7 Foods That Should Never Cross
Your Lips
According to 'Science',
Eating 'Too Much Salad' Now Causes Autism
A Leading Cause of Climate Change
that No One is Talking About
Español |
Alimentos Falsos versus Alimentos
Reales - Una Cuestión de Vida o Muerte
- "Aquatic
Life is Bathing in a Soup of Antidepressants" - Says Marine
Biologist |
Nano-Particles Found In Common Processed Foods Safe for
Consumption? |
Bad Diets are Responsible for More
Deaths than Smoking - Global Study Finds
Español |
Bayer, McDonald y Coca Cola se
Big Beef is in Big Trouble - What
You Should Know About It
Big Pharma set to control 'Entire
Food Supply' - Monsanto-Bayer and Bill Gates join hands...
Bill Gates Calls for Farmers to Be
Replaced with 'Smart Farming' A.I. Technology
Italiano |
Bill Gates Propone di Rimpiazzare
gli Agricoltori con Tecnologia di I.A. "Agricoltura
Canadian Study gives More Evidence
Cancer is a Lifestyle Disease largely Caused by Food
Cancer and Sugar
Cancer Incidence Attributable to Lifestyle
and Environmental Factors in Alberta in 2012
Cereal Crimes - A Report
by The Cornucopia Institute
Cereal Crimes - Natural vs.
Organic Cereal
Chinese Health Deteriorating as
Western Foods Become More Prominent
Codex Alimentarius Permits a Wide
Range of Dangerous Chemicals in Food
Español |
Cómo el Gluten y la
Moderna Elaboración de Alimentos Contribuyen a la Mala
Español |
Consentido Hasta la Podredumbre -
Información y Detalles Sobre la Desintoxicación
Consuming Ultra-processed Food
tied to Higher Mortality
Corporate Crimes in The Cereal
Aisle - How Companies Are
Fooling You Into Thinking Their Products Are...
Corporate Food Checkmated - The
Natural News Food Lab
Corporations Sneak Synthetic
Preservatives Into Organic Food
Español |
- ¿Cuál
es el Futuro de los Alimentos?
Español |
Cuáles son los Alimentos con más
Microplásticos y cómo Afectan a tu Salud
Español |
Cuestionada en Chile la Cría del
Salmón por su Impacto Ambiental y Sanitario - Se Acerca
a Argentina...
Español |
Cuestionado el Modelo Agrícola
Argentino - Se Pregunta cómo Seguir
Disturbing Aerial Photos Show what
Killing Billions of Animals for Meat is Doing to The
Eating Someone
Español |
El Azúcar Oculto en los Alimentos
Fotos Impactantes
Español |
El Cáncer y El Azúcar
Español |
El Efecto Dorito - La Sorprendente
Verdad acerca de la Comida y el Sabor
Español |
El Trigo Moderno - Un Destructor
de La Salud
- Main File
Español |
Estrategias de 'Marketing' - Que
hace la Industria de la Alimentación para Incrementar
sus Ventas
Español |
Estudio Canadiense ofrece más
Pruebas que el Cáncer es una Enfermedad del Estilo de
Vida Causada...
EWG Report Shows Unsafe Levels of
Glyphosate Herbicide in Oat Products
Español |
Excitotoxinas - El Sabor Que Mata
Fake Food vs. Real Food - A
Question of Life or Death
FDA Deliberately Deceiving
Americans Over Arsenic in Rice, Chicken and Other Foods - Contamination...
Foie Gras - Delicacy of Despair
Fruits and Vegetables Reaching an
Alarming State of Nutrient Depletion
Gates Unhinged - Dystopian Vision
for the Future of Food
General Mills forced to Change
Label due to Herbicide Chemical in Food
Globesity - How Globalists are Feeding Off
the Obesity
GMO's and CAFO's Drive Disease
Statistics and Destroy Communities
effects of Dietary Risks in 195 Countries, 1990-2017
How Gluten and Modern
Food Processing Contribute to Poor Health
How the Food Mafia is Ruining Your Health - Exposed by these
2 Men
How the Obesity Epidemic Got
Started, and How We Can End It
How to Expose Food Adulteration in Less Than 5 Minutes
Italiano |
Il Cancro e Lo Zucchero
Industry Scandal - The Loss of Nutrients in Industrial
Microparticles in Food can Deliver Vaccines, Drugs and More...
Junk Food more Deadly than War,
Famine and Genocide - Researchers Reveal
Disturbing Numbers
Español |
La Apocalíptica Amenaza de la
Superbacteria que Enfrenta la Tierra, es muy Real debido
al Hambre...
Español |
La Comida Basura - La
Peor Comida para dar Energía
Español |
La Desnaturalización de la
Español |
La FDA Deliberadamente Engaña a
Estadounidenses Sobre Arsénico en Arroz, Pollo y Otros
Español |
La FDA Finalmente Admite que en EE.UU. la Carne de Pollo
Contiene Arsénico que Causa Cáncer
Español |
La Globalización de la
Mala Comida y la Mala Salud
Español |
La Industria de Alimentos lo ha
Planeado Muy Bien - Las Dietas Altas en Azúcar Refinado
y Aceites...
Español |
- "La
Mayoría de los Alimentos están Envenenados y provocan
una Muerte Lenta" - dice Rossend Doménech
Español |
Las Mejores Decisiones que he
tomado en mi Vida - Mercola
List of Products and Brands that
Tested Positive for Monsanto's Glyphosate
Español |
Los 4 Mayores Errores en el
Asesoramiento Dietético que ahora Incluso los Doctores
Admiten Deben...
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 3
Español |
Los Venenos de las Transnacionales
Major Junk Food Company Grocery
Manufacturers Association (GMA) Collapses
Many Reasons Why Soy Should be
Español |
de Hambre' al Cáncer Quitando un solo alimento - El
Azúcar Refinada
Español |
Mercados Alimentarios - Arma de
Destrucción Masiva
Español |
México se Lanza contra las
Multinacionales - "Son el Motor de las Enfermedades
Modern Wheat - A Health Destroyer
- Main File
Nanotechnology in Food & Agriculture
- Out of The Laboratory And
On To Our Plates
Nanotechnology - The New Threat to
Nanotech Viruses In Food
Español |
Nanotecnología - La Nueva Amenaza
en la Alimentación
New MRSA Superbug Strain Found in UK Milk Supply
Nine Foods You Should Never Eat Again
No Farmers, No Food...! - A Global
Food Crisis is Coming...
Español |
Nuestro Tiempo para Evitar
Consecuencias Dramáticas está Desapareciendo Rápidamente
Español |
Nueve Alimentos que Usted No
Debería Jamás Volver a Comer
Español |
Sistema Alimentario Controlado' ya está en Marcha y No
se Detendrán Ante Nada para Acelerar su... |
Our Fatally Fractured Food Chain
Time to Avoid Dramatic Consequences is Rapidly Disappearing - Alarming
Pay Attention because We're Heavily Empowering One Industry
to Destroy the Environment
Pesticide Residues Detected in
Almost All European Foods
Pesticides on Our Food - Will the
Real Public Enemy No. 1 please Stand Up?
Español |
Pollo de Granjas Industriales -
Principal Responsable de Numerosas Infecciones en los
Seres Humanos
Español |
Poniendo un Mito a Descansar - No
Hay Tal Cosa como 'Colesterol Malo'
Poor Quality Olive Oil Companies Revealed
- The Brands to Avoid
Español |
Por qué los Alimentos Sintéticos
son Muy Peligrosos
Processed Food - 9 Nasty Truths
About The Meals You Eat
Putting The Myth to Rest - There
Is No Such Thing as 'Bad Cholesterol
Español |
- ¿Qué
son los Micro- y Nano-Contaminantes en las Vacunas y
porqué hay Dióxido de Titanio en los...
Español |
- ¿Quién
está detrás del 'Gran Reinicio de Alimentos'?
on Evaluation of Extra-Virgin Olive Oil Sold in California
Publish First Public Database on Food Fraud
Español |
Según la 'Ciencia', Comer
Demasiada Ensalada Ahora Causa Autismo
Scientist Blasts Industrial Chemicals in U.S. Foods
- Report Reveals Toxicity of Food
Seven Dangerous Food Ingredients
Shocking Facts About the U.S. Meat
Some Ways Milk and Dairy Products
are Making You Sick
- Information and Details on Detoxing
Starving Cancer to Death by
Removing one Food - Refined Sugar
Study Emphasizes Dangers of
'Ultra-Processed' Foods - Confirms they Boost Risk of
Early Death
Ten Foods Available in the U.S.
that are Banned Elsewhere
The 4 Biggest Mistakes in Dietary
Advice that Even Doctors now Admit Must Be Corrected
Alarming Truth About Supermarket Meat
The Death of Frankenfoods
- Nailing the Coffin Shut
The Denaturing of Nature
The Dorito Effect - The Surprising
Truth about Food and Flavor
The Fight to Ban Meat - Is it
Really about the Environment...?
The Food Industry has Planned It
Well - Diets High in Refined Sugar and Processed Oils
Cause The Brain...
The Globalization of Bad
Food and Poor Health
The Most Faked Foods in the World
The Runaway Transgenic Frankenfood
The Shocking Origin of Vegetable
Oil - Garbage!
The Superbug Apocalyptic Threat
Facing the Earth is Very Real Due to the World's Hunger
for Meat
Top 10 Breakfast Cereals Most Likely to Contain
Monsanto's GMO Corn
The United States has an Epidemic
of Processed Food ...And it's Killing Us
Top 10 Cancer Causing Foods -
Understanding what Causes Cancer
Español |
Tu Comida ya No Será la Misma
después de Ver estas Imágenes - Al menos eso Esperamos...
Español |
Una de las Causas Principales del
Cambio Climático sobre la que Nadie está Hablando
Unethical Corporations - The
Manipulation of our Associative Memory
Español |
Usted No Va a Creer lo Que Está
Haciendo La Industria de Comida Rápida para Mantener a
Español |
- ¿Vacunación
Forzada Inconsciente a través de la Comida?
- 3 Fast Food Ingredient Secrets
Ways in which Corporations are
Poisoning Our Food, Water, the Earth
We've Grossly Underestimated how
much Cow Farts are Contributing to Global Warming
What are Micro- and
Nanocontaminants Doing in Vaccines and Why is Titanium
Dioxide in Food?
What is Natural? - Nine
Disgusting "Natural" Ingredients in Your Food
What's Really in The Food?
- The A to Z of The Food Industry's Most Evil
What the Health! - Why Everybody should Watch this Documentary
Who is Behind the Great Food Reset?
Why Synthetic Food is Very
Window Cleaning Chemical Injected
Into Fast Food Hamburger Meat
You Won't Believe What The Food
Industry is Doing to Keep Americans Hooked on Junk
Additional Information |
Accelerated Biodegradation of
Veterinary Antibiotics in Agricultural Soil
- Following
Long-Term Exposure...
Modern Human-Induced Species Losses - Entering the Sixth Mass
Association Between Ultraprocessed
Food Consumption and Risk of Mortality Among Middle-aged
Big Agriculture Creating New Generation of
Antibiotic-Resistant Superbugs
Big Pharma-Big Agra
Mergers - Furthering the Synthetic Agenda
Diet Impairs Expression of Sensory-specific Satiety and
Stimulus-Outcome Learning
Changing The Future of Obesity -
Science, Policy, and Action
Common Additive in Organic Food Triggers Significant
Inflammation and Cancer - Approved by The
Common Food Additive E171 found to
affect Gut Microbiota
Companies Using GMOs in Baby Formula
Everywhere But Nothing Else... Not Even A Bee
Conflicts of Interest in Approvals
of Additives to Food Determined to Be Generally
Recognized as Safe...
Data Gaps in Toxicity Testing of
Chemicals Allowed in Food in the United States
Down on the Farm
- The Impact of Nano-Scale Technologies on Food and
Español |
Quieren que Comamos Carne
Español |
WiFi Bloquea El Crecimiento de Las Plantas-
La Amenaza Oculta del Internet Inalámbrico
Exploring the Global Food Supply
Chain Markets
Fast Food Logos 'Imprinted' on
Kids' Brains
- Study Finds
Italiano |
Il WI-FI Blocca la Crescita delle
Piante - La Minaccia Occulta di
Internet Senza Fili
Infant Formula Manufacturers
Refuse to Remove GMO and New Research Now Links Formula
to Chronic...
Español |
La Importancia de los Alimentos No
Perecederos en Tiempos de Crisis
Lateral Transfer of Genes and Gene
Fragments in Staphylococcus Extends beyond Mobile
Italiano |
L'Importanza degli Alimenti Non
Deteriorabili in Tempo di Crisi
Microplastics Found in 90 Percent
of Table Salt
Español |
Nuevo Estudio Contradice Todo lo
que nos vienen diciendo en Contra de la Carne
Safety Events among Novel Therapeutics Approved by the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration...
Español |
- ¿'Quien'
o 'Que Cosa' Está Matando a Las Abejas?
- Main File
Methane Emissions Factors and Spatially Distributed Annual Carbon
Fluxes for Global Livestock
Since 1950, Reliable Research Has
Been Suppressed to Keep Americans in The Dark About
Syngenta Charged for Covering-Up
Livestock Deaths from GM Corn
Food Label Entries That Should Send You Running
The Connection Between Big Food/Big Pharma and Nutrition
The Future of Food - Completely
Automated Farms Run by Robots
Want Us to Eat Meat
Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in
Food and Personal Care Products
Toward Sustainable Agricultural
Systems in The 21st Century
Trends in Adult Body-Mass Index in
200 Countries from 1975 to 2014
Italiano |
Un Esperto in Economia spiega l’imminente
"Policrisi della Distruzione"
Español |
Un Experto en Economía explica la
inminente 'Policrisis de la Destrucción'
Western Diet Triggers
NLRP3-Dependent Innate Immune Reprogramming
Whether Labeled Organic, Non-GMO
or Conventional, here Are 12 Reasons to Avoid Any Kind
of Soy
Who Is Responsible for The World
Food Shortage
or 'What' is Killing The Bees?
- Main File
WiFi Block Plant's Growing
- European Acclaim for Grade 9 Experiment
Cultured Meat
- Carne Cultivada |
3 Lies Big Food wants You to
Believe and the Truth Behind Factory-'Farmed' Meat
Artificial Hamburger Meat
Successfully Grown in Vat of Bovine Fetal Cells
Español |
Carne Artificial - Este tipo de
Carne es una Amenaza para la Salud, la Economía y la
Español |
Carne Cultivada - Una 'startup
argentina' realizó la Primera Degustación en América
Consumers are Rejecting 'The Great
Español |
Del Laboratorio a la Mesa - Qué es
la Carne Sintética
Is There Glue in The Meat You Are
- "Meat Glue" Exposed...
Is Your Dinner Steak "Glued" Together?
Lab-Grown "Meat" is coming to
Stores and Restaurants near You
Glue - Transglutaminase and Franken Vittles
Meat Glue (Transglutaminase) - Is
that Really a $55 Filet or Glued Together Meat?
Stem Cell Based Lab-Grown Meat Coming Soon to Your
Dinner Plate
The Bloody Truth about Lab-Grown
Meat - Pharma Food-Biotech on Your Plate
The Future Will Be Full of Lab
Grown Meat
Multimedia: |
Español |
La Abominable Carne Sintética
McDonald's and 'Fast Food'
- Comida Chatarra |
Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Monsanto
Pay for Propaganda - Is it Working?
Español |
Cuando ratones son Alimentados con
Comida Chatarra el Sistema Inmunológico se vuelve Loco...
How Bolivia Triumphed over
McDonalds - Fast Food Giant Shuts
Down All Restaurants in Bolivia
Immune Systems Go Haywire when
mice are fed Fast Food, causing an "Explosion" of
Inside the McDonald’s McRib
Is McDonald's stalking Children
Lab Tests show McDonald’s
'Devastates' Gut Health in 10 Days
- Subject also 'Turned Strange Grey' Color
McDonald's and Biophoton Deficiency
Español |
Porqué las Hamburguesas "Happy
Meal" de McDonald no se Descomponen
Español |
- ¿Qué
pasaría con tu Cuerpo si consumes Comida Chatarra con
The Globalization of "Fast Food" -
Behind the Brand: McDonald's
Why does Russia
want to Ban
Why McDonald's Happy Meal
Hamburgers won't Decompose - The Real Story behind
The Story
Multimedia: |
Bolivia - El Único país en
Sudamérica que McDonald's No pudo Penetrar
- ¿Porqué Quebró McDonald's en
Nestlé |
and Nestlé to Privatize the Largest Reserve of Water in
South America
- "Human
Beings Have No Right to Water" and Other Words of Wisdom
from Your 'Friendly' Neighborhood...
Italiano |
L'Amministratore Delegato di
Nestlé cerca di Controllare la Fornitura Mondiale
Italiano |
L'Amministratore Delegato di
Nestle ha Affermato L'Acqua Non è un Diritto Umano
Baby Milk Scandal has Grown Up but Not Gone Away
Nestle CEO Says Water Isn't a
Human Right
Nestle CEO Seeks to Control The
World's Water Supply
Processed Food is Dying - Nestlé
Takes Worst Hit in 20 Years as Public Opinion Shifts
The Baby Killer
- Nestle
Multimedia: |
Bottled Life - The Truth About
Nestlé's Business With Water
We Feed The World
Español |
Nosotros Alimentamos Al Mundo
Multimedia |
11 of the Most Faked Foods in the
World - Big Business
Advertising and The Lies of The
Dairy Industry
A River of Waste - The Hazardous
Truth About Factory Farms
BioEngineered NanoFoods
- More Dangerous than GMO's!
S.A.' - La Industria Alimentaria
El Futuro de Los Alimentos
Español |
El Nuevo Agronegocio de Bill Gates
con MONSANTO y sus 3 Socios Argentinos
Español |
FED UP - Los Sucios Secretos de la
Industria de la Alimentación
FED UP - The Dirty Secrets of the
Food Industry
Italiano |
Inc.' - L'Industria Alimentare
'Food Inc.'
- The Food Industry
Food - The Ultimate Secret Exposed
Global Junk Food
Industry Scandal - The Loss of Nutrients in Industrial
La Locura del Maíz - Una Planta
entre el Beneficio Económico y el Hambre
Mercados Alimentarios
- Arma de Destrucción Masiva
Farmers, No Food
Planet Earth - As we Eat our way to Extinction...
The American Parasite - 250 Millions Americans
The Future of Food
The Maize Craze - Between Profit
and Hunger
The Superior Human? - Animal
Rights and Speciesism
What the Health!
Related Reports |
A Healthier Medical and
Environmental Industry
- Main File
A Healthy
Way to Food
- Main File
- Main File
Genetically Engineered Organisms - Foods and Others
- Main File
Microbiome - Our Microbes and
- Main File
Monsanto - A Multinational Factory
of Death
- Main File
- Main File
Viruses - An Instrument in World
- Main File