Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
30 |
Vaccines-Immunity |
- 'Naturally
Acquired Immunity' to Covid-19 - 135 Research Studies
Affirmed, Documented, Linked, and Quoted |
30 |
Exopolitics |
- U.S.
Army Soldier 'Blows Whistle' on Secret Missions to Ganymede
and the Moon |
29 |
Big Brother |
- Orwell's
Ideas remain Relevant 75 years after 'Animal Farm' was
Published |
29 |
Humanity's History |
- Tyrannical
Hell or Harmonious Utopia? |
29 |
Global Elite |
- Named
Names of the Covid-19 Bioweapon Genocidal Killers |
28 |
Virus |
- The
COVID-19 Fraud and War on Humanity
28 |
Great Reset |
- The
Great Narrative and The Metaverse |
Español |
30 |
Virus-Conciencia |
Gracias, Políticos Alarmistas, Desinformadores a Sueldo y
Globalistas Mentirosos - Mensaje del Dr. L. Fouché |
30 |
Vaticano-Jesuitas |
- 'Orden
Mundial Jesuita' y las 13 Lineas de Sangre Illuminati |
29 |
Virus-Fauci |
- "Niños
Conejillos de India" - Los Crueles Experimentos con Niños
autorizados por el doctor Anthony Fauci |
28 |
Misticismo |
- La
Muerte del Catolicismo y el Nacimiento del Dogma Pandémico -
No es Ciencia, es Superstición... |
28 |
Se ha hecho Creer al Público que los Ovnis No Existen - Pero
Sí Existen... |
Italiano |
29 |
Coscienza |
Thrive 1 - Cosa diavolo ci vorrà?
28 |
Sciamanesimo |
- Guarigione
e Potere con i Cristalli nella Grande Terra del Sud |
English |
27 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Why
Millions will Regret Getting the Jab - Dr. Robert Malone
discusses the International COVID Summit |
27 |
Globalization |
- Seizing
Everything - The Theft of the Global Commons |
26 |
Andromeda |
- Alex
Collier on the Andromeda Council and Human Liberation |
25 |
Technocracy |
- Technopopulism
- How Technocracy and Populism are Fitting Together |
25 |
Alien Life |
- Welcome
to the Future |
25 |
Anthropology |
- Our
'Ancestor' Homo Erectus is 200,000 Years Older than
Previously Thought |
24 |
Virus-Ivermectin |
- Japan
Drops Vax Rollout - Goes to Ivermectin and ends COVID almost
Overnight |
24 |
Mind Control |
- How
the Masses were Hypnotized into the 'COVID Cult' |
23 |
Internet-Facebook |
- Frances
Haugen isn't a Whistleblower |
23 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- Vaccination
Status is Temporary - Boosters for Life Required |
23 |
Consciousness |
- The
Sovereign Self |
22 |
Consciousness |
- A
Greater Reset than the Great Reset is Happening...! |
22 |
Internet-Facebook |
- The
Metaverse - Reality Occulted |
21 |
Black Hole |
- The
Giant Black Hole of Galaxy M87 shoots Jets at nearly Light
Speed |
21 |
Psychic Universe |
- Is
a Mass Psychosis the Greatest Threat to Humanity? |
21 |
Shamanism |
- Cleverman
- The Paranormal Powers of the First Australians |
21 |
Virus-Vaccines |
Documents show 'CV19 Vax produces a Bioweapon' - Karen
Kingston |
Español |
27 |
Transhumanismo |
El Transhumanismo de Pierre Teilhard de Chardin y la Secta
de la Cuarta Revolución Industrial |
26 |
Agenda 21 |
- La
Toma de Posesión de "Todo el Material Genético de la Tierra"
- El Proyecto Global Expuesto |
26 |
Quantum |
Materia Quántica puede Aprender como un Organismo Vivo |
25 |
Conciencia |
El Yo Soberano |
24 |
Luna |
- El
Eclipse Lunar Parcial más Largo en 580 Años - Lo que hay que
saber... |
23 |
Virus-Vacuna |
- ¿Qué
es la Luciferasa? |
23 |
Futuro y Mas Allá |
- Generador
Portátil de Aire a Agua - Hasta 20 litros al día de Agua
Potable en cualquier momento y lugar |
23 |
Virus |
La 'Pandemia' del Covid-19 No Existe |
22 |
'Calentamiento' Glob. |
Bienvenido a la 'Nueva Economía'
21 |
Luna |
- La
Luna tiene Oxígeno para 8 mil Millones de Personas durante
100.000 Años |
21 |
Conciencia |
La Historia Real se sabrá entre Ahora y Abril (Noviembre
2021-Abril 2022)
Italiano |
24 |
Scienza Reale |
- Streghe
nel Mondo Antico |
23 |
Storia Umanità |
- Rimettiamo
al loro posto i Greci nello Stoicismo |
23 |
Internet |
- Metaverse
è la 'Libertà' inflitta dai Tiranni Tecnologici |
22 |
Vaticano |
- Il
Vaticano perde $135M in Losco Affare per una Proprietà a
Londra - Frode tra le Accuse |
22 |
Fauci |
Fauci - Una Conversazione all'Inferno |
21 |
Virus-Vaccino |
- Come
Pfizer Bullizza e Ricatta Paesi per i Vaccini COVID |
21 |
Internet |
- 'Meta'
- Il Distacco Finale dalla Realtà? |
English |
20 |
Vatican |
- Vatican
loses $135M in 'Shady London Property Deal' amid Allegations
of Massive Fraud |
20 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- What
is Luciferase? |
19 |
Biden |
- President
Biden's Approval Rating Tumbles - VP Harris does even Worse |
18 |
Humanity's History |
- Putting
the Greek Back into Stoicism |
18 |
Cosmos |
- Why
Cosmology Matters Beyond Science |
17 |
Internet-Facebook |
- Metaverse
is 'Freedom' Meted Out by Technological Tyrants |
16 |
New Physics |
- Is
the 'Great Neutrino Puzzle' pointing to Multiple Missing
Particles? |
16 |
Shamanism |
- Crystal
Healing and Power in the Great Southern Land |
15 |
Great Reset |
- A
Timeline of the Great Reset Agenda - From Foundation to
Event 201 and the 'Pandemic' of 2020 |
15 |
Virus-Fauci-Gates |
- The
Real Anthony Fauci - Bill Gates, Big Pharma and the Global
War... |
15 |
Virus |
- The
Covid-19 'Pandemic' Does Not Exist |
15 |
Great Reset |
- The
New Reign of Biopower - The Rise of Control-Biology |
14 |
Internet |
- Metaverse
- Augmented Reality Pioneer warns 'It could make Reality
Disappear' |
14 |
Russia-USA |
- New
FBI Report definitively proves 'Russiagate' which dogged
Trump's US presidency was 'Made Up' from the... |
Español |
20 |
Ecología |
El Cementerio de la Moda Rápida - Desierto de Atacama, Chile |
19 |
Cambio Climático |
- Las
Nuevas Armas Financieras de Occidente y la COP26 |
19 |
Planeta X |
Astrónomo británico afirma que podría haber Descubierto el
Misterioso Planeta Nueve - Ex-Planeta X o 10 |
19 |
Luna |
los Secretos del Lado Oscuro de la Luna |
18 |
Bill Gates |
- Mi
Nombre es Bill Gates, Rey de Reyes |
17 |
Control Mental |
Muerto la Libertad? - Control Mental, Manipulación de las
Masas y Esclavitud Moderna |
16 |
Virus - Fauci |
El por qué Fauci y la Cábala Mundial insisten en Vacunar a
tus Hijos... |
15 |
Elite Global |
- Sobre
Alienados, Soberbios y Manipuladores |
15 |
America Latina |
Desenmascarando al 'Foro de São Paulo'
15 |
Arcontes |
Nunca los llames Arcontes - Cómo puedes ayudar a hacer
pedazos a la Matrix |
14 |
Virus-BM-OMS |
Banco Mundial y OMS - Su Relación con el Corona-Plan |
14 |
Virus |
Contenidos en la Vacuna COVID - 2 Documentos mas revelan los
hallazgos con imágenes de Microscopio |
Italiano |
17 |
Grande Reset |
- Il
World Economic Forum lancia "La Grande Narrazione"
Iniziativa di Propaganda |
15 |
Artificiale |
- Intelligenza
Artificiale (A.I.) - Pericoli per l'Umanità |
English |
13 |
Big Brother |
- The
War on Science and the 20th Century Descent of Man -
Huxley's New World |
12 |
Fauci |
- Fauci
- A Conversation in Hell |
12 |
Virus-Biden |
- Twenty
States are suing Biden over Vaccine Mandate targeting
Federal Contractors |
11 |
Virus |
- The Lockdown
11 |
Virus-Vaccine-Pfizer |
of Pfizer Arrested by the FBI - Charged with Fraud, Media
Blackout as #PfizerGate Trends |
11 |
Consciousness |
- The
Power of High Humor |
10 |
Royal Science |
- Witches
of the Ancient World |
10 |
Depopulation |
- The
Plot to Control and Reduce the Population |
10 |
Great Reset |
- World
Economic Forum launches 'Great Narrative' Initiative
Propaganda |
10 |
Biden |
- Biden
becomes 'Most Disappointing American President' since World
War II - Poll Reveals |
09 |
Earth Changes |
- Despite
'Media Fearmongering' Great Barrier Reef is Growing Quickly
- Study |
08 |
Global Elite |
- Who
Owns the World? |
08 |
Alien Life |
- The
Search for Alien Tech |
07 |
Virus-Death Tally |
- Italy's
suspected Covid Death Tally corrected from 132,161 to
3,783... - Covid Hysteria was 97% Fiction |
07 |
Internet-Facebook |
- 'Meta'
- The Final Disconnect from Reality? |
07 |
Virus-Vaccines |
- How
Pfizer Bullies and Blackmails Countries for COVID Shots |
07 |
Artificial Intelligence |
- Artificial
Intelligence (A.I.) - Dangers to Humanity |
Español |
13 |
Cambio Climático |
COP26 o cómo "Pintar de Verde" los Intereses de la Gran
Finanza |
12 |
Cambios Tierra |
- ¿Hacia
un Holocausto Ecológico? - Pepe Mujica - Conciencia Sur
12 |
Conciencia |
La Empatía es la Habilidad de Liderazgo más Importante según
una Investigación |
11 |
Despoblación |
- "Reducir
la Población Mundial" - Reunión Secreta en 2009 del Club de
Multimillonarios 'Good Club' |
11 |
Virus |
- El Encierro
10 |
Conciencia |
El Poder del Gran Humor |
09 |
Cosmos |
Secretos de la Atmósfera de Júpiter que revela la Sonda Juno
de la NASA |
09 |
Conciencia |
- Cómo
contar con un Golpe contra 'Los Dioses' |
08 |
Control Comida |
Reacción en la Cadena Alimentaria - Otra "Simulación"
Globalista se hace Realidad |
08 |
Virus |
El Mito del Contagio
07 |
Virus-Vacuna-Pfizer |
- Los
Trapos Sucios de la Falsificación de los Ensayos Clínicos de
la Vacuna de Pfizer |
07 |
Virus-Vacuna |
Reporte demuestra que la Vacuna es Mucho Más Mortal que el
Italiano |
07 |
Virus |
- Gran
Pasticcio nel Rapporto sui Decessi - Per l'ISS gran parte
dei Morti non li ha causati il Covid |
English |
06 |
Cooling |
- The
Four Known Scientific Ways CO²
Cools Earth's Climate |
06 |
Vaccines |
- Vaccination
- The Hidden Truth
05 |
Humanity's History |
- Ambrosia
and Nectar - The Food and Drink of the Gods |
05 |
Internet-Facebook |
- Enter
the Bizarre World of Mark Zuckerburg's 'Metaverse' -
'Blurring the Lines' of Reality with NWO Transhuman... |
05 |
Fauci |
- Anthony
Fauci's Horror Experiments - Children and Dogs... |
04 |
UN-Reptilians |
- United
Nations makes commercial with a Reptilian Dinosaur Warning
us of a 'Climate Crisis'...
04 |
Vatican |
- 'Sacred
Betrayals' reveals Web of Financial and Sexual Abuse by top
Vatican Cardinal protected by Pope Francis |
04 |
5G |
- 5G
- The Most Dangerous Technology ever Invented |
03 |
Icke-Vaccines |
- Connecting
the Dots towards Self-Love - David Icke and Vaccines
03 |
Vatican-Vaccines |
- Abp.
Viganò warns US Bishops about COVID Vaccine - The 'Great
Reset' wants 'Billions of Chronically Ill People' |
03 |
Agenda 21 |
- The
Takeover of 'All Genetic Material on Earth' - Global
Blueprint Exposed |
02 |
Great Reset |
- What
Kind of Capitalism Do We Want? |
02 |
Archons |
- David
Icke Exposes the Archon Conspiracy and the Crumbling Matrix
02 |
Offshore Banking |
- The
Pandora Papers - How the World of Offshore Finance is still
01 |
Internet |
- Online
Media - The Promise and the Peril |
01 |
Virus |
- A
'Natural Approach' to the Comprehensive Control of
SARS-CoV-2 |
01 |
Global Banking |
- Central
Banks and Socialism are forever 'Linked Together' |
01 |
Depopulation |
- "Shrink
the World's Population" - Secret 2009 Meeting of
Billionaires "Good Club" |
Español |
06 |
Calentamien. Global |
- La
Caza de Brujas impulsada por el Cambio Climático - Antes y
Ahora... |
05 |
Vacunas |
Vacunas - La Verdad Oculta
05 |
Virus-Ivermectina |
Documentos Secretos revelan qué hay detrás de los Ataques
contra la Ivermectina |
04 |
Icke-Vacunas |
- Conectando
los Puntos hacia la Amor-Propio - David Icke y las Vacunas
04 |
Vaticano-Vacunas |
Arzobispo Viganò advierte a Obispos de EE.UU. sobre Vacuna
COVID - El 'Gran Reinicio' quiere 'Miles de... |
03 |
Confed. Galáctica |
Misión de la 'Alianza de la Tierra' a Ganímedes para Saludar
a Visitantes ET e Inaugurar un Futuro Star Trek |
02 |
- ¿En Quién Confiar? - Sobre la Organización Mundial de la
Salud y sus Intereses
02 |
Confed. Galáctica |
Reuniones de la Alianza de la Tierra en Ganímedes con la
Confederación Intergaláctica - Actualización |
01 |
Virus |
La 'Plandemia' y El Gran Despertar |
01 |
- El
Nuevo Orden Mundial y el Gran Reset |
01 |
Internet |
Medios de Comunicación en Línea - La Promesa y el Peligro |
Italiano |
03 |
Vaticano-Gran Reset |
L'Arcivescovo Viganò avverte che è in arrivo la Dittatura
Ecologica |