Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Articulo-Article |
30 |
Parascience |
Physicists Twist Light and Send 'Hello World' Message
between Islands |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
E.U. Parliament Moves to Counter Russian Media 'Propaganda'
- Claims RT News 'Distorts Truth' |
30 |
Cosmos |
Discovery of a Nearby Super Earth with Only 5 Times Our Mass |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Major
Media Crash - They Need a Scapegoat |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
To "Counter" Populism, Start by Taking Globalization's
Discontents Seriously |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Switzerland
Follows Iceland in Declaring War Against the Banksters |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Roaming
Charges - When the Pterodactyls Came Home to Roost |
28 |
Internet |
Stop Letting Facebook Control Your News - Says Snowden to
the World |
28 |
Consciousness |
A Native American Prayer to Awaken Your Spirit |
27 |
Consciousness |
The Wisdom of Alan Watts |
27 |
Exopolitics |
Secret Space Program Disclosures and False Flag Alien
Invasion-Events |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
The '60 Minutes' Interview George Soros Tried to Bury! |
Español |
30 |
Sociopolítica |
- Trump
Contra la Maquinaria Política
- Cómo las Elites Políticas Fracasaron |
30 |
Paraciencia |
Computadoras hechas de Material Genético Revolucionarán
nuestro Mundo |
30 |
Sociopolítica |
El Parlamento Europeo Aprueba la Resolución Contra los
Medios Rusos |
29 |
Ascensión-Evolución |
El Báculo o Cayado del Pastor |
29 |
Misticismo |
ha Muerto" - La Polémica Afirmación de Nietzsche que Invita
a Liberarnos de la Moral Cristiana |
29 |
Ciencia Real |
- Aleister
Crowley vs. Adolf Hitler - La Guerra Mágica más Épica de la
Historia |
28 |
Paraciencia |
La Matrícula de Ingreso al Colegio Invisible |
28 |
El Futuro y Mas
Allá |
Nueva Tendencia en China - Millennials que se Van a las
Montañas a Vivir como Ermitaños |
27 |
Sociopolítica |
- Los
Plenos Poderes del Presidente de Estados Unidos |
27 |
Paraciencia |
La Manipulación de la Información en las Realidades
Entrópicas |
Italiano |
28 |
Parascienza |
La Vibrazione del Mondo |
English |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
E.U. the Toothless Tiger - Totally Dysfunctional Until it
Disintegrates into Oblivion |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Risks of Re-Election Fever in Latin America |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
The Soros Master Plan |
25 |
Cosmos |
Colonizing the Solar System |
25 |
Parascience |
The Energetics of Food - How the Food you Eat Affects your
Mental and Emotional Health |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
Julian Assange - 'Google is Not What it Seems' - They 'Do
Things the CIA Cannot' |
24 |
Internet |
- Elite
Panicking? - Independent Media has More Power than
Mainstream Media |
24 |
Angela Merkel Sounds Death Knell for TTIP - But don't thank
Donald Trump |
24 |
Monsanto |
- Monsanto
Desperately Hoping to Hide New Food Safety Test Results |
23 |
Consciousness |
One Soul, Many Bodies - The Case for Reincarnation |
23 |
Parascience |
Poles are Shifting and Earth's Magnetic Field is About to
- Conclude Studies |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
Trump Against the Machine - How Political Elites Failed |
22 |
Internet |
The War Is On! - List of 'Fake News' Sites including
Disclose.tv, Breitbart, Infowars, Zerohedge... |
22 |
Genoma |
CRISPR Gene-Editing Tested in a Person for the First Time |
22 |
Parascience |
Global Freezing - 15-year Ice Age to hit in Just 4 Years as
the Sun Prepares to 'Hibernate' |
21 |
Internet |
Two-thirds of the World's Internet Users Live Under
Government Censorship
- Report |
21 |
Exopolitics |
Eisenhower's Meetings with Extraterrestrials are Only the
Tip of the Iceberg |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- Julian
Assange's Most Incendiary Interview - "Hillary Clinton is
the Central Cog of the Establishment" |
20 |
Parascience |
Ten Remarkable Ancient Indian Sages Familiar with Advanced
Technology and Science Long Before Modern... |
20 |
Parascience |
Computers Made of Genetic Material will Revolutionize Our
World |
20 |
Big Pharma |
Bad News for the Pharma Cartel - Statin Profits Collapsing
- The Cholesterol Bubble has Burst |
Español |
26 |
Conciencia |
Una Sociedad Adolescente y lo "Políticamente Correcto"
- ¿Y si Clint Eastwood Tuviera Razón? |
26 |
Conciencia |
- El
Mito de la Mente en Blanco |
26 |
Paraciencia |
- Cómo
puede Eliminar Comandos Saboteadores del Cerebro |
25 |
China se Frota las Manos con la Muerte del TPP |
25 |
Sociopolítica |
Trump y el Brexit son Represalias contra el Neoliberalismo y
la Corrupción |
25 |
Sociopolítica |
- La
Fuente de Nuestra Ira - La Élite Gobernante está Protegida
de las Consecuencias de su Predominio |
24 |
Conciencia |
- Visiones
sobre la Biología y la Evolución
- Robert Monroe |
24 |
Paraciencia |
Desentrañando el Misterio de los Tulpas
- Antiguos Secretos Tibetanos
cómo Crear una Forma-Pensamiento 'Viviente' |
24 |
Conciencia |
- Cuando
Nuestra Conciencia se Transforma de Puramente Intuitiva a
Pensamiento Lineal |
23 |
Paraciencia |
La Hipótesis Criptoterrestre - Los Eterianos |
23 |
Sociopolítica |
La "Triple Frontera" - Crimen Organizado y 'Delito de Cuello
Blanco' en Paraguay |
22 |
Sociopolítica |
Turquía Puede Unirse a la OCS |
22 |
Humanidad |
Hallan una Monumental Estructura Pétrea en Kazajistán -
Cerca del Mar Caspio |
21 |
Nueva Visión
Salud |
- ¡Adiós
Quimioterapia! - Españoles Desarrollan Generador que
Destruye Tumores |
21 |
Sociopolítica |
Acerca de EE.UU., Soros y Sus Esquemas |
20 |
Paraciencia |
Un Estudio Explica porqué Australia se Desplaza de su
Posición Dos Veces al Año |
20 |
Paraciencia |
- Lo
Que Intentan Ocultarnos - Cómo Curar cualquier Enfermedad
Italiano |
22 |
Sociopolitica |
Russia, Cina e Arabia Saudita mettono a Repentaglio
l'Egemonia del Dollaro |
English |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
President Trump - The Anti-Globalist USA Champion or Just
Another Con-Man Riding a Trojan Horse? |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
Russia Shoves Antitrust Probe into Microsoft after Kaspersky
Gripes about Windows-10 |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
- Actually
'Nobody' Won the 2016 Presidential Election - And it Was a
Landslide... |
18 |
Shamanism |
Art of Smudging - A Shamanic Cleansing Ritual
18 |
Sociopolitics |
CETA - Playing with the Politics of Power |
18 |
Consciousness |
When does Our Consciousness Transform from Being Purely
Intuitive to Linear Thought? |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
Trump and Brexit are Retaliation for Neoliberalism and
Corruption |
17 |
- Obama
to attend TPP Summit, hold Talks with Xi and Turnbull during
next APEC in Lima, Peru |
17 |
Parascience |
Poison |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
I Just Sued the School System...!
17 |
Alien Life |
- Physicist
Explains Why We Haven't Seen Extraterrestrials Yet and It's
Not Good |
16 |
Alien Life |
Why Haven't We Met Any Aliens Yet? |
16 |
Future and
Beyond |
This Street Grows its Own Food for the Entire Neighborhood |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
As Renzi's Referendum Gamble Approaches, Italy Could Be the
EU's Next Headache |
15 |
Consciousness |
Whilst the World Wakes Up, the World Falls Apart |
15 |
Secret Corporate Government Merger - Known as the TPP - is
Finally Dead |
15 |
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is Dead - Schumer tells Labor
Leaders  |
14 |
Cosmos |
- What
Sonic Black Holes Say About Real Ones |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
The Source of our Rage - The Ruling Elite is Protected from
the Consequences of its Dominance |
14 |
Future and
Beyond |
These Plants are Oxygen Bombs and they Clean the Air in Your
Home |
13 |
Parascience |
Ninety Percent of so-called 'Clean Hydroelectric Projects'
will Usher-in a New Wave of Mercury Contamination |
13 |
Parascience |
Leaked NASA Paper Shows the 'Impossible' EM Drive Really
Does Work |
13 |
Parascience |
- Unraveling
the Mystery of Tulpas - Ancient Tibetan Secrets Reveal how
to Create a 'Living' Thought-Form |
Español |
19 |
Sociopolítica |
El Imperio Americano - Intervensionismo Internacional,
Guerra Psicológica y la CIA -
19 |
Consciencia |
- Terrorífico...
¿Es así como "Controlan" Completamente el Mundo? |
18 |
Paraciencia |
La Curación de Todas las Enfermedades y el Fin de las
18 |
Consciencia |
El Plan Tóxico Cósmico |
17 |
Cosmos |
- Matusalén
- El Planeta más Viejo del Cosmos |
17 |
Sociopolítica |
Rusia Frente a su Destino |
17 |
Sociopolítica |
de Demandar al Sistema Escolar...!
16 |
Consciencia |
Somos Creadores de Nuestra Realidad
- La Verdadera Cura de las Enfermedades... Buscan que
Siga Oculta
16 |
Humanidad |
- Juan
Santos Atahualpa - El Rebelde Mesiánico del Perú Virreinal |
15 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Porqué
están tan Histéricos los Políticos y Medios Españoles con la
Victoria de Trump? |
15 |
Paraciencia |
La Vibración del Mundo |
14 |
Paraciencia |
Generación Zapped
- Documental Transformador que Destaca los Riesgos de Salud Asociados
con la Tec. Inalámbrica |
14 |
Misticismo |
- Recuperándose
de la Represión Religiosa - El Viaje a la Libertad |
13 |
Consciencia |
Predadores de Energía |
13 |
Paraciencia |
Excitotoxinas - "El Sabor que Mata" |
Italiano |
17 |
Sociopolitica |
Ho Appena Citato in Giudizio il Sistema Scolastico...!
16 |
Sociopolitica |
Turchia dice NO agli USA e alla UE |
16 |
Storia Umanitá |
Notitia Dignitatum - Il Documento Romano dove appare il
Simbolo dello Yin e Yang |
English |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
Julian Assange Releases Statement on the U.S. 2016 Election
- Breaking |
12 |
Big Pharma |
- How
Far has the Medical Profession Fallen from the Hippocratic
Oath? |
12 |
Parascience |
Why Physicists are Saying Consciousness is a State of
Matter, Like a Solid, a Liquid or a Gas |
11 |
Parascience |
The "Non Physical" is Real - Physicists say Consciousness
Should Be Considered a State of Matter |
11 |
New Vision
Health |
Turns into Formaldehyde and Methanol in the Body - Donald
Rumsfeld Got it Legalized |
11 |
Mysticism |
Religious Madness and Conceptual Blindness |
10 |
Consciousness |
There is No One Way to Live on this Planet but We Can Be
- Anonymous |
10 |
History |
Why is the Vatican Covering-Up the History of the Pre-Flood
- Suppressed |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Path to Total Dictatorship - America's Shadow Government and
its Silent Coup |
09 |
Parascience |
Little Ice Age has Begun and will Bring 'Deep Cooling'
Says Astrophysicist |
09 |
Parascience |
- The
Vibration of the World |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
Vladimir Putin Traitor to the New World Order
08 |
Sociopolitics |
U.S. Naval False Flags - A Brief History |
08 |
History |
New Evidence of Early Man Suppressed
- Forbidden Archaeology
08 |
Consciousness |
How to Answer Your Calling - Three Ways to Remember why Your
Soul Chose this Life |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
The Globalization of Media - A Failing Strike Force |
07 |
Consciousness |
Abandonment of Heart, Love and Connection |
07 |
Consciousness |
- Six
Habits of Highly Empathic People |
06 |
Cosmos |
Saturn's Hexagonal Storm Mysteriously Changes from Blue to
Gold |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
- U.S.
vs. Russia in Syria - A Battle to Control the Truth |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
Evidence DARPA-CIA Time Travel Pre-identified Trump as
Future U.S. President |
06 |
Parascience |
Scientists Target 2026 as the Year of the First Synthetic
Genome |
Español |
12 |
Consciencia |
- El
Camino Visionario |
12 |
Nibiru - Planeta
X |
Continúa Aumentando la Evidencia sobre el Noveno Planeta
(Ex-Planeta Diez) |
12 |
Consciencia |
Turiya - El Misterioso Cuarto Estado de la Conciencia |
11 |
Big Pharma |
La Alquimia del Poder - La Industria Farmacéutica
- Su Historia, sus Medicamentos y cómo Manipula el Mundo |
11 |
Conciencia |
Ocho Señales que el Mundo Está Experimentando un Cambio
de Paradigma |
11 |
Paraciencia |
- Favorece la Digestión, la Circulación Sanguínea, es
Antiviral, Antiinflamatorio y Analgésico |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Borrón
y Cuenta Nueva...? - Obama a America Latina |
10 |
Consciencia |
El Campo Magnético de la Tierra y la Conciencia |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
Vladimir Putin - Directamente de la Boca de la Verdad |
09 |
Sociopolítica |
Las "Reformas" y el FMI - Llanamente Privatizaciones |
09 |
Cosmos |
Células del Cuerpo Emiten Luz antes de Morir, igual que las
Supernovas en el Espacio |
09 |
Cosmos |
- Científicos
Confirman Similitudes Estructurales entre Células Humanas y
Estrellas de Neutrones |
08 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Le
Hacen 'Bullying' Continental a Venezuela? |
08 |
Sociopolítica |
- "Cuba
es el Símbolo de la Valentía de un Pueblo" |
08 |
Sociopolítica |
- Sobre
el Caos en EE.UU. y Su (Eventual) Recuperación |
07 |
Paraciencia |
Mundo Entero Celebra la Cura contra el SIDA - Veneno de
Abeja |
07 |
Mapas |
Authagraph - Un Mapa del Mundo que Muestra las Auténticas
Proporciones de los Continentes |
06 |
Sociopolítica |
- Turquía
dice NO a los EE.UU. y a la UE |
06 |
Humanidad |
Notitia Dignitatum - El Documento Romano donde Aparece el
Símbolo del Yin y el Yang |
English |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
The Hillary Clinton Takeover of the United States
05 |
Sociopolitics |
- Vladimir
Putin - Straight from the Horse's Mouth |
05 |
NeoArcheology |
Dropa Stone Discs with 12,000 Year Old Alien Glyphs |
05 |
Sociopolitics |
WikiLeaks List Exposes at Least 65 Corporate 'Presstitutes'
who Colluded to Hide Clinton's Crimes |
04 |
Consciousness |
- Escape!...
from the Cult of Materialism
04 |
Sociopolitics |
These Blast Points on Hillary's Campaign... Only the Deep
State is So Precise |
04 |
Big Pharma |
- Alchemy
of Power - The Pharma Industry - Its History, its Drugs, and
How it Manipulates the World |
04 |
Parascience |
Generation Zapped
- Transformational Documentary Highlights Health Risks
Associated with Wireless Technology |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
The Dark Agenda Behind Globalism and Open Borders |
03 |
Parascience |
Russian Scientists Predict Ice Age within 15 Years Because
Sun is 'Cooling' |
03 |
Consciousness |
Death is Just an Illusion - We Continue to Live in A
Parallel Universe |
02 |
Mysticism |
Recovering from Religious Repression - The Journey to
Freedom |
02 |
Parascience |
- To
the Horror of Global Warming Alarmists, Global Cooling is
Here |
02 |
Cosmos |
Planets Around Stars like Proxima Centauri are Probably
Earth-Sized Water Worlds |
01 |
Internet |
- The
Real Reason Why the United Nations Wants Control Over the
Internet - Technocracy |
01 |
Alien Life |
Were There Aliens Before Us? |
01 |
Consciousness |
The Earth's Magnetic Field and Consciousness |
Español |
05 |
Sociopolítica |
- Una
Increíble Rebelión en el "Estado Profundo" de EE.UU. a Punto
de Acabar con Hillary Clinton |
05 |
Humanidad |
- Los
Neandertales Sufrieron Estrés Poblacional ante la Llegada
del 'Homo Sapiens' |
04 |
Hermandades |
Rosacruces - Historia y Hechos Sobre la Misteriosa Sociedad
Secreta |
04 |
Ciencia Real |
Demonología del Siglo 21 |
04 |
Sociopolítica |
Rusia, China y Arabia Saudita ponen en Jaque a la Hegemonía
del Dólar |
03 |
Consciencia |
- La
Consciencia de Seres Universales y el "Big Picture" |
03 |
Sociopolítica |
La Tercera Guerra Mundial y el Control del Agua |
03 |
Consciencia |
- Cómo
Defendernos de la Poca Ética y Moral de Fuentes Contactadas
y Canalizadas
- El Protocolo a Seguir... |
02 |
Orión |
Puerta de Orión en la "Víspera de Todos los Santos" y Más
Allá... |
02 |
Internet |
Desconectados - La Nueva Tribu Urbana que Abandona Internet
para Abrazar la Vida Real |
02 |
Consciencia |
- Las
Ballenas También Lloran a sus Muertos |
01 |
Internet |
Lucha de Titanes - Skype se Blinda ante la Nueva Amenaza de
WhatsApp |
01 |
Consciencia |
El Arte de No Enfermarse |