Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Articulo-Article |
English |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
- Six
Banks Control The U.S. - They Are Too Big to Fail and
Too Big to Jail |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
No Way Out - The FED Committed to Destruction of The
Dollar |
31 |
Parascience |
- Geoengineered
Snow Storms Wreaking Havoc Around The Globe |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
Many Facts that The Mainstream Media Doesn't Really Want
to Talk About Right Now |
31 |
Parascience |
- Unusual
30 |
Parascience |
Alien-Like' Skulls Are Unearthed in 1,000-Year-Old
Cemetery |
30 |
Alien Life |
Are Aliens Manipulating Us Through Religion? |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
- Google
Starts Watching What You Do Off The Internet Too... |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
- Prevent
World War III - Civil Resistance Sole Way to Stop US
Government Aggression |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
United Nations Defends NATO's Premeditated Genocide in
Syria |
Español |
31 |
Paraciencia |
- Craneos
English |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Agenda
21 and The New World Economy
- Where Happiness 'Matters' |
29 |
Tzolkin Maya |
The Mayan Clock Was Broken by The Inquisition |
29 |
Parascience |
- Chemtrails,
Aerosol Geoengineering and Bioengineering
- A Massive Biological Experiment of Unknown Purpose |
29 |
Consciousness |
We Want to Live in A World That Is... |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
IMF Bullies Argentina |
28 |
Future and
Beyond |
- Don't
Like The Government? Make Your Own, on International
Waters |
28 |
Cosmos |
Tau Ceti e - Another Interstellar Target? |
28 |
Cosmos |
Earth Just 12 Light-Years Away? |
28 |
Parascience |
- The
Many Signs that The Ring of Fire is Waking Up as We Head
Into 2013 |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
How The Newtown Massacre in U.S. Became a Mind-Control
Television Event |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Long
History of HSBC Money Laundering |
28 |
Mysticism |
The Prayers of A Non-Believer |
27 |
Parascience |
- ‘Magic
Mushroom’ Drug Shows Promise in Treating Addictions and
Cancer Anxiety |
27 |
Parascience |
Charade of Man-Made Climate Change Will Trick You Into
Paying Carbon Taxes |
27 |
New Vision
Health |
- Pediatricians
Want to Keep Thimerosal in Vaccines Despite Health Risks |
27 |
New Vision
Health |
Pediatrics Association Fights Against Thimerosal Mercury
Vaccine Ban |
27 |
Alien Life |
Interview to David Icke About Archons
- Jo Conrad June 2012
Video |
27 |
Parascience |
- Monsanto’s
Roundup Devastating Gut Health and Contributing to
Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria |
26 |
Parascience |
Brain Displays an Intrinsic Mechanism for Fighting
Infection |
26 |
Parascience |
- Impaired
Intrinsic Immunity to HSV-1 in Human iPSC-Derived
TLR3-Deficient CNS Cells
(Section related
26 |
Parascience |
Ten-Point Model for A Mental Health System That Works |
26 |
Alien Life |
The Eden Experiment - Aliens, Archons and The
Associative Universe |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
Martial Law in One City - The Case of Paragould,
Arkansas |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Shadow
Forces Behind Government |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
PSYOPs Used Daily to Manipulate You
- Covert Hypnosis, Mind Control Techniques - Wake Up and
Protect Your Mind from Bondage |
25 |
Parascience |
- Carbon
Tax Proven Useless Against "Global Warming" |
25 |
Consciousness |
21st Century Enlightenment
Video |
25 |
2012 |
- End
of Mayan Calendar, UFO Fleets and The CIA |
25 |
Parascience |
Climate Impacts of Waxman-Markey
- The Pseudo Global Warming |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
The Blue-Gold Business - Globalization of Water
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- Two
Thirds of The World's Population Will Face Water
Shortages by 2025 |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Coming Water Wars |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
How Water Is Being Used to Enslave The People |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
Black 9/11 - A Walk on The Dark Side |
24 |
Parascience |
- Anthropocene
- How Eco-Fascist Want to Criminalize The Human Race |
23 |
Parascience |
Hacking The Human Brain Furthers The Advent of Super
Soldiers |
23 |
Parascience |
- Human
Enhancement and The Future of Work
- Joint
Workshop on Transhumanism
(Section related
23 |
Sociopolitics |
The Hidden Hand of Controlled Opposition |
23 |
Parascience |
- The
Deadly Industry of Psychiatry
23 |
Parascience |
Don't Let Your Child See A Psychiatrist, Ever |
23 |
Parascience |
- Psychiatry
Goes Insane
- Every Human Emotion Now Classified as A Mental
Disorder in New Psychiatric Manual DSM-5 |
23 |
New Vision
Health |
Cancer and Sugar |
Español |
30 |
Sociopolitica |
Los Gobernantes del Mundo
Video |
29 |
2012 |
2012 - El Calendario Maya Termina... La Guerra por Almas
(Seccion relacionada
29 |
Sociopolitica |
Los Países Ricos Hicieron que El FMI Recuperara Poder e
Gendarme Financiero |
28 |
Misticismo |
Los Rezos de Una No-Creyente |
27 |
Alienigena |
- Entrevista
a David Icke Sobre Los Arcontes
- Junio
2012 - Jo Conrad
Video |
26 |
Alienigena |
Experimento Edén - Alienígenas, Arcontes y El Multiverso
Asociativo |
25 |
Sociopolitica |
- El
Mapa de La Hambruna Mundial y Del Apocalipsis Social |
25 |
Sociopolitica |
- Hambre
- Un Tsunami Silencioso
(Seccion relacionada
24 |
Sociopolitica |
El Negocio del Oro-Azul - Privatización Global del Agua
23 |
Paraciencia |
- La
Industria Mortal de La Psiquiatría
English |
22 |
Ascension-Evolution |
- The
Awakening Nears Critical Mass |
22 |
Parascience |
2013 - The Year of The Comets |
22 |
Parascience |
- Resonance
- Beings of Frequency
Video |
22 |
Consciousness |
What Is Consciousness? |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
How to Beat The Banksters
- Iceland's Hörður Torfason |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- World’s
Most Prestigious Financial Agency - Called the "Central
Banks' Central Bank" - Warns of Bursting Bubble |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
The Shadow Government  |
21 |
Time Travel |
Time Travel Secrets
- Conspiracy Theory S03E03
Video |
21 |
2012 |
- 2012
21 |
2012 |
- Countdown
to December 21, 2012
NEWS Live |
21 |
2012 |
Explanation of What Will Happen on 21st December 2012
Video |
21 |
Exopolitics |
Towards a Decade of Contact - Preparing for
Re-Integration into Universe Society |
21 |
Parascience |
- Marijuana
Compounds That Could Help Combat Cancer, Alzheimers,
- If Only They Were Legal |
20 |
New Vision
Health |
Vaccine Hoax is Over - Secret Documents Reveal Shocking
Truth |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Changing
Education Paradigms
Video |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Only
Globalization Will 'Save' The Future
National Intelligence Council Report |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
Global Trends 2030 - Alternative Worlds
(Section related
20 |
Parascience |
- Warning
- 3 Fast Food Ingredient Secrets |
20 |
Parascience |
Big Agriculture Creating New Generation of
Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs |
20 |
Parascience |
Accelerated Biodegradation of Veterinary Antibiotics in
Agricultural Soil
(Sections related
19 |
New Vision
Health |
- Radiation
Treatments Generate Cancer Stem Cells from Less
Aggressive Breast Cancer Cells |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- A
Ponerological Profile - Henry Kissinger
19 |
Sociopolitics |
Henry Kissinger - Architect of The New World Order |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Kissinger
Boasts of Three Decades of Treason
(Section related
19 |
Parascience |
Big Pharma Secrets
- Multimedia |
19 |
Parascience |
Widely Popular Nanoparticles Could Be Giving You Cancer
and Nutritional Deficiencies |
18 |
Parascience |
- How
We Are All Eating Questionable Nanotechnology |
18 |
Parascience |
Oral Exposure to Polystyrene Nanoparticles Affects Iron
(Section related
18 |
Parascience |
- Doctor
Says Modern Wheat a "Perfect, Chronic Poison" |
18 |
Parascience |
Determination of Glyphosate in Groundwater Samples
(Sections related
18 |
Parascience |
- Cornstalks
Everywhere But Nothing Else... Not Even A Bee |
17 |
Vatican |
Vatican Calls for The Establishment of World Government
and a New World Order |
17 |
Parascience |
Electrical Device Plugs Directly Into Trees for Power |
17 |
Parascience |
- Proliferation
Warnings on Nuclear 'Wonder-Fuel', Thorium |
17 |
Parascience |
Live Longer and Better With These Five Immortality Herbs |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
- Alice
in Wonderland |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
Operation Mind Control
(Section related
17 |
2012 |
The Hidden
Symbolic Meaning of The Movie “2012″ |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
Mind Control Theories and Techniques Used by Mass Media |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bill
Gates Awards Researchers for Development of Electrically
Spun Cloth Whose Fibers Deliver Contraceptive and HIV... |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
History of ARPANET - Behind The Net |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency -
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
DARPA Vacuum |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Pentagon’s
New Factory - Your DNA |
Español |
22 |
Paraciencia |
Procedencia Genealógica de Los Humanos 3D
- Orientación Sobre Nuestra Realidad Dentro y Fuera del
- Marielalero |
21 |
2012 |
- 2012
21 |
Andromeda |
- Las
Predicciones de Andrómeda |
21 |
2012 |
Maya de Lo Que Ocurrirá el 21 Diciembre 2012
Video |
20 |
Sociopolitica |
Te Controlan Para Dominarte Mejor
- Tu Peor
Enemigo es Tu Cabeza |
20 |
Sociopolitica |
- Cambiando
Paradigmas en La Educación
Video |
19 |
Paraciencia |
- Tres
de Los Más Potentes Alimentos Curativos |
19 |
Predicciones |
La Cuarta Vuelta - Finalmente… |
17 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Mecánica de Autos, Oncólogos y La Física |
17 |
2012 |
- 2012
- La Verdadera Amenaza
- No Es lo Que Nos Han Dicho |
17 |
Paraciencia |
Un Inventor No Reconocido - Juan Luis Fernández Garrido
Video |
17 |
Ascension-Evolución |
- La
Metamorfosis Que Se Avecina Para La Humanidad |
16 |
2012 |
12.12.2012 al 12.21.2012
- La Ola de Energía Que Todos Ustedes han Estado
Esperando ha Empezado |
English |
15 |
2012 |
- 12-12-12
to 12-21-12
- The
Wave of Energy You've All Been Waiting For Has Begun |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
Syria - Iraq 2.0
- Another False-Flag Invasion Rated XXX |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- What’s
Really Going On In Syria?
- Ground
Being Prepared for Syria Intervention' - by Ex-U.S.
Chief of Staff
Video |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- Banks
are "Where The Money Is" in The Drug War |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Overpopulation Myth |
15 |
'Warming' |
- Former
Thatcher Advisor Lord Monckton Evicted from United
Nations Climate Summit After Challenging Global Warming |
15 |
Tesla |
- University
Uses Tesla Technology to Wirelessly Charge Electric Bus |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- All
I Want for Christmas Is The Truth |
14 |
Consciousness |
- Leaked
North Korean Documentary ‘Exposes Western Propaganda’
- And It’s Scary How True It Is  |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- Spain
Now Faces a Systemic, Societal, and Sovereign Collapse |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- What
Europe’s Crisis Means for You and Your Savings
(Section related
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Program - National Security Agency Top-Secret Program |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- 'Stellar
Wind' Whistleblower Reveals More About NSA Domestic
Spying |
14 |
2012 |
- 2012
- The Real Threat
- It’s Not What You’ve Been Told |
13 |
Predictions |
- The
Fourth Turning - Finally... |
13 |
Predictions |
Into The Fourth Turning - A Casey Research interview
with Neil Howe
(Section related
13 |
Parascience |
Weather Channel Helping to Hide The Geoengineering
Assault |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Popular Culture Promotes The Police State |
13 |
Parascience |
- Three
of The Most Potent Healing Foods |
13 |
The Moon |
The Moon
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Obama’s Geopolitical China
'Pivot' - The Pentagon’s "New Enemy" Image |
12 |
Monsanto |
- Monsanto
Plotting to Wipe Out Genetic Diversity of Corn in Mexico
with GMO Corn |
12 |
Mysticism |
Why do The Maya Believe Christ is The Sun? |
12 |
Mysticism |
Quetzalcoatl, The Maya Maize God, and Jesus Christ
(Section related
12 |
Andromeda |
- Alex
Collier and The Andromeda Compendium
12 |
Andromeda |
Alex Collier Speaking in Japan - 2007
Video |
12 |
Parascience |
- Human
Evolution Enters an Exciting New Phase |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
The Coming EBT Riots - What Will Happen When Government
Entitlements Stop? |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Cashless Society is Almost Here - And With Some Very
Sinister Implications |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
Decentralizing Education - How Startups Are Dismantling
The University |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- Iran
Turns to Bitcoins to Thwart Sanctions |
11 |
Parascience |
City Warns of Cell Phone Link to Cancer |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
A Battleground for Weapons of The Future |
10 |
Parascience |
- As
Supersymmetry Fails Tests, Physicists Seek New Ideas
- Large Hadron Collider |
10 |
Parascience |
Supersymmetry - Reflections and Impressionistic Portrait
- Conference F.B.S.M., Oct. 2012
(Section related
10 |
New Vision
Health |
Panacea Known as Urine Therapy
10 |
Parascience |
Common Signs You Might Have Gluten Sensitivity and Not
Know It |
10 |
9-11 |
9/11 Airborne Long After Crash  |
10 |
Alien Life |
ETs Among Us
- Michael E. Salla Interviewed on May 01, 2007
Multimedia |
10 |
Alien Life |
- Russian
Prime Minister Claims Extraterrestrials Live Among Us |
09 |
Parascience |
Systematics, Biogeography and Host Plant Associations of
The Pseudomyrmex Viduus Group Triplaris Ants
(HERE) |
09 |
Vaccines |
- 4,250%
Increase in Fetal Deaths Reported to VAERS After Flu
Shot Given to Pregnant Women |
09 |
Mars |
News From Mars? - Rover Scientists Mum For Now |
09 |
Antarctica |
- Lakes
Beneath The Ice Sheet
- The Occurrence, Analysis, and Future Exploration of
Lake Vostok
(Section related
09 |
Sociopolitics |
The U.S. is Now The United (Police) State of America  |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
- Presidential
Memo on Insider Threats - Why Now? |
Español |
15 |
Sociopolitica |
Técnicas de Control Para Implantar El Consumismo Masivo |
15 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
La Nueva Medicina
(Seccion relacionada
15 |
Paraciencia |
Causalidad y Sincronicidad - Pasos Hacia Una
Clarificación |
14 |
Arqueologia |
El Mapa del Creador |
14 |
Paraciencia |
- Los
Rayos de Los Dioses
- El Universo Eléctrico
Video |
13 |
La Luna |
La Luna
13 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Geopolítica de Obama del "Pivote" Chino - China en La
Mira del Pentágono |
13 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Depuración Corporal
(Seccion relacionada
13 |
Paraciencia |
- Obama
- Presidencia de USA 2012 Capturada por Tecnología Para
Viajes en El Tiempo |
12 |
Andromeda |
- Alex
Collier y El Compendio de Andrómeda
12 |
Andromeda |
Alex Collier Hablando en Japón - 2007
Video |
12 |
Sociopolitica |
La ONU e Israel Sobre Armas Nucleares |
12 |
Paraciencia |
- Historia
de La Física Quántica
Video |
10 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Una Panacea Llamada Orinoterapia
10 |
Sociopolitica |
- Guerra
Video |
10 |
Paraciencia |
El Estado Amor - Su Comprensión y Entendimiento en El
Plano Consciente del Humano 3D
- Marielalero |
09 |
Paraciencia |
- La
Teoría del Universo Biocéntrico
- La Vida Crea el Tiempo, el Espacio y el Propio Cosmos |
09 |
Paraciencia |
Veneno de Una Hormiga Para Curar La Artritis |
Italiano |
09 |
Paraciencia |
- "Gli
Alieni Sono Tra Noi" - Il Fuori Onda di Medvedev
Video |
English |
08 |
The Moon |
- How
The U.S. Planned to Blow Up The Moon
- Revealed Mission to Use Nuclear Bomb to Win Cold War
Bragging Rights Over USSR |
08 |
The Moon |
A Study of Lunar Research Flights
(Section related
08 |
Parascience |
- Life
After Death
Video |
08 |
Parascience |
Synchronicity - The Key of Destiny
08 |
Parascience |
Drug Corporations Want To Create More Lifetime Customers
- ADHD and Criminals |
08 |
Parascience |
'Human Rights Watch' Warns Against DARPA Development of
Autonomous Synthetic Soldiers |
07 |
Parascience |
- Losing
Humanity - The Case Against Killer Robots
(Section related
07 |
Mars |
SpaceX to Create Mars Colony of 80,000
Antigravity Technology Would Enable Vision Before End of
Decade |
07 |
Mars |
- Huge
Mars Colony Eyed by SpaceX Founder |
07 |
Civilizations |
- Magical
Egypt - The Land of Secrets
Video |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
Beyond Bayonets and Battleships
- Space Warfare and The Future of U.S. Global Power |
06 |
Alien Life |
War - Forces Disbanding, Wrong Blobs "Escape" S4 |
06 |
Parascience |
DMT - A Documentary
Video |
06 |
New Vision
Health |
Fluoride-Free Pineal Gland is More Important Than Ever |
06 |
Parascience |
- Pineal
Activation, Solar Gazing and DNA Recoding |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
Cuba, Venezuela, Russia and China Now More Free than
America in Notable Ways |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
- List
of Alternative Currency Systems from Around The World |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
Shadow Banking - The $67 Trillion Threat to The U.S.
Economy |
05 |
New Vision
Health |
Thirty Years of Breast Screening - 1.3 Million Wrongly
Treated |
05 |
New Vision
Health |
The Water of Life
- A Treatise
on Urine Therapy
(Section related
05 |
Future and
Beyond |
Meet The Innovative Hearthmaster Stove |
05 |
Parascience |
- Think
Before You Drink! |
04 |
Parascience |
Plastic Planet
Video |
04 |
New Vision
Health |
How Cancer Feeds on Sugar - And Other Big Reasons to
Avoid Refined Sweets |
04 |
Industry |
- Pain
Control - 5 Natural Pain Relievers |
04 |
Sociopolitics |
Goodbye Petrodollar, Hello Agri-Dollar? |
04 |
Mars |
NASA Soon Announce Discovery of Martian Fossils by
Curiosity Rover? |
04 |
Mars |
- Search
for Past Life on Mars
Possible Relic Biogenic Activity in Martian Meteorite
(Section related
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- No
Sailors Saw Osama Bin Laden's Alleged Burial at Sea |
03 |
New Vision
Health |
Top Chemotherapy Drug Dropped Due to 'Lack of Profits' |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
The Muslim Brotherhood
03 |
Sociopolitics |
Morsi and The Muslim Brotherhood Challenged in Egypt |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- Don’t
You Think The US Military Is Concerned With The Climate?
- Think Again |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
A Recommended National Program In Weather Modification
(Sections related
02 |
Sociopolitics |
NSA Refuses to Declassify Obama’s Cybersecurity
- Exceptionally Grave Damage |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Time
to End The 'War' on Drugs |
02 |
Parascience |
Corporate Giant Comes Out Against GMOs |
02 |
Parascience |
- Look
Out Monsanto! - Campaigns to Label Genetically
Engineered Foods Are Heating Up |
02 |
Consciousness |
Opting Out and Paying The Price of Being Awake |
Español |
08 |
Parasciencia |
- ¿Hay
Vida Después de La Muerte?
Video |
08 |
Parasciencia |
Sincronicidad - La Llave del Destino
07 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
- La
Verdad Detrás de Los Remedios 'Naturales' para El
Resfriado |
06 |
Parasciencia |
Geoingeniería, Estelas Químicas, HAARP, Ordenes
Mundiales, Líneas del Tiempo y Ascensión |
05 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
- Autovacuna
Para Curar El Cáncer
- La Vacuna
Contra El Cáncer de Seno, Colon y Estómago |
05 |
Parasciencia |
Un Millón de Robots - Nuestros Reemplazos han Llegado |
05 |
Ascensión-Evolución |
- El
Amanecer de Acuario - Cruce de Caminos en El Tiempo |
05 |
Parasciencia |
Reencarnación, La ‘Entre-vidas’, La Conciencia Universal
y El Alma Holográfica |
05 |
Parasciencia |
- Alcanzada
por Primera Vez la Teleportación Cuántica Entre dos
Objetos Macroscópicos |
04 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Las Personas Pueden Extraer Energía de Otras Personas al
Igual como lo Hacen las Plantas |
04 |
Ascensión-Evolución |
- Del
Porqué es Tan Importante Elevar su Vibración de Energía |
04 |
Parasciencia |
Bienvenido al Internet Quántico |
04 |
2012 |
- ‘Zona
Segura’ del Fin del Mundo Maya Será Cerrada
están Preocupadas por Multitudes Inundando Cima de
Montaña... |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
Los Hermanos Musulmanes
03 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
- Terapias
No Convencionales - Orinoterapia
(Seccion relacionada
02 |
La Luna |
La Funcion de La Luna
- Marielalero |
02 |
Parasciencia |
Océanos de Plástico - El Basurero de La Humanidad
Video |
02 |
Playades |
- Las
Pléyades en La Historia Galáctica de La Tierra  |
02 |
Parasciencia |
- Las
Verdaderas Aventuras de Un Espía Psíquico |
Italiano |
05 |
2012 |
- Il
21 Dicembre 2012 Si sta Avvicinando - Moriremo Tutti? |
English |
01 |
Parascience |
People Can Draw Energy from Other People the Same Way
Plants Do |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
The United States Isn't a Country - It's a Corporation! |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
Defending Privacy at The U.S. Border
- A Guide
for Travelers Carrying Digital Devices
(Section related
01 |
Sociopolitics |
Sponsors Surveillance Technology to Predict Future
Behavior |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
Video Visualization
(Section related