Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
31 |
Gaia |
- Wild
Mammals are making a Comeback in Europe thanks to
Conservation Efforts |
31 |
Healthy Food |
- The
way Food is Changing Us Internally |
30 |
Health Industry |
- Irritable
Bowel Syndrome - New Studies suggest Vitamin D deficiency
may be Key Factor |
30 |
Transhumanism |
- Hybrid
World - The Plan to Modify and Control the Human Race
30 |
Technocracy-Virus |
- Monkeypox
- Technocracy's next wave of 'Crimes Against Humanity' |
30 |
Consciousness |
- Welcome
to 2030 - I Own Land, Live Among Like Minded People, and
Life Has Never Been Better |
29 |
WHO-Tyranny |
- The
Back Door to "Global Tyranny" - The World Health Order (WHO)
and the "Global Pandemic Treaty" |
29 |
Global Elite |
- Bill
Gates Lays Out Plan for Global Takeover |
29 |
Kissinger |
- Kissinger
Speaks - Ukraine must give Russia Territory |
Español |
31 |
Soros-Reptiliano |
Soros - Un Verdadero y Excelente "Reptiliano" - Exdiputado
ruso advierte de No Subestimarlo |
30 |
Contacto-ETs |
- "El
Contacto con Extraterrestres podría darse en los Próximos 10
Años" - Jaime Maussan |
30 |
Conciencia |
Bienvenido al 2030 - Soy Dueño de la Tierra, Vivo entre
Personas Afines y la Vida nunca ha sido Mejor |
30 |
Conciencia |
La Conciencia es el Colapso de la Función de Onda |
29 |
Sociopolítica |
- Significado
de la Guerra en el Siglo XXI |
29 |
Gaia |
Un Equipo
de Científicos Chinos ha descubierto un Gigantesco Bosque a
192 m de Profundidad |
English |
28 |
Internet |
- Fraud
Fighters - Hackers expose Illegal Call Centers and Phone
Scams - Marketplace
27 |
Consciousness |
- Physicist
who had 'Near-Death Experience' explores the Afterlife -
Pondering weird Quantum Physics |
27 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- How
to Prevent and Treat COVID Jab Injuries |
27 |
Great Reset |
- Causing
Downfall of Civilization by deliberate Destruction of
Infrastructure |
26 |
- Spreading
Fear - The Ammunition Needed to Construct a 'New World
Order' |
26 |
Energy-Weather |
- Wind
Farms keep being Wiped Out by Wild Weather |
25 |
Great Reset |
- A
Closer Look at "The Gatekeepers" of Medical Research |
25 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- Is
Ivermectin a Cancer Solution? |
25 |
Virus |
- The
Triumph of Natural Immunity |
24 |
Russia |
- Russia-Putin
and the West |
24 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- World's
Leading Physicians and Scientists are analyzing the 'COVID
23 |
Consciousness |
- The
Consequence of Consciousness |
23 |
China-Great Reset |
- China
Lockdowns leading to 'Total Control of Population' |
22 |
Global Cooling |
- Are
We on the Brink of a New Little Ice Age? |
22 |
Big Pharma |
- These
13 Corporations are "Big Pharma" - Their History, Crimes,
and Products |
22 |
The Sun |
- The
First Sunquake of Solar Cycle 25 |
22 |
Global Elite |
- Who
will eventually 'Own Everything' including You? |
22 |
Google-AI |
- Is
Google's 'DeepMind AI' close to 'Human-Level' Intelligence? |
Español |
28 |
Conciencia |
El Sonido es la Medicina del Futuro |
28 |
Propagando el Miedo - La Munición necesaria para Construir
un 'Nuevo Orden Mundial' |
27 |
Psicopatía |
- Psicopatía
y Crímenes contra la Humanidad |
26 |
Virus-Ivermectina |
- ¿Es
la Ivermectina una Solución al Cáncer? |
26 |
Vida Alien |
Descubierto un raro Libro del siglo XVII que predice Vida
Extraterrestre |
25 |
Conciencia |
- El
Alma de Hoy - El Espíritu como Signo de los Tiempos |
24 |
America Latina |
Los Megaproyectos de Transporte de América Latina que
podrían revolucionar el Comercio Internacional |
24 |
Meteorito |
Rara Piedra Extraterrestre encontrada en el Desierto Egipcio
podría arrojar luz sobre los Misterios del Universo |
23 |
Rusia |
- Putin
y el Giro de Rusia |
23 |
Gran Reset |
2da Cumbre Covid-19 Global - Líderes Mundiales dicen 'lo
mismo' con un Único Mensaje - ¿Porque será...?
23 |
Virus-Mascarillas |
Las Máscaras Faciales No pueden Detener el COVID-19 -
Ingeniería Social Ilegal e Insalubre |
22 |
Cosmos |
- La
Arqueología también tiene Lugar entre las Estrellas |
English |
21 |
Great Reset |
- The
Final Battle for Humanity - It is 'Now or Never' in the
'Long War Against Homo Sapiens' |
21 |
Mars |
- Were
Ancient Martians murdered by Nuclear Bomb-Dropping Aliens? -
An Investigation |
20 |
Great Reset |
- Ukraine-Russia
and the World Economic Forum - A Planned Milestone towards
"The Great Reset"? |
20 |
Virus-Covid19 |
- The
Corona Virus is just a Concept that only Exists on Paper |
19 |
United Nations |
Klaus Schwab WEF and UN General Secretary Guterres signed an
Agreement to accelerate Agenda 2030 |
19 |
Gaia |
- Scientists
baffled as two Mysterious 'Continent-sized' Blobs found
inside Earth's Core |
19 |
Virus-Face Mask |
- Face
Mask Usage correlates with Higher Death Rates - New study |
18 |
Consciousness |
- V.A.S.T.
- A Revolutionary Approach to Revolution |
17 |
Evolution Life |
- In
Test Tubes, RNA Molecules evolve into a 'Tiny Ecosystem' |
17 |
Flying Objects |
- The
100 year of 'UFO ET Cover Up' - Timeline of Events, People
and Organizations |
16 |
Alien Life |
- Contacts
with Galactic Federation of Worlds
(Section related
16 |
Cosmos-Water |
- A
Water-rich World in the Inner Solar System-that isn't Earth |
16 |
Bill Gates-WHO |
- "Bill
Gates' Dream" to Control the Planet through the World Health
Organization is becoming Closer to Reality |
16 |
Media Control |
The Media Control and Storming 'Fort Orthodox' - Strategies
to break through the Bubble |
15 |
Russia-EU |
- Russian
Sanctions on Europe
15 |
Food Control |
- Big
Pharma set to control 'Entire Food Supply' - Monsanto-Bayer
and Bill Gates join hands... |
15 |
Great Reset |
- Why
THEY Need World War III |
Español |
20 |
Gran Reset |
Un Reinicio del Dinero en el que los Ricos No Son Dueños de
Todo |
20 |
Gaia |
Tiankeng - El Pozo más Grande y Profundo del Mundo |
19 |
Internet-Google |
- Cuidado
con la Manipulación de las Empresas de Tecnología como
Google |
19 |
Nefilim |
Los Nefilim eran Reales - Según un Manuscrito de 2000 años
de Antigüedad |
18 |
Conciencia |
La Idiotización de la Sociedad como Estrategia de Dominación |
18 |
Conciencia |
- Pepe
Mujica - Montesquieu, los Oligarcas Rusos, la Elite Global y
17 |
Agujeros Negros |
Captan imagen de Agujero Negro en el centro de la Vía Láctea |
17 |
Gran Hermano |
Sobre la Servidumbre Voluntaria |
16 |
Conciencia |
- La
Ciencia y el Campo Akásico de Ervin Laszlo |
16 |
Cerebro |
Los Cerebros 'Hackeados' Votan |
15 |
Tsunami |
Megaterremoto y Tsunami hace 3.800 años -
Cazadores-recolectores de Chile en el interior durante 1.000
años |
15 |
Virus-Mascarillas |
- Costa
Rica Elimina Obligatoriedad de Mascarillas y Vacunas contra
COVID-19 |
English |
14 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Have
People Been Given the Wrong Vaccine? |
13 |
Big Brother |
- Biden
Administration creates 'Ministry of Truth' |
13 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Increase
in Reactivated Viruses following COVID-19 Booster Shots -
Dr. Richard Urso |
12 |
Consciousness |
- The
Gospel According to Soul |
12 |
Cosmos-Titan |
- Titan
- Space experts think Saturn's moon could be 'like Earth' |
12 |
Bill Gates |
- Vandana
Shiva on the Taking Down of Bill Gates' Empires |
12 |
Consciousness |
- The
Inflated Ego - Some Unexpected ways it Enslaves, Dominates
and Fools You |
11 |
Internet |
- Internet
Censorship 2022 - A Global Map of Internet Restrictions |
11 |
Virus-Sociopolitics |
- Covid
- The Destruction of Institutions and Beyond |
11 |
Great Reset |
- Overcoming
the Noble Lie - Great Narratives and Compelling Futures |
10 |
Internet-Musk |
- Elon
Musk - Champion of Free Speech or Wolf in Sheep's Clothing? |
10 |
Genoma-Moon |
- Human
DNA Headed to Moon "Seed Vault" for Aliens to Find |
10 |
The Moon |
- Secrets
of the Moon's Permanent Shadows are Coming to Light |
10 |
Russia |
- Russia
is Being Hacked at an Unprecedented Scale |
09 |
Planet 9-'X'-Nibiru |
- Searching
for Planet 9 |
09 |
Great Reset |
- World
Economic Forum believes People are "Useless Eaters" - Views
their "Brains and Bodies" as product... |
08 |
Mysticism |
- Spirituality
vs. Religion - Some Differences with Pros and Cons |
08 |
Virus-Vaccine |
- Does
the COVID Jab 'Kill More People than it Saves'...? |
08 |
Musk-Schwab |
- How
Elon Musk Stacks Up against Klaus Schwab and the WEF |
Español |
14 |
Conciencia-Astral |
- La Ecuación de la Meditación |
13 |
Conciencia-Ego |
- El
Ego Inflado - Algunas formas Inesperadas en las que te
Esclaviza, Domina y Engaña |
13 |
Hambruna |
Alemania Advierte de una Hambruna Global |
12 |
Virus-Vacunas |
La Vacuna de AstraZeneca - Fuimos Esenciales y Ahora somos
Invisibles |
11 |
America Latina |
- América
no es EE.UU. - La Lección que debería Aprender la OEA |
10 |
Virus-PCR |
Pruebas Masivas de PCR - La Idea Fatal |
10 |
Arqueologia |
Los Megalitos de Tiwanaku/Pumapunku son Geopolímeros
Artificiales |
10 |
Gigantes |
- El
Misterio de los Gigantes Namlú'u - ¿La Primera y Original
raza Humana? |
09 |
Control Mental |
Componentes del Control Mental MK Ultra |
08 |
Estados Unidos |
EE.UU. el Mayor Progenitor de la Desinformación en la
Historia |
08 |
Asia-China |
Cómo el Espectro del Comunismo Chino rige nuestro Mundo |
Italiano |
14 |
USA-Russia |
- Gli
USA non credono che la Guerra di Ucraina finisca in una
Guerra Nucleare |
12 |
Genoma |
- Il
Mistero del perché gli Esseri Umani Muoiono circa a 80 anni
potrebbe essere Risolto |
10 |
Oro-Cina |
Scoperto uno dei Maggiori Giacimenti di Oro in Cina - Si è
formato in modo Diverso dai Modelli Comuni |
09 |
Vaticano |
- L'Agenda
del Nuovo Ordine Mondiale richiede che l'Italia dovrebbe
soccombere - Arcivescovo Carlo Maria Viganò |
08 |
Elite Globale |
- I
Globalisti hanno un Grosso Problema - Dietro Bilderberg, la
Trilaterale, il WEF... |
English |
07 |
Microplastics-Mask |
- Study
Shows MOST People Now have Microplastics in their Lungs -
Found in Disposable Masks... |
06 |
Geoengineering |
- The
Dimming - Climate Engineering Documentary
06 |
Big Pharma |
- The
'Bird Flu Hoax' is being Recycled again to create 'Fear and
More Profits' for Big Pharma |
06 |
Asia |
- The
China Model unravels in Shanghai - Lockdowns |
05 |
Genoma |
- Mystery
of why Humans Die around 80 may finally be Solved |
05 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Denmark
Becomes the First Country to Suspend ALL COVID Vaccinations! |
05 |
Humanity's History |
- New
Study Challenges the Beginning of Civilization |
04 |
Latin America |
- The
U.S. Military is Training Third World Coup Leaders "Again"... |
04 |
Internet-Twitter |
- Twitter
accepts Elon Musk's buyout offer of $43 Billion as he vows
to Return Platform to Free Speech Forum |
04 |
Implants |
- Human
Microchip Implants and the Internet of Bodies |
03 |
War-Propaganda |
- The
War that Never Ends |
03 |
Electric Universe |
- Birkeland
Currents and Weather - Donald E. Scott
03 |
Transhumanism |
- Dismantling
the Transhumanist Agenda |
02 |
Energy-Wind |
- Transition
to Bankruptcy - Europe's Wind Turbine makers face Massive
Financial Collapse |
02 |
Vaticano |
- 'The
New World Order Agenda requires that Italy should Perish' -
Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò |
02 |
Russia-Ukraine |
to Probe War Crimes in Ukraine - Eurojust |
01 |
Virus-PCR |
- Mass
PCR Testing - The Fatal Conceit |
01 |
Remote Viewing |
- Remote
Viewing ET Manipulation in Russia Ukraine War |
01 |
Internet-Twitter |
How Elon Musk can Make Twitter GREAT Again |
Español |
07 |
Nanotecnología |
Ingeniero Christopher Montenegro comenta sobre
Nanotecnología hallada en Vial de AstraZeneca |
06 |
America Latina |
- La
'pandemia' aceleró Censura en Latinoamérica - dice RSF... |
05 |
Cambio Climático |
La Primavera se ha Adelantado un Mes - Según 75 años de
Estudio sobre 'los carboneros' |
05 |
Oro-China |
Descubren uno de los Mayores Yacimientos de Oro en China -
Se formó de manera Diferente al Modelo Común |
04 |
Tecnología Alien |
- ¿Cómo
Cambiaría la Humanidad si encontramos Tecnología de
Civilizaciones Alienígenas? |
04 |
Nefilim-Leyendas |
El Golem - La Leyenda Talmúdica |
03 |
AL-Rusia-EEUU |
América Latina no quiere una nueva Guerra Fría |
03 |
Twitter-Musk |
- Elon
Musk comparte un Adelanto de lo que tiene Planeado para
Twitter |
02 |
Control Mental |
El Mayor Truco de Todos |
02 |
Vida-Panspermia |
Se observan más Componentes del ADN en los Meteoritos - Se
refuerza la Teoría de la Panspermia |
01 |
Rusia-Ucrania |
- EE.UU.
No Cree que el Conflicto de Ucrania acabe en una Guerra
Nuclear |
01 |
Conciencia |
El Materialismo y la Pérdida del Alma |
Italiano |
03 |
Europa-Ucrania |
L'Europa al limite di Una Crisi Profonda visto l'appoggio
all'Ucraina - "E' ciò che gli Stati Uniti ha desiderato" |
01 |
Atlantide-Tunisia |
- "L'Atlantide
Tunisina" - Una Civiltà Ancestrale sotto le sabbie
dell'Africa |