Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
30 |
Consciousness |
- The
'Science of Fear' - How the Elitists use it to Control Us
and How to Break Free |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
- President
Trump deals 'Huge Blow to Bill Gates' - Withdraws support
from 'China-Centric' COVAX |
29 |
Humanity´s History |
- Communism,
Class Struggle and the Roman Republic |
29 |
NeoArcheology |
- The
Mysterious 'Pyramids of the Amazon' - Spotted by a NASA
Satellite in 1976 |
29 |
Parascience |
- Origin
Story - The Start of Life on Earth is an Event Horizon we
struggle to See Beyond |
29 |
Virus |
- Flu
is Killing More People than Covid-19 - And has been for
Months - UK |
28 |
Weather War |
- Weather
Warfare |
28 |
Global Banking |
- FinCEN
Files Investigations from across Asia |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- U.S.
Organizations Funded by George Soros - For Your Information... |
27 |
Consciousness |
- Can
we Finally Heal our Collective Trauma? - Questions of our
Time 9 |
27 |
- Technocracy's
Tyranny - The New Normal Isn't Normal |
27 |
Virus |
World Bank Document lists 'COVID-19 Program' ending in March
2025 - Stunning Revelation |
Español |
30 |
Nueva Visión Salud |
Vacunas y Nanoides |
29 |
Virus |
La Dura Carta de una Médica Avergonzada por las Falsedades
en torno a la Pandemia |
29 |
Virus |
- El
Demoledor Diagnóstico del Premio Nobel Michael Levitt sobre
las Cuarentenas - "No Salvaron Ninguna Vida" |
28 |
Conciencia |
- ¿Podemos
por fin Sanar Nuestro Trauma Colectivo? - Interrogantes de
Nuestro Tiempo 9 |
27 |
Sociopolítica |
11 Septiembre 2001 - Los Paralelos entre el 'New Normal'
Post-terrorista y el del Covid-19 No Pueden Ignorarse |
27 |
Sociopolítica |
- Estados
Unidos al Borde de la Guerra Civil |
27 |
Vida Alien |
Estudio afirma que podría haber 36 Civilizaciones
Alienígenas en La Vía Láctea - ¿Agenda de Divulgación...? |
Italiano |
27 |
Parascienza |
- Crani
Oblunghi trovati completamenti intatti in una Nuova Regione
del Perù |
27 |
Storia Umanità |
- Come
Affrotare il Cambiamento - Consiglio dagli Stoici |
English |
26 |
Sociopolitics |
- Collapse
is 'A Process', Not an Event - How does one 'Get Ahead'
during Hard Times |
25 |
Cosnciousness |
- How
to Communicate in a Polarized World |
25 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Five Eyes - The International Syndicate that Spies on the
Entire World |
25 |
Transhumanism |
- Will
new COVID Vaccine make You 'Transhuman'? |
24 |
Transhumanism |
- Transhumans
- Frozen Heads, New Blood, Computer Brains |
23 |
Cosnciousness |
- Freedom
or Fascism? |
23 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Book of Enoch banned from the Bible tells the 'True Story of
22 |
Cosnciousness |
- Lao
Tzu's 2500 Year-Old Message to 'The People of the Future'
tells how to Approach our Global Crisis |
22 |
Cosmos |
- Mythos
and Cosmogony - Origins of the Solar System
(Sections related
22 |
Cosmos |
- This
Speech will Change Your Life - Carl Sagan
22 |
Sociopolitics |
- Gates'
Keepers of Journalism - What Happens when Billionaires 'Buy'
the News? |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- U.S.
Govt-linked to PR Firm that ran 'Fake News Networks' for
Right-wing Latin American Regimes |
21 |
Electric Universe |
- Time
to 'Wipe the Chalkboard Clean' - Cosmos
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
United Nations forced to admit 'Gates-funded Vaccine' is
causing 'Polio Outbreak' in Africa |
20 |
Life Cosmos |
- Hints
of Life on Venus |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
- Nearly
Two Decades after 9/11, Parallels between the Post-terrorist
Attack 'New Normal' and that of Covid-19... |
20 |
Wetiko |
- Understanding
Addiction illumines the Madness in Our World |
Español |
26 |
Universo |
Instituciones Europeas proponen Nuevo Observatorio de Ondas
Gravitacionales |
25 |
Virus |
Los Niños y el Covid-19 - Nada que Temer - Ignoren el Pánico
generado por los Grandes Medios de Comunicación |
25 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Es
posible un 'Golpe de Estado' en Estados Unidos contra Donald
Trump? |
24 |
Coronavirus |
Covid-Stasi - ¿Se Convertirán Ustedes en 'Agentes Estatales'
denunciando a sus Vecinos por infringir las... |
24 |
Sublevación Global |
Sublevación Global en Marcha - ¿Cuántas Personas han 'Muerto
Realmente de COVID-19'? |
23 |
Historia Humanidad |
- Tribus
y Súper-Tribus - El Zoológico Humano |
23 |
Sociopolítica |
La Tecnocracia Global y el 'Gran Reinicio' vienen como un
Tren Bala - Covid-19 |
22 |
Conciencia |
de la Pandemia' - La Vacunación y el Control Global |
22 |
Conciencia |
- Eliminación
y Disolución en nuestra Estructura de Bloqueos y Energías
asociadas al "Egregor Covid" |
21 |
Cambio Climático |
Establecen que la 'Temperatura Media' de la última Edad de
Hielo fue de 7,7 grados Celsius |
21 |
Pasado Moderno |
Un Teléfono de 1.200 Años - El Asombroso Invento de la
Antigua Civilización Chimú |
20 |
Elite Global |
- Pandemia
y Super-ricos
20 |
Sociopolítica |
Los Riesgos Ocultos del Abandono del Dinero en Efectivo |
Italiano |
21 |
Storia Umanità |
Il Tempo di Omero o "I Secoli Bui" - XII-IX Secoli AC |
20 |
Sociopolitica |
- 'La
più Grande Folla nella Storia della Germania' Insorge contro
Bill Gates e Big Pharma |
English |
19 |
Global Upraising |
- 'Largest
Crowd in German History' Rises Up against Bill Gates and Big
Pharma |
18 |
Global Upraising |
- 'Take
Off the Mask!' - Thousands gather in London for 'Unite for
Freedom' Rally, demanding 'Back to Normal Now' |
18 |
Solar Storm |
- A
Warning from History - The Carrington Event was Not Unique |
18 |
Sociopolitics |
- Fortress
America |
17 |
Consciousness |
- Your
Body and Mind Aren't Enough - They Want Your Soul... |
17 |
Global Upraising |
- Global
Uprising Underway - How many People Have 'Really Died from
COVID-19'? |
17 |
Global Elite |
- Global
Technocracy and The 'Great Reset' is coming like a Bullet
Train - Covid-19 |
16 |
Virus |
- Ab8
COVID-19 Drug Breakthrough - Tiny Antibody Component
completely neutralizes the SARS-CoV-2 Virus |
16 |
Humanity's History |
- The
Age of Homer or 'The Dark Ages" - 12th-9th
Century |
16 |
Genoma |
Gene Drive Technology - What Species should we make Extinct
Today? - Why are B. Gates and Military involved? |
15 |
Transhumanism |
- Dr.
Carrie Madej - COVID-19 Vaccine, Transhumanism and Human
Ver. 2.0
15 |
Virus - Big Brother |
- The
Dystopian Age of the Mask - How Ernst Jünger predicted the
Ubiquity of Masks |
15 |
Virus |
- Transverse
Myelitis - Mysterious Illness caused during 'COVID-19
Vaccine Trials' may lead to Paralysis |
14 |
Consciousness |
- Are
Cosmic Forces at Work on Earth? - 'As Above, So Below' |
14 |
Virus |
Quietly updated COVID-19 Numbers - Only 9,210 Americans Died
from it Alone |
14 |
Big Pharma |
- Big
Pharma's Narrative is Failing - Hydroxychloroquine and
Covid-19 |
13 |
Virus |
- The
1% Blunder - How a Simple but Fatal Math Mistake by US
Covid-19 Experts caused the World to Panic... |
13 |
Parascience |
- Elongated
Skulls found in completely New Region of Peru |
13 |
Virus |
- Hydrogel
Biosensor - Implantable Nanotech to be used in 'COVID
Vaccines'? |
Español |
19 |
Paraciencia |
- Un Nuevo Sistema de Visión "Sobrehumana" hace
Visible lo Invisible |
18 |
Sociopolítica |
Este Inquietante Documental en Netflix exhibe 'El Lado
Oscuro' de Facebook, Twitter y otras Redes Sociales |
18 |
Vida Alienígena |
Científicos Encuentran Señales de Vida en Venus |
17 |
Genoma |
- Descubren
las Claves Genéticas del Envejecimiento |
16 |
Transhumanismo |
Dra. Carrie Madej - Vacuna COVID-19, Transhumanismo y el Ser
Humano Versión 2.0
16 |
Virus |
Cómo Explicarse la Creación de una Falsa Narrativa COVID-19
y su Ratificación durante Seis Meses |
15 |
Conciencia |
- Soy
Yo... El Sistema...
14 |
Misticismo |
Desencadenando la Edad Oscura - El Asesinato de Hipatia |
13 |
Virus |
El Error del 1% - Cómo un Error Matemático de los 'Expertos'
en Covid-19 de EE.UU. causó Pánico... |
13 |
Ciencia Real |
- La
Máscara - Un ritual de Iniciación |
13 |
Sociopolítica |
La Ruptura - Los Dos Imperios Financieros más Poderosos de
la Historia Moderna |
Italiano |
17 |
Sociopolitica |
La Democrazia Borghese incontra "La Global Governance" -
Elezioni 2020 in USA |
15 |
Sociopolitica |
- Gates
è Sofferente per la CO2
e Demenza Virale... |
English |
12 |
Consciousness |
- Ego
Defense Mechanisms that Sabotage Self-Growth |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
- Brainwashed
by The 1% - Are We Merely Puppets? - Hypernormalisation, a
Documentary of 'A Fake World' |
11 |
Sociopolitics |
slammed after tweeting out 'ZION PROTOCOLS' - History's most
Notorious Anti-Semitic Text |
10 |
Darpa |
launches 'Project CHARIOT' in Bid to shield Big Tech Profits |
09 |
Exopolitics |
- Deep
State 'False Flag ET Invasion'
09 |
Virus |
WHO says 'Masks don't Prevent Infection' - Fauci says 'Not
Mandatory Vaccination' |
09 |
Virus |
- The
1% Blunder - How a Simple but Fatal Math Mistake by US
Covid-19 "experts" caused the World to Panic... |
09 |
Sociopolitics |
- Gates
Suffers from CO2
and Viral Dementia... |
08 |
Consciousness |
- Humanity
Awakening - Energy Update |
08 |
Cosmos |
- Dark
Theories - Dark Matter... |
07 |
Consciousness |
- How
to Practice Non-Duality |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bourgeois
Democracy meets 'Global Governance' - U.S. Election 2020 |
07 |
Big Pharma |
- Is
WHO Director Tedros a Terrorist? - Global Ties to Bill
Gates, Clinton Foundation, Dr. Fauci, China and... |
07 |
Climate Change |
- World
Health Organization (WHO) using COVID to push Climate Change
Agenda - Tucker Carlson |
06 |
Humanity's History |
- How
to Deal with Change - Advice from the Stoics |
06 |
Sol |
- "The
Approaching Grand Solar Minimum and Little Ice Age
Conditions" - Prof. Nils-Axel Mörner |
Español |
12 |
Sociopolítica |
- Plandemia
- En el Mundo de Los Doctores
12 |
Big Pharma |
- Hipocresía
Hipocrática: Un Relato de Dos Serpientes - Exponiendo la
Mentira |
11 |
Sociopolítica |
Trastienda de Trump' - Estamos a las Puertas de un Colapso
Económico Mundial y del Desmantelamiento... |
11 |
Conciencia |
La Única Manera para que la Humanidad Sobreviva a lo que
está Sucediendo |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
El Nacimiento de la 'Sociedad Sin Efectivo' |
09 |
Historia Humanidad |
Julio César - Leyenda Nacida de una Vida de Adversidades |
08 |
Virus |
Revelando el Ritual Oculto de la 'Iniciación del Corona' |
08 |
Ciencia Real |
por qué estás Usando una Máscara - El Ritual Pagano de
Transformación |
07 |
Virus |
- Médico
Italiano Roberto Petrella advierte a la Población: Covid-19
07 |
Big Pharma |
- "La
OMS ha Actuado como Instrumento de Manipulación Mundial" -
Covid-19 |
06 |
Virus |
- La
Secuencia del Cebador de la 'Prueba PCR' de Coronavirus de
la OMS se encuentra en Todo el ADN Humano |
06 |
Paraciencia |
El Chip implantado en el Cerebro que hará del Humano una
"Máquina" casi Perfecta |
Italiano |
10 |
Sociopolitica |
- "Ice-Nine"
- Il Lockdown Finanziario Globale |
English |
05 |
Virus |
- Anthony
Fauci is Out "Sidelined" by Trump - Enter Dr. Scott Atlas to
the 'Coronavirus Task Force' |
04 |
Sociopolitics |
- "Ice-Nine"
- The Global Financial Lockdown |
04 |
Consciousness |
- The
Science of 'Plant Intelligence' takes Root |
03 |
Humanity's History |
- Subterranean
Kingdom of Shahmaran and the Land of The Snakes |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
- Here's
what a 'Cashless Society' Really Means |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Bill
Gates secretly Dictates 'Global Food Policy' too...! |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- China
- The Emerging Global Giant |
01 |
Virus |
- China
- The Virus Crises |
01 |
Royal Science |
- Why
you're Wearing a Mask - The Pagan Ritual of Transformation |
Español |
05 |
Sociopolítica |
- La
Manifestación de Berlín - Covid-19 |
04 |
5G |
La 5G es el Último Sistema de 'Armas de Energía Dirigida' -
Dice Doctora en Física de Partículas |
04 |
Meteoritos |
Extraña y Antigua Roca Espacial Antártica revela un Misterio
de la Vida |
03 |
Matrix |
- Vivimos
en un Laberinto Ilusorio y el Secreto para Salir es Ayudar a
los Demás |
03 |
Conciencia |
El Siete - Estudio de los Números y Decodificación
Actualizada |
02 |
Paraciencia |
El Cerebro No Busca la Verdad - Busca la Comodidad... |
02 |
Sociopolítica |
- "Guardianes
Periodistas" de Bill Gates Finalmente lo Exponen... |
01 |
Paraciencia |
Científicos Convierten Agua de Mar en Potable usando Luz
Solar en 30 Minutos |
01 |
Sociopolítica |
De Cuarentena a Estado Policial - Se inaugura el "Gran
Reinicio" |
Italiano |
01 |
Big Pharma |
L'OMS usa le Celebrità e gli Influencer per Cercare di
Manipolare il Pubblico - Ma Funziona…? |