Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
30 |
Alien Life |
- 'What
if We're the Ants in this Network of Civilizations?' - UFO
Expert says we should Prepare for Imminent ET... |
30 |
Future and Beyond |
- Forests
- Regrowing in Size |
29 |
Alien Life |
- Remote
Viewing the Galactic Federation of Worlds - Part 1  |
29 |
Virus |
- Virus
- The Biggest Fraud Against Humanity - Dr. Robert O. Young
29 |
Virus |
- If
You Get Jabbed after Watching this You're Beyond Saving...! |
29 |
Consciousness |
- Unleashing
the Spirit of Life |
28 |
Archons |
- Covid-19
is a Symbol of a Much Deeper Infection - The Wetiko
Mind-Virus |
28 |
Consciousness |
- Is
Human Consciousness Creating Reality? |
27 |
Global Cooling |
- Here
Comes Global Cooling |
27 |
Archons |
- Wetiko
- Healing the Mind-Virus that Plagues our World |
27 |
Great Reset |
- The
Gates of Hell are Wide Open |
Español |
30 |
Quantum |
Los Efectos Quánticos escalan a niveles Macroscópicos sin
precedentes |
29 |
Cosmos |
el Mapa Tridimensional más Detallado del Universo |
29 |
Sociopolítica |
- Millones
de Latinoamericanos de Clase Media caen en la Pobreza -
Covid-19 |
29 |
Conciencia |
Las Plantas disponen de un Sistema Nervioso Vegetal |
28 |
Virus |
Más que una Máscara! |
27 |
Conciencia |
- El
Miedo es Contagioso y se Utiliza para Controlarte |
27 |
Energía |
El Imán más Potente del Mundo está listo para el Reactor de
Fusión ITER |
English |
26 |
Virus |
- The
Unsuitability of PCR Tests and Rapid Tests for measuring the
Incidence of Infection - Covid-19 |
26 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- 1.5
Million Injured (50% Serious) and 15,472 Dead - Reported in
EU's Database of COVID-19 Shots Adverse... |
25 |
Antractica |
- Is
the 4th Reich's Dark Fleet abandoning Antarctica? |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Prescience of George Orwell - '1984' is Here |
24 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Cunning Homer - A New Look at the 'Odyssey' |
24 |
Climate Change |
- Politician
wants to 'Alter the Moon's Orbit' to fight Climate Change |
24 |
Great Reset |
- 'Our
Oppressors are Very Frightened People' - Brian Gerrish's
Testimony to Reiner Füllmich |
23 |
5G |
- Engineer
opens New 5G Cell Phone to reveal 'Disturbing Reality' |
23 |
Great Reset |
- UK
'Permanent Lockdown Plans' allegedly leaked in 4-Page Secret
Plot |
22 |
Cosmos |
will launch 2 New Missions to Venus by 2030 - The return to
Earth's Hellish Twin |
22 |
Consciousness |
- Twelve
Signs You've met Someone from 'Your Soul Family' |
22 |
Virus-Vaccine |
- Experimental
Covid-19 "Vaccines" and Genocide - UK Medical Doctor |
22 |
Great Reset |
- Is
a Crisis worse than COVID Coming Next? - Potential Generated
Crises on the Horizon |
21 |
Consciousness |
- No
Rulers, No Masters, No Gods |
21 |
Virus |
- Immediate
Global Ivermectin Use will End COVID-19 'Pandemic' - Latest
peer-reviewed Research |
20 |
Virus |
- Wearing
'Face Masks coated in Graphene' can cause serious Lung
Problems - Warns Health Canada |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Nuremberg
2.0 - Update on legal proceedings against the CDC, WHO and
Davos Group |
20 |
Virus |
- Latest
Data shows No Excess Deaths from 'All Causes Globally' in
2020 |
Español |
26 |
Cosmos |
Detectan un Movimiento a "Escalas Nunca Antes Vistas" en el
Espacio Intergaláctico |
25 |
Cosmos |
- Las
Espirales de Luz de la Materia Biológica podrían revelar la
Vida Extraterrestre |
25 |
Sociopolítica |
La Agenda Secreta del 'Foro Democrático' - Hacer de Perú
otra Bosnia - La Guerra Cultural contra Perú |
24 |
Conciencia |
Nos Dijeron Que...
23 |
Gran Reseteo |
- Filtrado
el Plan de Dominación de la Población hasta 2025 |
23 |
Sociopolítica |
Asesinatos, Detenciones, Abusos - El 'Lado B' de la Minería
en América Latina |
23 |
Sociopolítica |
Descontrol del Covid-19 en América Latina |
22 |
Virus-Vacuna |
- Las
"Vacunas" Experimentales de Covid-19 y el Genocidio - Habla
Médico del Reino Unido |
21 |
Paraciencia |
Polo del Destino |
21 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Quién
le Teme a Pedro Castillo? |
20 |
Sociopolítica |
- Perú
- ¿Cuál será la Naturaleza de un Gobierno encabezado por
Pedro Castillo? |
20 |
Cosmos |
Cósmica - Algunas Estructuras más Grandes del Universo han
empezado a Girar |
English |
19 |
Industry |
- Manufacturing
18 |
Mars |
- The
Obsession with Mars - Is it Our Ancestral Home Planet? |
18 |
Great Reset |
A 'Climate Lockdown' is on the Horizon - A Threat used to
Bully the Public into Accepting the 'Great Reset' |
17 |
Biden |
- 'He's
Clearly Suffering from Dementia' - Conservatives jeer as
Biden mistakes Syria for Libya ahead of talk... |
17 |
Great Reset |
- The
2020-21 Worldwide Corona Crisis - The "Great Reset",
Destroying Civil Society, Engineered Economic... |
17 |
Sol |
- Solar
Cycle 25 - Is a 'Termination Event' Imminent? |
16 |
Virus |
Alliance Statement on the 'Ivermectin Disinformation
Campaign' |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Microsoft
President Threatens that Orwell's '1984' could Happen in
2024 |
16 |
Chemtrails |
- Unprecedented
Climate and Temperature whiplash Scenarios |
15 |
5G |
- 5G
- Urgent Wake-Up Call - 5G is a Danger for 'Life and Limb'! |
15 |
Stargate |
- Ancient
Stargate - Can Sakwala Chakraya unlock Interstellar Travel? |
15 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Two-tier
Societies are Emerging with Dwindling Rights for the
Unvaccinated - Why do Governments Consider... |
14 |
Genoma |
- New
Discovery shows Human Cells can write RNA Sequences into DNA |
14 |
Parascience |
- UFOs
Interfering with Nuclear Weapons? |
14 |
Virus |
- The
"Smoking Guns" of a Manufactured Pandemic - Kristina
Borjesson and Prof. Michel Chossudovsky
13 |
Transhumanism |
- Transhumanism
- The War on Human Nature
13 |
Gaia |
- Earth's
Core has been Growing Unevenly for 500 Million Years |
13 |
Virus |
- Dutch
Leader stuns Parliament - Exposes Globalist Covid 'Obedience
Training' Plot |
Español |
19 |
Nobleza Negra |
- ¿Más
Cerca del Banquillo? - Hallan en Andorra otra Cuenta
Bancaria vinculada a Juan Carlos I |
19 |
Vida Alien |
- ¿Por
qué No han Regresado los 'Alienígenas Ancestrales'? - ¿Se
fueron Realmente? |
18 |
Cerebro |
- Accedemos
a los Misterios más Profundos del Cerebro Humano |
17 |
Cosmos |
Los Agujeros Negros Supermasivos afectan al Universo más
allá de los Límites de sus Propias Galaxias |
17 |
Sociopolítica |
China al G7 - Se Acabó que un 'Grupo de Países' dicte las
Decisiones Globales |
16 |
Sociopolítica |
- La
Gesta del 'Perú Profundo' a Lima - El izquierdista Castillo
se impone a Fujimori en las Presidenciales... |
16 |
Virus-Vacunas |
Despoblación y Vacunas de ARNm |
15 |
Virus-Vacunas |
Cómo Falsificarán el Éxito de la Vacuna - Jon Rappoport |
15 |
5G |
- 5G
- Llamada de Atención Urgente - ¡El 5G es un Peligro para la
Vida y la Integridad Física! |
14 |
Virus |
La Plandemia Organizada por la Fundación Rockefeller,
Expuesta en el Parlamento Holandés |
14 |
Virus-Vacuna |
Están Manipulando las Estadísticas para que Parezca que la
Vacuna del Covid-19 Funciona
13 |
Gaia |
- El Núcleo
Interno de la Tierra está Desestabilizado |
13 |
Virus |
- ¿Has
tenido Covid? - Es muy probable que Produzcas Anticuerpos
para el Resto de su Vida |
Italiano |
15 |
5G |
5G - Ulteriore Avvertimento Urgente - Il 5G è un Pericolo
per il Corpo e la Vita!
English |
12 |
Ancient High Tech |
- Mysterious
2,000 Year Old 'Disco Colgante' |
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- How
Technocracy is Using Unseen Enemies to Panic the World |
11 |
Virus |
- "These
People Killed Millions" - Dr. Andrea Stramezzi on
'Preventable COVID Deaths and Culprits'
11 |
Consciousness |
- Rise
of the Heretics |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- There
are No Solutions - Impossible to Change the System from
Within |
10 |
Nanotechnology |
- Big
Pharma's Nano Tech Rape of All Humanity?
10 |
Cosmos |
- Scientists
find 'Dark Matter Bridges' that may Reveal Future of Our
Galaxy |
09 |
Pyramids |
- The
Great Pyramid of Giza is located at the Exact Center of
Earth's Landmass |
09 |
Internet |
- Cyber
Polygon - Will the 'Next Globalist War Game' lead to another
Convenient Catastrophe? |
08 |
Internet |
- Cyberattack
Drills Going Live? |
08 |
Transhumanism |
- A
Biosynthetic Dual-Core Cell Computer - CRISPR used to built
them Inside Human Cells |
08 |
Vaccines |
- Self-Spreading
Vaccines would Deliver All of Humanity into the Hands of
Transhumans |
08 |
Vaccines |
- Technocrat
Scientists are Working on 'Self-Spreading Vaccines' |
07 |
Nanotechnology |
- Scientists
Developed 'Magnetic Nanoparticles' that can Remotely
Modulate Neural Circuits |
07 |
Depopulation |
- Depopulation
and the mRNA Vaccine |
06 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- Number
of Covid Cases in Delhi crashes after Mass Distribution of
Ivermectin |
06 |
Global "Warming" |
- How
Much CO²
is in a Raindrop? The Ocean? The Air? |
06 |
Scalar Tech. |
- Bioelectromagnetic
Medicine |
Español |
12 |
Virus |
- Desmontando
la Teoría del Contagio
12 |
Conciencia |
El Mito de la Autoridad |
11 |
Aire y Plantas |
- Quince
Razones para Cultivar Caléndulas-Margaritas en el Huerto o
Jardín |
10 |
Conciencia |
El Auge de los Herejes |
10 |
Lunas |
- ¿Vida
a 600 Millones de Kilómetros de la Tierra? |
09 |
Sociopolítica |
- Los
Amos del Mundo están al Acecho |
09 |
Virus-Vacuna Covid |
Los Gobiernos de Todo el Mundo ofrecen Sobornos
Extravagantes - Esfuerzo Desesperado por Aumentar... |
09 |
Cerebro |
La Magnetogenética - Una Técnica para Activar Neuronas a
Control Remoto |
08 |
Cosmos |
- La
Vía Láctea No es Especial - Vivimos en un Barrio Cósmico
Corriente |
07 |
Virus |
Fauci es Expuesto después que los Correos Electrónicos de la
FOIA 'Conectan los Puntos' |
07 |
Virus |
Farsa Covid - ¿Cinco Armas Criminales contra Población para
Provocar enfermedades Cardio No Respiratorias? |
07 |
Cerebro |
- Los
Detalles de la Memoria se Desvanecen con el Tiempo |
06 |
Tiempo |
Reiniciando el Reloj Biológico |
English |
05 |
Twitter |
- Twitter's
Notice to Biblioteca Pleyades |
05 |
Shamanism |
- Six
Signs you may be a 'Disaster Shaman' |
05 |
SS Programs |
- Siemens
implicated in 'Tracking Forced Labor and Slaves' in Space |
04 |
Vaccines |
- How
Bill Gates and Big Pharma used Children as "Guinea Pigs"...
and Got Away with It |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- Only
Two Companies, Vanguard and BlackRock, Control the Planet -
While World's Richest 1% Own 82% of... |
03 |
Climate Change |
- Naomi
Klein and the 'Climate of Hypocrisy' |
03 |
Virus |
- The
Mysterious Death of Dr. Fauci’s Most Notable Critic: Dr.
Kary Mullis
03 |
NeoArcheology |
- Unknown
'Estrellas of Nazca' |
02 |
Virus |
- The
Next Outbreak? - We're Not Ready - Bill Gates at TED -
Pandemic 'Predicted' in 2015, today's Covid-19? |
02 |
Virus |
- How
Did a Disease with no Symptoms 'Take Over the World'? |
02 |
Cosmos |
- Radioactivity
may fuel Life Deep Underground and Inside other Worlds |
01 |
Psychic Universe |
- Magic
helped us in Pandemics before, and It can Again |
01 |
Pyramids |
- The
Sudanese Pyramids - Wonders of Ancient Africa |
Español |
05 |
Virus-Vacuna Covid |
- Las
Alarmantes Tasas de Mortalidad de las Vacunas de ARNm
justifican una Acción Urgente |
04 |
Vida Universo |
La Vida en el Universo sería mucho más Antigua que la Tierra |
04 |
Chamanismo |
Señales de que puedes ser un 'Chamán de Desastres' |
03 |
Reseteo Global |
- Borrando
el Gran Reinicio - La Lucha Inminente que nos Aguarda |
03 |
- ¿Infierno
Illuminati o Cielo Acuariano? |
02 |
Cerebro |
Humanos Híbridos - La Conquista del Cerebro
02 |
Vacunas |
- Escándalo
en la Salud Mundial - ¿Partículas Metálicas en las Vacunas
que son Atraídas por el Imán? |
01 |
Misticismo |
Reencarnación Ahora |
01 |
Sociopolítica |
El "Evento de Nivel de Extinción" del Covid-19 |