Español |
Algunas Razones por las que Monsanto se está Derrumbando
y Quemando
- "Altered
Genes, Twisted Truths" - A Challenge to Monsanto
Altered Genes, Twisted Truth - How
GMOs Took Over the Food Supply
Amazing Disgrace -
Monsanto Up to Its Old Dirty Tricks Again
Approved Genetically Modified Corn
by Monsanto Now Linked to Organ Damage
Argentina's Soybeans Help
Feed the World but Might Be Making Locals Sick
- Main File
Bayer-Monsanto Bleeding Out! - 44%
Drop! - Mainstream Media Silent...
Big Pharma-Big Agra
Mergers - Furthering the Synthetic Agenda
Big Pharma set to control 'Entire
Food Supply' - Monsanto-Bayer and Bill Gates join hands...
Biotech's Dirty Tricks Exposed in
New Documentary 'Scientists Under Attack'
Coca-Cola, McDonalds and Monsanto
Pay for Propaganda - Is it Working?
Español |
Consejo Principal de Abogados
revela Evidencia que llevó a Histórico Triunfo Contra
Consolidation of Seed Companies Leading to Corporate
Domination of World Food Supply
Español |
Cronología de la Oscura Historia
de Monsanto
Español |
De Cómo Monsanto Destruyó la Argentina Rural
Department of Agriculture Secretly Destroys Beekeeper's
Bees and 15 Years of Research
- Proving...
Dow and Monsanto Team Up on The Mother of All Herbicide
Marketing Plans
Effect of Genetically Modified Corn on the
Jejunal Mucosa of Adult Male Albino Rat
Español |
El Control Mundial de los
Alimentos a través de las Semillas Genéticamente
Español |
El Nuevo Peligro para la
Salud Global Creado por Monsanto
Español |
El Tribunal Monsanto - Hacia una
Nueva Era...
Failed Monsanto GMO Corn Pushed on African Countries
with Help of Bill Gates
Five Million Farmers Sue Monsanto for $7.7 Billion
News' Fires Reporters for Exposing Disturbing Facts
about Monsanto
Genetically Modified Democracy
Español |
Genéticamente Modificados por Monsanto
- ¿Porqué No?
GM Frankenfood Allergies Commentary
Giant Monsanto Joins Big Business Coalition for United
Nations 'Agenda 21'
Herbicide Used on Genetically
Modified Soy in Argentina Could Cause Birth Defects
Corporations Like Monsanto Have Hijacked Higher
How Monsanto Destroyed Rural Argentina
Your College Is Selling Out to Big Agrichemical Monsanto
Italiano |
I 12 Prodotti Più Terribili Fatti
da Monsanto
- Selling Out to Monsanto - GMOs and
the Bigger Picture
In The Beginning There Was Monsanto
Launches Coalition to Research the Challenges Facing
Honey Bees
- Monsanto's Desperate...
Is Monsanto's GM Cattle Drug Dead?
- "It's
Not the Zika Virus" - Doctors Expose Monsanto Linked
Pesticide as Cause of Birth Defects
Español |
La Guerra Contra la Hierba
Español |
La Historia Completa de Monsanto - La Más Maligna Corporación
del Mundo
Español |
La Naturaleza Contraataca -
Amaranto Inca Devora Transgénicos de Monsanto
Italiano |
La Pianta Sacra degli Inca che
Combatte i Prodotti Transgenici
Español |
La Planta Sagrada de los Incas que
Combate a los Transgénicos
Español |
La Soja de Argentina
Ayuda a Alimentar al Mundo pero Podría estar Enfermando
a los Pobladores Locales
Español |
La Toma del Poder en Ucrania por
Monsanto y Cargill podría Abrir las Compuertas de los
OGMs en Europa...
La Via Campesina Denounces Gates
Foundation Purchase of Monsanto Company Shares
Lead Trial Counsel reveals
Evidence that Led to Historic Win Against Monsanto
Let's Drive Monsanto and the 'Poison Cartel's Pesticides'
Off the Market
Español |
Ley de Semillas en Colombia Favorece a Monsanto - Advierten Agricultores
Español |
Ley Monsanto y el Saqueo de Las Semillas Indígenas
Out Monsanto! - Campaigns to Label Genetically
Engineered Foods Are Heating Up
Español |
Los 12 Productos Más Terribles
Hechos por Monsanto
Español |
Los Diez Mitos Acerca de Los Alimentos Transgénicos que
Monsanto Quiere que Usted Crea
Español |
Los Oscuros Planes de La Comisión
Trilateral - TPP, Monsanto, Rockefeller,
Español |
Los Sucios Trucos de la
Biotecnología expuestos en el nuevo Documental 'Científicos
Bajo Ataque'
Monsanto Accused of Hiring Army of
Trolls to Silence Online Dissent
- Court Papers
Monsanto - A Corporate Profile
- A 2013 Report by Food & Water Watch
Monsanto - A Corporate Profile
- by Corporate
Monsanto - Been There,
Done That
Monsanto, Big Pharma, and The FDA Used Key Players to
Approve rBGH
- Case Study in Corporatocracy
Monsanto Declared Worst Company of 2011
Monsanto Desperately
Hoping to Hide New Food Safety Test Results
Monsanto Further Unveils Its True Evil Nature by Signing
on to UN Agenda 21 'Sustainability' Scam
Monsanto Hid Decades of Pollution PCBs Drenched Alabama
Town -
But No One Was Ever Told
Monsanto in Gates' Clothing?
- The Emperor's New GMOs
Monsanto is Killing the Monarch Butterflies
- "We Have this Smoking Gun"
Español |
Monsanto Intentando Ocultar
Alimentos Genéticamente Modificados bajo el Término
Monsanto Knew...!
Monsanto Linked to Coup That Ousted Paraguayan President
Monsanto Nation - Exposing Monsanto's Minions
Monsanto Nation - Taking Down Goliath
Monsanto, One of the Most Hated Organizations on Earth
is Trying to Change its Name
Monsanto Patents and Chemtrails
Plotting to Wipe Out Genetic Diversity of Corn in Mexico
with GMO Corn
Monsanto Preys on Popularity of Omega-3s by Developing
GMO Soybean That Produces Fake Fish Oil
Monsanto Put on Trial for Crimes Against Humanity in The
Español |
Monsanto Recortará 2,600 Puestos
de Trabajo a Medida que Bajan Ventas de Semillas GM
Monsanto's 5 Most Dubious Contributions to The Planet
Monsanto's Baby - S 510
- The 2009 Food ‘Safety' Bills Harmonize Agribusiness
Practices in Service of...
Monsanto's Biotech Public Relations Makeover -
Lubricating the Wheels of the GMO Trojan Horse
Monsanto Scandal Causes Reopening of U.S. Investigation
of GMO Wheat
Monsanto's Cover-Up - Anthony Gucciardi on
The Alex Jones Show
Monsanto's Dream Bill, HR 875
Monsanto Shareholder Meeting Infiltrated by Activist
Monsanto's History - Planting Seeds of Death, Disease
and Despair!
Monsanto's Mass 'Super Weeds' Force Sustainable Farming
Monsanto's Next Target - Democracy
Monsanto's Noxious History - Five of Gravest Wrongdoings
Monsanto's 'Partnership' With The Actual U.S. Presidential
Roundup Devastating Gut Health and Contributing to
Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria
Italiano |
Monsanto sta Cercando di
Nascondere Alimenti Geneticamente Modificati sotto il
Termine "Bio Fortificati
Take Over Research Universities and Turn Them Into
Pro-Industry Propaganda Machines
Monsanto - The Evil Corporation in Your Refrigerator
Monsanto - The 'Mother' of Agricultural Biotechnology
- The Toxic Face of Globalization
Monsanto, The TPP, and Global Food
Monsanto to Cut 2,600 Jobs as GMO Seed Sales Fall as
Americans (and Europe) reject GMOs
Monsanto - The World's Poster Child for Corporate
Manipulation and Deceit
Monsanto trying to Hide GMO Foods
under the Term "Biofortified"
Monsanto trying to Take Over World Seed Supply, Nation
by Nation
Monsanto Vs. The People
Monsanto Wants to Start Testing GM Wheat
Nature Fights Back - Bugs Devour GM Monsanto Corn With a
Español |
Nuevo Estudio Aporta Indicios de
Daños al Intestino provocados por Maíz Transgénico Bt
Preparing for Worldwide Genetic Control
- Monsanto India - GM Foods, Crops
Percy Schmeiser vs Monsanto
- Canadian Farmer's Fight to Defend The Rights of
Farmers and of Seeds...
Planting the Seeds of Regime
Change - How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer's "RoundUp"
are Driving US...
Presidential Candidate Hillary
Clinton Supports Monsanto
Proofs that We Don't Need GMOs to
Feed the World
Español |
- ¿Quién
es Monsanto?
- Temas Que Queman
Rodent Feeding Study With
Glyphosate Formulations and GM Maize NK603
- Séralini et al.
Roundup Herbicide Linked To
Overgrowth of Deadly Bacteria
Scientists Under Attack - Genetic Engineering in
The Magnetic Field of Money - Film Review
Seeds of Death - Understanding The
Deception Behind GMOs
Español |
- ¿Se
Opondrá Trump a los Designios de Monsanto? |
Seven New Toxic Genetically Modified Crops Up for
Government Approval
Español |
Sobre Fumigaciones y Otros Milagros Políticos de
Some Reasons Monsanto is Crashing and Burning
Some Reasons Monsanto's 'Science' doesn't Add Up
Court to Hear Today, Monsanto Seed Patent Case
The Amazing Revolving Door - Monsanto, FDA & EPA
The Astrology of Monsanto - GMOs: What Do the Stars
Say Astrologically?
The Chilling History of
Monsanto's Rise to Power
The GMO Agenda takes a Menacing
Leap Forward with EPA's Silent Approval of
Monsanto/Dow's RNAi Corn
The Incredibly Flat World of Monsanto
The Politics of Genetic Modified
Alfalfa Explained - What The Heck Happened?
The Revolving Door - FDA and the
Monsanto Company
The War on Weed
To Protect Weed from
Monsanto Patenting, Company Begins Mapping Cannabis
Toxic Artificial Sweetener
'Neotame' May Be Lurking in Your Organic Food
Español |
Transgénicos Peligrosos
- Denuncia al Gigante de Transgénicos Monsanto
Trans-Pacific Partnership and
Monsanto |
Español |
Tribunal Monsanto - ¿Una Luz al
Final del Túnel? |
Español |
Triunfo Campesino sobre
Italiano |
Trump si Opporrà ai Disegni di
Español |
Ucrania - Pierdan Esta Guerra, ¡antes que Monsanto
Arruine Vuestras Granjas!
Under Wraps
- Are
the crop industry's strong-arm tactics and close-fisted attitude
to sharing seeds holding back...
Unexpected Diversity of Feral
Genetically Modified Oilseed Rape Despite a Cultivation and Import Ban in...
U.S. Tax Dollars Promote Monsanto's GMO Crops Overseas
- Report
U.S. to Start 'Trade Wars' With Nations Opposed to
Monsanto and GMO Crops
- Leaked Information
Uttering Seven Infamous Words that Would Change
Everything - Bush and Monsanto
War Over Monsanto Gets Ugly
- Birth Defects, Superweeds and The Science of
What Every Parent Should Know About Monsanto
Who are Really the Top Shareholders of Monsanto? - The Answer May Surprise You
Why Is Damning New Evidence About Monsanto's Most Widely
Used Herbicide Being Silenced?
Why Is The State Department Using Our Money to Pimp for
Why Monsanto Always Wins
- The 'Politics' of The U.S. Department of Agriculture
WikiLeaks Cable Reveals U.S.
Conspired to Retaliate Against European Nations If They
Resisted GMOs
WikiLeaks Cables Reveal U.S.
Sought to Retaliate Against Europe Over Refusing to
Allow Monsanto GM...
WikiLeaks - U.S. Ambassador
Planned "Retaliation" Against France Over Ban on
Monsanto Corn
Additional Information |
Abiogenesis of Acari Insects
Africa's Frankenfoods - Why Is the Gates Foundation
Helping Monsanto Push Genetically Modified Food?
A Lack
of 'Freedom of
Español |
Algunas Razones por las
que la Corporación DuPont es tan Maligna como Monsanto
Español |
Análisis de 'Semillas de Destrucción
- La Agenda Oculta de Manipulación Genética'
Argentinean Mother Sticks It to Monsanto and Wins Major
Environmental Award
Astounding Corporate Ties of "Humanitarian" USAID With
Monsanto in Nepal
Bill Gates, Monsanto, and Eugenics
- How One of The World's Wealthiest Men is Actively
Promoting a...
Biotech Ambassadors - How the U.S. State
Department Promotes the Seed Industry's Global Agenda
Blamed for Bee Collapse, Monsanto Buys Leading Bee
Research Firm
Brazilian Commission Speed Up
Approval of GM Crops and Hasten The Release of GMO Beans
of Frankenfood's Hillary Clinton
- Pushes GMO Agenda... Hires Monsanto Lobbyist... Takes Huge...
Controversy - UPI Story About Monsanto's UK Bust Removed
From Mainstream News
Ebola Outbreak May Already Be Uncontrollable
- Monsanto Invests in Ebola Treatment Drug Company as...
Even The NY Times is Now Rejecting Monsanto GMO Science
Fears Grow as Study Shows
Genetically Modified Crops Can Cause Liver and Kidney
Finally World's Largest GMO Safety
Study Launched
- Let the World Truly Discover GMO Toxicity
Former Monsanto VP Attaining Top Position at The FDA
- Sign The Petition to Stop It
Genetically Modified Democracy
Genetically Modified (GM) Foods
and Dr. Arpad Pusztai
Bees a Chance
GMOs Failing Across America
- "Farmer to Farmer" Film Reveals Disastrous Failure
- The Ultimate Solution
Harvest of Fear
How The Feds Set Frankenstein Free
on The Farm - Terrorizing Farmers,
Making us Sick
Insiders and Hedge Funds Dumping Monsanto Stock
Investor Report Reveals That Monsanto Is Going Down The
Tubes -
Monsanto Investors Face Catastrophic...
Español |
La Amenaza de Los Transgénicos
Español |
La Triste Verdad Sobre la Vacuna
del Ébola
Español |
Los Transgénicos Nunca
Fueron Pensados para 'Acabar' con el Hambre
Maine Farmer Heads Group Challenging Genetics Giant
Meet Monsanto's Number One Lobbyist - Barack Obama
Monsanto and Genetic Engineering
- Risks for Investors Report
Monsanto and The FDA - 2 Crimes Families Working a
Trillion-Dollar Hustle
Monsanto Company Organization
Italiano |
Monsanto e Altre Multinazionali
Comprano Terreni Agricoli in Tutto il Mondo - Neo Feudalesimo
Monsanto Eerily Mimics Archon
Español |
Monsanto Extrañamente Mimetiza el
Comportamiento Arcóntico
Monsanto Family Were
Jewish Slave Dealers and Owners
Monsanto Investor Bill Gates Says
GMO Crops Needed to Fight Starvation
Partners With Synthetic Genomics
Monsanto's Man in The Obama
- The Return of Michael Taylor
Monsanto's Top 7 Lies About GMO Labeling and Proposition
Monsanto vs. Schmeiser
- A Landmark Decision concerning Farmer Liability and
Transgenic Contamination
Español |
Monsanto y Otras Multinacionales
Compran Tierras Agrícolas por Todo el Mundo
- Neo-Feudalismo
New Chapter Supplement Company Bought by Monsanto
- Linked Proctor & Gamble
Planetary Weapons and Military Weather Modification
- Chemtrails, Atmospheric Geoengineering and...
Political and Corporate Elite Shun GM Food on Their Own
America - GMO Manmade Biological Threats, Plant
Diseases, Germ Warfare
Public Research - Private Gain
Robotic Bees to Pollinate Monsanto Crops
Rogue Monsanto Wheat Sprouts in
S. 510 - Private Gardens To Be
Seeds of Destruction
- A Review of 'Seeds of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda
of Genetic Manipulation'...
Some Quick Reasons to Dislike
DuPont as Much as Monsanto and Most other Biotech Giants
Ways Monsanto Wants to Profit Off Climate Change
Stop the Toxic TPP - Trans-Pacific
Partnership Supports GMOs, Denies Your Right to Know |
Stunning Corn Comparison - GMO
versus NON GMO
Supreme Court Rules Drug Companies
Exempt from Lawsuits in 5-4 Vote
- Monsanto Strategy?
The Death of Frankenfoods
- Nailing the Coffin Shut
The Effect of Glyphosate on
Potential Pathogens and Beneficial Members of Poultry
Microbiota In Vitro
Four Steps Required to Keep Monsanto OUT of Your Garden
Global Bee Death
The GMO Lie Threatens Life on Earth Yet Some Resist
The GMO Population Cull… Getting Away With Murder
The Long Term Effects of
Genetically Modified Food on Humans
- GMO Scandal
The Many Reasons to Avoid
Genetically Modified Foods
Shocking Story of How Aspartame Became Legal
Top 10 Breakfast Cereals Most Likely to Contain
Monsanto's GMO Corn
The Trans-Pacific Partnership
Means GMOs in Your Food |
Trans Pacific Partnership Might
Include International Ban on GMO Labeling |
U.S. to Start ‘Trade Wars' With Nations Opposed to
Monsanto, GMO Crops
- Leaked Information
We Don't Need Genetically
Engineered Food, Just Biodiverse Farms
- Don't Buy The False Promise of...
White House Refuses to Release Email From
Monsanto-Linked Lobbyist
White House Refuses to Reveal Ties
With Monsanto
White House, U.S. Courts and EPA Shaft Veterans to
Protect Monsanto
World Bank Nominee Tied to
Monsanto Shareholder Bill Gates and Soros
Agent Orange |
Are You Eating, Drinking and Breathing Monsanto's New
Agent Orange?
The Legacy of Agent Orange and Monsanto - Have Things
The Secret History of Monsanto
- Agent Orange and The mutilation of Innocent Vietnamese
The Sinister Monsanto Group - 'Agent Orange' to
Genetically Modified Corn
Vietnam Demands Monsanto finally
be held Liable Over Agent Orange
Agent Orange - Vietnam
Countries and
Monsanto |
Canada, Australia, and Japan Issue
Warning over GMO Contamination - While the USDA says it
Connecticut Passes GMO Labeling
Connecticut Senate Passes GMO
Labeling Bill
Construction of Monsanto Plant in North Argentina Halted
on Environmental Grounds
El Salvador Government Bans Roundup over Deadly Kidney
Español |
El Sueño de Monsanto del Acuerdo de Comercio TTIP
- Cientos de Miles Cierran Berlín para Protestar... |
European Patent Office Grants
Monsanto Patent on Natural Broccoli Seeds, Florets
Europe Rejects GMO Crops - 'Kinder
Gentler' America Seeks Labeling
France Takes Stand Against GMOs-Monsanto
Despite End of Ban
Genetically Modified Politicians
GMO Crops Totally Banned in Russia
Hawaii's 'Big Island' Passes Bill
Forbidding Biotechnology Companies - GMOs
Here's Why more than 35 Countries
have Banned Genetically Modified Crops from their
Hungary Throws Out
Monsanto and The IMF
Español |
Hungría Se Deshace de Monsanto y
del FMI
India Says Monsanto Covertly, Illegally Conducted GM
Corn Trials Without Approval
India Slams Monsanto With Unprecedented 'Biopiracy'
Indigenous Communities in Guatemala Prevail against
Is There Any Hope for A
Non-Genetically Modified Future in America or Africa?
Italy and Austria join Growing
List of Countries that are Banning GMO Agriculture
Italy Becomes The 9th EU Nation to Ban Monsanto's GMO
American Communities Fight to Protect Heirloom Seeds
from Monsanto
Mexico Bans GMO Corn
Monsanto and Dupont/Pioneer
Continue Pulling GM Crops from EU
Monsanto Gives Up on GM Crops in Europe, Pursues
Patenting of Conventional Crops
Español |
Monsanto Golpea en Paraguay
- Los Muertos de Curuguaty y El Juicio Político a Lugo
Monsanto Not to Apply for New GM
Seeds in Europe
Monsanto's Dream Trade Deal - Hundreds of Thousands Shut
Down Berlin to Protest 'Trojan Horse
Poland Bans Genetically Modified
Maize and Potatoes
Poland Joins Ranks of Grassroots Anti-Monsanto Activism
Russia Bans All Genetic Modified Corn Imports
- EU May Also Ban Monsanto GMO in Wake of Shocking...
South Korea is Latest to Suspend U.S. Wheat Imports in
Aftermath of Monsanto Rogue Wheat Discovery
Total Ban on GM Corn in France
Follows Popular Opposition
Total GMO Ban to Be Considered by
Russia Within Weeks
Monsanto and
Bayer |
Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in
Bayer and Monsanto - An Unholy
Bayer ditches Monsanto's Toxic
Name in Merger - Green Groups say there's No Erasing its
"Toxic Legacy"
Español |
Bayer entierra el Tóxico Nombre
Monsanto en la Fusión - Grupos Verdes dicen que no hay
forma de borrar...
Bayer Ordered to Pay $2 Billion in
Damages in 3rd Roundup-Cancer Trial - Is Bankruptcy On
the Horizon?
Bayer's Modified Soil Microbes
could Trigger a Genetically Engineered Doomsday
Italiano |
Bayer sotterra il Nome Tossico
Monsanto nella Fusione - Gruppi Verdi affermano che Non
c'è modo di...
Bayer Stock Crashes after Monsanto
Cancer Verdict Upheld by Judge - Analyst Estimates $800
Billion in Liability
Español |
Bayer y Monsanto - Un Matrimonio
Español |
La Encrucijada de Bayer - Monsanto
y el Glifosato/RoundUp
Español |
La Fusión Bayer-Monsanto -
Empoderando un Cártel Destructor de la Vida
Monsanto-Bayer's GM Plants
Contaminate Europe Despite Ban
Monsanto-Bayer - Two
Destructive Corporate Conglomerates Become One
Monsanto, Syngenta and Bayer CropScience
- The GMO Biotech Sector can't win the Scientific Debate...
Español |
Monsanto y Bayer - ¿Quieren
Hacerse con la Industria del Cannabis?
The Bayer-Monsanto Merger -
Empowering a Life-Destroying Cartel
War on Food and the War on Humanity - Platforms of Control
and the Unbreakable Spirit
Multimedia: |
Bayer + Monsanto = A Match Made in
Monsanto and
Blackwater |
Did Monsanto Really Buy Blackwater
(Xe)? -
Setting The Record Straight
Jeremy Scahill on Blackwater's
Secret Relationship With Big Business
- Democracy Now!
Machines of War - Blackwater, Monsanto, and Bill Gates
Español |
Máquinas de Guerra - Blackwater,
Monsanto y Bill Gates
Español |
Monsanto Compra 'Academi', La
Antigua Blackwater
Monsanto and Cancer |
Bayer Ordered to Pay $2 Billion in
Damages in 3rd Roundup-Cancer Trial - Is Bankruptcy On
the Horizon?
Releases All Data on GM Corn Linked to Cancer
Russia Bans All Genetic Modified Corn Imports
- EU May Also Ban Monsanto GMO in Wake of Shocking...
Monsanto's Widely used 'Roundup'
Herbicide Linked to Cancer
Monsanto Technocrats Bullied
Scientists to Hide Glyphosate Cancer Risks
Researcher Reveals Monsanto has Known since 1981 that
Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
Scientists Have Warned for Years that Monsanto's Roundup
Causes Cancer - But it Was Approved
United Nations Claims that Monsanto Pesticides Cause
Monsanto and USDA |
Farmers Sue Again USDA Over
Monsanto Alfalfa
Move Over, Round-up - USDA Approves 2nd Generation GMOs
that Can Withstand Even Deadlier Herbicide
USDA Was Storing Monsanto's
Unapproved GM Wheat in Seed Vault
Widespread GMO Contamination
- Did Monsanto Plant GMOs Before USDA Approval?
How Monsanto Planted GMO Alfalfa
Before Allowed by USDA
Monsanto Protection
Act |
Monsanto Protection Act Proves Corporations More Powerful Than U.S.
Monsanto Protection Act put GM Companies Above The
Federal Courts
Monsanto Protection Act to Grant Biotech Industry Total
Immunity Over GM Crops?
New ‘Monsanto Protection Act'
Gives Monsanto Power Over US Government
Obama Signs Monsanto Protection Act Into Law After
Promising GMO Labeling in 2007
Supreme Court Sides with Monsanto - Backs Patents on
'Self-Replicating Technology'
Senator Apologizes for 'Monsanto Protection Act'
The Monsanto Protection Plan - Monsanto's Deception Game
on GMO in Europe
- Glyphosate |
An Empirical Roundup Experiment
ANRESCO Reports Food Testing with
Glyphosate - 2016
Study Finds Roundup Ingredient Causes Birth Defects
Español |
contra el Glifosato Amenaza la Explosión de la Soja en
Bayer Ordered to Pay $2 Billion in
Damages in 3rd Roundup-Cancer Trial - Is Bankruptcy On
the Horizon?
Italiano |
Bayer Ritirerà i Prodotti a base
di Glifosato, incluso il Roundup dal "Home and Garden
Market" degli Stati Uniti
Bayer to Pull Glyphosate Products
including Roundup from U.S. 'Home and Garden Market'
Biden backs Revival of 'His
Brainchild' Plan Colombia 2.0 set to begin April 2021 -
The Drug War
Italiano |
Biden sostiene la Rinascita della
'Sua Idea' piano Colombia 2.0 impostato per iniziare ad
Aprile 2021
By 2025 Half of all U.S. Children Will Have Autism and
Monsanto is to Blame
Carcinogenicity of
Tetrachlorvinphos, Parathion, Malathion, Diazinon, and
Eating Wheat fuels Staphylococcus,
Clostridium, and Klebsiella Growth - Study Suggests
Español |
El Parlamento Europeo
Aprueba Nuevamente el Uso del Glifosato-RoundUp aún
Sabiendo que es...
El Salvador Government Bans Roundup over Deadly Kidney
Español |
El Uso de Glifosato Aumenta y debe
tener Cuidado como Realizar el Test del Mismo
Español |
Encuentran Glifosato en 19 de 20
Cervezas y Vinos de Estados Unidos Analizados
EWG Report Shows Unsafe Levels of
Glyphosate Herbicide in Oat Products
Exposing Monsanto's RoundUp and Glyphosate - Human Blood is Not 'RoundUp
General Mills forced to Change
Label due to Herbicide Chemical in Food
Genetically Engineered Crops,
Glyphosate and the Deterioration of Health in the United
States of America
Genetically Modified Children - New Film Unveils
'Monstrous' Child Deformities by Agrochems in
Glyphosate - by PAN
Glyphosate Found in Human Hair as
Unique Testing Project releases First Results
Glyphosate - IARC Monographs on
the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risks to Humans - Volume
112 - 2015
Glyphosate in Our Bread
Glyphosate, Pathways to Modern
Diseases II - Celiac Sprue and Gluten Intolerance
Glyphosate Pesticide in Beer and
Wine from the U.S. - Test Results and Future Solutions
Glyphosate's Suppression of
Cytochrome P450 Enzymes and Amino Acid Biosynthesis by
The Gut...
Glyphosate - Unsafe on Any Plate
GMO and Monsanto Roundup - Glyphosate Weedkiller in our
Food and Water?
Gut-Wrenching New Studies Reveal
the Insidious Effects of Glyphosate
Español |
Investigador Revela que Monsanto ha Sabido desde 1981
que el Glifosato Promueve el Cáncer
It Turns out Some Conspiracy
Theories About Monsanto and Roundup are True
Killing us Softly - Glyphosate
Herbicide or Genocide?
Español |
La Encrucijada de Bayer - Monsanto
y el Glifosato/RoundUp
List of Products and Brands that
Tested Positive for Monsanto's Glyphosate
Long Term Toxicity of a Roundup
Herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant Genetically Modified
Long-Term Toxicity of a Roundup
Herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant Genetically... - Republished study
Español |
Los Líderes de los Países y la
Sombría Agenda de Control de Davos - Parte 3
MIT Scientist Explains
Why Modern Wheat is Causing So Many Health Problems
Monsanto-DuPont Trial Over Roundup-Ready Crops to Start
Monsanto Herbicide for Breakfast,
Lunch and Dinner
Monsanto Herbicide in GMO Crops is Carcinogenic
- WHO Full Report
Monsanto's Herbicide Linked to Fatal Kidney Disease
Epidemic - Could it Topple the
Monsanto's Infertility-Linked Roundup Found in All Urine
Samples Tested
Monsanto's RoundUp Altering The Physical Shape of
Monsanto's RoundUp
(Glyphosate) is Literally Everywhere
Monsanto's RoundUp is Causing DNA Damage
- Glyphosate Toxic to Mouth Cells and Damages DNA...
Monsanto's RoundUp Threatens Stability of Global Food
Monsanto's RoundUp Herbicide - The Ultimate Killing
Monsanto's RoundUp Triggers Over 40 Plant Diseases and
Endangers Human and Animal Health
Monsanto's Widely used 'Roundup'
Herbicide Linked to Cancer
Monsanto Technocrats Bullied
Scientists to Hide Glyphosate Cancer Risks
New Study Finds a "Very Strong"
Correlation between GMOs and Two Dozen Diseases
New Study - Monsanto's #1 Herbicide Directly Linked to
Chronic Disease Spike
New Study Reveals How Glyphosate in Monsanto's Roundup
Inhibits Natural Detoxification in Human Cells
Pesticides on Our Food - Will the
Real Public Enemy No. 1 please Stand Up?
Planting the Seeds of Regime
Change - How GMO Seeds and Monsanto/Bayer's "RoundUp"
are Driving US...
Researcher Reveals Monsanto has Known since 1981 that
Glyphosate Promotes Cancer
Roundup and Birth Defects
- Is The Public Being Kept in The Dark?
Roundup Birth Defects - Regulators Knew World's
Best-Selling Herbicide Causes Problems, New Report...
Español |
Roundup, la Toxina-Bt,
los OMG y la Intolerancia al Gluten
Roundup "Weed Killer" contributed
to CA Man's Cancer - 100's of Billions in Future
Liability for Monsanto-Bayer
Scientists Have Warned for Years that Monsanto's Roundup
Causes Cancer - But it Was Approved
Secret Documents show how Monsanto
tried to Hide Public Health Consequences of Roundup
Español |
Se Incrementa el Uso de esta
Sustancia Peligrosa que podría Causar Enfermedades -
Organophosphate Insecticides and Herbicides
- IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic
Sri Lanka First Country to Ban Monsanto's Glyphosate Due
to Study on Chronic Kidney Disease
Study Links Roundup 'Weedkiller' to Overgrowth of Deadly
Fungal Toxins
The British Government Colludes
with Monsanto - Crimes Against Humanity and "Ecocide"
The Hidden Weed Killer in Your
The Impact of the Nation's Most
Widely Used Insecticides on Birds - Neonicotinoids and
The Real Reason Wheat is Toxic -
It's Not the Gluten!
The Trio of Herbicides Which Are
Poisoning Us, Our Food and Our Environment
The World's Largest Human Experiment - Monsanto's Glyphosate-Based
Roundup Herbicide
The World's Most Credible Medical Journal Outlines Bad
News for Monsanto
Toxicology Expert Speaks Out About
Roundup and GMOs
in Glyphosate Herbicide use in the United States and Globally
United Nations Claims that Monsanto Pesticides Cause
United Nations Review
Claims Monsanto's Glyphosate 'Not' Carcinogenic...
Weedkiller Products more Toxic
than their Active Ingredient - Tests Show
Weed Whackers - Monsanto, Glyphosate, and the War on
Invasive Species
We're Not Gluten Intolerant -
We're Glyphosate Intolerant
What the Monsanto Papers tell us
about Corporate 'Science'
Why is Glyphosate Sprayed on Crops
Right Before Harvest?
Books-Treatises |
Altered Genes - Twisted Truth -
by Steven
Inside The FDA - The Business and
Politics Behind the Drugs We Take and the Food We... -
by F.Hawthorne
Seeds of Deception
- Exposing Industry and
Government Lies About Safety of GMO - by J.M. Smith
of Destruction - The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Multimedia |
14 Years Old Girl Debates on GMOs
- Rachel Parent on 'The Lang and O'Leary Exchange CBC TV
Español |
Científicos Bajo Ataque
David Icke - Monsanto and Aspartame
David versus Monsanto
- Percy Schmeiser
Español |
El Futuro de Los Alimentos
Español |
El Mundo Según Monsanto
Español |
El Nuevo Agronegocio de Bill Gates
con MONSANTO y sus 3 Socios Argentinos
Farmers Rise Up Against Monsanto - Monsanto vs. Farmers
Farmer to Farmer - The Truth About
GM Crops
FOX News Whistle Blowers
Health Risks of Genetically
Engineered Foods
- A Genetic Roulette
Inside the Controversial Worldwide
Super-Crop Industry
Monsanto and Cancer Milk
Monsanto - Extinction
Italiano |
Monsanto in Italia - Allarme OGM
Monsanto Patent For a Pig
Monsanto's Ties to Big Government
Occupy Activist Addresses Monsanto
Shareholders' Assembly
Percy Schmeiser vs. Monsanto
- The Story of a Canadian Farmer's Fight to Defend The
Rights of Farmer...
Seeds of Death
The Corporation
The Evil of Monsanto
The Future of Food
The Future of Food and Seed
- Vandana Shiva
The Genetic Conspiracy
- About Monsanto
The Idiot Cycle
- Cancer and Chemical Companies
The Monsanto Papers
The World According to Monsanto
- A Documentary That Americans Won't Ever See
Transgénicos en el Cono Sur
Español |
Transgénicos - La Nueva Bioesclavitud
External Links |
Everything You Never Wanted to
Know About Monsanto's Modus Operandi (M.O.)
Related Reports |
Depopulation of Planet Earth
- Main File
Plastic - The Garbage of the World
- Main File
The Unhealthy-Deadly Foods' Industry
- Main File