Día-Day |
Tema-Subject |
Artículos-Articles |
English |
31 |
Genoma |
Designer Babies - An Ethical Horror Waiting to Happen? |
31 |
Monsanto |
- The
Monsanto Papers
31 |
Consciousness |
Most Soul Progress comes from the Biggest Challenges |
30 |
Consciousness |
When Death Happens - Alan Watts |
30 |
Consciousness |
- Who
is Really Mentally Ill? |
30 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Capitalist Manifesto - Let Poor People Die |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
- Venezuela
Ditches U.S. Dollar - Will use Euros for International Trade |
29 |
Sociopolitics |
Fintech could be Bigger than ATMs, PayPal and Bitcoin
Combined |
29 |
Parascience |
How Raw Honey could Save your Microbiome... and Travel Back
in Time |
28 |
Sociopolitics |
- Former
Secretary of State Henry Kissinger heckled at NYU - Told to
'Rot in Hell' |
28 |
Parascience |
Microplastics Found in 90 Percent of Table Salt |
28 |
Parascience |
Food Inc. - The Food Industry
Español |
31 |
Indigo |
- Despertándonos
al Autismo |
31 |
Conciencia |
Importantes Puntos de Inflexión durante el Despertar
Espiritual |
30 |
Nueva Visión Salud |
La Alimentación Bio Disminuye el Riesgo de Cáncer |
30 |
Sociopolítica |
- "El
Títere de Putin" (Trump) impulsa Escalada de Misiles
Nucleares en contra de Putin |
29 |
Conciencia |
Crean el Primer Árbol Poligenético de la Ética Humana |
29 |
Historia Humanidad |
Un Cambio Climático pudo haber Estimulado la Evolución
Humana |
28 |
Cosmos |
- ¿Asteroide
o Cometa? - Nuevos datos sobre la Extraña Roca Espacial 3200
Faetón |
28 |
Sociopolítica |
favor, Recuerde NO Votar...! |
Italiano |
30 |
Sociopolitica |
- Sanzioni
di Maggio 2018 degli Stati Uniti contro l’Iran - CIG Ordina
Misure Preventive per gli Stati Uniti |
29 |
Parascienza |
Perchè la Tecnologia favorisce la Tirannia |
English |
27 |
Sociopolitics |
Nation Transfixed in Horror by Toy Bombs while Destroying
Lives with Real Ones |
27 |
New Vision Health |
- It's
Flu Shot Propaganda Season! - Beware the Big Lies about the
Vaccine |
27 |
Monsanto |
Bayer Stock Crashes after Monsanto Cancer Verdict Upheld by
Judge - Analyst Estimates $800 Billion in Liability |
27 |
Consciousness |
- "There
is no God, no One directs the Universe" - Stephen Hawking |
26 |
Consciousness |
- Important
Turning Points during Spiritual Awakening |
26 |
Parascience |
- Where
have All our Insects Gone? |
26 |
Parascience |
- I,
Holobiont - Are You and Your Microbes a Community or a
Single Entity? |
25 |
Parascience |
Why Technology Favors Tyranny |
25 |
Parascience |
UP - The Dirty Secrets of the Food Industry
25 |
Parascience |
- "Aquatic
Life is Bathing in a Soup of Antidepressants" - Says Marine
Biologist |
25 |
Indigo |
- Awakening
to Autism |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
The First Casualty of Trade War is Truth |
24 |
Sociopolitics |
Why the United States' Democracy was so Easy to Destroy |
24 |
Transhumanism |
- Human
Body Version 2.0 |
23 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Threats of a Political Psychopath - John Bolton to an
International Official: "We Know where Your Kids Live" |
23 |
Cosmos |
- The
Milky Way could be Spreading Life from Star to Star |
23 |
Genoma |
Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive
Generations - Game-Changing Research Reveals |
22 |
Parascience |
Fukushima, Doctors and Treatments for Radiation |
22 |
Parascience |
- Perpetual
Motion Test could amend Theory of Time |
22 |
Scalar Tech |
Pollution Caused by Wireless Wi-Fi Radiation is Topic of
"Wireless Silent Spring" |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- A
Warning from Europe - The Worst is Yet to Come |
21 |
Consciousness |
Awakening to Your Life's Purpose |
21 |
Sociopolitics |
- 'Limits
to Growth' Warnings still True - Gloomy 1970s Predictions
about Earth's Fate still hold True |
Español |
27 |
Sociopolítica |
- Macedonia
se Convierte en "Democracia" al Estilo Estadounidense |
27 |
Paraciencia |
Capitalismo Psicodélico - Compañía Invierte Millones en
Terapia con "Hongos Mágicos" |
26 |
Paraciencia |
S.A.' - La Industria Alimentaria
26 |
Sociopolítica |
- El
Grupo Inter-Alfa o de Cómo "Dominar" el Mundo |
25 |
Indigo |
Lo que te Ocurre es que Eres un Cristal Adulto |
25 |
Sociopolítica |
Derrota Humillante de EE.UU. a manos de Palestina al frente
del G77 |
24 |
Marte |
- Marte
tendría suficiente Oxígeno para Albergar Vida bajo su
Superficie - Estudio encabezado por la NASA |
24 |
Paraciencia |
UP - Los Sucios Secretos de la Industria de la Alimentación
23 |
Conciencia |
Saber vs. Creer - La Importancia del Conocimiento en tu
Crecimiento |
23 |
Quantum |
- Las
Atmósferas Quánticas podrían Revelar los Secretos de la
Materia |
22 |
Big Pharma |
Las Leyes de la Industria Farmacéutica |
22 |
Historia Humanidad |
El 'Día de la
Raza' prueba que la Historia es Escrita por los Ganadores -
Celebran el Asesinato en Masa |
21 |
Paraciencia |
- Cómo
la OMS aprendió a Amar la Medicina Tradicional China |
21 |
Historia Humanidad |
Una Visión Alternativa de la Naturaleza Humana |
Italiano |
23 |
Parascienza |
Inc.' - L'Industria Alimentare
22 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Fine dei Re |
21 |
Parascienza |
- I Funghi che Mangiano la Plastica sono la nuova Arma nella
Lotta contro l'Immondizia |
English |
20 |
- Scathing
Report accuses the Pentagon of Developing an Agricultural
Bioweapon |
20 |
Sociopolitics |
We Are The Plan!
20 |
Parascience |
Psst, Kid, Want Drugs? - I'm a Psychiatrist |
19 |
Consciousness |
- Savior
Self - The Resurrection of Bliss |
19 |
Internet |
- Poisoned
Mind - Social Media in the 21st Century |
19 |
Consciousness |
- The
Eagle and the Chickens - A Story about Being Who You Are
Meant to Be
18 |
New Vision Health |
Nobel Prize 2018 awarded to Cancer Immunotherapy Pioneers |
18 |
Killer Vaccines |
80,000 Flu Deaths Last Season? - Why the CDC's Claim is Not
Credible |
18 |
Parascience |
- Anthropic
Arrogance |
17 |
Vatican |
Catholic Church's Grim History of Ignoring Priestly
Pedophilia and Silencing Would-be Whistleblowers |
17 |
Global Warming |
United Nations Report on Global Warming has "Life or Death"
Warning |
17 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
End of Kings |
16 |
Consciousness |
- Homo
Sacer - Sovereign Power and Bare Life
(Sections related
16 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
State, the Deep State and the Wall Street Overworld |
16 |
Internet |
Why MIT Scientists are Building a New Search Engine "Google
2.0" |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
Economic-Corporate Oligarchy of the World |
15 |
Parascience |
Climate Changed |
15 |
Sociopolitics |
Many Insiders believe Military Tribunals for 'Deep State'
will Happen any time Now |
14 |
Consciousness |
True Revolution |
14 |
Internet |
- 'The
Good Censor' - Leaked Google Briefing admits Abandonment of
Free Speech for 'Safety and Civility' |
14 |
Humanity's History |
The Coming of the Thunder People - Denisovan Hybrids,
Shamanism and the American Genesis |
Español |
20 |
Conciencia |
- Los
Cuatro Tipos de Locura que Vienen de los Dioses |
20 |
Sociopolítica |
- Corrupción
- La Última Promesa de la Política |
19 |
Conciencia |
Necesitamos un Nuevo Pensamiento para Salvar el Planeta |
19 |
Sociopolítica |
- América
Latina conduce en Reversa en el Objetivo de Hambre Cero |
18 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Mató
Donald Trump al Liberal-Globalista 'Nuevo Orden Mundial' en
las Naciones Unidas? |
18 |
Chamanismo |
Antigua Visión Chamánica de la Salud Mental |
17 |
Sociopolítica |
- Campesinos
hacen su Propia Luz en Comunidad Salvadoreña |
17 |
Futuro y Mas Allá |
Cómo Cultivar más de 2700 Kg. de Alimentos en 400 m² |
16 |
Historia Humanidad |
Huellas de 5,7 Millones de Años desafían la Teoría Evolutiva
Humana |
16 |
Sociopolítica |
- Bolivia
y Chile - ¿Solución Pacífica en el Pacífico? |
15 |
Conciencia |
- Sufijo que Manipula, Controla y Somete a la Población |
15 |
Conciencia |
- ¿Qué
significa Experimentar la No-Linealidad más allá de los
Cinco Sentidos? |
15 |
Historia Humanidad |
- La
Venida de la Gente del Trueno - Híbridos Denisovan,
Chamanismo y el Génesis de América del Norte |
14 |
Paraciencia |
- El
Frío del Mínimo Solar |
14 |
Paraciencia |
Las Curaciones Perdidas |
14 |
Paraciencia |
Es Vital para la Vida, el Calor y la Energía - Lo que usted
Nunca Supo sobre el Agua Salada |
Italiano |
18 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
La Grande Città Sumera di Uruk - Un'antica Potenza
Culturale, Tecnologica e Architettonica |
17 |
Coscienza |
In ciò che Amiamo vediamo la Divinità che Adoriamo - Sulla
Anamnesi di Platone |
16 |
Coscienza |
Homo Sacer - Il Potere Sovrano e la Nuda Vita
QUÌ) |
15 |
Sociopolitica |
- La
Generazione che Nasce Ora Sarà l'Ultima as Essere Libera -
L'Ultima Intervista ad Assange prima del Blackout |
15 |
Storia Umanità |
Il 'Columbus
Day' prova che la Storia è stata Scritta dai Vincitori che
hanno Indotto la Gente a Celebrare Omicidi... |
English |
13 |
Parascience |
- Meet
the Trillions of Viruses that Make-Up your Virome |
13 |
Humanity's History |
- An
Alternative View of Human Nature |
13 |
Sociopolitics |
- Security,
Safety, Security! - Dictatorship by Democracy |
12 |
Scalar Tech |
The Still
Unsolved Mystery of the 'Eugene Signal'
12 |
Sociopolitics |
- "Is
this What We Destroy Lives for?" - Iraq, Afghanistan
Veterans' Guilt, Unanswered Questions Spike Suicide Rate |
12 |
Parascience |
- Flexing
with Power - How our Energy Sources are Bending for Wearable
Technology |
11 |
Humanity's History |
Columbus Day
proves History is Written by the Winner who Cons People into
Celebrating Mass Murder |
11 |
Parascience |
Ten Medicinal Herbs that might Live in your Backyard |
11 |
Quantum |
Atmospheres' may Reveal Secrets of Matter |
10 |
Giants |
- Hidden
Origins, Fossils of Giants and the Shift in Consciousness -
Michael Tellinger
10 |
Parascience |
- Why
do Computers use So Much Energy? |
10 |
developing GMO Insects that Genetically Modify Crops |
09 |
Global Warming |
Guess How Much CO² Humanity Contributes to "Global Warming"? |
09 |
Parascience |
Hotter Bodies Better at Fighting Disease |
09 |
Parascience |
- Wind
Farms cause Global Warming |
08 |
Parascience |
How the WHO learnt to Love Traditional Chinese Medicine |
08 |
Consciousness |
New Science's Paradigm |
08 |
Big Pharma |
The Laws of the Pharmaceutical Industry |
08 |
Sociopolitics |
- A
Milestone for Global Capitalism |
07 |
Genoma |
- Three
Biochemists Win Chemistry Nobel for Directing Evolution |
07 |
Sociopolitics |
New "Dark Money" Documentary Shines Light into the Shadows
Cast by the Super-Rich |
07 |
Parascience |
The Dark Core of Personality |
Español |
13 |
Conciencia |
Cuando el Diseño Transgénico Roza lo Inhumano |
13 |
Sumer-Anunnaki |
La Gran Ciudad Sumeria de Uruk - Una Antigua Potencia
Cultural, Tecnológica y Arquitectónica |
12 |
Cosmos |
- Se
afianza Hipótesis del Noveno (Ex-Décimo) Planeta -
Descubrimiento de Nuevo Planeta Enano puede cambiar... |
12 |
Conciencia |
Ser Como el Bambú - Tiempo, Fortaleza y Flexibilidad |
12 |
Sociopolítica |
Sanciones de Mayo 2018 de Estados Unidos contra Irán - CIJ
Ordena Medidas Provisionales a Estados Unidos |
11 |
Sol |
Nuestro Sol es menos Pesado que Nunca - Y el Problema se
está poniendo Peor |
11 |
Sociopolítica |
- ¿Está
Siendo Saboteada la Confirmación de Kavanaugh para retrasar
los Juicios Militares del Estado Profundo? |
11 |
Vaticano |
- Descubierta
Carta-Perdida de Galileo demuestra cómo Editó sus Ideas 'Heréticas'
para Engañar a la Inquisición |
10 |
Paraciencia |
Nuestro Planeta está Enojado |
10 |
Conciencia |
Nuestra Crisis de Corazón |
10 |
Sociopolítica |
La Nueva Cortina de Hierro - "La Amenaza Rusa" |
09 |
Conciencia |
- ¿Qué
nos Depara el Futuro? |
09 |
Sociopolítica |
- Modelo
Agrícola Argentino descuida Derecho a la Alimentación |
08 |
Conciencia |
Nuevo Paradigma de la Ciencia |
08 |
Sociopolítica |
ONU - Nacimiento del Mundo Post-Occidental |
07 |
Paraciencia |
- Los
Hongos Comedores de Plástico son la Nueva Arma en la Lucha
contra la Basura |
07 |
Sociopolítica |
Identifican el Origen Común de la Maldad Humana |
Italiano |
09 |
Sociopolitica |
La Nuova Cortina di Ferro - "La Minaccia Russa" |
08 |
Sociopolitica |
- I
Sufi e i Nove Sconosciuti |
English |
06 |
Sociopolitics |
- The
New Iron Curtain - "The Russian Menace" |
06 |
Parascience |
Birds have Plastic in their Bellies via Plastic-Eating
Mosquito Larvae |
06 |
Internet |
Father of World Wide Web launches Platform which Aims to
Radically Decentralize the Internet |
05 |
Internet |
- 'Selfish
Ledger' Video reveals Google's Scheme to Direct Human
Evolution |
05 |
5G |
5G - From Blankets to Bullets |
05 |
Sol |
Chill of Solar Minimum |
04 |
Consciousness |
- Aspects,
Fractals and the Golden Thread |
04 |
Sociopolitics |
- Generation
Being Born Now is the Last to be Free - Assange in Last
Interview before Blackout |
04 |
Humanity's History |
The Coming of the
Thunder People - Denisovan Hybrids, Shamanism and...
(Sections related
04 |
Sociopolitics |
- Sixth
Generation Warfare - Manipulating Space and Time |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
Did Donald Trump Kill the Liberal-Globalist "New World
Order" at the United Nations? |
03 |
Sociopolitics |
Trump's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly 2018 |
03 |
Consciousness |
What Does it Mean to Experience Non-linearity Beyond the
Five Senses? |
03 |
Vatican |
- Discovery
of Galileo's Long-Lost Letter shows he Edited his
'Heretical' Ideas to Fool the Inquisition |
02 |
Sociopolitics |
- Britain's
Torturous EU Exit and the Dilemmas of National Sovereignty |
02 |
Sol |
Sun is Lighter than Ever - And the Problem is Getting Worse |
02 |
Parascience |
The Lost Cures |
01 |
Shamanism |
Ancient Shamanic View of Mental Health |
01 |
5G |
Frequencies used for Crowd Control Weapons form the
Foundation of 5G Network |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
EU, Russia, Iran, and China unveil New Global Payment System
Independent of U.S. |
01 |
Sociopolitics |
Is Kavanaugh Confirmation being Sabotaged to delay Military
Trials of Deep State? |
Español |
06 |
Cosmos |
Cielo Nocturno es Invisiblemente Brillante |
05 |
Historia Humanidad |
El Colapso de la Edad del Bronce - Una Catástrofe Muy Actual |
05 |
Sociopolítica |
- Los
Macedonios Rechazan la Adhesión a la OTAN y a la Unión
Europea |
04 |
Conciencia |
En eso que Amamos vemos la Divinidad que Adoramos - Sobre la
Anamnesis de Platón... |
04 |
Historia Humanidad |
La Compasión como Supervivencia del Hombre Neandertal |
04 |
Sociopolítica |
El Colapso del Sistema Global - Los Genes y la "Naturaleza
Humana" No Son la Causa del "Caos Mundial" |
03 |
Monsanto |
- Batalla
contra el Glifosato Amenaza la Explosión de la Soja en
Brasil |
03 |
Historia Humanidad |
Los Aborígenes
Vivían en el Interior del Desierto de Australia hace 50.000
años - Antes de lo que se Pensaba |
03 |
Pleyades |
Un Informe Político Completo, el Inminente Reajuste
Financiero y las Elecciones Estadounidenses - Pleyades |
02 |
Monsanto |
Consejo Principal de Abogados revela Evidencia que llevó a
Histórico Triunfo Contra Monsanto |
02 |
Sociopolítica |
Otra Crisis Acecha a los Países del Sur en Desarrollo |
01 |
Pleyades |
- La
Raza Taygeteana de Las Pleyades
01 |
NeoArqueologia |
Las Máscaras Neolíticas de Göbekli Tepe - Turquía |
Italiano |
03 |
Sociopolitica |
- Cinque
Principali Influenze Culturali che stanno Controllando la
tua Mente Inconscia |
02 |
Scienza Reale |
Il Mattino dei Maghi
riferite QUÌ,
QUÌ) |
01 |
Sociopolitica |
- I
Nove Uomini Sconosciuti e il Potere della Cospirazione |