Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
31 |
Cosmos |
- We
were Wrong - All Stars don't have Planets, after all |
30 |
Bees |
- Ten
of the Most Interesting Facts about Bees and Honey |
30 |
New World Order |
- Why
the "New World Order" is Impossible to Implement without
'Creating Mass Chaos' |
29 |
Consciousness |
- The
Rise and Fall of the Beast - Confronting One World Order
(OWO) Globalism |
28 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- The
Truth about Ivermectin
28 |
World Domination |
- The
City of London - The British Elite and their Agenda for
World Domination |
Español |
31 |
America Latina |
Racismo en un Perú en Crisis - Flagelo Social y Coartada de
un Gobierno en Apuros |
30 |
Globalización |
Renunciar al Sistema - La Nueva Tendencia Laboral en Francia
y el Mundo |
29 |
Rusia |
- Seis
Meses después del Colapso de Ucrania - El Mundo ha Cambiado
para Siempre |
28 |
Virus-Covid |
Lo que se Renombró como "COVID" siempre ha sido solo una
Variación de Enfermedad Similar a la Influenza (ILI) |
Italiano |
30 |
Spopolamento |
Atrocità Commesse dai Governi contro i loro Cittadini |
28 |
Storia Umanità |
- Come
due Malattie Mortali hanno fatto Capitolare l'Età del Bronzo |
English |
27 |
Great Reset |
- A
Developing Evil - The Malignant Historical Force behind the
Great Reset |
27 |
Virus-Covid |
- What
was Rebranded as "COVID" has always just been a Variation of
Influenza-Like-Illness (ILI) |
26 |
Global Warming |
- Global
Warming is the 'Greatest Scientific Fraud' in History |
25 |
Cosmos |
- Cosmic
Web Orchestrates the Progression of Galaxies |
24 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- How
to remove 'Graphene Oxide' in Covid Vaccines from the Body |
23 |
United Nations |
- United
Nations (UN) digital World Brain seeks to 'Track Everything
and Everyone' |
23 |
Virus-China |
- China's
Endless 'COVID Hysteria' is a Dark Experiment in Social
Conditioning |
22 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- The
Documentary the 'Elites' Hope You Never See - 'Uninformed
Consent' |
22 |
Consciousness |
- The
Truth can No Longer be Hidden |
21 |
Technocracy |
- The
Slippery Slope to Cyborg Theocracy |
Español |
27 |
America Latina |
América Latina - La Unidad Continental es un Destino Común |
25 |
Bolivia Plurinacional |
- ¿Cómo
fue la Lucha de los Pueblos Indígenas por instaurar el
Estado Plurinacional en Bolivia? |
25 |
Conciencia |
El Reino del César y el Reino del Espíritu |
24 |
UE-Globalización |
- Holanda
cerrará 11.200 Granjas para cumplir los 'Objetivos
Climáticos' |
22 |
América Latina |
América Latina gira a un Mundo Multipolar - Mientras la UE
sigue a la "Potencia en Decadencia, EE.UU." |
21 |
Conciencia |
- Navegando
en el 'Cuarto Giro' - Estos son los Tiempos que prueban a
las Almas de los Hombres |
21 |
5G |
Los Peligros de la Red 5G - La Tecnología en Contra de la
Humanidad |
Italiano |
23 |
Rockefeller |
- Assimilare
e Distruggere - Fondazione Rockefeller: "Sfruttamento e
soppressione della Medicina Naturale" |
English |
20 |
AI-Brain |
Self-Taught 'AI' shows Similarities to how the Human Brain
works |
20 |
Consciousness |
- Navigating
the 'Fourth Turning' - These are the Times that try Men's
Souls |
19 |
Energy-Coal |
- Germany
hits Wall of Energy Reality - Reconnects First Coal Power
Plant to Grid |
19 |
Virus-Masks |
- Everything
you Wanted to Know about Masks and COVID - On the
Effectiveness of Masks - Stephen Petty
18 |
Consciousness |
- The
Realm of Caesar and The Realm of Spirit |
18 |
Depopulation |
- Atrocities
Committed by Governments against their Citizens |
17 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Government
reveals the 'Quadruple/Triple Vaccinated' now account for
92% of COVID Deaths across Canada |
16 |
Earth Changes |
- Volcanic
Eruption released enough Water Vapor to heat Earth |
15 |
Great Reset |
- Beyond
the Great Reset - 10 Official Documents on Human-Machine
Hybrids |
15 |
Global Warm-Inflation |
- Energy
and Climate Policies fueling Inflation - Intended
Consequences |
14 |
Virus-Depopulation |
- The
COVID-19 Endgame - Global Governance, "Digital Tyranny" and
the Depopulation Agenda |
Español |
20 |
America Latina |
Petro, Maduro y Bolívar - La "Nueva Era" que comienza entre
Colombia y Venezuela |
19 |
Historia Humanidad |
Cómo dos Enfermedades Mortales colapsaron la Edad del Bronce |
19 |
Bancos Centrales |
La Medicina de la Inflación - Una Inocentada que Amenaza al
Progreso |
18 |
Cosmos |
- Extraterrestres
podrían estar Escondidos en Esferas Artificiales que giran
alrededor de ciertas Estrellas |
18 |
Plantas Sagradas |
La Magia de las Plantas Sagradas Latinoamericanas gana
espacio entre la Ciencia Occidental |
16 |
Conciencia |
- El
Surgimiento de la Resistencia y la Conciencia - El Colapso
del Gobierno |
15 |
Virus |
Viruela del Mono - Efecto de Vacuna COVID-19 y 5G
15 |
Petróleo |
- El
Reacomodo Tectónico que vive el Mercado Energético Mundial -
Al detalle... |
14 |
Virus-Vacunas |
Las Víctimas de las Vacunas Anticovid rompen el Silencio |
Italiano |
14 |
Grande Reset |
- Il
Trattato per la Pandemia - "Abbiamo i mezzi per Migliorare
lo Stato del Mondo" - Klaus Schwab |
English |
13 |
Electric Universe |
- Instant
Fossilization - Peter Mungo Jupp
12 |
Rockefeller |
- Assimilate
and Destroy - The Rockefeller Foundation's role in
'Exploiting then suppressing Natural Medicine' |
11 |
Genoma |
- Genetic
Scientists create World's First 'Synthetic Embryos' |
10 |
Consciousness |
- The
Rise of Resistance and Awareness - The Collapse of
Government |
10 |
Climate Change |
- A
Deliberately-Engineered Climate Collapse? |
09 |
Technocracy |
- Technocracy
is Insane, Anti-Human and it WILL Fail |
08 |
Cosmos-Dark Matter |
- Dark
Matter from 12 billion Years Ago detected for the 1st time |
08 |
Jupiter-Mothership |
- Does
new Webb photo of Jupiter show a Mothership over a Thousand
Miles Long? |
08 |
Transhumanism |
- Humanity
2.0 - 'The Fusion of our Physical, Digital and Biological
Identities' |
07 |
Virus |
- Monkeypox
Virus - Facts vs. Fear |
Español |
13 |
Conciencia |
Agenda Psicológica 2030 |
12 |
Sociopolítica |
- La
Agonía de Occidente |
12 |
Tecnocracia |
La Tecnocracia es una Locura, Antihumana y Fallará |
10 |
Elite Global |
- ¿Cuánta
Evidencia hay de que el Máximo Liderazgo del Planeta Tierra
'No es Humano'? |
08 |
Control Alimentos |
- ¿Qué
tan Grave será la Crisis Alimentaria Mundial? |
07 |
Andrómeda-Razas |
Humanoides de "Andrómeda" revelaron a militares: "Humanos
están compuestos de 22 Razas diferentes de... |
Italiano |
12 |
Cibo Globale |
- Crisi
Globale del Cibo - Fingere ha delle Conseguenze |
10 |
Grande Reset |
Un Esperto in Economia spiega l’imminente "Policrisi della
Distruzione" |
10 |
UE-Russia |
- La
UE si Prepara a un "Inverno senza Gas Russo" |
09 |
Facebook |
Come Facebook diventa TikTok, una nuova scheda "Feed"
elimina l'Algoritmo |
07 |
Virus--Vaccini |
- Pfizer
ha Mentito...! - Dopotutto, il Vaccino mRNA può cambiare il
tuo DNA - Studio |
07 |
Bill Gates |
Bill Gates forse è stato Ingannato...? |
English |
06 |
Ivermectin |
- Doctor
files $25 Million Lawsuit against Hospital for Smearing her
as 'Dangerous'' over views on Ivermectin |
05 |
The Moon |
finds comfortably Warm Spots all over the Moon |
05 |
Global Elite |
- The
Elite Coup to Kill or Enslave Us - Why can't Governments,
Legal Actions and Protests Stop Them? |
04 |
Virus |
- DO
NOT lock down, DO NOT inoculate, DO NOT FEAR... |
04 |
Bill Gates |
- From
Bill Gates to "The Great Refusal" - Farmers on the Frontline |
03 |
DARPA-Insects |
Insects, Mad Science and Us - Nowhere to Hide... |
02 |
Global Food |
- Global
Food Crisis - Pretending has Consequences |
02 |
Media Control |
- Noam
Chomsky - Top 10 Media Manipulation Strategies
02 |
Global Banking |
- Who
is Behind the Economic Collapse? |
01 |
Great Reset |
- The
Pandemic Treaty - "We have the Means to Improve the State of
the World" - Klaus Schwab |
01 |
Genoma-BioWeapon |
can be Engineered to Kill Individuals, Families or Entire
Ethnicities |
01 |
Consciousness |
- Re-Wiring
for the Foundations of a New World |
Español |
06 |
Despoblación |
Cuatro Mil Millones de 'Comelones Inútiles' serán
Sacrificados para 2050 - John Coleman, publicado en 1993 |
05 |
Calentamiento Glob. |
- Reciente
Ola de Calor demuestra que se Ignora la Ciencia real -
'Clima Normal' como 'Evento Catastrófico' |
05 |
Conciencia |
Revelan que las Plantas producen su Propia Aspirina para
Automedicarse |
04 |
Cambios Tierra |
- Científicos
descubren que la Corteza Terrestre está 'Goteando' bajo los
Andes |
03 |
Comida Global |
Continúan las Protestas de los Agricultores Holandeses con
Incendios de Neumáticos en las Carreteras |
03 |
America Latina |
EE.UU. Pierde Poder en la OEA - México, Brasil y Argentina
se Rebelan por el Conflicto en Ucrania |
02 |
Control Media |
- Noam
Chomsky y Las 10 Estrategias de Manipulación Mediática
01 |
Conciencia |
El Inconsciente Volviéndose Consciente - Entendiendo la
Naturaleza de las Fuerzas Negativas |
Italiano |
03 |
Capitalismo |
- La
Grande Menzogna del "Capitalismo Risvegliato" |
01 |
RG-Virus-Gates |
- Il
Riscaldamento Globale e la "Pandemia" - Intervista: Bill
Gates parla con Rt.Hon.Jeremy Hunt MP |
01 |
Grande Reset |
- L'Importanza
degli Alimenti Non Deteriorabili in Tempo di Crisi |