How to Become a Billionaire - And
what to Do with It - Bill Gates...
 |
If Bill Gates Was President...
Italiano |
Il Riscaldamento Globale e la
"Pandemia" - Intervista: Bill Gates parla con
Rt.Hon.Jeremy Hunt MP
 |
Info Wars breaks down the Real
Reason behind the Globalist/Eugenicist Power Couple's
 |
Meet Bill Gates
 |
Plandemic - The Event 201
Italiano |
Se Bill Gates Fosse Presidente…
 |
The Billionaires Who Made Our
World - Bill Gates
 |
The Empires of Gates - Interview
with Vandana Shiva, Ph.D.
 |
The Real Bill Gates
 |
The Sequel to The Fall of the
Cabal - Bill Gates
 |
What's Next? - The Future with
Bill Gates - A Video Summary...
 |
Who is Bill Gates?
 |
Zika Psyop to Justify Releasing
Millions of Bill Gates' GM Mosquitoes in Florida
Related Reports |
Covid-19 and Anthony Fauci -
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Depopulation of Planet Earth
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Facebook and The Internet
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Global Food Control
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Global Warming - An Official
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Google and The Internet
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Ivermectin - A Covid Defeater
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Killer Vaccines - Vacunas Que
- Main File
Main File
The WHO - World 'Health'
- Main File
Vaccines and Covid-19 - Gene
- Main File