Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
31 |
Sociopolitics |
- Decoding
the Twisted 'New World Order Mindset' |
31 |
Chemtrails |
- The
United Nations exposes Chemtrails - 100% Proof we are Being
Poisoned |
30 |
Depopulation |
- MD
Whistleblower leaking Plans for 'Staged Viral Release'
triggering United Nations 'Takeover and Depopulation' |
30 |
Globalization |
- From
Elephants to Electronics - The Ancient Phenomenon of Modern
Globalization |
30 |
Climate Change |
- Climate
Alarmists - 'Doomsday Predictions' fall Flat |
30 |
Psychic Universe |
- New
'AI-based Theory' explains your Weird Dreams
Español |
31 |
Global Elite |
Segundo Juicio de Nuremberg - Reiner Fuellmich anticipa una
Victoria de la Humanidad |
30 |
Virus |
Coronavirus - La Fuga del Laboratorio de Wuhan ya no es una
"Teoría de la Conspiración"
English |
29 |
- Gates
Unhinged - Dystopian Vision for the Future of Food |
29 |
Mysticism |
- The
Nomological Argument for the Existence of 'God' |
28 |
Depopulation |
- Quaternary
Weapon System activated before each 'Coronavirus Cluster
Explosion' |
27 |
Depopulation |
- 1,000
Lawyers and 10,000 Doctors have Filed a Lawsuit for
Violations of 'The Nuremberg Code' - Covid-19 |
27 |
Consciousness |
- What
is a Karmic Relationship? - 19 Signs and Stages |
27 |
Depopulation |
- Are
Spike Proteins being Released onto Cities? - Dr. Lee Merritt
26 |
Healthy Food |
- The
Science behind the Powerful Immune-Supporting Properties of
Organic functional Mushrooms |
26 |
Vaccines |
OCR Frontline Workers Testimonies - Covid-19 Vaccine - VAERS
April 2021
(Sections related
26 |
Healthy Food |
- 'New
Meat Substitute' has Geyser-Dwelling Fungi Origins |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Anticipating
World Order - Building the 'Political Kingdom of Man' |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Government
Scientific Advisors admit they used 'Totalitarian Fear
Tactics' to Control People during 'Pandemic' |
25 |
Depopulation |
- The
Coviv-19 'Extinction Level Event' |
25 |
Parascience |
- Dark
Fleet, Earth, Moon and Mars Briefings - SSP Alliance Updates
Resume |
24 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Healing of Athens |
24 |
Mysticism |
- Reincarnation
Now |
23 |
- The
WHO calls for Global System of Surveillance - Plus more
Authority over Nations and Billions more in Funding |
23 |
Virus |
- Sweden
Stops using PCR Tests - RNA from Viruses can be 'Detected
for Months After Infection' |
23 |
Virus-Vaccine |
- Governments
around the World Offer Extravagant Bribes in Desperate
Effort to Increase COVID Vaccine Uptake |
23 |
Virus |
- Is
Anthony Fauci Responsible for Killing More People than
Hitler did in Nazi Germany? |
Español |
29 |
Cosmos |
Escombros Espaciales Amenazan a nuestro Futuro en el Espacio |
28 |
Virus |
- Suecia
Deja de Utilizar las Pruebas PCR - El ARN de los Virus puede
'Detectarse Meses Después de la Infección' |
27 |
Cosmos |
Descubren en el Espacio Intergaláctico 'Etanolamina' que es
una Molécula Clave para la Vida |
27 |
Internet |
El Mundo está a punto de ver una Ola de Delitos Cibernéticos
- Dicen funcionarios de Ciberseguridad Alemanes |
26 |
Cosmos |
La Vida podría Estar por Todas Partes en el Universo |
26 |
Sociopolítica |
- Putin,
sobre los que quieren "Arrancarle" algo a Rusia - "Deben
saber que les Sacaremos los Dientes para..." |
26 |
Conciencia |
Cómo la Ciencia ha sido Corrompida |
25 |
Despoblación |
- ¿Estamos
Siendo Preparados para una Despoblación Masiva? |
25 |
Sociopolítica |
- Asesores
Científicos del Gobierno admiten usar 'Tácticas de Miedo
Totalitario' - Control durante la 'Pandemia'
24 |
Conciencia |
Más sobre la Naturaleza de las Energías 'Loosh' |
24 |
Virus |
Los Escépticos del Covid defienden la Ciencia - Universidad
del MIT |
24 |
Virus |
- Ivermectina
como Fármaco Preferido para la Prevención y Tratamiento del
COVID-19 |
23 |
Transhumanismo |
Convergencia Biodigital - Un explosivo Documento revela la
Verdadera Agenda |
English |
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- Aldous
Huxley foresaw our Despots - Fauci, Gates, and their Vaccine
Crusaders |
22 |
Asteroids |
- Asteroid
Impact - NASA simulation shows 'We are Sitting Ducks' |
21 |
Vaccines |
- Could
Magnetic Hydrogel explain the 'COVID Vax Magnet Phenomenon'? |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- Rothschilds
hijacked Science for their 'Mass De-Population Agenda' |
21 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Extraordinary History of Mesopotamia |
20 |
Consciousness |
- Ten
Things we have Learned during the Covid Coup |
20 |
Humanity's History |
- Did
a 'Universal Ancient Civilization' give Birth to all Other
Cultures across the World? |
19 |
Vaccines |
- A
Vaxxing Question |
19 |
Internet |
- Silicon
Valley Algorithm Manipulation is the 'Only Thing Keeping
Mainstream Media Alive' |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
- Vaccines
and New World Order - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995 Video |
18 |
Consciousness |
- Is
There such a Thing as Free Will? - And if not, What are the
Consequences? |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
- Alice
A. Bailey - Mother of the New Age or the New World Order? |
18 |
Virus |
- Ivermectin
as a Drug of Choice for Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 |
17 |
Virus |
- Doctor
defends '80 Clinical Studies' showing Ivermectin '89%
Effective' at Preventing COVID |
17 |
Consciousness |
- Great
Awakening vs. Global Reset - How Full Disclosure trumps
Transhumanism and Artificial Intelligence
16 |
Virus |
- The
Deadly COVID-19 Vaccine Cover-up |
16 |
Climate Change |
- Forests
the size of France Regrown since 2000 - Study Suggests |
16 |
Remote Viewing |
- Remote
Viewing U.S. Presidential Meetings with Extraterrestrials
and Secret Agreements |
Español |
22 |
Conciencia |
Tu Enfoque para la Nueva Tierra
21 |
Conciencia |
- ¿Hacia
dónde va la Línea de Tiempo de la Tierra? |
21 |
Arcontes |
Anatomía de un Ataque Arcóntico |
20 |
Conciencia |
- Diez
Cosas que hemos Aprendido durante el 'Golpe' del Covid |
19 |
Sociopolítica |
Vacunas y el Nuevo Orden Mundial - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995
Video |
19 |
Despoblación |
La Mitad de la Población Mundial perecerá en los Próximos 20
años - ¿Una Profecía? - Reprint de info del 2012 |
18 |
Conciencia |
- El
Ser Humano es el Único Animal que Necesita un Amo para Poder
Vivir |
17 |
Virus |
Falso que el Covid-19 sea 'solo' una Trombosis |
17 |
Virus |
Fin del Juego - El virus No Provoca la Enfermedad, es un
Tremendo Error de Diagnóstico |
17 |
Anunnaki |
- Asiria
- Tierra de Demonios |
17 |
Arcontes |
Fuerzas Negativas |
16 |
Conciencia |
- Los
Voluntarios y el Despertar del la Tierra - "La Leyenda de
los Humanos del Siglo 21"
Italiano |
18 |
Sociopolitica |
Vaccini e il Nuovo Ordine Mondiale - Dr. Pierre Gilbert 1995
Video |
17 |
Sociopolitica |
- Melinda
Gates era "Furiosa" per la Relazione di Bill con Jeffrey
Epstein |
16 |
Sociopolitica |
Bill e Melinda Gates Divorziano dopo 27 anni di Matrimonio |
English |
15 |
Virus |
- Possible
Antidote for the 'V-Serum' Vaccine and the Current Spike
Protein Contagion |
15 |
Remote Viewing |
- Uncovering
the Truth through 'Remote Viewing' - Nazis and Reptilians in
Antarctica |
14 |
Global Cooling |
- Global
Temperature drops Below 30-Year Baseline - Earth is Cooling
- says UAH (Univ. of Alabama Huntsville) |
13 |
Vaccines |
- Vaccine
Passports - One Passport to Rule Them All |
13 |
Global Elite |
- The
Davos Revolution and the Re-Making of Civilization |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
- Melinda
Gates was 'Furious' about Bill's relationship with Jeffrey
Epstein |
12 |
Cosmos |
- Supermassive
Black Hole Observing Campaign at Galaxy M-87 |
12 |
Humanity's History |
- Social
Tensions among Ancient 'Pueblo Societies' contributed to
their Downfall - Not only Drought |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- A
Small Pandemic to allow 'One World Government' |
11 |
Virus |
- The
'Viral Fragment Theory' of Covid-19 Vascular Complications |
10 |
Virus |
- Artificial
Spike Proteins and the End of Human Health |
10 |
Consciousness |
- Awakening
to Spiritual Consciousness
10 |
Global Cooling |
- Are
we Headed into Another Ice Age? |
10 |
Virus |
- 7,766
DEAD 330,218 Injuries - European Database of Adverse Drug
Reactions for COVID-19 "Vaccines" |
09 |
Channelers |
- Man
Being - Volume IV: Bucephalus |
09 |
Depopulation |
- World
War III - Depopulation, Nuclear War vs. "Bio War" |
Español |
15 |
Asteroides |
Estamos Indefensos ante el Impacto de un Gran Asteroide |
14 |
Sociopolítica |
- 'The
Economist' presentó la Era de las "Govcoins" |
14 |
Virus |
Un Nuevo Informe arroja luz sobre el Culto Apocalíptico de
las Vacunas |
14 |
Virus |
Posible Antídoto para el V-Serum
13 |
- "Frente
a 3 Millones de Muertos por el COVID hay 9 Millones de
Muertos por el Hambre al Año" - Dr. Joan Martínez |
13 |
Vida Alienígena |
La Federación Galáctica inició la Limpieza Planetaria |
12 |
Control Mental |
El Control Mental NO es una 'Teoría de la Conspiración' |
11 |
Conciencia |
- El
Maestro Humberto Maturana - Conciencia |
11 |
Paraciencia |
Cómo los Gobiernos siguen Experimentando con sus Ciudadanos |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
Castillo vs. Fujimori - Perú ante una Elección Imposible |
09 |
Conciencia |
- Despertar
a la Consciencia Espiritual
09 |
Agujero Negro |
Astrónomos han Detectado el Agujero Negro más cercano a la
Tierra |
09 |
Control Mental |
La Fabricación de una Psicosis Masiva - ¿Puede la Cordura
volver a un Mundo Loco? |
English |
08 |
Transhumanism |
Scientists are mixing Human Body Parts with Robots and
Monkeys |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bill
and Melinda Gates to Divorce after 27 years of Marriage |
07 |
Food |
- Global
Junk Food
07 |
Virus |
- The
Covidian Cult |
07 |
Alien Life |
- Is
Mars in the midst of a 'Planetary Liberation War'? |
06 |
Universe |
- Titan's
Largest Crater might be the 'Perfect Cradle for Life' |
05 |
Media |
Director admitting that his Network is "Propaganda" |
04 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
- The
mysterious 'Handbag of the Gods' - Depicted in Sumer,
America and Göbekli Tepe |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bill
Gates, China, 23andMe and your DNA |
03 |
Virus |
- Covid-19
alters Human Genes - Explaining mystery behind Coronavirus
'Long Haulers' |
03 |
Mind Control |
- The
Manufacturing of a Mass Psychosis - Can Sanity Return to an
Insane World? |
02 |
Humanity's History |
- What
you can Learn from the African 'Hadza Tribe' |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Questions
for Washington D.C. 'Swamp Creatures' |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Chinese
President Highlights the "World Wants Justice" and "Not
Hegemony" |
01 |
Alien Life |
- How
the Covid-19 'Pandemic' is Preparing Humanity for First
Contact |
01 |
Climate Change |
- Why
Covid-19 will end up Harming the Environment |
Español |
08 |
Sociopolítica |
El 'Delirio Verde Anti-euro-asiático' de Biden y la carrera
de Estados Unidos hacia la Irrelevancia |
07 |
Ponerología |
- El
Mal Puro y Completo, Enmascarado como Pandemia |
06 |
Marte |
Nueva Tecnología reduce a Meses la Duración del Viaje a
Marte |
05 |
Virus |
- "Cualquiera
que te diga que las Vacunas son Seguras y efectivas está
05 |
Sociopolítica |
Jennifer Gates se sincera sobre el Divorcio de sus Padres |
05 |
Ovni |
- La
Marina de EE.UU. cree que algunos OVNIs podrían provenir de
Bases Submarinas - Jeremy Corbell |
04 |
Sociopolítica |
Estalla Colombia y Derrota al Gobierno de Ultraderecha |
04 |
Universo |
Descubren una Señal de Radio Natural en la Atmósfera de
Venus |
03 |
Virus |
- El
Paradigma de los Encierros se Derrumba - Covid-19 |
03 |
Sincronismo |
La Cosmología Críptica del Sincromisticismo |
02 |
Internet |
El Covid-19 ha Envalentonado a nuestros 'Censores' Modernos |
01 |
Sociopolítica |
- Italia
a las Órdenes de Estados Unidos contra Rusia |
01 |
Marte |
Comienza la Terraformación de Marte |
Italiano |
06 |
Sociopolitica |
- Biden
sostiene la Rinascita della 'Sua Idea' piano Colombia 2.0
impostato per iniziare ad Aprile 2021 |
02 |
Storia Umanità |
Catone il Giovane - Nemico mortale di Giulio Cesare, fu un
Uomo Immune alle Tangenti, che odiava il Lusso... |