2045 - The Year Man Becomes
3D Printer Produces Synthetic
A Biosynthetic Dual-Core Cell
Computer - CRISPR used to built them Inside Human Cells
A.I. - Artificial Intelligence - Main
File |
Robots' could run the World better than Humans - United Nations
Summit |
A Major Mystery in Newly Created
Artificial Life made in Lab can
Grow and Divide like Natural Bacteria
Artificial Neurons Compute Faster
than the Human Brain
Artificial Womb Research rapidly
advances as Birth Rates and Fertility dramatically
Synthetic Myth - A Synthesis of Visionary Insights
A Tissue-Like Printed Material
Español |
Bebes Fabricados - El Primer Ser
Humano Sintético
Español |
Biocomputación - El Arte de
Imprimir Vida
Biodigital Convergence - The
'Pandemic' started the Genetic Transformation of
Español |
Biología Sintética o La
Competencia con Dios
Biotechnology, Ethics, and The Politics of Cloning
Brain Computer Interface - 'Mind
Control' for the Masses - No Implant Needed...
Español |
Científicos Crean unos Organismos
con ADN Sintético - Nueva Forma de Vida
Clones, Synthetics, Organic
Robotoids and Doubles
- from 'Deeper Insights into The Illuminati Formula'
Español |
Consciencia Maquínica - Metaprogramación del
Biocomputador Humano
Español |
Convergencia Biodigital - La 'Pandemia'
inició la Transformación Genética de la Humanidad
Español |
Crean 'Robots Vivientes' capaces
de Reproducirse
Crossing the Rubicon -
The Inevitable Emergence of Military Robots
Español |
Cynthia - Peligrosa
Bacteria Sintética Carnívora Descontrolada
Español |
DARPA está Creando Plataforma de
Fabricación para Organismos Sintéticos Vivos mientras el
DARPA now Creating Manufacturing
Platform for Synthetic Living Organisms as Government
David Icke and Chemtrails,
Nanoparticles and the Gender Agenda
Español |
- "Dentro
de 50 Años va a ser casi Imposible distinguir un Robot
Humanoide de una Persona" - La I.A.
Español |
Descargando a Humanos - La
Filosofía del Grupo Hive
Design and Synthesis of a Minimal
Bacterial Genome
- "Directed
Evolution" - In Lockstep Towards the Abyss
Doubles, Robotoids and Replicas
Downloading Humans - The Hive
Group Philosophy
Español |
Dra. Chinda Brandolino sobre
Transhumanismo y Neurocontrol
Dr. Dan Burisch
- Area 51 Microbiologist
- Main
Español |
El Chip implantado en el Cerebro
que hará del Humano una "Máquina" casi Perfecta
Español |
En el Laberinto del Cerebro
Español |
Entrevista Con Un/Una Robot
Español |
Escuchen, escuchen...! Científicos
Crean Orejas de Apariencia Humana con Impresora 3D
Faking Babies -
The First Synthetic Human
First Life Forms to Pass on Artificial DNA Engineered by
U.S. Scientists
Genetic Engineering Gets Extreme
- Now Comes Synthetic Genetic Modification
Genetic Scientists create World's
First 'Synthetic Embryos'
Hardware and Software Combining to
Replicate the Human Brain
Hear, hear!... Scientists Create
Human-Like Ears with 3D Printing
Genome Editing and the Downsides of a Global Moratorium
How Humans will Interact with
Machines in Ten Years
- Mark Sagar on Avatars
2.0 - 'The Fusion of our Physical, Digital and Biological
'Human Rights Watch' Warns Against DARPA Development of Autonomous Synthetic Soldiers
Humans 2.0 - Geneticists Pursuing
Artificially Synthesized DNA
Humans Fully Outsourced to Robots
by 2045?
Human Simulacra… On The Manipulation of
Society Via Artificial/Reprogrammed Humans
Español |
Impresora 3D Produce 'Tejido'
Español |
Inteligencia Artificial - Main
File |
Intelligent Robots Will Overtake Humans by 2100 - Experts
Español |
Introducción a La Biología
Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Español |
La Agenda Sintética - El
Corazón Retorcido del Nuevo Orden Mundial
Español |
La Esperanza de una Tecnología
Español |
La Ingeniería Genética Se Ha
Vuelto Extrema
- Ahora Viene La Modificación Genética Sintética
Español |
'Singularidad de la Piel' está Cerca
Español |
La Telepresencia Amenaza el 'Orden
Losing Humanity - The Case Against
Killer Robots
Español |
Los Microbios Salen de La Caja de
Matrix Agents - Profiles and
Microbots Swarm and Shape-Shift
Mind Parasites, Energy Parasites and Vampires
- Main File
Neuromorphic Chips Could Help
Reverse-Engineer The Human Brain
One Million Robots - Our
Replacements Have Arrived
Español |
Parásitos Mentales, Parásitos
Energéticos y Vampiros
Pentagon Looks to Breed Immortal
‘Synthetic Organisms’
- Molecular Kill-Switch Included
Español |
Periódico Oficialista advierte que
la Robotización podría conducir a Guerras de Clase y
PETMAN - The Pentagon’s Creepy Humanoid Robot Gets
Clothed for New Video
Español |
Posesión y Depredación -
Alienígenas, Predadores, Clones y Reptiles
- El Enigma de Los Parásitos...
Possession and Predation - Aliens,
Flyers, Clones, and Reptilians - The Enigma of
Extraterrestrial Parasites
Project Mannequin and James Casbolt
- Main
Researchers help DoD consider
'Challenges of Human Enhancement'
Baby Project' Mimics Sexual Reproduction to Let Robots
Robotic Bees are Now Being Built
to Pollinate Crops Instead of Real Bees
Robotics Revolution to Replace
Most Human Workers in Three Generations
- Labor Class to Be...
Robots and Computers Could Take
Half Our Jobs Within the Next 20 Years - Oxford Professors Say
Español |
Robots, Inteligencia Artificial y
El Futuro de Los Humanos
Scientists are Close to Creating a
Fully Synthetic Genome
Scientists are mixing Human Body
Parts with Robots and Monkeys
Scientists Create 1st Living
Organism from Artificial DNA
Scientists Create First Living
Organism that Transmits Added Letters in DNA 'Alphabet'
Scientists Create Synthetic Life
in Lab
Scientists have created
'Programmable Robots' made of Living Tissue - What could
Possibly go Wrong?
Scientists Talk Privately
about Creating a Synthetic Human Genome
Scientists Target 2026 as
the Year of the First Synthetic Genome
Español |
Silicon Valley y la Carrera hacia
la Guerra Robótica - ¿Reyes Filósofos o Militaristas de
la Nueva Era?
Español |
Sinopsis del Material Casiopeo - Extractos fechados:
Octubre, 1994 - Enero 1996
Español |
SKYNET is Real!
Soul Technology
Synthetic Biology - Creating New
Life Forms by Rearranging DNA
Synthetic Biology - We
Will Grow Entire Cities Out of Living Organisms
Synthetic DNA Paves the Way for
Entirely New Life Forms
Synthetic Human Embryos - No Need
for Eggs or Sperm
Synthetic Life
- Biologists Are Crafting Libraries of Interchangeable
DNA Parts
Team builds First Living Robots...
that can Reproduce
Español |
Tecnología de Almas
The Biological and The Silicon - Modifying Humans for
Space Travel
The Evolution of The Humanoid
The Future of YOU - This is the
Human Body Designed by 3D Printers
The Hope for a Humanized
The Man Who's Building a
Computer Made of Brains
The Scientific Background of The
Russian Organic Robotoids
- from 'Wisconsin Report - Dr.Beter Audio...
The Skingularity is Near
The Synthetic Agenda -
The Distorted Heart of the New World Order
They are Using Lab-Grown Human
Brains that they have Enslaved called "Organoids" to Run
Español |
Transhumanism - Main
Español |
Una Perspectiva de la Singularidad
Tecnológica auspiciada por Raymond Kurzweil
Español |
Un Avance en Robótica que
pone en Peligro a Toda la Humanidad
Español |
Un Material Impreso Similar a un
Español |
Un Millón de Robots - Nuestros
Reemplazos han Llegado
U.S. Space Force Chief Scientist
says 'Human Augmentation Imperative' |
WEF boasts Billions of Humans will
soon be Replaced with AI Hybrids
Where are We Going? - Dystopian
Futures and the Work of Philip K. Dick
Español |
Xenobots - Los Científicos usan
Células Madre para crear los primeros "Robots Vivos" |
Additional Information |
4th Dimensional Negative Energies
Abductions and Abductees - Main
A CRISPR/Cas9-based Central
Processing Unit to Program complex logic Computations in
Human Cells
Animal Brains Connected
Up to Make Mind-Melded Computer
We Irradiated Mutants in A Techno-Spiritual Matrix?
Artificial DNA Could Power Future Computers
Artificial Life Created by Craig Venter
- First Synthetic Cell Created in A Laboratory
Artificial Wombs could Replace
Women say Scientists
A Semisynthetic Organism
Engineered for the Stable Expansion of the Genetic
A Transient Self-Assembling
Automation in the Ancient World -
The Robots of Greece and Rome
Automation Nightmare - Philosopher
Warns We are Creating a World Without Consciousness
Español |
Automatización en el Mundo Antiguo - Los Robots de Grecia y
Beyond the Great Reset - 10
Official Documents on Human-Machine Hybrids
Biobots arise from the Cells of
Dead Organisms - Pushing the Boundaries of Life, Death
and Medicine
Bush - 'Machine' Politician
Exposed by Photos
Cabal Clone Factory Targeted
- Underground Facility, Destroyed by Crack Counter
Intelligence Team and...
Chemtrails and Geoengineering
- Main File
Español |
Científicos Crean Hígado Humano a
partir de Células Madre
Español |
Científicos Cultivan un Simple
Hígado Humano en una Placa de Petri
Español |
Confiamos más en los Ordenadores
que en los Humanos
Converging Technologies For
Improving Human Performance
- Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Info...
Español |
Crean una Molécula Artificial que
Imita a la Vida y la Muerte - Un Paso adelante en el
Intento de Crear Vida...
Cyber Sapiens
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Military Weapons - Main
DARPA - Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency
- Main File
Español |
Depuración Hiperdimensional - 'Ultores'
e Implantes |
Español |
El Primer Trasplante de Cabeza de la
Historia - ¿Revolución Científica o Pura Fantasía?
Español |
El Sexo de Los Clones
Español |
El Supuesto Clinton y el Archivo
Humanos Artificiales
Español |
El Yo Fantasma - Un Virus
Mental como un Tipo de Virus Informático
- Revisión del Libro de David Icke |
Español |
Energías Negativas de la 4ª
Engines of Creation
- Molecular Engineering: An Approach to the Development
of General Capabilities for...
Era of Smart Oceans With
Autonomous Robots
Experts Warn U.S. Soldiers may Be
Replaced with Robot Warriors
Extreme Genetic Engineering - An
Introduction to Synthetic Biology
Four-foot Human with Cat's Eyes
From Cthulhu
to Cloning
Genetically Engineering Humans
Genetic Requirements for Cell Division
in a Genomically Minimal Cell
Government Microchips Our Soldiers
- How Long Will it Be Before They Want to Put a
Microchip in YOU?
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys
- The Controllers Agenda
How to Build a Virtual Human
Human Cloning about to be
Unleashed upon the World
Human Engineering and Climate
Español |
Informes de Inteligencia Imaginan
"Diseñando Seres Humanos" Con Habilidades Únicas, Bajo
Régimen de... |
Intelligence Report Envisions
“Designing Humans" With Unique Abilities, Under Global
Governance Regime |
Español |
Investigación Muestra que ya No
Son los Humanos los que Toman las Decisiones - Son los
Español |
La Agenda de Los Controladores
- Gnosticismo, Arcontes-Grises
Lab-grown 'Mini Brains' produce
Electrical Patterns that resemble those of Premature
Español |
Los Hombres de Negro y Sus
Orígenes Mágicos
Machine Consciousness
- Gelernter and Kurzweil Debate
Italiano |
Meccanismi Automatici nel Mondo
Antico - I Robot della Grecia e di Roma
Millennium Take-Out of The Planet
- Video Evidence Proving That We Are in A Simulated
Reality, The...
Español |
Mímica de Contacto
Extraterrestre por Entidades Ocultas
Mimicry of Alien Contact
by Occult Entities
Miniature 'Human Brain' Grown in Lab
- Hi-Tech/Top Secret Projects - Main
Organic Portals - Main
Español |
Oscuros Parásitos se Alimentan de tus Emociones
Pentagon Wants Rescue Robots Built
in Time for The Next "Natural Disaster"
Project Aquarius - Main
Radiation, Robot Bees and 5G
Religious Motifs in Technological
Español |
Robots Periodistas - El
Futuro de los Medios Corporativos ya ha Llegado
SAFFiR - The Navy’s Unbelievable
Firefighting Robot that Can Understand Gestures and
Throw Grenades
Sapiens Rising -
Beyond the Babel Factor
Scientists Create Computer That Reads Your Thoughts and
Puts Them Into Words
Scientists Create Human Liver from
Stem Cells
Scientists Grow a Simple Human
Liver in A Petri Dish
Scientists to Soon Create Unlimited Supply of Humans in
The Lab
Scripps Scientists Isolate Genes Responsible for
Transport of Vital Element
Shoot to Kill - Autonomous Robots
Developed by DARPA Will Not Question Orders
Signs of a Transhuman Future - The
New Technologies that Will Change Human Civilization as
We Know It
of Experts Say Humanity Faces Extinction
Tech Billionaires
Convinced we Live in the Matrix are Secretly Funding
Scientists to Help Break Us Out of It
The Alien Species Agenda - On the
Threshold of a Brave New World
The Alleged Clinton and The KGB
- Artificial Humans
The Controllers Agenda
- Gnosticism, Archons/Greys
The Darker Bioweapons Future
The DCDC Global Strategic Trends
Programme 2007-2036
Death of Freewill
The Evolution of Adaptive Immune
Future of Moral Machines
The Global Technology Revolution - Bio/Nano/Materials
Trends and Their Synergies with Information...
The Island of Dr. Moreau for Real
The Men in Black and Their Magical Origins
The Rise of The Machines
The Soulless Ones
- Men from Orion |
The Universe According to Kerner
- Short Greys, Robots, Gods and Eugenism
This Robot is Part Sea
Trichoplax Adhaerens - This
Animal's Behavior is Mechanically Programmed
Power Artificial Synapses using Nanotextured Magnetic Josephson
Español |
Una Compañía Afirma que
Trasplantes Cerebrales podrían Resucitar a los Muertos
en el 2045
Español |
Futuro Hecho de Lenguaje en el Que Podremos Programar
Vaccines - An Ideal Covert-Operation to Genetically
Re-Engineer Humans
Español |
Vacunas - Una Operación-Encubierta Ideal para Manipular
Humanos Genéticamente
Español |
Varias Señales de Que Los Estados
Unidos de América se Está Convirtiendo en Una Gigantesca
Italiano |
Visioni del Futuro - L'Uomo Sim
Visions of the Future - Sim Card
Español |
Visitantes de La Dimensión
Visitors From The Twilight Zone
Was US Treasury Secretary Henry
Paulson Shot and Killed and They Used a Hologram on Jan.
8th 2008?
is "STS-STO" - Que es "SAS-SAO"
- Main File
Why The Future Doesn't Need Us
World's First Human Head
Transplant a Success - Professor Says...
Body is The Next Frontier in Cybercrime
Cyborgs |
A Factory for Cyborg Insects? -
Researchers Unveil Mass Production of Robo-Roaches
Cyborg Insect Factory - Automatic
Assembly System to Build up Insect-computer Hybrid Robot...
Cyborg Soldiers 2050 -
Human/Machine Fusion and Implications for the Future of
the DoD
How will We Live in the
Year 2065? - Cities, Cyborgs and Social Science
Cyborgs are Just the Beginning
Implantable Microchips and Cyborgs are No Longer
Conspiracy Theories
Inside the Military's New Office
for Cyborgs
Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers' - Report suggests Pentagon
exploring Biotech-Based Warfare
Self-Aware "Cyborgs" will Replace
Humans and Rule the Earth - Futurist Predicts
The Slippery Slope to Cyborg
WEF says 'Become Cyborgs, Chip
your Children, Implant Brain Chips' |
Cry for Freedom - Why Cyborgs
won't save the World |
Books-Treatises |
Autonomous Military Robotics -
Risk, Ethics, and Design
Español |
Homo Sacer - El Poder Soberano y
la Nuda Vida
- por Giorgio Agamben
Italiano |
Homo Sacer - Il Potere Sovrano e
la Nuda Vita
- di Giorgio Agamben
Homo Sacer - Sovereign Power and
Bare Life -
by Giorgio Agamben
Neurotechnology in National
Security and Defense
- by James Giordano
and Metaprogramming in The Human Biocomputer - by
John. C. Lilly
Synthetic Super Intelligence and
the Transmutation of Humankind - by Wes Penre
The Age of Spiritual Machines - by
Ray Kurzweil
Food of The Gods -
by H.G. Wells
The Skingularity is Near - The
Next Human, the Perfect Rainbow Light Body and the... - by William Henry
Three Laws of Robotics
- by Isaac Asimov
Multimedia |
Bionics, Transhumanism, and The
End of Evolution
CFR Discusses a Future with "Humans 2.0" and "Autonomous
Español |
El Fin de la Humanidad -
Planificado por los Líderes Mundiales
Italiano |
La Fine dell'Umanità - Come
Pianificato dai Leader Globali
Now and Zen - Zen Gardner
talks to David Icke
Obsolete - Mini Documentary
Obsoletos - El Ser Humano podría
Ser Innecesario en un Futuro Dominado por Robots
Synthetic Biology - The Potential
and The problems of Re-Engineering Life
Prof. Jamie Davies
The Dark Agenda of Synthetic
- From Chemtrails to
The End of Humanity - As Planned
by the Global Leaders
These People Do Not Exist
Trance-Formation - Exposing The
Meme That Enslaves Society
Xenobots 3.0 - Living Robots that
can Reproduce
Related Reports |
Alien Mind - A Primer - The
- Main File
Big Brother Loves You...
- Main File
Blue Beam Project
- Main File
Carlos Castaneda's Don Juan's Teachings
- Main File
Genetic Changes
- Main File
Klaus Schwab and the World
Economic Forum
- Main File
Organic Portals
- Main File
Ponerology - The Science of Evil
- Main File
Psychopaths and Psychopathy - A Ponerological
- Main File
Terraforming and Planetary
- Main File
The Archons - Los Arcontes
- Main File
The Chilbolton 'Arecibo Message'
Vida en El Universo
- Life in The Universe
- Main File
Zeta Reticuli Interaction With
Earth - The Greys
- Main File