Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Articulo-Article |
English |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
Over 200 Senior Bankers Arrested Last Week As New
Financial System Goes Online |
31 |
Ponerology |
- Democide
Mass-Murder and The New World Order |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
- Agenda
21 - The End of Western Civilization |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
- United
Nations Policy Paper Outlines 7 Building Blocks for
'Heavy-Handed' World Government |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
- Effective
World Government Will Be Needed to Stave Off Climate
Catastrophe |
30 |
Sumer -
Anunnaki |
The Nibiru, The Anunnaki and
Human Devolution - A Tale of Two Brothers |
30 |
The Vatican |
- The
Phallic 'Savior of The World' Hidden in The Vatican |
30 |
The Vatican |
- Who’s
Behind The Leaked Letters Roiling The Vatican? |
30 |
The Vatican |
- Vatican
Bank Account Closed At JP Morgan
- Image May Be Hurt |
30 |
The Vatican |
- JPMorgan
Chase Closes Vatican Bank Account |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
- Alternative
Media is Defeating The New World Order |
29 |
Ponerology |
- Murder
Is Not An Anomaly in War |
29 |
Parascience |
- Mystical
- Video |
29 |
Consciousness |
Life Is A Demonstration... |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Global
Water Security
Intelligence Community Assessment
(Section related
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Expect
Water Wars Soon
- US Intelligence Report |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Oil,
Alternatives and Nuclear Weapons
- An
Interview With Marc Faber |
28 |
Cancer |
- Is
There a Natural "Cure" for Cancer? |
28 |
Monsanto |
- New
Chapter Supplement Company Bought by Monsanto
- Linked Proctor & Gamble |
28 |
Psychiatry |
- Whistleblower
Exposes Evidence That Anti-Depressants Cannot Be
Metabolized |
28 |
Psychiatry |
- The
Real Reason Why Those on Psyche Drugs Are Committing
Suicide and Homicide |
28 |
Consciousness |
- This
is Yours, That is Mine - The Ownership of Things Is
Changing |
27 |
Nobility |
- 2012
London Olympics and Prince William as 'Anti-Christ',
Heir to Jesus Christ Bloodline
- Multimedia |
27 |
Books |
- The
- The Quest for The Secret Force of The Universe -
Chapters 1 to 5 |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
- Dear
Neocon |
27 |
Bush-Cheney |
- Who's
Afraid of War Crimes Prosecution? - Cheney Cancels
Toronto Speaking Event |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bluebeam
Scheduled for 2012 Olympics? |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Are
You Ready for The Grand Illusion?
(Sections related
26 |
Bees |
- Study
Proves Bee Decline Linked to Top Insecticides |
26 |
Bees |
- Assessment
of the Environmental Exposure of Honeybees to
Particulate Matter Containing Insecticides
26 |
Big Pharma |
- Big
Pharma Creates Resistant "White Plague" Through Mass
Drugging |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Inside
The NSA’s Largest and Most Expansive Secret Domestic Spy
Center in Bluffdale, Utah
- Exposed |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
NSA is Building The Country’s Biggest Spy Center
- Watch What
You Say - Big Brother Goes Live September 2013 |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
- Fighting
in The Fifth Dimension - The Cyberworld is A New
- Video |
25 |
Parascience |
- Is
ADHD an Evolutionary Gift in A Rapidly Changing World? |
25 |
Parascience |
- Why
80 Percent of People Worldwide Will Soon Stop Eating
Wheat |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
The Crisis of Civilization
- Video |
Español |
29 |
Conciencia |
El León Se Despierta
- Conciencia Global |
29 |
Paraciencia |
Síntomas Producidos por Las
Llamaradas Solares |
28 |
Alienigena |
Elizabeth Klarer - Contactada y Viajera Espacial |
28 |
Conciencia |
Nos Acercamos a La Masa Crítica - El Cambio Está Aquí |
26 |
Conciencia |
Evidencia Científica Que Las Energías Galácticas Han
Provocado Una Expansión de La Consciencia en Todo El
Mundo |
26 |
Sociopolitica |
Los Niños Más Empoderados en El Futuro Serán los
Desprogramados y Desescolarizados |
26 |
Estelares |
Puertas Estelares ETs-EDs
- ¡De Ida y Vuelta Otra Vez! |
26 |
Sol |
Oscuro del Sol |
25 |
Conciencia |
- Cinco
Etapas de Mi Despertar Personal |
25 |
Paraciencia |
Allá de La Hidratación - La Impactante Inteligencia del
Agua |
25 |
Paraciencia |
- Nanotecnología
Propuesta Convertirá El Calor Corporal en Corriente
Eléctrica |
25 |
Sociopolitica |
La Cacería Ha Empezado - Los Arrestos del Grupo de
Conspiradores Se Están Acelerando |
Deutsch |
23 |
Cancer |
Brust- und Prostatakrebs Vorsorgeuntersuchungen
verursachen Krebs anstatt Leben zu retten |
23 |
Cancer |
Frucht der Stachelannone 100mal stärker für die
Krebsbekämpfung als Chemotherapie |
22 |
New Vision
Health |
Die magischen Kräfte Fermentierter Lebensmittel |
22 |
Cancer |
Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs benötigt 20 Jahre, um erkennbar
zu sein
- Wie er heute gestoppt werden kann |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
Die Jagd ist eröffnet beschleunigte Inhaftierung von
Verschwörern |
English |
24 |
Cosmos |
- Video |
24 |
Sol |
Dark of The Sun |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- Launching
The U.S. Terror War - The CIA, 9/11, Afghanistan, and
Central Asia
- Bush's Terror War and The Fixing of Intelligence |
24 |
Misticism |
- Archaeologists
Unearth 'Unparalleled' Pre-Christian Temple in Norway |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
Mass Arrests of 10,000 Global Cabal Members
- Imminent Televised Event - 2012
- Video |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- Rival
Emperor Stakes Claim to Japanese Throne
- Shows Evidence He is The Real Deal |
23 |
Parascience |
- Different
Toxins for Different Social Classes
- In The End We're All Poisoned |
23 |
Consciousness |
The Lion Wakes - Global Consciousness |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
Leaked Memo Says U.S. Special Operation Forces in Syria
Since December |
23 |
Sociopolitica |
Massive New Lawsuit Filed Against U.S. Federal
Government in Bond Theft Scheme |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
- Secret
"Occult Economy" Coming Out of The Shadows? |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
The Most Empowered Children of The Future Will Be
Deprogrammed and Deschooled |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
Colonial Elite Rules China for The Illuminati |
22 |
A Healthier
Industry |
- Plant
from Amazon Serves as Natural Painkiller Alternative |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
Year of The Dupe - One Year Into The Engineered "Arab
Spring" |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
Globalists Pull Plug on KONY 2012 with Spectacular Crash
and Burn |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
KONY 2012 Psy-Op Collapsing |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- A Ponerological Example in Africa
- Video |
21 |
Matrix |
Seven Steps to Dissolve The Matrix and Stop World War
Three |
21 |
Consciousness |
Scientific Proof That Galactic Energies Have Triggered
Worldwide Consciousness Expansion |
21 |
Consciousness |
- Has
Something Shifted? Entering The Twilight Zone? |
21 |
Parascience |
Solar Flare Symptoms |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
Is An American Military Coup The World’s Last, Best and
Only Hope? |
20 |
Consciousness |
- Critical
Mass Approaching
- The Shift Has Hit The Fan |
20 |
Internet |
Department of Justice Wants Court to Keep Google/NSA
Partnership Secret |
20 |
Internet |
Director of DARPA Departs Pentagon for Google
- Further
Reinforcing Government Ties |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- War
Criminals Bush and Cheney Can No Longer Travel Outside
the U.S. |
20 |
Parascience |
Afghanistan Massacre by U.S. Sergeant Reveals Epidemic
of Psychiatric Drugging of Soldiers |
19 |
Consciousness |
We Are Shifting Global Frequencies
- Major Victories Await for Humanity in This Decade -
19 |
Parascience |
Former Scientist and Pharma Executive Speaks Out on The
True Motives of Big Pharma |
19 |
Stargate |
- There And Back Again! |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Obama
Birth Certificate Maybe Forged
- Sheriff Joe Arpaio Says |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
The 0% Doctrine - Obama Breaks New Ground When It Comes
to War With Iran |
18 |
New Vision
Health |
- Neotame
- 13,000 Times Sweeter Than Sugar and Even More Toxic
Than Aspartame |
18 |
Aliens Life |
Analysis - Why Billy Meier's Pleiadians Lie and
Disinform |
18 |
Aliens Life |
Elizabeth Klarer - UFO Contactee and Space Traveler |
18 |
Parascience |
Big-Pharma Drugmakers Have Paid $8 Billion in Fraud
Fines |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
Will a Sitting President Finally Be Held Accountable for
High Crimes and Misdemeanors? |
Español |
22 |
Sociopolitica |
La Filantropía es Enemiga de La Justicia |
22 |
Solares |
La Tierra Podría Experimentar Enormes Niveles de
Radiación por El 2013 Dice La NASA |
22 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Después de Todo, Las Vacunas No Curaron la Poliomielitis |
22 |
Nueva Vision
Salud |
Humo, Espejos y la
'Desaparición' de La Poliomielitis |
21 |
Sociopolitica |
Del Porqué Usted No Puede Fumar Hierba
- Porque Los Lobbies se Están Enriqueciendo de La
'Guerra Contra Las Drogas' |
21 |
Andromeda |
Entrevista Alex Collier 3 Marzo 2012
21 |
Paraciencia |
Relámpagos Solares
- Las
Llamaradas Solares Pueden Ser Vistas Como Gigantescas
Descargas Electricas |
21 |
Sociopolitica |
- ¿Es
un Golpe Militar Estadounidense la Última, la Mejor y la
Única Esperanza del Mundo? |
20 |
Libros |
La Verdad Os Hará Libres
- Capitulo 11
19 |
Alienigena |
Una Breve Historia del Planeta Tierra |
19 |
Alienigena |
Sobre El Retorno de Los Dioses
- de Erich von Däniken
18 |
Paraciencia |
Máquina Fechada en 400 millones de Años Encontrada en
Rusia |
English |
17 |
Parascience |
Did BP Permanently Rip Open The Gulf Sea Floor Around
The Macondo Well? |
17 |
Parascience |
Monsanto's Roundup Threatens Stability of Global Food
Supply |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
Why Can’t You Smoke Pot? - Because Lobbyists Are Getting
Rich Off of The 'War on Drugs'
- Exclusive |
17 |
Parascience |
Machine Dated at 400 Million Years Found in Russia |
17 |
Vaccines |
- Smoke,
Mirrors, and The 'Disappearance' of Polio |
17 |
Vaccines |
Vaccines Didn't Cure Polio After All? |
16 |
Parascience |
- The Navy’s Unbelievable Firefighting Robot that Can
Understand Gestures and Throw Grenades |
16 |
Asteroids-Comets |
The Great Comet Venus |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
Greece Officially Defaults - UK Prepares for Euro
Collapse |
16 |
Parascience |
in Food Packaging - FDA to Decide by March 31 |
16 |
2012 |
2012 - The Mayan Word/La Palabra Maya
- Video |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- It
Is Time to Storm The Bastille - Vive La Revolution |
15 |
Scalar Tech |
- Health
Effects from EMFs |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
In Search of Justice - Summary of An International Law
Case in Finland |
15 |
WikiLeaks |
The Secret Iraq Files
- WikiLeaks
- Video |
15 |
The Moon |
- Proof
of Alien Civilizations Exist on The Moon
- NASA Lies Uncovered
- Video |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
Stratfor Confidential Emails Published by WikiLeaks |
14 |
Universe |
- Seeking
The Third Story - The Electric Universe
- Video |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
Top 1% Enjoyed 93% of Economic Recovery in 2010
- Report |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
- "I
Am Fishead" - Are Corporate Leaders Egotistical
- Video |
14 |
The Sun |
- Solar
Lightning - Solar Flares Can Be Thought of As Giant
Lightning Discharges |
14 |
Asteroids-Comets |
Elenin and The Mystery of Exploding Comets
- Video |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Prepares World Banking Revolution |
13 |
Consciousness |
A Call to Arms
- To Touch Fingers, Not Triggers |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Bigger Brother - Total Surveillance Comes to UK
- Video |
13 |
Future and
Beyond |
Organic Farming CAN Feed The World
- Don't Believe 'The Incapability of Producing Enough
Food for Everyone' Lie |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
Doing a 'Libya' in Syria
- The Big
Lie About a "Peoples' Revolution" |
12 |
Parascience |
- If
The Biotech Industry is So Proud of GMOs, Why Don't They
Tout GMOs on Food Packaging Labels? |
12 |
Crop Circles |
Crop Circle Phenomena and 2012 |
12 |
Aliens Life |
- How
Celestials Are Helping Humanity Prepare for
Extraterrestrial Contact and World Peace
- An Exopolitics Perspective |
12 |
Control |
- 'Contagion'
or How Disaster Movies "Educate" The Masses |
12 |
Aliens Life |
Extraterrestrial Contact and Integral Theory |
11 |
Aliens Life |
- A
Brief History of The Planet Earth |
11 |
Parascience |
Fear Mongering on Bird Flu - Deaths Overstated More Than
238,866 Times The Reality |
11 |
Parascience |
The 'Holy Grail' of Population Manipulation and Control
- Part I |
11 |
Ascension-Evolution |
- There
Is a Tipping Point for The Spread of Ideas and It Has
Finally Arrived |
11 |
Mysticism |
- Are
The New Testament Gospels History? Where's The Proof?
- Video |
Español |
16 |
Conciencia |
Estamos Cambiando Frecuencias Globales
Importantes Victorias le Esperan en Esta Década a La
Humanidad |
15 |
Paraciencia |
Portales y Rejillas de La Tierra |
13 |
Libros |
- ...Y
La Verdad Os Hará Libres
- Capitulos 9 y 10
12 |
Paraciencia |
Materia Gris en Nuestros Cerebros Está en Aumento y
Usted No Creerá Porqué |
Deutsch |
09 |
Parascience |
Journalistin erstattet Anzeige gegen WHO und UN wegen
Bioterrorismus und der Absicht des Massenmordes |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
Die kontrollierte Implosion von Federal Reserve Board
und EZB schreitet voran wie geplant |
English |
10 |
Andromeda |
Alex Collier Interview March 3, 2012
- English-Español
- Video and Multimedia  |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
Bill Gates - One of The World's Most Destructive Do-Gooders? |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
Philanthropy Is The Enemy of Justice |
10 |
Consciousness |
- Five
Stages of My Personal Awakening |
10 |
Parascience |
Beyond Hydration - The Shocking Intelligence of Water |
10 |
- Advanced
Modular Incoherent Scatter Radar (AMISR)
- Historical Perspectives
(Section related
10 |
AMISR - Weather Mod Cousin of HAARP |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
Global Intelligence-Gate
- From
Confessions of An Economic Hit Man to The Stratfor
Corporation |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
Mass Banking Resignations Signal a Purging Has Begun? |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
- Geithner
Arrested? 116 Major Bank Resignations?
- What
The Finance is This? |
09 |
Health |
Rappaport from NoMoreFakeNews Airs Dirty Secrets of The
Vaccine Industry
- Video |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Hunt Is On - Cabal Arrests Accelerating |
09 |
Predictions |
March 2012 - Clif High Predictions |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
White House Refuses to Release Email From
Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
Orwell's Startling World Is Officially Here |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
Turning The Tables on Big Brother
- Now Internet Users Can Watch Who Is Spying on Them in
Blow Against Google's New... |
08 |
Parascience |
- Failure
to Yield
Evaluating The Performance of Genetically Engineered
(Section related
08 |
Parascience |
- Sorry
Gates - GMO Crops Proven to Be Ineffective at Fighting
World Hunger |
08 |
Change |
Throwing Out The Free Market Playbook
- An Interview with Naomi Klein |
08 |
Parascience |
Voices in Your Head... Is The State Talking to You? |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
- Last
Chance Before Google Rounds Up Your Web History |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
Israel Has Destroyed Iran’s Nuclear Program
- According
to Stratfor Emails |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
New World Order - Blueprint of Madmen
- Video |
07 |
Future and
Beyond |
City 2.0 Already Obsolete - City 3.0 Already Up and
Running |
07 |
The Moon |
- Alien
Moon Base Captured by Chang'e-2 Orbiter? - 2012
- Video |
07 |
Consciousness |
We Are Shifting Global Frequencies
- Major Victories Await for Humanity in This Decade |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
Induction of Biogenic Magnetization
- Redox Control by a Component of the Target of
Rapamycin Complex 1
06 |
Parascience |
- Magnetic
Yeast May Harness Nature's Magnetic Capabilities |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
19 Signs That America Has Become a Crazy Control Freak
Nation Where Almost Everything is Illegal |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
Iran - A Quickly Evolving Geopolitical Imbroglio - Part
X |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
- Machines
of War - Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gates |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
Preparing “National Responder Support Camps” Eerily
Similar to KBR’s "National Quick Response Team" |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
- How One of The World's Wealthiest Men is Actively
Promoting a Corporate Takeover of... |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
Internet ‘Kill Switch’ Dropped From Cybersecurity Bill
- But White
House Still Claims Power to Intervene in World Wide Web |
05 |
Parascience |
Grey Matter in Our Brains Is Increasing and You Won't
Believe Why |
05 |
Parascience |
Earth's Grids and Portals |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
Argentine Advice for Greece - 'Default Now, Bring Back
The Drachma' |
04 |
Sociopolitics |
U.S. Intelligence Agencies Agree - No Evidence of
Iranian Nuclear Weapons Program |
04 |
Parascience |
Proposed Nanotechnology Will Convert Body Heat Into
Electric Current |
04 |
Consciousness |
Politics is Exhausting - And That's Exactly Its Point |
04 |
Cosmos |
- Dark
Matter - Darkness Cannot Drive Out Darkness |
04 |
Cosmos |
Blobs |
Español |
09 |
Libros |
- ...Y
La Verdad Os Hará Libres
- Capitulo 8
06 |
Sociopolitica |
- Máquinas
de Guerra - Blackwater, Monsanto y Bill Gates |
04 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Primera Prueba del Shock
- Dolores de Parto |
English |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner Arrested,
Questioned and Released
- Asian Negotiations Continue |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
Mediterranean Council for Intelligence Studies
- Yearbook 2012
(Sections related
03 |
Facebook |
Spies Increasingly Using Facebook-Twitter to Gather Data |
03 |
Facebook |
Facebook, Google, Yahoo are Spying Tools
- Julian
- Video |
03 |
Parascience |
Internal Documents Unmask Heart of Climate Denial
- Heartland Institute Exposed |
03 |
Monsanto |
- The
World’s Largest Human Experiment
- Monsanto's
Glyphosate-Based Roundup Herbicide |
02 |
Parascience |
Reality and The Extended Mind
- Video |
02 |
Parascience |
- Honey
Shown to Serve as An All Natural Antibiotic, Heals
Wounds |
02 |
Rothschilds |
Did Shabbetai Tzvi Father The Rothschilds? |
02 |
Rothschilds |
The House of Rothschild - The Money's Prophets
- Video |
02 |
Mars |
- Lisa
M. Harrison Interviews 1980-83 CIA Jumproom Experiencer
William Brett Stillings
- Video |
01 |
Aliens Life |
- Massive
Reptilian Undersea Base Destroyed
- 5.1
USGS Quake at Southeast Bay of Bengal - Andromeda
Council |
01 |
Aliens Life |
Secrets Revealed
- John Lear in Coas2Coast AM
01 |
Parascience |
Are Fungi The Earth's Natural Internet? |
01 |
Parascience |
Open-Sourced Technology Blueprints for Any New
Civilization |
01 |
Cancer |
- Soursop
Fruit 100 Fold Stronger at Killing Cancer Than
Chemotherapy |
01 |
Mysticism |
- 1st-Century
Gospel of Mark Fragment Found? |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- Recruiting
Religious Leaders as “Agents of Change” for One World
- United Nations Guidelines |
February |
29 |
Bioterrorism |
Lack of Security at Labs Handling World's Deadliest
Pathogens Could Lead to Epic Pandemic |
29 |
Weapons |
- Artificial
Hamburger Meat Successfully Grown in Vat of Bovine Fetal
Cells |
29 |
Disclosure |
Our Finest Hour... - Secrets Revealed by John Lear |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
Google and Facebook Accused of Bypassing iPhone's
Privacy Settings to Spy on Owners to Build Advertising
Profiles |
29 |
Banking |
- Money
and The Rise of The Alternative Currency |
29 |
Banking |
New Currency - The Next Great Plunder |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Did
The Dimona Dozen Murder The Fukushima 50? - 3/11 Was
Japan's 9/11 |
28 |
Parascience |
Chemtrails, Depopulation, and Weather Control/Warfare
- Michael Murphy
- Video |
28 |
Big Pharma |
Will Big Pharma Start Hacking Humans? |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- European
Super State One Step Closer or Approaching Imminent
Collapse? |
28 |
Parascience |
Elite Think Tanks, Neuroscience, and Military Mind Wars |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
Tasers Have Killed at Least 500 Americans |
27 |
Parascience |
- Medical
Marijuana |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
2.0 - The Trans-Pacific Partnership |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
The Despicable Truth Emerges About FATCA |
27 |
Exopolitica |
Eisenhower and The Aliens
- Former U.S. President 'Had Three Secret Meetings With
Extra Terrestrials' |
27 |
Parascience |
Open Seeds - Biopiracy and The Patenting of Life |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Soros
Big-Business Accountability Project Funded by
Big-Business |
26 |
Parascience |
- U.S.
Navy to Conduct Massive Atmospheric Experimental Tests |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
War Profiteering - A Cancer Upon America |
26 |
Parascience |
Bioeffects of Selected Nonlethal Weapons - Project
(Sections related
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Battlefield
Illusion - DARPA Working Towards Better "Human-Sensory
Battlefield Deception" |
Español |
01 |
Paraciencia |
Extraños Sonidos en El Cielo Explicados por Científicos |
01 |
La Tierra |
La Tierra… ¿Un Planeta de Cristal? |
01 |
Ascension-Evolucion |
El Llamado del Guardián |
Febrero |
29 |
2012 |
La Tierra
Prometida |
29 |
Paraciencia |
- ¿Es
el ADN el Próximo Internet?
- ¿Son los Humanos Realmente Seres de Luz? Su ADN Puede
Hablar |
28 |
Sociopolitica |
- ¿Ha
Eliminado La Central Dimona Dozen a La Central Fukushima
- El 3/11 Fue el 9/11 de Japón |
26 |
Sociopolitica |
Ingenieros del Shock
Investigación y Desarrollo |