Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Articulo-Article |
31 |
Future and
Beyond |
- The
5 Most Blatantly Corrupt Industries in the World... And
What You Can Do About It |
31 |
Parascience |
FDA Accused of Mass Homicide of One Million Americans
Each Decade |
31 |
Parascience |
- Hidden
in Plain View - FDA-Approved Drugs Kill A Million
Americans per Decade! |
31 |
Parascience |
- New
Generation of Medical Implants Vulnerable to Hackers |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
- Revealed
About U.S. Spy Operation That Manipulates Social Media |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
- Tony
Blair and George Bush's Phone Conversation a Week Before
Iraq Invasion 'Must Be Released' |
30 |
Alien Life |
The ET Deception - Knowing Who the Gods Are, and Who Are
Not Gods |
30 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
The New World and Its Fall
- Fall of
Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity
30 |
Monsanto |
- Monsanto
Take Over Research Universities and Turn Them Into
Pro-Industry Propaganda Machines |
29 |
Monsanto |
- How
Your College Is Selling Out to Big Agrichemical Monsanto |
29 |
Monsanto |
Public Research - Private Gain -
(Section related
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Underground
Military Bases and UFOs |
29 |
Bees |
- DoA
Secretly Destroys Beekeeper's Bees and 15 Years of
Research Proving Monsanto's Roundup Kills Bees |
29 |
Parascience |
Sea Water Produce Energy for Everything
- John Kanzius
- Video |
29 |
Parascience |
A Healthier Medical and Environmental Industry
- Main
File -
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Blue
Bloods Family Connections to 'Count Dracula'
- Prince Charles Joins Campaign to Save Transylvania's
Forests |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
Alex Jones' Interview "Bloodlines of The Illuminati"
Author Fritz Springmeier
- 2011
- Video |
28 |
Cancer |
- "Fascinating"
Possible Cancer Treatment |
28 |
Cancer |
- John
Kanzius Machine - Cancer Cure With Radio Waves
- Video |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Google’s
New Search Tool to Use CIA and World Bank as Sources for
‘Facts’ |
28 |
Parascience |
- Bayer
CropScience and Bee Deaths |
27 |
Cosmos |
Planet Found in Our Solar System? |
27 |
Cosmos |
Telescope Confirms Nibiru a Rogue Planet Outside of
- Video |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
- Greece
- Dump The EU Now For An Economic Recovery! |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
- Some
Pictures That Demonstrate How The New World Order Openly
Mocks Us |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
- We
Need Wiretap-Ready Web Sites Now
- Says
The FBI |
27 |
Alien Life |
Tolec from The Andromeda Council - Frequently Asked
(FAQs) |
Español |
31 |
2012 |
- Cuenta
Regresiva Hasta 2012
- Reflexiones sobre el Kali-yuga, el "Fin de los Tiempos"
Maya, y el Hechizo de la Narrativa Occidental |
30 |
Alienigena |
El Fraude Extraterrestre - Conociendo Quiénes Son Los
Dioses, y Quiénes No lo Son |
29 |
Paraciencia |
Una Sana Industria Médica y Medioambiental
- Main
28 |
Sociopolitica |
Alex Jones Entrevista a Fritz Springmeier Autor de
"Bloodlines of The Illuminati"
- 2011
- Video |
27 |
Paraciencia |
- El
Agua de Mar Produce Energia Para Todo
- John Kanzius
- Video |
Italiano |
29 |
Sociopolitica |
- Preavviso
di Uscita Dall'Euro |
27 |
Parascienza |
- Fukushima
- L’Intero Emisfero Settentrionale Sembra Perduto |
English |
26 |
Parascience |
- Fukushima
- News
Worsens From Japan |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Break
Up The Euro and Restore Human Dignity
- UKIP Nigel Farage - 22 May 2012
- Video |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Obama
Uses CIA Funded al-Qaeda Attacks in Yemen to Declare
National Emergency |
26 |
Salud |
Most Cancer Patients Die of Chemotherapy |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bush
Convicted of War Crimes in Absentia |
26 |
Parascience |
- Widespread
GMO Contamination
- Did
Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval? |
26 |
Parascience |
Monsanto’s Cover-Up
- Anthony
Gucciardi on The Alex Jones Show |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Surveillance State - Knowing Every Bit About You |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
Beware of Global Strategies of Tension |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
- Living
in A Banksters' Paradise |
25 |
Parascience |
Quantum Teleportation Breakthrough May Pave The Way for
Quantum Computing |
25 |
Parascience |
- Teleportation
of Nonclassical Wave Packets of Light -
(Section related
24 |
Parascience |
Chinese Researchers Quantum Teleport Photons Over 60
Miles |
24 |
Parascience |
- Teleporting
Independent Qubits Through a 97 Km Free-Space Channel
(Section related
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- Time
for China to Stop Supporting Fascist U.S. Regime |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- 'Snooper's
Charter' Web Spying Bill
- The
Queen's Announced Internet Surveillance Plan |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
The Birth of Fascism?
- A Wrong Turn on A One-Way Street |
24 |
Alien Life |
- Alpha
Draconians |
23 |
Alien Life |
Charter of Terra Exigo - A Declaration of Earth's
Sovereignty |
23 |
Health |
- Magnetic
Therapy Could Mean The End of Dangerous Antidepressants |
23 |
Alien Life |
- Detecting
Extraterrestrial Cities on Exoplanets Becomes Possible |
23 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
The New World and Its Fall
- Fall of
Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity |
23 |
Vatican |
- Petrus
Romanus - The Final Pope Is Here
- Steve
Quayle, Tom Horn and Cris Putnam on Omegaman Radio
- Video |
22 |
Parascience |
Edible Microchips, Biometric Identity Systems and Mind
Reading Computers |
22 |
Parascience |
- Fukushima
- Seismologist Casts a Shadow |
22 |
Alien Life |
- The
Mark of Abduction |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- Federal
Reserve Directors - A Study of Corporate and Banking
Influence -
(Section related
22 |
Sociopolitics |
Africa's Frankenfoods - Why Is the Gates Foundation
Helping Monsanto Push Genetically Modified Food? |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- Trance-Formation
- Exposing The Meme That Enslaves Society
- Video |
21 |
Monsanto |
Argentinean Mother Sticks It to Monsanto and Wins Major
Environmental Award |
21 |
Big Pharma |
- Drug-Defying
Germs From India Speed Post-Antibiotic Era -
(Sections related
21 |
Big Pharma |
- Six
Kinds of Pills Big Pharma Tries to Get You Hooked on For
Life |
21 |
Parascience |
Teaching Children About GMO Agriculture is "A Fun
Activity" for The Whole Family
- At Disney World's 'Living With The Land'... |
21 |
Parascience |
- A
"Virtual Reality"
- The
Holographic Universe |
21 |
Parascience |
- The
2011 Japan's Earthquake and Tsunami -
20 |
Parascience |
- Secret
Documents Prove Global Cover-Up of Continued Fukushima
Radiation Pollution |
20 |
Parascience |
Chernobyl - Consequences of The Catastrophe for People
and The Environment -
(Section related
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Make
The Bankers Pay
- Iceland, Ireland Pushing Back Against Neo-Feudalism |
20 |
Consciousness |
Co-Creation - 5 Paths Toward Personal Power |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- How
The U.S. Dollar Will Be Replaced |
20 |
Alien Life |
Global Alien Interference
- Dr. Corrado Malanga’s Research |
Español |
24 |
Alienigena |
Alien Cicatrix
(Seccion relacionada
23 |
Sociopolitica |
- El
Nuevo Orden Mundial - ¿Paranoia o Realidad? |
Italiano |
24 |
Vita Aliena |
- Alien
Cicatrix II -
(Sezione relazionata
CUI) |
23 |
Vita Aliena |
- Alienologia
- Studi e Ricerche Sulle Civiltà Extraterrestri |
20 |
Vita Aliena |
- Lux
- L'Essere di Luce |
English |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
Is Greece The First Domino Toward Widespread Banking
Panic and Currency Controls? |
19 |
NeoArcheology |
- The
Mayans Reveal Their Darkest Mysteries
- New
Excavations |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Sunni
Extremists Ravaging Syria Created by U.S. in 2007 |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Redirection - Is The Administration’s New Policy
Benefitting Our Enemies in The War on Terrorism? |
19 |
Parascience |
- Solar
Activity Intensifies - May 2012 |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Empire's
Double Edged Sword - Global Military + NGOs
- Tearing Down Sovereign Nations & Replacing Them With
Global System... |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
The Middle East and Then The World
- Globalist Blitzkrieg Signals Largest Geopolitical
Reordering Since WW2 |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
- Brookings
Announces Next Move in Syria - War |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
Saving Syria - Assessing Options for Regime Change -
(Sections related
18 |
Sociopolitics |
- We're
Almost There Now
- No Speech Zones - HR347 |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
Obama Criminalize Free Speech? |
18 |
Parascience |
- How
To Naturally Deter Insects With Herbs Instead of
Chemicals |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
Major Purge of U.S. Puppets in Japan Continuing Behind
The Scenes
- NATO Terrorist State Group Being Cut Off |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
Our Men in Iran? |
17 |
Parascience |
- Dead
Babies' Flesh Found Smuggled in Drug Capsules |
17 |
Consciousness |
The Importance of Solitude and Meditation |
17 |
Parascience |
- Government
Microchips Our Soldiers
- How Long Will it Be Before They Want to Put a
Microchip in YOU? |
17 |
Parascience |
Startup Converts Plastic to Oil and Finds a Niche |
16 |
Parascience |
- Machine
That Converts Plastic to Oil Fuels Bernie Karl's Big
Dreams |
16 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Indian
Man Single-Handedly Plants a 1,360 Acre Forest |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
Obamacare - Healthcare's "New World Order" |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Drugmakers'
Deal With Obama Said to Be Probed by House |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Spanish Bank Bailout Begins |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
Institutional Corruption Is Killing the Economy
Americans are Losing Trust in All U.S. Institutions |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- Number
One Enemy of The State |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
The U.S. Internment Camp - Prison for A New American
Century |
15 |
Health |
- Four
Different Approaches for Preventing and Healing Vaccine
Injuries |
15 |
Prophesies |
- Parravicini's
London Olympic Games 2012 Prophecy
- Video |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
West's Greatest Fear is A Peaceful Resolution in Syria |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
The Fraud of "Humanitarian Wars"
- Video |
14 |
Parascience |
- Mankind’s
Most Desperate Hour |
14 |
Parascience |
- Earth In Upheaval -
(Sections related
14 |
Vaccines |
Chief Executive of GAVI Wants to 'Immunize Every Kid on
Earth' |
14 |
Parascience |
- Why
Nuclear Experts Are Calling Fukushima a Ticking
- The Worst Yet to Come? |
14 |
Alien Life |
- Alien
- Corrado Malanga
- Video  |
14 |
Alien Life |
- The
Transcript of Dr Malanga’s Lecture - Updates on Alien
Interferences -
(Sections related
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Obsession With Controlling Speech Is Soaring to
Unbelievable Heights |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Political Correctness or Political Insanity?
- New
York City Schools Ban Words and Topics From Tests |
13 |
NeoArcheology |
Archaeological Anomalies in The Bahamas
(Sections related
13 |
Parascience |
- More
People Prefer The Internet for Diagnoses Over Their Own
Doctors |
13 |
Changes |
Mass Dolphin Death Mystery in Peru
Authorities Blame It on Viral Infection |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
- Is
An Economic Deluge Nigh? |
Español |
18 |
Sociopolitica |
El Sistema Bancario de La Reserva Federal |
16 |
Alienigena |
- Interferencias
- Corrado Malanga
- Video |
15 |
Profecías |
- Profecia
de Parravicini Sobre los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres
2012 - Video |
Italiano |
18 |
Vita Aliena |
- Alien
Cicatrix I -
(Sezione relazionata
CUI) |
14 |
Vita Aliena |
- Prenderne
Coscienza - Rapimenti Alieni
- Corrado Malanga
- Video  |
Portuguese |
16 |
Alienígena |
O Prisma de Lira
- Uma
Exploração da Herança Galáctica Humana -
(Seção relacionada
English |
12 |
Health |
- List
of Bottled Water Without Fluoride |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- "We
Are Preparing for Massive Civil War"
- Says
DHS Informant |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- U.S.
Military-Industrial Giant KBR in Bidding to Privatize
British Police Forces |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- U.S.
Company that Built Guantánamo Wants to Run Police
Services in UK |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
New World Order - Paranoia or Reality? |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
Royal Society Believes Depopulation Will Save The
Environment |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- Cut
World Population and Redistribute Resources
- Expert Urges |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
White Dragon Roars, Europe Rattles
- Plus, Inside Report on Secret Financial Deals |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
Sarkozy Booted in France in Favor of Socialist Leader
- What is Socialism and What Does It Mean for The New
World Order? |
11 |
Alien Life |
- The
Detection of Extra-Terrestrial Life and The Consequences
for Science and Society |
11 |
Disclosure |
- The
United Nations and Other Governances are Preparing for
An Alien Invasion |
11 |
Alien Life |
- Predicting
What Extra-Terrestrials Will Be Like
- And
Preparing for The Worst -
(Sections related
11 |
Sociopolitics |
U.S. Leaves Space for Russia |
11 |
Parascience |
- Baking
Soda and Cancer
- The Last Laugh |
11 |
Parascience |
GMO Alert - Top 10 Genetically Modified Foods to Avoid
Eating |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
- Sixteen
Signs That People Are Becoming Stupider |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
United States Has Plenty of Oil
- 10 Facts
About America's Energy Resources that Will Blow Your
Mind |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
- One
Year On, Still No Evidence for Osama Bin Laden's Killing |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
New Obama Executive Order Pushes Us Closer to A North
American Union and A One World Economic System |
10 |
Cosmos |
- Frontiers
of Deep Space
Hubble's Greatest Snaps
- Video |
10 |
Parascience |
Artificial Intelligence Could Be on Brink of Passing
Turing Test |
09 |
Gaia |
- When
We Grow Up, We Will Fall in Love with Earth |
09 |
Gaia |
Sacred Economics -
(Sections related
09 |
Consciousness |
- How
Wealth Reduces Compassion |
09 |
Consciousness |
- Class
and Compassion - Socioeconomic Factors Predict Responses
to Suffering -
(Section related
09 |
Parascience |
New Climate Threat as Methane Rises From Cracks in
Arctic Ice |
09 |
Parascience |
- Arctic
Methane Leaks Threaten Climate |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
- Money
As Debt
- Videos |
09 |
Internet |
Going With The Flow
- Google's Secret Switch to The Next Wave of Networking |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
Apocalyptic Propaganda - Royal Society Think Tank
Releases 'People and The Planet' |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- People
and The Planet -
(Section related
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- State
- 5-Part Special
- Videos |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
The NSA Is Watching You |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- Who
Was Osama? - Who Is Obama? |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
97% Owned - Monetary Reform Documentary
- Video |
07 |
Parascience |
- The
Horrific Consequences of BP's Spill
- Eyeless Shrimp and Fish With Tumors |
07 |
Echelon |
- "Global
Spying" - Washington's 'Weaponized Data' System |
07 |
Parascience |
Life Forms and The Mirrors of Self |
07 |
Vaccines |
- Lessons
Vaccinators Refuse to Learn
- History Repeats Itself |
07 |
Internet |
CISPA Passes The House - Privacy Battle Moves to Senate |
07 |
Internet |
- Four Viewpoints You Should Hear |
06 |
2012 |
- 2012
- A Dismantling of Old Codes and Programs |
06 |
Process |
- Remembrance
of Things Past
- The New Galactic Cycle Post-Ascension |
06 |
Parascience |
Fukushima Is Falling Apart - Are You Ready? |
06 |
Parascience |
- Situation
Worse Than Reported at Fukushima Nuclear Power Station
- Senator Wyden Says After Tour |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
Why Hasn't the Revolution Already Happened? |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
- Rise
of The Global Police State |
Español |
08 |
Alienigena |
- Diversas
Clasificaciones de Inteligencia Extraterrestres
(Seccion relacionada
06 |
Cosmos |
La Perturbación de Sagitario
- La Falsa Supernova y La Búsqueda de Nibiru -
(Secciones relacionadas
06 |
2012 |
- 2012
- Desmantelamiento de Viejos Códigos y Programas |
Italiano |
12 |
Sociopolitica |
La Filantropia è Nemica della Giustizia |
12 |
Sociopolitica |
Le Spie Sempre di Più Usano Facebook e Twitter per
Prendere Dati |
11 |
Vita Aliena |
Gli Zingari
- Razze di
Alieni |
11 |
Salute |
Ultima Frode di Mercato per I Vaccini
- La CDC Dice Che I Vaccini Gardasil Dovrebbero Essere
di Routine per i Maschi |
11 |
Parascienza |
- I
Cannabinoidi Sono Così Potenti Che Il Governo degli
Stati Uniti li Ha Brevettati |
10 |
Misticismo |
- Religioni
- La Lingua Degli Dei e della Scienza Occulta |
10 |
Sociopolitica |
Ha Shabbetai Tzvi Generato i Rothschild? |
10 |
Misticismo |
- Il
Segreto di Cui Non Ti Sei Mai Accorto
- Ma Dentro di Te Già lo Conoscevi |
English |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
- Chaos
on Multiple Fronts as Controlled Implosion of Financial
Cabal Continues |
05 |
Industry of
Psychiatry |
- Generation
- Video |
05 |
Industry of
Psychiatry |
- Psychiatrist
Wants All Unruly Kids Labeled as Having Mental Disorders |
05 |
Health |
Evaluation of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Sold in California -
(Section related
05 |
Health |
- The
Great Extra Virgin Olive Oil Hoax |
04 |
Predictions |
- Future
of Things to Come |
04 |
Cancer |
Prostate Cancer Surgery 'Has No Significant Survival
- Study
Suggests |
04 |
Cosmos |
- Known
Universe - The Fastest
- Video |
04 |
Universe |
- Odds
of Finding Alien Life Boosted by Billions of Habitable
Worlds |
04 |
Universe |
- Red
Dwarf Stars May Be Best Chance for Habitable Alien
Planets |
04 |
Universe |
Super-Earth Detected in Star's Habitable Zone |
04 |
Sociopolitics |
- Navigating
The Anthropocene - Improving Earth System Governance -
(Sections related
03 |
Sociopolitics |
Epic Fail
- Part
One |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- "Hunger
Games" and Fourth-Turning America |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
European Stabilization Mechanism
- Or How The
Goldman Vampire Squid Just Captured Europe |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
Plan for Mass Arrests 2012
Memo to Wilcock, Drake, Fulford,
Romanov, Daikaku |
03 |
ET False
Flag |
- Obama
Will Bring "Peace" and ET False Flag Attack Followed by
An “Armageddon” Against Positive ETs
- Interview |
03 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- The
- Fall of Man From a Higher Civilization in Antiquity
02 |
Health |
Constantly Tired? - Here are 10 Herbs to Increase
Energy, Vitality and Adaptability |
02 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Future
by Design
- The Venus Project
- Video |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
Hillary Clinton Declares International Information War |
02 |
Consciousness |
- Reuniting
The Spiritual and The Practical Through Activism |
02 |
Bees |
- Grave
Threat of Pesticides to Bees' Billion-Pound Bonanza Is
Now Clear |
02 |
Health |
Cannabinoid Receptors Give Cells The Tools They Need to
Defend Against HIV Infection |
02 |
Parascience |
The Actual Plan for The Matrix
Incommensurability, Harmonic Resonance, and The Religion
of Technology |
01 |
Parascience |
- Energy
- Video |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
Humanism and World Unity
(Section related
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- World
(Sections related
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- H.G.
Wells - Prophet of The NWO |
01 |
Cancer |
Burzynski - Cancer is Serious Business
The FDA Tyranny
- Video |
01 |
Cancer |
- Antineoplastons
- A Cure for Cancer Ignored for 45 Years |
01 |
Parascience |
- Scientists
to Soon Create Unlimited Supply of Humans in The Lab |
Español |
05 |
Conciencia |
- Una
Oportuna Llamada Desde El "Más Allá"
- Los "Sermones" de Wilcock |
04 |
Chemtrails |
- Chemtrails,
Transmutación Genética y Transhumanidad |
04 |
Chemtrails |
De Los Chemtrails a La PseudoVida
- La Agenda Oscura de La Biología Sintética |
03 |
Conciencia |
- ¿Alguien
Más Está Sintiendo Las Extrañas Vibraciones? |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
- Dos
Presidentes Que Murieron Desafiando a Los Rothschilds |
02 |
Salud |
Las Asombrosas Propiedades Curativas de Los Alimentos
Fermentados |
02 |
Industria |
Cinco Formas en Las Que El Cáñamo Cambiará Nuestro Mundo |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
- Habla
Una Víctima de Implante Cerebral
- Marcado por la 'Policía del Pensamiento' |