Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Articulo-Article |
English |
30 |
Parascience |
- The
New Science - Magnetism and Plasmatronics Will Change
Everything We Know About Health and Our Universe |
29 |
Alien Life |
- Is
Alien UFO False Flag Event on The Way? |
29 |
Parascience |
- Marijuana
Compound Found Superior to Drugs for Alzheimer's |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Tungsten-Filled
10 Oz Gold Bar Found in The Middle of Manhattan's
Jewelry District |
29 |
Parascience |
Health Risks of Genetically Engineered Foods
- A Genetic Roulette
Video |
29 |
Cosmos |
- Electricity
Hiding Behind 'Dark Matter'? |
28 |
Cosmos |
- Detection
of The Galactic Haze With Planck -
intermediate results - IX
(Sections related
28 |
New Vision
Health |
- Cancer,
and Why The Profiteers Don’t Want a Cure
- The
Biggest Moneymaker of All Time |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Eastern
Mediterranean Gas Fields Discovery Leading to Battle for
Wealth in Volatile Middle East |
28 |
Parascience |
Why Does Conventional Medical Treatment Lead to Chronic
Illness? |
28 |
Parascience |
- Chemical
Used in Teflon and Non-Stick Cookware Linked to Heart
Disease |
28 |
Parascience |
Perfluorooctanoic Acid, Perfluorooctanesulfonate, and
Serum Lipids in Children and Adolescents
(Section related
27 |
Sociopolitics |
- Dark
Seduction - Why We Love Psychopaths
Video |
27 |
Misticism |
Reading Plan for The Nag Hammadi Library |
27 |
Alien Life |
- The
27 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- "The
Earth Will Be Mine"
- Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity -
Chapters 37 and 38 |
27 |
The FED |
The FED Declares War... on The Poor, Retirees, and The
Middle Class |
27 |
The FED |
The Federal Reserve, a Privately Owned Banking Cartel,
has Been Given Police Powers, with Glock 22s and Patrol
Cars |
26 |
Parascience |
- Maryland
Killer Superbugs - Treating Antibiotic Resistant
Infections |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
The Guarani Aquifer - Protecting The Hidden Treasure |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Eurozone’s Rescue Fund - German High Court Capitulates
to Bankers |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
U.S. Seizing Vast South American Water Reserve
- Conspiracists Allege |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
Bush and Moonies Make Huge Land Grabs in Paraguay |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
The Bushes and The 2012 Paraguayan Putsch |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
Bush Family Paraguay Hideaway Update |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
- What
You Need to Know About a Worldwide Corporate Power Grab
of Enormous Proportions
- The Trans
Pacific Partnership |
25 |
Parascience |
Pilot Speaks Out About Chemtrails and HAARP |
25 |
Future and
Beyond |
Want Cleaner and Purer Air? - Try Air-Cleaning Plants,
NASA Says |
25 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Efficiency
of Volatile Formaldehyde Removal by Indoor Plants
(Section related
25 |
Sociopolitics |
Ten Shocking Quotes About What QE3 is Going to Do to
America |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
Poetic Justice Finds U.S. Enablers of Terror |
24 |
Consciousness |
- Funnel
Vision - Is It Closing In On You? |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Global Elite
- The Transnational Capitalist Class
24 |
Sociopolitics |
What Is The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP)?
24 |
Sociopolitics |
The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s “Global Economic Coup”
- Secret
Negotiations Behind Closed Doors |
24 |
New Vision
Health |
- Corporate
and Government Cover-Up of Low-Cost Pancreatic Cancer
- Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez Blows Whistle |
23 |
Parascience |
What Vitamins to Take
- Stop Throwing Your Money Away |
23 |
Parascience |
Bits of Mystery DNA far From ‘Junk’
- Play
Crucial Role |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
- China
and Russia Are Ruthlessly Cutting The Legs Out From
Under The U.S. Dollar |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
EU Military Industrial Complex Forms Single Massive
- BAE, EADS Talks May Spur More Mergers |
23 |
Alien Life |
White House Petition Asks for New Roswell UFO Crash
Investigation |
Español |
27 |
Alienigena |
- Los
27 |
Paraciencia |
- "La
Matrix" Como Viaje Chamánico |
27 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- La
- Caída del Hombre desde Una Civilización Superior en La
Antigüedad - Capitulos 9 al 11 |
26 |
Paraciencia |
- Realidades
Anómalas - La Grieta Cósmica |
26 |
Sociopolitica |
Sed: Invasión Gota a Gota - Acuífero Guaraní
Video |
25 |
Sociopolitica |
Oficiales del Gobierno Dicen que El 9-11 fue Terrorismo
de Estado… Pero Están en Desacuerdo Acerca de Qué Nación... |
25 |
Paraciencia |
Nanotecnología, Terraformación, Transhumanismo y Usted... |
24 |
Paraciencia |
- Una
Investigación Dice Que la Marihuana Lucha Contra el
Cáncer |
24 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Fragmentos de ADN Extraño y Otras Sustancias de Las
Vacunaciones Encontradas en Niños Enfermos, Discapacita... |
24 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Elite Global
- La Clase Capitalista Transnacional
24 |
Paraciencia |
El Mito de La Marihuana - ¿Qué Sucede si Todo lo Que
Crees Saber Sobre Esta Planta está Equivocado? |
24 |
Paraciencia |
- ¿Podemos
Regenerar Nuestra Dañada Glándula Pineal? |
23 |
Paraciencia |
- Evite
Los Alimentos Modificados Genéticamente
- Efectos Negativos Comprobados |
23 |
Paraciencia |
Los Alimentos Transgenicos
Video |
23 |
Sociopolitica |
- El
Mayor Contaminador del Planeta - El Departamento de
Defensa de EE.UU. |
English |
22 |
Parascience |
Anomalous Realities - The Cosmic Crack |
22 |
Parascience |
- The
Crack in The Cosmic Egg
(Sections related
22 |
Alien Life |
- Captured
Alien Being Interviewed - Secret Leaked Documents of
Roswell Entity
Book |
22 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- "The
Earth Will Be Mine"
- Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity -
Chapters 35 and 36 |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- 1984
in 2012 - The Assault on Reason |
22 |
Parascience |
Era of Smart Oceans With Autonomous Robots |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Middle East Exopolitical Saga
21 |
Sociopolitics |
The U.S. and Israeli-Sponsored Destruction of Syria and
Iran Continues |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- Stanford
Anti-Organic Study Plays into United Nations Codex
Alimentarious Outline for Global Depopulation |
21 |
Parascience |
Human Engineering and Climate Change |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
Coming Food Crisis Play into Global Elite’s Demand for
Population Stabilization |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- 9/11
for Dummies
Video |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Are
The Water Wars Coming? |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Myth That Japan Is Broke
- The
World’s Largest “Debtor” Is Now The Largest Creditor |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Five
Countries The U.S. Is Royally Screwing Over |
20 |
Vaccines |
Many Stunning Facts They Don't Want You to Know About
Gardasil and HPV Vaccines |
20 |
Parascience |
97 Percent of Our DNA Has a Higher Purpose and Is Not
'Junk' as Labeled by Scientists |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Update
on Silver, China and Surviving The Sudden End of The
American Government |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
Stellar Wind - The Secret NSA Domestic Spying Program |
19 |
The Vatican |
Roman Catholic Church Continues to Support Bishop
Convicted of Covering Up for Pedophile Priest |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Lies That Led to The Iraq War and The Persistent Myth of
‘Intelligence Failure’ |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- "Downing
Street Memo"
- The 'War on Terror'
(Sections related
19 |
Sociopolitics |
Misreading Intentions - Iraq’s Reaction to Inspection
Created Picture of Deception
(Sections related
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Five
Years Since The Great Financial Crisis - "No Growth, No
Deleveraging" |
18 |
Monsanto |
U.S. to Start ‘Trade Wars’ With Nations Opposed to
Monsanto, GMO Crops
- Leaked Information |
18 |
Parascience |
Nanotechnology, Terraforming, Transhumanism, and You... |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
- Government
Officials Say 9/11 Was State-Sponsored Terrorism… But
Disagree About WHICH Nation Was Behind... |
18 |
Monsanto |
Seven New Toxic Genetically Modified Crops Up for
Government Approval |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
Speculating Banks Profit as World's Poorest Go Hungry |
17 |
Cosmos |
- Gamma
Rays from Galactic Center Could Be Evidence of Dark
Matter |
17 |
Vaccines |
Unveiling The Culprit - Is Foreign DNA Contamination The
Autistic Villain Behind Biologic Vaccine Injuries? |
17 |
Vaccines |
- Fragments
of Foreign DNA and Other Substances From Vaccinations
Found in Sick, Disabled and Dying Children |
17 |
Industry |
The Marijuana Myth - What If Everything You Think You
Know About This Plant Is Wrong? |
17 |
Industry |
- Cannabis
- A Remarkably Safe and Effective Herbal Medicine
- Granny Storm Crow's MMJ Reference List
(Sec. related
17 |
Sociopolitics |
Full Reserve Banking Revisited |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Chicago Plan Revisited
(Section related
16 |
The Moon |
- Russia
Sets 'Super Goal' of Establishing Moon Base |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
Jackals of Jekyll Island - Federal Reserve Audit
16 |
Sociopolitics |
The Global Banking System
16 |
Industry |
- Research Says Marijuana Fights
- Does
Marijuana Cause Cancer? |
Español |
21 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Saga Exopolitica del Medio Oriente
21 |
Paraciencia |
- Tecnologías
- Anticuerpos Plásticos, Impresión de Órganos |
19 |
Paraciencia |
Los 18 Inventos Más Suprimidos |
18 |
Misticismo |
- Para
Los Que Esperan a Su Mesías |
18 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Usando El Bicarbonato de Sodio Para El Cáncer de Riñones |
17 |
Sociopolitica |
- Sobre
El Dalai Lama y Las Vacunas |
17 |
Sociopolitica |
- Una
Nota de Aprecio de Los Ricos de La Elite Global |
17 |
El Futuro y
Mas Allá |
Los Mejores Países Para Escapar de La Decadencia
Estadounidense |
16 |
Sociopolitica |
El Sistema Bancario Global
16 |
Misticismo |
- Zombies
Religiosos |
Italiano |
20 |
Sociopolitica |
Draquila - L'Italia Che Trema
Video |
English |
15 |
Parascience |
The 18 Most Suppressed Inventions Ever |
15 |
Parascience |
- Study
Says 290% Increased Risk of Brain Tumor After 10 Years
of Cellphone Use |
15 |
Parascience |
- Detailed
Map of Genome Function |
15 |
Parascience |
- Nuclear
Experimentation - Year 67 |
15 |
Parascience |
Nuclear Experimentation Killed Free Power |
14 |
Parascience |
- Doomed
Planet for A Failed Species?
- Fukushima’s Tragic Nuclear Consequences |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
Audit of New York FED Reveals Technocrat’s Creation and
Cover-Up of Global Financial Crash |
14 |
Cosmos |
- First-Ever
Model Simulation of The Structuring of The Observable
Universe |
14 |
Cosmos |
Four Percent of Galaxies Have Neighbors Like The Milky
Way |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- Are
The 'Banksters' Wrecking The Global Economy Through The
Trilateral Commission? |
14 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- "The
Earth Will Be Mine"
- Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity -
Chapters 33 and 34 |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
Hungary Throws Out Monsanto and The IMF |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
Hungarian Prime Minister Uses Facebook Page to
‘Unfriend’ IMF, Rejects Alleged Loan Conditions |
13 |
Industry |
Using Sodium Bicarbonate (Baking Soda) for Kidney Cancer |
13 |
The Moon |
- Did
Armstrong and Aldrin Receive Death Threats to Keep Moon
Secrets? |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Accused of Forcing Journalist to Censor Bahrain
Brutality |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Shoot to Kill - Autonomous Robots Developed by DARPA
Will Not Question Orders |
13 |
Parascience |
- Energy
Saving Bulbs 'Release Cancer Causing Chemicals' |
12 |
Parascience |
Rays of Rash - Toxic Light Bulb Investigation
Video |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
Towards an "Alternative New World Order" |
12 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Education
After The Collapse
- A Journey Back - Free eBook |
12 |
Future and
Beyond |
Education After The Collapse
(Sections related
12 |
Parascience |
Viruses - An Instrument in World Depopulation
12 |
Parascience |
- Ebola
Virus - The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90
Percent Depopulation |
12 |
Industry |
When Antibiotics Don't Work, Use Nature's Bounty to Kill
Deadly Superbugs Like MRSA and Flesh-Eating Bacteria |
11 |
Industry |
- Honey
and Its Many Benefits to Overall Health and Wellness |
11 |
Parascience |
Can The Superpowers Be Trained?
- The Coming Importance of A Question |
11 |
Parascience |
- Remote
Viewing? - Hey, Guys! What are We Talking About? |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
The Global Elite - The Transnational Capitalist Class
11 |
Sociopolitics |
A Note of Appreciation From The Rich of The Global Elite |
11 |
Transhumanism |
- Trans-Human
Technologies - Plastic Antibodies, Organ Printing |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
Americans and Northern Alliance “Friends”…
- False Flag
Terror, Drugs, Staged “Taliban” Attacks |
10 |
New Vision
Health |
- Mandatory
Chemotherapy for Children With Cancer? |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
The Forbidden Education
Video |
10 |
Matrix |
Our Lives, Controlled From Some Guy’s Couch |
10 |
Parascience |
- Inside
The Battle to Define Mental Illness |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
Desmond Tutu Calls for Blair and Bush to Be Tried Over
Iraq |
09 |
Parascience |
- America's
Leading Psychiatrist Convicts Himself of Crimes Against
Humanity |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
In Italy, World’s Oldest Bank Faces Uncertain Future |
09 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Best
Countries to Escape America's Decline |
09 |
Parascience |
Russia Announces Enormous Finds of Radioactive Waste and
Nuclear Reactors in Arctic Seas |
09 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Four
Best Methods for Off-the-Grid Food Production |
Español |
15 |
Sociopolitica |
- Sobre
el Saqueo Económico de Brasil |
14 |
Sociopolitica |
- Hungría
Se Deshace de Monsanto y del FMI |
13 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- La Teogonía
- Caída del Hombre desde Una Civilización Superior en La
Antigüedad - Capitulo 8  |
12 |
El Futuro y
Mas Allá |
Muchas Razones Para Considerar Una Vida Independiente
Fuera-de-la-Red |
12 |
Paraciencia |
Virus - Un Instrumento Para La Despoblación Mundial
12 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
- La
Investigación de Las Vacunas Está Creando Cepas
Virulentas |
11 |
Paraciencia |
- Los
Precursores a Un Cambio Magnético
- Terremotos,
Volcanes y Clima Extremo |
11 |
Paraciencia |
La Poco Conocida Tubería-Bomba de Nueva Madrid |
11 |
Predicciones |
- Pronósticos
Para el 2012 de La Conciencia Cósmica |
11 |
Sociopolitica |
La Elite Global - La Clase Capitalista Transnacional
10 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Educación Prohibida
Video |
English |
08 |
Themes |
Themes Index
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- Gates
Foundation Funds Surveillance of Anti-Vaccine Groups |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
Morgan Stanley is Insolvent
- Only a Matter of Time Before Total Financial Collapse |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- Call
to Arrest Tony Blair During South Africa Visit Gains
Momentum |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare - What Is
The U.S. Government Planning? |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- Eugenicists
Use DNA and Genetic Research to Push Depopulation Agenda |
07 |
Big Pharma |
Pfizer Caught Running Global Bribery Network
- Agrees to Settle Foreign Bribery Case With U.S. |
07 |
Industry |
- The
Importance of Probiotics After Antibiotics |
07 |
Future and
Beyond |
- The Future and Beyond
- Parameters for A New Civilization
07 |
Future and
Beyond |
40 Items to Barter in A Post-Collapse World |
07 |
Parascience |
- Electromagnetic
Field Intolerance - An Epidemic in The Making |
07 |
Parascience |
- Since
1950, Reliable Research Has Been Suppressed to Keep
Americans in The Dark About Trans-Fatty Acids... |
06 |
Parascience |
- Precursors
to A Magnetic Shift
- Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Extreme Weather |
06 |
Predictions |
- Looking
Ahead - 2012-2015 |
06 |
Alien Life |
- Deep
Space Memories
- An
Interview With Barbara Bartholic  |
06 |
Alien Life |
- Barbara
- The Story of a UFO Investigator
(Section related
06 |
New Vision
Health |
Vaccine Research Creating Virulent Strains |
06 |
Cosmos |
- Is
it Gravity and Heat That Cause Landslides on The
Saturnian Moon Iapetus? |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
The Rot Runs Deep |
05 |
Parascience |
- The
Many Reasons to Consider Off-The-Grid Independent Living |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
Food Inflation Will Affect
Entire Globe in 2013
- It's Not Just The U.S. |
05 |
Parascience |
- Is
McDonald's Stalking Children Online? |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
Yuan Tipped to Replace U.S. Dollar and Euro in Southeast
Asia |
04 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- "The
Earth Will Be Mine"
- Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity
- Chapters 31 and 32 |
04 |
Treatise |
- The
Papyrus Ebers
(Sections related
04 |
Parascience |
- Heat
and Drought |
04 |
Parascience |
What Happened to Global Cooling? |
04 |
Parascience |
A Most Hyperdimensional Eclipse and Final Venus Transit |
04 |
Sociopolitics |
- Russian
Expert Predicts Obama Will Declare Martial Law in
America by End of 2012 |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
How’s Your Backbone? - Solid As A Rock, I Hope...
- David
Icke |
03 |
Alien Life |
- Extraterrestrials
and The Positive Timeline
- Laura Magdalene Eisenhower, Alfred Lambremont Webre -
host Marshall Masters -
Audio |
03 |
Exopolitics |
Statement on An Un-Released Brief to President
- An
Important Message from Henry McElroy |
03 |
Parascience |
- The
Little Known New Madrid Pipeline Bomb |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
The Plan to Divide and Conquer America at The New Madrid
- And How We Can Remain Free of Crisis Engineers |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Why
Revolt Is All We Have Left
- Interview to Chris Hedges |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Power of The Powerless
(Section related
02 |
Parascience |
Monsanto’s Top 7 Lies About GMO Labeling and Proposition
37 |
02 |
2012 |
- 2012
- The Final Battle for The Perpetuation of Individual
Liberty and Control of The Future of Life on Planet
Earth |
02 |
Predictions |
The Cosmic Awareness Forecast for 2012 |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Black
Dossier - HSBC and Terrorist Finance |
01 |
Parascience |
Shape Power - A Treatise on How Form Converts Universal
(Section related
01 |
Sociopolitics |
The End of The Internet?
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- Economic
Rape of Europe Nearly Complete |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
The Global 1% - Exposing The Transnational Ruling Class |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- WikiLeaks
Bypasses Financial Blockade With Bitcoin |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
Netanyahu's Secret War Plan
- Leaked
Document Outlines Israel's "Shock and Awe" Plan to
Attack Iran |
Español |
08 |
Temas |
Temas - Índice
07 |
Paraciencia |
- El
Futuro y Mas Allá
- Parámetros Para Una Nueva Civilización
06 |
Sociopolitica |
Bush y Blair Deberían Ser Juzgados por Irak
- dice Desmond Tutu |
06 |
Paraciencia |
- Luz
Tóxica - El Lado Oscuro de Las Bombillas de Bajo Consumo
Video |
05 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- La Teogonía
- Caída del Hombre desde Una Civilización Superior en La
Antigüedad - Capitulos 5 al 7 |
03 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
- ¿Puede
La Marihuana Tratar el Cáncer Sin Los Devastadores
Efectos de La Quimioterapia? |
03 |
Paraciencia |
El Programa ‘Inmortalidad 2045' del Transhumanismo
Amenaza La Integridad de La Humanidad |
03 |
Paraciencia |
- La
Humanidad en Encrucijada - Explosión Tecnológica o Un
Retorno a la Edad Media |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
- Islandia
Tenía Razón, Nosotros Estábamos Equivocados
- El FMI |
03 |
Paraciencia |
Hackeando el Cerebro Humano
- Investigadores Demuestran la Extracción de Información
Confidencial por Medio de La Interfaz... |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
- ¿El
Fin de La Internet?
01 |
Conciencia |
- La
Biología de La Creencia |
01 |
Conciencia |
La Biología de La Creencia
- La
Liberación del Poder de La Conciencia, La Materia y Los
(Sec. relacionadas
Italiano |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
- Assange
e Il Futuro del Mondo |