Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
30 |
Galactic Federation |
- Stranger
at the Pentagon
(Section related
30 |
Galactic Federation |
- Valiant
Thor's Visit to Earth |
30 |
Technocracy |
- Slavery
Ahead - The Technocratic Convergence of Humans and Data |
29 |
Enoch |
- The
Canary Islands and the 'Seven Burning Mountains of Enoch' |
29 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Official
discuss 'Changing Covid Patient Count' to make it 'More
Scary for the Public' - Leaked Video |
28 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Single
shot of 'Sputnik V' effective against Covid Hospitalization
and Deaths among Elderly - The Lancet Study |
28 |
Consciousness |
- Own
Your Self
(Section related
28 |
Energy Weapons |
- Energy
Weapons for Inducing Earthquakes, Landslides and Erupting
(Sec. rel.
27 |
Virus-Immunity |
- Is
Natural Immunity more Effective than the COVID Shot? |
27 |
Mind Control |
- Menticide
- Don't Fall Victim to Mind Control Technologies and
Techniques |
26 |
Ivermectin |
- Ivermectin
- A Covid Defeater -
26 |
Consciousness |
- From
Survivor to Striver - Cultivating Courage and Building
Boldness |
26 |
Moon |
- Are
suppressed Healing Technologies being Mass Produced on the
Moon for Public Release? |
Español |
30 |
Sociopolítica |
Joe Biden No es Incompetente - Está haciendo 'Exactamente lo
que fue Contratado para Hacer' - Colapsar EEUU |
30 |
Armas de Energía |
Armas de Energía para inducir Terremotos, Deslizamientos de
Tierra, Volcanes en Erupción
30 |
Clima-Bill Gates |
Bill Gates quiere Rociar Millones de Toneladas de Tiza en la
Estratosfera para frenar el "Calentamiento Global" |
29 |
Vida Alien |
- ¿Acaba
la Federación Galáctica de lanzar su 'Directiva Principal'? |
28 |
Misticismo |
- ¿Porqué
los Místicos son Tachados de Locos? |
27 |
Virus-Inmunidad |
Inmunidad Natural y el Covid-19 |
27 |
Ivermectina |
- Ivermectina
- Una Vencedora contra el Covid
26 |
IA-Quantum |
La Inteligencia Artificial rompe la Física Quántica |
Italiano |
26 |
Virus-Vaccini |
- Secondo
gli Esperti della FDA i 'Vaccini Covid-19 Stanno Uccidendo'
almeno 2 Persone per Ogni Vita Salvata e... |
English |
25 |
Matrix |
- It
is Confirmed that we 'Live in a Simulation' |
24 |
Great Reset |
- How
to Escape from a 'Sick Society' |
24 |
Chemtrails-Gaia |
- A
Call for Mother Earth and Humanity - Analysis of "Military
Geoengineering" |
23 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Three
Vaccine Manufacturers change Product Names |
22 |
Great Reset |
- The
Great Reset - The Global Elite's Plan to Radically Remake
Our Economic and Social Lives |
21 |
Alien Life |
- 'We
Will Never Let You Down' - Book Review |
21 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Science
Team reveals Graphene, Aluminum, LNP Capsids, Peg and
Parasites in 4 Cov-19 Vaccines |
20 |
Wetiko |
- Escaping
Wetiko |
20 |
Consciousness |
- How
to Practice Spiritual Discernment - Avoid STDs! |
19 |
Galactic Federation |
- Did
the Galactic Federation just Release its 'Prime Directive'? |
19 |
Rothschilds |
- Why
the Rothschilds are Implicated in the 'Covid-19 Hoax' |
19 |
Consciousness |
- How
to Be Resilient... |
19 |
Virus-Archons |
- Who
Controls 'The Cult'...? |
Español |
25 |
Conciencia |
Cómo Practicar el Discernimiento Espiritual - ¡Evite las ETE! |
24 |
Conciencia |
- Conocimiento
e Información |
24 |
Nueva Física |
El Modelo Estándar de la Física de Partículas sigue
Agonizando |
23 |
Chemtrails |
Geoingeniería y Armas Climáticas |
22 |
Virus-Vacuna-Fauci |
- Fauci
No Puede Explicar por qué los que se Recuperaron de Covid
tendrían que Vacunarse |
22 |
Nueva Física |
Científicos están muy cerca de producir Antigravedad y un
Motor Warp |
22 |
Conciencia |
El Eclipse de la Política |
22 |
Historia Humanidad |
- Los
Dux de Venecia - Gobernantes Venecianos durante más de un
Milenio |
21 |
Facebook |
Una Filtración revela que Facebook exime de sus Reglas a una
'Élite Secreta' |
20 |
Luna |
huellas de Cráteres casi Invisibles en la Luna |
19 |
Reseteo Global |
- El
Futuro Nos Pertenece - ¡Por La Libertad...!
19 |
Sociopolítica |
Diga No...!
(Secciones relacionadas
English |
18 |
Virus-Bill Gates |
- Bill
Gates 'Covid Licence Agreement' with Moderna |
18 |
Virus-Fauci |
- Covid-19
and Anthony Fauci -
17 |
Great Reset |
- What Exactly
is this "Great Reset" people Keep Talking About? |
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- Just
Say No!
(Sections related
16 |
Consciousness |
- Saving
The Human Race - Is It Possible? |
16 |
Consciousness |
- Fate
and Free Will - The Stoic Perspective |
16 |
Cosmos |
- Webb
Space Telescope and Stellar Discovery
15 |
Biden |
- Joe
Biden is Not Incompetent - He is doing 'Exactly what He was
Hired to Do' - Collapse America... |
15 |
Galactic Federation |
- In
the Midst of Global Pain our 'Star Trek Future' is being
Birthed |
15 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- 23,252
Deaths 2,189,537 Injuries following COVID Shots - European
Union's Database Adverse Drug Reactions |
14 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- Ivermectin
was Approved for Human use Decades Ago - Mainstream Media
Lying... |
14 |
Consciousness |
- Why
'Seeking Meaning' is Healthier than 'Seeking Happiness' |
13 |
Galactic Federation |
- Galactic
Federation is Helping Humanity build a 'Starfleet for
Planetary Defense' |
13 |
Flying Objects |
- U.S.
Grounds Virgin Galactic after Space Flight 'Mishap' |
13 |
American Empire |
- The
U.S. has Become a Malignant Narcissist infecting all it
Encounters |
13 |
Depopulation |
- Kissinger
- The Genesis of U.S. Government Population Control |
13 |
Bill Gates |
- From
Computers to Global Genocide - The Staggering Influence Bill
Gates on Public Health Policy around World |
12 |
Bill Gates |
- Bill
Gates has Major Shares in Both Pfizer and BioNTech - FOI
revealed he is the Primary Funder of the MHRA |
12 |
Virus-Fauci |
- Will
Fauci 'Be Held Accountable' for Lying to Congress? |
Español |
18 |
Cosmos |
Más de
450 'Objetos Desconocidos' hasta ahora Descubiertos en
nuestro Sistema Solar |
18 |
Elite Global |
Más Ricos en la 'Pandemia'... |
17 |
Virus-Vacunas |
- Peligros
a Largo Plazo de las Vacunas Experimentales de ARNm |
17 |
Virus-Fauci |
Covid-19 y Anthony Fauci -
16 |
Por qué la OMS es una Organización Corrupta y Dañina |
16 |
Gran Reinicio |
- Covid,
Cibernética y la Nueva Normalidad |
15 |
Conciencia |
La Fealdad - y la Belleza Oculta - del Verdadero Despertar |
15 |
Vida Alien |
- 'Reuniones
en Júpiter' con la Federación Galáctica de Mundos -
Actualización |
14 |
Wetiko |
- Comprendiendo
y Conquistando al Parásito Mental - Wetiko |
14 |
Pirámides |
Pirámide de Bosnia - La Pirámide Más Grande del Mundo
escondida a Plena Vista
13 |
Tormenta Solar |
Un 'Apocalipsis de Internet' podría llegar a la Tierra con
la Próxima Tormenta Solar - Advierte una Nueva... |
13 |
Virus-Vacunas |
- El
60% de las Personas Mayores de 50 Años que Mueren por COVID
están Vacunados |
12 |
Virus |
El Culto Covidiano |
12 |
Gran Hermano |
- ¿Amarás
tu Servidumbre? |
Italiano |
14 |
Virus-Fauci |
- La
Misteriosa Morte del più Famoso Critico di Fauci... la sua
Nemesi il Dr. Kary Mullis! |
12 |
Rothschilds |
- Rothschilds
pianificò il Covid-19 nel 2015 - Ufficio Brevetti degli
Stati Uniti... |
English |
11 |
Virus-Hospitals |
- Hospitals
Now #1 Cause of Death - Medical Kidnapping the Norm as
Patients are Sacrificed on the Altar of COVID |
10 |
Great Reset |
- "Herd
Stupidity" - The Manufactured Covid Crisis, the Gene-based
mRNA "Vaccine" and "The Pinnacles of... |
10 |
Icke |
- Renegade
- The Life Story of David Icke
09 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Most Dangerous Superstition
(Sections related
09 |
Great Reset |
- Nuremberg
Code Punishable by Death |
08 |
Antarctica |
- Do
Satellite Photographs now prove Existence of Humans on
Antarctica... 6000 Years Ago? |
08 |
Mars |
- The
Forecast for Mars? - Otherworldly Weather Predictions |
08 |
Global Banking |
- The
07 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
U.S. Will Not Cease its Efforts to 'Remake' other Nations |
07 |
Big Brother |
- Will
You Love Your Servitude...? |
07 |
Virus-Fauci |
- The
Mysterious Death of Dr Fauci's Most Notable Critic... His
Nemesis: Dr. Kary Mullis! |
06 |
- Rothschilds
planned COVID-19 in 2015 - U.S. Patent Office... |
06 |
Global Banking |
- World
could face Disastrous Financial Crisis in 2023 same scale as
Devastating '2008-2009 Economic Crash' |
06 |
Consciousness |
- The
Ugliness - and Hidden Beauty - of Real Awakening |
06 |
Brotherhoods |
- George
Hunt Williamson and the 'Brotherhood of the Seven Rays' |
05 |
Alien Life |
- Has
U.S. Space Command received Advanced Tech from Galactic
Federation? |
05 |
Virus |
- Denmark
to 'Scrap All Covid-19 Restrictions' |
Español |
11 |
Control |
- 'Gaslighting'
- La Psicología de Moldear la Realidad del Otro |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
Así es cómo China planea Convertirse en la Economía Líder
del Mundo |
10 |
Conciencia |
Nuestra Búsqueda de Sentido |
09 |
Banca Global |
- Cómo
Prepararse Mentalmente para el Épico Colapso Económico que
se Avecina |
08 |
Banca Global |
El Banquero
07 |
Virus-Vacunas |
Detengan el Holocausto |
07 |
Virus-Mascarillas |
Efectos Nocivos del Uso Prolongado de Mascarillas - Covid-19
07 |
Virus-Mascarillas |
- ¿Por
qué las Mascarillas son una Farsa? - Dónde están los
Estudios Científicos para Justificar su Uso... |
06 |
Sistema Bancario |
Banksters celebran los 50 años del "Fiat"!… Presentando la
pesadilla CBDC |
05 |
Virus-Vacunas |
- Un
Nuevo Estudio revela los 'Terribles Efectos Tóxicos' de la
Vacuna de ARNm de Pfizer |
05 |
Gran Reseteo |
Psico-Poder - En 'Conformidad con Robots' y 'Libertad', en
un Mundo post-COVID |
English |
04 |
Virus |
- Kracking
the Covid Ghost Code - Mankind's Great Self Inflicted
Initiation |
03 |
Great Reset |
- Great
Reset - World Economic Forum declares the 'Age of Human
Robots is Over' |
03 |
Consciousness |
- Five
Reasons why Being "Crazy" in a Sick Society is Actually
Healthy |
02 |
Wetiko |
- Wetiko
in a Nutshell - Who Do You Think You Are? |
01 |
Consciousness |
- Some
Signs you've experienced 'Altered States of Consciousness' |
01 |
Antarctica |
- Antarctic
Sea Ice Recovery surprises Scientists - Media Silent... |
Español |
04 |
Virus-Vacunas |
- ¿Qué
sucede Dentro del Cuerpo después de recibir la Vacuna Anti-COVID?  |
03 |
Conciencia |
- Cinco
Razones por las que Estar "Loco" en una Sociedad Enferma es
Realmente Saludable |
02 |
Virus |
La Gente No Muere por Covid |
02 |
Virus |
Cuestionando al Covid |
01 |
Cambio Climático |
- Cero
Absoluto - La Agenda Global Revelada |