A Golden Parachute with a Silver Lining
- An Escape Route in a Time of Disaster
Back From The Future - Gold in
January 2012
China's Gold Strategy
China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or Payback for
CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold?
Español |
- ¿Cuánto
Oro Hay en Realidad en Las Cámaras Acorazadas?
Español |
Descubren uno de los Mayores
Yacimientos de Oro en China - Se formó de manera
Diferente al Modelo Común
Español |
Culto al Oro - ¿Porqué se Fueron los Dioses, y porqué
iban a Regresar?
Español |
- 'Ellos'
vienen por tu Cuenta Bancaria - Qué hacer para
Español |
- ¡Es
Oficial! - El Banco Central de Rusia anuncia la
vinculación del ¡Rublo al Oro!
Italiano |
È Ufficiale! La Banca Centrale
Russa annuncia il Rublo legato all'Oro!
Fake Gold Bars!
- What's Next?
Former Wall St. Banker
Suggests Global Debt May Not be Owned by Humans
Former World Bank Senior
Council Says a "Second Species" on Earth Controls Money
and Religion
Global Debt is Now an Insane $164
Trillion but, Who Exactly Do We Owe?
and Gangster State America
Gold - A Shiny Outlook
- Special Report
Crashes Most in 30 Years… What Does It Really Mean?
Gold Standard - Ukraine and
Gold Warning - Tungsten Filled
Fake Gold Bars
Have You Caught Gold Fever?
The Value of That Shiny Metal Is as Artificial as Paper
How Much Gold Reserves Really
Exist in US Vaults?
Official! - Russia Central Bank announces Ruble bound to
Español |
Los Grandes Inversores encuentran
una Sustitución al Dólar Americano
Masters of Metal - China, the Rothschild Fix, and the
"New World Currency
Español |
Noticia Extraña sobre las Reservas de Oro
Rothschild Emerges from the
Shadows for the Centenary of the London Gold Fixing
Italiano |
Scoperto uno dei Maggiori
Giacimenti di Oro in Cina - Si è formato in modo Diverso
dai Modelli Comuni
Signs of The Gold Standard Emerging in China?
Español |
Suiza y su "La Rinconada"
en Perú - El
Paraíso del Diablo o La Peor Cara del Oro
Switzerland and its "La Rinconada"
in Peru - The Devil's Paradise
80% of The Gold The World Owns Doesn't Exist
The Assault on Gold
The Gold Standard Manifesto
The Secret Gold Treaty Documented
The Secret Gold Treaty
- The Truth Behind World
War II Gold, Nazi Plunder & Elite Plans to Control Our...
Audit of The Federal Reserve's Gold is Pure Propaganda
Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Discovered in UK
Tungsten-Filled 10 Oz Gold Bar Found in The Middle of
Manhattan's Jewelry District
Tungsten Filled Gold Bars
- Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion
Where is World's Gold
What Happened The Last Time We Saw
Gold Drop Like This?
Why Gold Was 'Hacked' Friday - and
How -
April 2008
Who Really Owns Your Gold?
- The Shocking Truth
Additional Information |
Ancient Human Metropolis Found in
A New Blast may have Forged Cosmic Gold
Italiano |
Antico Insediamento Umano Trovato
in Africa
Anunnaki Structures
Before the Flood - The 200,000-year-old Ancient City in
Carlin - Where The Train Stops and
The Gold Rush Begins
Español |
Cunde el Miedo a la Crisis del
Capitalismo entre los Grandes Financieros
Currency Reset and Gold Backed
Trade Note on 2014
De-Dollarization - Europe Joins
the Party
Did Somebody Just Try to Buy the
British Government?
Discovering The Oldest Manmade
Structures on Earth
Central-Bank Gold-Buying Signal The Top Is Near?
Does China Plan to Back The Yuan
With Gold and Make It The Primary Global Reserve
Earth's Gold Came from Colliding Dead Stars
Español |
Apocalipsis del Dinero Fiduciario - Cada vez más Bancos
Centrales cambian Dólares por Oro
Español |
El Estado Italiano apunta a su Oro
Español |
El Mayor Fondo de Prosperidad está
Radicado en Filipinas
- Además la Mayor Cantidad de Oro está en...
Español |
- ¿Es
el Oro Valioso?
Gold - Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter
in A Mad Max Scenario
One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of
to Bring Home Gold Stored in U.S. and France
Manipulation and $1.2 Quadrillion in Derivatives
Gold Mining - How Long Ago?
- from "Genesis Revisited"
Gold, The Anunnaki and Global
Greece Is Not Poor - It Actually
Has Massive Untapped Reserves of Gold, Oil and Natural
House of Rothschild Hoarding Gold in Face of Coming
How the Discovery of Paititi "The
Lost City of Gold" may Change Peru Forever
Independent Confirmation of the
Philippines Gold
- Contact Phoenix
Journal Review
Phobos a Mined Asteroid?
- A Sitchinite's Take on The Hollow Object
Is There a Conspiracy to Bring
Honest Money to the World?
Deutsch |
Klage vor US-Gericht Könnte die Gangsterherrschaft in
der Westlichen Zivilisation Beenden
Español |
Bolsa de Moscú Suspende Oficialmente todas las Transacciones
en Dólares y Euros
Italiano |
La Borsa di Mosca Sospende
Ufficialmente tutte le Transazioni in Dollari e Euro
Español |
La Desdolarización - Europa se Une
a la Fiesta
Español |
Las Cronicas de La Tierra
- de "La Guerra de Los Dioses y Los Hombres"
Español |
Las Estrategias de China
Encaminadas a Convertirla en La Mayor Potencia Aurífera
Italiano |
Le Strategie della Cina proiettata
a Divenire La Maggior Potenza Aurifera
Español |
BRICS discuten la Creación de un Sistema Alternativo de
Comercio del Oro
Mines and Geology - Special
Publication MI-2006
- The Nevada Mineral Industry
Mining's Hard Rock Legacy
Español |
Muralla Ruso-China de Oro Frente
al Dólar
Mutiny of The Anunnaki
- Gold Mining
Italiano |
- "Nella
Riserva Federale non c'è più Oro"
- Lo dice l'Ex Sottosegretario del Tesoro degli Stati
New World Disorder and the Demise
of Capitalism
Español |
- "No
Hay Más Oro en La Reserva Federal"
- Dice Ex-Subsecretario
del Tesoro de EE.UU.
NWO Global Economic Dictatorship Exposed
- The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial
- Sasha Through Lyssa Royal
Español |
- "Se
Acerca una Gran Catástrofe y Sólo se Salvarán los que
Tengan Oro y Tierras"
Secretive Knights Templar Make
Astounding Bid to Save World
Six Years Ago today the U.S.
helped Murder Gaddafi to Stop the Creation of
Gold-Backed Currency
Smoking Gun or Smoldering Embers?
A Possible r-process Kilonova Associated with the
Short-Hard GRB...
Some Ways to Survive "The Great
Spendable Gold
Star Fire
- The Gold of the Gods
gold-copper detoxification at the core of gold biomineralisation in
Cupriavidus metallidurans
Texas Senate Passes Bill to
Establish Bullion Depository - Help Facilitate
Transactions in Gold and Silver
The First Encounters
- from "Divine Encounters - A Guide to Visions, Angels
and Other Emissaries"
The Green Hilton Agreement
- Geneva 1963
The History of The Powers And
- Of His Excellency Dr.
Ray C. Dam
The Lawsuit That Could End The Gangster Rule of Western
The New Authoritarian Agenda
Revealed - Globalism Rebranded - The Rothschild
Real Reasons that Germany Is Demanding that The U.S.
Return Its Gold
There's Gold in your Brain - We
now know Where it Came From
These Bacteria Digest Toxic Metals and
Poop Out Tiny Gold Nuggets
The Trillion Dollar Crime Trail Leads to Davos and The
United Nations
The Trillion Dollar Criminal Case
Against Top Davos, UN Officials & Others
- Will Go Ahead Despite...
Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes
Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of
Extraterrestrial Projects
Ukraine's Gold Reserves Secretly Flown Out and
Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve?
U.S. Banks Experience Major
Withdrawals During First Week of January
Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati Corporation More Wealthy
Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations on...
What's In Your Vault?
- Uncle Sam Audits Its Stash of Gold at The New York FED
What You Need to Know About Russia, Putin, and Gold
When The Gods Left Earth
- from "The End of Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of
The Return"
White Gold - Oro Monoatomico
- Main File
World's Biggest Trove of Gold Built by Ancient 'Secret
Books-Treatises |
Español |
El Oro de Los Dioses
- por Erich Von Daniken
The Gold of The Gods -
by Erich Von Daniken
External Links |
Liberty Metals Group
Multimedia |
Anunnaki, Gold and Ancient Hidden
Facts Philippines is the
Richest Country - A Million Metric Tons of Gold
Global Currency Reset - Interview
with Christine LaGarde IMF
vs. Dollar
Secrets of Money - Currency Vs Money
Milton Friedman Explains Role of Gold in Great
Silver and Gold - Hidden Secrets of Money
The Office of The International
Treasury Control - Dr. Ray C. Dam
Price of Gold...
Related Reports |
Federal Reserve Bank
- Main File
Sumer and The Anunnaki
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The 2008 Big Crash
- The Collapse of World's Financial System
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