Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
28 |
Internet |
- Skynet
2.0 - Unstoppable Secret Network Bypasses Internet |
28 |
Sol |
- The
Sun has been 'Erupting Non-Stop this Month' |
28 |
Great Reset |
- The
Next Step for the World Economic Forum |
27 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- The
Global Disinformation Campaign to Suppress the Evidence of
Efficacy of Ivermectin |
27 |
FDA-Big Pharma |
Executive Officer exposes Close Ties between Agency and
Pharmaceutical Companies |
27 |
Consciousness |
- The
Tunnel of Light that People see when they Die is a Trap |
Español |
28 |
En medio de la Guerra en Ucrania, la ONU inicia un Proceso
para definir Mecanismos Internacionales ante... |
28 |
Vida Alien |
- Algunos
Tipos de Extraterrestres con los que Convivimos |
27 |
Rusia |
Discurso Íntegro del Anuncio de Putin de la Operación
Militar en Ucrania |
26 |
Sistema Bancario |
- ¿Qué
son los 'Pandora Papers'? |
26 |
Civilizaciones |
Murallas de Benin - Estructura más Larga erigida por el
Hombre ¡16.000 Km. de longitud! |
English |
26 |
Soros-China |
- Why
on Earth does George Soros want Xi Jinping to Go? |
26 |
Global Banking |
- The
Spider's Web - Britain's Second Empire
25 |
Great Reset |
- How
the General Public was Kept in the Dark over Covid |
24 |
Virus-Fauci |
- Fauci
Hints at when all COVID-19 Restrictions may Finally End in
U.S. |
24 |
Virus-Bill Gates |
- Bill
Gates says COVID-19 could be the "Last" Pandemic |
24 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- New
Study on Ivermectin 'Should Convince any Naysayer' - Dr.
Pierre Kory |
23 |
Big Pharma |
- Do
Medicines Really Expire or Are we taken for a ride...? |
23 |
Virus |
- Current
Trends of 'Operation Coronavirus' as of February 2022 |
22 |
Virus-AIDS |
- Inventing
the AIDS Virus
(Section related
22 |
Climate Change |
- Consulting
firm McKinsey estimates $9 Trillion per year cost for
'Climate Accords' |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- Independent
American and Russian Women Call for Peace |
22 |
Galactic Federation |
- Were
'Starlink Satellites' destroyed to prevent Emergence of
Quantum Communications? |
21 |
Great Reset |
- World
Economic Forum's "Young Global Leaders" Revealed |
21 |
Virus |
- Approved
and Non-FDA Approved Covid-19 Treatments - A Comparison |
20 |
Big Brother |
- When
Government Funds Science, Government Controls Science... |
20 |
Russia-WEF |
- Putin
Blasts World Economic Forum (W.E.F.) Big Shots at Davos
Backchat |
20 |
Great Reset |
- Welcome
to 2030 - I own Nothing, have No Privacy, and Life has never
been Better...
Español |
26 |
Agua |
Nuevo Sistema de Desalinización Solar - Cuesta 4$ y produce
el Agua Potable diaria para una Familia |
25 |
Conciencia |
- Los
Humanos están Despertando |
25 |
Vida Universo |
Telescopio Espacial James Webb podría Descubrir rastros de
Civilizaciones Alienígenas |
24 |
Rusia |
Así reacciona Occidente a la decisión de Putin de reconocer
las Repúblicas de Donbás |
23 |
Virus-Vacunas |
- ¿Qué
les espera a las Personas que recibieron la Vacuna antiCOVID? |
22 |
Rusia |
Rusia reconoce de "Forma Inmediata" la Independencia de las
Repúblicas Autoproclamadas de Donetsk y Lugansk |
22 |
Gran Reseteo |
Los Globalistas vienen por 'Tus Coches, Tu Dinero y Tu
Integridad Corporal' - Si lo consiguen serán Dueños de... |
21 |
Sigularidad |
- Una
Perspectiva de la Singularidad Tecnológica auspiciada por
Raymond Kurzweil |
20 |
Elite Global |
Cómo Sobrevivir a un Cambio de Régimen |
Italiano |
22 |
Russia |
Russia e Cina svelano il Piano per il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale |
22 |
Culture Americane |
- La
Leggendaria "Cultura Hopewell" distrutta da una Cometa -
Dice uno Studio |
21 |
Trump |
Cosa Sa e quando lo ha Saputo? |
20 |
Matrix |
- L'Allegoria
della Caverna di Platone |
English |
19 |
Great Reset |
- Opening
Statements at Grand Jury, Court of Public Opinion - Reiner
19 |
Virus-Fauci |
- Why
hasn't Fauci been Fired and put under FBI Investigation yet? |
18 |
American Cultures |
- Legendary
'Hopewell Culture' destroyed by exploding Comet - Study Says |
17 |
Great Reset |
- Killing
Us Softly - Klaus Schwab's "Great Narrative" for the Global
Borg |
17 |
Consciousness |
- They
don't Just Lie to us about Wars - They Lie to us about
Everything |
16 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Silenced
All-Star Doctors destroy 'COVID Lies' in 5 Hours - Senator
Ron Johnson Roundtable |
16 |
Virus-EU |
- Many
EU Countries roll back 'COVID Restrictions' - Israel Scraps
'Green Pass' |
16 |
Russia |
- Russia
and China unveil Plan for New World Order |
15 |
Global Warming |
- Be
Grateful for Global Warming |
15 |
Alien Life |
- Life
14 |
Rothschilds |
- Hidden
History of the Incredibly Evil Khazarian Mafia |
14 |
Galactic Federation |
- Were
'Starlink Satellites' shot down by the Deep State? |
13 |
Great Reset |
- The
Frequency War - A War for the World |
13 |
Virus-Micronutrients |
- Micronutrients
inhibit SARS-CoV-2 and all of its alpha, beta, gamma, delta,
kappa and Mµ variants |
13 |
Virus-Mind Control |
- Breaking
the Spell - MindSpace, Trance Warfare, and Neuro Linguistic
Programming |
Español |
19 |
Trudeau suspende Libertades Civiles con decreto de
Emergencia Nacional |
18 |
Agujero Negro |
Finalmente entendemos cómo los Agujeros Negros pueden
liberar Potentes Llamaradas |
18 |
Conciencia |
- El
Poder del Discernimiento |
17 |
Virus-Control Mental |
La "Ciencia" de la Manipulación - Investigadores elaboran
Mensajes de Culpa y Vergüenza - Vacunas |
16 |
Cambios Tierra |
Descubren extinta "Supermontaña" tres veces más larga que el
Himalaya - Habría sido Clave en la Evolución... |
15 |
Gran Reseteo |
- Declaraciones
del Gran Jurado, Tribunal Popular Opinión Pública - Reiner
15 |
Conciencia |
Revelación o Miedo - Los Dos Escenarios de una Realidad
Dividida |
14 |
Despoblación |
- ¿Es
el 'Control de la Población' la próxima "Teoría
Conspirativa" que se hará Realidad...? |
13 |
Paraciencia |
- Manual del Acumulador de Orgón
13 |
Energía |
Mina de Carbón en Kentucky se convertirá en Gigantesco
Proyecto de Almacenamiento de Energía como... |
Italiano |
15 |
Pfizer |
La Velenosa Pillola Covid di Pfizer |
13 |
Sociopolitica |
- "Unsilenced"
- Leon Lee parla del Novo Film su come la Cina Comunista
manipola la Narrazione sulla Cina in... |
English |
12 |
Great Reset |
- How
to Win the War Against Tyranny |
12 |
Climate Change |
- New
Pristine Reef Discovery - A Marvel for Most, a Chance to
Promote Unwarranted Climate Alarmism for CNN |
11 |
Technocracy |
- Earth
Doomed - Humans must Flee to Colonize Outer Space - Elon
Musk Unplugged |
10 |
Sociopol-Trump |
- What
does He know and When did He know it? |
10 |
Consciousness |
- Psychosomatic
Illness - Is it a 'Spiritual Wakeup Call'? |
10 |
Pineal-Soul |
- The
Pineal Gland and the Battle for our Souls - Dr. Dietrich
09 |
Virus |
- The
"Contagion Myth" by Dr. Tom Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell -
Book Review |
09 |
Ancient Hi-Tech |
- The
Astonishing Achievements of our Ancient Ancestors |
08 |
Ukraine-Russia |
- The
Ukraine Crisis - Sponsored by U.S. Hegemony and War
Profiteers |
08 |
Great Reset |
- Why
are Most People Cowards? - Obedience and the Rise of
Authoritarianism... |
07 |
Global Warming |
- This
'Global Warming Question' can change People's Minds |
07 |
Great Reset |
- The
Corona Crisis: Is the Tide Turning? - Reiner Fuellmich on
Nuremberg 2.0 |
06 |
5G-Vaccines |
- Activating
5G Towers could Kill People who took COVID-19 Vaccines -
Analysts Warn... |
06 |
Matrix |
- Plato's
Allegory of the Cave |
06 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- Ivermectin
'Safe' and 'Effective' for Treating Omicron - Japanese
Company |
Español |
12 |
Pfizer |
- La
Venenosa Píldora Covid de Pfizer |
11 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Gira
América Latina nuevamente hacia la Izquierda? |
11 |
Virus |
Los Últimos Días del Culto Covidiano |
11 |
Túnel |
- El
Puente-Túnel de Oresund - Increíble obra que une Suecia con
Dinamarca y el resto de Europa |
10 |
Tecnocracia |
El Sistema Criminal detrás del Globalismo, Bill Gates y Elon
09 |
Pineal-Alma |
La Glándula Pineal y la Batalla por nuestras Almas - Dr.
Dietrich Klinghardt
09 |
Virus |
- El
"Mito del Contagio" por el Dr. Tom Cowan y Sally Fallon
Morell - Reseña del Libro |
08 |
Alien-OVNIs |
El Mundo Subterráneo y los OVNIs… ¿Otros Seres dominan el
Interior de la Tierra? |
07 |
Iluminación |
El Lado Oscuro de la 'Iluminación Espiritual' |
06 |
Gran Reinicio |
- ¡NO
te pongas a Dormir! ¡Este no es el Fin! |
06 |
Multiverso |
Esta es la Razón por qué los Físicos sospechan que el
Multiverso muy probablemente Exista |
Italiano |
09 |
Storia Umanita |
Le Ultime Parole di Marco Aurelio |
08 |
Pineale-Anima |
- La
Ghiandola Pineale e la Battaglia per le nostre Anime - Dr.
Dietrich Klinghardt
07 |
Gran Reset |
- Bugie,
Propagandisti e Il Gran Reset |
English |
05 |
Virus-Matrix |
- The
'Long Range Matrix Agenda' and what we can do About It |
05 |
Virus-Fauci |
- New
Emails reveal Fauci's Role in shaping 'Highly Influential
Paper' that established COVID 'Natural Origin'... |
04 |
Consciousness |
- Getting
beyond 'The Robot' - Some Reflections on 'Paradoxical
Freedom' |
03 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Last Words of Marcus Aurelius |
03 |
Global "Warming" |
- We
Need More CO²
in the Atmosphere, Not Less |
02 |
AI |
- Researchers
build Artificial Intelligence that builds Artificial
Intelligence |
02 |
Virus |
- Why
Viruses happen Annually and how Viruses Dissolve |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- "Unsilenced"
- Leon Lee talks about how Communist China manipulates the
Narrative about China in the West |
01 |
Alien Life |
- The
Dark Extraterrestrial Agenda and the Human/Divine Solution
(Sections related
01 |
Global Banking |
- About
the Pandora Papers |
Español |
05 |
Imperio Americano |
La Increíble Sordera de Washington y Londres - Ucrania |
04 |
Caves |
- Encuentros
con Humanoides son reportados en Profundas Cuevas
inexploradas de Sudamérica |
04 |
Alimentos Sanos |
Varias razones para Cultivar Hierba Limón en cualquier lugar |
03 |
Agujero Negro |
Científicos descubren un Agujero Negro que está Creando
Estrellas en vez de Engullirlas |
02 |
Vida |
- La
Energía para la Vida proviene de la Vida Misma |
02 |
Global Elite |
Lo que Hitchcock Enseñó a los 'Ingenieros Sociales' |
01 |
Enfriamiento Global |
El Calentamiento del Ártico llevó a la Tierra a la 'Pequeña
Edad de Hielo' - Seguimiento Climático |
Italiano |
01 |
Media |
La Caduta dei Tradizionali Media e le più Grandi Bugie che
hanno detto nel 2021 |