A Brief History of False Flag
Anatomy of False-Flag Events…
Español |
Banderas Falsas y el Amanecer del
Boston Bombings - Detonator to Mobilize The Entire U.S.
Security Apparatus - It May Change The World for...
Calm Down... You are Much More
Likely to Be Killed by Boring, Mundane Things than
Charlie Hebdo was Unsuccessful
SevenGate False Flag to Start WWIII
- Next Steps
CIA-MI6 Involvement In Mumbai
Attack - Terrorism and The
Español |
Cómo Funcionan las Operaciones
Español |
Cómo son Llevadas a Cabo hoy en
día las Operaciones de Falsa Bandera
Español |
Cristina Fernández - Objeto de un
Ataque Israelí bajo Falsa Bandera
Español |
Cuando las Banderas Falsas se
vuelven Virales
Español |
Cuando las Banderas Falsas se
vuelven Virtuales
Declassified Files Reveal Gov't
Plot to Carry Out Soviet False Flag Attacks in U.S. to
Start War
Español |
Dos Técnicas de Manipulación de
Masas que No Debes Olvidar
Swine Flu, Zika, SARS - The Anatomy of a False Flag Disease
Español |
'Ataque Químico' en Siria fue una Falsa Bandera y Habrá
- Dice Putin
Español |
El Coronavirus y el 'Factor Miedo'... - Main File
Español |
El Engaño del Zika - Las 5 Cosas
que Pasarán a Continuación
ET Council - War With Grey-Draco
Reptilian ETs is Won
- No False Flag ET Invasion
'ET' False Flag Operation to Begin
in August 2007
- "Every
Single Terrorist Attack in U.S. was a False Flag Attack"
- Says U.S. Intelligence Officer
Evidence Points to BP Oil Spill
False Flag
Extraterrestrial False Flag
- Main File
False Flag Attacks Part of Global
Elite’s Plan for Tyrannical Police State
False Flag - Boston Marathon Bombing is Staged Terror
Flag Event in Syria - The Third Force and Exopolitics
False Flagging the World towards
War - The CIA Weaponizes Hollywood
False Flag Operations
False Flag Operations, 9-11 and
The Exopolitical Perspective
False Flag Terror - A Historical
False Flag Terror and Conspiracies
of Silence
Forty Two Admitted False Flag
Attacks - Governments from Around the World Admit They
Do It
Gladio B, Paris Terror and ISIS
Fakery Admitted - Vindicated
Global Fear Decreasing as False
Flags and Crisis Actors Exposed
Global Terror - The British
ADMIT that They Carry Out False Flag Terror
Hoisting the False Flag - Casus
Belli, a Justification for War
How False Flag Operations are
Carried Out Today
How False Flag Terrorism
and Religion are Being Used as a Means for Control
How The Boston Bombing is Already Being Exploited to
Introduce Tyranny
How to Stage a Fake Epidemic - And
Brainwash Billions of People
Israeli False Flag Setting The
Stage for Bombing at 2012 Olympic Games
Israeli Security and False Flag Terror - A Remarkable Love Story
Italiano |
Issando le False Bandiere - Casus
Belli, una Giustificazione per la Guerra
Is the Gaza-Israel Fighting "A
False Flag"?
It Was a NATO Mortar that Killed 5
Turkish Civilians Last Week
Japan Not Hit by 9.0 Quake?
- False Flag Nuclear Weaponry Actually Destroyed
Fukushima, Claims Report
Español |
La CIA Utiliza a Hollywood para un
Ataque de Falsa Bandera
Italiano |
La Guerra Gaza-Israele è "Una
Falsa Bandiera?"
Español |
La Historia de 'Usar Niñas para
Promover Agendas Políticas'
Italiano |
L'Attacco Chimico in Siria è Stata una Copertura
Fuorviante e ce ne Saranno di Più
- Afferma Putin
Español |
Los Eventos del 9-11
- Main File
Español |
Los Países de Todo el Mundo
Admiten que Usan el "Terrorismo de Bandera Falsa"
Malaysian Airlines MH17 - Who
Stands to Gain?
Mass Shooting - Orlando
False Flag?
Mega False Flag Looms - The Surreal Appeal of
The Unreal
Nine 'Simulations, Drills and
Laws' that Planned and Prepared for the Coronavirus
Norway Terror Attacks a False Flag
Español |
Extraterrestres de Bandera Falsa
- Main File
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Operation Northwoods 1962
- Declassified Document
Pearl Harbor False Flag
75th Anniversary - Time to Admit the Deception
Perfect Storm Conditions Now in
Place for Big Government to Allow (or Even Stage)
Terrorism Attacks in...
Español |
Primeros Elementos
Sospechosos de la Matanza de Orlando - ¿Otra Operación de Bandera
Profile of a False Flag
Psychological Warfare and The
"False Flag" Meme
QAnon on How Ending Iran Peace
Deal thwarts Deep State Plans for Nuclear False Flag
Attack |
Español |
QAnon sobre cómo Finalizando el
Acuerdo de Paz con Irán se frustran los Planes del
Estado Profundo de... |
Español |
- ¿Que
se Esconde tras la Creciente 'Preocupación' por los
Selling Illusions and the Dark
Side of Politics
Agency Launched False Flag Attacks and Used Honey Traps - Snowden
State-Sponsored Terror in The
Western World
The 9-11 Events
- Main File
Boston Bombing Web of Lies
Coronavirus and the 'Fear Factor'...
- Main File
The History of Using Children to
Push for Agendas
The Obama False Flag Attack That Would Suspend 2012
The Obama Regime’s Fabricated "Terror Conspiracy" in
Defense of The Police State
The Scam of The Zika Virus
Español |
Una Breve Historia de Terrorismo
de Bandera Falsa
U.S. Intel Director Prepares
Public for False Flag Event
- Desperate for War, U.S. Prepares to Blame Iran...
- "U.S.
is Reviving Terror Scare with ISIS to Promote the Terror
War Industry" - Says FBI Whistleblower
U.S. Naval False Flags -
A Brief History
The Scam of The Zika Virus
Español |
Vendiendo Ilusiones y el Lado
Oscuro de la Política
Español |
Virus Zika - ¿Otra Estafa
Will a Missing Nuke be Used in a
Simulated Terrorist Attack?
- Dick Cheney & Vigilant Shield
Español |
'Dios' creó a Hamas en el Séptimo Día
Zika - The CDC is the Medical CIA
Additional Information |
About Carol Rosin and The Late
Werner Von Braun
- Main File
Italiano |
Alcune Teorie sulle Cospirazioni
che Sono Diventate Realtà
Español |
Algunas Teorías Conspirativas que
se Han Hecho Realidad
Español |
Amenaza de Asteroide Justo a
Menace Right On Time
Español |
Aviones Desaparecidos - Demasiadas
Coincidencias Inquietantes
Be Prepared to Hunker Down for
Months - James Rawles Warns...
Conspiracy Theory
- SCADs -
Patterns of High Crimes in American Government
Bullets, False Flags and Biological Warfare
- What Is The U.S. Government Planning?
Cameron Advocates Greater Stasi-style Surveillance Powers for
GCHQ after Charlie Hebdo
Terror Wave - A Modern-Day Gladio
Does Fear Lead to Fascism? - A
Culture of Fear and the Epigenetics of Terror
Economic Armageddon Is Imminent
Español |
El León Se Despierta - Conciencia Global
Engineered Chaos and Fear
are the 'New Normal' in America
Fukushima Tectonic Nuclear Warfare
Monitored by World Partners - Leuren Moret
Global Warming - An Official
- Main File
Government Agents Invent False Evidence to Destroy
Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet to Manipulate,
Deceive, and Destroy Reputations
Influenza - Virus H1N1
- Unintentional
Contamination or Bioterrorism?
Main File
Target of 'False Flag' Strategy?
Just How Dangerous is Terrorism,
Español |
La Guerra Secreta del Petróleo ha
Italiano |
La Guerra Segreta per il Petrolio
è Iniziata
Español |
La Manipulación de los Medios de
Comunicación en Los Atentados de Paris
Español |
Las 10 Grandes Teorías de la
Conspiración de 2014
Español |
- 'Las
No-Libertades' Normales
- "Lockstep"
- Written 10 years ago Chronicles how to Bring the World Down
with a Pandemic
Español |
Locura Total - Crece la
Sombra de una Posible Guerra Nuclear
Mass Bio-Terror Pandemic by
December 21, 2012
- Secret Revealed
Español |
Extraños en EE.UU. - ¿Estamos al Borde de Algún Tipo de
NeoCon at Globalist Think-Tank says Use False Flag to
Start War With Iran
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist
Attacks on U.S. Soil
Normal Unfreedoms
Operation Gladio
- NATO's Secret
- Main File
Operation Northwoods
- "Pearl
Harbor" Style Attack Will Be Pretext for War on Iran
- Ex-Israeli Intelligence Officer Says...
Police Commissioner Involved in
Charlie Hebdo Investigation "Commits Suicide"
- Total News Blackout
Presidential Meeting Signals Catastrophic Event
- "There Is a Crisis Unfolding Somewhere in The...
Project Prophecy - The Death of
Rockefeller Foundation Predicts
13,000 Dead at London Olympics 2012
Scenarios for The Future of
Technology and International Development
Español |
- ¿Sigue
la Manipulación? - Posibles Amenazas Futuras del Ébola
Italiano |
Movimenti negli Stati Uniti - Siamo Vicini a una Sorta
di Cataclisma?
Español |
Terroristas Islamistas - ¿Títeres
Controlados por Occidente?
The Blueprint for WWIII
The Lion Wakes
- Global Consciousness
The Mass Media and The 9-11
The Mythology of Homeland Insecurity
Italiano |
Totale Pazzia - Cresce
l'Ombra di una Possibile Guerra Nucleare
Turkish President Accuses 'The
West' of being Behind Charlie Hebdo Attacks
Español |
Un Reportero de Sky News Cubriendo
los Atentados de Paris, Sufre un Lapsus Muy
URGENT - False Flag Involving
Israel to Implicate Syria in The Works, Says RT
Government and NATO Worked with Bin Laden and His Top
Lieutenant 3 Months AFTER 9/11
Why You Need to Be Ready for Total
Grid Failure
- You've Been Warned...
Year in Review - Our Top Ten
Conspiracies of 2014
You Are The Hope
You Have Been Fooled into
Believing WWIII is Real - Here is the Proof
Ebola |
And Now, Ladies an' Gentlemen: Obama's 'War on Ebola'… |
Español |
Crecen las Sospechas de que La
Epidemia de Ébola es Falsa
Italiano |
Crescono i Sospetti che L'Epidemia
di Ebola è Falsa
Español |
- ¿Conspiranoia
o Realidad? - 3 Indicios Inquietantes sobre el Ébola
Ebola - 47 Questions and Answers
that Will Set your Hair on Fire
Italiano |
Ebola - Pandemia, Bioterrorismo o
Operazione Falsa?
Español |
Ébola - Micoplasma Humano y No Contagia de Forma Natural
- Investigación
Español |
Ébola - ¿Pandemia, Bioterrorismo u Operación de Bandera
it Wise for Obama to Send Thousands of U.S. Troops into
The Ebola Death Zone?
Italiano |
- Adesso l'OMS dice che il Periodo di Incubazione
dell'Ebola è di 42 Giorni!
Español |
- Ahora la OMS dice que el Periodo de Incubación del
Ébola es de... ¡42 Días!
The Great Ebola Hoax
Español |
Un Posible Invierno de Caos - El
Ébola y la Gripe
Multimedia |
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2012 London Olympics and Prince
William as 'Anti-Christ', Heir to Jesus Christ Bloodline
- Rik Clay (1982-2008) False Flag |
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9-11 False Flag
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9/11 False Flag
- 2008-9/11 Was An Inside Job and This Documentary
Proves It!
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American Terror - Manufactured by
 |
CNN Airs Fake Sandy Hook Helicopter Footage
- Anderson Cooper CNN False Flag
 |
False Flag Attack - Do You Know
What Is It?
 |
Goldman Sachs' Crash of Markets Last Year Was a False
Flag Operation - 'On the Edge' with Max
 |
Operaciones Con Bandera Falsa
- False Flag Operations
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Project Prophecy - The Death of
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September 11 - The New Pearl
 |
Ten Characteristics of a False
Flag Event
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The 9-11 Events Unofficial Story
- The Fifth Estate - CBC
 |
The Ultimate False Flag Operation
Related Reports |
CIA - The Central Intelligence
- Main File
Ebola - Global Pandemic or Global
- Main File
- Main File
Martial Law in USA? - The Death of
- Main File
The New World Order
- Main File
- 'War
on Terror'
- Main File