



 -  A Golden Parachute with a Silver Lining - An Escape Route in a Time of Disaster


 -  Back From The Future - Gold in January 2012



 -  China's Gold Strategy


 -  China U.S. Trade Imbalance - Bad Policy or Payback for CIA Use of Stolen WWII Gold?


 - ¿Cuánto Oro Hay en Realidad en Las Cámaras Acorazadas?


 -  Descubren uno de los Mayores Yacimientos de Oro en China - Se formó de manera Diferente al Modelo Común


 -  El Culto al Oro - ¿Porqué se Fueron los Dioses, y porqué iban a Regresar?


 - 'Ellos' vienen por tu Cuenta Bancaria - Qué hacer para Prepararse


 - ¡Es Oficial! - El Banco Central de Rusia anuncia la vinculación del ¡Rublo al Oro!


 -  È Ufficiale! La Banca Centrale Russa annuncia il Rublo legato all'Oro!


 -  Fake Gold Bars! - What's Next?


 -  Former Wall St. Banker Suggests Global Debt May Not be Owned by Humans


 -  Former World Bank Senior Council Says a "Second Species" on Earth Controls Money and Religion


 -  Global Debt is Now an Insane $164 Trillion but, Who Exactly Do We Owe?


 -  Gold and Gangster State America


 -  Gold - A Shiny Outlook - Special Report



 -  Gold Crashes Most in 30 Years… What Does It Really Mean?


 -  Gold Standard - Ukraine and Inflation


 -  Gold Warning - Tungsten Filled Fake Gold Bars


 -  Have You Caught Gold Fever? The Value of That Shiny Metal Is as Artificial as Paper Money


 -  How Much Gold Reserves Really Exist in US Vaults?



 -  It's Official! - Russia Central Bank announces Ruble bound to Gold


 -  Los Grandes Inversores encuentran una Sustitución al Dólar Americano


 -  Masters of Metal - China, the Rothschild Fix, and the "New World Currency


 -  Otra Noticia Extraña sobre las Reservas de Oro



 -  Rothschild Emerges from the Shadows for the Centenary of the London Gold Fixing


 -  Scoperto uno dei Maggiori Giacimenti di Oro in Cina - Si è formato in modo Diverso dai Modelli Comuni


 -  Signs of The Gold Standard Emerging in China?


 -  Suiza y su "La Rinconada" en Perú - El Paraíso del Diablo o La Peor Cara del Oro


 -  Switzerland and its "La Rinconada" in Peru - The Devil's Paradise


 -  The 80% of The Gold The World Owns Doesn't Exist



 -  The Assault on Gold



 -  The Gold Standard Manifesto



 -  The Secret Gold Treaty Documented



 -  The Secret Gold Treaty - The Truth Behind World War II Gold, Nazi Plunder & Elite Plans to Control Our...


 -  Treasury's Audit of The Federal Reserve's Gold is Pure Propaganda


 -  Tungsten-Filled 1 Kilo Gold Bar Discovered in UK



 -  Tungsten-Filled 10 Oz Gold Bar Found in The Middle of Manhattan's Jewelry District

 -  Tungsten Filled Gold Bars - Australian Bullion Dealer ABC Bullion


 -  Where is World's Gold



 -  What Happened The Last Time We Saw Gold Drop Like This?


 -  Why Gold Was 'Hacked' Friday - and How - April 2008


 -  Who Really Owns Your Gold? - The Shocking Truth



Additional Information



 -  Ancient Human Metropolis Found in Africa


 -  A New Blast may have Forged Cosmic Gold


 -  Antico Insediamento Umano Trovato in Africa


 -  Anunnaki Structures Before the Flood - The 200,000-year-old Ancient City in Africa

 -  Carlin - Where The Train Stops and The Gold Rush Begins


 -  Cunde el Miedo a la Crisis del Capitalismo entre los Grandes Financieros Internacionales


 -  Currency Reset and Gold Backed Trade Note on 2014


 -  De-Dollarization - Europe Joins the Party


 -  Did Somebody Just Try to Buy the British Government?



 -  Discovering The Oldest Manmade Structures on Earth



 -  Does Central-Bank Gold-Buying Signal The Top Is Near?


 -  Does China Plan to Back The Yuan With Gold and Make It The Primary Global Reserve Currency?


 -  Earth's Gold Came from Colliding Dead Stars


 -  El Estado Italiano apunta a su Oro


 -  El Mayor Fondo de Prosperidad está Radicado en Filipinas - Además la Mayor Cantidad de Oro está en...


 - ¿Es el Oro Valioso?


 -  Forget Gold - Only Food, Tools and Resourcefulness Will Matter in A Mad Max Scenario


 -  For One Tiny Instant, Physicists May Have Broken a Law of Nature


 -  Germany to Bring Home Gold Stored in U.S. and France


 -  Gold Manipulation and $1.2 Quadrillion in Derivatives


 -  Gold Mining - How Long Ago? - from "Genesis Revisited"



 -  Gold, The Anunnaki and Global Warming


 -  Greece Is Not Poor - It Actually Has Massive Untapped Reserves of Gold, Oil and Natural Gas

 -  House of Rothschild Hoarding Gold in Face of Coming Collapse?


 -  How the Discovery of Paititi "The Lost City of Gold" may Change Peru Forever

 -  Independent Confirmation of the Philippines Gold - Contact Phoenix Journal Review


 -  Is Phobos a Mined Asteroid? - A Sitchinite's Take on The Hollow Object


 -  Is There a Conspiracy to Bring Honest Money to the World?



 -  Klage vor US-Gericht Könnte die Gangsterherrschaft in der Westlichen Zivilisation Beenden


 -  La Bolsa de Moscú Suspende Oficialmente todas las Transacciones en Dólares y Euros


 -  La Borsa di Mosca Sospende Ufficialmente tutte le Transazioni in Dollari e Euro


 -  La Desdolarización - Europa se Une a la Fiesta


 -  Las Cronicas de La Tierra - de "La Guerra de Los Dioses y Los Hombres"


 -  Las Estrategias de China Encaminadas a Convertirla en La Mayor Potencia Aurífera


 -  Le Strategie della Cina proiettata a Divenire La Maggior Potenza Aurifera


 -  Los BRICS discuten la Creación de un Sistema Alternativo de Comercio del Oro

 -  Mines and Geology - Special Publication MI-2006 - The Nevada Mineral Industry


 -  Mining's Hard Rock Legacy


 -  Muralla Ruso-China de Oro Frente al Dólar



 -  Mutiny of The Anunnaki - Gold Mining


 - "Nella Riserva Federale non c'è più Oro" - Lo dice l'Ex Sottosegretario del Tesoro degli Stati Uniti


 -  New World Disorder and the Demise of Capitalism


 - "No Hay Más Oro en La Reserva Federal" - Dice Ex-Subsecretario del Tesoro de EE.UU.


 -  NWO Global Economic Dictatorship Exposed - The Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit That Could End Financial Tyranny


 -  Preparedness - Sasha Through Lyssa Royal


 - "Se Acerca una Gran Catástrofe y Sólo se Salvarán los que Tengan Oro y Tierras"


 -  Secretive Knights Templar Make Astounding Bid to Save World


 -  Six Years Ago today the U.S. helped Murder Gaddafi to Stop the Creation of Gold-Backed Currency

 -  Smoking Gun or Smoldering Embers? A Possible r-process Kilonova Associated with the Short-Hard GRB...


 -  Some Ways to Survive "The Great Taking"


 -  Spendable Gold


 -  Star Fire - The Gold of the Gods


 -  Synergistic gold-copper detoxification at the core of gold biomineralisation in Cupriavidus metallidurans


 -  Texas Senate Passes Bill to Establish Bullion Depository - Help Facilitate Transactions in Gold and Silver


 -  The First Encounters - from "Divine Encounters - A Guide to Visions, Angels and Other Emissaries"

 -  The Green Hilton Agreement - Geneva 1963



 -  The History of The Powers And Authorities - Of His Excellency Dr. Ray C. Dam


 -  The Lawsuit That Could End The Gangster Rule of Western Civilization


 -  The New Authoritarian Agenda Revealed - Globalism Rebranded - The Rothschild


 -  The Real Reasons that Germany Is Demanding that The U.S. Return Its Gold


 -  There's Gold in your Brain - We now know Where it Came From


 -  These Bacteria Digest Toxic Metals and Poop Out Tiny Gold Nuggets


 -  The Trillion Dollar Crime Trail Leads to Davos and The United Nations


 -  The Trillion Dollar Criminal Case Against Top Davos, UN Officials & Others - Will Go Ahead Despite...


 -  Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Exposes Secret Bilderberg Gold Treaty and Funding of Extraterrestrial Projects


 -  Ukraine's Gold Reserves Secretly Flown Out and Confiscated by the New York Federal Reserve?


 -  U.S. Banks Experience Major Withdrawals During First Week of January


 -  Video Evidence of Secret Illuminati Corporation More Wealthy Than the Combined Wealth of All Nations on...


 -  What's In Your Vault? - Uncle Sam Audits Its Stash of Gold at The New York FED


 -  What You Need to Know About Russia, Putin, and Gold


 -  When The Gods Left Earth - from "The End of Days - Armageddon And Prophecies of The Return"


 -  White Gold - Oro Monoatomico - Main File


 -  World's Biggest Trove of Gold Built by Ancient 'Secret Agents'





 -  El Oro de Los Dioses - por Erich Von Daniken



 -  The Gold of The Gods - by Erich Von Daniken


External Links


 -  Liberty Metals Group



 -  Anunnaki, Gold and Ancient Hidden Technology


 -  Facts Philippines is the Richest Country - A Million Metric Tons of Gold

 -  Global Currency Reset - Interview with Christine LaGarde IMF

 -  Gold vs. Dollar


 -  Hidden Secrets of Money - Currency Vs Money


 -  Milton Friedman Explains Role of Gold in Great Depression


 -  Silver and Gold - Hidden Secrets of Money


 -  The Office of The International Treasury Control - Dr. Ray C. Dam

 -  The Price of Gold...



Related Reports


 -  Federal Reserve Bank - Main File



 -  Sumer and The Anunnaki - Main File



 -  The 2008 Big Crash - The Collapse of World's Financial System - Main File