Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
27 |
Consciousness |
- Where
is Earth's Timeline Going? |
26 |
Virus |
- Doctor
with Bioweapons Expertise calls Covid-19 Vaccines
"Weaponized Medicine" |
26 |
Alien Life |
- The
Cosmic War against Human Civilization - Situation Update,
Feb. 23, 2021 |
26 |
Archons |
- The
Anatomy of an Archon Attack |
25 |
The WHO |
- TrustWHO
- Documentary on World Health Organization
25 |
Genoma |
- Do
you have the 'Good' or 'Bad' Covid-19 Neanderthal Genes? |
24 |
Virus |
- Fauci's
'Latest Prediction' on Masks shows this is all about
'Controlling People' rather than 'Controlling Covid' |
24 |
Global Warming |
- The
Fraud of Climate Change and the Drive for Control |
24 |
The WHO |
Exposed - How Health Body changed 'Pandemic Criteria' to
Push Agenda |
24 |
Great Reset |
- We
should 'Drive all Blames into One' - We may as well Blame
the Great Reset for our Dystopia - Buddhists... |
23 |
Bicarbonate |
- Bicarbonate
proves to be 'Cheapest Fastest Safest COVID Treatment' |
23 |
Virus |
- The
Mysterious Case of 'Disappearing Flu' - UK COVID Conundrum |
22 |
Virus |
- Covid-19
- Statement on Virus Isolation - SOVI |
22 |
Sumer |
- Assyria
- Land of Demons |
21 |
Asteroid |
- 'Rocket
Booster' mistaken for an Asteroid shows 'Oumuamua is Not
just a Space Rock - Astronomer says... |
21 |
Global Cooling |
- Earth
Cooling Dramatically |
21 |
Holo Universe |
- Did
'Someone' place us in a 'Holographic Universe' and give us
'Simulated Life' we consider as Reality? |
21 |
Galactic Federation |
- History
of the Extraterrestrial Agenda and the Coming Global
Español |
27 |
Virus |
- "No
puedo dejar de Preguntarme por el Covid-19" |
26 |
Historia Humanidad |
Historia de la Creación de la Humanidad |
26 |
Sociopolítica |
Nuevo Gobierno en Italia - ¿Por quién Repica la Campanilla? |
25 |
Cambios Tierra |
Una especie de 'Fin del Mundo' ocurrió hace 42.000 Años y
podría Repetirse |
25 |
Virus |
Saben lo que Eres - Ahora solo están Regateando el Precio... |
24 |
Cosmos |
muchos Planetas con Océanos y Continentes en la Vía Láctea |
23 |
Internet |
- Dejar
Facebook antes de que nos deje a Nosotrxs |
23 |
Sociopolítica |
Plan' - Foro Económico Mundial y Otros...
23 |
Conciencia |
La Inestabilidad del 'Clima Humano' |
22 |
Sociopolítica |
- China
se Apodera de Europa - La Nueva Ruta de la Seda |
21 |
Sociopolítica |
Bill Gates "Guerrero" del Clima y Super Emisor |
21 |
Realidad |
- Imaginación
vs. Fantasía vs. Realidad - Cómo Desechamos aquello que No
podemos Crear |
Italiano |
23 |
Sociopolitica |
Gran Reseat? - Putin ha detto: "Non così in Fretta" - Il
Presidente Russo ha rilasciato un'Intervista al WEF |
21 |
Sociopolitica |
- "Sbagliato
in modo Catastrofico" - Il Tribunale Tedesco dichiara il
Lockdown regionale Incostituzionale... |
English |
20 |
Parascience |
- Developing
Algorithms that Might One Day be used Against You |
20 |
Alien Life |
- The
Earth Alliance - Full Disclosure and the Coming Global
Revolution |
19 |
Consciousness |
- Understanding
Human Nature - Wal Thornhill
18 |
Climate Change |
- 'Staggering
Rise in Climate Related Disasters' UN Claims, but Reality is
a DOWNWARD Trend in Disasters |
17 |
Artificial Intelligence |
developing Artificial Intelligence to Help 'Predict the
Future' |
17 |
Virus |
- The
COVID Cult and the 10 Stages of Genocide |
16 |
Virus |
- How
to Create a False Pandemic |
16 |
Agenda 21 |
- Greta
Thunberg accidentally Reveals that "She's just a Puppet" and
is now under Criminal Investigation in India |
16 |
Sol |
- A
Solar Siesta |
16 |
Virus |
- The
Fauci/COVID-19 Dossier |
15 |
Great Reset |
- How
'Fake Walrus Story' helped Sell the WEF's Great Reset at
Davos |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- Great
Reset? Putin Says, 'Not So Fast' - Russian President
delivers Speech at 'Virtual WEF' |
14 |
Matrix |
- Our
Creator is a 'Cosmic Computer Programmer' - Says Jet
Propulsion Laboratory Scientist |
14 |
Parascience |
- Neutrinos,
Atomic Clocks and an Experiment to detect a Time Dilation |
14 |
New Vision Health |
- "The
Universal Antidote - Yellow Water" - Documental
Español |
20 |
Sociopolítica |
Comisión de Derechos Humanos de Chile amplía una Querella
contra Piñera por 'Delitos de Lesa Humanidad' |
19 |
Sociopolítica |
- Biden
y los Demócratas van a Sembrar el Caos en América Latina |
19 |
Historia Humanidad |
Encarnaciones Simultáneas de nuestro Logos y las diferentes
"Humanidades" de la Tierra |
18 |
Sumer Anunnaki |
Enki y Enlil - La "Historia Prohibida" del Origen de la
Humanidad |
18 |
Marte |
- ¿Quién
Gobernará Marte cuando consigamos Establecer una Colonia
allí? |
17 |
Virus |
Los CDC 'Inflaron' las Tasas de Mortalidad por COVID-19 en
un 1600% - Informe |
17 |
Nueva Visión Salud |
- "El
Antídoto Universal - Agua Amarilla" - Documental
16 |
Paraciencia |
- El
Silencio de los Genes |
16 |
Sociopolítica |
lo que Contribuye a la Fragmentación facilita el Proyecto de
Soros' - Carlos Astiz |
15 |
Virus |
Por qué si das Positivo en una Prueba PCR es Imperativo
Averiguar el Umbral del Ciclo que se Ejecutó |
15 |
Cambio Clima |
- No,
la Tierra NO ESTÁ en una 'Emergencia Climática' -
Delingpole |
14 |
La OMS Cambia los Criterios de la Prueba de PCR para 'Encubrir
los Falsos Positivos'... |
14 |
Cosmos |
- Un
Resplandor Difuso de Rayos Gamma ilumina el Corazón de la
Vía Láctea |
Italiano |
17 |
Storia Umanità |
L'importanza di Mettere in Discussione la Storia - Da Malta
ai Rotoli del Mar Morto |
16 |
Virus |
Cosa è successo alla "Influenza di Stagione?" - L'Influenza
è stata Riclassificata come Coronavirus... |
15 |
Vaticano |
- Papa
Francesco avverte che la Fratellanza è "La Sfida del nostro
Secolo" |
15 |
Sociopolitica |
Bill Gates è Scioccato dal fatto che Non Piace alle Persone
o non Hanno Fiducia in Lui |
14 |
Cosmos |
- I
Serpenti tra le Stelle - La Costellazione dell'Idra |
English |
13 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Importance of Questioning History - From Malta to the Dead
Sea Scrolls |
13 |
Sun |
- What
if... A Perfect CME Hit Earth? |
12 |
Virus |
- The
Fog of War - Proof Masks and Lockdowns are Worthless |
12 |
Climate Change |
- No,
Earth IS NOT in a 'Climate Emergency' - Delingpole |
12 |
BioTerrorism |
- Technocrats
Prepare to Meet a 'Never-Ending Parade of Biological
Threats' |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bill
Gates is Shocked that People don't Like or Trust Him |
11 |
Wetiko |
- Wetiko
- Totalitarian Psychosis in Our World... and Our Minds |
10 |
Sociopolitics |
- Time
Magazine posts Shocking Admission that Biden Election was
Orchestrated by a 'Well-Funded... |
10 |
Virus - Vaccines |
- Over
500 Deaths Now following mRNA Experimental Injections - The
09 |
changes PCR Test Criteria to 'Cover-up False Positives'... |
09 |
Water |
- Where
did Earth's Water come From?
09 |
Virus |
- What
happened to "Flu Season?" - In the age of COVID, "The Flu"
has been Reclassified as Coronavirus... |
09 |
Virus |
- The
more 'You think You Know'? - Maddening Covid-19 Flip-Flops
keep Population Scared, Obedient and Igno... |
08 |
Humanity's History |
- The
History of Humiliation points to the Future of Human Dignity |
08 |
UFOs |
Document Dump reveals 70 Years of U.S. Government UFO Info |
07 |
Parascience |
- There's
No Way we could Stop a Rogue A.I. |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
- 'Catastrophically
Wrong' - German Court declares regional Lockdown
Unconstitutional in 'Politically Explosive'... |
07 |
Energy |
- What's
Wrong with Wind and Solar Energy Needs? |
07 |
5G |
- 5G
is Just Arriving but '6G is Already in the Works' |
Español |
13 |
Vacunas |
- Estas
Vacunas que Agravan la Enfermedad... |
12 |
Cosmos |
Descubren una "Forma Segura" por la que los Seres Humanos
podrían Ingresar en un Agujero Negro |
12 |
Exopolítica |
Eisenhower y los Alienígenas - Los Orígenes de la
Exopolítica |
11 |
Industria Farma. |
- La
Mafia Médica - El Negocio de Crear Enfermedades |
10 |
Vaticano |
Papa Francisco advierte que la Fraternidad es "el Desafío de
Nuestro Siglo" |
10 |
Gran Reset |
El Cardenal Müller advierte contra el "Gran Reset" promovido
en Davos por los "Amos del Mundo" |
09 |
Virus |
- Las
Vacunas del Covid-19 - Entrevista a María José Albarracín en
Canal 5
08 |
Virus |
La Farsa del Covid-19 |
08 |
Paraciencia |
El Océano Atlántico se está Ensanchando |
08 |
Sociopolítica |
- Biden
'Imperator' |
07 |
Conciencia |
Conciencia COVID - ¿Un Contagioso Despertar o una Realidad
Consensuada? |
Italiano |
11 |
Sociopolitica |
- Vladimir
Putin avverte sul Dominio "Big Tech" degli USA - Davos |
08 |
Virus |
Ancora un altro Studio mostra - nuovamente - che i Lockdown
Non Funzionano |
07 |
NeoArcheologia |
- Ricercatori
Spagnoli fanno luce sulla Resistenza dei RapaNui dopo la
deforestazione dell'Isola di Pasqua |
English |
06 |
Virus |
- Yet
another Study shows - Yet Again - that Lockdowns Don't Work |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
- Vladimir
Putin warns of US 'Big Tech' Dominance - Davos |
05 |
Virus |
- Official
Covid-19 Death Numbers - The Fraud and The Killing |
05 |
Alien Life |
- Experts
Claim there are 'Three Hostile Alien Species visiting Earth' |
05 |
Virus |
- Ten
Reasons that SARS-CoV-2 is an 'Imaginary and Theoretical
Virus' |
04 |
Galactic Federation |
- A
Declaration from 'The People of Planet Earth' |
03 |
Virus |
- The
Scam has been Confirmed - PCR does Not detect SARS-CoV-2
(Section related
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Origin of Climate and Population Alarmism - Club of Rome and
Sweden |
03 |
Vaccines |
- The
Vaccines, The Plunder and the Arrival of 'The Great Reset' |
02 |
Consciousness |
- Spiritual
Transformation - Some Signs You're Evolving |
02 |
Transhumanism |
- Beyond
IoT and 5G - Internet of Bodies or IoB |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Deep State's Stealthy, Subversive, Silent Coup to ensure
'Nothing Changes' |
02 |
Consciousness |
Consciousness - A Contagion of Awakening or a Consensus
Reality? |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- A
New Film designed as an Homage to 'Climate Change's child
deity' Greta Thunberg |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
- Joe
Biden pledges 'Allegiance to the New World Order' in 1992
Article |
01 |
Virus |
admits High-Cycle PCR Tests Produce 'COVID False Positives'
- Right On Cue for Biden... |
Español |
06 |
Conciencia |
Nos Hicieron Creer... |
05 |
Sociopolítica |
- La
Psicopatía y los Orígenes del Totalitarismo |
05 |
Sociopolítica |
Cómo 'Nos dejamos Manipular' por las Redes Sociales
04 |
Nobleza Negra |
Elizabeth Somerset Feodorovna Bowes-Lyon Belenoff - Somos
los Vigilantes de las Sombras |
04 |
Inteligencia Artificial |
Plataforma Secreta de Inteligencia Artificial del HHS puede
'Predecir' Brotes de Covid-19 dentro de EE.UU... |
03 |
5G |
Histórico 'Proceso Judicial contra la Tecnología 5G' en los
EE.UU. |
03 |
Vida Alien |
Los Ángeles Caídos y los Nefilim - Explicado en el Libro
escrito por el Abuelo de Noé |
02 |
Egipto |
- Hallan
Pergamino del "Libro de los Muertos" en antiguo Templo
Funerario en Egipto |
02 |
Facebook |
- ¿Es
Facebook una 'Máquina de Destrucción Masiva'? |
02 |
Sociopolítica |
Vuelve el Viejo Orden a Estados Unidos |
01 |
NeoArqueologia |
El Misterio del Lago Titicaca - Una Civilización Perdida
hallada bajo sus Aguas |
Italiano |
04 |
Clima |
Dozzine di Scienziati rivelano "La Maggior parte del Pianeta
Oggi è Più Freddo" di quanto lo fosse 8000 anni fa |
03 |
Mangiare Sano |
- Come
Mangiare secondo uno Stoico - "Le Antiche Diete" dei Cinici
e degli Stoici |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
- I
Personaggi del Great Reset - Cosa potrebbe essere il futuro
2021… se "le Elites che Controllano" fanno a... |