Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
U.S. Military is a Bigger Polluter than as many as 140
Countries |
30 |
Gaia |
Dozens of
'Extinct' Creatures found Alive in 'Lost City' Deep within
Rainforest |
Español |
30 |
Misticismo |
- Las
Razones por las Cuales las Religiones Organizadas han
Fallado |
30 |
Sociopolítica |
se está Convirtiendo en 'Russiagate 2.0' |
English |
29 |
Cosmos |
- There
are so Many Water-Worlds Out There |
29 |
Healthy Food |
Fermenting Garlic - Let's Look at Some Varieties |
28 |
Internet |
Google - None Dare Call It Sedition |
28 |
Internet |
Google Has Become Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" |
27 |
Parascience |
- Major
Quantum Computing Advance Made Obsolete by Teenager |
27 |
Parascience |
The Dangerous Methane Mystery |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
Juan Guaidó - A Neocon Tool for Unlocking Venezuela's Vast
Resources |
27 |
Reptilians |
- Ports
of Gaol - "Eggs Files" for Dragons Feeling for Europe's
26 |
Cosmos |
Heavy Metals Result of Supernova Explosion - University of
Guelph Researcher Discovers |
26 |
Internet |
Google's Chrome Web Browser "Has Become Spy Software" |
26 |
Sun |
- The
Sun is so Blank that it Looks Like a Billiard Ball |
25 |
Global Warming |
Global Warming, Carbon Dioxide and the Solar Minimum |
24 |
5G |
Defeating 5G as a Mass 'DEW' - A Directed Energy Weapon
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- Dead
on Arrival - A Brief Post-Mortem on the U.S.' Regime-Change
Operation in Venezuela |
24 |
Parascience |
The U.S. Military emits more Greenhouse Gases than Sweden
and Denmark |
24 |
Cosmos |
Something Strange Punched a Hole in the Milky Way - But what
Exactly is It? |
23 |
Consciousness |
- Death
- The Desolation of Thought |
23 |
Mysticism |
- Some
Reasons You should Never Have a Religion |
23 |
Humanity's History |
Did another Advanced Species Exist on Earth before Modern
Humans? |
23 |
Cosmos |
Magnetic Fields may muzzle Milky Way's Monster Black Hole |
Español |
29 |
Ciencia Real |
- Cuatro Lecciones Espirituales del 'Hombre Mas Malvado' del
Mundo |
28 |
Enfriamiento Global |
Si "Groenlandia se está Derritiendo..." ¿Cómo explican los
Alarmistas el Creciente Glaciar de Groenlandia...? |
28 |
Sociopolítica |
Gobierno Incompatible con la Cultura Nacional de Brasil? |
28 |
Paraciencia |
- Las
Gallinas Sustituyen a los Pesticidas en el Campo Francés |
26 |
Paraciencia |
Porqué los Alimentos Orgánicos son Buenos no solo para el
Cuerpo, sino también para la Mente y el Alma |
26 |
Paraciencia |
La 'Singularidad
de la Piel' está Cerca |
26 |
Conciencia |
- La
Felicidad No Sigue al Éxito... Es Todo al Contrario |
26 |
Sol |
Fenómeno Cósmico Extremadamente Raro - Tormenta Solar |
25 |
Conciencia |
Desencadenamientos y Proyecciones del Trabajo con la Sombra
- La Matriz Cósmica |
24 |
Paraciencia |
- Abrazando
el Universo Inmaterial |
24 |
Sociopolítica |
Conozca el Mini-BOT - Italia Romperá la Zona Euro |
23 |
Sociopolítica |
El Estado de Vigilancia Omnipresente - '1984' de Orwell ya
No Es una Ficción |
23 |
5G |
- 5G
- El Panorama General o el Asalto Final |
23 |
Internet |
Treinta y dos Consejos para Navegar en una Sociedad llena de
Propaganda y Manipulación |
Italiano |
23 |
Sociopolitica |
- Il
Katechon Negativo tra Sacro e Potere - L'Agonia dell'Impero
Americano el il Nuovo Nomos della Terra |
English |
22 |
Shamanism |
- Some
Signs you may Possess Thunderbird Medicine |
21 |
Mysticism |
The Reasons Why Organized Religion Failed |
21 |
Consciousness |
Four Reasons why Belief in Authority is the Most Dangerous
Superstition |
21 |
Cosmos |
- Jupiter
Moon Europa's Salty Surface may Indicate an Ocean that's
Good for Life |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
The Omnipresent Surveillance State - Orwell's 1984 is No
Longer Fiction |
20 |
Future and Beyond |
Floating Cities - The Future or a Washed-up Idea? |
20 |
5G |
- 5G
- The Big Picture or The Final Assault |
19 |
Sociopolitics |
This Outlaw Power - America's Intent is to Dominate China,
Russia and the World |
19 |
NeoArcheology |
Monolith at Gobekli Tepe |
19 |
Consciousness |
- The
Breath of Brahma |
18 |
Cosmos |
Physicists Debate Hawking's idea that the Universe had No
Beginning |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
Do We Face a Global Food Disaster? |
18 |
Microbiome |
Tantalizing Evidence of a Brain Microbiome |
17 |
Consciousness |
How Consciousness and Energy facilitate Evolutionary
Development |
17 |
Media |
- This
is Not Journalism - Univision warps Reality to Push 'U.S.
War Agenda' on Venezuela |
17 |
Royal Science |
Spiritual Lessons from the 'Wickedest Man' in the World |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Secret
Brazil Archive 2019 - Reports on Operation Car Wash, Justice
Minister Sergio Moro and Lula da Silva |
16 |
Consciousness |
Five Counterintuitive Traits of Highly Evolved Humans |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
The "Enemy" in Brussels |
Español |
22 |
Internet |
La "Teoría del Bosque Oscuro" de la Internet |
21 |
Sociopolítica |
Escándalo debilita al "Héroe" de la Anticorrupción en Brasil |
21 |
Cambios en la Tierra |
- Satélites
Muestran que la Deforestación Amazónica aumenta en el Brasil
de Bolsonaro |
20 |
Paraciencia |
Pollo de Granjas Industriales - Principal Responsable de
Numerosas Infecciones en los Seres Humanos |
20 |
Futuro y Mas Allá |
Estos Puentes demuestran que Sí es posible Convivir en
Armonía con la Naturaleza |
19 |
Paraciencia |
está Financiando Interfaces Removibles Cerebro-Máquina |
19 |
Arcontes |
Arcontes - ¿Estás Siendo Controlado por las Fuerzas del
Anti-Despertar? |
18 |
Historia Humanidad |
Los Pueblos Perdidos debajo del Mar del Norte |
18 |
Monsanto-Bayer |
- El
Uso de Glifosato Aumenta y debe tener Cuidado como Realizar
el Test del Mismo |
17 |
5G |
La Red de Vigilancia 5G |
17 |
Sociopolítica |
El Momento Unipolar ha Terminado |
16 |
Conciencia |
Porqué nuestro Miedo a la Muerte es Proporcional a nuestro
Miedo a la Vida |
16 |
Conciencia |
- ¿Existe
el Libre Albedrío o somos Títeres de Procesos Inconscientes? |
Italiano |
18 |
Sociopolitica |
- 'Scontro
di Civiltà' o Crisi della Civiltà? |
English |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
The Enemy in Brussels - What do the Right-wing Populist Want?
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- Russia-China
- The Summit which the Media Ignored |
14 |
Sociopolitics |
70 Years Later it's Still '1984' |
14 |
Cosmos |
Rotating Black Holes may Serve as Gentle Portals for
Hyperspace Travel |
14 |
Archons |
- Archons
- Are You Being Controlled by the Forces of Anti-Awakening? |
13 |
Parascience |
- Only
Ten Percent of the World's Grasslands are Intact |
13 |
Parascience |
Top 15 Healing Remedies to Beat Autoimmune Disease Naturally |
13 |
Internet |
- Edward
Snowden explains Blockchain to his Lawyer and the Rest of Us |
12 |
Alien Life |
Son of the Sun - 'Alexander Blade' |
12 |
5G |
5G - The War on Earth's Natural Ecosystems and Human
Consciousness |
12 |
Global Cooling |
Mother Nature Speaks Out about Climate Change |
11 |
Predictions |
1973 an MIT Computer Predicted when Civilization will End |
11 |
Parascience |
- We
Need Worms - Gut Worms were once a cause of Disease, now
they are a Cure |
11 |
Disclosure |
Trump Be the Disclosure President? |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
The Long Arm of the Bilderberg Group |
10 |
Consciousness |
- Why
Our Fear of Death is Proportionate to Our Fear of Life |
10 |
Ascension-Evolution |
5G/5D - An Illuminating Synchronicity signaling the Time of
our Ascension |
09 |
Parascience |
- LEDs
have Damaging Health Effects - French Assessment Says |
09 |
Cosmos |
The Electric Universe Theory - An Alternative Model of
09 |
Sociopolitics |
Why Trump now Wants Talks with Iran |
Español |
15 |
Paraciencia |
Trampas en los Estados Alterados - La Manipulación de las
Plantas Medicinales |
14 |
Futuro y Mas Allá |
Alternativas Asequibles y Ecológicas para Vivir en una Casa
Tradicional |
14 |
El Gran Hermano |
- Bienvenidos
al Futuro Orwelliano - Control Mental, Telepatía,
Supersoldados, Transhumanismo, Supervigilancia |
13 |
Vida Alienígena |
Génesis - Tetralogía
13 |
Historia Humanidad |
de la Leyenda Negra de la Conquista Española |
12 |
Nuestros Orígenes |
- ADN,
Primates y el Demiurgo - ¿Es que algo Interfirió con nuestra
Estructura Genética? |
12 |
Sociopolítica |
El Mundo ha Perdido su Brújula |
11 |
Conciencia |
Los "Despertadores" son Agentes de Cambio |
11 |
Sociopolítica |
- Libera
tu Mente del Lavado de Cerebro de los Medios de Comunicación |
10 |
Internet |
Gmail de Google Escanea, Controla la Sintaxis, Analiza y
Cataloga tu Correo Electrónico |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
Una Mirada a las Elecciones al Parlamento Europeo 2019 |
09 |
Paraciencia |
- Sincronicidad
- Algunas Maneras de Interpretarla y Manifestarla |
09 |
Conciencia |
La Propia Sombra - Abrazando tu Oscuridad Interior |
English |
08 |
Internet |
Thirty-Two Tips for Navigating a Society that is Full of
Propaganda and Manipulation |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- More
Police Raids as War on Journalism Escalates Worldwide |
07 |
Consciousness |
True Nature of Reality -
07 |
Consciousness |
On Consciously bringing Heaven-on-Earth into Existence |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
- American
Militarism is Destroying the Future of Humanity |
06 |
Sol |
- Extremely
Rare Cosmic Phenomenon - Solar Storm |
06 |
Humanity's History |
New Human Species found in the Philippines
05 |
NeoArcheology |
- Mystery
of the Controversial 'Cascajal Block' - Oldest Writing in
the Americas |
05 |
Consciousness |
Is the Revolution Internal or External? |
05 |
Internet |
The Dark Forest Theory of the Internet |
05 |
Microbiota |
Common Food Additive E171 found to affect Gut Microbiota |
04 |
Future and Beyond |
Affordable and Earth-Friendly Alternatives to Living in a
Traditional House |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Rockefeller Way - The Family's Covert 'Climate Change' Plan |
03 |
5G |
About an Impending 5G Apocalypse... |
03 |
Consciousness |
How this Universe was Introduced |
03 |
Consciousness |
- Shadow
Self - Embracing Your Inner Darkness |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- What
and Who Gave Us Trump? |
02 |
Our Origins |
DNA, Apes and the Demiurge - Did Something Interfere with
our Genetic Structure? |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
Direct Democracy is the Future of Human Governance - Part 2 |
Español |
08 |
Historia Humanidad |
Científicos Investigan Posibilidad de que haya Existido una
Civilización Millones de Años Atrás en la Tierra |
07 |
Conciencia |
- La
Verdadera Naturaleza de la Realidad
06 |
Historia Humanidad |
La Vida No Puede Ser trabajar toda la Semana e ir el Sábado
al Supermercado - Esa Vida No es Humana |
06 |
Paraciencia |
Pronto Sabremos quién está Contaminando el Mundo gracias a
los Satélites y la Inteligencia Artificial |
06 |
Sociopolítica |
- La
Empática Victoria de Farage en las Elecciones Europeas - La
Ruina para Conservadores y Corbyn |
05 |
Cosmos |
Teoría sugiere que Rayos Cósmicos Aceleraron la Evolución
Humana |
04 |
Genoma |
Las Células tienen su Propia Internet - Es más Sofisticada
que la Red Informática y se llama Cell-Wide Web |
04 |
Paraciencia |
- Descubren
en las Bermudas un Nuevo Mecanismo de Formación de Volcanes |
03 |
Paraciencia |
Hallan Materia Orgánica Extraterrestre en Montañas de
Sudáfrica |
02 |
Sociopolítica |
El Proceso de los Banqueros para Esclavizar a la Humanidad |
02 |
Sociopolítica |
- Gran
Fracaso de la ONU en Protección a Civiles en los Conflictos |
02 |
Conciencia |
El Trabajo con la Sombra - La Guía Definitiva y un Test
Psicológico |
Italiano |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
- Il
Pericoloso Nazionalismo Ucraino |
02 |
Sociopolitica |
La Fabbrica di Migranti che Salvini Non toccherà mai |